Wiegand - Survision . LPR Expertmyfiles.survision.fr/Wiegand - Dossier integration... · 2018. 7....

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Transcript of Wiegand - Survision . LPR Expertmyfiles.survision.fr/Wiegand - Dossier integration... · 2018. 7....

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Integration document

This document is confidential. It is the property of SURVISION. It may not be reproduced or transmitted to a third-party without the written authorisation of SURVISION.

Document version: 1.0

Wiegand – V1.0


Date Name Modifications Version

08/06/2018 JRI Creation of version 2 (Rs485->Wiegand) 1.0

20/07/2016 BFI Precision/correction on the TX colour cable 0.8

02/03/2016 FMI New Wiegand card -> 24V power supply 0.7

19/01/2016 FMI Addition of CSV in AnprToWiegandConverter 0.6

22/03/2013 FMI Addition of AnprToWiegandConverter 0.5

24/10/2012 FMI Change of inter-connection diagram 0.4

22/10/2012 FMI Addition of VISIPAK connection 0.3

16/03/2012 FMI Pinout change 0.2

09/01/2012 FMI Original creation 0.1

Wiegand – V1.0

Table of contents

1 THE WIEGAND SYSTEM................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Overall description ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 The Wiegand bus ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Inter-connection diagram .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Overall view ................................................................................................................................................ 3

2 ELECTRONIC SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Electrical characteristics ........................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Power supply .............................................................................................................................................. 4

2.2.1 Protection ............................................................................................................................................ 4

2.2.2 Start-up ................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.2.3 Stopping .............................................................................................................................................. 4

2.2.4 Power supply dysfunction ................................................................................................................. 4

2.3 State LEDs .................................................................................................................................................. 5

3 CONNECTION PARTS ..................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Terminal connector .................................................................................................................................... 6

4 CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................. 7

5 ANPRTOWIEGANDCONVERTER ................................................................................................................. 9

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1.1 Overall description

By means of the Wiegand system, SURVISION products can communicate on a Wiegand

bus. This concerns the transformation of the information of the RS485 bus into Wiegand


The system is made up of a metal casing and an electronic card. For specific integration

needs, the card can be removed from the casing. In this case, the card is not covered by

warranty in the case of dysfunction due to incorrect handing or installation.

1.2 The Wiegand bus

The Wiegand bus uses three cables: D0, D1 and GND.

The outputs D0 and D1 are inactive at 5V. In order to transmit a 0, the output D0 goes to 0

and the D1 output stays at 5. To transmit a 1, the D0 output stays at 5V and the D1 output

goes to 0V.

The bit stays on the bus for 50µs. There is a space of 2ms between each bit, during which

the D0 and D1 outputs are inactive.

For this reason, the maximum connection speed on the Wiegand bus is 500 bits/s.

In the Wiegand system, the levels of the D0 and D1 outputs and the period of time during

which the bit stays on the bus are configurable (see §0 p11).

The Wiegand system can communicate in 26 bits Wiegand and 37 bits Wiegand.

The Wiegand 26 bits protocol defines the length of the frame at 26 bits. This is made up in

the following way:

- Bit 1: bit of even parity on the bits 2 to 12;

- Bits 2 to 25: data bits;

- Bit 26: bit of imparity on bits 13 to 25.

In this version, the maximum speed on the Wiegand bus is 19.2 frames/s.

The Wiegand 37 bits protocol defines the length of the frame at 37 Bits. This is composed in

the following way:

Wiegand – V1.0 page 2

Bit 1: bit of even parity on the bits 2 to 18;

Bits 2 to 36: data bits

Bit 37: bit of odd parity on bits 19 to 25.

In this version, the maximum speed on the Wiegand bus is of 13.5 frames/s.

1.3 Inter-connection diagram

It is to be noted that the Wiegand power supply can be taken from the Visipak external power supply.


Wiegand card: 12V/24V

SURVISION MP2 sensor: 24V*

*: only the old MICROPAK (MP1) sensors were in 12V

TX RS485






ANPR sensor

12V/24V power supply




Wiegand – V1.0 page 3

1.4 Overall view

The below photo shows the Wiegand card as well as the terminal strip connector:

Wiegand – V1.0 page 4


2.1 Electrical characteristics







Power supply voltage 6 12/24 32 V

Power supply consumed 0.1 0.2 A

Voltage on Wiegand bus 0 5 V

Power supply on Wiegand bus 0.0005 A

Temperature of functioning -20 70 °C

2.2 Power supply

The nominal power supply of the system is 12V or 24V. The power supply must be able to

provide 0.1A on 24V.

