Who the frick are you

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Who the frick are you

Okay, so I’ve been meaning to compile a list of who’s who in the legacies for a while now. You know, have pictures and their basic stats. I figured it would be useful since I have a frigging lot of sims that sometimes I get mixed up. What hope does anyone else have if I struggle to keep straight? This should help with that.

For simplicity’s sake, I’m not going to get into all of the many cousins. Everyone in this was either born in a main house or played an important role in the story.

Right now the plan is to keep this up-to-date so every time a new sim appears significantly in the story they appear here as well. We’ll see how that goes.

The Handy Index Page• Quinn Stanton• Gilbert Jacquet• Charlotte “Charlie” Jacquet• Gideon Wilson• James Stanton• Ally Stanton• Lorelai Stanton• Luke Stanton• Ross Merton• Kaylynn Merton• Todd Byall• Ivan Jacobs-Merton• Amelia Merton• Galahad Merton• Guinevere “Nev” Merton• Ichelle Merton• Lydia “Lydie” Merton• Rosa Merton• Ivy Merton• Alana Merton• David Jacobs

• Melissa “Mel” Jacobs• Ruby Chalmers• Gemma Jacobs-Merton• Henry Jacobs• Erin Jacobs• Ambrose Jacobs• Noah Jacobs• Alexander Jacobs• Caleb Jacobs• Kate Brown• Waylon Brown• Alice Huerta• Bayley Beckett• Cole Kosmokos• Declan “Dec” Brown• Edmund “Ed” Wendland• Vicki Brown• Knut Brown• Eliza Brown• Felicity “Flic” Brown• Gavin Brown

• Harry Brown• Tessa Walter• The Simself

This is Quinn Stanton. She’s the one who had the idea for her and her friends to start their own legacies in the first place, but once she moved to Quaver Kanyon she found it significantly harder than she expected. She fell in love with Gilbert Jacquet, but because he was a playable they couldn’t marry or live together. Quinn and Gilbert had a rocky relationship that resulted in three children: Charlotte, Gideon and James. While in one reality they were eventually able to marry, in the current one it was never so and ultimately Quinn broke it off as she realised there could be no future between them. Neither ever saw anyone ever again.

Quinn was a Pleasure sim, and a Leo (4/10/4/4/3).

This is the Maxis premade Gilbert Jacquet. You’ve probably all seen him around your games.

Gil was part of the welcome wagon back on Quinn’s first day as founder, and they instantly clicked with their 3 bolt chemistry. Unfortunately because Gil is a playable things didn’t quite work out (in this reality). Still, they managed to have three children despite a rocky relationship, so it wasn’t all bad.

Gil was a Romance sim and a Libra (1/7/2/6/9).

This is Charlotte “Charlie” Jacquet. She was the first born of Quinn Stanton and Gilbert Jacquet and grew up from a slightly awkward looking toddler and child to a gorgeous looking teen and adult. She married a dormie called Amar Gilscarbo and the pair of them decided to take her father’s name to save it from dying out. The two of them have four children: Nadine, Louise, Daria and Quinn.

Charlie was pretty central to the plot of her generation. She even became a witch because of it. Don’t worry though, she was always an insufferably nice one.

Charlie is a Knowledge sim and a Libra (1/10/4/10/10)

Second born of Quinn Stanton and Gilbert Jacquet was this guy, Gideon Wilson. He was a happy enough child, and as a teen he took to dating his best friend, Bayley Brown. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be, but Gideon did manage to find love and now he couldn’t imagine his life with anyone other than Tazama Wilson. Taz and Gideon were the first to test out the prospects of same-sex pregnancies in the hood, and between them they had a boy and a girl: Mara and Owen Wilson, both as cute as can be.

Gideon is a knowledge sim and a Sagittarius (1/7/10/10/2)

The final child Quinn and Gilbert had was James. Growing up, James fell to the sidelines a little bit. He didn’t face any major conflicts in his life. He was an active, adventurous chap who never really got into too much trouble. He was cute and I liked him, but the first truly interesting thing he did was decide that he was best suited to Ally Reeves despite only having 1 bolt with her and much higher chemistry with many other sims.

