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一 同义类比词频统计(共2047)

abate:v.减少 2abhor:v.憎恨 1abject: a.可怜的abjure: v.发誓弃绝 1abode: n.住处 1abominable: a.讨厌的 1abridge: v.缩短 2abrupt: a.突然的absurd: a.荒谬的 2+1abundant: a.富裕的 3+1accidental: a. 突然的 2acclaim: v. 宣称 1accompany: v.陪伴 1account: v. 计算 2accountable: a. 负责任的 1accusation: n. 指责 4+1acre: n. 亩acrid: a.尖酸的 1acumen: n.聪明,敏锐 2adage: n.格言 2adamant: a. 坚定的 2+1adaptable: a. 可适应的 2addled: a. 头脑混乱的 1adhere: v. 黏附 2admiring: a.敬佩的 2admonish: v. 警告adroit: a. 敏捷的adulation: n. 谄媚adversary: n. 对手,敌手affable: a. 和蔼的 1affection: n. 慈爱,感情 3affluent: a. 流利的agenda: n. 议程 2aggrandize: v. 扩大 1aggravation: n.恶化,恼怒 1+1aggressive: a. 挑衅的,积极的 1aghast: a. 吓人的 2agile: a. 敏捷的 2+2agitated: a. 被激怒的agriculture: n. 农业 2

aimless: a. 漫无目的的 2airy: a.空气的,幻想的 1alert: a.机警的 1alias: n.别名,化名 2alien: n.外星人 4align: v.排成一排 2allegation: n. 宣誓 2allergic: a. 过敏的 2aloof: a. 冷漠的 1+1alter: v. 改变 4alternate: a. 轮流的 1altimeter: n. 高度计altitude: n.高度amass: v. 积聚 1ambiguous: a.模棱两可的 1ambition: n.雄心壮志 2ambitious: a. 有雄心的 1ambulatory: a.可走动的 1amenable: a.和蔼的 1amend: v. 修补 2amiable: a.和蔼的 1ammunition: n.军火,弹药 1amoral: a.与道德无关的 2amorphous: a.无定形的 3amphibian: n.两栖动物 2ample: a. 大的,充分的 3amplify: v. 扩大amuse: v. 逗乐 3anarchist: n. 无政府主义者ancient: a. 古代的 3anesthetic: n.麻醉剂angelic: a.天使般的anguish: n.v.苦恼animosity: n. 敌意 2annoy: v.使苦恼 4annulment: n.废除,取消 1antagonist: n.敌手,对手 2antagonistic: a.敌对的 2antediluvian: a. 史前的 1anthologist: n.诗集编者anthology: n. 诗集antidote: n.解药 3antique: a. 古代的 1antiseptic: a. 抗菌的


antithesis: n.对照,对抗 1antitoxin: n.抗毒素 1anxiety: n.焦虑 3apartment: n.房屋一间apathy: n.冷漠 1+1apiary: n. 蜂房apparatus: n. 器具 1apparition: n.幽灵 1appeal: v.吸引 2applause: n. 条款appliance: n. 应用 1appreciation: n.欣赏 1apprehension: n. 焦虑 1approach: v. 接近 1apse: n. 穹顶 apt: a.适合的,有能力的 1aquamarine: a.蓝绿色的aquatic: a. 水生的aqueduct: n.水渠archaic: a. 古代的architectural: n. 建筑ardor: n. 狂热,热情 1arid: a.干燥的 2armor: n. 盔甲aroma: n. 香气arrogant: a.骄傲的 3articulate: a.清楚发音的 2+3artificial: a.虚假的 3ascend: v.上升 2assailable: a. 可攻击的(有弱点的) 1assault: v.攻击 2assemble: v. 集合 4assert: v. 断定 3assessment: n.评价 1assist: v.帮助 3astound: v.惊吓 1+1astronomy: n. 天文学athletic: n. 运动员 2atmosphere: n. 气氛,氛围 1attentively: adv.留意地 1attic: n. 阁楼attorney: n. 律师 2attractive: a. 吸引人的 4atypical: a. 非典型的 1

audible: a. 可以听到的audit: v. 审计auditorium: n. 礼堂 2auditory: a.听觉的 augury: n. 预言,征兆 1auspicious: a. 吉兆的 2austere: a. 简朴的 2authentic: a. 真正的 3+1authoritative: a. 权威的automatic: a. 自动的 1autopsy: n. 解剖学,解剖avarice: n. 贪婪 2+1avert: v. 避免 2avian: a. 鸟类的 1awkward: a. 笨拙的 2axe: n. 斧头babble: v. 牙牙学语bacterium: n. 细菌bait: n. 鱼饵baked: a.烘烤的 1+1baker: n. 烘烤师ballet: n. 芭蕾ban: v. 限制 1bandage: n. 绷带 1+2banish: v.驱逐 2banker: n. 银行家 3bark: n. 树皮barter: n. 物物交换 1bass: n.低音bastion: n. 堡垒 1bat: n. 蝙蝠;球拍batter: n.打手 2beak: n. 鸟嘴beam: n.一束光;横梁befriend: v.与人为善 1beget: v.产生,引起 1beggar: n. 乞丐 2belie: v. 掩饰 2believable: a. 可信的 2bellicose: a. 好斗的 1+1belligerent: a.好斗的 2benevolent: a. 慈善的 2+1beret: n. 贝雷帽berry: n.草莓


betray: v. 背叛,暴露 1beverage: n. 饮料 1biased: a. 有偏见的 2+1billboard: n. 布告栏biodegrade: v. 生物降解 1biscuit: n. 饼干bite: v. 轻咬 1bitter: a. 苦的;尖刻的 1bizarre: a. 奇怪 2blade: n. 刀锋blast: n. 爆炸;一阵blatant: a. 明显的 3bleak: a. 漏雨的;阴郁的 5blender: n.搅拌器bliss: n. 极其幸福 2blithe: a. 快乐的 1+1bloated: a. 膨胀的 1blockage: n. 障碍 2blooming: a. 蓬勃发展的blossom: n. 开花blueprint: n. 蓝图bluff : v.虚张声势 1boar: n. 公猪,野猪boast: v. 夸张 2boisterous: a. 喧闹的bolster: v. 支持bolt: n. 门闩boon: n. 恩惠 1bore: n. 令人讨厌;令人讨厌的人 2boulder: n. 大圆石boundary: n. 边界bounty: n. 慷慨;恩惠 2brazen: a. 黄铜的;厚颜无耻的breach: n. 裂口 1breed: v. 养育 1breeze: n. 微风brevity: n. 简单 2brick: n. 转头bridle: n. 缰绳briefcase: n. 公文包broccoli: n. 绿菜花brush off: 刷掉;打发走 1+1brutal: a. 野蛮的 3bubble: v. 冒泡

buckle: n. 皮带扣 3bud: n. 花蕾budget: n. 预算buffer: n. 缓冲,缓冲区buffet: n. 自助餐buffoon: n. 丑角,缺乏教养之人 2bulb: n. 植物的茎;灯泡 2bur: n. 芒刺burial: n. 埋葬 1butcher: n. 屠夫butter: n. 黄油 2butterfly: 蝴蝶 2buttress: v. 支持cabinet: n. 壁橱cacophony: n.声音刺耳 1+1cafeteria: n. 自助餐厅caffeine: n. 咖啡因camel: n. 骆驼camouflage: v. 伪装 5can: n. 罐 2canal: n. 运河candid: a. 坦白的 3candor: n. 坦白 4canine: a. 狗的 2cantaloupe: n. 哈蜜瓜cantankerous: a. 爱争吵的canter: v. 慢跑canvas: n. 油布 2capable: a. 有能力的 2capital: n. 资本 1caprice: n. 任性 2capture: v. 抓获 1cardinal: a. 重要的caricature: n. 讽刺画carnival: n. 嘉年华会 1 carpenter: 木匠 2cartographer: n. 制图师carved: a. 刻字的 1cashier: n. 出纳cassette: n. 磁带cast out: 扔出,抛弃 2castigate: v. 严厉斥责casual: a. 随便的 1catastrophe: n. 大灾难 2


caterpillar: n. 毛毛虫caustic: a. 腐蚀的 1cautious: a. 谨慎的 2cavern: a. 大洞穴censor: v. 审查 2censure: v. 指责 1centralized: a. 集中的 2ceramics: n. 制陶术chaff: v. 开玩笑,揶揄;n. 谷糠 1champion: v.支持;n. 冠军 1chaos: n. 混乱 1chapped: a. 裂开的, 有裂痕的charitable: a. 慈善的 1charming: a. 有魅力的 4chart: n. 图表chase: v. 追逐 1cheerless: a. 无精打采的 1cheese: n.奶酪chef: n.厨师 2cherry: n. 樱桃chew: v.拒绝chide: v.斥责 2childish: a. 像小孩子一样的 2chisel: n. 凿子choir: n. 唱诗班choke : v.窒息chord: n. 琴弦choreographer: n.舞蹈编排家chorus: n.合唱chronic: a.慢性的 2circus: n. 马戏团 2civility: n. 礼貌,端壮 1clamor: n.喧闹 4clank: n. 发当啷声clap: n.鼓掌clarify: v.澄清 4clarinet: n. 竖笛,单簧管clash: v.碰撞 2clause: n.条款,款项claw: n.爪子clay: n. 粘土cliff: n.悬崖clip: n.别针,剪子clipboard: n. 剪贴板

clog: n. 阻塞clot: n.凝结,粘块 clue: n. 暗示clumsy: a.笨拙 4+1coarse: a.粗糙的 4+1cocoon: n. 茧cod: n. 鳕鱼coddle: n.溺爱 2cogent: a.有说服力的collaboration: n.合作 1collage: n. 抽象派美术collar: n. 衣领collegial: a. 学院的 1collide: v.碰撞 1colorful: a.多姿多彩的 2colossal: a. 巨大的 1combustion: n. 燃烧 1comical: a.滑稽的comma: n.逗号 2commence: v.开始 1commentator: n.评论员commotion: n. 骚动,暴乱 3compact: a.紧密的 1companion: n. 伙伴 3compassion: n.同情 3compensate: v.补偿 1competent: a.能胜任的 3complain: v.抱怨 4complement: n.完成 1compliment: n. 恭维 3compose: v.组成;作文;作曲 2comprehension: n.理解 2concealing: a.取消的 1conceited: a.自大的 2conciliate: v.抚慰 1conciliating: a.抚慰的conclude: v.作结论 1concrete: a.具体的;n.混凝土concur: v.同意 1condemn: v. 谴责condescend: v.弯腰 2condescending: a. 以恩惠的态度对待 1condone: v. 原谅 2confide: v.自信 1


confident: a.自信的 2confinement: n. 限制confirmation: n.确定 1conflagration: n. 大火灾 1conflict: n. 小冲突 2conform: v. 遵守 1confuse: v.使迷惑 12congenial: a. 和蔼的 1congenital: a.天生的 1congested: a.拥挤的 1congregation: n. 聚集consequence: n.结果 2conservation: n. 保护,保守 2conservative: a. 保守的 1considerate: a.相当大的 1consistency: n.连续性 2conspicuous: a.明显的 1+1constant: a.坚定的 2constellation: n.星座 1consumption: n.消费 2container: n. 容器 3contaminate: v.污染contemplate: v.聚焦 2contemporary: a.当代的 1contempt: n. 轻视,轻蔑 2+2contend: v.竞争continuous: a.连续的 2contort: v.折磨 2contour: n.轮廓 1contract: v.收缩;n.合约 1contradiction: n. 矛盾 2contribute: v.贡献 2convene: v. 聚集 2convenient: a.便利的 1converse: a. 相反的,逆向的convict: v.宣告…有罪 3convoluted: a.费解的 1cooperate: v.合作 2copious: a. 丰富的coral: n.珊瑚corporal: a.肉体的,身体的corroboration: n.合作 1corrupt: a. 腐败的counselor: n.顾问 1

counterfeit: n.赝品 1courageous: a.有勇气的 1court: v. 献殷勤courteous: a. 有礼貌的cowardly: adv.胆怯地crack: v.打碎;解压crafty: a. 狡猾的 1craggy: a. 多峭壁的cramped: a.促狭的 1+1crane: n. 鹤,起重机crash :n.碰撞 1crass: a. 粗鲁的,愚钝的 1crawl: v.爬行 2crayon: n. 蜡笔credible: a.值得相信的 4credulous: a.轻信的 2crew: n.船员 2criminal: n.犯罪分子criminology: n.犯罪学cringe: v. 畏缩,谄媚critical: a.批评的;重要的 2criticism: n.批评 1critique: n.批评crucial: a.重要的 1crude: a.粗糙的 3crumble: v. 崩溃,弄碎 1crust: n.外壳cuff: n.小牛 2culpable: a.有罪的 1culprit: n.犯人cultivation: n.培育cunning: a.狡猾的 2curator: n.博物馆馆长 curiosity: n.好奇心curse: v.诅咒 2curve: n.曲线 2cushion: n. 垫子,橡皮软垫 2cygnet: n. 小天鹅cylinder: n.圆柱体 2damp: a.潮湿 2dawdle: v. 游手好闲,混日子 3dazzling: a.耀眼的 1deadly: a.致命的 3dearth: n.缺乏 4


