Vip Lounge Priority Pass

Post on 14-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Vip Lounge Priority Pass

VIP Lounge – Priority PassTM

Transitare in una VIP lounge: non esiste un modo più tranquillo di viaggiare. Finalmente è possibile sfuggire al caos creato dalle cancellazioni e dai ritardi dei voli e dalle sale partenze sempre così affollate. Per contro, potrete apprezzare la calma di un silenzioso rifugio dove trovare tutto ciò che serve, sia per il lavoro che per lo svago. Lo spazio: il tuo bene più prezioso Con un'agenda troppo piena di impegni può risultare davvero difficile trovare lo spazio per lavorare e allo stesso tempo concedersi un momento per 'respirare'. Con noi riuscirete a farlo, grazie al fatto che in una VIP lounge potrete trovare tutto ciò che serve per il vostro relax – anche mentre state lavorando. Potrete prendere telefonate, o ripassare la vostra presentazione. Oppure semplicemente mettervi comodi, sollevando le gambe e immergendovi nella lettura del vostro libro preferito. Piccoli momenti di piacere, è vero, ma estremamente importanti. Momenti che anche voi potreste presto concedervi. Godetevi l'accesso ad oltre 600 VIP lounge in più di 100 paesi e ben 300 città di tutto il mondo:

• utilizzo garantito a prescindere dalla classe di viaggio o dalla compagnia aerea prescelta;

• accesso a 100 lounge statunitensi di norma esclusivamente riservate ai soci che aderiscono al programma fedeltà istituito dalle compagnie aeree;

• atmosfera rilassante; • per voi e per i vostri ospiti sono disponibili rinfreschi

e spuntini, servizi di e mail, accesso a internet e sale per conferenze.

Condizioni per l’uso della tessera Priority Pass 1. La tessera Priority Pass non è trasferibile ed è valida unicamente fino alla data di scadenza e solo dopo essere stata firmata dal titolare. La tessera può essere utilizzata unicamente dal titolare. 2. La tessera Priority Pass non è una carta di pagamento né costituisce prova di solvibilità; eventuali tentativi di usarla in questo senso possono costituire un’istanza di frode. 3. Per l’ammissione alle sale è necessario presentare una tessera Priority Pass valida. Non si accetteranno altre carte, neppure carte di pagamento quali sostituto per la tessera Priority Pass. 4. Le visite alle sale d’attesa aeroportuali sono salvo il pagamento di una quota per persona e per visita. Se pertinente (a seconda del piano di adesione selezionato), tutte dette visite – incluse quelle in compagnia di ospiti – saranno addebitate alla carta indicata dal socio per ilpagamento, da parte di (i) Priority Pass oppure (ii) della compagnia che ha emesso la carta, relativamente all’adesione al programma Priority Pass. Qualsiasi cambiamento nelle quoteapplicate per le visite alle sale sarà notificato alla compagnia emittente della carta, che avrà la responsabilità di informarne il titolare. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass non può essere ritenuto responsabile per eventuali dispute insorte fra il titolare e l’emittente della carta, e neppure per eventuali perdite sostenute dal titolare della carta. 5. Dietro presentazione della tessera Priority Pass all’ingresso nella sala, il personale farà un’impressione della tessera e rilascerà al socio un voucher di ‘Conferma visita’, o alternativamente annoterà la visita in un apposito registro. Alcune sale sono provviste di lettori elettronici che leggono gli estremi del titolare dalla striscia magnetica a tergo della tessera Priority Pass. Se pertinente, il socio deve firmare il voucher di ‘Conferma visita’, che indica anche il numero esatto di ospiti, se del caso, ma che non mostra alcuna quota per persona e per visita. Questi addebiti per il socio e, se pertinente, per gli ospiti, si baseranno sul voucher/registro inoltrato dall’operatore della sala. 6. Mentre è responsabilità del personale della sala assicurarsi di emettere un voucher/annotare il registro per la tessera Priority Pass presentata, spetta al socio assicurarsi che detto voucher o registro corrisponda al proprio uso della sala e a quello degli eventuali ospiti. Se pertinente, il socio ha la

responsabilità di conservare la copia ‘Socio’’ del voucher di ‘Conferma visita’ che ha ricevuto presso la sala. 7. Tutte le sale che aderiscono al programma sono di proprietà di terzi o sono operate da terzi. Il titolare e gli eventuali ospiti devono sottostare alle regole e alle politiche adottate da ciascuna sala/club visitata. L’accesso potrebbe essere limitato per ragioni di spazio, tuttavia avverrà esclusivamente a discrezione dei singoli operatori delle sale. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass non ha alcun controllo sulle strutture offerte, sugli orari di apertura/chiusura né sul personale impiegato presso le sale. Gli amministratori di Priority Pass faranno il possibile per assicurare la disponibilità dei benefici e delle strutture pubblicizzate, tuttavia il gruppo di società Priority Pass non garantisce in alcun modo che detti benefici e strutture saranno disponibili al momento della visita da parte del socio. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass non è neppure responsabile nei riguardi di eventuali perdite a danno del socio o dei suoi eventuali ospiti, a causa della fornitura o meno (in tutto o in parte) di uno o più benefici e strutture pubblicizzate. Tutti i bambini che accompagnano il socio (se consentito) pagheranno l’intera quota per gli ospiti, salvo indicato altrimenti sull’elenco delle sale. 8. Le sale partecipanti possono riservarsi il diritto di imporre una permanenza massima (normalmente 3-4 ore), a prevenzione del sovraffollamento. Ciò avviene a discrezione dell’operatore della singola sala, il quale potrà addebitare un supplemento per lunghe permanenze. 9. Le sale partecipanti non sono tenute contrattualmente ad annunciare la partenza dei voli e il gruppo di società Priority Pass non si assume la responsabilità per perdite dirette o indirette causate dal mancato imbarco del socio e/o dei suoi accompagnatori. 10. L’offerta gratuita di alcolici (se le legislazioni locali lo permettono) avviene a discrezione dell’operatore di ciascuna sala e in taluni casi potrà essere limitata. In queste circostanze, il costo per il consumo supplementare delle bevande dovrà essere saldato dal socio direttamente al personale della sala (per tutti i dettagli, vedere le descrizioni delle singole sale). 11. La presenza di telefoni (se disponibili) varia da sala a sala e viene fornita a discrezione dell’operatore. Normalmente l’uso gratuito è limitato alle sole chiamate urbane. Fax, docce, Internet e Wi-Fi (se pertinente) sono addebitati a discrezione dell’operatore della singola sala e spetta al socio saldarli direttamente al personale presente. 12. L’ammissione alle sale va rigorosamente soggetta al possesso da parte del socio e degli eventuali ospiti di un biglietto aereo valido, con partenza il giorno stesso. Impiegati di compagnie aeree, aeroporti, e di altri settori del turismo che viaggiano con biglietti scontati, potrebbero non ottenere accesso alle nostre sale. Al di fuori degli Stati Uniti i biglietti aerei devono essere corredati da una valida carta d’imbarco (in altre parole, l’accesso è riservato ai soli passeggeri in partenza). Si ricorda che alcune sale in Europa sono ubicate entro apposite aree Schengen delle aerostazioni, il che significa che l’accesso sarà limitato ai soli membri che viaggiano fra paesi Schengen (Austria, Belgio, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Olanda, Ungheria, Islanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna e Svezia). 13. L’ammissione alle sale è consentita solo se i soci e gli eventuali ospiti (compresi i bambini) si comportano e sono abbigliati in modo consono (non sono permessi pantaloncini corti al di fuori degli Stati Uniti). A qualunque neonato o bambino che importuni gli altri utenti potrà essere chiesto di lasciare la sala. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass non è responsabile per eventuali perdite subite dal socio e dagli eventuali ospiti laddove l’operatore di una sala rifiuti la loro ammissione a causa del mancato rispetto delle condizioni di cui sopra. 14. In caso di smarrimento, furto o danno della tessera Priority Pass, informare immediatamente (i) l’ufficio Priority Pass che ha emesso la tessera, oppure (ii) l’emittente della carta selezionata per il pagamento, il quale provvederà ad emettere una tessera sostitutiva. Potrà essere applicato un addebito di 25 dollari. 15. Qualora il socio cancelli o manchi di rinnovare (i) l’adesione a Priority Pass o (ii) la carta selezionata per il pagamento, la tessera Priority Pass cesserà di essere valida a partire dalla

data di cancellazione (i) dell’adesione a Priority Pass o (ii) della carta selezionata per il pagamento. Tutte le visite alle sale effettuate con una tessera non valida, inclusi eventuali ospiti, saranno addebitate al socio. 16. I termini e le condizioni per il rinnovo sono a discrezione di Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd ha la facoltà di respingere la richiesta di adesione di persone alle dipendenze dirette o indirette di linee aeree, aeroporti o governi relativamente alla sicurezza della linea o dell’aeroporto. 17. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass non accetta responsabilità per eventuali dispute insorte fra il socio e/o eventuali ospiti e l’operatore di una sala. 18. Il gruppo di società Priority Pass si riserva il diritto, in qualunque momento, a propria totale discrezione e senza alcun preavviso, di revocare l’adesione al programma Priority Pass. Dove pertinente, si rimborserà un importo proporzionale della quota annuale/di adesione (a seconda della quota pertinente), purché la revoca non avvenga a seguito di frode da parte del socio. 19. Il socio accetta di tutelare e indennizzare il gruppo di società Priority Pass, i suoi direttori, funzionari, dipendenti e agenti (collettivamente ‘le parti indennizzate’), e inoltre di proteggere ognuna di dette parti indennizzate, da qualunque responsabilità, danno, perdita, reclamo, azione legale, sentenza, costo e spesa (comprese i ragionevoli onorari dei legali), nell’eventualità di infortunio o morte di qualunque persona, o della distruzione di qualunque proprietà, a seguito dell’uso di una sala da parte del socio. di altri ospiti o altre persone che si trovano all’interno di detta sala dietro richiesta del socio, fermo restando che l’eventuale indennizzo non si estenderà ad istanze di negligenza grave o malgoverno intenzionale imputabile alle parti indennizzate.

© March 2011 Priority Pass Ltd. Information correct at time of going to press.Opening times and availability of facilities may be subject to change.Conditions of Use are listed at the back of this Directory.

The Priority Pass™ Lounge DirectoryThis directory has been designed to help you make the mostof your membership and provides directions to, and detailsfor, all our lounges.

Be sure to take your Priority Pass card and directory with youwhenever you travel.

You can use the Priority Pass lounges detailed here regardless ofyour choice of airline, class of airline ticket or whether you’re amember of an airline frequent flyer club.

Priority Pass is the world’s leading independent lounge program, with over 600 airport VIP lounges worldwide, making membership a must for any frequent traveler.

As a Priority Pass member, wherever you travel, you can be sure that you’ll always experience outstanding standards of comfort andservice – a world away from chaotic airport terminals.

Do some business. Catch up on calls. Send a few emails.Browse through a favorite magazine.

Enjoy refreshments of your choice. Or – simply indulge yourself bydoing nothing at all. Enjoy your visit!

For the most up-to-date lounge information, visit our


Always check for the latest lounge information 1




018 0000 888MR JAMES S. C. LEE


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Always check for the latest lounge information2

A Air conditioning

S Refreshments (soft drinks)

G Refreshments (alcoholic drinks)

N Newspapers/magazines

C Conference facilities

M Flight information monitor

F Fax

P Telephone

z Disabled access

T Television

I Internet/Dataport

0 Wi-Fi

Shower facilities


How to get inside an airport VIP lounge– three easy steps.n Locate the Priority Pass lounge you want to visit.

n Present your Priority Pass card to the receptionist. When travelingwith individuals who are also Priority Pass members, pleaseensure all cards are presented.

n You will be asked to sign a ‘Record of Visit’ Voucher. Prior tosigning please check the lounge has recorded the correct number of guests. In some lounges your card will beelectronically swiped.

It’s that easy!

How you’ll be billed – it’s just as easy.n On a regular basis Priority Pass receives from the lounges

details of your visits, the date and the number of guests whoaccompanied you.

n Where applicable, your designated credit card will be charged for each visit as well as the same amount per accompanyingguest.

n Each charge will appear on your credit card statement.

Priority Pass airport VIP lounges – there is simply no better wayto make travel more pleasant and productive.

Lounge facility symbols

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Always check for the latest lounge information6

Lounge information on the moveWherever you are in the world, the location of the nearest Priority Pass lounge is always close to hand.

NEW iPhone and iPad applicationsWe are delighted to offer an updatedPriority Pass iPhone and new iPadapplication which are both free todownload at the iTunes App Store.

Besides offering users the chance tosearch our database of over 600airport VIP lounges, using a scrollablelist or by using a search field, thereare also advanced features availablesuch as ‘Lounge Images’, ‘Favorites’,‘Recent Searches’, and ‘NearestLounge’.

Using GPS technology, this handy tool cleverly works out yourcurrent location and finds you the nearest lounge available toPriority Pass members at the touch of a button – ideal if youare in a rush.

The applications also host the new ‘Membership’ area whichallows users to either ‘Join’, ‘Recommend a friend’ or buy‘Family Membership’.

To download your free application, search for ‘Priority Pass’ atthe iTunes App Store on your iPhone or iPad.

Mobile-friendly websiteIf you have mobile internet access fromother phones, a new website can befound at

This mobile-friendly website allows youto perform quick and easy loungesearches by simply entering any threeletter airport code (e.g. ‘LHR’ forLondon Heathrow Airport).

For further details, visit our

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Always check for the latest lounge information 7

Portable lounge directoryTo download the latest lounge directory log in, go to the ‘Lounges’ section and thenclick on ‘Downloads’. You’ll then have the very latest loungeinformation at your fingertips wherever you are.

Note to BlackBerry users: The application downloads are subject to network operatorlimitations. The application will only work on RIM OS v4.2.170 or later (8800 series, Pearl,Curve and Bold). If running BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Software), please check with youradministrator before downloading as some downloads may be blocked by youradministrator settings. This is a free service.

For further details, visit our website

In a PDF format to your PC or Laptop.

Download to your BlackBerry™.

‘Lounge Finder’ – information direct to your mobileIf you don't have access to your Lounge Directory don't worry.

Simply text the three letter airport code to our automated Lounge Finder service on +44 7624 809977 and you will receive details of all available lounges by return text.

Please send only the official three letter code for your chosen airport e.g. LHR for London Heathrow, or HKG for Hong Kong SAR International.

If you’re unsure of the airport code check your ticket or ask amember of staff.

It is important that you do not include the terminal number,punctuation or any other information in your text message asdoing so will generate no results.

Add +44 7624 809977 to your Contacts on your mobilephone today!

Note, this is an unmanned automated service only.

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Always check for the latest lounge information 9

BENINCotonou 46CAMEROONDouala 49EGYPTCairo 38GAMBIABanjul 23GHANAAccra 15GUINEA, REPUBLIC OFConakry 45KENYAMombasa 95Nairobi 99LIBYATripoli 144MAURITIUSMauritius 90MOROCCOCasablanca 41Fés 53Marrakech 90Rabat 118Tangier 138MOZAMBIQUEMaputo 89

NAMIBIAWindhoek 150NIGERIALagos 75SOUTH AFRICACape Town 40Durban 51East London 52George 56Johannesburg 69Port Elizabeth 113TANZANIADar-Es-Salaam 48Kilimanjaro 72Mwanza 98TUNISIAEnfidha 52Tunis 144UGANDAEntebbe 52ZAMBIALivingstone 78Lusaka 84ZIMBABWEHarare 62


AUSTRALIAAdelaide 16Brisbane 34Canberra 39Melbourne 91Perth 110Sydney 136BANGLADESHDhaka 154CHINA, PEOPLES REP. OFBeijing 26Chengdu 42Fuzhou 54Guangzhou 58Guilin 60Haikou Hainan 61Hong Kong SAR 63Macau SAR 85Ningbo 105Qingdao 117Sanya 124Shanghai Hongqiao 129Shanghai Pudong 129Shenyang 131

Shenzhen 131Tianjin 140Wuxi 150Xiamen 151Yantai 151Zhuhai 152FIJINadi 99GUAMGuam 58INDIAAhmedabad 16Bangalore 22Chennai 42Cochin 44Goa 55Guwahati 60Hyderabad 66Kolkata 72Mumbai 97New Delhi 100Pune 117Vadodara 145



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Always check for the latest lounge information10

ALBANIATirana 141ARMENIAYerevan 151AUSTRIAGraz 58Vienna 147BELGIUMBrussels National 35BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINASarajevo 125Tuzla 144BULGARIASofia 133Varna 146CAPE VERDESal Island 121CROATIADubrovnik 51Zagreb 152

CYPRUSLarnaca 76Paphos 109CZECH REPUBLICBrno 35Prague 115DENMARKBillund 30Copenhagen 45ESTONIATallinn 137FINLANDHelsinki 62FRANCEBiarritz 33Bordeaux 33Lyon 85Nice 104Paris Charles de Gaulle 109Paris Orly 109Toulouse 143


INDONESIABali 21Balikpapan 22Bangka Belitung 22Bangka Island 23Banjarmasin 23Batam 26Jakarta SH 68Kendari 71Lombok 79Manado 87Medan 91Palangka Raya 107Palembang 108Pekanbaru 110Pontianak 113Semarang 127Solo City 134Yogyakarta 151JAPANFukuoka 54Nagoya 99Osaka 107Tokyo Narita 141 & 154MALAYSIAJohor Baru 70Kuala Lumpur 74MALDIVESHanimaadhoo 61Male 86MONGOLIAUlaanbaatar 145

NEPALKathmandu 71NEW ZEALANDWellington 149PAKISTANIslamabad 66Karachi 71Lahore 75PHILIPPINESManila 89SINGAPORESingapore 132SOUTH KOREABusan 37Daegu 47Gwangju 61Jeju Island 69Seoul Gimpo 127Seoul Incheon 127SRI LANKAColombo 44TAIWANKaohsiung 70Taichung 137Taipei Taoyuan 137THAILANDBangkok 23Phuket 112VIETNAMHo Chi Minh 63

Asia/PacificPage Page

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GEORGIABatumi 26Tbilisi 138GERMANYBerlin Schönefeld 29Berlin Tegel 29Bremen 34Cologne/Bonn 44Düsseldorf 51Frankfurt 54Hamburg 61Hannover 61Leipzig 77Lübeck 84Munich 97Münster-Osnabrück 98Nuremberg 106Stuttgart 136GREECEAthens 19Heraklion 63Thessaloniki 139HUNGARYBudapest 36IRELAND (EIRE)Cork 45Dublin 50Shannon 130ITALYBologna 32Catania 42Florence 53Genoa 55Milan Bergamo Orio al Serio 93Milan Linate 93Milan Malpensa 94Palermo 108Pisa 112Rome 120Trieste 143Turin 144Venice 146Verona 146LITHUANIAVilnius 147LUXEMBOURGLuxembourg 84MACEDONIAOhrid 106Skopje 133MALTAMalta 87NETHERLANDSAmsterdam 17Rotterdam 120

POLANDGdansk 55Katowice 71Kraków-Balice 73Poznan 115Warsaw 148Wroclaw Strachowice 150PORTUGALFaro 53Funchal 54Horta 64Lisbon 77Ponta Delgada 113Porto 114Terceira Island 139ROMANIABucharest 36Cluj-Napoca 44Timisoara 140RUSSIAMoscow - Sheremetyevo 96Moscow - Vnukovo 97St. Petersburg Pulkovo 135SERBIABelgrade 29SLOVAK REPUBLICBratislava 34Kosice 73Zilina 152SLOVENIALjubljana 79SPAINAlicante 16Barcelona 24Bilbao 30Gran Canaria 57Lanzarote 76Madrid 85Malaga 86Palma de Mallorca 108Tenerife North 139Tenerife South 139Valencia 145SWEDENGothenburg 57Malmö 87Stockholm Arlanda 135Stockholm Bromma 136SWITZERLANDBasel-Mulhouse 26Berne 30Geneva 55Lugano 84St. Gallen-Altenrhein 134Zürich 152

EuropePage Page

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Always check for the latest lounge information12

Page Page


ARGENTINABuenos Aires 37ARUBAOranjestad 106BAHAMASNassau 100BARBADOSBarbados 24BOLIVIASanta Cruz 122BRAZILBelem 28Curitiba 46Florianópolis 53Porto Alegre 114Recife 118Rio de Janeiro Galeão Int’l 119Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont 119Salvador 122Sao Paulo 125Vitória 147CHILEAntofagasta 19Calama 39Concepcion 45Iquique 66Puerto Montt 116Punta Arenas 117Santiago 123COLOMBIAArmenia 19Barranquilla 25Bogotá 32Bucaramanga 35

Cali 39Cartagena 41Cúcuta 46Manizales 89Medellin JM Cordova 91Pereira 110COSTA RICASan Jose 122DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Casa de Campo 41Puerto Plata 116Punta Cana 117Santo Domingo Dr J.B. Int’l 124Santo Domingo LasAmericas Int’l 124ECUADORCuenca 46Guayaquil 59Quito 118EL SALVADORSan Salvador 122GUATEMALAGuatemala 59GUYANAGeorgetown 56JAMAICAKingston 72Montego Bay 95NETHERLANDS ANTILLESCuracao 46St. Maarten 134PANAMAPanama 108

Latin America/Caribbean

TURKEYAnkara 18Antalya 18Dalaman 47Istanbul 67Izmir 67UKRAINEKiev 71UNITED KINGDOMAberdeen 14Belfast City 28Belfast Int’l 29Birmingham 31Blackpool 31Bristol 34Cardiff 41Derry 49Durham 51Edinburgh 52

Exeter 53Glasgow 56Guernsey 60Humberside 65Inverness 66Isle of Man 67Jersey 69Leeds Bradford 76Liverpool 78London Gatwick 79London Heathrow 81London Luton 81London Stansted 82Manchester 88Newcastle 100Newquay 101Norwich 105Nottingham 105Plymouth 112

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Always check for the latest lounge information 13

BAHRAINBahrain 21IRANTehran 138ISRAELTel Aviv 138JORDANAmman 17KUWAITKuwait 74LEBANONBeirut 28OMANMuscat 98

QATARDoha 49SAUDI ARABIADammam 48Jeddah 68Riyadh 119UNITED ARAB EMIRATESAbu Dhabi 14Dubai 50Sharjah 131YEMENSana’a 154

CANADACalgary 39Montreal 96Québec 118Toronto 142Vancouver 145Winnipeg 150MEXICOCancún 40Mexico City 91Monterrey 96Tijuana 140USAAnchorage (AK) 18Atlanta (GA) 20Austin (TX) 20Boston (MA) 33Buffalo (NY) 37Chicago (IL) 43Cleveland (OH) 43Dallas (TX) 48Denver (CO) 48Fort Lauderdale (FL) 54Greensboro (NC) 58Hartford (CT) 62Honolulu (HI) 64

Houston (TX) 64Las Vegas (NV) 76Los Angeles (CA) 82Miami (FL) 92Milwaukee (WI) 94Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) 95New York J.F.K (NY) 102New York La Guardia (NY) 103New York Newark (NJ) 103Orange County (CA) 106Orlando Int’l (FL) 107Orlando Sanford (FL) 107Philadelphia (PA) 110Phoenix (AZ) 111Pittsburgh (PA) 112Portland (OR) 113Raleigh-Durham (NC) 154San Antonio (TX) 121San Diego (CA) 121San Francisco (CA) 121Seattle (WA) 126Tampa (FL) 138Washington Dulles Int’l (DC) 148Washington R.R.National (DC) 149

Latin America/CaribbeanPage Page

North America

Middle East

PERUCusco 47Lima 77ST. LUCIAVieux-Fort 147TRINIDAD & TOBAGOPort of Spain 114

VENEZUELABarcelona 25Barquisimeto 25Caracas 40Maracaibo 90Maturín 90Porlamar 113Puerto Ordaz 116

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ABERDEEN Dyce (ABZ)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Central Departures and turn right towardsInternational Gate 1. The Lounge is located after Security.

04:30 - 20:30 Monday - Wednesday & Friday.04:30 - 21:00 Thursday.04:30 - 18:00 Saturday.04:30 - 21:30 Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MPFzTITelephone calls are subject to payment.

ABU DHABI International (AUH)AIRPORT HOTEL LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - located on the right hand side of the DeparturesImmigration Control. Inside the Airport Hotel, take the elevator orstairs to 1st Floor where the Lounge is located. Passengers departingfrom Terminal 3 can access the Lounge via the Transfer Link but willneed to allow a minimum 30 minutes to reach the departure gates.Transit passengers arriving into Terminal 3 must not pass CentralSecurity but instead turn right and follow signs to Terminal 1, thenupon arrival into Terminal 1, turn left and continue straight ahead tothe Lounge.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).

