VST manipulations

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of VST manipulations

Paulina Kucharska

VST Manipulations

Here I made a sequence depicting a peaceful morning next to the water wheel (and the river). I used 5 sounds from the sound library – water wheel, run on gravel, water hole, dawn chorus and horse gallop. After cutting longer ones and placing them on desired places I was playing with volumes as well as panning. I made running sound to not appear at first with long fading in, the panning there is random, as I wanted to achieve the sound to sort of lose the way, and turn the other direction. Gallop was faded as well but a little, and in place where it is nearest the listener I increased the volume. Other 3 sounds are meant to work as a background for the human and horse movement. These 3 appear more still in terms they nearly don’t change a place. For dawn chorus I was increasing and decreasing volume, so the bird sounds will be more interesting to listen to.

Paulina Kucharska

In this exercise I was manipulating only with pitch adjustments and playback rate of a chosen sound – snoring. The first one had increased pitch to +10.00 and playback rate set to 2.000. It changed the snoring to seem like a tiny little gnome is having a nap on the mushroom. The second one has had changed only the pitch to -10.00. The sound appeared like a lion (or other strong carnivorous creature) resting. The last one had the pitch changed to -20.00 and slower playback to 0.0001 (though it says 0.100). The sound there no longer seems normal. It is just like a massive engine of some killing machine.

Paulina Kucharska

There I loaded additional VST plugins for Reaper. I chose horse gallop again, and tried to make it sound like many strong horses are running next to each other. I was looking for FX plugins which will be suitable to my idea. Most of them (if not all) are good for robotic/futuristic unnatural sound modifications. I picked ambience first at it creates the depth and greatens the sound as well as multiplies it as it was echoing. REFLEX and Voxengo plugin multiplied it as well. Only thing is that the sound lost its natural output where the hooves are supposed to step on ground. It was really hard to keep it sound normal where modifying it within the software.