debunk: v.揭露 1decay: v.腐烂 1deceit: n.欺骗 1+1deceive: v.欺骗 4deceleration: n.减速decibel: n.分贝decipher: v.解密decline: v.下降 3decomposition: n.分解 1decongest: v. 解除充血 1decorate: v.装饰 4 decrepit: a. 破旧的,衰老的defiant: a.违背的 1defile: v. 弄脏,污损 2definition: n.定义 2defoliate: v.使落叶 1deform: v.使变形 1dejected: a.沮丧的 1delay: v.延迟 2delectable: a. 快乐的,可喜的delegation: n.代表 1delete: v.消除 1delicate: a.精细的 3delicious: a.可口的,美味的 2delight: a.高兴的delinquent: n.流氓;a.有过失的 2deluge: n. 大洪水,泛滥 2demean: v.贬低 2demeanor: n.行为 1democratic: a.民主的 2denigrate: v. 使变黑,玷污 1denounce: v.谴责 2dense: a.密度大的,稠密的 1dentist: n. 牙科医生deodorize: v. 除臭,防臭 1departure: n.离开 1dependent: a.依靠的 1deplete: a.清空的 1deplore: v.哀求 1deport: v.驱逐 2depress: v. 使沮丧 4deprive: v.剥夺 2derogatory: a. 贬损的descent: n. 降落,家系

desecrate: v.使干燥 2desert: n.沙漠;v.遗弃deserve: v.值得 2desiccated: a.干的,粉状的desolate: a. 荒凉的 1despair: a.绝望的 1desperate: a.绝望的 1despise: v.轻视 1despondent: a.失望的 2dessert: n. 甜食destitute: a. 困穷的,缺乏 2destructive: a.破坏性的 1detailed: a.详细的 2deter: v.威慑 3deteriorate: v. 恶化 1detour: n.绕路 1detrimental: a.有害的 2+1deviation: n. 偏差 1device: n.装备 1devise: v.设计 1devoted: a.专一的 1devout: a. 虔诚的dexterity: n.敏捷 2dexterous: a.敏捷的 1dialogue: n.对话 dice: n. 骰子diffuse: v.解除(炸弹) 1dignify: v.增威严,使高贵 3diligent: a.勤奋的 3dim: a.昏暗的 1diminish: v.减少 1din: n.喧嚣 3dine : v. 用正餐,进餐 1dinosaur: n.恐龙 2diplomat: n.外交家,外交官disadvantaged: a.劣势的 2disagreement: n.意见不统一 4disapproval: n.不同意 1disarm: v.解除武装 1disassemble: v.解散disastrous: a.危害大的 5discard: v.遗弃 3discourage: v.使士气低落 5discourse: n.演讲.论文 1


discredit: v.怀疑,损害...的信用 1discursive: a. 散漫的disdain: v.蔑视 3+1disguise: v.伪装 6disintegration: n.分解 1dismal: a.沮丧的 2+1dismantle: v. 拆除...的设备,分解 1dismay: v.沮丧dismiss: v.解雇,解散,不相信 3+1dismissal: n. 免职,解雇 2disobedient: a.不遵守的 1dispersion: n. 散布disruptive: a. 捣乱的,破坏性的 1dissemble: v.分散 2disseminate: v.分散,消散 2dissolved: a.溶解的dissonance: n.不谐和音,不一致 1distinct: a.不同的 2distinguished: a.出名的 1ditch: n. 沟渠 1diversity: n.多样性 1divert: v.转移 3divulge: v. 泄露,暴露 2docile: a.温顺的 2dock: n. 码头,船坞 3dogged: a.尾随的 1dolphin: n. 海豚domicile: n. 住所,住宅 1dominate: v.占据 2donate: v.捐款 1donor: n. 捐赠人 1dormant: a.静止的 1dossier: n. n. 档案材料 2dot: n.圆点doubtful: a.怀疑的 4dough: n.生面团downtrodden: a. 受压迫的 1doze: v. 打瞌睡,假寐 2dreary: a. 沉闷的 3driftwood: n. 流木,浮木drill: v.训练 3drooping: a. 下垂的,无力的 2drop: n.小水滴drought: n.干涸 2

drowsy: a. 昏昏欲睡的 1drummer: n. 鼓手dubious: a.怀疑的 1dull: a.乏味的 2duplicate:v.复制 1dwindle: v.减少 1dye: n. 染料,染色 2dynamite: n. 炸药eager: a.急切的earnest: a.认真的ebullient: a.兴奋的ecstasy: n.狂喜 2+2edible: a.可食的 2efficiency: n.效率 2elaborate: a.精巧的;v.精工制作 2elation: n.喜出望外 1elect: v.选举 1electricity: n.电 1elegant: a. 优雅的,精美的elegy: n. 悲歌,哀歌element: n.元素 1elevate: v.提升 7+2elevator: n.电梯eliminate: v.消除 1elongate: v.延长 1elongated: a.延长的 3elusive: a.费解的 2emergency: n.效率 2emotional: a.动感情的 1empathy: n.移情作用emphasize: v.强调 1emphatic: a.强调的 1emu: n. 食火鸟emulate: v.模仿 1enclosure: n. 围墙,围绕 1encompassed: a.被包围的endanger: v.使陷入困境 3endure: v.忍受 1energetic: a.活跃的 2enfold: v.折叠 2engage: v.卷入 2enigmatic: a.谜的 2enjoyable: a.享受的 1enlarge: v.扩大 3


enlighten: v. 启迪 2enormous: a. 巨大的 1ensign: n. 国旗entertaining: a.娱乐性的 1enthusiastic: a.热情的 1entrust: v.相信 3entry: n.键入;条款 2envelope: n.信封epic: n.史诗epoxy: n. 环氧基树脂 1equality: n.平等 2equalization: n. 均衡,均等 1equine: a马的,似马的 1equitable: a.相等的 1equivocator: 说话模棱两可的人eradicate: v.根除 1erosion:n. 固执erratic: a. 偏离的,固执的 1erroneous: a.错误的 1eruption: n.喷发esoteric: a.外来的 1essay: n.议论文essential: a.必要的 2esteem: v.尊敬eternity: n.永远 1ethereal: a.空气的,天上的etiquette: n. 礼仪,礼节eulogy: n.赞词 2evade: v.逃避 1evening gown: n. 女子夜礼服exaggeration: n.加重 1exalt: v.赞美 1+1excavate: v.挖出 1+1exceed: v.超过 2excess: n.过度 3excessive: a.过度的 2excitable: a.兴奋的 1exclamation: n.喊出exclude: v.排除 3executive: a.执行的exempt: a.免除的exhaust: v.耗尽 4+3expedition: n.短途旅行 2expel: v.驱逐 2

expert: n.专家 1explicit: a.外在的explosion: n. 爆炸,爆发 3 expose: v.暴露 1expunge: v.擦掉,删掉 2external: a.外部的extraneous: a.外来的 1extraordinary: a.非凡的 1extra: n.附加品extravagance: n.浪费extreme: a.极度的 2extremity: n.极限 1extricate: v. 使解脱,救出extroverted: a.外向的exuberant: a.繁茂的 2fabric: a.纤维的fabrication: n.捏造 2fabulous: a. 传说的,无根据的 3facile: a.容易做的facilitate: v.使便利faithful: a.忠诚的 2fake: 假的fallacy: n.谬误 1fallow: a. 休耕的 1falsehood: n.错误 3falsification: n.捏造 1fame: n.荣誉 1+1famine: v.挨饿famished: a.挨饿的fancy: n. 想像力,幻想 2+1fantastic: a.极好的 4+1fascinating: a.有趣的 1fatal: a.致命的 2fathom: v.探寻 2fatigue: n.疲劳 5+1faucet: n.水龙头favor: n.帮助 2favorable: a.喜欢的 3feast: n. 宴会,酒席 1feather: n. 羽毛feeble: a.虚弱的 2+1feign: a.假的feline: a. 猫科的fence: n. 围墙,剑术


ferment: n.v.发酵,动乱ferocity: n.生气 2fertile: a.肥沃的festival: a.节日的 1fetid: a. 有恶臭的,臭的fib: n. 小谎,一击fickle: a. 变幻无常的,浮燥的fiction: n.科幻小说 2fidelity: n. n. 忠实,诚实fiend: n. 魔鬼,邪神fierceness: n. 凶恶,残忍 2fiery: a. 炽热的,热烈的 1fin: n. 鳍,鱼翅 2finalize: v. 使结束,使完结 4financial: a.金融的 1finicky: a. 苛求的 1fireplace: n. 壁炉flashy: a. 闪光的,一瞬间 2flat: a.平的 1flatter: v.谄媚flexible: a. 灵活的,易弯曲的 2floating: a.漂浮的 1flock: 羊群flora: 植物florist: n. 花匠,花商flour: n. 面粉fluid: n.液体;a.液体的 2foe: n. 敌人,仇敌 1foible: n.小缺点 1foment: v. 煽动 1forethought : n. 考虑将来,深虑 1forewarning: a. 预先警告的 2forge: v.锻打 1forgivable: a.可原谅的fork: n.刀叉formidable: a.可怕的 1formula: n.公式 1forthcoming: a. 即将到来的 2fortify: v. 设要塞,加强 2fortunate: a.好运的 1fossil: n.化石 2foundation: n.基础 3 founder: n. 创立者 2fountain: n. 喷泉

fraction: n分数 1fractious: a. 易怒的,脾气不好的fragile: a.易碎的 1fragrant: a.香的 1+1frail: a.脆弱的 2frame: n.框架frank: a.直率的 1freezer: n. 冰库,冰箱fret: v. 烦恼,不满 1frisky: a. 活泼的,快活的 2frivolous: a.轻佻的 1frown: v.皱眉头 3+1frozen: a.冷的,冻的 2frugal: a.节俭的fruitful: a.硕果累累的 2furious: a.生气的,愤怒的 2+1fuss: n.大惊小怪 1futile: a.无用的 2galaxy: n. 银河,一群显赫之人 1+1gallant: a.勇敢的 1galley: n. 厨房gallop: n. 疾驰,飞奔gauge: n.精确计量gavel: n.法官用的小木槌gem: n. 宝石 3generosity: n.慷慨generous: a.慷慨的 4genteel: a. 文雅的,有教养的 2genuine: a.聪明的 5germ: n. 微生物,细菌ghastly: a.像鬼一样的 1+1gigantic: a.巨大的 2girder: n.桥梁glacier: n. 冰河,冰川glance: v.一瞥glib: v.油嘴滑舌的 2gloomy: a.阴郁的 2glorification: n.荣誉 1glorious: a.光荣的 2+1glove: n. 手套gluttonous: a.贪吃的gluttony: n.贪吃gnarled: a. 树木多瘤节的 2goalie: n. (足球等运动的)守门员


goat: n. 山羊gosling: n. 小鹅,年轻无知的人gossip: n. 闲聊graceful: a.优雅的 1gracious: a.亲切的,高尚的 1grain: n.稻子 1granite: n. 花岗石grape: n. 葡萄graphite: n. 黑铅,石墨grasping: a. 贪心的,贪婪的 1grasshopper: n. 蚱蜢grateful: a.感激的grave : a.悲伤的 4graze : v.盯住 2greed: n.贪婪 2greedy: a.贪婪的gregarious: a.群居的 2grieve: v.为…悲伤 4grim: a.憔悴的 1grimace: v. 扮鬼脸grime: n. 污垢,污物grin: v.露齿而笑 1+1grizzly: a. 灰(白)色的,灰白的groan: v.呻吟grocery: n.小商品店groomer: n. 马夫,新郎ground hog: 土拨鼠growl: n. 吠声,不平 2grumpy: a. 性情乖戾的,脾气暴躁的guard: v.保卫: 2guile: n. 狡猾: 1guilt: n.负罪: 2gullible: a.轻易受骗的 3gully: n. 小峡谷,排水沟 2gurgle: n. 汨汨地流 2gusty: a. 阵阵猛急的,突发的 2gymnast: n. 体操运动员gyroscope: n. 陀螺仪habitual: a.习惯的 2haiku: n.日本的一种诗体hallow: v. 使...神圣,视为神圣 3halt: v.停止 1+1hammer: v.阻碍 3haphazard: a.偶然的

hapless: a.运气差的 1+1harbinger: n.先驱者 2harden: v. 变硬,使...坚强 2hardy: a.困难的 2harem: n. 闺房harmonize: v.使和谐 2harp: n. 竖琴harsh: a.严厉的 3+1hasten: v.加速hatred: a.憎恨的 2+1haughty: a.高傲的 4hazy: a. 朦胧的,模糊的 2headstrong: a. 顽固的,刚愎的 2hearty: a. 诚恳的,热烈 1heighten: v.增高,提高 1 heinous: a.憎恨的helmet: n.头盔 2+1hem: n. 边缘herb: n.草herbivorous: a.植食动物的 2hermit: n.隐士 2heterogeneous: a. 异种的,异质的 1hexagon: n. n. 六角形 4hibernate: v. 冬眠 2hilarious: a.高兴的hinder: v.阻碍 3hippopotamus: n. 河马historical: a.历史的 2hoax: v.哄骗 1hockey: n. 曲棍球 2homage: n. 敬意 2homogenize 2honey: n.蜂蜜;a.亲爱的honeycomb: n. 蜂窝honorable: a.尊重的 1hood: n. 头巾hop: v.单脚跳跃horrify: v.使害怕 2horror: n.恐惧household: n.家庭 2humanitarian: a.人性的humble: a.谦逊的 1+1humid: a.潮湿的 2+1humility: n.谦逊 2