AS G N C MFP z TI 0Shower facilities are subject to payment. Conference facilities mustbe arranged 7 days in advance and are also subject to payment.

AL GHAZAL LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - located on the left hand side of the DeparturesImmigration Control. Passengers departing from Terminal 3 can accessthe Lounge via the Transfer Link but will need to allow a minimum 30 minutes to reach the departure gates. Transit passengers arrivinginto Terminal 3 must not pass Central Security but instead turn rightand follow signs to Terminal 1, then upon arrival into Terminal 1, turnleft and continue straight ahead to the Lounge located on the righthand side.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).



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ABU DHABI International (AUH)DANA LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - Departure Satellite Area, Lower Level. Proceedthrough Gate 15 and the Lounge is located on the right hand side.Passengers departing from Terminal 3 can access the Lounge via theTransfer Link but will need to allow a minimum 30 minutes to reachthe departure gates. Transit passengers arriving into Terminal 3 mustnot pass Central Security but instead turn right and follow signs toTerminal 1, then upon arrival into Terminal 1, turn left and continuestraight ahead to the Lounge.

08:00 - 16:00 & 20:00 - 04:00 daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).


AL GHAZAL LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed past Duty Free and the Coffee Shop to the Lounge located on the right hand side of the waiting hall.

24 hours daily.If the Lounge is closed contact the coffee shop supervisor on duty or Tel: +97125053869 to arrange access.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).

AS G N MFP z TI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

ACCRA Kotoka International (ACC)ADINKRA LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl. The Lounge is located just outside the Duty Free Area, in themiddle of the main departure lounge.

10:00 - 23:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are not admitted.

AS G N M zT0

AKWAABA LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and SecurityChecks proceed towards Gate 1. Follow signs to the Lounge.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MPT I0Telephone calls are subject to payment.


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ADELAIDE (ADL)THE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - Departures Level, opposite Gate 18. The Lounge islocated at the entrance to Immigration.

Lounge opens 45 minutes prior to first Virgin Blue flight departure andcloses after last Virgin Blue departure.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to beer, wine and champagne l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.

AHMEDABAD Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Int’l (AMD)PORT LOUNGEInternational Departure Terminal. Landside - proceed through theITB departure gate, straight up to the Immigration counter and turnleft. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.

16:00 - 10:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


BICA LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks andPassport Control, on the 1st Floor of the NDDB Building.

24 hours daily.

Limited to one child or two infants per adult l Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.

ASNMFPTI0Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment. Long distance telephone callsand fax facilities are both subject to payment.

ALICANTE (ALC)SALA VIP - SALON IFACHDepartures Terminal. Airside - Level 2, after Security Checks in RoomNo.15.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment. Alcoholicdrinks are available upon request.


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AMMAN Queen Alia International (AMM)CROWN LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - 3rd Floor, opposite the Adiesa Duty Free Shop.Passengers departing from Terminal 2 can access the Lounge bytaking the escalator upstairs after clearing Customs. Proceed throughthe Duty Free Shop to Terminal 1 then after exiting the Duty FreeShop the Lounge entrance is straight ahead.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult l Accessmay be restricted due to space constraints l Separate prayer roomavailable l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Shower facilities, private rooms, long distance telephone calls and faxfacilities are all subject to payment.

AMSTERDAM Schiphol (AMS)MENZIES LOUNGEAirside - Departure Lounge 1, near Gates B and C on the Top Floor,Schengen Area. Follow signs to ‘Lounge 21’, located across the FoodCourt on the right hand side.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N zTI0Wi-Fi and internet access are both subject to payment. Flight informationis available upon request.

SERVISAIR SCHENGEN LOUNGEAirside - Departure Lounge 1, near Gates B and C on the Top Floor,Schengen Area. Follow signs to ‘Lounge 20’, located directly behindthe Ticket Control.

05:30 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:00 Saturday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 18 years must be accompaniedby an adult l Dress code applicable.

AS G NP zTI0Wi-Fi and internet access are both subject to payment. Flight informationis available upon request.


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AMSTERDAM Schiphol (AMS)SERVISAIR MENZIES LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, turn right and proceed up the stairs to theTop Floor where the Lounge is located in Departure Lounge 3 (Non-Schengen Area) between Gates E and F. Follow signs to ‘Lounge 41’.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Children under 12 must beaccompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are only available forpassengers 18 years of age or older l Smart casual dress at all times l

Separate smoking room available.

AS G N MP zTI0Shower facilities, internet access and telephone calls are all subject topayment. Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 1 hour andsubsequent usage is subject to payment.

ANCHORAGE Ted Stevens International (ANC)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse C. Airside - the Lounge is located between Gates C1 and C3.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Alcoholic drinks are limited tothree per adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities are subject to payment.

ANKARA Esbenboga (ESB)MILLENNIUM LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level. AfterPassport Control take the escalator on the right hand side to wherethe Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Children under 6 years are admitted freewhen accompanied by an adult.


WINGS PRIMECLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level via theescalator located next to Gate 109.

24 hours daily.

Domestic flights only l Children under 6 years are admitted free whenaccompanied by an adult.


ANTALYA International (AYT)ICF LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, on the Mezzanine Floorof the Duty Free Area.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.



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Terminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, on the Mezzanine Floorof the Duty Free Area.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


ANTOFAGASTA Cerro Moreno (ANF)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBLandside - after entering the main airport entrance to the left of theticket counters, proceed towards the wooden mural indicating theLounge entrance.

07:15 - 23:30 Monday - Friday.08:30 - 21:00 Saturday.09:00 - 21:00 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


ARMENIA (Colombia) El Eden (AXM)AVIANCA SALA VIP Airside - the Lounge is located in the main boarding area on the 1st Floor.

05:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.

Alcoholic drinks are limited to local rum only.


ATHENS Eleftherios Venizelos International (ATH)GOLDAIR HANDLING CIP LOUNGELandside - before Security Checks in the main terminal building. The Lounge is located in the Schengen Area of the Departure Hall onLevel 1, opposite Gate 13.

03:00 - 20:00 daily.

Schengen (international & domestic) flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult.


OLYMPIC AIRWAYS - ARISTOTLE ONASSIS LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, near to Gate A13in the Extra-Schengen Area.

24 hours daily.

Non-Schengen (international) flights only l Access may be restricteddue to space constraints l Children under 5 years are admitted freeand must be accompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable l

Separate children's play area available.

AS G N C MFP z TI0Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes and subsequentusage is subject to payment. Telephone calls are also subject topayment.


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ATHENS Eleftherios Venizelos International (ATH)OLYMPIC AIRWAYS - MELINA MERKOURI LOUNGEAirside - after the first Security Checks and Passport Control, near GateB11 in the Intra-Schengen Area, before the Boarding Security Control.

24 hours daily.

Schengen (international & domestic) flights only l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Children under 5 years areadmitted free and must be accompanied by an adult l Dress codeapplicable l Separate children's play area available.

AS G N C MFP z T I 0Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 60 minutes and subsequentusage is subject to payment. Telephone calls are also subject to payment.

SWISSPORT EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, proceed towards Gates A11-A13. TheLounge is located directly opposite Gate A11, next to Gate A12 in theExtra-Schengen Area.

04:30 - 23:00 daily.

Non-Schengen (international) flights only l Children under 5 years are admitted free.

AS G N C MFP I0Complimentary use of massage chair available on-site.

ATLANTA Hartsfield Jackson International (ATL)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBConcourse D. Airside - between Gates D12 and D14, located betweenthe Continental and Northwest Gates.

06:00 - 19:15 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 17:45 Saturday.07:30 - 19:15 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.


AUSTIN Bergstrom International (AUS)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBWest Concourse. Airside - Mezzanine Level, across from Gate 13.

05:00 - 18:30 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 16:00 Saturday.06:00 - 18:30 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.



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BAHRAIN International (BAH)DILMUN LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - Departure Level, take the escalators to the 1stFloor. The Lounge is located opposite Gate 16.24 hours daily.Maximum 3 hour stay l All children must be accompanied by an adult.


BALI Ngurah Rai International (DPS)DEWA LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration turn left and followsigns to the DEWA Lounge. The Lounge is located opposite Gates 7 and 8 on the 2nd Floor.05:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 02:00).Hours vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N MPT I0Reflexology therapy is available subject to payment. Local telephonecalls only.

PARAI CYBER LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located nearGates 7, 8 and 9 on the right hand side.06:00 to last scheduled departure (approx. 01:00).Children under 6 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N MFPTI0Long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject topayment.

PRADA PRIORITY LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right and follow the signs to ‘Prada Priority Lounge’ which is located near to Gates 1 and 2.06:00 - 03:00 daily.

Separate prayer room available l Separate smoking room available.


PREMIER LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - near Gates 1 and 2 on the 3rd Floor.06:00 - 02:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 04:00 Saturday & Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Access may be restricted dueto space constraints l Complimentary drinks are limited to two perperson, subsequent drinks are subject to payment l Smart casual dressat all times l Separate games room available l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N C MFP z TI0Wi-Fi access, international telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment. Reflexology therapy is also available subject topayment.


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BALI Ngurah Rai International (DPS)SANUR LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, pass the Airport Taxcounter, turn right and proceed to the 2nd Floor. Pass further SecurityChecks, turn left and the Lounge is located approximately 60 meters to the right.

05:30 - 23:30 daily.


BALIKPAPAN Sepinggan (BPN)JAS PREMIER LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks in the maindeparture lounge of the B-Square building.

07:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate prayer roomsavailable l Separate smoking room available.

AS G NFP z TI0Wi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and shower facilities are all subject topayment.

PADI LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Check-in, turnright. Pass further Security Checks and proceed straight ahead forapproximately 50 meters to where the Lounge is located.

05:30 - 19:00 daily.

Separate smoking area available.


BANGALORE International (BLR)EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1stFloor. Proceed through the Duty Free Area and turn right. The Loungeentrance is located next to the ‘Kingfisher Sports’ Bar, opposite Gate 17.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N M z T0Local telephone calls only. Complimentary Wi-Fi access is limited to 15minutes and subsequent usage is subject to payment.

BANGKA BELITUNG H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin (TJQ)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - before the second X-ray Area,near to the main departure lounge.

06:30 - 10:00 & 13:00 - 16:00 daily.

Domestic flights only l Children under 6 years are admitted free.

ASNPTLong distance telephone calls are subject to payment.


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BANGKA ISLAND Depati Amir (PGK)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the main departure lounge.

05:30 - 19:00 daily.

Domestic flights only l Children under 5 years are admitted free.


BANGKOK Suvarnabhumi International (BKK)LOUIS’ TAVERN CIP FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - Concourse A, Block 2, Level 3 (East Side).

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children 2 yearsand under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


International Terminal. Airside - Concourse C, Level 3 (East Side).

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children 2 yearsand under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


International Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, Level 3 (West Side).

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children 2 yearsand under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


BANJARMASIN Syamsudin Noor (BDJ)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDeparture Terminal. Airside - after Check-in (1st Floor), go to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in front of the boarding gates.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.


BANJUL International (BJL)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Departures, turn left and take the stairs upto the 1st Floor. Follow signs to the ‘First Class Lounge’.

08:00 - 12:00 & 17:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.

Complimentary drinks are limited to three per person l Smart casualdress at all times (no shorts allowed).



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BARBADOS Grantley Adams International (BGI)AIRLINES EXECUTIVE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,between Gates 12 and 13. Access is via elevator or stairs. Follow signs.

05:30 - 20:00 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.05:30 - 21:45 Tuesday & Saturday.05:30 - 20:45 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable l Children 11 years and under are admittedfree.


CLUB CARIBBEAN EXECUTIVE LOUNGETerminal 1. Landside - proceed up the stairs between Air Canada andAmerican Airlines Check-in counters and turn left, then right. TheLounge entrance is through the second door on the right hand side andis signposted as ‘Caribbean Airways’.

07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flights schedules.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N CFPTI0Flight information is available upon request. International telephonecalls, international fax and conference facilities are all subject topayment.

BARCELONA El Prat (BCN)SALA VIP COLOMERTerminal 1. Airside - Barcelona-Madrid Shuttle Area. After passingthrough Security Checks, turn left and proceed to the end of the corridor.

06:30 - 22:30 daily.

T1 Barcelona-Madrid Shuttle flights only l Smart casual dress at all times l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

SALA VIP MIROTerminal 1. Airside - turn left after Passport Control and Security Checks(towards Gate D). Take the first set of stairs in front of ‘McDonalds’ (orelevator) down to the Lounge and follow the VIP signs.

06:30 - 22:30 daily.

Intercontinental non-Schengen T1 flights only l Smart casual dress atall times l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separatesmoking room available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Towel hire, Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.


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BARCELONA El Prat (BCN)SALA VIP PAU CASALS Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks take the stairs down to theSky Center and turn right. Follow VIP signs and take the stairs orelevator up to the Lounge.

06:30 - 22:30 daily.

Schengen and domestic flights only l Smart casual dress at all times l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Towel hire, Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subjectto payment.

SALA VIP CANUDASTerminal 2. Airside - B Gates. After entering Módule 3, the Lounge islocated opposite Gates 30-39.

06:30 - 22:30 daily.

Smart casual dress at all times l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


BARCELONA Gral. J. A. Anzoategui Int’l (BLA)PREMIER CLUBLandside - take the escalator to the Upper Level and turn left.

05:30 - 20:00 daily.

Dress code applicable (no shorts allowed).


BARQUISIMETO Jacinto Lara International (BRM)PREMIER CLUBLandside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor, before SecurityControl.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.


BARRANQUILLA Ernesto Cortissoz (BAQ)AVIANCA SALA VIPInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 5.

09:00 - 18:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


National Terminal. Landside - proceed to the 2nd Floor, towards theNational Departure Area. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 7 on theleft hand side.

05:20 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.



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BASEL-MULHOUSE EuroAirport (BSL)SWISS LOUNGEY-Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located in the center of the terminalnext to the Duty Free Shop on the Departures Level.

05:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 19:00 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable l

Separate smoking area available.


BATAM Hang Nadim International (BTH)BINTAN LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after the second X-ray Area,take the elevator to the 2nd Floor. Take the first left turn and then turnleft again, proceed straight ahead and follow signs to the Lounge locatedon the right hand side.

07:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate prayer roomsavailable l Separate smoking area available.


EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, go to the2nd Floor. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 4.

06:00 - 18:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.


BATUMI International (BUS)PRIMECLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control on the righthand side.

24 hours daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N MFT I0Check-in facilities and agent services available inside the Lounge aresubject to payment.

BEIJING Capital International (PEK)AIR CHINA BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 2 International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 40 meters away on theright hand side.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are not admitted l Dress code applicable l Separate smokingroom available.



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BEIJING Capital International (PEK)AIR CHINA FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 3C Domestic. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 30 meters away onthe left hand side.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under2 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable l Separate smokingroom available.


BEIRUT Rafic Hariri International (BEY)CEDAR LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, turn right and take the elevator or stairsup to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Separate smoking area available.


LAT BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, turn right and take the lift or stairs up tothe 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located in the east side of the building.

24 hours daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free • Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment • Separate prayer room available • Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N MP zTI0Long distance telephone calls are subject to payment.

BELÉM Val de Cans International (BEL)VALEVERDE VIP LOUNGEAirside - the Lounge is located in the Boarding Area, near Gate 1.

24 hours daily.Closed: Dec 24, 25, 31 & Jan 01.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


BELFAST City (BHD)FLYBE LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, take the stairs or escalator to 1st Floor.Turn left past the Duty Free Shop and continue to ‘Ritazza’ Coffee bar.Turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.

05:15 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:30 Saturday.07:00 - 21:00 Sunday. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable.

AS G N M zT0


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BELFAST International (BFS)THE BUSINESS LOUNGEAirside - turn left after Duty Free and follow signs to the Lounge.

06:00 - 22:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.07:00 - 15:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Closed: Dec 25-27 & Jan 01.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Cardholder must be 18years of age or older and any persons under 18 years must beaccompanied by an adult l Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limitedto two per adult.

AS G N MFPTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

BELGRADE Nikola Tesla (BEG)BUSINESS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, the Lounge is located in thecorridor across from Gate 5.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.

Children under 7 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Complimentary drinks are limited to twoper person and snacks one per person, subsequent consumption issubject to payment.

AS G N M z 0

BERLIN Schönefeld (SXF)HUGO JUNKERS LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor, follow signsand take the stairs to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is situated on the left hand side.

08:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

BERLIN Tegel (TXL)AIRPORT CLUB BERLIN-TEGELTerminal A. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control inthe main departure hall. Proceed to the 1st Floor by elevator or stairsand the Lounge is located at the end of the hall on the right hand side.

07:00 - 20:00 Monday - Saturday.09:00 - 20:00 Sunday. Closed: Dec 25, 26, Jan 01 & 02, Easter Weekend & Whitsun.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 12years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shortsallowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Optional facilities available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.


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BERNE Belp (BRN)SKYLOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, turn right and take the stairs to the 1stFloor. The Lounge is located in the main departure hall. It is essentialthat cardholders do not proceed directly to the Lounge but first registeras a Priority Pass cardholder at any Check-in desk.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


BIARRITZ Anglet Bayonne (BIQ)HORIZON LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - proceed to the Information desk and the staff willprovide escort to the Lounge located after the Security Checks on theleft hand side, below the escalator.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 12years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.

AS G N M z 0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

BILBAO (BIO)SALA VIP SPANAIRAirside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor corridor, after Police andSecurity Control on the right hand side.

06:00 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 14:30 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and are subject toseasonal changes.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


BILLUND (BLL)KING AMLET LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks take the elevator or stairs to the nextfloor. The Lounge is located on the right hand side.

05:15 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to Public Holidays and are subject toseasonal changes.

Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to three per adult.



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BIRMINGHAM (BHX)4DECK LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security turn immediately left and proceedtowards the corridor. Follow signs to the ‘4Deck Lounge’ and continue tothe end of the corridor where the Lounge is located. The Lounge is notaccessible to BA or Flybe flights.

05:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:00 Saturday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).


SERVISAIR LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security, take the first left. The Lounge issituated on the right hand side. The Lounge is not accessible to BA orFlybe flights.

05:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Access is permitted 3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure l Smartcasual dress at all times.

AS G N zTI0Internet access is subject to payment.

FLYBE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security and Passport Control turnimmediately right and the Lounge is located approximately 20 metersstraight ahead.

05:00 - 20:00 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable.

AS G N M zT0

BLACKPOOL International (BLK)BLACKPOOL AIRPORT EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after proceeding through Security into Departures, the Loungeis located directly to the left. Cardholders must register as a Priority Passcardholder at the Airport Shop and a member of staff will provide escortto the Lounge.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure (approx. 05:00) andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 22:00).Closed: Dec 25.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MT z 0


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BOGOTÁ Eldorado (BOG)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration proceed throughSecurity Checks and towards Gate 7 where the Lounge is locateddownstairs below the gate.

05:30 - 20:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.05:30 - 23:00 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday.

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit l Separatesmoking area available.


AVIANCA SALA VIP International Terminal. Airside - on 2nd Floor after entering theterminal. Proceed past the Duty Free shops and the Lounge is locatedafter Passport Control on the right hand side.

05:30 - 23:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Ticketed passengers only.


SALA ELITE COPA AIRLINES COLOMBIA National Terminal. Airside - North Wing. The Lounge is located betweenGates 3 and 5 at the main entrance to the concourse.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.


AVIANCA SALA VIP Puente Aéreo. Landside - take the stairs to the 2nd Floor located at theleft hand side of the ticket counters. Turn right to where the Sala VIPentrance is located.

04:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


BOLOGNA G.Marconi (BLQ)MARCONI BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal A. Landside - follow the signs to Security Checks and turn rightin the direction of the glass lift. The Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.

05:00 - 21:30 daily.

Children under 10 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks arelimited to beer only.



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BEIJING Capital International (PEK)

BGS PREMIER LOUNGETerminal 2 International. Airside - opposite Gate 11.

05:30 to last scheduled flight departure.

Business Lounge access only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls only.

AIR CHINA BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 3E International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 100 meters away onthe right hand side.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are not admitted l Dress code applicable l Separate smokingroom available.


AIR CHINA FIRST CLASS LOUNGETerminal 3E International. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkcounters. The Lounge is situated approximately 100 meters away onthe left hand side.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are not admitted l Dress code applicable l Separate smokingroom available.


BGS PREMIER LOUNGETerminal 3E International. Airside - near Gate E19 (Stand 519).

24 hours Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.05:00 - 01:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday.

Business Lounge access only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls only.

BUSINESS TRAVELERS LOUNGETerminal 3E International. Airside - across from Gate E10.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.

AS G N C MFP z TI0Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subjectto payment. Check-in services and conference facilities are availableinside the Lounge but are also both subject to payment.


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BORDEAUX Merignac (BOD)SALON DES VIGNOBLESTerminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks inHall A, Departures Level. It is essential that cardholders do not proceeddirectly to the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder toHall A Check-in staff, who will call extension 3336 or 11 to notifyLounge staff. 05:30 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduled flight departure. Children under 2 years are admitted free.


BOSTON Logan International (BOS)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 3rd Level directlyabove the Security Checkpoint between Gates 6 and 7.04:30 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.04:30 - 17:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.


US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal B. Airside - next to Gate 4, just past the Security Checkpointon the Upper Level.05:00 - 20:45 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older.

ASN C MFP zTLong distance telephone calls and conference facilities are both subjectto payment.

UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal C. Airside - adjacent to Gate 19.05:15 - 20:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


AIR FRANCE GRAF LOUNGETerminal E. Airside - after Security, turn right towards Gate 4. Takethe dedicated Lounge elevator or stairs to where the Lounge is located.13:30 - 23:00 daily.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older.



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BRATISLAVA Letisko M.R. Stefánik (BTS)CAPRONI LOUNGETerminal A1. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, proceedtowards the shops and departure gates. Turn right into a small corridorto where the Lounge is located on the left hand side. Follow signs.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.

Schengen flights only l Limited to three guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


BREMEN (BRE)AHS LOUNGETerminal 1. Landside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceeddirectly to the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder atthe AHS ticket desk in Terminal 1 on the Ground Floor, near theescalator and stairs to the 1st Floor. The Lounge is located on the 1stFloor opposite Security Checks.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.


BRISBANE (BNE)THE LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - opposite Gate 41.

Lounge opens 45 minutes prior to first Virgin Blue flight departure andcloses after last Virgin Blue departure.

Domestic flights only l Limited to one guest per cardholder l

Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to beer, wine andchampagne l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.

BRISTOL International (BRS)CABOT LOUNGEAirside - proceed to the 1st Floor, through Security Control into the maindeparture lounge. Turn left and take the lift or stairs to the MezzanineFloor. Turn left and continue along the corridor to where the Lounge islocated on the right hand side.

04:30 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.04:30 - 18:00 Saturday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MFP z TI0Internet access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.


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BRNO Turany (BRQ)BUSINESS LOUNGEDeparture Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl, proceed to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located nextto ‘Aviette Bar’.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 18:00).

Limited to three guests per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free.

AS G N C M zT0Conference facilities are subject to payment.

BRUSSELS National (BRU)DIAMOND LOUNGESTerminal A. Airside - proceed through Passport Control and take theelevator to the 2nd Level. The Lounge is located on the right hand sideof the corridor.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Schengen flights only l Children 12 years and under are admitted freewhen accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MP zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

Terminal B. Airside - pass through Customs and Security. Access tothe Lounge is via stairs approximately 20 meters ahead on the lefthand side, to the left of the walking pad.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children 12 years and under are admittedfree when accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MP z I0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

BUCARAMANGA Palo Negro (BGA)AVIANCA SALA VIPAirside - after Security Checks take the escalator or ramp down to theLounge located on the left hand side.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed) l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to three per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment l Alcoholic drinks are only available 12:00 - 00:00 daily l

Separate prayer rooms available.



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BUCHAREST Henri Coanda International (OTP)AIRPORT BUSINESS LOUNGEDepartures Terminal. Airside - Departure Area, after passingCheck-in and the Border Police Control. The Lounge is situated on theDeparture Floor, before Gate 2, on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.


BUDAPEST Ferihegy (BUD)DUNA LOUNGETerminal 2A. Airside - Schengen Area. Proceed through Security Controlinto the Transit Hall and turn right. The Lounge is located at the end ofthe Transit Hall, next to Gate 31.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult.