James took over the legacy when he graduated, and he currently has two children: Luke and Lorelai. James is a Fortune sim and an Aquarius (7/1/7/10/10)

Despite their low chemistry, Ally Reeves and James Stanton were meant to be. They stalked each other on ACR despite there being many other sims around they had more chemistry with. Eventually Ally and James did get married, and they currently have 2 children, twins Luke and Lorelai. There are no plans for more.

Ally is a family sim and an Aquarius (4/4/4/7/8)

Lorelai Stanton is the older of Ally and James’ twins by 20 minutes, but she feels that makes her much more mature than her brother. Luke disagrees. Since started school Lorelai has wanted nothing more than to be older, the same age as the other legacy girls. She had also always been interested in what she and others look like, to the extent it is driving her and her brother apart.

Lorelai is still a child, and she’s a Capricorn (9/10/1/8/7)

Luke Stanton is Ally and James’ son, and Lorelai’s twin brother. He’s much more laid back than his twin, and far more easy going. He doesn’t care about appearances, especially his own which is a constant source of consternation to his sister. Personally he doesn’t see what the fuss is all about: he’d rather be playing video games than dealing with clothes any day.

Luke is still a child, and he is a Cancer (7/1/7/7/5).

Ross Merton was the youngest of the founders, but not by much. He was a bit of a hippy and had a hunger for knowledge which he passed to his children and some of his grandchildren too. He initially struggled to find a wife, but eventually met Kaylynn. Shortly before she moved in Ross was abducted by aliens, leaving his pregnant. Hours later Kaylynn moved in – and got pregnant. They got married immediately in their underwear and went on to have a total of five children between them: Todd, Ivan, Amelia, Galahad and Nev.

Ross was a Knowledge sim and an Aquarius (4/4/4/7/6).

Kaylynn Spitzig was one of the clique members that came with AL. After about a week she was the first sim that Ross met who he had any chemistry with. She had five children with Ross: Todd, Ivan, Amelia, Galahad and Nev. Todd might not be biologically hers, who biology does not a family make.

Kaylynn’s a sweet old sim who is still clinging to life. She is a Family sim and one of the few sims in the hood who I felt needed a secondary: Knowledge. Her zodiac is Cancer (6/3/6/4/6)

Todd is the eldest of Ross and Kaylynn combined children, and the shyest too. Growing up he was best friends with Ruby and Gemma, and his half brother, Ivan. As a teenager he dated Gemma while his brother dated Ruby, but once he got to college he fell for Sharlene Byall. Between them they have seven children: John, Rygel, Aeryn, Moya, Chiana, Dargo and Bialar.

Todd is a Knowledge/Family sim, and an Aquarius (0/0/10/7/8).

Ivan Jacobs-Merton is Ross’s second born, born only a matter of hours after his brother Todd just after. He’s always beena cute kid, and he grew up outright handsome. As a teenager he was bitten by a vampire which tied him to the plot of the generation. He dated Ruby for a while, but when they got to college they split amicably as Ruby didn’t want to be tied down and he fell for Ruby’s twin sister Gemma. He and Gemma currently have two children: Jade and Matthew.

Ivan is a Popularity sim, and a Cancer (6/3/6/7/8)

Amelia was the third Merton child to be born, the first daughter, and she was supposed to be the last. ACR saw that she wasn’t and that Ross and Kaylynn would have more than three children. As a child she was declared the Merton’s heir when her old brother decided they didn’t want the burden. Amelia knew she was gay from an early age, but it was never an issue with her or her family. During college she met Ichelle, a sim who shared her passion for learning and for dancing. They had three bolts, and needless to say they got married. Amelia and Ichelle have four daughters: Lydie, Rosa, Ivy and Alana.