hummingbird: n. 蜂鸟humongous: a. 其大无比的hurl: n. 用力的投掷 1husk: n. 外壳,皮hydration: n. 水和hygienic: a. 卫生学的, 卫生的hyperactive: a. 极度活跃的hyperbole: n.夸张 1+1hypothetical: a.假设的 1hysteria: n.歇斯底里hysterical: a.歇斯底里的 2identical: a.相同的 1identification: n.相同 2idle: a.懒散的igneous: a. 火的,似火的ignorance: n.无知 7illegible: a.不合法的illumination: n.照明,阐释 2illusion: n.幻想 1illustrate: v.举例 2imaginary: a.想象的 3imagination: n.想象 2imbue: v.灌输 3imitate: v.模仿 3immaculate: a.洁白的immature: a.不成熟的 2imminent: a.即将到来的 4immortal: a.不朽的 2+2immune: a.免受…的 1impeccable:a. 无瑕疵的impede: v.阻碍 2+1impediment: n.阻碍 1impending: a.即将到来的 2impenetrable: a.不能穿透的 2imperfection: n.不完美 2imperious: a.傲慢的 2implicate: v.使…绕进去 2imply: v.暗示 2imposing: a.强加的 1impractical: a.没有实际用处的 1imprudent: a.粗鲁的 1impulsive: a.激动的 2inalienable: a.不可疏远的;亲近的 2inane: a. 空虚的,愚蠢的

inanimate: a.没有生气的 1inappropriate: a.不合适的 2 inarticulate: a.不清楚的 1inaugurate: v. 开创,举行 2inauspicious: a.凶兆的 1inborn: a.与生俱来的 1incarceration: n. 下狱,监禁 1incessant: a.不停歇的 2incinerate: v.焚化,焚烧 2incite: v. 刺激,激励 1incline: v.倾向 1incomprehensive: a.无法理解的 inconclusive: a.不包含的 1inconsiderate: a.不关心别人的 1+1inconsistent: a.不连续的 1incredible: a.不相信的 1incredulous: a.不轻易相信的incremental: 增量的,增加的 1indecent: a.不体面的 2indecision: n.没有决断力 1indefatigable: a.不知疲倦的 1independent: a.独立的 2indicate: v.暗示 2indication: n.暗示 2indict:v.控诉indifference: n. 不关心 1indignation: n.极其愤怒indistinguishable: a. 不能区别的 1inedible: a.不能吃的 1ineffective: a.无效的 1inertia: n.惯性,惰性 2inevitable: a. 不可避免的 1inexhaustible: a. 用不完的infamous: a.无耻的 1infect: v.感染 1infection: n.感染 2inferior: a.低劣的 2infiltration: n. 浸润 1inflated: a.膨胀的 1informed: a.无所不知的 2ingenious: a.天才的 1ingredient: n.元素inhumane: n. 不人道的 2initiate: v. 开始 3


inject: v. 注射injured: a. 受伤的 1injurious: a. 有害的 1innate: a.天生的 1innocent: a. 无辜的innocuous: a.无害的 1inopportune: a.不合时宜的 1insanity: n.不正常,疯狂insightful: a.有洞察力的 2insignificance: n.不重要 2insinuate: v.暗示,暗指insipid: a.无聊的insomnia: n.失眠症instigate: v.煽动 1insult: v.污染 4intangible: a.无形的integrity: n.正直intelligent: a.聪明的 7intense: a.强烈的 2internal: a.内部的interpretation: n.解释 1interruption: n.打断 1intervene: v.干涉 1inundate: v.淹没,泛滥 2investigate: v.调查 2involuntary: a.非自愿的 1invulnerable: a.不易受攻击的 1ire: n.愤怒 1+1irk: v.使厌倦ironic: a.讽刺的 3irrelevant: a.不相关的 1irrigate: v.灌溉 irritate: v.激怒 4+1isolate: v.孤立 3ivory: a.乳白色的jade: n.玉jail: n.监狱 2+1jam: n.拥塞之物;果酱 2janitor: n. 守卫,门警jar: n.震惊 1+2jargon: n.黑话 1jeer: v.嘲笑jeopardy: n. 危险 1jester: n. 爱开玩笑的人 1

jet: v.喷射,喷出jewelry: n.珠宝 2jog: v.蹒跚行走,慢走 jovial: a.高兴的 1jubilee: n. 纪念(佳节,欢乐) 1judiciary: a.司法的judicious: a.有判断力的juggler: n. 变戏法者,行骗者jumble:n.掺杂,混杂 2juror:n. 陪审员justify: v.证明…有效 1juvenilia: n.少年读物 2juxtapose: v.并排放 1kaleidoscope: n.万花筒keen: a.敏锐的 3kennel: n.狗窝 2Kinesiology: n. 运动机能学kitten: n. 小猫knob: n. 把手 2knotty: a. 有结的,多节的 2knuckle: n. 指节,蹄爪label: v.标注 2lagoon: n.污泥潴留池 2lair: n. 野兽的巢穴lament: v.悲伤 4lampoon: n. 讽刺文章 1landscape: n.风景 2lane: n. 小路,小巷lark: n. 云雀,欢乐larvae: larva(幼虫)的 pl形式lash: n.鞭子lathe: n. 车床laud: v.鼓掌 2laurels: n.桂冠 2lavender: n. 淡紫色,熏衣草 2lavish: a.浪费的lax: a.松懈的leap: v.跳跃lease: n.租约,租用 1leash: v.束缚legal: a.法律的 4legality: n.法律 1legend: n.传奇legendary: a.传奇的 2


legibility: n.可读legislate: v.制定法律 1legislature: n.法律 lemon: n. 柠檬 2lengthen: v. 延长 1leniency: n.仁慈 1lenient: a.仁慈的leopard: n. 豹lethal: a.致命的 2lethargic: a.昏睡的lethargy: n.昏睡 1levee: n.大堤lexicon: n.字典 1+1liability: n. 责任,债务 1liar: n.骗子 2liberate : v.解放 3lily: n. 百合花;a.纯白色的limb: n.大腿limber: a.柔软的 2linger: v.犹豫 2 liquefy: v.液化 2liquid: n.液体 2liter: n. 升(容量单位)literary: a. 文学的 2livestock: n.家畜lizard: n. 蜥蜴loathing: n. 厌恶,憎恶 1lobby: n.大厅; v.游说 2locomotive: a. 运转的,火车头的 2logical: a.逻辑的 2lucid: a.清晰的 1lugubrious: a.忧伤的 1lunar: a.月亮的lunatic: a.疯子的 1lung: n.肺lunge: n. 刺,刺进 2lurid: a.像火烧一样的,绚丽的luscious: a. 甘美的,浓厚的 1lustful: a.渴望的,贪婪的 2lyrical: a.抒情的 2maddening: a.使人恼火的 1magical: a.魔术的 1majesty: n.威严 2maladroit: a.笨拙的 1

malady: n. 病,疾病 1malfunction: n.营养不良malice: n.恶毒malicious: a. 恶毒的 2malignant: a.有恶意的,恶性的 1mall: v.商场 malleable: a.可塑的 1mallet: n.木槌,球棍malodorous: a.恶臭的 1mammal: n.哺乳动物 4mammoth: a.巨大的mangle: v.碾压,损坏 1marble :n. 大理石 2mare: n.母马marine: a.海里的marvel: n. 奇异的事物 2mascot: n. 福神,吉祥的东西massive: a.大量的 1masterpiece: n. 杰作 2Mayor : n.市长meager: a.缺乏的 3+1meander: a.蜿蜒的 1mechanic: n.机械 2mechanical : a. 机械的,力学的 1meddlesome: a.干扰的 1median: a.中间的,正中的 2+1medical: a.医学的 1medium: n.媒介meek: a. 温顺的,谦恭的 2melodious: 音律优美的 2+1melody: n.韵律 1melon: n. 甜瓜 2mendicant: n.乞丐 1mental: a.精神的 1mentor: n.导师 1mercy: n.可怜mesmerizing: a.被催眠的messy: a.混乱的 1metamorphosis: n.锐变,变质 2meteorology: n.气象学 2meticulous: a.仔细的 1metric: n.米(度量标准)migrate: v.移动;移民mild: a. 轻微的,温柔的


mill: n. 磨粉机,磨坊mine: n.矿山mineral: n.矿石 2mint: n.造币厂 2minutiae: n.细节 1miser: n.守财奴,吝啬鬼miserly: a.吝啬的misplaced: a.放错位置的 4miter: n. 主教法冠mitigate: v.减少,减弱 2mnemonic: a. 助记的,记忆的moan: n. 呻吟声,悲叹声 1modest: a.谦虚的moist: a. 潮湿的,湿润的molding: n.模具monarch: 独裁 1+2monologue: n.独白 1monotonous: a.单调的 2monster: n.怪物moral: a.道德的 1morn: n.黎明,东方 1moronic: a. 低能的morose: a.阴郁的 2+1morsel: n. 一口,少量mortal: a.死的,致命的;n.凡人mortality: n.死亡率;死亡 2mosaic: a.镶嵌的 2mourn: v.呻吟,哀痛 1muffle: v.消音,低沉的声音muffler: n.消音器multicolored: a.多种颜色的 1mundane: a.世俗的 4mural: a. 墙壁的 2murky: a.黑的 2musical: a.音乐的; 1musty: a. 发霉的,霉臬的 2mutability: n.可变性 2mutilate: v.切断,使残缺不全 1mysterious: a.神秘的 5+1myth: n.神话 3mythical: a.神秘的 2nadir: n.最低点 1nail: n.钉子naïve: a.幼稚的

nap: n.打盹napkin: n. 餐巾nasty: a. 污秽的,下流的 2neat: a.整洁的 1needle: n.针needy: a.急需的 2negative: a.消极的;负数的 1negligent: a.疏忽的 2neutral: a.中立的 2+2nibble: v.轻咬nick: v.擦伤 1Nickel: n. 镍,镍币nimble: a.敏捷的 3+1noisome: a.恶臭的 2nomination: n.提名nonplus: v.使困惑notorious: a.臭名昭著的 1+1numerology: n. 命理学numerous: a.大量的 1nut: n.坚果nutritious: a.有营养的 2+1oak: n. 橡树,橡木oath: n.誓言 1obdurate: a. 固执的,顽固的 1obedient: a.服从的 1+1obese: a. 极肥胖的 2obesity: n.肥胖object: n.物体 1obligatory: a.有义务的 2oboe: n. 双簧管obscure: a.模糊的 3+1observable: a.可以观察到的 2observant: a.观察力敏锐的 3obsolete: a.过时的 3obstacle: n.障碍 3+1obstinacy: n.倔强obvious: a.明显的 1oceanographer: n. 海洋学家octagon: n. 八边形odd: a.奇数的;奇怪的 2+1odious: a. 可憎的,讨厌的 1odor: n.气味 3+1odorless: a. 无臭的odorous: a. 芳香的,有气味的 1


offend: v.得罪 3offensive: a.得罪人的 1olfactory: n.嗅觉 3olive: n.橄榄,橄榄树ominous: a.预兆的,不祥的 3ooze: v.汩汩地流 2opal: n. 蛋白石,猫眼石open-minded: a.思想开明的 1oral: a.口头的orbit: n.轨道 2orchestra: n. 管弦乐队 2ore: n.矿石ornate: v.装饰 1+1ostentatious: a.虚假的 2+1outfit: v. 配备,供应;n.配备 2outlet: n. 出口,出路outline: n.轮廓 3outlook: n.外貌 2outraged: a.出离愤怒的 1outwit: v.智力上超过 1oval: n. 椭圆形oven: n. 烤炉overcast: a. 阴天的,阴暗的overweight: a. 超重的 1oyster: n. 牡蛎pachyderm: n. 厚皮类迟钝的人pacifist: n.和平爱好者 2pacify: v.平息 1pale: a.苍白的 2palette: n. 调色板,颜料 4paltry: a. 不足取的,琐碎的 3panther: n. 豹pantomime: a.像鬼一样的parade: n.游行,检阅paradox: n.自相矛盾 2parallel: a.平行的 1paranoid: n.妄想狂 1parsimony: a.害怕的passionate: a.热情的,热烈的 1pasta: n. 意大利通心粉pathology: n.病理学patio: n. 天井(庭院)patron: v.资助pause: v.暂停

peak: n.顶点 2pearl: n.珍珠pebble: n.鹅卵石peddle: v.沿街叫卖 2peel: n.果皮 5penguin: n. 企鹅pentagon: n.五角形penultimate: a. 倒数第二的 1pepper: n. 胡椒粉perception: n.认识,观念 3perceptive: n.视角 1peregrination: n. 游历,旅行 1peril: v.危险,冒险 1perilous: a. 危险的pernicious: a. 有害的,致命的 1perpetuate: v.使永远 2perplex: v.复杂 3persistent: a.坚持的 2perspiration: n.流汗 2perspire: v.流汗persuasive: a.有说服力的 2perturbation: n.打扰 1peruse: v. 熟读,精读 1perversion: n.误用pesticide: n.杀虫剂petite: a.小的,细的petrified: a.石化的petty: a.小气的pharmacist: n.药学家 1philanthropy: n.慈善 3phobia: n.恐…的病 4pied:a. 斑驳的,杂色的 1piercing: a.刺透的 1piety: n. 虔诚 2pillar: n. 柱子pine: n.松树 2pious: a.虔诚的pith: n.要点placid: a.平淡的plain: a.平的 1plankton: n.浮游生物plant-eating: a.植食动物 2plateau: n. 高原;平稳 2+1platoon: n. 排,一组