PLATINUM LOUNGETerminal 2A. Airside - Schengen Area. After entering the Transit Hallturn left. The Lounge is located 20 meters ahead on the right hand side,near Gate 22.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times.


MILLENNIUM LOUNGETerminal 2B. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. Proceed through SecurityControl into the Transit Hall and take the stairs or elevator up to theGallery Floor (3rd Floor). The Lounge is located on the right hand side.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N M z I0

PLATINUM LOUNGETerminal 2B. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. Take the lift or stairs locatednext to Gate 18 up to the Mezzanine Level.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times.



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BUENOS AIRES Aeropuerto M.Pistarini (EZE)SALA VIP DE LAS AMERICAS International Terminal A. Airside - after Immigration Control, in front ofGate 2.

04:00 - 23:00 daily (Feb - Sep).05:00 - 00:00 daily (Oct - Jan).


UNITED RED CARPET CLUBInternational Terminal A. Airside - after Immigration Control, adjacentto Gate 6.

14:45 - 21:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Sunday.15:45 - 21:00 Tuesday & Thursday.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club withthe cardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediatefamily will be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spiritsavailable; premium selections are subject to payment.

AS G NP zT0 BNiagaraBUF)

BUFFALO Niagara International (BUF)US AIRWAYS CLUB Airside - next to Gate 6, just past the Security Checks on the right hand side.

06:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and conference facilities are both subject to payment.

BUSAN Gimhae International (PUS)ASIANA LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration Control on the 2ndFloor, turn right and take the stairs up to the 3rd Floor. The Lounge islocated on the right hand side.

06:00 to last scheduled departure (approx. 20:00).

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.



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BUSAN Gimhae International (PUS)KAL LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - inside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located next to Gate 4 on the 3rd Floor.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFPT0International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

ASIANA LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - 3rd Floor, in the west wing of theterminal. The Lounge is located next to the elevator opposite theAsiana Check-in counter.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.


KAL LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - outside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located to the right hand side of theairline Check-in counters on the 2nd Floor.

05:40 - 20:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

ASNMFPT0International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

CAIRO International (CAI)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESTerminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on both the 1st and 2ndFloors, after Security and Passport Control. Take the stairs or escalatorand follow signs ‘First Class Lounge Area’.

24 hours daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Children under 6 yearsmust be accompanied by an adult.


Terminal 3. Airside - after Passport Control in the main departure hall,go through the door situated next to the Information desk and then takethe elevator down to the 2nd Floor. Proceed straight ahead and gothrough the door at the end of the hall on the right hand side to wherethe Lounge is located next to the Public Relations counter.

24 hours daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free • Children under 6 yearsmust be accompanied by an adult.



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CALAMA El Loa (CJC)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor ofthe main departure lounge. Turn right after Security Control.

07:00 - 10:00 & 16:00 - 22:00 Monday - Friday.07:00 - 10:00 & 16:00 - 19:00 Saturday.08:00 - 12:00 & 16:00 - 22:00 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


CALGARY International (YYC)ROCKY MOUNTAIN LOUNGEConcourse C. Airside - after Customs Control on the Departures Level(2) the Lounge is located straight ahead.

04:30 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25, Jan 01 & 02.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts, baseball caps or footballshirts allowed).

AS G N MP zT0Telephone calls are subject to payment.

CHINOOK LOUNGEConcourse D. Airside - proceed through Security Screening and theLounge is located immediately to the left.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25, Jan 01 & 02.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts, baseball caps or footballshirts allowed).


CALI A. Bonilla Aragon (CLO)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - Airport entrance No.2, left side, in front of ticket counters forAvianca, SAM and ACES.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


CANBERRA (CBR)THE LOUNGECommon-User Terminal. Airside - Level 1, next to Gate 5, East Wing.

Lounge opens 45 minutes prior to first Virgin Blue flight departure andcloses after last Virgin Blue departure.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to beer, wine and champagne l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N C MFP z TI0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.


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CANCÚN International (CUN)MERA BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security, take the escalators on the righthand side towards Gate A. The Lounge is located behind the escalators.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.

Scheduled departure flights only l Access maybe restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 12 years are admitted free andmust be accompanied by an adult.


BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 3. Airside - after Security, exit the Duty Free Shop and turnright towards the ‘Bubba Gump’ Restaurant. Turn right to the end of thehall where a sign indicates the Lounge entrance.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.

International flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted freeand must be accompanied by an adult l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject to payment.

CAPE TOWN International (CPT)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, take theescalators up and proceed straight ahead to the end of the terminal.Take the elevator to the 3rd Level where the Lounge is located on theleft hand side.

06:00 - 00:00 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.06:00 - 20:30 Tuesday & Friday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N MP zTI0Local telephone calls only.

Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right andproceed to the end of the corridor then turn right again. Take theelevator on the right hand side up to the 4th Level where the Lounge is located 20 meters ahead on the right hand side.

04:30 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.


CARACAS (Maiquetía) Simon Bolivar Int’l (CCS)PREMIER CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security and Passport Control,walk to the right end of the terminal building. The Lounge is locatedon the left hand side after Gate 12.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Dress code applicable (no shorts or cut-offs allowed).

AS G NFP zTI0Fax facilities are available upon request and are subject to payment.


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CARDIFF (CWL)EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, proceed past the Duty Free Shop to theleft. The Lounge is located directly ahead. Follow signs.05:00 - 21:00 daily (except every Saturday from Nov - Apr when theLounge closes at 17:00).Closed: Dec 25, 26 & Jan 01.Children under 10 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable l

Alcoholic drinks are limited to two per adult.

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

CARTAGENA Rafael Nuñez (CTG)AVIANCA SALA VIPNational Terminal. Landside - on the right hand side of the ticketcounters for Avianca, SAM and ACES.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


CASABLANCA Mohammed V International (CMN)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control in themain departure lounge, take the lift next to Gate 30 up to the Loungelocated on Level 0. Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last departure.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


CONVIVES DE MARQUE ARRIVALS LOUNGETerminal 2. Landside - before Passport Control in the main arrivalslounge, Level 1. The Lounge is located next to Jet Way No.5.Lounge opens at the time of the first scheduled flight arrival and closes90 minutes after the last arrival.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


CASA DE CAMPO La Romana International (LRM)PREMIER LOUNGEAirside - after Immigration on the 2nd Floor, turn left. Signage clearlyindicates the Lounge entrance.11:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult • Alcoholic drinks are limited to three peradult, subsequent drinks are subject to payment • Smart casual dress atall times.


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CATANIA Fontanarossa (CTA)VIP LOUNGE SACAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, near to Gates 4and 5 on the 3rd Floor.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


CHENGDU Shuangliu International (CTU)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - pass through Security Checks andPassport Control. The Lounge is located between Gates A8 and A10.

Lounge opens 5 minutes prior to Check-in of the first Air China flightdeparture and closes after last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Two children under 5 years are admitted free.


AIR CHINA PASSENGER SERVICE CENTER (Phoenix Trip)Domestic Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floorbetween the domestic and international concourses.

Lounge opens 5 minutes prior to Check-in of the first Air China domesticflight departure and closes after last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Two children under 5 years are admitted free.


CHENNAI International (MAA)BICA LOUNGEAnna International Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks andPassport Control, on the 1st Floor. Proceed towards the Security CheckArea to where the Lounge is located on the left hand side.

24 hours daily.

Limited to one child or two infants per adult l Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.

AS G N MFP zT0Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment. Alcoholic drinks, long distancetelephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

CLIPPER LOUNGEAnna International Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Customson the 1st Floor. The Lounge is located to the left of the Duty Free Area,before the Security Hold Area.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to two per person.

AS G NFP zTIInternet access is subject to payment.


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CHENNAI International (MAA)ROYAL LOUNGEAnna International Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks andPassport Control, take the elevator to the 1st Floor. The Lounge islocated opposite the Leather Shop on the right hand side of the corridor,towards the Security Checkpoint.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MP zTI0Wi-Fi access and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment. Localtelephone calls only.

BICA LOUNGEKamraj Domestic Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks and PassportControl, on the right hand side of the departure hall near to Gate 1.

24 hours daily.

Limited to one child or two infants per adult l Children under 12 yearsare admitted free.

AS G N MFP zT0Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment. Alcoholic drinks, long distancetelephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

CHICAGO O’Hare International (ORD)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Concourse C, near Gate C16.

04:30 - 21:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zT0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject topayment.

SWISS LOUNGETerminal 5. Airside - turn right after Security Checks. The Lounge islocated between Gates 8-11.

14:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours vary according to Swiss International Airlines’ flight schedules.


CLEVELAND Hopkins International (CLE)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBConcourse C. Airside - between Gates C14 and C16.

05:15 - 20:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.


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CLUJ-NAPOCA International (CLJ)BUSINESS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, in maindeparture lounge opposite Gates B1 and B2.

08:00 - 19:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, in main departurelounge opposite Gates A2 and A3.

05:00 - 19:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


COCHIN International (COK)CLIPPER LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Landside - proceed towards the Check-indesks and at the Security Checkpoint turn left. The Lounge is locatednext to the Snack Bar, near to the public toilets and water facility.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

COLOGNE/BONN International (CGN)AIRPORT BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - pass through Security Checks, turn left and takethe escalator or stairs to the Departure Level. The Lounge is located onthe left hand side.

06:00 - 21:00 Monday - Saturday.09:00 - 17:00 Sunday.

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi and internet access are both subject to payment.

COLOMBO Bandaranaike International (CMB)LOTUS FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDepartures Terminal. Airside - 1st Floor, at the Pier located adjacent toGates 6 and 7.

24 hours daily.

Limited to six guests per cardholder.



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CONAKRY Gbessia International (CKY)SALON VIP NIMBAInternational Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks andPassport Control, on the right hand side of the Boarding Area.

12:00 - 00:00 Monday.14:00 - 02:00 Tuesday.18:00 - 00:00 Wednesday.07:00 - 16:00 Thursday.06:00 - 00:00 Friday & Sunday.03:00 - 21:00 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to two per person, subsequent drinks and all snacks are subjectto payment l Separate smoking area available.


CONCEPCION Carriel Sur (CCP)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBLandside - before Security Control, proceed to the 2nd Floor and turnleft to where the Lounge is located.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


COPENHAGEN (CPH)NOVIA LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security, turn right. The Lounge is locatednear Pier B on the 1st Floor.

05:30 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


SERVISAIR LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor behind theInformation desk.

06:00 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 20:00 Saturday.Hours may be subject to change.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N C MFPTI0Internet access is subject to payment.

CORK (ORK)JACK LYNCH LOUNGEAirside - opposite Gate 8.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder.



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COTONOU Cadjehoun International (COO)AHS BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEAirside - after Border Control and before entering the airport waitinglounges and Security Checks, take the stairs on your left hand side tothe 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.

07:00 - 04:00 Monday & Tuesday.06:00 - 04:00 Wednesday.12:00 - 16:00 & 18:00 - 23:00 Thursday.03:00 - 06:00, 08:00 - 16:00 & 20:00 - 00:00 Friday.08:00 - 16:00 & 19:00 - 00:00 Saturday.03:00 - 15:00 & 19:00 - 00:00 Sunday.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


CÚCUTA Camilio Daza International (CUC)AVIANCA SALA VIPTerminal 1. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor. After Security Checks,the Lounge is located near Gate 3 in the main departure lounge.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


CUENCA Mariscal La Mar (CUE)SALA VIP CORPACAirside - proceed through the dedicated VIP Security Checks that aresignposted ‘Salas VIP’ and located next to the airport Information desk,landside. After Passport Control take the stairs or lift to the 2nd Floorwhere the Lounge is located. Follow signs.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

SGNFP zTI0Selected alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

CURACAO Hato International (CUR)PLESMAN LOUNGEAirside - the Lounge is located in the West Hall of departures, south ofGate 4.

08:00 - 20:00 daily.


CURITIBA Afonso Pena Int’l (CWB)SMILES VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks the Lounge is located on the left hand side.

06:00 - 23:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 22:00 Saturday & Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.



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CURITIBA Afonso Pena Int’l (CWB)TAM VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Security and before the X-ray machines, the Lounge islocated on the right hand side.

05:30 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:00 Saturday.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.


CUSCO Alejandro Velasco Astete Int’l (CUZ)VIP LOUNGE CUSCO SACLandside - 1st Floor. The Lounge is located on the left hand side of theairline ticket desk zone before the Boarding Taxes payment window.

06:30 - 16:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

SGN MP zT0Alcoholic drinks and long distance telephone calls are both subject topayment.

DAEGU International (TAE)KAL LOUNGELandside - located between the bakery and infant room on the 2nd Floor.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

ASNMFPTIInterstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

DALAMAN (DLM)PREMIUM LOUNGEATM International Terminal. Airside - Food Court Level. After PassportControl, follow signs ‘CIP Premium Lounge’.

24 hours daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and will be limitedduring low season (Nov - Mar).

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Alcoholic drinks are available upon request and are subject to payment.


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DALLAS Ft. Worth International (DFW)THE CLUB AT DFWTerminal D. Airside - adjacent to Gate D22. After clearing Security orarriving in Terminal D via Sky Link, follow the signs for ‘Airline Clubs’.Proceed through the double glass doors marked ‘Airline Clubs’ next toGate D22 and take the elevator to the 5th Floor.

08:00 - 18:00 daily.

Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult l Separatesmoking area available.


CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal E. Airside - between Gates E6 and E7.

05:15 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:15 - 15:30 Saturday.06:30 - 19:00 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


DAMMAM King Fahad International (DMM)AL-FURSAN GOLDEN LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks on the Domestic Departures Level (LowerLevel), between Gates 17 and 18. Passengers departing on internationalflights can access the Lounge from the Upper Level before ImmigrationControl but will need to allow sufficient time to go through Immigrationand reach the departure gate.

24 hours daily.

Two children under 12 years are admitted free.


DAR-ES-SALAAM Julius Nyerere International (DAR)TANZANITE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - International Departure Lounge. Follow signs.

12:00 - 20:30 Monday, Wednesday & Friday.07:00 - 22:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


DENVER International (DEN)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBConcourse B. Airside - East Wing, adjacent to Gate B44.

05:30 - 21:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject topayment.48

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DENVER International (DEN)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBConcourse B. Airside - West Wing, adjacent to Gate B32.05:30 - 21:30 Sunday - Friday.Closed: Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spiritsavailable; premium selections are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject topayment.

DERRY Londonderry/Eglinton (LDY)AMELIA EARHART LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed through Securityto the Lounge directly, but first register landside as a Priority Passcardholder at the Airport Information desk located on the left hand sidejust after the main entrance to the terminal building. The AirportInformation staff will provide a door code to enter on the Lounge doorkeypad for access. The Lounge is located after Security Checks at theend of the main departure lounge. Follow signs.06:30 - 20:00 Monday - Wednesday & Friday.06:30 - 01:00 Thursday.06:30 - 17:00 Saturday.10:30 - 21:30 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25.Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 12years are not admitted l Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited totwo per adult l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G NFP z I0Fax facilities are subject to payment.

DOHA International (DOH)THE ORYX LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated on the 1st Floor, opposite Costa Coffee.24 hours daily.Maximum 6 hour stay l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times l

Alcoholic drinks are only available 11:00 - 02:00 daily l Separatesmoking area available.


DOUALA International (DLA)CLUB MARKET VIP LOUNGELandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, in the middle ofthe hall with the Kenya Airways office to the left hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Check-in services availableinside the Lounge l Separate smoking area available.

AS G NP zTTelephone calls may be subject to payment.


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DUBAI International (DXB)DUBAI INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - between Gates 108 and 110.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 5 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking area available.


MARHABA LOUNGESTerminal 1. Airside - Departure Level, at the east end of the SheikhRashid Terminal, between Gates 123 and 125.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


Terminal 3. Airside - at the east end of Level 4. The Lounge is locatedon the north (Fox) side, next to Gate 230. Access can be made via theelevator from Level 3 Departures.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


DUBLIN International (DUB)ANNA LIVIA DEPARTURE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - situated on the 2nd Level. Proceed throughSecurity Checks and turn left towards Boarding Area C. Access to theLounge is via the lift or stairs located on the left hand side just past the‘Louis Copeland’ Shop.

05:30 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks arelimited to two per adult.


DAA AIRPORT LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - arriving at the Departures Level from the ArrivalsLevel, proceed through Security Checks and through the retail zone.Take the escalator or lift down to the Lounge which is located afterturning right on the Airline Lounge Level. Follow signs.

05:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 20:00 Saturday.Closed: Dec 25.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks arelimited to two per adult.



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DUBROVNIK Cilipi-Konavle (DBV)BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - next to the bar in the main internationaldepartures area.

07:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

International flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MPT0Telephone calls are subject to payment.

DURBAN King Shaka International (DUR)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGE Airside - after Security Checks, turn right. Proceed straight ahead and takethe lift or stairs up to the 3rd Level, then turn right. The Lounge is locatedahead on the right hand side.

05:00 - 21:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday.05:00 - 22:00 Thursday, Friday & Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.


DURHAM Tees Valley (MME)SERVISAIR ROSEBERRY LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control turn right and proceed past the ‘Yard ofAle’ Bar. The Lounge is located next to Gate 4.

05:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 24, 26, 31 & Jan 01.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MF zTI0Internet access is subject to payment.

DÜSSELDORF International (DUS)HUGO JUNKERS LOUNGEInternational Terminal B. Airside - pass through Security Control, turnright and take the stairs to Level 2. Follow signs to the Lounge which islocated at Gate B.

05:15 - 21:00 daily.


AIR BERLIN LOUNGEInternational Terminal C. Airside - Upper Floor, in front of Gate C46.Follow signs to the Lounge.

10:00 - 15:00 Monday & Thursday.10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Saturday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N MF z 0


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DÜSSELDORF International (DUS)OPEN SKY LOUNGEInternational Terminal C. Airside - Upper Floor, near to Gates C36 andC45. Follow signs to the Lounge. 06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 6 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFPT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

EAST LONDON International (ELS)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGE Domestic Departures Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on theGround Level, turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.05:30 - 20:30 Monday - Friday.08:00 - 17:00 Saturday.09:30 - 20:15 Sunday.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.


EDINBURGH International (EDI)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Passport Control and turn left. The Lounge islocated adjacent to Gate 4. 05:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 18:30 Saturday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 12 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable.

AS G N CFP zTITelephone calls are subject to payment. Flight information is availableupon request.

ENFIDHA International (NBE)PRIMECLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Landside - the entrance to the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side of the main hall next to the Check-in desks. 24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Check-in services availableinside the Lounge l Separate smoking area available.


ENTEBBE International (EBB)KARIBUNI LOUNGEAirside - the Lounge is located at the far end of the internationaldeparture lounge near to the boarding gates. Follow signs.Lounge opens 150 minutes prior to first flight departure (approx. 03:00)and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 22:30).Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N C MF zPTI0Long distance telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are allsubject to payment.


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EXETER International (EXE)FLYBE LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past SecurityControl to the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Passcardholder at the Flybe Customer Service desk located landside. TheFlybe Customer Service staff will provide a door code to enter on theLounge door keypad for access. After registration proceed airside throughSecurity and Passport Control, go straight ahead through the Food halland take the stairs up to the Lounge which is clearly sign-posted.

05:00 to last scheduled Flybe flight departure.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable.

AS G N M zT0

FARO International (FAO)FARO LOUNGEAirside - in the main departures area. Turn left after passing throughSecurity Control.

09:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free.


FÈS Saïss International (FEZ)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed through Securityto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder atthe ONDA Information desk located landside. After Security Checks andPassport Control, the Lounge is located near Gate B.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment l Separate smoking room available.


FLORENCE Amerigo Vespucci (FLR)MASACCIO LOUNGEDepartures Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.

06:00 - 19:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


FLORIANÓPOLIS Hercílio Luz Int’l (FLN)TAM VIP LOUNGELandside - next to TAM Airline’s Check-in counter.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 12 years areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.


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FORT LAUDERDALE Hollywood International (FLL)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Mid Level, next to Gate C1.

05:30 - 18:00 Tuesday & Wednesday.05:30 - 19:00 Thursday - Monday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.


FRANKFURT International (FRA)SKY-CLUB-LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - Concourse D, 3rd Floor Transit Area, opposite Gate D8.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Shower facilities are subject to payment.

FUKUOKA (FUK)KAL LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - located in front of Gate 56 on the 3rdFloor after Immigration.

08:30 - 10:30, 14:40 - 16:35 & 17:40 - 20:50 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G NFT I0Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.

FUNCHAL International (FNC)TAP PORTUGAL LOUNGEAirside - after Security Check, proceed to the 3rd Floor via the stairs orelevator, turn right and the Lounge is on the right hand side.

04:30 - 00:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


FUZHOU Changle International (FOC)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - 3rd Floor, near Gate 5.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes 30 minutes prior to the last scheduled departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable l

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only and consumption is restricted toone per adult l Separate smoking room available.



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FUZHOU Changle International (FOC)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - between Gates 10 and 11.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes 30 minutes prior to the last scheduled departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable.

ASNMT I0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

GDAÓSK Lech Walesa (GDN)EXECUTIVE LOUNGESchengen Departures Terminal. Airside - near to Gates 5-8.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.

Schengen flights only.


GENEVA Cointrin (GVA)DNATA SKYVIEW LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - after X-ray Control, turn left and take theescalator up to the Mezzanine Level. The Lounge is located straightahead on the right hand side. Follow signs ‘DNATA Skyview Lounge’.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free l Maximum of two children per family l Separate prayer room available.

AS G N MF zT0Fax facilities may be subject to payment.

HORIZON LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, take the stairs on theright hand side of the Transit Area to the Mezzanine Level where theLounge is located.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 6 years are admitted free.

AS G N MF zTI0Shower and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

SWISS BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - located on the Mezzanine Level in the TransitArea, after Passport Control (Departure Level) on the right hand side.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


GENOA Cristoforo Colombo (GOA)SALA GENOVALandside - the Lounge is located in the main departure hall, on the righthand side of the Check-in counters.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.



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GEORGE (GRJ)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs to thenext floor where the Lounge is located immediately ahead.

07:00 - 18:30 Monday - Thursday.07:00 - 20:00 Friday.08:00 - 15:00 Saturday.08:00 - 19:30 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls, fax and internet access facilities may all be subjectto payment.

OUBAAI SKY LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs to thenext floor where the Lounge is located immediately ahead.

06:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.08:00 - 15:00 Saturday.10:00 - 18:00 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate games roomavailable • Separate smoking room available.

AS G N MF zT0Fax facilities are subject to payment.

GEORGETOWN Cheddi Jagan International (GEO)RORAIMA AIRWAYS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Security and Immigration Checks in the Restricted Areaof the Airport. The Lounge is located at the start of the access rampto the Public Departure Area.

03:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.


GLASGOW International (GLA)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - after Security, pass through the Duty Free Shop and turn right,then take the stairs on the left hand side up to where the Lounge islocated. To access the Lounge via lift, turn left after the Duty Free Shop,then take the lift on right hand side up to the 2nd Floor.

05:00 - 20:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25, 31, Jan 01 & 02.

Children under 14 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable.

AS G NFP z ITelephone calls and internet access are subject to payment. Flightinformation is available upon request.


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GLASGOW International (GLA)SKYLOUNGEAirside - proceed through Passport Control, continue through to the‘World Duty Free Shop’ and follow the pathway to the lift. The Lounge islocated on the 2nd Floor of the International Pier.

05:00 - 18:00 daily (winter).05:00 - 19:30 daily (summer).Arrivals not accepted within 1 hour of closing.

Maximum 3 hour stay (prior to scheduled departure time only) l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Business Section is notavailable to Priority Pass cardholders.


GOA Dabolim (GOI)PORT LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located in the maindeparture hall next to the VIP Lounge. Passengers traveling oninternational flights can access the Lounge but will need to allowsufficient time to go through Security Checks and reach departure gate.

05:00 - 12:00 & 20:00 - 03:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


GOTHENBURG Landvetter (GOT)MENZIES AVIATION LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located in the TransitArea, next to Gate 18, behind the bar.

05:30 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:30 Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


EXPRESS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks and PassportControl, the Lounge is located on the left hand side of the maindomestic hall.

05:45 - 18:30 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Check-in services available inside the Lounge for passengers with hand luggage only.


GRAN CANARIA (LPA)SALA GALDÓSDepartures Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Level,next to the shopping center.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are admitted free.


