Webinar Political Campaign Fundraising

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Webinar Political Campaign Fundraising

Tel l Me a Story: Using Storyte l l ingto Fuel your Fundra is ing N a n c y B o c s k o r !n b o c s k o r @ g m a i l . c o m !

J U L Y2 0 1 6

"There are two things that are important in politics.

!The first is money, and I can't remember what the

second one is.”! Mark HannaCampaign Strategist & Adviser William McKinley’s Presidential

Campaign, 1896

You can’t save the world

if you can’t pay the rent

There isn’t a money tree.

Y O U H A V E T O P L A N T T H E S E E D S : !

Persistenceis the answer, and a sense of humor helps.!


Q U E N T I N L . C O O K

F U N D R A I S I N G !F O U N D A T I O N = !

Takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair!

T R U S T !!

T R A N S P A R E N C Y !

G I V I N G !& !

T I T H I N G !!

F u n d r a i s i n g S u c c e s s = R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f R e l a t i o n s h i p

It’s all about relationships

F i r s t S t e p :

Collect ListsWho do you know?

People are twice as likely to do something if

they’re asked by a friend


S e c o n d S t e p :

Create a Finance Team

Hyatt Regency Heiress Penny Pritzker served as Barack Obama’s National

Finance Chair in 2008.! !

Why did she agree to take on this role?!

Pop Quiz

Hint: “All fundraising is still personal”

T h i r d S t e p :

Fundraising Events & Home Parties

“Storytelling is the fiber of !relationship building”!


Jerold Panas!“Maniac-in-Chief, New Ideas”!

Institute for Charitable Giving!

And what it has to do with Brain


The Earl of Sandwich. !Card Playing. !!

“Stories make us more alive,

more human, more courageous,

more loving.”

Madeleine L’Engle

“A good story cannot be devised; it has to be

distilled”Raymond Chandler

“Present ing Data” doesn ’ t equa te to “Good Storyte l l ing”

Tell me a story

S o W h a t i s a G o o d S t o r y ? !

A good story has engaging


The challenge is


There are hurdles to overcome

Outcome or prognosis is


Five Steps to Good Storytelling

•  Find the story first by exploring your data •  Determine what you want people to do as a result •  Write out the “story board” for your audience *adapted from Tableau Software

Step One: Use a Story St ructure

Be Authentic…Your Story Will Flow

•  Make it personal, make it emotional •  Start with a metaphor or anecdote •  Develop with data: authenticity is rooted in facts and facts are

rooted in data

Step 2

Be Visual

•  Use pictures, graphs and charts when possible

•  Design for instant readability

Step 3

Make it Easy for your Audience

•  Telling a story should be simple and direct. Recall and action will be that much stronger.

•  Stick to 2-3 key issues & how they relate to your audience

•  No “hoop jumping”

Step 4

Invite and Direct Discussion

•  Focus on highlighting what the audience needs!•  Highlight key facts that relate to the story!•  Extend the story parameters into questions!•  Invite them to continue the discussion!

Step 5

There is a super hero in all of us, we just needthe courage to put on the cape.

Steps to “Superhero”from Stan Lee, Marvel Comics

How to Weave a Great Story?Create a “Page-Turner”

1  A good guy (or girl) trying to do something!!2  Facing insurmountable odds!!3  Who keeps getting in trouble in his/her quest!!4  So the reader keeps wondering, “How’s he/she going

to get out of this one?!!5  Until after a lot of suffering along the way, there’s a! victory of sorts!


F u n d r a i s i n g L e a d e r s h i p M o d e l !

Listen: ask questions & develop appreciative understanding!!Learn: process what you have heard, remember it & learn from it !!Help: be the catalyst in getting something done !!Lead: once you have listened, learned & begun to help people, !

you will almost inevitably be asked to lead them !

Personal Solicitation

Big Donors=

Big Egos!

Direct Response: -Direct Mail



Fundraising Events Mid-Dollar


Big Donors ACCESS

Low-Dollar Donors


Mid-Dollar Donors SOCIAL

L e s s o n s L e a r n e d

•  Give every potential donor – no matter how big or small – the opportunity to “invest” in your campaign!

•  The little old lady who gives you a $1 in a direct mail piece will be the first to vote for you on Election Day!

•  What makes Democracies great: the little old lady and Mr. Big each have ONE vote on Election Day!

•  In fundraising: “All politics is still personal”!

Your First Impression

What do Dale Carnegie and! Uno the Beagle have in common?!


P e r s o n a l S o l i c i t a t i o n : M a k i n g t h e “ A s k ”

Your script should include:

•  Warm greeting (be glad to be there!)•  Small talk (make a personal connection)•  Sales pitch (why they need to give)•  Close the deal (ask for a specific amount)

God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.

The biggest communication

problem is we do not listen to

understand. We listen to reply.

Replace “cold calling”

with“warm communication”

Your ability to make personal, emotional connections with potential donors can move them from concern

to passion to cash!

Katarina and her $600 rug

Your heart is closer to your wallet than your


“Story allows our imperfections to be set in a context that shows we are still good


Annette Simmons!

“The world is shaped by two things – stories told and the memories they leave


Vera Nazarian!

W h y S h o u l d I T e l l Y o u !a S t o r y ? !

Research shows that listeners will remember

65 – 70% of the information shared through a story…

...But only 5 – 10% of listeners will remember

information conveyed by facts and figures!

What is your story?

Finally: !Say “Thank You”!

!It’s the #1 reason

donors stop giving!

For more stories or


Nancy Bocskor!nbocskor@gmail.com!


T H A N K Y O U !