Amelia is a knowledge sim, and a Cancer (6/3/6/4/8)

Galahad Merton was the late in life ACR baby of Ross and Kaylynn. He quickly established himself as one of my favourite sims of his generation, but he was a bit too young to be heir. This didn’t exclude him from the plot though! He got his own special plotline revolving around his dead twin sister Nev who no one could remember. After getting his own Bachelor Challenge, Galahad has settled down with the two finalists, Natasha Una and Ripp Grunt. They have a son and a daughter called Jace and Jess, though who the father is isn’t known. They are also raising Nev.

Galahad is a Romance sim and a Cancer (6/1/6/4/8).

Guinevere “Nev” Merton is the final child of Ross and Kaylynn, and the twin of Galahad. For some reason Nev died and vanished from everyone’s memory when she was a child, but Galahad started to remember her. She was eventually resurrected, and now lives with Galahad. Although technically a member of generation 2, she is the same age as her nieces in generation 3, and is as wrapped into the plot as any of them.

Nev is a Pleasure sim and a Cancer (6/3/6/4/6).

Some time ago Ichelle met Amelia Merton and they instantly fell for each other, 3 bolts will do that to you. They bonded over their shared love of dance and of learning and before they knew it they were both head over heels in love with one another. Ichelle and Amelia have four daughters: Lydie, Rosa, Ivy and Alana. Of the four of them, she gave birth to all but Lydie.

Ichelle is a Knowledge sim, and is a Pisces (5/3/7/3/7).

Lydia “Lydie” Merton is the oldest of Amelia and Ichelle’s girls, but not by much. Although she hasn’t gotten into much trouble lately, as child she was never out of it. Right now her parents are anxious to find out whether her daredevil days are over, or if she’s planning something.

Lydie is a Popularity sim, and a Scorpio (10/3/9/3/1)

Incredibly ambitious, Rosa Merton knew from a young age what she wanted in life, and she knows how to get it. She’s one of Amelia and Kaylynn’s four children and as friendly as she can be, you do not want to get on her bad side. She hasn’t shown it much, but she can be ruthless. She’ll need to be if she wants to succeed at business.

Rosa’s a Fortune sim, and a Capricorn (10/3/3/81)

In many ways Ivy is more like her Grandpa Ross than anyone else in the family. Like her grandfather, Ivy’s a bit of a hippy. She’s on the look out for a cause she believes in and will fight for, but so far she’s not found anything she feels too strongly about. That day will come though.

Ivy’s a Knowledge sim like her grandfather, and a Pisces (5/1/7/4/8).

Alana Merton likes all things cute, pink, purple and fluffy. She likes butterflies and flowers and rainbows. In short, Alana Merton is the girliest girl in the whole of the neighbourhood. That doesn’t mean she’s pushover though. Although a sweet girl, she’s forceful and will get what she wants. You just won’t mind giving it to her.

Alana’s a family sim, and a Libra (5/10/6/4/10).

Ah, David Jacobs. David dabbled in lots of different areas in his life. He initially started up a home business that did well, but after a burglary he joined the police force to keep his family safe. When his wife Mel walked out he quit his job with the police and move onto the business career because it had slightly better hours. Before Mel left, she and David had three children: twins Ruby and Gemma, and Henry.

David was a fortune sim, and a Aries (9/8/5/1/2).

Melissa “Mel” Jacobs made some mistakes in her life, did some things she regretted. She married the man she loved only to realise after having three children with him that she could not handle being tied down. She had to leave, and she didn’t get back in touch with her children for several years, which was her biggest regret of all. She made amends though. Mel got back in touch with all three children and got to know them again. She moved in with Gemma and Ivan and helped to raise two of her grandchildren. As big as her mistakes were, she wouldn’t have changed them for the world.