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GRAZ (GRZ)VIP LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past SecurityControl to the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Passcardholder at the airport Information desk, located landside, near toCheck-in counter No.1. The Information desk staff will provide a doorcode to enter on the Lounge door keypad for access. After SecurityControl, turn right and follow signs to the ‘VIP Lounge’. Proceed upstairsto the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.

05:30 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

GREENSBORO Piedmont Triad Int’l (GSO)US AIRWAYS CLUBUS Airways Concourse. Airside - pass through Security. The Lounge islocated across from Gate 45.

05:00 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 18:00 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

GUAM International (GUM)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBAirside - Concourse Level, between Gates 10 and 11.

01:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.


GUANGZHOU Baiyun International (CAN)EASY-BOARDING VIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn right. TheLounge is located on Departure Level 3, East Connecting Building, nextto the Transfer Area.

06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.



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GUANGZHOU Baiyun International (CAN)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. The Lounge is located next to the Nursing room on Departure Level 3, East Connecting Building.

06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. The Lounge is located next to the Nursing room on Departure Level 3, West Connecting Building.

06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

GUATEMALA La Aurora International (GUA)LOS AÑEJOS LOUNGE International Terminal. Airside - North Wing. The Lounge is located 100meters after Security Checks and Passport Control, between Gates 6 and 7.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Dress code applicable • Children aged 2-12 years are not admitted •Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary drinks arelimited to three per person, subsequent drinks are subject to payment.

AS G N C zTI0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance.

GUAYAQUIL Jose Joaquin de Olmedo (GYE)AEROPUERTOS VIP CLUB LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration, Security Checks andDuty Free, diagonal to Gate 8.

04:00 - 02:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N C MPT I0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.

National Terminal. Airside - between the Aerogal and Icaro Lounges.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress atall times.

AS G N zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.


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Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theFlybe Ticket desk located landside to obtain a door code to enter on theLounge door keypad for access. After registration proceed airside, throughSecurity and Passport Control to the main departure area where the Loungeis located.06:30 to last scheduled Flybe flight departure. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Closed: Dec 25.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable.

AS G N M zT0

GUILIN Liangjiang International (KWL)INTERNATIONAL FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 15.

07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 9.

07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGE NO. 1Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 5.

07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGE NO. 2Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor,opposite Gate 11.

07:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


GUWAHATI Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi Int’l (GAU)PORT LOUNGELandside - after Check-in, proceed to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.



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GWANGJU International (KWJ)ASIANA LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - 2nd Departure Level. The Lounge islocated to the right of the Security Checkpoint.

06:15 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 19:00).

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.


HAIKOU Hainan Meilan International (HAK)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located next to SecurityControl.

Lounge opens 5 minutes prior to Check-in of first internationalflight departure and closes after the last scheduled internationalflight departure.

International flights only.


HAMBURG Fuhlsbüttel (HAM)AIRPORT LOUNGEAirport Plaza. Airside - behind the Security Checks, Level 3.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N M zTI0Wi-Fi access may be subject to payment.


Airside - after Passport Control, on the peer bridge near Gates 4-6.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled flight departure(approx. 05:30) and closes after the last scheduled departure (approx.00:30).Children under 3 years are admitted free • Dress code applicable •Separate smoking area available.

ASNMFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

HANNOVER (HAJ)KARL-JATHO LOUNGETerminal A. Landside - the Lounge is located at the end of Terminal Aapproximately 20 meters to the left of the Mövenpick Restaurant on theright hand side.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders can access the Lounge outside these hours byobtaining an access code for the Lounge door from the Airport ServiceCentre staff located landside, Arrivals Level, Terminal B.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.



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HARARE International (HRE)DZIMBAHWE EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control and SecurityChecks proceed to the escalators and go down to the Ground Floor.Follow signs to where the Lounge is located.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.


HARTFORD Bradley International (BDL)US AIRWAYS CLUBUS Airways Concourse. Airside - pass through Security. The Lounge islocated adjacent to Gate 30.

05:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 14:00 Saturday.06:00 - 19:00 Sunday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit • Cardholder must be 18 years ofage or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available; premiumselections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

HELSINKI Vantaa (HEL)FINNAIR LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - Non-Schengen Area, after Security Checks andPassport Control. The Lounge is located between Gates 36 and 37.

06:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Access to the Via spa is subject to payment.

GATEWAY TOWER LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - Schengen Area, pass through Security Checks andproceed towards Gate 24. Take the lift or stairs to the 1st Floor wherethe Lounge is located.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.



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HERAKLION Nikos Kazantzakis International (HER)GOLDAIR HANDLING LOUNGELandside - before Passport and Security Control. The Lounge is locatedon the 1st Floor, opposite the Extra-Schengen Passport Control Gate.

09:00 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Winter (mid Oct - early May).

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


HO CHI MINH Tan Son Nhat International (SGN)APRICOT LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after the first Security Checks on the2nd Floor take the elevator next to the Duty Free Shop down to the 1stFloor. The Lounge is located midway between the boarding gates.06:00 - 02:00 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.Maximum 3 hour stay l Two children under 12 years admitted free peradult l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.

HONG KONG SAR Chek Lap Kok Int’l (HKG)THE TRAVELERS’ LOUNGE (EAST HALL)Terminal 1. Airside - Level 6, Departures Level, near Gate 1.24 hours daily.Children 3 years and under are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MFPTI0International calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject topayment. Drinks from the ‘Wine List’ are also subject to payment.

THE TRAVELERS’ LOUNGE (WEST HALL)Terminal 1. Airside - Level 6, Departures Level, near Gate 35. Transitpassengers can access the Lounge via escalators near W1 to reach theDepartures Level.24 hours daily.Children 3 years and under are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MFPTI0International calls, fax and conference facilities are all subject topayment. Drinks from the ‘Wine List’ are also subject to payment.


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HONOLULU International (HNL)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBAirside - inside the Security Checkpoint above Gate 26 on Level 3 of the EWA Concourse. Access can be made via the elevator or stairs fromLevel 2.11:00 - 21:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.

AS G NFP zT I 0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

IASS HAWAII LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, proceed to Garden Court (Airline LoungeArea) towards Gates 14-23 of the Central Concourse. Take the elevatoror stairs to Ground Level and follow signs to the Lounge.07:30 - 13:30 daily.Complimentary soft drinks are limited to one per person, subsequentdrinks are subject to credit card payment.


UNITED RED CARPET CLUBAirside - Diamond Head Gulf Wing, above United Airlines’ Gate 10.

05:00 - 16:00 & 18:15 - 22:15 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment.

HORTA (HOR)SATA PLUS LOUNGELandside - take the stairs to the left of the Check-in counters down tothe Ground Floor. Go around the stairs and turn left. The Lounge islocated on the right hand side.

10:00 - 15:00 Friday - Monday & Wednesday (summer).06:00 - 22:00 Friday - Monday & Wednesday (winter).Closed: Tuesday & Thursday.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Access may be restricteddue to space constraints.


HOUSTON George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal A. Airside - across from Gate A9.

05:15 - 21:00 daily.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.



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HOUSTON George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUB LOUNGESTerminal B. Airside - South Mezzanine, above the Continental Expressticket counter.

05:30 - 22:15 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:45 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


Terminal C. Airside - North Concourse, towards Gate C24.

05:30 - 19:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


Terminal C. Airside - South Concourse, towards Gate C33.

05:30 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 20:45 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


Terminal E. Airside - between Gates E11 and E12.

05:30 - 23:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


HUMBERSIDE International (HUY)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - turn right immediately after Passport Control and follow signsto the Lounge which is located at the end of the corridor.

05:00 - 11:00 & 15:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable.

AS G NFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment. Flightinformation is available upon request.


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HYDERABAD Rajiv Gandhi International (HYD)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Check-in on Level F, proceedthrough Immigration and Passport Control. Pass the Duty Free Shop,turn right and take the elevator at Gate 32A down to the Loungelocated on Level E.

19:00 - 12:00 daily.

Limited to one child per adult l Children 5 years and under areadmitted free l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in on Level F, proceed throughImmigration and Passport Control and take the elevator near Gate 28down to the Lounge located on Level E.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Limited to one child per adult l Children 5 years and under areadmitted free l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

INVERNESS Dalcross (INV)SERVISAIR HIGHLAND LOUNGEAirside - after Security turn right. The Lounge is located on the righthand side of the main departure lounge.

06:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 15:30 Saturday.07:00 - 17:30 Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

IQUIQUE Diego Aracena International (IQQ)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBAirside - after Security Control, on the right hand side near Gate 2.

08:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


ISLAMABAD Benazir Bhutto International (ISB)CIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration Control and ASFSearch Area, the Lounge is located upstairs next to the stairs in themain departure lounge.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate prayer roomavailable l Separate smoking area available.



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ISLE OF MAN Ronaldsway (IOM)RENDEZVOUS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, on the left hand side before the entranceto the main departure lounge.

05:45 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:45 - 13:30 Saturday.09:00 - 20:00 Sunday.Closed: Dec 25 & Jan 01.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart dress at all times.

SGN CFPTI0Telephone calls and conference facilities are both subject to payment.

ISTANBUL Atatürk Havalimani (IST)HSBC CLUB LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Checks andPassport Control. Follow signs to the Lounge which is located upstairson the 2nd Floor, in the Food Court on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay.


PRIMECLASS CIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right. TheLounge is located at the end of the corridor, above the Food Court Area.

24 hours daily.

Children under 7 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.

AS G N CFT I0Conference facilities are subject to payment. Flight information is availableupon request.

WINGS PRIMECLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, turn left and takethe stairs to the 2nd Floor. Follow signs to the Lounge.

04:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 7 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


IZMIR Adnan Menderes (ADB)MILLENNIUM LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed to Departures Level. TheLounge is located just after Passport Control on the left hand side.

24 hours daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.



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JAKARTA Soekarno - Hatta International (CGK)BATAVIA LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2D. Airside - after Security Checks, turn righttowards Passport Control and Immigration counter. Turn left and theLounge is located approximately 50 meters to the right.

05:30 - 23:30 daily.

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.


PREMIER LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2D. Airside - after Immigration turn left, proceedthrough the Duty Free Store towards Gates D1-D7. The Lounge islocated on the left hand side.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes 30minutes after last flight departure.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 8years are admitted free.


PURA INDAH FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2D. Airside - after Immigration turn left, proceedto the far end passing through the Duty Free Store, near to theboarding gates.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limitedto two per adult l Dress code applicable l Separate smoking areaavailable.


MUTIARA LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2E. Airside - after Security Checks, turn lefttowards Passport Control and Immigration counter. Turn left again and the Lounge is located approximately 20 meters to the right.

05:30 - 23:30 daily.

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.


EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Terminal 1B. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs tothe ‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the Domestic Departure Hallon the 2nd Floor.

03:30 - 21:30 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.


JEDDAH King Abdul Aziz International (JED)FIRST CLASS LOUNGENorth Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, theLounge is located immediately after the Immigration counters on the left.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking area available.


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JEDDAH King Abdul Aziz International (JED)FURSAN GOLDEN LOUNGESSouth Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed past the Immigrationcounter and the Lounge is located on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Two children under 12 years are admitted free.


South Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Security Checks onthe left hand side.

24 hours daily.

Domestic flights only l Two children under 12 years are admitted free.


JEJU ISLAND Jeju International (CJU)ASIANA LOUNGELandside - 3rd Floor, Departure Level. The Lounge is located next to theAsiana Check-in counter.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.


KAL LOUNGELandside - the Lounge is located 50 meters from the Check-in counterson the 3rd Floor.

06:00 - 20:50 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

ASNF zTI0Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.

JERSEY (JER)BRITISH AIRWAYS TERRACE LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control proceed to the maindepartures hall. Follow signs to the Lounge located near to Gate 3.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Dress code applicable.


JOHANNESBURG O. R. Tambo International (JNB)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed towards the southend of the Duty Free Area and take the escalator up to the MezzanineLevel. The Lounge is located in the right hand corner.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking area available.


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JOHANNESBURG O. R. Tambo International (JNB)

MENZIES AVIATION SHONGOLOLO LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - after Immigration turn left and walk towards GatesA7-A18. Pass the Air France Lounge and descend on the escalators towhere the Lounge is located on the left hand side.

07:00 - 22:00 daily.

International flights only l Maximum 4 hour stay l Limited to threeguests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zT0

BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGETerminal B. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalators locatedbehind the Sweet Shop down to the next level, into the Lounge.

04:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 21:00 Saturday & Sunday.

Domestic flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking room available.


JOHOR BARU Senai International (JHB)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGEPassenger Terminal Building. Airside - after Security Screening on the1st Floor, turn right and then take the next right again. The Lounge islocated next to the Tourist Information desk.

06:30 - 22:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limitedto beer only.

AS G N MF zPTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

KAOHSIUNG International (KHH)MORE PREMIUM LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks,turn left. Follow signs for the ‘Business Center’ and Gates 7-12 to wherethe Lounge is located.

05:30 - 20:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to three guests per cardholder l

Children 2 years and under are admitted free l Lounge access use only - Business Center facilities are not included.



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KARACHI Jinnah International (KHI)CIP LOUNGEJinnah Terminal Complex. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed pastDuty Free Shop and pass the PIA Business Plus Lounge. Follow signs towhere the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children 2 years and under are admitted free l

Separate prayer room available l Separate smoking area available.

ASN C MFP zTILocal telephone calls and fax facilities only.

KATHMANDU Tribhuvan International (KTM)EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Landside - after Immigration (Passport Control)and before Security Checks. Take the stairway or escalator on the right tothe 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

International flights only l Limited to two guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi, internet access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject topayment.

KATOWICE International (KTW)EXECUTIVE LOUNGETerminal B. Airside - after Passport Control turn left. The Lounge islocated on the 1st Floor of the Domestic Departures Hall.

11:30 - 15:30 & 17:30 - 19:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are not admitted.


KENDARI Wolter Monginsidi (KDI)CIP LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left. Proceed toCheck-in counters and turn left again. Pass the Airport Tax counter andproceed through further Security Checks and X-ray Control. The Loungeis located straight ahead.

07:00 - 14:00 daily.

Domestic flights only l Separate smoking area available.


KIEV Boryspil International (KBP)BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - after Security Control, the Lounge is located on the2nd Floor, on the right hand side.

06:00 - 00:00 daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to two guests per cardholder •Children 4 years and under are admitted free.



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KIEV Boryspil International (KBP)BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGESTerminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the left hand side ofboarding gates, behind the Duty Free Shop.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to two guests per cardholder l

Children 4 years and under are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.


Terminal F. Airside - the Lounge is located on the right hand side afterSecurity Control on the 1st Floor, near Gates 7 and 8.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to two guests per cardholder l

Children 4 years and under are admitted free l Separate smoking room available.


KILIMANJARO International (JRO)TANZANITE LOUNGEAirside - proceed through the Departure Lounge, turn left and take thestairs up to where the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


KINGSTON Norman Manley International (KIN)CLUB KINGSTON

Airside - after Security Control go upstairs to the main departure lounge andproceed to the west end, passing the Food Court. Take the elevator orescalator down to the Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located. Followsigns.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times l Complimentary Spaservices available inside the Lounge.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

KOLKATA Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (CCU)CLIPPER BAR LOUNGEInternational Terminal Building. Landside - the Lounge is located on theright hand side of the Ground Floor in the main departure hall.

06:30 - 14:30 & 19:00 - 03:00 Monday & Wednesday.06:30 - 14:30 & 22:00 - 06:30 Tuesday & Thursday.06:30 - 14:30 & 19:00 - 06:30 Friday & Saturday.06:30 - 14:30 & 16:30 - 22:00 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per person.


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KOLKATA Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (CCU)PORT LOUNGEInternational Terminal Building. Landside - take the lift or stairs to the1st Floor of the main departure hall to where the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


CLIPPER BAR LOUNGEDomestic Terminal Building. Airside - before Security Checks on theGround Floor.

09:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per person.


CLUB BAR LOUNGEDomestic Terminal Building. Landside - proceed to the 1st Floor of theCheck-in Area via lift or escalators. The Lounge is situated close to Gate 3.

05:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per person.



Airside - behind the Security Checkpoint on the 1st Floor. Follow signs.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.

Dress code applicable (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).


KRAKÓW-BALICE John Paul II International (KRK)NON-SCHENGEN BUSINESS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. After Check-in andSecurity Checks on the Ground Floor before Passport Control. Accesscan be made via the Security Checkpoint on the Ground Floor only.

08:30 - 18:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls are subject to payment.


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KRAKÓW-BALICE John Paul II International (KRK)SCHENGEN BUSINESS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - Schengen Area. After Security Checksand Passport Control on the 1st Floor. The Lounge is located behind‘Coffee Minute’ near to Gate 8.

05:30 - 18:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls are subject to payment.

KUALA LUMPUR International (KUL)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGESSatellite Building. Airside - after Check-in and Immigration, take theAerotrain to the Satellite Building. Keep left and take lift ‘2’ up to theMezzanine Level. The Lounge is located on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Children 5 years and under are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only l Separate smokingroom available.


Low Cost Carrier Terminal (L.C.C.T). Landside - from the mainconcourse turn left into the International Check-in Area. The Lounge islocated on the left hand side of the International Check-in counter. Asmall holding room with limited facilities is also accessible to passengersthat have passed Security Checks to airside and is located opposite theT1 and T2 Gate, in the main International Departure Hall.

24 hours daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

KUWAIT International (KWI)KUWAIT AIRWAYS - DASMAN LOUNGEAirside - after Immigration turn right. The Lounge is located opposite Gates22 and 23.

24 hours daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 12years are admitted free l Separate smoking room available.


PEARL LOUNGEAirside - pass through Immigration Departure Point and turn left. TheLounge is located on the 2nd Floor opposite Gate 2.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.



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LAGOS Murtala Muhammed (LOS)CLUB CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed towards the E-Wing and go up thewooden spiral staircase to the Mezzanine Floor. The Lounge is located atthe top of the stairs on the left hand side.

07:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Access may be restricteddue to space constraints l Separate smoking room available.


SDS SKYE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - E-Wing, Departure Level. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control turn left and the Lounge is located at the endof the main departure lounge, after passing the arts and crafts shops.

24 hours daily.

Two children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Check-in facilities are available upon request and are subject to payment.

THE OASIS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - E-Wing, Departure Level. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control turn left and the Lounge is located at the endof the main departure lounge, after passing the British Airways Lounge.

06:30 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zT0

VIP LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, turnright into the main departure hall. Take the stairs or elevator to the 3rdFloor where the Lounge is located.

06:30 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 20:45).

Complimentary drinks and snacks are limited to two per person,subsequent consumption is subject to payment l Children under 2 yearsare admitted free l Separate prayer rooms available.

AS G N MFP zT0Telephone and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

LAHORE Allama Iqbal International (LHE)CIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - right after Immigration Control, theLounge is located upstairs on the left hand side above the ImmigrationControl counter.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate prayer room available l Separate smoking area available.



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LANZAROTE (ACE)SALA VIP GUACIMETAAirside - the Lounge is located in the Departures Hall, 2nd Floor on theleft hand side between Gates 8 and 9.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Limited to two guests per cardholder.


LARNACA International (LCA)EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Immigration, take the lift or stairs on the left hand side ofthe main departure area up to the next level (3rd Floor) where theLounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable (noshorts or vests allowed).


Telephone calls are subject to payment.

LAS VEGAS McCarran International (LAS)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - from the main terminal, take the train to theD-Gates and then the elevator up one level. Proceed past Gate D33 on the right hand side of the concourse and take the elevator up to the3rd Level where the Lounge is located.

05:30 - 00:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


LEEDS BRADFORD International (LBA)THE YORKSHIRE PREMIER LOUNGEAirside - pass through Security and take the escalator up to the1st Floor. Follow signs to the Lounge.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable l

Separate family/games room available.

AS G N C MF zTI0Fax facilities are subject to payment. Conference facilities must bereserved in advance and are also subject to payment. Tel: +448444143266 to make a booking.


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LEIPZIG Halle (LEJ)AVIATION LOUNGETerminal B. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceeddirectly to the Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder atthe AHS ticket desk staff opposite Check-in counter No.22. Thenproceed through Departures and Passport Control to the Upper Levelwhere the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 17:00 Saturday & Sunday.Hours may be subject to change on Public Holidays.

Departure (Terminal B) flights only l Children under 2 years areadmitted free.

AS G N MT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

LIMA Jorge Chavez International (LIM)SUMAQ VIP LOUNGE AND BUSINESS CENTERInternational Concourse. Airside - after Security, pass Gate 17, turnleft and walk 20 meters through the corridor to the Lounge entrancelocated on the left hand side.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Separate smoking area available.


VIP CLUB LOUNGE AND BUSINESS CENTERInternational Concourse. Airside - after Security, pass Gate 17, turnleft and walk 20 meters through the corridor to the Lounge entrance.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited totwo per adult l Separate smoking area available.


LISBON International (LIS)ABC - AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTERTerminal 1. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Controlproceed towards Check-in desks 14-36. The Lounge is located on theMezzanine Level above the Check-in desks.

08:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.

Children aged 2-12 years are not admitted l Children under 2 years areadmitted free.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Complimentary Wi-Fi and internet access is limited to 30 minutes,subsequent usage is subject to payment. Telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subject to payment. Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable upon request and are subject to payment. Conference facilitiesmust be reserved in advance and are also subject to payment. Tel: +351211503922 to make a booking.


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LISBON International (LIS)BLUE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Check Area, proceed to theInternational Area on the 5th Floor. Pass the 'Harrods Bar' and TransferCheck-in desks to where the Lounge is located on the left hand sidetowards Gates 7-13.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, telephone calls, fax and conference facilities are all subjectto payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance. Tel: +351218413963 to make a booking.

LISBON LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and before Passport Control,next to the newsagents near to Duty Free and the ‘McDonalds’ Outlet.

05:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.

BLUE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after the Security Check Area, the Lounge islocated on the 1st Floor on the right hand side of the Boarding Area.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zT0Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject topayment.

LIVERPOOL John Lennon (LPL)HALEWOOD INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Passport Control and Security Checks into themain departure area. Pass the bar and seating area then turn right andgo down the steps to where the Lounge is located.

04:30 - 20:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MP zTI0Telephone calls are subject to payment.

LIVINGSTONE International (LVI)IAPCO CLUB LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control in the DepartureHall, follow signs to the ‘IAPCO Club Lounge’.

09:00 - 18:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi, internet access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.


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LJUBLJANA (LJU)BUSINESS LOUNGEDepartures Hall. Airside - the Lounge is located at the Information desk.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are not admitted.


LOMBOK Selaparang Mataram (AMI)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in turn right andpass the second Security Checks. The Lounge is located in the righthand corner of the main departure lounge.05:00 to last scheduled departure (approx. 19:00).Children under 6 years are admitted free l Separate prayer roomavailable l Separate smoking area available.

ASNFPTILong distance telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject topayment.

SHERATON V.I.P. DEPARTURE LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - located in the main departurelounge next to the Security Checkpoint. Signboard indicates the Loungeentrance.07:00 - 20:00 daily.

AS G NPT IAll drinks are subject to payment except tea and coffee.

LONDON Gatwick (LGW)ASCOT LOUNGENorth Terminal. Airside - pass through Passport Control, turn left intothe main departure lounge, follow signs for the ‘Lounge Pavilion’. Turnright into the Lounge Pavilion and take the lift or stairs down to Level 1.The Lounge is located on the right hand side.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours may be subject to change and will vary during the winter schedules.Closed: Dec 25, 26 & Jan 01.Children under 12 years are not admitted until after 13:30 daily l Accessmay be restricted due to space constraints l Access is permitted 3 hoursprior to scheduled flight departure l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G NFP zTIInternet access is subject to payment.

SOFITEL LONDON GATWICKNorth Terminal. Landside - from the ‘Avenue’ Floor (Level 1) followsignage for the Sofitel London Gatwick Hotel. A 150 meter walkwayconnects the Hotel to the airport terminal. Once in the Hotel lobby,proceed straight ahead to the opposite end and take the clearlysignposted lift to the Lounge which is located on the Ground Floor of the Hotel.05:00 - 13:00 daily.Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at alltimes.

ASNFP zTIFax facilities are subject to payment.


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LONDON Gatwick (LGW)WENTWORTH LOUNGENorth Terminal. Airside - after Security, turn left into the main departurelounge and follow the signs for the ‘Lounge Pavilion’. Turn right into theLounge Pavilion and take the lift or stairs down to Level 1. The Loungeis located on the left hand side.

