Welcome to Our Class

Post on 28-Jan-2016

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Welcome to Our Class. Correction. 1. 我无论怎样感激你都不过分。( too) I can’t appreciate you too much, my success owes to you. (3). I can’t thank you too much and I owe my success to you. I can’t be too grateful/thankful to you .I owe my success to you. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to Our Class

Welcome to Our Class


I can’t thank you too much and I owe my success to you.

I can’t be too grateful/thankful to you .I owe my success to you.

1. 我无论怎样感激你都不过分。( too)I can’t appreciate you too much, my success owes to you. (3)

Money (which is)deposited at a bank is available anytime/at any time when needed.

2. 存在银行的钱需要时可以随时提取。( deposit, available) Money which deposited at a bank is available to be withdrawn when needed.(3)

Much to my disappointment, he thinks that he can learn English very easily.

3. 非常令我失望的是他认为英语可以轻而易举学好。 (Much)

Much to my disappointed, he thinks that he could learn English much easily. (3)

Jack is a young man who likes to think independently, so he doesn’t want to pay a compliment to his leaders.

4. 杰克是个爱独立思考的年轻人,他不打算去吹捧他的领导。 (compliment)Jack is a young man who likes to think indepentively, he doesn’t want to pay a compliment on his leaders.(3)

Only at that time did he become aware of the fact that there were more difficulties ahead than he had expected.

5. 只有在那时他才意识到这样一个事实:前面的困难比他预料的多 (Only) Only by that time did he become aware of the fact that there are more difficulties than he had expected.(3)

If you put your attention to your studies, I assure you that your dream will come


6. 如果你把心思全放在学习上,我向你保证你的理想会实现。 (assure)If you pay your attention on your studies, I assure to you that your dream will come true.(2)

Tips on translationTips on translation1.Analyze the sentence first and th

en choose proper sentence patterns and words.

2. Pay special attention to the gender,number,case of nouns tense,pronouns and mood of verbs.

3. Pay attention to the difference between Chinese and English.

4. Check the sentence and correct the mistakes after completing the sentence.


1. 2004 年我校举办了百年校庆庆典。We celebrated the 100th anniversary

of the founding of our school in 2004.The year 2004 saw/ witnessed the 100th anniversary of the founding of our school.

2. 2. 请代我问候我的老同事。请代我问候我的老同事。

Please give/send my love/compliments/respects/regards to my former colleagues.

Remember me to my former colleagues.

Please say hello to my former colleagues.

3. 3. 我们的孩子们在不知不觉中长我们的孩子们在不知不觉中长大成人了大成人了 ..

Our children have headed into adulthood before we know it.

Our children have grown up before we know it.

4.4. 生命对于每个人来说都很重要,生命对于每个人来说都很重要,请珍爱生命。请珍爱生命。

Life is very important/vital to everyone, so please cherish your life.

Life is of primary importance to everyone. Please treasure/value your life.

5. 5. 深呼吸一下深呼吸一下 ,, 你就会放松一你就会放松一些些 ..

Take a deep breath and you will feel relaxed.

If you breathe deeply, you will be less nervous.

6.6. 说到升职说到升职 ,, 他不太可能升到他不太可能升到总经理这个职务总经理这个职务 ..

When it comes to promotion, there is no possibility that he will be raised to the position of managing director.

Speaking/Talking of promotion, he is unlikely to be promoted to the post of managing director.When it comes to promotion, there is little/no possibility of his being raised to general manager.

7. 7. 他辞职不是因为他不称职他辞职不是因为他不称职 ,, 而是因为他的工作没出路而是因为他的工作没出路 ..

He resigned his post not because he was not equal to/qualified for the job, but because the job showed no promise/it was not a job of promise.

He resigned from his post/position not because he was unfit for the job,but because it was a dead-end job/it was not promising.

8. 8. 读书对于养性读书对于养性 ,, 如同食物对于养如同食物对于养身身 ..

Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.

(Just) as food feeds the body, so does reading feed the mind/so reading feeds the mind.

Food feeds the body while reading feeds the mind.

IdiomsIdioms虚度年华 waste one’s life一事无成 achieve/accomplish nothing各取所需 take whatever one needs一窍不通 lack the slightest knowledge /know not

hing about

百读不厌 worth reading a hundred times一视同仁 treat /deal with…fairly自暴自弃 abandon oneself to despair固执己见 stick to one’s opinion

自食其果 take the consequences欣喜若狂 be wild with joy进退维谷 in a dilemma /be torn between劳逸结合 keep the balance between wor

k and play

鼎力相助 do what one can/one’s best/everyt

hing in one’s power to help勤能补拙 diligence/hard work can make u

p for the lack of intelligence


Turn the following proverbs into English:

1. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 2. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 3. 棍棒底下出孝子。 4. 学无止境。 5. 闪光的并不都是金子。 6. 今日事,今日毕。