Mel was a Romance sim and a Taurus (5/5/3/8/4)

Ruby Chalmers was the first born of David and Mel Jacobs, and she was always a self-assured young woman. She got the best of both her parents’ looks and is easily one of my favourite sims of the generation to play. From as soon as she was a teenager she knew she had an interest in both men and women – a very active interest. It was no surprise when she chose Romance as her aspiration, but she was also one of the few sims to earn her secondary of Knowledge. Unfortunately this meant she could rationalise away her fear of commitment until one drunken night she got engaged to her drama professor, Kevin Chalmers. Despite their shared romancing ways, they’re happily married and have a son and a daughter, Susan and Mortimer.

Ruby is a Romance/Knowledge sim, and a Scorpio (9/8/9/1/1)

Despite looking nothing like her twin Ruby, Gemma Jacobs-Chalmers was very similar to her in other ways. They have nearly the same personality, the exact same aspiration and LTW, and they both had a daughter followed by a son. Gemma, however, didn’t quite have the same confidence as Ruby, and was always a little more introspective. Like Ruby, Gemma earner herself a secondary aspiration, but unlike her twin Gemma got Family after proving her dedication to hers. Gemma grew up to marry Ivan, and they have two kids: Jade and Matthew.

Gemma is a Romance/Family sim, and a Scorpio (9/8/10/1/2)

Henry is the youngest child of David and Mel Jacobs, and because he had so many more nice points than them he struggled to fit in with them as a child. Eventually he found his place and eventually took over the legacy when he returned home from college. Henry is married to Erin and they currently have four sons: Ambrose, Noah, Alexander and Caleb.

Henry is a Family sim, and a Cancer (10/8/6/2/9)

Erin and Henry met at college and they were instantly smitten. The pair quickly fell in love and got engaged. Not much has happened to Erin since – she’s been too busy raising her and Henry’s four sons: Ambrose, Noah, Alexander and Caleb.

Erin is a family sim, and a Cancer (6/3/6/4/6)

Ambrose is the oldest child of Erin and Henry Jacobs. A cute, outgoing and nice little boy, Ambrose can hardly wait until he becomes a teenager. It’s going to be so cool, to finally go to all of the high school parties and dating and all the other amazing teenage things. As cute, nice and outgoing as he, Ambrose could go far.

Ambrose is still a child so he doesn’t have an aspiration, and he is a Pisces (6/8/9/2/9)

Noah is the second child that Henry and Erin had, and as you can see, he is clearly very different in his looks to Ambrose. He also has a much different personality, being much, much shyer than his brother and far neater. Really, the two boys couldn’t be much less alike than they are. Only time will tell if there’s any friction between them as they get older.

Noah is still a child so there’s no aspiration yet. He is a Virgo (10/3/8/2/9).

Alexander and Caleb carry on the tradition from their aunts of being Jacobs twins who look nothing alike. Alexander is the one with curly hair here, and Caleb has the straight hair. As far as I can tell they’ve got no shared features besides maybe the chin, and their hair and eye colour. As they’re both toddlers they haven’t really had any role to play yet. That will (hopefully) change when they get a little older.

Both boys are still toddlers, so they’re a long way from getting their aspirations. Alexander is a Gemini (1/8/10/7/2) and Caleb is a Cancer (10/5/6/8/6)

Kate Brown was my fourth founder, and one of the easiest to find someone she wanted. On her first day on the lot Waylon walked by. The pair of them had tremendous chemistry, and within a couple of days they were married and Kate was expecting their first child. They raised five biological children (Alice, Bayley, Cole, Declan and Edmund) and late in life they adopted a sixth (Vicki). By the end of her life she had about twenty grandchildren.

Kate was a Family sim and a Cancer (7/1/4/5/8).

Waylon Brown met Kate, the love of his life, early on. He happily raised a family with her, all five kids and even accidentally adopted Vicki. Raising so many children still unfortunately puts rather a strain on the finances, and Waylon’s biggest regret is that he spent much of his children’s early lives working rather than being with them. He didn’t have a choice: if they wanted to eat he needed to work.