plausible: a.看上去像真实的 2playwright: n. 剧作家plead: v. 辩护,恳求 2plentiful: a.多的 1plethora: n.过多 2pliable: a.易曲折的,柔软的plow: n. 犁,耕地plump: v.突然放下;突然讲出 1plunge: v.跳水,跳进 1pod: n. 豆荚podium: n. 矮墙poisonous: a.有毒的 1polish: v.使变光亮pollen: n.花粉polygon: n.多边形pompous: a. 傲慢的,自大的 2pond: n.水池ponder: v. 沉思,考虑 2pony: n. 小马popcorn: n. 爆米花porcupine: n.豪猪 2porpoise: n. 海豚portray: v.描绘 1possessive: a.占有欲的 2posthumous: a.死后的 1postscript: n. 附笔potable: a. 适于饮用的potter: n. 陶工,陶艺家 2pouch: n.小袋,小包 2pounce: n.猛扑practicality: n.实际使用性pragmatist: n.务实主义者praiseworthy: a.值得赞扬的prance: v.昂首阔步 2+1prayer: n.祈祷者 2precede: v. 在...之前,优于 1 precipice: n. 断崖,绝壁precipitation: n.沉淀;冰雹preclude: v. 预先排除 1predict: v.预示 2prediction: n.预示 1predominant: a.占优的 1preface: n.前序 2+1prehensile: a. (足等)适于抓握的 1

prejudice: n.偏见 1+1premeditated: a. 预先想过的,预谋的 2presumption: n.假设 2pretentious: a.假装的 2prevail: v.流行;胜过 2prevalent: a.流行的 3primary: a.最初的,最重要的 1primate: n.灵长类动物primitive: a.原始的 1principal: a.原则priority: n.优先权 2proclaim: v.宣称 3proclivity: n. 倾向,癖性 1prodigal: a.挥霍的 2productive: a.能生产的profess: v. 声称,以...为业 1profound: a.影响深远的 2prohibit: v.禁止,阻止 1prolific: a.多产的prolong: v.延长 2promising: a.有前景的 2prompt: v.激起;a.迅速的;n.提示 3propel: v.推动 2propensity: n.倾向性 1proprietary: n.所有权;a.专利的 1protagonist: n.主角protractor: n. 分度器,圆规proverb: n.格言 2providential: a. 幸运的 1provincial: a.地方的,狭隘的provoke: v.激起 2prowess: n. 英勇,勇敢prowl: n. 潜行,徘徊 2proximity: n.接近 1prudent: a. 谨慎的 1pry: v. 打听,窥探 2psychiatric: a. 精神病的psychology: n.心理学publicity: n.公共性puck: n. 圆盘pudding: n. 布丁puddle: n. 水池,地上积水pulpy: a. 果肉状的,纸浆状的punctual: a.准时的 3


pungent: a. 苦痛的,刺激性的puppy: n.小猪 3purify: v.使纯洁 2+2purity: n.纯正putrid: a.腐烂的pyramid: n.正四面体python: n.大蟒quadruped: n. 四足兽quart: n.夸脱(度量单位) 3quartet: n. 四重奏quell: v. 压制,平 1quench: v. 熄减,结束 2query: n.疑问 1quill: n.大羽毛 2quintet: n.五重奏quirky: a. 狡诈的quiver: n. 震动,颤抖quotation: n.引用 2rabbit: n. 兔子raccoon: n.浣熊racket: n. 球拍radiator: n. 暖气片,散热器raft: n.斜坡;诈骗 1rainbowrambleramp: rancid: a. 腐臭的ranger: n. 守林人,骑警ransack: v. 彻底搜索,洗劫 2rapid: a.迅速的 1rare: a.稀少的 3rarity: n. 稀薄 2rashness: n.急促 1rasp: n. 粗锉刀,擦菜板 3rational: a. 有理性的 1rattle: v.格格的响ravenous: a.贪吃的ravine: n.峡谷,山谷 1 raze: v.消除,破坏 1+1razor: n. 剃刀react: v.行动 2reaction: n.行动 3rebuttal: n. 反驳,反证 2recalcitrant: a.顽固的,反抗的

recede: v.后退 1recess: n.休息,放假 recessive: a.退行的 1recluse: a.隐居的;n.隐士 1+1recognition: n.认出;认知recollect: v.回忆 3recur: v. 再发生 1redundant: a.丰富的 1+1reed: n. 芦苇refined: a.提炼过的;有礼貌的 3+1refractory: a. 不听话的,执拗的 1refutation: n.拒绝 1regressive: a.退步的 1regrettable: a.后悔的 2regularity: n. 规则 1rehearsed: a. 排练的 1+2reimburse: v. 偿还 1reject: 拒绝 6rejection: n. 拒绝 2relaxed: v. 放松 2release: v. 释放 4religious: a. 宗教的 2rely on: 依靠 2remedy: n. 治疗 2reminisce: v. 追忆 1remote: a. 遥远的 1renaissance: n. 重生;复兴 1renew: v. 刷新 7renewal: n. 刷新 2renounce: v. 弃绝,放弃 3renovate: v. 创新 2renown: v. 出名 2rented: a. 租用的 1repel: v.排斥,反驳 2repetitious: a. 重复的 2repetitive: a. 重复的 2reprimand: v. 严厉斥责reproach: v.斥责,责备 3reptile: n. 爬行动物 2repudiate: v. 拒绝 2repugnant: a. 讨厌的,不愉快的 2repute: n. 名望 2reserved: a. 保持的,保留的 4resign: v. 辞职,退休 1


resignation: n. 辞职;逆来顺受resilient: a. 有弹性的;愉快的 1resolution: n. 坚决 2resort to: 诉诸… 2restitution: n.赔偿 1restore: v. 恢复,归还 1restraint: n. 限制retard: v. 延迟;妨碍 2reticent: a. 沉默的 1retraction: n.收回;取消 2retreat: v. 撤退 2retrieve: v. 取回 1revere: v. 尊敬 3+1reversal: n. 翻转,倒转 1revision: v. 修正,校订 1revival: n. 复兴,复活 1revolution: n. 革命 2revolutionary: a. 革命性的revolve: v. 旋转,考虑 2rewarding: a. 报酬的 1rhinoceros: n. 犀牛;麻木不仁rhythm: n. 韵律 1+2rickety: a.驼背的,摇摆的 1riddle: n.谜语 2ridicule: v. 奚落 1rifle: n.步枪;v.抢劫rigid: a.严格的;严厉的 1+1rind: n.果皮 2rinse: n.洗刷ripe: a.成熟的ripple: n.涟漪rivalry: n.竞争对手 1rivet: n. 铆钉;v.敲入roam: v.漫游robust: a.强壮的 1+1roe: n.鱼卵rosy: a.玫瑰色的rot: v. 腐烂rotund: a.声音洪亮的 2rouse: v.升起 1route: n.路线 1royal: a. 皇家的 3rubber: n. 橡胶 2rude: a.粗鲁的 8

rugby: n. 橄榄球rumble: n. 隆隆声runny: a. 流鼻涕的rust: v.生锈 ruthless: a.残忍的sacred: a.神圣的 1saddle: n.马鞍salmon: n.大马哈鱼salty: a.咸的salute: v.敬礼 2sanctioned: a.批准的 1sanguine: a.乐观的 1sanitary: a. 卫生的,清洁的sapphire: a.蓝宝石色的satiate: v.满足 2satire: v.讽刺 3saturate: v.渗透 2+1sauce: n. 调味汁,酱汁saunter: v. 漫步,闲逛savory: a. 风味极佳的,可口的 1saw: n.锯子scale: n.刻度;鱼鳞 2scalpel: n.外科手术刀 3scar: n.疤痕scarcity: n. 稀缺性 4scary: a.胆小的,害怕的scatter: v.粉碎 1scavenger: n. 清除剂 1scent: 香气 2scheduled: a.计划好的 1school: n.鱼群scissor: n.剪刀 2scold: v.斥责 4score: n.乐谱 2scour: n.摩擦scrawl: n.乱涂,乱画scream: v.惊叫 2screw: n.螺丝screwdriver: n.扳手scribble: v.潦草的写 2script: n.脚本,剧本scrub: v.用力擦洗 2scrutinize: v.仔细勘察 2sculptor: n. 雕刻家 2


sculpture: n. 雕塑seal: v.密封 1secondary: a.第二的;不重要的 1secrecy: n.秘密 2seep: v.渗出 2self-sufficiency: n.自给自足sensitive: a.敏感的 2sentimental: a.多愁善感的 2sentry: n. 卫兵 2serenade: n. 夜曲 2serene: a. 宁静的 3serenity: n.宁静 2sermon: v.召集 1servile: a.奴性的 sever: v.切断 2severe: a.严重的 5severity: n.严重性sew: v. 缝纫,缝合 2shady: a. 荫凉的shale: n. 页岩,泥板岩shark: n. 鲨鱼shave: v.刮胡子 1shepherd: n. 牧羊者shield: n. 盾,防卫物shiny: a.闪光的 2shivering: a. 颤抖的shovel: n.铲子shrill: n.尖锐的声音 1shrink: n. 收缩,萎缩 1shrub: n. n.灌木shrug: v.耸肩sidekick: v. 伙伴sidestep: v.避开 1sidewalk: v.避开sift: v.筛 2silly: a.傻乎乎的 2silverware: n. 银器sincerity: n. 诚实,真实 2single-handed: a. 单独一人的skelter: v.急匆匆跑sketch: n. 素描,草图skimpy: a. 马虎的 2skinny: a. 皮包骨头的 2+1skittish: a. 易激动的, 轻佻的 1

skunk: n. 臭鼬鼠 2skyscraper: n. 摩天大楼sleeve: n. 袖子slender: a. 细长的,苗条的 1+1slice: : n. 薄的切片slide rule: 计算尺slipper: n. 拖鞋slippery: a. 滑的 1sloppy: a.泥泞的 3slothful: a.懒惰的 2+1sluggish: a.懒惰的 1sly: a. 狡猾的,诡密的 1smite: v. 彻底击败 1smolder: v.闷烧,压抑smooth: a.平静的snack: n.吃零食snap: v.猛咬,咬断sneak: n.潜行 2sneaker: n.卑鄙的小人sneaky: a. 鬼祟的,卑鄙的sneer: v.嘲笑 2sneeze: v. 打喷嚏snip: n. 便宜货,廉价货snowflake: n.雪花soak: v.浸入 2soar: v.高耸sober: a.清醒的 2sociable: a.合群的 4solemn: a.严肃的 1solidify: v.固化 2solitary: a.孤独的 2solution: n.解决方法somnolent: a. 想睡的,催眠的 1sonnet: n. 十四行诗soothe: v.安慰 1+1soothing: a. 安慰的,安慰性的soothsayer: n. 预言者sophisticated: a.复杂的 1soporific: a.催眠的 1sorrow: n.悲伤 1soul: n.灵魂sour: a. 酸的sovereign: a. a. 具有主权的,至高无上的span: n.跨度 1


spare: a. a. 多余的,备用的 1sparrow: n. 麻雀sparse: a.零碎的 1Spartan: a.斯巴达人 1spear: n.矛specify: v.专门 1spectator: n. 观众,旁观者speedometer: n. 速度计sphere: n.球体 2spider: n.蜘蛛spiteful: a.恶意的 2spontaneous: a.自发的;随性的 1spoon: n. 匙sprint: n. 短距离赛跑spruce: a.干净的,时髦的spurious: a. 假的,伪造的spurn: v.拒绝 2spy: v.侦探 1squirrel: n.松鼠stadium: n.大礼堂stagger: v.蹒跚stain: n.污点 2stale: a.陈腐的 2stalk: v.追踪stanza: n.诗节 2stare: v.盯stark: a.变硬的,完全的 1startle: v.使震惊 3startled: a.震惊的starve: v.挨饿 1stash: v.隐藏起来 1stationary: a. a. 不动的(稳定的) 1+1statue: n. 塑像,雕像steadfast: a.坚定的stem: n.树干;v.起源 1+2sterile: a.无菌的 1sterilize: v.使无菌stern: a.严格的 1stew: v. 炖汤,焖 2sticky: a.粘的,粘性的 2stiff: a.直立的stifle: v.窒息,抑制 3sting: v.叮stingy: a. 吝啬的,小气的 1+1

stir: v.刺激 2stoic: a.坚忍的stomp: v.跺脚stoop: v.弯腰,屈服 2storage: n. 储存stout: a.强壮的,稳重的 1straighten: v.使直立 1strain: n.紧张;v.拉紧stranded: a. 搁浅的,进退两难的 1stratum: n. 地层,阶层straw: n. 稻草,麦杆streak: n.斑纹strenuous: a.奋发的,热心的 2stressed: a.紧张的 1stretcher: n. 担架string: n.线 2striped : a. 有斑纹的 2stroll: v. 闲逛,漫步strut: v. 趾高气扬地走 2stubborn: a.笨重的 8stumble: n.v.绊倒,失策 1stun: v.惊吓 1stupid: a.愚蠢的 1stymie: v.使…处于困难境地 1subjectivity: n. 客观性sublime: a.壮观的,卓越的submissive: a.顺从的 2+3submit: v.呈递 5subside: v.平息 2substitute: n.替代品 3subterranean: a.地下的 1+1subtle: a.细微的 1succinct: a.简洁的 1sufficient: a. 充分的suffocate: v.窒息 2suffuse: v.充溢 1suitable: a.适合的 1summary: n.概括 2summit: n.顶点 3sumptuous: a. 高傲的 1 superficial: a.表面的 2superfluous: a.多余的 1superiority: n. 优越性,优势 3+1supernatural: a.超自然的 1