05:00 - 13:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 12 years will be restricted to use the family areas andmust be supervised by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times (noshorts allowed).

AS G N MF zTIInternet access is subject to payment. Fax facilities are available uponrequest.

N0.1 GATWICKSouth Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is locatednext to ‘Frankie & Benny’s’ Restaurant on the Mezzanine Level.

04:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Champagne and cocktails are subject to payment. Telephone callsoutside the UK are also subject to payment.

SERVISAIR ASHDOWN LOUNGE South Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Search Area to theDeparture Area and follow signs to ‘Airline Lounges’. The Lounge islocated on the left hand side before the ‘World Duty Free Shop’,Lower Level.

06:00 - 14:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

SERVISAIR LINGFIELD LOUNGE South Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Search Area to theDeparture Area. Then take the lift or stairs up to the next floor (Level 4)where the Lounge is located. Follow signs 'Airline Lounge'.

05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 12 years will be restricted to use the family areas andmust be supervised by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times (noshorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.


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LONDON Heathrow (LHR)SERVISAIR LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, turn right at ‘World ofWhiskies’ and take the lift or stairs to the 2nd Floor. Follow signs alongthe balcony to the Lounge.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls are subject to payment.

AIR CANADA ARRIVALS LOUNGETerminal 3. Landside - Arrivals Level, adjacent to the shuttle bus pick-uppoint at the terminal’s curb side. The Lounge is only accessible topassengers arriving into Terminal 3 on an international flight.06:30 - 13:30 daily.Valet Service for clothes pressing and shoe shine available l Privatebathrooms with shower facility available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject topayment.

SERVISAIR LOUNGETerminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge go through the doorstowards Gates 2-55 and follow signs to ‘Airline Lounge F’. Take the lift orstairs to the 2nd Floor, go through the double doors, turn right andfollow the corridor round.06:30 - 22:30 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).


4DECK LOUNGETerminal 4. Airside - the Lounge is located at Gate 17.05:30 - 22:00 daily.Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult l Smartcasual dress at all times (no shorts or vests allowed).


LONDON Luton (LTN)SOMERIES LOUNGEAirside - proceed to the ‘Departure Area Shopping Mall’ on the 2ndFloor. The Lounge is located next to the ‘Monsoon’ Store on the lefthand side.05:15 - 21:30 daily (22:30 summer).Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.Children under 12 years are not admitted l Access is permitted 3 hoursprior to scheduled flight departure l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MF zTI0Internet access is subject to payment.


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LONDON Stansted (STN)NO.1 STANSTED AT GATE 16Airside - after Security take the transit system and alight at the first stop(Gates 1-19). The Lounge is located airside next to Gate 16. Passengersflying with Ryanair should use the Lounge near Gate 49.

04:00 - 21:00 Monday - Saturday.07:00 - 20:00 Sunday.

Lounge is only accessible to international flights departing from Gates 1-39 l Smart casual dress at all times l Children under 2 yearsare admitted free l Children under 12 years may be restricted to usethe family areas and must be supervised by an adult .


Champagne and cocktails are subject to payment. Telephone callsoutside the UK are also subject to payment.

NO.1 STANSTED AT GATE 49Airside - next to Gate 49. The Lounge is accessible to passengersdeparting from Gates 49-50.

04:00 - 21:00 daily.

Smart casual dress at all times l Children under 2 years are admittedfree l Children under 12 years may be restricted to use the familyareas and must be supervised by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTI0Champagne and cocktails are subject to payment. Telephone callsoutside the UK are also subject to payment.

SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, take the transit system and alight at thefirst stop (Gates 1-19). The Lounge is located upstairs on the DepartureLevel.

05:15 - 21:00 daily. Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25 & 26.Lounge is only accessible to international flights departing from Gates 1-39 l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

LOS ANGELES International (LAX)US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - adjacent to Gate 2.

05:30 - 23:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and long distance telephone calls are both subject topayment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are alsosubject to payment.


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LOS ANGELES International (LAX)AIR CANADA MAPLE LEAF LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, take the elevator or stairs tothe Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located across the hall.

05:00 - 01:15 daily.


AIR FRANCE BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, take the elevator to theMezzanine Level where the Lounge is located on the right hand side.

12:30 - 19:00 Monday & Wednesday.12:30 - 16:00 Tuesday.12:30 - 22:00 Thursday - Sunday.

AS G N MFP zTI0Long distance telephone calls are subject to payment.

ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMTerminal 3. Airside - the Lounge is located above Gates 31 and 33.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Alcoholic drinks are limited to threeper adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities are subject to payment.

CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal 6. Airside - across from Gate 62. Passengers departing fromTerminal 5 can also access the Lounge via the tunnel that connects thetwo terminals.

05:00 - 01:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


RELAX LOUNGETom Bradley International Terminal. Landside - Mezzanine Level. TheLounge is located in the middle of the Food Court next to the ‘DailyGrill’.

08:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children aged 2-12 years are not admitted l Children under 2 yearsare admitted free l Dress code applicable l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one glass of wine or beer per adult.



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LOS ANGELES International (LAX)SKYTEAM KAL BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETom Bradley International Terminal. Airside - proceed through SecurityControl on the south side and take the lift to the 4th Floor where theLounge is located.

07:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 23:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. 07:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 15:30, 19:00 - 23:30 Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday.Hours vary according to KAL international flight schedules.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

LÜBECK (LBC)AIRPORT LOUNGELandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated directly behind the entrance to the main departure area on theright hand side.

07:00 - 18:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and are subject toseasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Check-in services available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.

LUGANO Agno (LUG)E-AVIATION VIP LOUNGEVIP Aviation Terminal. Landside - on the left hand side, 30 metersbefore entering the main terminal.

07:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


LUSAKA International (LUN)IAPCO CLUB LOUNGEAirside - proceed into the main departure hall where the Lounge islocated on the immediate left hand side.

Open daily - hours vary according to international flight schedules.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l All children must beaccompanied by an adult.


LUXEMBOURG Findel International (LUX)THE LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - behind the Security Screening Point.

04:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 20:30).

AS G N MFP zT084

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LYON Saint Exupéry (LYS)SALON MONT-BLANCTerminal 1. Landside - Bloc 2, near to the Security and ImmigrationCheckpoint.06:00 - 20:30 daily.Closed: Dec 25 & Jan 01.Ticketed passengers only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


MACAU SAR International (MFM)AIRPORT LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks,proceed to the Mezzanine Level of the main departure hall where theLounge is located.07:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


MADRID Barajas (MAD)SALA VIP CIBELESTerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed to the 2nd Floor.The Lounge is located between Gates B26 and B29 on the right handside. Follow signs to ‘Sala VIP’.24 hours daily.

AS G NFPTFlight departures are announced.

SALA VIP TAUROMAQUIATerminal 2. Airside - after Security Control, proceed to Zone C/D.The Lounge is located opposite Gate C44.06:00 - 22:30 daily.

AS G NFPTIFlight departures are announced.

SALA VIP PUERTA DEL SOLTerminal 3. Airside - after Security Control, proceed to the BoardingArea and take the stairs next to Gate E69 up to the 1st Floor where theLounge is located.04:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zT0Wi-Fi access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.

BUSINESS CENTRETerminal 4. Landside - the Lounge is located next to the Check-incounters (near the Puente Aéreo). 08:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.Lounge access only l Children under 12 years are admitted free lAlcoholic drinks are limited to beer and wine only.

AS G N C MF zTIShower, business and conference facilities are all subject to payment.


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MADRID Barajas (MAD)LA REVOLTOSATerminal 4. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, adjacent tothe AENA Exhibition Room. 05:30 - 22:30 daily Schengen flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer and wine only.


AMNIOS LOUNGESatellite Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor(yellow sector). The glass door indicates the entrance to the Lounge.06:00 - 00:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Sunday.04:00 - 00:00 Tuesday & Thursday.Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 12 years are admittedfree l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer and wine only l Separategames room available l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N C MF zTIShower facilities are subject to payment.

MALAGA (AGP)SALA VIP T3Terminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs or lift behind‘Aldeasa’ and near to Gate D on the right hand side up to the Top Floorwhere the Lounge is located. Passengers departing from Terminal 2 canalso access the Lounge since the two terminals are connected withoutrestrictions. 06:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).

AS G N CM zTIConference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subjectto payment.

MALE International (MLE)

FINIFENMAA LOUNGEInternational Departure Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control,proceed straight ahead past the Duty Free Shops to where the Loungeis located.06:00 - 03:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 3 years are admitted free.

ASNMFPTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

SAIMAA LOUNGEInternational Departure Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control, onthe bridge near Gates 4-6.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled flight departure (approx.06:15) and closes after the last scheduled departure (approx. 03:00).

Children under 3 years are admitted free.

ASNMFPTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.


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MALE International (MLE)MOONIMAA LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located outsideand to the right of the main entrance to the terminal building, beforeCheck-in and Security Control.Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled flight departure(approx. 05:30) and closes after the last scheduled departure (approx.00:30).Children under 3 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable l

Separate smoking area available.

ASNMFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

MALMÖ (MMX)EXPRESS LOUNGELandside - after Baggage Check but before Security Checks, the Loungeis located on the left hand side.

06:00 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.


MALTA International (MLA)LA VALETTE CLUBAirside - after Security Checks take the escalators up towards the maindeparture hall. At the top of the escalators turn right and follow signs.The Lounge is located at the end of the corridor.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted freewhen accompanied by an adult l Separate smoking room available.


VIP LOUNGE (ARRIVALS)Airside - Arrivals, near to the Baggage Reclaim Hall.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted freewhen accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beeronly l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N MFP z 0

MANADO Sam Ratulangi (MDC)BUNAKEN LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Check-in, take the escalator to the 2ndFloor. The Lounge is located approximately 30 meters straight ahead.

06:00 - 16:30 daily.

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only l Separate smoking area available.



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MANCHESTER International (MAN)THE BOLLIN LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left andtake the stairs to the floor above. Turn right, follow signs and proceeddown the corridor. Turn right again for the entrance to the Lounge.

04:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 25.

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

THE ESCAPE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and the Duty FreeArea. Follow signs ‘Executive Lounges’ along the walkway past ‘Dixons’and take the stairs or elevator to the Executive Lounge Level where theLounge is located.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress atall times (no shorts, vests, baseball caps or football shirts allowed).

AS G N C MFP zTI0Telephone calls are subject to payment. Conference facilities must bereserved in advance and are also subject to payment. Tel: +441614892359 to make a booking.

THE WILMSLOW LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left andtake the stairs to the floor above. Turn right, follow signs and proceeddown the corridor to where the Lounge is located.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

THE ESCAPE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and the Duty FreeArea. Turn left and pass ‘The Real Food Company’ to the stairs locatedopposite Gate 208. Take the stairs up to where the Lounge is located.Lift access is also available opposite Gate 209.

06:00 - 20:00 daily (Nov - Mar). 06:00 - 21:00 daily (Apr - Oct).

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 6 years are not admitted l

Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult l Smartcasual dress at all times (no shorts, vests, baseball caps or footballshirts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.


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MANCHESTER International (MAN)THE STYAL LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - proceed through Passport Control, turn left andtake the stairs (near ‘Café Europa’) to the floor above. Go through thedouble doors and the Lounge is located immediately on the right.

04:00 - 15:00 Monday.04:00 - 15:30 Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - Sunday.04:00 - 20:00 Wednesday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

MANILA Ninoy Aquino International (MNL)PAGSTOP LOUNGEInternational Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Duty Freeshops, in the Transit Area on the 4th Floor at the junction of bothdeparture concourses (before final Security Checks).

08:00 - 22:00 daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to two guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MP zTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

MANIZALES La Nubia (MZL)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - next to the ‘AVIANCA’ ticket counter.

06:00 - 17:30 Monday - Saturday.08:30 - 17:30 Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


MAPUTO International (MPM)CIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl, turn left onto the first corridor and then left again to the end.Follow signs.

05:30 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 23:00).

Children under 10 years are admitted free.

AS G NP zT0Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.Long distance telephone calls are also subject to payment.


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MARACAIBO La Chinita International (MAR)PREMIER CLUBNational Terminal. Landside - proceed past the ticket counters andthrough the corridor located at the rear end of the ticket counter lobby.At the end of the corridor, turn left into the Boarding Gate ‘Finger’.The Lounge is located on the left just before the Security Checkpoint.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.


MARRAKECH Mènara International (RAK)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control on the 1stFloor. Follow signs to where the Lounge is located next to Gates 1 and 2.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.

AS G N M zT0

CONVIVES DE MARQUE ARRIVALS LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - 1st Floor, Arrivals Area. Follow signs to where theLounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


MATURÍN Gral. José Tadeo Monagas (MUN)PREMIER CLUBDomestic Terminal. Airside - proceed past the Security Checkpoint.The Lounge is located on the right at the end of the Boarding Area.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable(no shorts allowed).

AS G NFP zTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

MAURITIUS S.S.R. International (MRU)AMÉDÉE MAINGARD LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Passport Control. The Lounge is located on theleft hand side.

04:00 - 00:00 Monday.05:00 - 00:00 Tuesday.04:30 - 00:00 Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.24 hours Thursday & Sunday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Limited to two children per cardholder l Children under 12 years areadmitted free.



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MEDAN Polania (MES)TOBA LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl proceed to the 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located on the righthand side.

08:00 - 15:00 Monday, Tuesday & Saturday.08:00 - 20:00 Wednesday - Friday & Sunday.

Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.

A S G N P �

MEDELLIN (Rionegro) Jose Maria Cordova (MDE)AVIANCA SALA VIPNational Terminal. Landside - next to the Aerocivil ticket counter on theright hand side.05:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


MELBOURNE International (MEL)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal 2 International. Airside - Level 1, Satellite Area. The Lounge isonly available to passengers with a valid boarding card for a flightdeparting from the same terminal.08:00 - 11:00 daily. Hours vary according to United Airlines scheduled flight departures.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


THE LOUNGETerminal 3 Domestic. Landside - proceed down escalators then turn leftbefore Security. The Lounge is only available to passengers with a validboarding card for a flight departing from the same terminal.Lounge opens 45 minutes prior to first Virgin Blue flight departure andcloses after last Virgin Blue departure.Limited to one guest per cardholder l Complimentary alcoholic drinksare limited to beer, wine and champagne l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.

MEXICO CITY Benito Juarez International (MEX)AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIER CIUDAD DE MEXICOInternational Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse F, Gate 21, next to theDuty Free Area.06:00 - 22:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by anadult.



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MEXICO CITY Benito Juarez International (MEX)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 2ndFloor at Concourse H, near Gate 21.05:15 - 21:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter an American AirlinesAdmirals Club with the cardholder, but the number of persons whoare not immediate family will be limited to two at any one visit l

Separate smoking area available.

AS G N CFP zTI0Flight information is available upon request. Local fax facilities only.

UNITED RED CARPET CLUB International Terminal 1. Airside - Mezzanine Level, 3rd Floor.

05:15 - 22:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIER CIUDAD DE MEXICOInternational Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Check, on the left handside, proceed to the 3rd Floor via escalators or lift.

05:30 - 22:30 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by anadult l Separate games room available.

SGN MFP zTI0Separate Wine Room and Spa Room are both subject to payment.

National Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Check, on the right handside, proceed to the 3rd Floor via escalators or lift.

05:30 - 22:30 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult l Separate games room available.

A G N MFP zTI0Separate Wine Room and Spa Room are both subject to payment.

MIAMI International (MIA)CLUB AMERICAConcourse F. Airside - after Security Checkpoint, follow signs to theLounge which is located on the 3rd Floor.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable l

Alcoholic drinks are only available to passengers 21 years of age or older.



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MIAMI International (MIA)CLUB AMERICAConcourse J South. Airside - near Gate J5, in the main departure lounge.

06:30 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable to passengers 21 years of age or older l Dress codeapplicable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Shower and fax facilities are subject to payment.

MILAN Bergamo Orio al Serio (BGY)GATE VIP LOUNGE SACBOAirside - 1st Floor, in the main shopping area. The Lounge is locatedclose to the smoking terrace. Follow signs.

06:00 - 11:00 & 17:00 - 22:00 daily.

ASN C MP zT0Check-in services available inside the Lounge for passengers with hand luggage only. Telephone calls and Wi-Fi access are both subject to payment (cards must be purchased before entering the Lounge).

VIP LOUNGE SACBOLandside - in the Departures Area. The Lounge is located close toSecurity Control, facing the ticket desks.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge.

ASNM zT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment (cards must be purchased beforeentering the Lounge).

MILAN Linate International (LIN)CLUB S.E.A. - SALA LEONARDOAirside - after Customs in front of Duty Free Shop.

05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


CLUB S.E.A - SALA PIRANESILandside - the Lounge is located in Departure Area AB (Alitalia Check-inArea), through the first entrance on the right hand side.

06:00 - 21:30 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 21:00 Saturday & Sunday. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Check-in facilities availableinside the Lounge.



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MILAN Malpensa (MXP)CLUB S.E.A. - SALA MONTEVERDIMalpensa West, Terminal 1. Airside - South Satellite, Departure Lounge(Schengen Area), close to Boarding Gates A.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Shower facilities are subject to payment.

CLUB S.E.A. - SALA PERGOLESIMalpensa West, Terminal 1. Airside - Central Satellite, DepartureLounge (Non-Schengen Area), close to Boarding Gates B.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI0Shower facilities are subject to payment.

CLUB S.E.A. - SALA RESPIGHIMalpensa West, Terminal 1. Landside - proceed to the 2nd Floor.The Lounge is located in the main departures area on the right handside, close to Check-in.

06:30 - 21:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Check-in facilities availableinside the Lounge.


CLUB S.E.A. - CLUB[2] LOUNGEMalpensa West, Terminal 2. Airside - after Security in front of GateD10, near to the ‘My Chef’ Restaurant.

07:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable.

AS G N M zT0

MILWAUKEE General Mitchell Field (MKE)MIDWEST AIRLINES - BEST CARE CLUBConcourse D. Airside - near Gate 38.

05:30 - 22:00 Monday - Friday.06:30 - 16:00 Saturday.06:30 - 22:00 Sunday.

Check-in services available inside the Lounge.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Long distance telephone calls, alcoholic drinks and conference facilitiesare all subject to payment.


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MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL International (MSP)UNITED RED CARPET CLUB Terminal 1 Lindbergh. Airside - Concourse E, between Gates E6 andE8.

05:15 - 19:15 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with acardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


MOMBASA Moi International (MBA)SAFARI COMFORT LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - pass the Check-in counter and take the lift orescalator to the 1st Floor. Proceed through the Security Checks andPassport Control then turn left and follow signs to the Lounge.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first domestic flight departure (approx.06:00) and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 15:00).

Domestic flights only l Limited to four guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N M zTIAlcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

SAFARI VIP LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - go past the Check-in counter and take the lift orescalator to the 1st Floor. Proceed through the Security Checks andPassport Control, then turn right and follow signs. Take the stairs next tothe café up to where the Lounge is located.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first international flight departure (approx.06:00) and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 21:00).

International flights only l Limited to four guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


MONTEGO BAY Sangster International (MBJ)CLUB MOBAYAirside - after Security Control in the main departure lounge, go up to theMezzanine Level and take the elevator between Gates 9 and 13 up to theLounge. Follow signs.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free • Smart casual dress at all times l Complimentary Spaservices available inside the Lounge l Separate children’s play areaavailable.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.


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MONTERREY Mariano Escobedo Int’l (MTY)AEROMEXICO - SALON PREMIER Terminal B. Airside - 2nd Floor, in front of Gate B10.

05:30 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


MONTREAL Pierre Elliott Trudeau Int’l (YUL)TD FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Departures. Airside - after Security Checks (Entrance B)the Lounge is located between Gates 52 and 53, next to the Duty FreeAirport Shop.

05:00 - 22:30 daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


MOSCOW Sheremetyevo (SVO)GALAXY LOUNGETerminal 2E. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks, theLounge is located near Gate 37 on the 2nd Floor. Access via lift or stairs.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Separate games room and baby care room available l Separate smokingroom available.

AS G N C MFP zTI 0Local telephone calls only. Conference facilities are subject to payment.

AMBER LOUNGETerminal 2F. Airside - proceed past Customs and Passport Control in theTransit Zone. The Lounge is located near to the Irish Bar, opposite Gate 11.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 2.5 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking room available.

AS G N C MFPTI0Local telephone calls and fax facilities only.

CLASSIC LOUNGETerminal 2F. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks, theLounge is located near Gate 42 on the 2nd Floor. Access via lift or stairs.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Separate games room and baby care room available l Separate smokingroom available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls only.


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MOSCOW Vnukovo International (VKO)FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal B. Airside - after Passport Control in theDepartures Area, 3rd Floor. The Lounge is located on the right hand sidenext to the Duty Free Shop.24 hours daily.Children under 5 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.


MUMBAI Chattrapathi Shivaji Int’l (BOM)CLIPPER LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2B. Airside - Mezzanine Level, directly oppositeGate 14.02:00 - 21:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outsidethese hours.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes.

AS G NPT I0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.

CELEBRATIONS LOUNGEInternational Terminal 2C. Airside - Mezzanine Level, after Immigrationand Customs.24 hours daily.Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to one per adult, subsequentdrinks are subject to payment.


CLIPPER BAR LOUNGESDomestic Terminal 1A. Landside - before Security take the stairs on the1st Floor to the Mezzanine Level where the Lounge is located.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per person l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G NT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal 1B. Landside - before Security Checks. Take thestairs or lift to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.02:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary drinks arelimited to one per person.


MUNICH Franz-Josef Strauss (MUC)ATLANTIC LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - Module C, Level 5 (Non-Schengen Area). There isdirect elevator access to the Lounge behind Passport and Security Control.06:00 - 23:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zTI097

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MUNICH Franz-Josef Strauss (MUC)EUROPA LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - Module D, Level 5 (Schengen Area). Take the stairs or elevator to the transfer corridor and follow signs to where the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


MÜNSTER-OSNABRÜCK International (FMO)RELAX LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, approximately 20 meters on the lefthand side.

05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday & Sunday.05:30 - 18:30 Saturday.Closed: Christmas & Easter Holidays.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 12 years are notadmitted.


MUSCAT International (MCT)OMAN AIR LOUNGEAirside - the Lounge is located on the Ground Floor after Immigrationand Security.

24 hours daily.

Two children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied byan adult.


PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGEAirside - after Immigration and Passport Control the Lounge is locatednear Gate 6.

24 hours daily.

Children under 3 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times l

Separate smoking room available.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are subject to payment. Localtelephone calls only.

MWANZA (MWZ)AURIC AIR SERVICES DEPARTURE LOUNGELandside - the Lounge is located outside the Arrivals Hall, on theright hand side opposite the Coastal Travel office. Follow signs to‘Auric Air Services’.

08:30 - 18:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.



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NADI International (NAN)ROSIE HOLIDAYS VIP LOUNGEDeparture Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks on the GroundFloor, proceed past ‘Prouds’ Duty Free Shop and take the first left afterpassing the escalators. The Lounge is located on the left hand side.

Lounge opens 2 hour prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.

International flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N z I0Alcoholic drinks are available upon request and are subject to payment.Complimentary Spa services available inside the Lounge must be reservedat least 24 hours in advance. Tel: +6796722935 to make a booking.

NAGOYA Central Japan International (NGO)KAL LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration on the 3rd Floor, takethe escalators on the left hand side down to the 2nd Floor and followsigns to the Lounge.

07:30 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 15:30 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints • Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFT I0Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.

STAR ALLIANCE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration on the 3rd Floor turnright and take the lift on the left hand side down to the 2nd Floor.Follow signs to the Lounge.

07:00 - 17:30 Monday, Thursday & Saturday.07:00 - 13:00 & 15:00 - 17:30 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.

The First Class section is not available to Priority Pass cardholders l

Separate smoking room available.


NAIROBI Jomo Kenyatta International (NBO)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESUnit One. Airside - in front of Gate 11.

24 hours daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder.


Unit Two. Airside - in front of Gate 5.

24 hours daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder.



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NASSAU Lynden Pindling International (NAS)GRAYCLIFF DIVANSUS Departures Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control and SecurityChecks, the Lounge is located at the rear of the terminal, 10 metersfrom the restrooms.

06:00 - 19:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25.

US flight departures only l Children under 12 years are admitted freewhen accompanied by an adult (to non-smoking area only) l

Complimentary drinks are limited to one per adult l Lounge food &beverage voucher to the value of US$20 provided per adult, subsequentconsumption is subject to payment l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N zT0

NEWCASTLE International (NCL)CHEVIOT LOUNGEAirside - proceed through the Security Point at Level 2 and turn right.The Lounge is located next to the ‘Dixons’ store on the right hand side.