2.2.1 Protection

We recommend that the power supply line of the system be protected by a 1A fuse (not


2.2.2 Start-up

The system does not require any external assistance to start up. The power supply just

needs to be maintained at nominal values.

2.2.3 Stopping

The system stops automatically when there general power supply is cut off.

2.2.4 Power supply dysfunction

The system does not cut off automatically if the power supply current exceeds the power

supply limits.

Above the maximum power supply, the integrity of the card is not guaranteed.

Below the minimum power supply, the system does not stop but there is no guarantee that it

will function correctly

Wiegand – V1.0 page 5

2.3 State LEDs

There are three green LEDs on the IR LED card. Two of these allow us to verify the state of

the power supplies (LED1 and LED2).

The third (LED3) is used to verify the functioning of the card. This LED flashes every 3

seconds to indicate that the system is functioning correctly.

This LED lights up for 200ms during the reception of a plate on the RS485 port.

This LED lights up for 200ms during the sending of a frame on the Wiegand bus.

Therefore, during the reception of a license plate on the RS485 port, the LED lights up twice

for 200 ms.

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3.1 Terminal connector

The connector used on the Wiegand system is a disconnectable screwable terminal. Here is

a photo of the disconnectable module:

This connector is manufactured by Wurth Elektronik; it has the reference 691351500007.

Here are the signals associated with the connector (from left to right):

Entry Signal Description

1 +12V/+24V Power supply

2 GND Power supply ground

3 D0 D0 cable of the Wiegand bus

4 D1 D1 cable of the Wiegand bus

5 GND Power supply ground

6 A Reception signal A of the RS485 bus

7 B Reception signal B of the RS485 bus

Here is how the Wiegand system is to be connected to a VISIPAK/MICROPAK:

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The Wiegand card has 4 DIL switches used to configure it.

By holding the card with the connector on the right, we can adjust the switches 1 to 4 from

left to right.

The switch n°1 makes it possible to select the number of bits for the Wiegand frame. Placed

high up, the Wiegand protocol used will be the 26 bits. Placed low down, the Wiegand

protocol used will be the 37 bits.

The switch n°2 allows for the selection of the special mode for the Wiegand 26 bits. In a high

position, the special mode is deactivated. In a low position, the special mode is activated.

This switch only has an effect when the Protocol Wiegand selected is the 37 bits.

The switch n°3 allows for the selection of the inactive state of the Wiegand bus. In a high

position, D0 and D1 are at 5V when inactive (standard functioning). In a low position, D0 and

D1 are at 0V when inactive.

The switch n°4 allows us to define the period of time during which the bit stays on the bus. In

a high position, the bits remain for 50µs on the bus. In a low position, they remain for 100µs.

This information is summed up in the below table:

Switch Function High position Low position

Sensor external power



DO Wiegand

D1 Wiegand

Signal A of the

RS485 bus

Signal B of

the RS485 bus


Wiegand – V1.0 page 8

1 Wiegand protocol 26 bits 37 bits

2 Special mode for Wiegand 26 bits Deactivated Activated

3 D0 and D1 voltage in inactive state 5V 0V

4 Time spent by the bit on the bus 50µs 100µs

Wiegand – V1.0 page 9


The application AnprToWiegandConverter is a PC application which allows us to convert a

license plate into Wiegand code. This could be useful to add a plate into a system which only

accepts Wiegand codes.

Here is a screenshot of the application:

It is easy to use: input a license plate number in the appropriate field. The different Wiegand

codes are automatically updated. You then have access to the code Wiegand 26 and 37 bits

in decimal and hexadecimal. Use the code which corresponds to your system.

Wiegand – V1.0 page 10

This application also allows us to convert a csv file of number plates into a csv file containing

the Wiegand code associated with each plate:

- we can chose the separator used in the CSV (";" or ",")

- we can add "0x" at the start of the hexadecimal Numbers

- if the CSV file contains several columns, only the first one will be considered as a

number plate

If your system automatically converts the number plate into Wiegand code, you don’t need

this application.

Note: the dashes (« - ») are only to be used for German plates. For all other plates, figures

and letters should be joined.--.