supple: a.柔软的 4surplus: a.多余的,过剩的 3surrogate: v.替代 1surround: v.围绕 2surveyor: n. 测量员suspend: v.怀疑 1sustenance: n. 生计,食物 2swallow: v.咀嚼swan: n.天鹅sweltering: a. 酷热的swindle: v.欺骗 1swollen: a.肿大的 2symbol: n.符号 2symmetrical: a.对称的symphony: n.交响乐 3synopsis: n.大纲,概要 2taciturn: a.缄默的 1+1tact: n. 机智,手法 2tactile: a.有触角的 3tadpole n. n. 蝌蚪 2taint: v.污染,中毒 2talkative: a.好说的 3+1tally: n.标签tame: v.驯养,驯服 2+1tangible: a.实体的 2tango: n. 探戈舞,其舞曲tanned: a. 黄褐色的 2tantalizing: a.诱惑的tapestry: n. 挂毯tardy: a.延迟的 1tarnish: v.使失去光泽 1+1tattered: a. 破烂的,穿破烂衣的 1taunt: v.嘲笑 2tease: v.逗弄 4tempest: n.暴风雨tempestuous: a. a. 有暴风雨的,暴乱的tenacious: a. 坚忍不拔的 1+1tender: a.温和的,亲切的 2tepid: a.微温的terminate: v. 结束 4terminology: n. 术语学 1terrain: n. 地带,地域 1terrestrial :a. 地上的 2terrier: n. 一种活泼的小狗

terrifying: a.使人害怕的terror: n.恐惧,战栗 1texture: n.纹理 1thermometer:n.温度计thorough:a.彻底的 1thoughtless: a. 没有思想的thread: n. 线 2thrifty: n. 节俭,节约throne: n. 皇冠thrust: n. 插入,推挤 3tidal: a. 潮流的tile: n. 瓦片timid: a. 胆小的 4timpani: n. 定音鼓tiptoe: n. 脚尖toad: n. 蟾蜍toady: n.谄媚者toast: n.敬酒;烤肉 2toe: n. 脚趾tongue-tied: a. 结巴的 1torment: n.苦痛,拷问 1tornado: n.飓风 2torpid: n. 麻木torso: n. 躯干(残缺的东西)tortoise: n. 龟torture: v.折磨 1toss: v.摇荡,辗转 2totalitarian: a. 极权主义者的toxic: a.有毒的 1+1traitor: n.叛徒,卖国贼tranquility: n.安静 1+1transform: n.转变 1transgress: v.违反法律 1transitory: a.短暂的 2transparent: a.透明的 3trapped: a. 被困的travail: n.分娩阵痛 1treacherous: a.叛逆的,危险的 1tread: n.梯级 1trembling: a.发抖的 2tremulous: a.胆小的trepidation: n.害怕 3triad: n.三人一组trial: n.试验;审判


tribute: n.称赞 2trick: n.计谋 4trickery: n.计谋 1triumph: n.大胜利 2trivia: n.琐事 1+1trivial: a.琐碎的trout: n. 鳟鱼truculent: a. 凶恶的 1+1trumpet: n.小号truncate: v. 缩短 1trunk: n.树的躯干trying: a.费劲的,令人厌烦的 2tub: n.浴盆tuba: n.大喇叭tuck: v.卷起tug: v.拉tumble: n.跌倒,滚动 2tumult: n. 骚动 3turtle: n. 海龟 2twirl: n.扭转 2twisted: a.扭曲的 3tycoon: n.台风typical: a.典型的 3tyranny: n.残暴ubiquitous: a.到处都是的 1+1unbiased: a.有偏见的 2+1uncivilized: a.未开化的 1uncommitted: a.不忠的 2uncomplicated: a.不复杂的 1uncompromising: a. a不让步的,不妥协的 2underage: a. 未成年的 2undermine: 削弱 3unearth: v. 挖掘 2unethical: a. 1uneven :a.不公平的unfaithfulness: n.不忠unfettered: a.无拘无束的unflinching: a.不畏惧的 2unfounded: a.没有根据 1uniformity: n.同意 1universal: a.普遍的 2unkempt: a.不整洁的 1unleavened: a. 没放酵粉的unrealistic: a. 不现实的 1

unrelated: a. 不相关的 1unrestrained: a. 不受限制的 1unruly: a.无法无天的 1+1untimely: a.不准时的 3update: v.更新 1upright: a. 正直的,诚实的 2uproarious: a. 喧嚣的uproot: v.连根拔起,根除urge: v.强调 2usurp: v. 篡夺 2utility: n.适用性 1utilize: v. 利用 3vacant: a. 空的 1vacation: n.假期 1+1vague: a.模糊的 2vain: a. 空的;空虚的 2+1valor: n.勇气 1valuable: a. 有价值的 4vane: n. 风向标vanity: n. 空虚 1+1varied: a.多种多样的 1various: a. 多种多样的 2vase: n. 花瓶 2vegetarian: n. 素食主义者 1+1vegetation: n. 植被vengeance: n. 复仇 1venture: n.奇迹veracious: a. 诚实的,说真话的 1+1verdict: v.判决verify: v. 证明 2versatile: a.多才多艺的 1verse: n. 诗歌vessel: n.交通工具总称 3vest: n. 背心veto: v. 投票反对 1vex: v. 激怒 2vibrate: v. 震动victorious: a. 胜利的 2+1vigilant: a.机警的 1+1vigorous: a. 诱惑另的 3vilify: v. 诽谤villain: n. 恶棍vindicate: v. 复仇 2vine: n. 藤蔓 3+2


vineyard: n. 葡萄园violate: v. 违反 3violin: n. 小提琴virtuous: a. 技艺精湛的 1+1virus: n. 病毒vivacious: a. 栩栩如生的 1void: a. 空 1volcano: n. 火山voracious: a. 贪吃的 1+1vow: n. 誓约 1vulgar: a. 粗俗的vulnerable: a. 易受攻击的 1+2vulture: n. 秃鹰waddle: v.蹒跚而行 2wag: v.摇摆 wager: n.赌注,打赌 1waist: n. 腰部 2waive: v.放弃,免除 2wan: a. 虚弱的 2wanderer: n.漫步者 2wane: v. 衰弱wanton: n. 荡妇 2wardrobe: n.病房 1warehouse: n. 仓库 2wariness: n. 警惕 1warlike: a. 好战的 1+1warm-blooded: 热血的 3warmonger: n.战争贩子 2warrior: n. 战士 1waterway: n. 水路 1wax: n. 蜡 2wayward: a. 任性的 1weaponry: n.武器总称 1weary: a.疲倦的 1weathered: a. 经受住的 2weird: a. 奇怪的whale: n. 鲸wheel: n.车轮whine: v. 抱怨 2whip: v. 鞭打whisper: v. 低声;吹口哨wicked: a. 邪恶的 2wilt: v. 枯萎wince: v. 畏缩 2

windy: a. 有风的 2winsome: a. 英俊的 2withdraw: 后退 2withered: a. 枯萎的withhold: v.抑制 2woeful: a. 悲伤的 1woodwind: n. 木管乐器worldly: a. 世俗的worm: n. 蠕虫worshipper: n. 礼拜者woven: weave(编织)的 pp 2wreath: n. 花环,花圈 2wretched: a. 可怜的 1wrinkle: n. 皱纹wrist: n. 腕关节yearn: n.热切期望 1+1yield: v.屈服,产生 2 zebra: n. 斑马zenith: n.天顶 3zipper: n.拉链

二 阅读词频统计(来自三本书十套题:共 705

个)abduction: n.绑架 2abrupt: a突然的absurd:a.荒谬的accelerate: v.加速accountable for: 对…负责任acquaintance: n.熟悉a group of acquaintance who happen to be going in the same directionacupuncture:adamantly: adv.坚定地 2 American thinkers adamantly advocated communism.adapt: v.适应add some weight to: 给…加以证据Alien fans can add some weight to their argument that aliens exist.adhere to: 坚持;遵守


ad-lib: v.即兴表演ad-lib performanceadventure: n.冒险Adolescence looked to fiction and fantasy for adventure.advocate: v.支持,提倡affectation: n. 假装,做作afflict: v.折磨she was afflicted with hemophilia.aftermath: n. 事后余波 2the aftermath of World War II;the details and aftermath of the Boston Tea Party.aggressive: a.挑衅的;积极的2 Aggressive between males, and sometimes between females, is quite common.agile: a.敏捷的alien: n.外来事物alleged: a. 宣称的allegedly represents goldalliance: n.联合a secret alliance made between country A and another country.allot: v.分配they allot to Easter candy and holiday-related merchandise.almanac: n. 历书,年鉴amateur: n. 业余选手amateur detectiveambition: n.雄心壮志amidst: 在…之间amidst all the actionammunition: n.枪火amused: a.逗乐的 2anarchy: n.无政府主义anathema: n.极其讨厌的人和事At six feet tall, Nation, in particular, became anathema to tavern owners and drinkers across the United States.ancestor: n.祖先antibiotics: n.抗生素anticipate: v.希望apologetic: a.道歉的apparatus: n.器具appeal to: 吸引…

appeal to democratic-minded Americansapply to: 适用于Wearing white originally applied to shoes rather than clothes.appreciative: a.欣赏的archetype: n.原型aromatic: a. 芳香的a bitter, aromatic drinkarsenal: n.枪火Equipped with an arsenal of viciously stinging tentacles, the jellyfish, though considered primitive, is one of the few species that continue to hold the human predator at bay.as odd as: 奇怪的是…As odd as this sounds, the case deserve some investigation.as opposed to: 与此相对的aspire: v.期望they aspire to intellectual finesse.assassinate: v.暗杀 he was assassinatedassembly: n.集会astrology: n.天文学astrophysics:n. 天体物理学autopsy: n.解剖学baffle: v.使…困惑The question of what became of the Neanderthals still baffles paleontologists.bankrupt: a.破产的barb: n.倒钩 these quills have tiny barbsbefall: 降临He does this by depicting the horrible events that befall the Joad family on their way to find work in California.beggar: n.乞丐bejewel: v.装饰benevolent: a.仁慈的bewilder: v.使困惑biannual: a.两年一次的biblical: a.圣经的bitter: a.酸的;尖刻的blast: n.一阵;爆炸bleach: v.漂白


bleached bonesboastful: a.夸张的bout: n. 来回(一次)brewing: n.酿造,混合 brewing conflictbubble: v.冒泡burgeoning: a.繁盛的the burgeoning communityburp: n. 饱咯儿burp after a mealbushy: a. 灌木一样的bushy tailscactus: n.仙人掌calculating: a.深谋远虑的,精明的 2 His Dracula is striking in appearance, ruthless, calculating, and quite intelligent.canine: a.狗的cannon: n.大炮capricious: a.任性的While they are not as capricious as their tornado counterparts, they can have a malicious nature. captivating: a.诱人的 2 Perhaps one of the most captivating true stories of heroism, daring, and determination comes to us in the form of Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom:(2)the snake provides captivating entertainmentcarbohydrate: n.碳水化合物carcass: n. 尸体cargo: n. 船货,货物caricature: n. 讽刺画 2 And although the film correctly targets Rasputin as a disreputable villain, it nevertheless caricatures his character and his ambitions.cartridge: n. 弹药筒,弹药catastrophic: a.大灾难的category: n.分类cavalry: n.骑士;骑士精神cavity: n.腔洞ceaseless: a.不停息的chaotic: a.混乱的As the world grows more complex and more

chaotic, we humans find events spinning increasingly beyond our control.characteristic: a.有…特征的chariot: n. 二轮战车faded chariotcharlatan: n.江湖郎中cholera: n. [医]霍乱chuckle: n. 吃吃的笑声clinical: a.临床的;冷静的it is too clinical for most of us.cloak: n.掩护cloaked in intrigueclog: n.阻塞The Alpine roads are clogged by endless streams of vacationers in traffic jams 80 miles long.clown: n.小丑clumsy: a.笨重的collective:a.集体的come across: 遇见commonsense: a.常识的,一般的compassion: n.同情one deserving of more honor and compassion than such stories allow.compensate for: v.补偿complementary: a.补偿的compliment: n.恭维compulsory: a.必须的conceited: a.自负的 2concentrate: v.集中condescending: a.以恩惠的态度对待conductive: a.传导性的,有传导力的conform to: 遵守confound: v. 使混淆,使狼狈Researchers have identified two phenomena that in previous literature were confounded under the category of nightmares.confused: a.混淆的congestion: n.阻塞congregation: n.聚集sewage pollution was so much that stinging nettle congregations have clogged the intake pipes and the cooling systems of power plants.conjurer: n.魔术师