05:15 - 19:30 Monday - Friday.05:15 - 19:00 Saturday.05:15 - 20:00 Sunday.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on last daily scheduleddeparture. The Lounge doors close half an hour before lounge closes.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Dress code applicable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.

NEW DELHI Indira Gandhi International (DEL)ITC - WELCOM GROUP GREEN LOUNGEInternational Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge onLevel 3. Follow signs 'Lounges A' and take the escalators up to wherethe Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free • Complimentary soft drinksare limited to two per person, subsequent consumption is subject topayment • All children must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Local telephone calls and faxfacilities only.

PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGEInternational Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge followsigns 'Lounges B'. Turn right after 'Guardian' Pharmacy and take the liftto Level 4 where the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 3 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subject to payment. Tel: +85239601300 to make a booking.


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NEW DELHI Indira Gandhi International (DEL)PREMIUM LOUNGEInternational Terminal 3. Airside - in the main departure lounge on Level 3. Follow signs ‘Lounges A’ and take the escalators up to where the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 3 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGESDomestic Terminal 1D. Airside - proceed through the SecurityCheckpoint and the Lounge is located on the left hand side of theMezzanine Level.

24 hours daily.

Children under 3 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes.

AS G N MF zTI 0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment. Complimentary Wi-Fi access islimited to 45 minutes and subsequent usage is subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal 3. Airside - follow signs ‘Lounges A’ from the F/GGates and take the escalator on your right hand side down to where theLounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Children under 3 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

NEWQUAY Cornwall (NQY)EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past SecurityControl to the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Passcardholder at the Airport Information desk, located landside, near toCheck-in counter No.1. The Information desk staff will provide a doorcode to enter on the Lounge door keypad for access. After SecurityChecks and Passport Control the Lounge is located in the east wing ofthe main departure lounge. Follow signs.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 12 years are notadmitted.

AS G N M zTI 0


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NEW YORK J.F. Kennedy International (JFK)KAL BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - proceed through X-ray Control situated to the rightof the Check-in counters on the 2nd Floor. Then take the elevator to the3rd Floor where the Lounge is located. The Lounge is only accessibleboth via Check-in counters and Gate Area 3 for passengers holding avalid boarding pass from an airline operating at Terminal 1.

10:10 - 00:50 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.09:00 - 00:50 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Ticketed (Checked-in)passengers only l Access may be restricted due to space constraints l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

THE LOUNGETerminal 4. Landside - Departure Level, opposite Check-in Row 1A. TheLounge is accessible to passengers on all flights.

04:00 - 01:00 daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l All immediate family members can enter theLounge with the cardholder, and the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit l Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.


THE OASISTerminal 4. Landside - the Lounge is located before Security in the eastwing of the terminal (4E), on the 4th Floor.

04:00 - 23:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter the Lounge with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit.


UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal 7. Airside - the Lounge is located above Gates 7 and 8.

05:00 - 21:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirirtsavailable; premium selections are subject to payment.



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NEW YORK La Guardia International (LGA)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBCentral Terminal. Landside - Concourse A, take the elevator to the 3rdFloor and turn left.

05:15 - 19:45 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 16:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


UNITED RED CARPET CLUBUnited Terminal. Landside - entry is via the outside corridor behind theticket counter. Take the escalator to the 3rd Floor.

05:00 - 20:30 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 18:00 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


US AIRWAYS CLUBUS Airways Terminal. Airside - directly opposite the Food Court.

05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:30 Saturday.06:00 - 21:00 Sunday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and long distance telephone calls are both subject topayment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are alsosubject to payment.

NEW YORK Newark Liberty Int’l (EWR)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal A. Airside - near Continental Gates.

05:00 - 20:45 daily.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.



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NEW YORK Newark Liberty Int’l (EWR)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal A. Airside - Gate Level, beyond Security.05:00 - 20:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate family willbe limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUB LOUNGESTerminal C. Airside - across from Gate 74.05:00 - 21:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years ofage or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


Terminal C. Airside - between Concourse C2 and C3, near Gates 102and 120.05:15 - 23:15 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


NICE Côte d’Azur (NCE)SALON RIVIERATerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control, take the stairs or lift to the1st Floor where the Lounge is located on the right hand side of the maindeparture lounge.06:00 - 21:00 daily.Non-Schengen (T1) flights only l Children under 3 years are admitted free.


SALON SCHENGENTerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, take the stairs to the 1stFloor where the Lounge is located on the left hand side of the maindeparture lounge.06:00 - 21:30 daily.Schengen (T1) flights only l Children under 3 years are admitted free.


SALON DU CAP D'ANTIBESTerminal 2. Airside - after Passport Control, proceed to the 1st Floor ofthe International Area. The Lounge is located on the right hand sideafter ‘Bar du Monde’.08:00 - 21:30 daily.Non-Schengen (T2) flights only l Children under 3 years are admitted free.

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NICE Côte d’Azur (NCE)SALON DU CAP FERRATTerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks, located on the left hand sidenear the ‘Saveurs de Provence’ Shop.

05:50 - 21:30 daily.

Schengen (T2) flights only l Children under 3 years are admitted free.


NINGBO Lishe International (NGB)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control.In the main departure hall proceed towards the west end of the building.The Lounge is located near to Gate 1.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled departure.

International flights only l Limited to two guests per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MP zTI0Wi-Fi access and telephone calls are both subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Immigration and Security Checks theLounge is located next to Gate 7.

06:30 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 22:00).

Domestic flights only • Limited to two guests per cardholder • Childrenunder 2 years are admitted free.


NORWICH International (NWI)MULTIYORK EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Security, turn left into the main departure lounge. TheLounge is located on the right hand side next to the windows overlooking the departure apron.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 12 years are not admitted l

Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Flight departures are announced.

NOTTINGHAM East Midlands (EMA)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - proceed through Security Checks and take the stairs to theUpper Level. Follow signs to the ‘Executive Lounge’.

04:00 - 11:00 & 14:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.04:00 - 15:00 Saturday.03:00 - 10:00 & 12:00 - 18:00 Sunday.Hours may be subject to seasonal changes.Closed: Dec 24 & Jan 01.

Dress code applicable.

AS G N MFP zTI0Telephone calls and internet access are both subject to payment.


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NUREMBERG (NUE)NORIS SKY LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located on the Ground Floor near toGates A01-07. It is essential that cardholders do not proceed directly tothe Lounge but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theInformation desk in Departure Hall 2 (near the escalator). After SecurityChecks in Departure Hall 2, 1st Floor, follow signs to the Lounge.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 12 years areadmitted free.


OHRID St. Paul the Apostle (OHD)PRIMECLASS CIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Check-in proceed through Gates 1and 2 to Customs and Passport Control. After Security Checks theLounge is located on the right hand side.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first scheduled international flightdeparture and closes after the last scheduled international departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N C zT0

ORANGE COUNTY John Wayne (SNA)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBAirside - take the elevator across from Gate 7.05:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 12:30 Saturday.06:30 - 19:00 Sunday. All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


ORANJESTAD Reina Beatrix International (AUA)INTERNATIONAL VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Gate 2. Proceed pastImmigration and turn right. Turn left at the next corner and follow signsfor the international departure gates. After the Security Checks take theescalator or elevator to the 1st Floor, then turn left and proceed to Gate 2. The signboard on the left indicates the entrance to the Lounge.07:00 - 19:00 daily.On Saturdays, the Lounge is only accessible for passengers traveling tothe USA.Children under 12 years are not admitted.

AS G N M zT0


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ORANJESTAD Reina Beatrix International (AUA)INTERNATIONAL VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, proceed through Immigration and followsigns to Gate 8. Follow signs. The Lounge is only accessible forpassengers traveling to the USA.06:30 - 08:00 & 11:00 - 17:00 daily.Children under 12 years are not admitted.

AS G N M zT0

ORLANDO International (MCO)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal B. Airside - near Gate 43.05:45 - 19:15 daily.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


ORLANDO Sanford International (SFB)THE ROYAL PALM LOUNGETerminal A. Airside - the Lounge is located in the international departurelounge, adjacent to ‘Chadwicks Pub’.Lounge opens 4 hours prior to the first international flight departure (or10:00 at the latest) and closes after the last scheduled flight departure(or 23:00 at the latest). The Lounge is only open on days wheninternational flights are departing.


OSAKA Kansai International (KIX)KAL BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGENorth Terminal. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 3rd Floor of thepassenger terminal building (below KAL Check-in counters on the 4th Floor).

07:30 - 18:30 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G NFPTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

PALANGKA RAYA Tjilik Riwut (PKY)ISEN MULANG LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks andPassport Control in the VIP Pemda Building.

08:00 to last scheduled departure (approx. 16:00).

Domestic flights only l Children under 6 years are admitted free l

Check-in services available inside the Lounge l Separate prayer roomavailable l Separate smoking area available.

ASNFTIFax facilities are subject to payment.PALEMBANG


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PALEMBANG Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (PLM)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Control, follow signs to the‘Executive Lounge’ which is located in the domestic departure hall.07:00 - 18:15 daily.Domestic flights only l Children under 5 years are admitted free.


PALERMO Falcone Borsellino (PMO)GESAP VIP LOUNGELandside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor next to the Check-indesks in Departure Area A.05:30 - 21:00 daily.


PALMA DE MALLORCA (PMI)SALA VIP FORMENTORAirside - after Check-in, proceed to the Departure Level on the 4th Floor.The Lounge is located after Security Checks, on the right (Module D).06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.


SALA VIP MIRÓAirside - pass through Security Control and take the escalators to the floorbelow. The Lounge is located in the Boarding Area, in front of Terminal B.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free.


PANAMA Tocumen International (PTY)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBAirside - Satellite B. After Security Checks and Passport Control, nearGate 32.05:00 - 22:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.05:00 - 18:00 Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.


CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBAirside - 2nd Floor, above Gates 21 and 21A.07:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to theLounge.



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PANAMA Tocumen International (PTY)TOCUMEN ROYAL SALOONLandside - take the escalators to the 3rd Level. The Lounge is locatedon the right hand side, next to ‘Irene’s Boutique’.

06:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to three per adult.


PAPHOS International (PFO)PREMIUM LOUNGEAirside - the Lounge is located across from Gate 7.

Lounge opens 3 hours prior to first flight departure (approx. 06:00) andcloses after last scheduled departure (approx. 00:00).

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


PARIS Charles de Gaulle (CDG)ICARE LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - International Area, after Immigration (passengerstraveling within Schengen countries must obtain an ‘Icare Lounge InvitationCard’ from Aeroports de Paris Information desk in Terminal 1, DepartureLevel, Desk 34 before proceeding through Immigration to the Lounge). TheLounge is located in the Duty Free Area and is only accessible uponpresentation of a valid boarding pass. Follow signs to the ‘Icare Lounge’.Passengers in transit departing from Terminal 2 can access the Lounge viathe Shuttle Link but will need to allow a minimum 30 minutes to reach thedeparture gate.

06:30 - 23:30 daily.

Complimentary drinks are limited to one per person l Children 12years and under are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.

SGNFPTI0Flight information is available upon request.

AIR CANADA MAPLE LEAF LOUNGETerminal 2A. Airside - after Passport Control on the right hand side, nearGates A37-A39.

07:00 - 13:30 daily.


PARIS Orly (ORY)ICARE LOUNGESouth Terminal. Airside - International Departures Area (non-Schengenexcept Geneva), 1st Floor, after Police and Customs Control. Proceedtowards Halls F and G and the Lounge is located on your left towardsHall G.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.

International (non-Schengen except Geneva) passengers only.



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PEKANBARU Sultan Syarif Kasim II (PKU)SERINDIT LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - proceed through Security Checks and take the stairs next to the Tax counter up to the 2nd Floor. Pass the next Security Checks and turn right to where the Lounge is located.Follow signs.

05:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

ASNMFPTI0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

PEREIRA Matecaña (PEI)AVIANCA SALA VIPLandside - Level 2, after Security. Proceed to Gate 2 where the Loungeis located on the left hand side.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.


PERTH (PER)THE LOUNGETerminal 3 Domestic. Airside - just after Security, on the left hand sidebefore entering the main departure lounges. The Lounge is only availableto passengers with a valid boarding card for a flight departing from thesame terminal.

05:00 - 23:50 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to beer,wine and champagne l Smart casual dress at all times (no shortsallowed).

AS G N C MFP zT0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.

PHILADELPHIA International (PHL)US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse B/C. Airside - Level 3, between Concourses B and C.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and long distance telephone calls are allsubject to payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advanceand are also subject to payment.


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PHILADELPHIA International (PHL)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBConcourse C/D. Airside - Level 2, between Concourses C and D.

05:30 - 19:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholders, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse F. Airside - Level 2, over the Food Court.

05:30 - 22:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and conference facilities are all subject topayment.

PHOENIX Sky Harbor International (PHX)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBConcourse 2. Airside - past United Airlines’ Gate 7, on the righthand side.

05:00 - 19:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse 4B. Airside - past the Security Checkpoint, on the MezzanineLevel above Gate 6. The US Airways Club Lounges located in Concourse Aare not part of the Priority Pass program.06:00 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 17:00 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zT0Long distance telephone calls and conference facilities are both subjectto payment.


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PHUKET International (HKT)CORAL EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located next to Gate 66on the 2nd Floor.06:00 - 01:15 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.06:00 - 00:00 Tuesday, Friday & Saturday.06:00 - 02:45 Sunday.Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult l Separate smoking room available.

AS G NFP z I0Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

PISA Galileo Galilei International (PSA)SALA GALILEIAirside - after Security Control, the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor ofDepartures.06:00 - 22:00 daily.Limited to one guest per cardholder.

AS G N M zT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment. Conference facilities must bereserved in advanced and are subject to payment. Tel: +39050849224 to make a booking.

PITTSBURGH (USA) International (PIT)US AIRWAYS CLUBAirside Core. Airside - pass through Security and take the elevatorbetween Concourses A and B to the Mezzanine Level, where the Loungeis located.05:30 - 20:15 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:15 Saturday.All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older.

AS G N C MFP zTIWi-Fi access, alcoholic drinks and conference facilities are all subject topayment.

PLYMOUTH City (PLH)AIR SOUTHWEST BUSINESS PLUS LOUNGELandside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed to the Loungedirectly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at one of the AirSouthwest Check-in desks which are clearly marked and located close tothe Lounge entrance. The Air Southwest Check-in desk staff will providea door code to enter on the Lounge door keypad for access. A signclearly indicates the Lounge entrance.

06:00 - 18:00 daily.Closed: Dec 25 & 26.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.

AS G N zT0


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PONTA DELGADA João Paulo II (PDL)SATA PLUS LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks, on the left hand side of the maindeparture lounge. Follow signs ‘SATA PLUS’.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


PONTIANAK Supadio (PNK)EL JOHN EXECUTIVE LOUNGEDeparture Terminal. Airside - on the 1st Floor, after the Security CheckArea, follow signs to the ‘Executive Lounge’.

06:00 - 18:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.


PORLAMAR General Santiago Marino Int’l (PMV)PREMIER CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and theLounge is located straight ahead.

05:00 - 20:00 daily.


PORT ELIZABETH (PLZ)BIDAIR SERVICES PREMIER LOUNGE Domestic Departures Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, followsigns up to the 1st Level where the Lounge is located.

05:00 - 20:30 Monday - Friday.06:30 - 16:30 Saturday.07:00 - 20:30 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.


PORTLAND International (PDX)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse C. Airside - the Lounge is located across from Gate C5.

05:00 - 21:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 17:00 Saturday.

Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Alcoholic drinks are limited tothree per adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities are subject to payment.


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PORTLAND International (PDX)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBConcourse E. Airside - across from Gate E1.

05:00 - 19:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


PORTO Francisco Sa Carneiro International (OPO)AIRPORT LOUNGEAirside - in the departure lounge, after Security Control.

05:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


PORTO ALEGRE Salgado Filho Int’l (POA)SMILES VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks the Lounge is located on the right handside.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.


TAM VIP LOUNGEAirside - 2nd Floor, in front of Gate 8.

06:00 - 22:00 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 20:00 Saturday.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.


PORT OF SPAIN Piarco International (POS)V.I.P. FLYERS’ CLUBAirside - after the Duty Free Area on the Ground Level, take the stairs onthe right side of the Security Checks.

05:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Complimentary alcoholic drinks are limited to two per adult l

Children under 10 years are not admitted.



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POZNAN Lawica (POZ)NON-SCHENGEN BUSINESS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Departures Hall. Airside - Non-Schengen Area. Passthrough Security Control, turn right and proceed straight ahead throughPassport Control. The Lounge is located on the left hand side, oppositethe snack bar.

Lounge opens from the first international scheduled flight departureand closes after last scheduled departure.

Limited to two guests per cardholder.

AS G N MFP z 0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

SCHENGEN BUSINESS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEInternational Departures Hall. Airside - Schengen Area. Pass throughSecurity Control, go straight ahead and turn left. The Lounge is locatedon the right hand side, opposite the snack bar.

Lounge opens from the first international scheduled flight departure andcloses after last scheduled flight departure.

Limited to two guests per cardholder.

AS G N MFP z 0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

PRAGUE Ruzyne (PRG)CRYSTAL LOUNGETerminal North 1. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the left to the 1st Floor and follow the signs to the‘Crystal Lounge’.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N CFP z I0Flight information is available upon request.

MENZIES AVIATION LOUNGETerminal North 1. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the left to the 1st Floor of the main departure hall andfollow signs to the Lounge Area.

07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

Non-Schengen flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

CRYSTAL LOUNGETerminal North 2. Airside - proceed to the 2nd Floor of the maindeparture hall where the Lounge is located.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Schengen flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.



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PRAGUE Ruzyne (PRG)MENZIES AVIATION LOUNGETerminal North 2. Airside - after Check-in and Passport Control, take theescalator on the right to the 2nd Floor of the main departure hall andfollow signs to the Lounge Area.

07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

Schengen flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access, telephone calls and fax facilities are all subject to payment.

PUERTO MONTT El Tepual (PMC)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - 2nd Floor. After Security Checks, proceedstraight ahead to the Lounge located behind the ‘Rumbo Sur’ Shop infront of Gate 4.

06:30 - 22:30 Monday - Saturday.08:00 - 20:00 Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.


PUERTO ORDAZ Gral. M. C. Piar Int’l (PZO)PREMIER CLUBAirside - proceed to the Upper Level. The Lounge is located on the lefthand side of the Boarding Gate Area.

05:30 - 20:00 daily.

Dress code applicable (no shorts allowed).


PUERTO PLATA Gregorio Luperón International (POP)SALON AMBARAirside - Level 1, before the escalator in the hall leading to the Lounge Area.

09:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).

AS G N zT0

VICTORIAN ROOMAirside - before Immigration and Customs in the Disembark Area, Level 1.The Lounge is located on the right hand side of the arrivals walkway.

09:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).



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PUNE International (PNQ)PORT LOUNGELandside - take the lift or stairs to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated.

04:00 - 23:30 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday.02:00 - 23:30 Tuesday, Friday & Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.

AS G NFP zTITelephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

PUNTA ARENAS Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Int’l (PUQ)SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUBNational Terminal. Airside - upon arrival at the airport take the stairs up to the 2nd Floor. Proceed through Security Checks then turn left to where the Lounge is located in front of Gate 1.

09:00 - 17:30 Monday - Saturday.Closed: Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


PUNTA CANA International (PUJ)VIP LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Check and Passport Control, turnleft. The Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor.

08:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:00).

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and telephone calls are both subject to payment.

QINGDAO Liuting International (TAO)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounges are located on the 2ndFloor of the international departure hall, next to Gates 4 and 6.

07:00 - 23:00 daily.


Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounges are located close to Gates 11,15, 16, 28 and 31.

07:00 - 23:00 daily.



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QUÉBEC Jean Lesage International (YQB)SALON VIP LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks on the 2nd Floor, the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side between two escalators.

04:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N C MFP zT0Fax facilities are available for sending only.

QUITO Mariscal Sucre International (UIO)SALA VIPAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated at the end of the hall, close to Gates A3 and A4.

04:00 - 01:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are limitedto four per adult l Separate smoking area available.


RABAT Mènara International (RBA)CONVIVES DE MARQUE DEPARTURE LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated near IDFS.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment l Separate smoking room available.


RECIFE Guararapes International (REC)SALA VIP LUCK VIAGENSDomestic Terminal. Landside - before Security Checks, in front of Gate 5.

05:00 - 23:00 Monday, Tuesday & Friday.05:00 - 20:00 Wednesday.08:00 - 20:00 Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.Hours are subject to change during Public Holidays.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N zTI0Check-in services available inside the Lounge are subject to payment.

TAM VIP LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks in the South BoardingArea. The Lounge is located in the Restricted Area, in front of Gate 8.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.



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RIO DE JANEIRO Galeão International (GIG)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUB Terminal 1. Airside - Blue Sector Restricted Area, 3rd Floor, adjacent tothe Duty Free Shop.

11:00 - 20:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.


SMILES VIP INTERNATIONAL LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - on the 2nd Floor, the Lounge is located afterSecurity Checks in the Restricted Area. Turn left and take the escalatorat the end of the hall down to the next floor and turn right to locate theLounge entrance.

14:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult.

AS G NFP zT0Telephone calls are subject to payment.

TAM VIP LOUNGE Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control in theInternational Departures Area, the Lounge is located downstairs on theright hand side of the Mezzanine Floor.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

International flights only l Limited to one guest per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints.


RIO DE JANEIRO Santos Dumont (SDU)TAM VIP LOUNGE Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge is located on the 2nd Floornear Gate 4.

05:30 - 22:30 daily.

Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children under 2 years areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult l

Access may be restricted due to space constraints.


RIYADH King Khaled International (RUH)FIRST CLASS LOUNGE Terminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control and Security, turn right andthe Lounge is situated next to Gate 18.

24 hours daily.

International (T1) flights only.



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RIYADH King Khaled International (RUH)AL-FURSAN GOLDEN LOUNGES Terminal 2. Airside - after Check-in, pass the Immigration counter andturn left. The Lounge is located near Gate 21.

24 hours daily.

International (T2) flights only l Two children under 12 years areadmitted free.


Terminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks proceed straight ahead andturn right. The Lounge is located near Gate 38.

24 hours daily.

Domestic (T3) flights only l Two children under 12 years are admitted free.


ROME Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) (FCO)ATAHOTEL VIP LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, above Gate B7.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Schengen and domestic flights only l Lounge access use only -Business Center facilities are not included l Complimentary soft drinksare limited to one per person.


I MOSAICI Terminal 3. Airside - Schengen Area, close to Gate D5 on the 1st Floor.

06:15 - 20:30 daily.

Smart casual dress at all times.


LE ANFORE (BUSINESS CLASS) Terminal 3. Airside - Satellite Area, opposite Gate G12 on the LowerFloor. The Lounge can be used by passengers departing from Terminals1, 2 and 5 but will need to allow a minimum 15 minutes to reach thedeparture gates.

06:15 - 23:45 daily.

Smart casual dress at all times.


ROTTERDAM (RTM)ROTTERDAM AIRPORT LOUNGEAirside - after Security Check, turn right and proceed to the restaurantdesk staff for registration. The restaurant staff will provide directions tothe Lounge and each passenger with a voucher to use in the airport foodoutlets for refreshments and snacks.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last scheduled departure.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Drinks and snackswill be available from the airports food outlets using the 12.50EURvoucher obtained upon registration (this excludes purchase of anyperiodicals) - refreshments are not provided within the Lounge Area.

AS G M z 0120

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SAL ISLAND Amílcar Cabral International (SID)SAFEPORT BUSINESS AVIATION LOUNGESafeport Executive Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located outside themain terminal building in a separate terminal. For passengers embarkingthe Lounge is located before Security Checks and for passengersdisembarking it is after the Security Checks.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.Priority Pass cardholders can access the Lounge outside these hours;Tel: +2389843430 to arrange access.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G CFPTI 0Alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, fax, internet access and conferencefacilities are all subject to payment.

SAN ANTONIO International (SAT)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - turn right after Security, and the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side.

04:45 - 18:15 Sunday - Friday.04:45 - 16:30 Saturday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


SAN DIEGO International (SAN)UNITED RED CARPET CLUB Terminal 1. Airside - Mezzanine Level, near the departure gates.05:30 - 22:00 daily.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


SAN FRANCISCO International (SFO)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - Concourse G, north side. Immediatelyafter Security Checks on the 3rd Floor, the entrance to the Lounge islocated on the right hand side.08:00 - 22:30 daily.All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spiritsavailable; premium selections are subject to payment.



