Will you Share Your Blessings with Filipinos rebuilding their lives?

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Will you Share Your Blessings with Filipinos rebuilding their lives?

Many Filipinos searched for news of their families. Brgy was anxious her loved ones knew she survived.

Marilyn gave birth on November 22. She shares this makeshift house with eight others including her husband. Their concrete house and her shop are gone.

In Manila, volunteers at the National Council of Churches’ office worked long hours to pack food parcels. Because of the road damage, delivery was slow.

Food parcels were transported by boat and road to those who needed it most. Now they need help to

rebuild homes and livelihoods.

Unloading roofing iron in Aklan province for communities where 88 – 100% of homes were damaged or destroyed.

Share your Blessings this Harvest. Keep the Hope Alive.