Viral Marketing Hc2

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Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007

Viral marketingHC2

Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007

Waar gaat jullie viral over?

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koop gedrag = een sociaal proces

Giving people a reason to talk about your products and services, and making it easier for that conversation to take place

“Word of mouth” gone wrong

UPC (klantenservice)IKEA (kinderarbeid)Buckler bier (Youp van ‘Hek)Nike (kinderarbeid)

Mensen geven hun ... door


Word of mouth marketing

It is the art and science of building active, mutually beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications.

Typen Word of Mouth marketing• Buzz Marketing: Using high-profile entertainment or news to get people to talk

about your brand. • Viral Marketing: Creating entertaining or informative messages that are

designed to be passed along in an exponential fashion, often electronically or by email.

• Community Marketing: Forming or supporting niche communities that are likely to share interests about the brand (such as user groups, fan clubs, and discussion forums); providing tools, content, and information to support those communities.

• Grassroots Marketing: Organizing and motivating volunteers to engage in personal or local outreach.

• Evangelist Marketing: Cultivating evangelists, advocates, or volunteers who are encouraged to take a leadership role in actively spreading the word on your behalf.

Typen Word of Mouth marketing• Product Seeding: Placing the right product into the right hands at the right time,

providing information or samples to influential individuals. • Influencer Marketing: Identifying key communities and opinion leaders who are likely

to talk about products and have the ability to influence the opinions of others. • Cause Marketing: Supporting social causes to earn respect and support from people

who feel strongly about the cause. • Conversation Creation: Interesting or fun advertising, emails, catch phrases,

entertainment, or promotions designed to start word of mouth activity. • Brand Blogging: Creating blogs and participating in the blogosphere, in the spirit of

open, transparent communications; sharing information of value that the blog community may talk about.

• Referral Programs: Creating tools that enable satisfied customers to refer their friends.

Het ‘eerste’ voorbeeld (get your free email at Hotmail)

Vandaag de dag..

Bedrijven weten dat ze innovatief moeten zijn om er zeker van te zijn dat ze in de massa emails in iemands inbox opvallen

Virale marketing in de praktijk

Virale marketing in de praktijk

Virale marketing in de praktijk

Virale marketing in de praktijk

Resultaten ‘Will it blend’

Filmpjes gestart in november 2006Binnen een paar dagen miljoenen viewsCampagne doelt op merkbewustzijnOp dit moment ruim 19 miljoen viewsSales online vervijfvoudigd

• Bron: Emerce, oktober 2007

Resultaten IPhone “blend”

op 10 July 2007,verkocht voor $901

op 11 July 2008Iphone 3G

Drumming Gorilla Fuels Cadbury’s Rise in SalesWritten by Paul van Veenendaal on November 1st, 2007 |

                                                                                                            At the end of August Cadbury UK unveiled a £6.2m campaign for Dairy Milk featuring a gorilla playing the drum solo of Phil Collins’ track ‘In the Air Tonight’. The ad debuted during the ‘Big Brother 8 UK’ final on 31st August 2007. Bloggers have been going nuts for the 90 second clip, developed and directed by creative director Juan Cabral at Fallon London.The spot was viewed almost 500,000 times on YouTube the week after its release. Over one hundred copies of the video have been uploaded to Youtube so far, with total views of over six million!                                                                    

Until now, no one had identified the man behind the monkey suit. Many bloggers believed it was even Collins himself! England’s Daily Mail published a story this weekend with more than you’d ever wanted to know about Cadbury’s drumming gorilla. The actor inside is … Nope, not Phil himself but Garon Michael is the man behind the mask. And it’s not his first time as gorilla. Garon Michael has appeared as a primate in the movies Congo, Instinct and the Planet Of The Apes remake. Cadbury’s unique brand of wild rock has resulted in a nine-percent rise in sales of Dairy Milk chocolate bars. Cadbury spokesman Tony Bilsborough said: ‘We have been amazed by the way the advert has captured the public’s imagination.’ The advert prompted the re-release of Phil Collins’s 1981 hit, now claiming the 16th position in the UK Singles Chart!                                                                                                             





• ‘If you can get people to accept, embrace, adore and cherish your ideas, you win!’

• Bron: Seth Godin

Attitude ontwikkeling

Bronnen voor attitude ontwikkeling1. Exposure2. Environment3. Groepslidmaatschap4. Behoeftebevrediging

Terug naar de opdracht

• Mensen winnen die een invloed hebben op het beeld van anderen...

E-fluentials ‘People with the ability to make or break a product

or service’s succes’


• 7% van bedrijven (UK) onderzoeken doorsturen emails

• 45% van de consumenten die online kopen doet dat obv word of mouth

• Acquisitiekosten voor nieuwe klanten kunnen met 27% worden teruggebracht met viral marketing

• Bron: Forrester

Good viral campaign‘…. the reliance on an individual forwarding a message to a large number of people

at the same time …’

You didn't forward the e-mail on to 10 people like it said, did you?

Virale campagnes geldverspilling

• [Bron: Molblog zo 9 sep 2007• Virale campagnes zijn meestal geldverspilling. Volgens

analisten van JupiterResearch had slechts 15 procent van de afgelopen jaar gelanceerde virale campagnes succes.

Jupiter verwacht een afname in het gebruik van de methode van 55 procent in het komende jaar.

Marketers moeten volgens de analisten hun publiek beter in beeld krijgen voor ze aan een virale campagne beginnen. Anders riskeren ze evenveel mensen af te stoten als aan te trekken.

Epidemiologie voor dummies

• Drie regels– De Wet van de Enkelingen– De Beklijvende Factor– De Kracht van de Context

– Bron: ‘The Tipping Point’, Malcolm Gladwell (2001)

Wet van de enkelingen

Verbinders: brengen de mensen bij elkaar. (zijn de sociale lijm)Kenners: hebben de informatie. Praten erover. Hebben een mening.Verkopers: zijn vooral enthousiast en willen het idee dragen

De Beklijvende Factor

• Het gaat erom dat de boodschap duurzaam onthouden wordt.• Zozeer dat er iets verandert, dat iemand tot handelen wordt


‘Kapotte ramen theorie’

• Het omslagpunt is in een epidemie echter niet altijd een bepaald persoon maar kan een concreet verschijnsel, bijvoorbeeld graffiti,zijn.

• Een kenmerk in de omgeving dus.

• Kapotte ramen theorie

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