Waylon was a Fortune sim, and a Capricorn (7/4/1/8/5)

Alice Huerta was Kate and Waylon Brown’s first born. She was always a little mean but loved her family very dearly. As a teenager she was bitten by a werewolf which meant she was rather integral to her generation’s plot. She’s mostly faded into the background now, but she kind of has to, what with five children (Benjamin, Christopher, Daisy, Ellis and Franklin) and a high profile career as a movie star keeping her busy. Somehow she manages though – must be not needing to sleep.

Alice is a family sim, and a Scorpio (7/4/9/8/1)

Bayley Beckett was Kate and Waylon’s second born, he is Cole’s twin brother and suffers from the First Brown Effect – he is Alice’s male clone. Despite being her clone he is still very much his own person. He turned out completely different from Alice! He had a different aspir – no, wait, he rolled family too. Well, he had a different LTW – hang on, that’s wrong too, he had the same LTW. Well as a teenager while his sister was chasing boys he was busy… dating them. Okay, so he struggled to assert his individuality a bit as he was growing up, but you can’t hold that against the dear boy.

Anyway, Bayley ended up married to a dormie he met called Sterling Beckett, and together they’ve adopted three sons: Griff, Merlin and Duncan.

Bayley is a Family sim and a Scorpio (7/4/9/8/1)

Cole is Kate and Walon’s third child, their second daughter and twin to Bayley. Unlike her siblings she isn’t a clone of anyone, doesn’t have a clone and has her own unique aspiration: Knowledge. Before her younger twin siblings were born Cole was my favourite for heir – she’s unique and pretty looking, she didn’t repeat a parent’s aspiration and she is all around awesome. It wasn’t to be, but Cole’s happy enough. She ended up married to a college professor (not one of her own) called Craig Kosmokos. They have five children: Dahl and quads Elijah, Felicia, Georgia and Hannah. She really has her hands full with those five.

Cole rolled Knowledge when she teened, and she is a Taurus (7/4/4/8/5)

Ah, Declan “Dec” Brown. I wasn’t too pleased when he and his twin Ed came along. I forget why, either because I only wanted one more child and ended up with twins, or if their entire existence was an accident. This probably affected how much he was in the story for a good while: basically he was in only to show his transitions until he was a teen. I eventually grew to love him and he got to take over as heir when the time came. At college Dec met the only man he ever felt attract to: Knut. They have four children: Eliza, Felicity, Gavin and Harry.

Dec is a Popularity sim and an Aries (7/8/4/2/5)

Like his twin brother Dec, it took me a while to warm up to Edmund “Ed” Wendland, so he wasn’t really in the story much during his childhood. Like his twin, Ed was good friends with Amelia, James and Henry, the five of them being closest in age. Of these five, Ed is the only one who didn’t inherit the legacy but he is perfectly happy with that. He didn’t really want it, and anyway – he’s happily married to a woman named Stacy and they have three sons: Freddy, George and Hugo.

Ed’s a Family sim like his mother, Alice and Bayley all are. He’s also an Aquarius (7/5/4/9/8)

Y’know what it’s like. You’re getting on in years, the kids are off at college and your heir won’t be back for some time. You decide you need something to occupy your time so you decide to adopt a pet. You ring the agency but you press one wrong key and the next thing you know a toddler turns up on your doorstep. No? You mean that doesn’t happen?

That’s the story of Vicki. Vicki was an accidental adoption very late in Kate and Waylon’s life. She hasn’t been featured heavily in the story, mainly because she is so much younger than her siblings – in fact, she’s exactly the same age as Bayley’s eldest adopted son – and has a spooky resemblance to his middle son. She’s also engaged – to Tessa’s little brother.

Vicki’s a Knowledge sim and a Libra (2/8/2/6/7)

Knut was the first man Dec ever had any feelings for. They met one evening in a club when Dec’s brother Ed was searching for a wife. Dec was busy getting to know people, and one of those people was Knut! They hit it off pretty damn quick – three bolts of chemistry will do that to you – and before even I knew it the pair of them were in love. Up until then I had been struggling to chose just who Dec should go for out of all the sims he had chemistry with (he had chemistry with a bloody lot of sims) but he went right ahead and figured it all out for me.