conniving: a.共谋干坏事的conquer: v.征服 2 conquer England in 1066conservative: a.保守的consolation: n.安慰We have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.constitute: v.组成What constituted the basic Neanderthal diet.consult: v.咨询consult a doctor as soon as possiblecontent: a.满意的Temperance society members were not content merely to tell salacious stories.contest: v.竞争contour: n.轮廓contribute: v.贡献Factors contributing to its decline included sawmills, nails.controversy: n.争论,争议corpse: n.尸体corrupt: a.腐败的counterpart: n.相对应之物courageous: a.勇敢的courageous patriotcourteous: a.注重礼节的courtship: n. 求爱,求婚cracker: n. 饼干,爆竹cracker boxcriticize: v.讽刺criticize traditional English poetrycrooked: If we have crooked teeth, we can get braces: n.吊带,背带crucial: a.重要的a critical/crucial momentculminate: v.达到高潮cyclical:a.螺旋的cyclical risingcynical: a.愤世嫉俗的czar: n. 沙皇date back to: 回溯到debauch: v. 使堕落;放荡decomposition: n.分解

dedicated: a.贡献的she was a dedicated supporter of many social causes.deface: v.磨损,损坏 2 Art does not deface property.;(2) Graffiti is the scrawled artwork that defaces public buildings.defer: v.延迟defer to senior femalesdefiant: a.公然反抗的dehumanize: v. 使失掉人性Tin Woodsman is a dehumanized industrial worker.dehydrate: v.脱水delight: v.高兴demoralize: v.使失去道德denominator: n.一般水平He considered our death rituals to be our most common denominator.dentistry: n. 牙医术deodorizer: n.除臭剂depredation: n. 掠夺,破坏痕迹deprivation: n. 剥夺,剥夺官职the long-term effects of sleep deprivation are even worsederive…from…: 来源于,来自于Bruges derived its wealth from wool and banking.descend: v.下降It in turn seems to have descended from a group of small canids. descendant: n.后代desecrate: v.亵渎to desecrate Rasputin’s reputationdespise: v.蔑视He particularly remembered an old fellow who used to sit upon a cracker box in front of the store and pretend to despise such exhibitions.destructive:a.破坏性的detached: a.中立的a detached observer delivering pronouncements from an ivory tower.detailed: a.详细的to give a detailed argument


detergent: n.清洁剂detriment: n.有害devastate: a.绝望的 2 Hurricanes can be quite devastating.diarrhea: n. 痢疾,腹泻differentiate: v. 区别,差别dioxide: n.二氧化物dire: a.可怕的dire wolvesdisband: v.解散discern: v. 辨别,看清楚discriminate: v.区别,差别待遇we are discriminating against those whose artistic ideals are different from ours.disdain: v.蔑视Orienteers tend to disdain beelining over obstacles as a crude approach.disdainful: a.蔑视的disgust: v.恶心 3 disgust at his inability to resolve his problemsdismiss…as…: 不相信…是…Parents of children who experience night terrors tend to dismiss them as inconsequential.disposal: n.不同意dispute: v.反驳a dispute over ownership of a piece of land bordering.dissection: n.解剖,切开distinguish: v.区别,区分There is nothing that clearly distinguishes a Neanderthals’ brain from that of modern humans.distortion: n.扭曲severe distortiondivert…from…: 转向…doctrine: v.教条,理论Why do we associate chicks and eggs with church doctrine?document: v.记录domesticate: v.驯养的a domesticated dogdour: a.严酷的,不讲话的drain: v.抽干

Years of fighting battles around the globe had drained the country of important resources.dramatic: a.戏剧化的 2 dramatic end of the World War IIdrawback: n.缺点dread: n.恐惧,可怕 2drowned: a.溺水而死的drowsy: a. 昏昏欲睡的He grew more obese and more drowsy every day of his life.dubious: a.怀疑的enjoy a dubious reputation for being able to tantalize its victimsdummy: n.哑巴,笨蛋duration: n.期限she wants to call attention to the duration of time the survivors spent in the water.dwelling: n.居所dynasty: n.朝代eclipse: n. 日蚀,月蚀,衰落editorial: n. 社论 editorial written for a daily paperelaborate: a.精工细作的elaborate construction of wigselated: a.喜出望外的eliminate: v.消除elusive: a.难懂的elusive secret to making goldembarrassing: a.尴尬的we blame society for embarrassingly low educational scores.embryo: n.胚胎emerge: v.出现emigrate: v.移出emission: n.发射,射出enchanted: a.着魔的endure: v.经受I was ready to work, eager to be independent, and too proud to endure patronage.enduring: a.持久的The cowboy of the American West is an enduring icon in popular culture, but Hawaiian cowboys predated their American counterparts by several decades.


enlist: v.应征入伍they enlisted in the war effort knowing that they would be fighting to the death.enormous: a.巨大的enormous mouthenrapture: v.使狂喜The serious vampire offerings have grown increasingly enraptured by the idea of being undead.entitle: v.加标题enzyme: n.酶epidemic: n.流行病eradicate: v.消除Even though plague has mostly been eradicated, it rears its ugly head in regions that lack good insect and rodent control and water purification.erratic: a.脱轨的erroneous: a.错误的with a few well-timed lashes, a porcupine can drive so many quills so quickly into an attacker as to give the erroneous impression that it can throw the spines like darts.escort: v.护卫者,护送者esteem: v.尊敬ester: n. 酯eternity: n.永远etiquette: n. 礼仪,礼节We cannot keep track of all the various etiquette systems in the world.evident:a.明显的most notably evident along the shorelineevolve: v.进化exacting: a.要求苛刻的reconstructing extinct animals from their fossil bones is a challenging and exacting science.exaggeration: n.加重exasperation: n. 恼怒exhilarate: v.高兴Unfortunately, lcarus, exhilarated by the freedom he felt while flying, flew too close to the sun.exorcism: n. 驱鬼,伏魔exotic: a.奇异的

an exotic beverageexpedition: n.旅行It was not until the Mexican expedition of Hernan Cortes in 1519, that Europeans first learned of cacao.exploit: v.开采,剥削adjust to and exploit the changesexquisite: a.极好的extinct: a.灭绝的why the Neanderthal species became extinct.extraordinary: a.非凡的 extraordinary number of wordsextravagant: a.浪费的When a magician makes an extravagant gesture with one hand, he is generally trying to divert your attention from the other.exuberant: a繁茂的fabric: a.纤维的fad out: 过时By the 1840’s, though, the log cabin began fading out.falcon: n. 猎鹰falconer: n. 以鹰狩猎者fall into: 归类And plastics fall into this category.fauna: n.动物feat: n.功绩feebly: adv.虚弱feline: a. 猫科的feverish: a.兴奋的They displayed a feverish desire to have every possible cartridge ready to their hands.fierce: a猛烈的filter: v.过滤flair: n.才能the artist’s flair for compositionfledging: a.初出茅庐的fleeting: a.转瞬即逝的fleeting ambitionsflexible: a.可弯曲的lacking in evolutionary flexibilityflog: v. 鞭打,鞭策flora: n.植物flotsam: n.渣滓


flourish: v.繁荣The Neanderthal was an early human that flourished throughout Europe and western Asia.fluctuation: n.波动weather fluctuationflute: n.长笛foil: v. v. 衬托,阻止the ability of the jellyfish to foil its predatorfor the sake of: Honorable death, especially by suicide for the sake of the Emperor during battle, brought nobility to the soldier and his family.forecast: v.预示forecasting the weatherforge: v.打造a great number of settlers forged westward.formidable: a.可怕的The British Army presents a formidable opponent.formulate: v.形成formulating theories to explain certain phenomenafragrant: a.香的fragrant blossomframework: n.框架frantically: adv.疯狂地All we see are two pale legs, kicking frantically in the surf.frolic: a. 嬉戏的full-fledged: a.长成的full-fledged dreamfusion: n.融合a fusion of engineering feats and sculpturefutile: a.无用的fuzzy: 模糊的They show fuzzy photos of floating white cigars.generic: a.普通的a generic termgenerous: a.慷慨的genre: n.文学体裁giant: a.巨大的giddy: a. 眼花的,头晕的

The American War of Independence—and, even more so, the subsequent French Revolution—brought the wig’s giddy heyday to an abrupt end.gimmick: n.骗局Whatever the gimmick, the mechanics of magic are almost beside the point; most magical effects owe their success to pure stagecraft.gingivitis: n. 齿肉炎give credit to: 相信glibly: ad. 流利地,流畅地He saves his own life by glibly turning the tables on the so-called “wise men” and suggesting a new location.glorious: a.光荣的Brueghel’s work depicts a huge, glorious scene of people working the land along a beautiful shoreline.glory: n.光荣gain personal glory.gossip: n.闲话graffiti: n. 涂鸦grandeur: a.宏伟 idThe Alps are becoming victims of their own grandeur.grandiose: a.宏大的grandiose toiletsgrave: a. 严肃的,庄重的gravitational:a.重力的greed: v.贪婪grip: v. 抓紧,抱住gruesome: a.抱怨的Stories about Vlad Tepes seem gruesome even by today’s standards.guillotine: n.断头台As the heads of bigwigs began to roll from the guillotines, extravagance, ostentation and anything that smacked of class distinction or the depredations of royalty fell quickly out of fashion.gyre: v. 旋回hallucination: n.幻想hamper: v.组织


hazardous: a.有害的headlong: a.轻率的They purposely drove their planes headlong into their targets, exploding themselves along with their planes and their targets.heavyhanded: a. 笨拙的hesitant: a.犹豫的heyday: n.全盛时期The heyday of the log cabin occurred between 1780 and 1850.hierarchical: a.等级制度的in hierarchically structured packshighlight: highlight a feature of the body that acupuncture has not yet been shown to influence.holistic: a. 整体的, 全盘的holy: a. 神圣的,圣洁的holy manhook: n.钩子to hook the reader’s attention so that she will continue reading.hooves: n.蹄子horn: n.喇叭hubris: n.自高自大As punishment for his hubris or conceitedness, King Hades created a special task for Sisyphus.humanitarian: a. 人道主义的 humanitarian causes before her marriagehumanity: n.人性humiliate: v.侮辱人的 2 patronage is as humiliating as workhypochondriac: a. 忧郁症的hypocrisy: n. 伪善In particular, they find human hypocrisy fascinating. icon: n.画像identify: v.认出 2 identifying the factors that will predict a California earthquakeidolize: v.把...当偶像崇拜illusion: n.幻想It is the art of deception that ultimately creates the illusion.

immortality: n.不道德impale: v.刺穿impaler: n. 插入物in pack:狼成群incantation: n. 诀语,咒语magical incantationinconsequential: a.不重要的Parents of children who experience night terrors tend to dismiss them as inconsequential.indicate: v.暗示indifferent: a.不关心的indulge: v.放纵 2 He came to believe that the only means of salvation came through indulging one’s appetites.inexcusable: a.不可饶恕的infatuate: v.迷恋The American colonists were no less infatuated with wigs than were their European contemporaries.infest: v.骚扰,群居informative: a.信息性的 6informed: a.无所不知的informed anatomistingratiate: v. 逢迎,讨好Rasputin ingratiated himself with the Czarina.ingredient: n. 成分,因素inhumanity: n.非人类the inhumanity of slaveryinjustice: n.不正当It would be doing her a great injustice, however, to describe her only in terms of her relationship to men in powerful and important positions.insertion: n.插入 insertion of needles into the body.insight: n.洞察力he lacked insight into the complexities of international policies.insinuate: v.暗示All of these traumas, Steinbeck insinuates, will come true under capitalism.instrumental: a.重要的


The wool brought to Bruges was not instrumental.integral: a.整体的trees are integral part of the enjoyment of life.intimate: a.亲密的intravenous: a. 静脉的,静脉注射的intrigue: v.引起intriguing: a.烦人的intrinsic: a.内在的play an intrinsic role in the cycle of life.invading: a.侵略性的invading Germansironical: a.讽刺的irony: n.讽刺the irony of the Alps’ gradualivory: a.乳白色jealous: a.季度的jellyfish: n.海蜇joyous: a.高兴的juggle: v.生活 If you are like most Americans, you juggle quite a busy schedule.justifiable: a.可证明的porcupines have justifiable confidence in their defensive armament.knit: v. 编织landmark: n.地标a natural landmarklandslide: n.山体滑坡largeness: n.慷慨Brueghel’s work sends a clear message, one that underscores the largeness of the world and the relative insignificance of the individual therein.lasso: n. 套索(捕捉牛、马用)leather: a. 皮革制的legacy: n.财产a legacy of Martin Van Burenleisure: n.休闲light-hearted: a. 轻松的, 无忧无虑的to give a light-hearted tone to the poemlivestock: n.牲畜 logs continued to house livestock.looped: a.酩酊大醉的

loquacious: a. 多话的lore: n. 知识,全部传说vampire lorelump: n.块状get lumped in the with the restluxury: n.奢侈magnificence: n. 豪华,宏伟malaria: n.疟疾malicious: a.恶毒的mammal: n.哺乳动物mammoth: a.巨大的this mammoth fish is quite mild-manneredmandatory: a.统治的manifest: v.展现Combining enormous physical strength with manifest intelligence, Neanderthals appeared to be supremely well adapted.manipulative: a.操纵的manure: n.策略marksmanship: 射击术marvelous: a.极好的massive: a.大量的masterpiece: n.杰作Mediterranean: a.地中海menacing: a.威胁的give a menacing tone to the poemmercury:merit: n.优势compare the merits of several different occupationsmeteorologist: n.气象学家migrate: v.移动miniature: a.微小的human beings are miniature versions of the universe.minstrel: n. 吟游诗人miraculous: a.奇迹的miraculous cultural growth to a decision to farm beansmirage: n.奇迹miserable: a.可怜的mnemonic: a. 助记的,记忆的mockery: n. 嘲弄monastery: n. 修道院,僧侣