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SAN FRANCISCO International (SFO)ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMDomestic Terminal 1. Airside - Concourse B, between Gates 22 and 24.06:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.07:00 - 14:30 Saturday.08:00 - 21:00 Sunday.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Alcoholic drinks are limited tothree per adult.


CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBDomestic Terminal 1. Landside - Concourse B, next to the Continentalticket counter. 05:30 - 00:30 daily.Hours are subject to change.Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


SAN JOSE Juan Santamaria International (SJO)VIP LOUNGE COSTA RICAAirside - the Lounge is accessed by either the stairs or elevator and islocated on the Lower Level after Security Checks, in front of Gate 4A.05:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Children under 4 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

SAN SALVADOR El Salvador International (SAL)TACA SALONES VIPAirside - after Security, turn right. The Lounge is located in front of Gate 8.

06:30 - 20:00 daily.


SANTA CRUZ Viru Viru International (VVI)SALA VIP AEROSURInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security and Passport Control at theInternational Departures Area, turn right. Proceed to the end of the corridorwhere there is a glass door leading to the Lounge with the ‘Aerosur’ sign.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

International (East Concourse) flights only l Limited to one guest percardholder l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.


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SANTIAGO C. Arturo Merino-Benitez Int’l (SCL)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl, near Gate 19.

05:30 - 21:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit l Separatesmoking area available.


LAN SALON VIP MISTRALInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed through Passport Control andSecurity. The Lounge is located on the 2nd Floor between Gates 17 and18. Follow signs to the Lounge in front of the elevator.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Separate smoking area available.


SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUB LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Duty FreeArea, turn right and the Lounge is located at the end of the hall in frontof Gate 20A.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes l Separate smoking room available.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Free international calls.

National Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 3rd Floor,proceed down the stairs to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is locatedbehind the stairs.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at all times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Free international calls.

SALONES VIP PACIFIC CLUB SMOKING LOUNGENational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 3rd Floor,proceed down the stairs to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is locatedon the left hand side of the staircase.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Children under 18 years are not admitted l Smart casual dress at all times.



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SANTO DOMINGO Dr. Joaquín Balaguer Int’l (JBQ)SALON VIP AERODOM Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor immediately on the lefthand side after passing the Security Checks and Immigration Control.

08:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed).

ASNFP zLocal telephone calls and fax facilities only.

SANTO DOMINGO Las Américas Int’l (SDQ)AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal A. Airside - inside the Security Checkpoint on the 2nd Floor,prior to departures.

05:30 - 19:30 daily (summer).06:30 - 19:30 daily (winter).

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.

AS G N CFP zTI0International/interstate telephone calls and faxes, conference facilities,alcoholic drinks and sandwiches are all subject to payment.

SALON VIP AERODOM Terminal A. Airside - before Passport Control in the Arrivals Area, 1st Floor.The Lounge is located at the end of the corridor on the left hand side.

08:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no sandals, shorts or vests allowed) l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to three per adult.

AS G N CFPTI0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject topayment.

SANYA Phoenix Int’l (SYX)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Immigrationand Security Control. Follow signs to the Lounge.

07:00 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.

One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.


Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after Immigrationand Security Control. Follow signs to the Lounge.

07:00 - 22:30 daily.Lounge closure may vary and is dependent on the last daily scheduledflight departure.

One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.



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SAO PAULO Guarulhos International (GRU)UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal 1. Airside - Wing ‘A’, after Passport Control and before Security,turn left and take the escalator or elevator to the Upper Floor. TheLounge is located behind the elevator.

08:00 - 14:45 & 18:00 - 21:30 daily (Mar - Aug).09:00 - 15:45 & 18:00 - 22:30 daily (Sep - Oct).10:00 - 14:00 & 19:30 - 23:00 daily (Nov - Feb).Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Complimentary house beer,wine and spirits available; premium selections are subject to payment.


AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal 2. Airside - Wing ‘D’, after Passport Control on the MezzanineFloor.

06:30 - 00:30 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls only.

SMILES VIP LOUNGESTerminal 2. Airside - on the 2nd Floor the Lounge is located afterSecurity Checks in the Restricted Area. Take the elevator or escalatordown to the 1st Floor and follow signs.

05:00 - 00:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult.


Terminal 2. Landside - before Security Checks and Passport Control inthe main hall, next to the Domestic Departures Area of Wing ‘C’.

06:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l All children must beaccompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are limited to beer only.


SARAJEVO International (SJJ)BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.



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SARAJEVO International (SJJ)FIRST CLASS LOUNGETerminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.


TRAVEL CLUBTerminal B. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor, behind theborder-line.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.


SEATTLE Tacoma International (SEA)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBConcourse B. Airside - next to Gate B9.

05:15 - 00:00 Monday - Saturday.05:15 - 22:15 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


ALASKA AIRLINES BOARD ROOMConcourse D. Airside - the Lounge is located near Gate D1.

05:00 - 22:30 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 19:30 Saturday.

Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Access may berestricted due to space constraints l Alcoholic drinks are limited tothree per adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities are subject to payment.

UNITED RED CARPET CLUBNorth Satellite. Airside - Transit Level, under the escalator.

05:30 - 19:00 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.



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SEMARANG Ahmad Yani (SRG)ARJUNA LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed throughSecurity Checks and pass the Airport Tax counter. The Lounge is locatedin the east wing of Boarding Area A, to the right of the Security Checks.

05:30 - 20:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.


SRIKANDI LOUNGEDomestic Departure Terminal. Airside - after Check-in proceed throughfurther Security Checks. The Lounge is located approximately 30 metersstraight ahead.

05:30 - 19:00 daily.


SEOUL Gimpo International (GMP)ASIANA LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - 3rd Floor, Departure Level. The Loungeis located to the left hand side of the entrance to Immigration Control.

05:00 to last scheduled flight departure (approx. 21:30).

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.


KAL LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Landside - outside the Customs, Immigration andQuarantine Area. The Lounge is located to the left hand side of thedeparture entrance on the 3rd Floor, East Wing.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

ASNMFPT0International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

SEOUL Incheon International (ICN)HUB LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor. The Lounge is located next to the Transit counter, oppositeGate 11.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l One child under 2 yearsadmitted free per cardholder.


International fax facilities are subject to payment.


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SEOUL Incheon International (ICN)HUB LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4thFloor. The Lounge is located next to the Transit counter, opposite Gate 42.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l One child under 2 yearsadmitted free per cardholder.


International fax facilities are subject to payment.

MATINA LOUNGESMain Terminal. Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, take theescalator opposite Gate 11 to the 4th Floor. Follow signs ‘Transit Hotel’to where the Lounge is located.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.

AS G NFP z I0International telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subject topayment.

Main Terminal. Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, take theescalator opposite Gate 43 to the 4th Floor. Follow signs ‘Transit Hotel’to where the Lounge is located.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 5 years are admitted free.

AS G NFP z I0International telephone calls, fax and shower facilities are all subject topayment.

ASIANA LOUNGEConcourse A. Airside - 4th Floor, near to Gate 119.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 6years are admitted free.


Interstate/international telephone calls are subject to payment.

KAL LOUNGEConcourse A. Airside - after the Customs, Immigration and QuarantineArea, proceed down to the terminal basement and take the “Starline”.The Lounge is located on the 4th Floor of Concourse A, East Wing.

06:30 - 23:55 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due tospace constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFPT0International/interstate telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.


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SHANGHAI Hongqiao International (SHA)BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGE B11International Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control,turn left and proceed straight ahead. The Lounge is located near Gate B11.

06:40 - 18:30 daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2years are admitted free.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGE B12International Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control,turn left and proceed straight ahead. The Lounge is located near Gate B12.

06:40 - 18:30 daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2years are admitted free.

AS G N M zT0

FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located inside thedeparture lounge gate on the B Floor, near Gate B2.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.

Domestic flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGE V1Domestic Terminal 2. Airside - after Immigration and Security Control,turn left and proceed straight ahead. Follow signs ‘V1’ to the Loungelocated near Gates 25 and 26.

06:00 - 22:30 daily.

Domestic flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2years are admitted free.


SHANGHAI Pudong International (PVG)FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.37)International Terminal 1. Airside - near Gate 37. After Security Checks (inSouth District) the Lounge is located approximately 30 meters to the left.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Alcoholic drinks are only available 11:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 19:00 daily.

AS G N MFP ITelephone calls and international fax facilities are both subject topayment.


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SHANGHAI Pudong International (PVG)FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.66)International Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 66. Signs indicate theentrance to the Lounge.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking area available.

ASNMFPITelephone calls and international fax facilities are both subject topayment.

FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.69)International Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 69 on the Upper Floor.Signs indicate the entrance to the Lounge.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Alcoholic drinks are only available 11:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 19:00daily l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N MFP ITelephone calls and international fax facilities are both subject to payment.

FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.1) Domestic Terminal 1. Airside - after Immigration and Security (3rdFloor), follow signs and proceed to the 2nd Floor, where the Lounge islocated near Gate 1.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

ASNMFPITelephone calls and international fax facilities are both subject to payment.

FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.73)Domestic Terminal 2. Airside - near Gate 73. Signs indicate theentrance to the Lounge.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

ASNMFPITelephone calls and international fax facilities are both subject to payment.

SHANNON (SNN)RINEANNA LOUNGEAirside - adjacent to the ‘W.H.Smiths’ Shop in the Transit Lounge.

06:00 - 17:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Age restrictions apply and any person under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFPTI0Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are subject topayment. Tel: +35361712497 to make a booking.


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SHARJAH International (SHJ)FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEAirside - proceed to the 1st Floor and follow signs to the Lounge whichis located opposite the Transfer desk in the Transit Area.

24 hours daily.

AS G N MFP zT0International telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

SHENYANG Taoxian International (SHE)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located to the right of Gate 8.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

International flights only l One child under 12 years admitted free peradult.


International Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located to the left of Gate 9on the 3rd Floor.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

International flights only l One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.

AS G N zTI 0

Domestic Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located to the left of Gate 6.

06:00 to last scheduled flight departure.

Domestic flights only l One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.


SHENZHEN Baoan International (SZX)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks on the 1st Floor,take the escalators up to the 2nd Floor. Proceed straight aheadapproximately 10 meters to where the Lounge is located.

10:30 - 18:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholicdrinks are limited to beer only.


BUSINESS AND TOUR CLUB VIP ROOMDomestic Terminal A. Landside - proceed to the 1st Floor. Turn rightand follow signs to the Lounge located in front of the main entrance.

08:00 - 20:30 daily.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge l

Complimentary soft drinks are limited to Chinese tea, coffee and water only - coffee is limited to one per person.


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SHENZHEN Baoan International (SZX)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal A. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge islocated approximately 50 meters straight ahead on the right hand side.

08:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholicdrinks are limited to beer only.


BUSINESS AND TOUR CLUB VIP ROOMDomestic Terminal B. Landside - proceed to the 1st Floor. Turn rightand follow signs to the Lounge in front of the main entrance.

08:00 - 20:30 daily.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Check-in facilities available inside the Lounge l

Complimentary soft drinks are limited to Chinese tea, coffee and water only - coffee is limited to one per person.


FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal B. Airside - after Security Checks, the Lounge islocated on the left hand side opposite Gate 60.

08:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Maximum 2 hour stay l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Alcoholicdrinks are limited to beer only.


SINGAPORE Changi (SIN)RAINFOREST BY SATSTerminal 1. Airside - West Wing. Turn left after Immigration and proceedto the end of the terminal building, near Gate C1. Take the elevator orstairs up to Level 3 where the Lounge is located.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 6 years are admitted free lAlcoholic drinks are only available for passengers 18 years of age or older lComplimentary snacks and soft drinks from the buffet table.

AS G NFP zTI0Fax facilities and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment.

THE SKYVIEW LOUNGE Terminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located at the right end of the DepartureTransit Hall on the Mezzanine Floor, near Gates D30 and D40.

24 hours daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFPTI0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

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SINGAPORE Changi (SIN)AMBASSADOR TRANSIT LOUNGE Terminal 2. Airside - Departure Transit Lounge, Mezzanine Level (Level 3).The Lounge is located next to the Sunflower Garden.

24 hours daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free l Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable between: 06:00 - 00:00 daily.

AS G N CF zT0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

THE GREEN MARKET Terminal 2. Airside - main departure lounge, Level 3.

06:00 - 01:00 daily.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes.

AS G N MFP zTI0Local telephone calls only.

AMBASSADOR TRANSIT LOUNGE Terminal 3. Airside - North Departure Transit Hall, Mezzanine Level(Level 3). The Lounge is located adjacent to the Ambassador TransitHotel and Movie Theatre.

24 hours daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free.

AS G N CFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks, interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilitiesare all subject to payment.

SKOPJE (SKP)PRIMECLASS CIP LOUNGEAirside - after check-in proceed through Gates 1 and 2 to Customs andPassport Control. After Security Checks the Lounge is located on theright hand side.

04:00 - 16:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


SOFIA (SOF)SOFIA LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to the west wing on Level 1.

08:00 - 12:30 daily.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are admitted free l Separate smoking area available.


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SOFIA (SOF)SOFIA LOUNGE B2Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to Level 1.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Jan 01.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are admitted free.

AS G N C MP z I0

SOFIA LOUNGE B3Terminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to Level 0 via elevator.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Jan 01.

Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2years are admitted free.

AS G N C MP z 0

SOLO CITY Adisumarmo (SOC)SRIWEDARI LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, turn right. Pass throughfurther Security Checks and turn left.

07:00 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 18:30 daily.

Separate smoking area available.


ST. GALLEN-ALTENRHEIN (ACH)AIRPORT LOUNGELandside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed directly to theLounge but first identify themselves as a Priority Pass cardholder at theC-office. The C-office staff will provide a door code to enter on theLounge door keypad for access. After Check-in and before SecurityChecks, the Lounge is located on the 1st Floor.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departure.Closed: Easter Sunday, Whitsunday, Dec 25 & Jan 01.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


ST. MAARTEN Princess Juliana Int’l (SXM)SOUALIGA BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEAirside - after Security and Passport Control, on the right hand side nearto Gates 1 and 2. Signs indicate the entrance to the Lounge.

07:00 - 19:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Children under 12 yearsare admitted free l Dress code applicable.

AS G N MFPTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.


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ST. PETERSBURG Pulkovo (LED)AVIAPANORAMA BUSINESS LOUNGEPulkovo 1. Airside - Sector B, 2nd Floor. The Lounge is located to theleft of the Check-in counters, after the Pre-flight Security Checkpoint.

24 hours daily.

Domestic (scheduled) flights only l Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited totwo guests per cardholder l One child under 2 years admitted free percardholder.


MOSKVA LOUNGEPulkovo 1. Airside - Sector V, 3rd Floor.

24 hours daily.

Domestic (scheduled) flights only l Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited totwo guests per cardholder l One child under 2 years admitted free percardholder.


PULKOVO LOUNGEPulkovo-2. Airside - after Passport Control go upstairs to the 1st Floor of the Arrivals Hall and turn left. Proceed through the gallery to the endand turn left to locate the Lounge entrance.

10:00 - 00:00 daily.

International flights only l Maximum 2 hour stay l Limited to oneguest per cardholder l One child under 2 years admitted free percardholder l Separate smoking area available.


STOCKHOLM Arlanda (ARN)MENZIES BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 5. Airside - A-Pier. For passengers entering Security Controlat B-Pier, turn immediately right and follow the corridor to the A-Pier.Then take the stairs or lift to the Upper Floor where the Lounge islocated on the immediate right hand side. For passengers enteringSecurity Control at the Central Building, turn left after Duty Free andproceed towards A-Pier.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours may be subject to change.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).


MENZIES EXECUTIVE LOUNGETerminal 5. Airside - F-Pier. After Security Control in the CentralBuilding, proceed through the Duty Free Area and turn right. TheLounge is located on the right hand side of the Schengen PassportControl Area.

05:45 - 20:30 Monday - Saturday.06:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Hours may be subject to change.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Smart casual dress at alltimes (no shorts allowed).


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STOCKHOLM Bromma (BMA)YELLOW ROOMLandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control, take stairs next to the restaurant up to the 2nd Floor where the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.


STUTTGART (STR) ELLI-BEINHORN LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed tothe Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder atthe Ground Service desk located opposite the Check-in desks inTerminal 1. The Ground Service staff will provide a door code to enteron the Lounge door keypad for access. The Lounge is located afterSecurity Checks in the Lounge Area on Level 3. Passengers travelingfrom Terminals 2 and 3 can access the Lounge but will need to allowa minimum 20 minutes to reach the departure gates. Transitpassengers can register for access at the ‘Bochman & Pfendt’OpticShop located airside in Terminal 2 or the Ground Service Desklocated landside in Terminal 2.

05:00 - 23:00 daily.The ‘Bochman & Pfendt’ OpticShop will be available to registercardholders 06:00 - 21:00 daily; the Ground Service Desk in Terminal 1 04:45 - 20:15 and Ground Service Desk in Terminal 2 17:00 - 09:00. Priority Pass cardholders visiting outside these hourswill not be able to access the Lounge.

One child under 12 years admitted free per adult.


SYDNEY Kingsford Smith (SYD)THE LOUNGETerminal 2 (Domestic). Airside - after Security Checks on the righthand side before the stairs. Alternative access can be made from theFood Court Level, where the Lounge entrance is located below theescalators.

Lounge opens 45 minutes prior to first Virgin Blue flight departure andcloses after last Virgin Blue departure.

Domestic (T2) flights only l Limited to one guest per cardholder l

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to beer, wine and champagne l Smart casual dressat all times (no shorts allowed).

AS G N C MPF zTI0Conference facilities and long distance telephone calls are both subjectto payment.


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TAICHUNG Ching Chuang Kang (RMQ)MORE PREMIUM LOUNGETerminal 3F. Airside - after Immigration in the Restricted DepartureArea. The Lounge is located near International Departure Gate 3.

Lounge opens 1 hour prior to the first flight departure and closes half an hour before last scheduled departure.

Limited to three guests per cardholder l Maximum 3 hour stay l

Children 2 years and under are admitted free l Complimentaryalcoholic drinks are limited to one per adult l Lounge access use only - Business Center facilities are not included.


TAIPEI Taoyuan International (TPE)MORE PREMIUM LOUNGESTerminal 1. Airside - Level 4. After Immigration and Security Check,proceed upstairs to the Airline Lounge Level. Follow signs ‘AirlineLounge’.

06:00 - 23:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to three guests per cardholder l

Children 2 years and under are admitted free l Lounge access use only - Business Center facilities are not included l Separate smokingroom available.


Terminal 2. Airside - Level 4. After Immigration, proceed upstairs andturn right. Follow signs ‘Business Center’.

06:00 - 23:30 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Limited to three guests per cardholder l

Children 2 years and under are admitted free l Lounge access use only - Business Center facilities are not included.


TALLINN (TLL)LINDA LOUNGEAirside - Schengen Area, after Security Checks, proceed towards theBoarding Area. The Lounge is located between Gates 6 and 7.

05:00 - 22:00 daily. Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.



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TAMPA International (TPA)US AIRWAYS CLUBConcourse F. Airside - adjacent to US Airways Gate 85.

05:30 - 20:00 Sunday - Friday.06:15 - 20:00 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and conference facilities are both subject to payment.

TANGIER Ibn Battouta International (TNG)CONVIVES DE MARQUE LOUNGETerminal 2. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, theLounge is located on the right hand side of the Boarding Area.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last departure.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to two per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.

AS G N z I0

TBILISI International (TBS)PRIMECLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located on the 1st Floorafter Passport Control on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult l Separate smoking area available.


TEHRAN Imam Khomeini International (IKA)FARAJAM FIRST AND BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - Transit Hall. The Lounge is located downstairsnext to the coffee shop.

24 hours daily.

International flights only l Dress code applicable l Children under 2years are admitted free l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Separate smoking area available.

ASNMP zTI0Shower facilities are subject to payment. Local telephone calls only.

TEL AVIV Ben Gurion (TLV)DAN LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Corridor B.

24 hours daily.Excluding Yom Kippur.



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TEL AVIV Ben Gurion (TLV)DAN LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to Corridor C.

24 hours daily.Excluding Yom Kippur.


TENERIFE NORTH Los Rodeos (TFN)SALA VIP NIVARIAAirside - after Security Control on the 2nd Floor, take the lift on the righthand side down to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is located.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 12 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


TENERIFE SOUTH Reina Sofia (TFS)SALA MONTAÑA ROJAAirside - pass through Security Control. Turn left and the Lounge is locatedjust before the escalators to the Boarding Gates Area and Commercial Zone.

07:00 - 21:00 Saturday - Thursday.07:00 - 00:00 Friday.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 10 years are admitted free.


TERCEIRA ISLAND Lajes (TER)SATA PLUS LOUNGEAerogare Civil Terminal. Airside - on the left hand side of the BoardingHall, after the Security Checkpoint.

07:00 - 21:00 daily (summer).07:00 - 19:00 Monday - Thursday & Saturday (winter).07:00 - 20:30 Friday & Sunday (winter).

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Access may be restricteddue to space constraints.


THESSALONIKI Macedonian (SKG)MANOLIS ANDRONIKOS LOUNGEMain Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed through SecurityControl Checks. The Lounge is located next to Gate A3.

04:30 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 4 years are admitted free l Access may be restricteddue to space constraints.

AS G N MP0Telephone calls are subject to payment.

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TIANJIN Binhai International (TSN)FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.2)International Terminal. Airside - District D. After Security Checks andPassport Control turn right. The Lounge is located on the right hand sideopposite Gates 7 and 8.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MF zTIFax facilities are subject to payment.

FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.3)Domestic Terminal. Airside - District C. After Security Checks andPassport Control go straight ahead. The Lounge is located on the righthand side.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

ASNMF zTIFax facilities are subject to payment.

FIRST CLASS LOUNGE (NO.6)Domestic Terminal. Airside - District A. After Security Checks andPassport Control, turn left and go straight ahead. The Lounge is locatedon the left hand side opposite Gate 32.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to first flight departure and closes afterlast scheduled departure.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

ASNMF zTIFax facilities are subject to payment.

TIJUANA Alberdo L. Rodriguez International (TIJ)SALA EJECUTIVA VIP TIJUANAAirside - after Security Checks go to Gate Area A. Proceed straight downthe hall and take the escalators down one floor. Make a U-Turn into theLounge Area where the Lounge is located.

07:00 - 02:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N C MFP zT I0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

TIMISOARA International (TSR)SKY BUSINESS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Check-in, proceed through BorderPolice Control, Customs and Security Checks. Turn right into the departureshall, take the stairs to the 1st Floor and follow signs to the Lounge.

06:00 - 18:00 daily.Closed: Dec 24, 25, Jan 01 & during Easter.

International flights only.


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TIRANA Mother Teresa International (TIA)BUSINESS LOUNGEAirside - after Check-in, Security and Passport Control, follow signs tothe Lounge which is located on the right hand side of the CommercialZone on the 1st Floor.

03:00 - 06:00 & 14:00 - 18:30 Monday & Thursday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 19:00 Tuesday & Saturday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 15:30 Wednesday.03:00 - 06:00 & 12:00 - 17:30 Friday.03:00 - 05:30 & 12:00 - 17:30 Sunday.

Children under 12 years are admitted free l Dress code applicable (no shorts allowed) l Separate smoking area available.

AS G N C MFPTI0Telephone calls and alcoholic drinks are both subject to payment.

TOKYO Narita International (NRT)IASS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEPassenger Terminal 1. Landside - enter the main building (the centerbuilding between the north and south Check-in buildings) from the 4thFloor (Departure Floor), and take the center escalator up to the 5thFloor. Turn left and proceed straight ahead for approximately 10 meters.Signboard indicates the entrance to the Lounge.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.


KAL BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEPassenger Terminal 1. Airside - Satellite 2, after Passport Control, nearGate 26 on the 3rd Floor.

08:00 - 16:30 daily.

Limited to two guests per cardholder l Access may be restricted due to space constraints l Children under 2 years are admitted free l Allchildren must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFT I0Interstate/international fax facilities are subject to payment.

IASS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEPassenger Terminal 2. Landside - enter the main building from the 3rdFloor (Departure Floor) and take the escalator next to ‘G’ Check-incounter (north side of the building) to the 4th Floor. Turn left andproceed straight ahead for approximately 10 meters. Signboard indicatesthe entrance to the Lounge.