Knut and Dec have been pretty much inseparable ever since. They married as soon as Dec finished college and they have four children: Eliza, Felicity, Gavin and Harry. They have no plans for more.

Knut is a Popularity sim like Dec, and a Leo (4/10/4/4/3)

Eliza is Dec and Knut’s eldest, though not by much. She has always been fascinated by learning new things although she had never been all that willing to go out into the world and put what she’s learnt into practice. Fortunately her best friend Lydie forces her to go out and experience life instead of just reading about it, even if it does end badly. She was mostly fine with it, at least until Lydie’s aunt Nev was brought back to life. Eliza doesn’t really like Nev, and the feeling is mutual. All that’s stopping everything from spilling over is Lydie.

Eliza’s a Knowledge sim, and a Gemini (2/7/10/2/7)

Felicity “Flic” Brown’s main interest in life always has been and always will be boys. While she has no intention of ever really settling down or having commitments, she isn’t completely against the idea of children. She just doesn’t like the idea of being in a relationship – married or otherwise. Why would she need it when she can just make out with guys with no consequences? Flic’s a romancer to the core. On the night of her birthday, after she transitioned but even before she’d started high school she already had her first kiss and make out with a guy she’d describe as woohoo on legs. He was a good kisser. And no, she has no intentions of seeing the guy again. Why would she?

Flic is a Romance sim, pure and simple, and a Leo (7/10/4/4/3)

Gavin Brown is a pretty self-assured young man. He’s been best friends with Rosa Merton since they were kids due to their shared interest in business but now they’re teens the friendship seems to be breaking down a little. Try as he might, Gavin can’t hold a conversation with Rosa. She’s always distracted, not really listening and getting all embarrassed when he calls her on it. It’s getting really annoying. He just wished he knew what the cause of it all was. The answers, sadly, aren’t forthcoming. Maybe she’s distracted by some boy, but Gavin doesn’t care. All he wants is his business partner back. But for now all he can do is focus on school and get a part time job.

Gavin’s a Fortune sim, and a Aries (10/10/5/5/3)

Harry Brown looks very different from his siblings. Where they take mostly after Dec, he looks much more like Knut. Where they have black hair, he has brown. Oh, and he’s freaking purple. He purple colouring as a mystery to the family when it showed up, but everyone’s come to accept it and love that about him. As for Harry, he’s always felt like a bit of an outsider because of how different he looks from the rest of the family. He just – stands out. Maybe that’s why he’s so overprotective of the family he’s got. Generally Harry’s pretty sweet, but harm his family in any way and he’s a force to be reckoned with. Woe betide anyone who is responsible for hurting them.

Harry is a Family sim, and a Taurus (4/8/4/8/3)

You’ll probably recognise Tessa, if not from other sim stories then from your own game. In mine Tessa’s been Galahad’s best friend since they were kids. She has three siblings (twins Juan [who’s dating Vicki] and Carmen, and the much younger Alita) and she’s married to a man names Jay Walter and they have a son named TJ.

Tessa’s been pretty important to Galahad’s part of the plot. She triggered off his memories of Nev, and she was the one to take him to the cemetary to fully bring those memories back – as well as the one to actually carry him home when he collapsed. She’s been with him through thick and thin and the story would be much poorer without her.

Tessa’s a Knowledge sim, and an Aries (5/7/5/4/4)

And of course the final sim involved with the legacies is my simself. You haven’t seen much of her – the only time she appeared onscreen was during Galahad’s Bachelor Challenge when everything went wrong and I had to summarise the rest of it. She might have appeared once or twice in the background of some shots but she has yet to identify herself to my legacy sims. That’s probably a good thing – who knows what some of them would do to her?

Anyway, my simself is a Knowledge sim, with a personality of… something. I don’t actually remember. I probably should know what it is…