Visual Recap of Danske Ideer 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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62 TALENTS CHOSEN TO SHAPE THE FUTURE More than 200 applications were turned in from a diverse group af people all with a strong connection to Denmark and all hoping to get one of the 62 spots in the 5 day program ‘Danske Ideer’ (Danish Ideas). The intense program exploring exponential technologies is sponsored by The Danish Industry Foundation and the winner of the program received a full scholarship to a 10 week program at Singularity University in Sillicon Valley. On March 5th the 62 participants and crew met up in the entrepreneurial hub DARE2mansion to start what turned out to be a transformational journey for many.

Transcript of Visual Recap of Danske Ideer 2015

Visual recap of

62 talents chosen to shape the futureMore than 200 applications were turned in from a diverse group af people all with a strong connection to Denmark and all hoping to get one of the 65 spots in the 5 day program ‘Danske Ideer’ (Danish Ideas). The intense program exploring exponential technologies is sponsored by The Danish Industry Foundation and the winner of the program receives a full scholarship to a 10 week program at Singularity University in Sillicon Valley. On March 5th the 65 participants and crew met up in the entrepreneurial hub DARE2mansion to start what turned out to be a transformational journey for many.

It’s about securing the future of businessThe Danish Industry Foundation has committed to sponsoring ‘Danske Ideer’ for 3 years and the target is clear: “It’s about inspiring, enabling and connecting the brigtest minds to invent and create new businesses and opportunities for Denmark. This program is among the most ambitious we’ve seen. It’s not just a pitch competition, but potentially an education for life for the participants” says CEO Mads Lebech about the sponsorship of Danske Ideer.

VideosEvery day all the speakers talks were live streamed. More than 10.000 people have watched the streamed talks through out the week and the 2 weeks they were live.

Also a video was produced at the end of every day of the event - these were widely shared on social media and have passed 6000 views. Find the video from day 1 below .

One man army - photo, video & streaming: Rasmus Degnbol

Day 1 program:Welcome & introduction to Danske Ideer, SU and Global Grand Challenges

Case competition intro & meeting the teams

Introduction to Computer Science & Exponential Technology

The Exponentials of Man

Exponential Group Work & pitching initials ideas

Brainfood dinner

Key note with Nikolaj Hviid, CEO of Bragi

Group workOn day 1 all participants were divided in to 9 groups and given the assignment to work on a solution to of the global grand challenges using exponential technology. The teams worked on the assignment throughout the week (and at night) and presented their ideas on the final day to a large crowd of investors, startups, corporates and press. Day 1 included initial brainstorming, pitstop pitches and crew feedback.

Rating:Using an app all participants rated them selves and other participants every day. Crew also rated. These ratings supported finding the 5 finalists.

Day 2 program:Breakfast & recap

Intro to AI

Intro to Machine Learning

Transport to Delta

Beyond AI - group work

Introduction to robotics

Flutrends and big data (Google)

IoT & sensors - workshop

Dinner at DARE2mansion

LEGO driverless car competition in teams

LocationsDanske Ideer mainly took place at the entrepreneurial hub DARE2mansion, but during the five days the participants also got to explore other locations. On day 2 the group jumped on a bus and went to Delta to learn about prototyping, robotics and big data.

Day 3 program:Breakfast & transport to DTU

Introduction to biology

Read and write DNA & synthetic biology

IGEM alumni

Intro to nanobots

Intro to social medicine

Group reflections and workshop

Wearables and quantified self

Transport & dinner at DARE2mansion

Key note on transhumanism

Day 4 program:Breakfast & intro to applications

Funding and understanding Venture

Introduction to digital manufacturing

Customer Experiences in the Exponential World

Becoming an exponential organisation

Bitcoins & blockchain

Ethics - the courtroom workshop

Brainfood dinner

Key note from Singularity Faculty David Roberts

Day 5 program:Getting ready for pitches - the final questions

Pitch training with voice coach

Pitch preparation in groups

The last brainfood lunch

Arrival of external guests

Disruption, exponential technology & Global Impact by David Roberts

Pitches from groups

Brainfood dinner & bar

Announcement of finalist

Closing party all night long


See you next year for #di16

Danske Ideer Organising Team:

Kris Østergaard, Laila pawlak, Anders Hviid, Jan Madsen & Henrik Fønns