07:00 - 21:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Complimentary alcoholicdrinks are limited to one per adult, subsequent drinks are subject topayment.



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TORONTO Lester B. Pearson International (YYZ)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (TRANSBORDER)Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, take the escalators down toLevel 2. The Lounge is located on the left hand side.

05:00 - 20:30 daily.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free l Smart casual dress atall times.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

TORONTO PEARSON LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed to Gate 177 on Level 3.

05:00 - 21:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.05:00 - 22:30 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free l Smart casual dress atall times.

AS G N MFP I0Telephone calls and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (DOMESTIC)Terminal 1. Airside - after Security Checks for domestic flights, turnright. The Lounge is located straight ahead.

05:00 - 22:30 daily.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free l Smart casual dress atall times.

AS G N MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

AMERICAN AIRLINES ADMIRALS CLUBTerminal 3. Airside - Concourse B, adjacent to Gate B10. The Lounge islocated inside the International Security Checkpoint and is only accessibleto passengers with a valid boarding pass flying out of T3. Passengers flyingto or through the US cannot access the Lounge once they have cleared USCustoms.

05:30 - 18:30 Sunday - Friday.05:30 - 17:30 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter an American Airlines AdmiralsClub with the cardholder, but the number of persons who are notimmediate family will be limited to two at any one visit.

AS G NFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

KLM CROWN LOUNGETerminal 3. Airside - Concourse C, just above Gate C33 and past the DutyFree Shops. The Lounge is located inside the International SecurityCheckpoint and is only accessible to international passengers with a validboarding pass for a flight departing from T3. Passengers flying to or throughthe US cannot access the Lounge once they have cleared US Customs.

13:00 - 00:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


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TORONTO Lester B. Pearson International (YYZ)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (DOMESTIC)Terminal 3. Airside - Concourse C, next to Gate C24.

05:00 - 21:30 daily.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free l Smart casual dress atall times.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Interstate/international telephone calls and fax facilities are both subjectto payment.

PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (INTERNATIONAL)Terminal 3. Airside - Concourse C. Take the elevator to the AT Levelwhere the Lounge is located next to Gate C32.

04:30 - 00:30 Monday, Thursday & Saturday.05:00 - 22:00 Tuesday & Wednesday.04:30 - 22:00 Friday & Sunday.

Children 3 years and under are admitted free • All children must beaccompanied by an adult.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

TOULOUSE Blagnac (TLS)LA CROIX DU SUDAirside - Hall C, Schengen Area, after Security Checks (non-Schengenpassengers must access the Lounge before Passport Control). Turn leftand proceed up to the next floor via the staircase adjacent to the bar.06:30 - 21:00 daily (except every Sunday from December until firstSunday in April when the Lounge is closed).Closed: Dec 24 - Jan 03.Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFT I0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

TRIESTE Friuli Venezia Giulia (TRS)FVG LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed to the Loungedirectly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at the AirportTicket counter located opposite the Check-in desks. The Airport Ticketcounter staff will provide a door code to enter on the Lounge doorkeypad for access. After passing Security Control and the maindepartures area, proceed down the left corridor. The Lounge is locatedon route to Gates 8 and 9.

05:45 - 19:45 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules. Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N M zT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

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TRIPOLI International (TIP)WINZRIK LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Immigration proceed to the 1st Floor. Follow signs to the Lounge which is located on the left handside, close to the Duty Free Shops.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free and must be accompanied byan adult.

ASNMFP zTITelephone calls, fax and internet access facilities are all subject topayment.

TUNIS Carthage (TUN)SALON VIP (ARRIVALS LOUNGE) Airside - after entering the main arrivals hall on the Ground Floor, theLounge is located on the left hand side.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.


SALON VIP (DEPARTURES LOUNGE)Airside - after entering the main departures hall on the 1st Floor, theLounge is located on the left hand side, next to the Duty Free Shop.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free l Check-in facilities availableinside the Lounge l Separate smoking area available.


TURIN Sandro Pertini (TRN)SALA RISERVATA SAGATLandside - the Lounge is located in the main departure hall, Check-inArea C/D, in front of desks C12-D12, near to ‘San Paolo’ Bank.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.


TUZLA International (TZL)VIP LOUNGETerminal 1. Landside - the Lounge is located below the snack bar in themain Check-in hall. Follow signs.

08:30 - 15:30 daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints l Complimentary drinks are limited to one per person,subsequent drinks are subject to payment l Children under 2 years areadmitted free.

AS G CFP zT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.


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ULAANBAATAR Chinggis Khaan Int’l (ULN)BUSINESS CLASS LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - proceed through Check-in and PassportControl. Signage clearly indicates entrance.

Lounge opens 30 minutes prior to first flight departure (approx. 03:30)and closes after last scheduled departure (approx. 00:30).

International flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Separate smoking area available.


VADODARA Civil Aerodrome Harni (BDQ)PORT LOUNGELandside - proceed through the departure gates. The Lounge is locatedon the 1st Floor.

06:00 - 11:00 & 17:30 - 20:30 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


VALENCIA (VLC)SALA JOAN OLIVERTAirside - after Security Checks, Level 1. The Lounge is located in themain departure lounge between Terminals 1 and R, close to Gate A1.

06:00 - 22:25 daily.

Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.


VANCOUVER International (YVR)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located after SecurityScreening on Departures Level 3. The Lounge is not accessible totransborder or domestic flights.

09:00 - 02:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

International flights only l Children 3 years and under are admitted free and must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable for passengers 18 years of age or older l Smart casual dressat all times.

AS G NFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

Domestic Terminal. Airside - Departures Level 3, between Piers A and B.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Domestic flights only l Children 3 years and under are admitted freeand must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks are onlyavailable for passengers 18 years of age or older l Smart casual dressat all times.

AS G NFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.


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VANCOUVER International (YVR)PLAZA PREMIUM LOUNGE (US TRANSBORDER) USA Terminal 1. Airside - across from Gate E87.

05:00 - 19:00 Sunday - Friday.05:00 - 17:00 Saturday.

USA T1 departure flights only l Children 3 years and under areadmitted free l All children must be accompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment.

VARNA (VAR)BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - the Lounge is located close to Gate 1 in theDepartures Area.

24 hours daily.


VENICE Marco Polo (VCE)MARCO POLO CLUBAirside - after Security Checks proceed to the 2nd Floor via the escalatoror elevator.

05:30 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


TRAVELEX BUSINESS CENTRELandside - before Security Checks and Passport Control on the 2ndFloor. The Lounge is located in the middle of the corridor whichconnects the airlines offices with the Police office.

09:00 - 18:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

ASN C MFP zTITelephone calls, fax and internet access are all subject to payment.Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are also subjectto payment. Tel: +390412698191 to make a booking.

VERONA Valerio Catullo (VRN)VALERIO CATULLO LOUNGETerminal A. Landside - proceed through the main entrance ofdepartures, turn right and take the escalator to the 1st Floor where theLounge is located.

05:30 - 20:30 daily.

Separate smoking area available.

AS G N M zTPriority Pass cardholders may use the ‘BWAY’ dedicated Check-in facilityand Fast Track service between 06:30 & 08:30 daily, only uponpresentation of a valid Priority Pass card.


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VIENNA Schwechat (VIE)AIR LOUNGEPier East. Airside - located after Passport Control and before SecurityControl in the International Transit Area, next to the A-Gates.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.

Non-Schengen passengers only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


JET LOUNGEPlaza Area. Airside - after Check-in, proceed through Boarding PassControl. The Lounge is located before Passport Control to the A-Gates.Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor.

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Schengen passengers only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.


VIEUX-FORT Hewanorra International (UVF)IYANOLA LOUNGEAirside - after Security, turn left and proceed through the brown door.Take the elevator or stairs to the 1st Floor where the Lounge is locatedat the end of the hall.

11:00 - 16:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules and are subject toseasonal changes.

Children 11 years and under are admitted free l Separate smokingarea available.


VILNIUS International (VNO)GINTARAS LOUNGEAirside - Departures Area. Proceed through Security Checks and take theescalator or stairs located straight ahead to the 3rd Floor. The Lounge islocated at the end of the hall next to the ‘Heineken’ Bar.

05:00 - 23:00 daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.


VITÓRIA Eurico de Aguiar Salles (VIX)BRISTOL VIP CLUBAirside - near the boarding gates in the main departure lounge.Follow signs.

05:00 - 22:00 Monday - Friday.05:00 - 21:00 Saturday.07:00 - 22:00 Sunday.

Children under 12 years are admitted free.


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WARSAW Frederic Chopin (WAW)EXECUTIVE LOUNGE - PRELUDIUMTerminal 1. Airside - Schengen Area, opposite Gates 4-6. The Lounge islocated near to the bar, shops and money exchange.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 3 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks areonly available for passengers 18 years of age or older.


EXECUTIVE LOUNGE - BALLADATerminal 2. Airside - Schengen Area, near Gates B43 and B44.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 3 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks areonly available for passengers 18 years of age or older.

AS G N MFT IFax facilities are subject to payment.

EXECUTIVE LOUNGE - BOLEROTerminal 2. Airside - Non-Schengen Area, near Gates A37 and A38.

24 hours daily.

Maximum 4 hour stay l Children under 3 years are admitted free l

All children must be accompanied by an adult l Alcoholic drinks areonly available for passengers 18 years of age or older.

AS G N MFT IFax facilities are subject to payment.

WASHINGTON DC Dulles International (IAD)BRITISH AIRWAYS GALLERIES LOUNGEMidfield Terminal. Airside - after Security Screening take the train toConcourse B and go up to the Concourse Level where the Lounge islocated straight ahead.

07:00 - 14:00 daily. Priority Pass cardholders will not be admitted to the Lounge outsidethese hours.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G NFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks are available upon request. Long distance telephonecalls are subject to payment.

UNITED RED CARPET CLUBMidfield Terminal. Airside - Concourse D, near Gate D8.

06:00 - 21:30 daily.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Complimentary house beer,wine and spirits available; premium selections are subject to payment.


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WASHINGTON DC Ronald Reagan National (DCA)CONTINENTAL PRESIDENTS CLUBTerminal B. Airside - opposite Gate 11.

05:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 17:00 Saturday & Sunday.Hours are subject to change.

Limited to six guests per cardholder l Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Each cardholder must present a government issuedphoto ID along with their valid Priority Pass card upon entry to the Lounge.


UNITED RED CARPET CLUBTerminal C. Airside - Center Pier, Level 3.

06:00 - 19:30 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 17:00 Saturday.

All immediate family members can enter a Red Carpet Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer, wine and spirits available;premium selections are subject to payment.


US AIRWAYS CLUBTerminal C. Airside - just inside the Security Checkpoint.

05:30 - 21:00 Monday - Friday.06:00 - 18:30 Saturday.06:00 - 21:00 Sunday.

All immediate family members can enter a US Airways Club with thecardholder, but the number of persons who are not immediate familywill be limited to two at any one visit l Cardholder must be 18 years of age or older l Complimentary house beer and wine available;premium selections and spirits are subject to payment.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Wi-Fi access and long distance telephone calls are both subject topayment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance and are alsosubject to payment.

WELLINGTON International (WLG)THE CORPORATE BOXLandside - the Lounge is located on Level 2 of the main terminalbuilding, opposite the Wellington Airport Conference Centre. Take thestairs or escalators located opposite JR/Duty Free and next to the 'BeachCulture' Store.

04:00 - 20:00 daily.

Maximum 3 hour stay l Children under 2 years are admitted free l

Smart casual dress at all times l Alcoholic drinks are limited to threeper adult.

AS G N C MF zTI0Conference facilities and towel hire are both subject to payment.

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WINDHOEK Hosea Kutako International (WDH)OSHOTO LOUNGETerminal 1. Airside - after Passport Control and Security Checks,the Lounge is located immediately on the left hand side in the main departure hall.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.Hours may vary according to flight schedules.

Separate smoking area available.


WINNIPEG James Armstrong Richardson Int’l (YWG)SERVISAIR LOUNGEAirside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated on the 1st Floor of the main departure lounge, adjacent to Gate H. The Lounge is not available to passengers traveling ontransborder flights to the US.

07:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday.Closed: Saturday & Sunday.

Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks and telephone calls are both subject to payment.

WROCLAW STRACHOWICE (WRO)COPERNICUS EXECUTIVE LOUNGEAirside - after Check-in, Passport Control and Security Checks, theLounge is located on the left hand side.05:30 - 19:30 Monday - Friday.05:30 - 17:30 Saturday.05:30 - 20:30 Sunday.Hours are subject to change.Closed: Dec 25.International flights only l Children under 12 years are not admitted l

Children 12 years and over must be accompanied by an adult.


WUXI Shuo Fang International (WUX)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and PassportControl, proceed to the departure hall on the 2nd Floor where theLounge is located on the right hand side.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure.International flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N zT0

Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed to the departure hall on the 2nd Floor where the Lounge islocated straight ahead.06:30 to last scheduled flight departure.Domestic flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N zT0

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XIAMEN (XMN)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - the Lounge is located between Gates10 and 11, near the Duty Free Shop.09:00 - 20:00 daily.Separate smoking area available.


Domestic Terminal. Airside - near Gate 7B.07:00 - 20:00 daily.


YANTAI Laishan International (YNT)FIRST CLASS LOUNGESInternational Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, proceed to theUpper Level of the Departure Area then turn left and pass therestaurants to where the Lounge is located.Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after the last scheduled departure.Limited to one guest per cardholder l Children 2 years and under areadmitted free.


Domestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, turn left and theLounge is located straight ahead.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after the last scheduled departure.

Limited to one guest per cardholder.


YEREVAN Zvartnots International (EVN)BUSINESS LOUNGETerminal 3. Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control,proceed over the connection bridge towards the Duty Free Shop. Takethe elevator near the ‘Square One Café’ up to the 4th Floor where theLounge is located on the right hand side.

24 hours daily.

Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking roomavailable.


YOGYAKARTA Adisucipto (JOG)BOROBUDUR LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks turn right towardsCheck-in. Turn right again, pass the Airport Tax counter and proceedthrough further Security Checks. Turn right again and the Lounge islocated approximately 50 meters straight ahead.

04:30 - 20:30 daily.

Domestic flights only l Separate smoking area available.


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ZAGREB (ZAG)BUSINESS LOUNGE “ZRINJEVAC”Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, take the escalatoror stairs up to the next floor where the Lounge is located on the righthand side.

06:00 - 20:00 daily.Hours are subject to seasonal changes.

International flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G N MFT0Wi-Fi access is subject to payment.

ZHUHAI (ZUH)FIRST CLASS LOUNGEDomestic Terminal. Airside - after Security Checks, next to Gate 1.

Lounge opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight departureand closes after last scheduled departure.

Domestic flights only l Children under 2 years are admitted free.

AS G N CPM z I0Alcoholic drinks are subject to payment.

ZILINA (ILZ)GATE VIP LOUNGEAirside - it is essential that cardholders do not proceed past Security Controlto the Lounge directly, but first register as a Priority Pass cardholder at theairport Check-in desk, located landside. The Check-in desk staff will providean invitation card to gain access at the Lounge. Then proceed throughCheck-in and Passport Control to the Lounge located straight behind theSecurity Checkpoint.

Lounge opens 2 hours prior to first flight departure and closes after lastscheduled departures.

International flights only l Children under 12 years are admitted free l

Limited to two children per cardholder.

AS G N z 0

ZÜRICH (ZRH)DNATA SKYVIEW LOUNGEAirside - after clearing Boarding Pass Control Check-in 1 or Check-in 2,turn left towards the B-Gates and follow signs ‘Lounges’. The Lounge islocated on the 3rd Floor of the Airside Center.

06:00 - 21:30 Sunday - Friday.06:00 - 20:00 Saturday.

Children under 12 years are not admitted.

AS G N MFP zTITelephone calls may be subject to payment.


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ZÜRICH (ZRH)PANORAMA LOUNGEAirside - E-Gates. After Security Checks, take the elevator or stairs fromthe 2nd Floor Departures Level up to the 3rd Floor. Follow signs to theLounge which is located above Gate E45.

06:00 - 22:00 daily.

Non-Schengen flights only l Limited to four guests per cardholder l

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.



05:30 - 13:00 daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.


SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES LOUNGEAirside - after Passport Control, follow signs to the ‘Lounge Area’midway between the A and B Gates. The Lounge is located on the 2ndFloor of the Airside Center and access is from Check-in 1 or Check-in 2.

05:45 - 22:45 daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by an adult l Separate smoking area available.


SWISS LOUNGE B22-29Airside - after Security Checks and Passport Control, the Lounge islocated behind the Transit Area near the B-Gates on the right hand side.

06:00 - 20:30 daily.

Children under 6 years are admitted free when accompanied by anadult.


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DHAKA Hazrat Shahjalal Int’l (DAC)SHERATON VIP LOUNGE (BALAKA)Airside - after Immigration desk turn right and proceed up the stairs atthe end of the hall to the 2nd Floor then turn left. Cross over thepassage to the Lounge located on the left hand side. The Lounge isaccessible from Terminals 1 and 2 and the same directions apply toaccess from both.24 hours daily.Children under 2 years are admitted free l Separate smoking areaavailable.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Alcoholic drinks, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities are allsubject to payment. Conference facilities must be reserved in advance andare also subject to payment. Tel: +88028914248 to make a booking.

RALEIGH-DURHAM International (RDU)THE CLUB AT RDUTerminal 1. Airside - opposite Gate A21.05:30 - 19:00 daily.Cardholder must be 21 years of age or older l Children under 12 yearsare admitted free when accompanied by an adult.

AS G N C MFP zTI0Conference facilities, long distance telephone calls and fax facilities areall subject to payment.

SANA’A International (SAH)BILQUIS VIP LOUNGEInternational Terminal. Airside - after Passport Control in the Duty FreeArea, proceed up the stairs up to the 1st Floor where the Lounge islocated behind the glass doors.24 hours daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free • Smart casual dress at alltimes • Separate smoking area available.


TOKYO Narita International (NRT)T.E.I. LOUNGESPassenger Terminal 1. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 5th Floor ofthe central building, midway between the North Wing and the South Wing.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G NF zT0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

Passenger Terminal 2. Landside - the Lounge is located on the 4th Floorof the main building.07:00 - 21:00 daily.Children under 12 years are admitted free.

AS G NF zT0Alcoholic drinks and fax facilities are both subject to payment.

Stop Press - latest additions

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CONDITIONS OF USE1. The Priority Pass card is not transferable and is only valid up to its date of expiry and when it has been signed by the

cardholder. The card may not be used by any person other than the cardholder.2. The Priority Pass card is not a payment card nor is it proof of creditworthiness and attempts to use it as such could

constitute fraud. 3. Admittance to the lounges is conditional upon presentation of a valid Priority Pass card only (Some restrictions may

apply to Priority Pass Select cardholders). Payment cards will not be accepted as substitutes for the Priority Pass card.

4. Lounge visits are subject to a per person per visit charge. Where applicable (dependent upon membership plan), allsuch visits, including those by accompanying guests, shall be debited to the cardholder's payment card by (i) PriorityPass or (ii) the card issuer as per the rates and terms notified by (i) Priority Pass or (ii) the card issuer to thecardholder in respect of his/her Priority Pass membership. Any changes in lounge visit charges shall be notified to thecard issuer, who is responsible for advising the cardholder. The Priority Pass Group of companies cannot be heldresponsible for any disputes that may occur between the cardholder and the card issuer nor for any loss incurred bythe cardholder relating to any lounge visit charges debited by the card issuer.

5. When presenting the Priority Pass card on entering the lounge, lounge staff will take an imprint of the card and issue a'Record of Visit' voucher to the cardholder or make a log entry. Some lounges have electronic card readers, which willtake the cardholder's details off the magnetic strip on the reverse side of the Priority Pass card. Where applicable, thecardholder must sign the 'Record of Visit' voucher, which will also reflect the exact number of accompanying guests, ifany, but does not show any per person per visit charge. The charge per visit for the cardholder, where relevant, andthat for any guests will be based on the 'Record of Visit' voucher/log submitted by the lounge operator.

6. While it is the responsibility of the lounge staff to ensure a voucher imprint/log is made of the Priority Pass card, thecardholder is responsible for ensuring the 'Record of Visit' voucher/log correctly reflects their own usage and that ofany guests at the time of using the lounge. Where applicable, the cardholder is responsible for retaining the'Cardholder's' copy of the 'Record of Visit' voucher presented to them at the lounge.

7. All participating lounges are owned and operated by third party organizations. The cardholder and accompanyingguests must abide by the rules and policies of each participating lounge/club. Access may be restricted due to spaceconstraints but this will be wholly at the discretion of each individual lounge operator. The Priority Pass group ofcompanies has no control over the facilities offered, the opening/closing times or the personnel employed by thelounges. The administrators of Priority Pass will use every endeavor to ensure the benefits and facilities are availableas advertised, but the Priority Pass group of companies does not warrant nor guarantee in any way that said benefitsand facilities will be available at the time of the cardholder's visit. Neither is the Priority Pass group of companiesliable for any loss to the cardholder, or any accompanying guests, arising from the provision or non-provision (whetherin whole or in part) of any of the advertised benefits and facilities. All accompanying children (where permitted) will besubject to the full guest fee unless otherwise stated in the lounge listing.

8. Participating lounges may reserve the right to enforce a maximum stay policy (usually 3-4 hours) to preventovercrowding. This is at the discretion of the individual lounge operator who may impose a charge forextended stays.

9. Participating lounges have no contractual obligation to announce flights and the Priority Pass group of companies shallnot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting out of any cardholder and/or accompanying guests failing toboard their flight(s).

10. The provision of free alcoholic drinks (where local law permits) is at the discretion of each lounge operator and insome cases may be limited. In such cases the cardholder is responsible for paying any charges for additionalconsumption direct to the lounge staff. (See individual lounge descriptions for details.)

11. Telephone facilities (where available) vary from lounge to lounge and are provided at the lounge operator's discretion.Free usage is normally limited to local calls only. Fax, shower, internet and Wi-Fi charges (where applicable) are at thediscretion of each lounge operator and the cardholder is responsible for paying these direct to the lounge staff.

12. Admittance to lounges is strictly subject to cardholders and any guests being in possession of a valid flight ticket forthe same day of travel. Airline, airport and other travel industry employees traveling on reduced-rate tickets may notbe eligible for access. Outside the US, flight tickets must be accompanied by a valid boarding pass for a departingflight, i.e. outbound passengers only. Please note some lounges in Europe are located within designated Schengenareas of the airport which means that access is only provided to these lounges if members are traveling betweenSchengen countries. (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).

13. Admittance to lounges is subject to members and any guests (including children) behaving and dressing (no shortsallowed outside of the USA) in an orderly and correct manner. Any infants or children causing upset to other users'comfort may be asked to vacate the lounge facilities. The Priority Pass group of companies is not liable for any losssuffered by the member and any guests where a lounge operator has refused admission because the member and/orguests have not complied with these conditions.

14. Lost, stolen or damaged Priority Pass cards are to be notified immediately to (i) the Priority Pass office from which thecard was issued or (ii) to the card issuer, who shall be responsible for providing a replacement card. A charge ofUSD25 may be levied.

15. In the event of the cardholder canceling or not renewing their (i) Priority Pass membership or (ii) payment card withthe card issuer, the Priority Pass card shall be invalid effective from the cancellation date of their (i) Priority Passmembership or (ii) payment card. Any lounge visits made by a cardholder using an invalid card, including any guests,shall be charged to the cardholder.

16. Renewal terms and conditions are at the discretion of Priority Pass Ltd. Priority Pass Ltd has the right to refusemembership to people who are employed by or contracted to an airline, airport or a Government in respect of airline orairport security.

17. The Priority Pass group of companies shall not be held responsible for any disputes that may occur between thecardholder and/or any guests and a lounge operator.

18. The Priority Pass group of companies reserves the right at any time at its absolute discretion and without notice to revoke membership in Priority Pass. Where applicable a proportional refund of the annual fee/enrollment fee(whichever is applicable) will be made provided revocation has not been made because of fraud by the cardholder.

19. The cardholder agrees that s/he will defend and indemnify the Priority Pass group of companies, its directors, officers,employees and agents (collectively 'the indemnified parties') against and hold each indemnified party harmless fromall liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) forinjury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property arising out of the use of any lounge by thecardholder or any guests or any person in said lounge at the behest of the cardholder, except that such indemnificationshall not extend to acts of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnified parties.

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