monstrous: a. 巨大的,畸形的monstrous earthquakemovements of a giant sea turtlemuffle: v.消音a muffled roar of soundmutter: n. 喃喃低语mythological: a.神话学的nap: n.打盹narrative: a.叙述的navigate: v.导航competitors use a map and compass to navigate their way cross-country along an unfamiliar course.neutral: a.中立的nicknames for various fields of studynightmare: n.噩梦nitrous: a.氮的nonliving: a.不在存在的nostalgic: a.怀旧的noteworthy: a.值得注意的noteworthy way during courtshipnotoriety: n.臭名昭著she had gained notoriety as a difficult womannourishment: v.养育 The plankton stay in the mouth for nourishmentnuisance: n.细小差别obscure: a.模糊的obsessed with: a.迷恋…occult: a.神秘的odor: n.气味odorless: a.没有味道的 odorless flowersoffspring: n.后代onslaught: n. 突击,猛攻 2 Rather than preparing for the onslaught by putting masking tape on windows, people spike tropical punch and foolishly sit out on their porches, watching for the eye of the storm.(2) off the roads, the Alpine terrain is threatened by the onslaught of ear-shattering dirt bikes.ooze: v.汩汩的流出a thick and oozing lava

opinionated: a.有偏见的opportune: a.合适的,适当的an opportune moment to strike .ordeal: n. 严酷的考验,痛苦的经验orphan: n.孤儿orthodontist: n.正骨师ostentation: n.表面,虚假outbreak: v.爆发The plague, or Black Death, struck Europe in a series to outbreaks in the 13th and 14th century.outcast: 被逐出的the outcast wolves rejected by the rest of the pack.outfit: a.合适的outline: n.轮廓The president outlined his plan for a post-World War I peace settlement. outrage: v.出离愤怒oversee: v.忽略Levitt oversaw the building of some of the first towns that would eventually be called suburbs.overview: n.概观a brief overview of the history of forensic medicinepaleontologist: n.古生物家paralyze: v.瘫痪passionate: a.热情的pathology:n.病理学pathos: n. 感伤,悲怅patronage: n.资助patronage is as humiliating as workpeak: Literary interest in hypocrisy reached a peak in the 1940s and 1950spedantic: a. 卖弄学问的,假装学者的perch: v.栖息perfume: n.香气permanent: a.永远的personalize: v.个人化 It personalizes the discussion by using direct address.perspective: a.视角persuasive: a.有说服力的


a persuasive essay from an ecologistperturb: v.打扰pessimism: n.悲观主义phenomena: n.现象pierce: v.刺透pierce the hide of any predatorpilgrimage: n. 朝圣之旅a place of religious pilgrimagepious: a.虔诚的pique: v.愤怒his interest was apparently also piqued by the Aztec’s peculiar beverage.pirate: n.海盗plague: n.疲劳;瘟疫plankton: n.浮游生物playful: a.嬉戏的plot: n.情节prevent immoral national leaders from secretly plotting aggressive actions against othersplumage: n. 鸟类羽毛,翅膀plumage often plays a key role in both identification and courtship.plumb: v.探测indoor plumbingplummet: v.垂直He plummet into the ocean.plunge: v.投入ply: v.弯曲wigmakers were plying their trade in the Colonies.poetic: a.诗歌的pointless: a. 不尖的,钝的ponder: v.思考to ponder deeply the consequencespop up: 突然出现,冒出来We learn about many sensational events, but more popping up as we continue to study the event.porch: n. 门廊porcupine: n. 豪猪portable: a. 轻便的,手提式的portable buildingspotential: a.潜力的 potential predator

poverty-stricken: 2 poverty-stricken classpracticality: n.有实际效用 2 It’s easy to see the practicality of English, keyboarding.precaution: n. 预防Outside of taking commonsense precautions—such as making sure a sleepwalker does not go to bed near an open window or on a balcony—there is nothing much to do about them.predate: v.在…之前predator: n.捕猎者prescribe: v.开药方 3 sleep researchers prescribed medication for children suffering from night terrors.(2)Most of us follow the natural, prescribed funerary practices.prim: a.拘谨的priming their gunsprimitive: a.原始的prior to: 在…之前 2 Prior to their arrival, Vlad had punished several people by impaling them on long spikes surrounding the banquet area.privilege: n.特权prodigious: a.巨大的profitable: a.可盈利的profound: a.影响的prominent: a.出名的,优秀的 2 it may be better to follow a prominent contour along one flank of the mountain.prompt: v.推动;n.提示;a.迅速的The most important skill in any conjurer’s repertoire is misdirection, the fine art of prompting an audience to look elsewhere at a critical moment.prosperity: n.倾向性the prosperity began to prolong childhood.proximity: n.接近 Climate and the proximity of the local forest no longer set architectural limits.prune: v. 修剪,砍掉The plant is pruned down to three or four feet for cultivation.pseudonym: n.假名


Mark Towing wrote under a variety of pseudonyms.pseudoscience: n.伪科学punch: v. 以拳重击purification: n.纯化quarantine: v.隔离quill: n.打羽毛radiation: n.辐射rage: n.生气ramification: n.批准the ramifications of using the Tower as a prisonraw: crude 原始的rear: v举起they rear back on their hind legs with both hooves in the airrebellion: n.反抗rebellion against the British is justified.recast: v.重铸recede: v.后退Time passed, and glaciers advanced and receded.receding: a.后退的a receding foreheadrecycle: v.循环利用redundant: a.多余的regretful: a.后悔的rejuvenate: v.使年轻Snake skin rejuvenates easily (Gilgamesh’s flower at work) as the snake increases in relieve: v.解脱relinquish: v.放弃I relinquished my dramatic aspirations.relish: v. 品味,喜欢Tea was probably first used as a vegetable relish and for medicinal purposes.reluctance: n.不情愿reluctance to fearreminiscence: n.回忆reminiscence to anticipationremnant: n.剩余物remorse: a. 阴郁的remorse for the way his country treated himrenege: v. 背信,违约

She agreed to do as he said, but when he died, she reneged on her word.repel: v.驱逐repercussion: n.反响economic repercussions for the U.S. economyrepertoire: n.保留剧目reptilian: a.爬行的reptilian creaturesresentful :厌恶的resentment: n.厌恶residue: n. 残渣,剩余resort: v.诉诸于Hope is a good last resort when faced with a difficult situation.respectful: a.尊敬的He was respectful of the great Tower of London.resurgence: n.复活,再现a resurgence of good willrevival: n.复生 2 the revival of the pastrevive: v. 使...生醒,复生it revived the economies of Western Europe and set them on a course for future growth.rhyme: n.韵律rhythmic: a.有韵律的riddle: n.谜语ridicule: v.奚落 he was ridiculed for his sentimentrigorous: a.严格的,严厉的rogue: n. 流氓 rogue motivated by greedroughly: adv.大约at roughly the same timerural: a.乡村的rustling: n. 瑟瑟声, 沙沙声ruthless: a.无情的sacrifice: v.牺牲saddle: n. 鞍,车座saddling horsessalacious: a.好色的,淫荡的 2 salacious lifestyle and his distaste for bathing.salvation: n.拯救sarcastic: a.讽刺的 3


satire: v.讽刺scatter: v.粉碎 2scornful: a.蔑视的scratch: v.瘙痒,抓scrawl: n.爬screw up: 拧紧sculptor: n. 雕刻家sculpture: n. 雕塑self-hatred: a.自己恨自己的semiabstract: a.半抽象的semiannual: a.半年的serene: a.宁静的 2set aside: 把…放在一边The city should set aside funding for grants to graffiti artists so they can continue their work.severe: a.严重的,严肃的 2shark: 鲨鱼sheath: n. 鞘,叶鞘log homes were gradually sheathed with clapboard or brick.shelter: v.庇护to shelter animalsshowerhead: n. 喷嘴shrill: a.尖锐的,刺耳的shrill yellsshrink: v.退缩The summer soldier will shrink from the service of their country.sinful: a.邪恶的skeleton: n.骨骼skeptical: a.怀疑的slip away: 溜走His unique vision recorded a time, place and culture that might otherwise have slipped away.smother: v.使窒息Snow cannons that create artificial surfaces for skiers smother the fragile Alpine flora and fauna.snicker: v.窃笑worthy of a snicker or twosniper: n.狙击手snub: v. 冷落,不理睬Customs became a weapon used by those with

old money to snub those with new money.sober: a.清醒的 sober housessolemn: a. 庄严的,严肃的solitude: n.孤独 it likes its solitudesomber: a.清醒的sour: a.酸的a sour tastespan: n.跨度in a single thirty-year spanspectrum: n.一系列This spectrum of questionsspin: v.旋转begin spinning uncontrollably and fly apartspinster: n.老处女spontaneity: n.自发;随性he attempted to achieve spontaneity and naturalness of expression in his verse.spray: v.喷洒squeamish: a. 恶心的People were too squeamish to allow routine dissections of human corpses.squirt: v.喷出stagecraft: n. 编剧才能stamped: a.有邮戳的He was paralyzed when the cavalry stampeded his tent.staple: a.主要的,重要的one of the staples of a society’s diet.stark: a. 变硬了的,完全的stark beautystarvation: n.挨饿statistical: a.统计的statistical analysisstatue: n. 塑像,雕像stem from: 来源于War usually stems from unresolved disagreements.stereotypical: a.老套的stereotypical characterssterile: a.无菌的,贫瘠的stethoscope: n. 听诊器stew: n. 炖汤


a stew that is cookingstimulating: n.刺激stocky: a. 矮胖的,健壮结实的stomp: v.跺地Populated primarily by women, temperance societies set out to stomp out the sale and use of alcohol.stoop: n. 佝偻,屈服They came on, stooping and swinging their rifles at all angles.strain: v. 劳累,拉紧the water strains through gills in the side of the mouthstripe: n. 条纹yellowish spots and stripes of varying sizesstroll: v.闲逛,漫步stunning: a.惊人的 the stunning beauty of the Alpssturdy: a. 强健的,健全的 2subgroup: n.小组subordinate: a.附属的mature wolves with subordinate status in the hierarchysubsequent: a.后继的substantial: a.实质的substantial financial assistance would be required to maintain a state of political stability.suburbs: n.郊区successor: n.后继者sulky: a. 生气的(阴沉的)sullen: a.阴郁的summit: n.顶点superstition: n.封建Alchemy’s associations with astrology and the occult suggest primitive superstition to the modern mind, and the alchemist is generally portrayed by historians as a charlatan obsessed with dreams of impossible wealth.superstitious: a.封建的supreme: a.至高无上的surf: v.冲浪suspicious: a.怀疑的swarm: n.蜂窝

a brown swarm of running men who were giving shrill yells.swoop: v.俯冲swooping, swirling seagullssympathetic: a.同情的 2 Degas’ work encapsulates a distinctive, sympathetic interest in the struggles and defeats of womensymptom: n.症状syndicate: v. 联合组织a syndicated column in a daily newspapersynergistic: 协同的,协作的a synergistic effort comparable to the work of the Wright Brotherssystematically: adv.系统地study systematically the mouth, gums, jaw, and teeth.taboo: n. 禁忌,禁止接近take on: 从事they begin to take on a life of their own, independent from the real-life objects they are taken from.tame: v.驯服It has tamed wildernesses, constructed sprawling cities.temperance: n.适度Temperance carries the Nation.tenet: n主旨the tenets of Existentialism.texture: n.纹理therein: 在那一点上thrill: v. 震颤,抖颤,激动Such members of the audience thrilled to hear how two slaves escaped the chains of slaverythrillful: a.爱好刺激的a small thrillful boytorpedo: n. 水雷,地雷 2 The submarine was torpedoed by a Japanese sub.torture: v.折磨 2 beat and torture your petstrademark: n. 商标trample: v. 践踏,轻视the unruly animals often trampled the crops.


trancelike: a.恍惚的transient: a.转瞬即逝的we had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient.trauma: n. 精神创伤,外伤treatise: n. 论文,论述a scientific treatisetreaty: n. 条约,协定 negotiate a treatytrickery: n. 欺骗,诡计William and Ellen escaped using trickerytriumph: n.胜利trivia: n.琐事trivial: a.琐碎的 2tropical: a. 热带的turbulent: a.猛烈的,激烈的turmoil: n.骚动he also wrote satires, a powerful tool given the fledging nation’s political turmoil.twist: n. 一扭,扭曲in a strange twist of fate.tyranny: n.暴君Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right.ultimate: a.最终的His ultimate business goal was to make cars as Henry Ford did.ultimately: adv.最终地ultrasound: a.超音速的uncluttered: a. 整齐的,整洁的uncluttering the kitchenunderscore: v.强调unpremeditated: a. 无预谋的;偶然的unrecoverable: a.不可恢复的unscrupulous: a.傲慢的War rarely results from the behind-the-scenes plotting of unscrupulous national leaders.urban: a.城市的vampire: n. 吸血鬼 2vanish: v.小时They vanished from the face of the earth.vaquero: n.牧童Spanish vaquerovarnish: v.消失

veer: v.转向veer rightvehicle: n.交通工具ventriloquist: n. 作腹语者verse: n. 诗,韵文vicious: a. 恶毒的,恶意的 2 most vicious is the interpretation Littlefied finds lurking behind the gates of the Emerald City. victim: n.受害者vigorous: a.有活力的 2villain: n.恶棍volcano: n.火山vomit: v.呕吐vulgar: a.粗野的Art is not vulgar.wade: v. 跋涉 a penny at the bottom of a wading poolwaxing: a.增大的the waxing and waning of tides to a moon goodness (like the Roman deity Diana) or to the weary: a.疲倦的 2 when the road is weary, the traveler presses on.well-drained: 井水的whirling: 涡流wicked: a.邪恶的wicked temptations and dangers in the outside worldwig: n.假发wipe out: 清除witch: n.女巫,巫婆worship: v.尊崇wrathful: a.愤怒的wrathful Hawaiianswreckage: n.失事船骇ship wreckagewretched: a. 可怜的wrought: a.可锻的 The epidemic wrought enormous changes in European society.zombie: n.怪物 the enduring zombie


附录一:同义词词表abdicate: quit, resign, renounce, step down; With the angry mob clamoring outside the palace, the king abdicated his throne and fled with his mistressabduct: kidnap, carry off; The kidnappers planned to abduct the child and hold her for ransom.abhor: hate, loathe, abominate; After repeated failure to learn the Pythagorean theorem, Susan began to abhor geometry.absurd: ridiculous, ludicrous, preposterous, bizarreabyss: chasm, pitaccelerate: speed up, hasten, expediteacclaim: praise, approval; cheer, applaud, honoracute: perceptive, sharp, keen, shrewd, crucialadage: proverb, maximadhere: stick to, followadjourn: suspend, recess, postponeadjunct: additional, supporting, assisting, accessoryadmonish: warn, caution, scoldadorn: decorate, ornament, embellishadversary: enemy, foe, opponentaeronautic: affable: agreeable, amiableaffectation: pretension, unnaturalness, artificiality, mannerism, pretense, airs, sham, façade, pose, postureaghast: astounded, dismayed, appalled, astonished, shockedagitate: disturb, upset, stir upagility: skillfulness, dexterity, nimblenessaimless: purposeless, haphazard, accidentalalleviate: relieve, allay, assuage, ease, decrease, lessen, mitigateallure: temptation, attraction, fascinationaloof: detached, cool, blasé, remotealtruistic: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, humaneamateur: devotee, dabbler, enthusiast, buff,

non-professionalamend: alter, improve, repair, mend, make better, ameliorateamorous: romantic, eroticamorphous: shapeless, vagueamphibianangular: lanky, gaunt, bonyanimosity: ill will, bitterness, rancor, acrimonyannihilate: destroy, devastate, neutralizeaperture: hole, gap, space, opening, crackaqueous: watery, aquatic, hydrous, liquidardent: passionate, enthusiastic, ferventarid: dry, parched, barren, dull, uninteresting, insipidaroma: smell, fragrance, odorarticulate: eloquent, glib; enunciateartifice: stratagem, trick, ploy, deception, ruseascertain: determine, discover, unearth, find outassailable: vulnerable, exposed, unprotectedastound: amaze, stupefy, stunastute: keen, discerning, penetrating, incisive, perceptive; crafty, foxy, wily, shrewdatrocity: horror, barbarity, outrageaudacity: boldness, daring, impudenceauthoritative: masterfulbanal: boring, dull, bland, insipidbanish: send away, get rid of, expel, exile, deportbarrier: obstaclebeguile: charm, allure, bewitch, captivatebelligerence: aggressiveness, combativenessbenefactor: patron, backer, donorbeneficial: advantageous, favorablebenevolence: largessbewildered: confused, puzzled, perplexedbias: partialitybile: bitterness, bad temperbliss: joy, delight, ecstasyboisterous: loud, noisy, raucousbotanist


bounty: abundance, cornucopia, reward, lootbravado: bluster, bombast, swaggerbrevity: shortness, fleetness, swiftnessbrig: jail, prisonburnish: shine, polish, buff, varnishcache: stashcajole: coax, wheedlecamouflage: disguise, obscure, cloudcandor: honesty, sinceritycaninecantankerous: grouchy, argumentative, ill-temperedcaprice: impulse, whim, fancycascade: waterfall, torrentcatastrophe: disaster, ruin, devastationcelestial: heavenly, divine, spiritualcensor: suppress, deletechasm: ravine, canyon, abysscholeric: bad-temperedchoreographerchorus: group, bandchronic: continuous, constant, persistent, confirmed, settledcircumscribe: limit, outline, bound, define, encompasscollision: crash, clash, impactcommunicative: talkative, articulate, vocal, expressivecompassion: pity, sympathy, mercycompel: force, coerce, goad, motivatecompetent: qualified, capable, fitconcise: brief, terse, succinct, compactcondone: pardon, excuse, forgive, absolve, overlookconfidential: secret, covert, off-the-recordconstrict: choke, stifle, contract, smothercontemplation: thought, deliberation, meditation, reflectioncontend: combat, compete, argue, assertcontentious: quarrelsome, cantankerous, feisty, combative, irascible, pugnaciousconvene: gather, assemble, meetconventional: customary, well-established, habitual

copious: abundant, plentiful, profusecountenance: face, aspect, appearance; sanction, approve, endorse, blesscoupletcourier: messenger, runner, carriercue: hint, prompt, signalcurvature: arc, arch, bowdawdle: delay, linger, dallydeadlock: stalemate, standoff, standstilldearth: shortage, lack, scarcitydebris: trash, rubbish, wreckage, remainsdecade: ten yearsdeceit: dishonesty, fraudulence, deception, trickerydeceive: mislead, delude, trick, dupe, liedeclamation: long speech, haranguedeficient: inadequate, defective, failing, lackingdehydrate: remove water from, dry out, parchdeject: sadden, depress, discourage, disheartendelude: deceive, dupe, hoax, trickdeluge: flood, overflow, inundation, torrent; inundate, engulf, overwhelmdemote: downgradedeplore: regret, lament, bemoan, bewail, mourn, grieve for, denounce, condemndesolation: barrenness, desertion, bleaknessdespicable: hateful, contemptible, base, mean, vile, detestable, depraveddespondent: depressed, morose, gloomy, sad, brooding, desolate, forlorn, woeful, mournful, dejecteddestitute: bereft, devoid, lacking, poor, impoverisheddevastate: ruin, wreckdevout: pious, religious, reverentdexterity: skill, agilitydiminish: decrease, lessen, dwindle, shrink, contract, decline, subside, wane, fade, recede, weaken, moderatedin: noise, uproar, clamordingy: dirty, filthy, shabby, dark


diplomatic: polite, tactfuldisclaim: repudiate, reject, disown, disavow, renouncediscursive: digressive, ramblingdismal: miserable, drearydispute: argue, disagree withdisseminate: spread, broadcast, dispersedivert: deflect, reroute, turn, detourdoffdogged: stubborn, obstinatedogmatic: absolute, opinionated, dictatorial, authoritative, arrogantdoze: nap, sleepdungeon: vault, cellareccentric: freak, oddball, weirdo, nonconformist, odd, unorthodox, unconventional, offbeatecstatic: delighted, overjoyed, euphoriceddy: swirling water, whirlpooleffect: produce, causeelusive: hard to catch, slippery, evasiveembellish: elaborate, expand, ornamenteminent: prominent, well-known, famous, distinguished, noteworthyemulate: imitate, simulate, copy, followenact: pass, decree, act outencompass: encircle, circumscribeendorse: accept, approve, authorize, accredit, encourage, advocate, favor, supportenigma: mystery, riddle, puzzleenigmatic: mysterious, unexplainable, inexplicable, incomprehensible, strange, puzzling, baffling, bewildering, perplexing, crypticensnare: trapentice: tempt, lure, attractentourage: group, retinue, coterieera: period of time, age, epocherudite: wise, learned, knowledgeable, informedessential: basic, central, fundamental, important, crucial, necessary, urgentetiquette: manners, propriety, decorumebullient: bubbling, enthusiastic, exuberant

evacuate: expel, empty, vacate, removeexotic: foreign, alien, unfamiliarexpand: enlarge, increase, augment, extend, broaden, widen, stretch, spread, swell, inflate, dilate, bloatexpunge: erase, obliterate, strike outextraction: removalextricate: disengage, release, withdrawextroverted: outgoing, gregariousfanatic: zealousfatal: lethal, deadly, killing, mortal, malignantfatigue: tire out, weary, enervate; exhaustion, wearinessfauna: animals, creatures, beastsfelicity: happiness, contentment, blissferocious: fiercefervent: warm, eager, enthusiasticfickle: inconstantfidelity: loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness, devotion, truthfulness, accuracyfinale: end, finish, conclusion, wind-upflagrant: obvious, glaringflippant: frivolous, flip, playfulflow: run, streamforecast, prophesy, augerforetell: forecast, prophesy, augerformidable: impressive, awe-inspiring, impregnable, invinciblefoundation: bottom, groundwork, basisfragile: breakable, frail, brittle, delicatefrequent: repeated, regular, habitual, commonfutile: useless, hopeless, pointlessgarrulous: talkative, loquaciousgerminate: sprout, growglee: joy, elationglib: flip, fluent, verbose, smooth, smuggregarious: sociable, companionable, amiable, convivialgrotesque: bizarre, outlandish, uglygrovel: crawl, beggruesome: frightful, shocking, ghastlyhallowed: holy, sacred


harbinger: precursor, forerunner, omen, messenger

harsh: rough, strict, severe


hasty: rushed, sloppy, shoddy, careless heed: listen to, obey


herbivorous: plant-eatingheterogeneous: mixed, unlike, diverse, dissimilar, varioushexagonhibernate: sleephivehorrid: dreadful, horrible, shockinghovel: shantyhumid: moist, damp, sultryignite: light, kindle, inflame, rouse, excite, agitate, stir, provokeilliteracyimmaculate: errorless, unblemished, impeccableimminent: impending, approaching, nearimmortal: undying, eternalimpasse: deadlock, standoff, stalemate, standstillimpervious: impenetrableimpious: irreverent, sacrilegiousimply: hint, suggest, intimateinadvertent: accidental, unintentionalincentive: motive, inducement, stimulusincredulous: skeptical, disbelievingindicate: disclose, show, reveal, imply, signifyinert: sluggish, passive, inactive, dormant, lethargic, lifelessinfectious: catching, contagiousingenious: brilliant, inspired, imaginative, shrewd, crafty, cunning, resourcefulingenuity: creativity, cleverness, inventivenessinhabit: live, occupy, reside, dwell, stayinnate: natural, inborn, inherent, instinctiveinnocent: pure, harmless, guiltless, naïve, chasteinsinuation: hint, suggestion, reference, implicationinsomnia: sleeplessnessinsurgent: rebelliousirate: angry, indignant, infuriated, enragedjeer: ridicule, mock, scoff, gibe, tauntjubilant: exultant, gleeful, joyful, ecstatic

judicious: wise, sage, sagaciouskinetic: animated, energetic, spirited, movinglagoon: inlet, poollenient: merciful, indulgentlethargy: sluggishness, fatiguelimber: agile, supplelunge: thrust, plungemagnanimous: generous, noble, forgiving, patient, tolerant, indulgent, ungrudgingmalfunction: failuremalleable: soft, flexible, yieldingmar: deform, impair, spoil, disfigure, damagemarvel: miracle, prodigy, wondermeager: slight, trifling, skimpy, puny, scant, inadequate, insufficient, insubstantialmeek: passive, unassertive, docile, compliantmeteorologistmimic: mock, impersonate, simulate, counterfeitminuscule: microscopic, minutemisbegotten: illegitimate, ill-conceivedmourn: lament, grievemurky: obscure, gloomynauseous: revolting, disgusting, nauseatingnebulous: hazy, cloudy, ill-defined, unclear, shapeless, vague, unspecificnimble: agile, active, quick, clever, cunningnomad: wanderer, vagrantnotify: tell, inform, appriseobese: fat, corpulent, portlyobnoxious: offensive, repugnant, repellantobscure: confuse, becloud; vague, unclear, dubiousobservation: attention, watching; pronouncement, opinionobsolete: outdated, passé, old-fashionedobstinate: mulish, doggedobstruct: block, check, clog, impedeobtuse: slow, stupidolfactoryominous: forebodingopportune: timely, appropriate, luckyoption: alternative, election


orbit: circle, revolve, circuitorchid: lavenderostentatious: conspicuous, flashy, flamboyant, showypalatable: savory, agreeable, appetizing, delicious, acceptableparadox: contradictionpassive: submissivepeddle: hawk, vendpedestrian: plodding, prosaic, commonplace, ordinary, plain, mundane, humdrum, trite, banal, drab, colorless, boring, unimaginative, uninspired, undistinguished, unremarkable, unexceptionalperjury: falsehood, fraud, liespersevere: continue, struggle, endure, persistpetrify: shock, stun, stiffen, paralyze, fossilizepious: devout, religious, reverent, scrupulousplagiarism: copying, stealingplausible: credible, believable, likely, probable, conceivablepompous: stuffy, stiff, affected, mannered, unnatural, pretentiousprocrastinate: delay, postpone, deferprofound: wise, deep, sagaciousprolific: productive, fertilepropel: compel, project, driveprophesy: predict, foretell, forecast, augerpungent: peppery, hot, piquant, biting, acridpursue: trail, tail, dog, followquell: quash, overpower, overcome, quench, suppressquench: satisfy, extinguish, subdue, saterabble: crowd, mob, multitude, horderabid: fanatical, crazy, irrational, wild-eyed, maniacal, lunatic, incoherentrancor: animosity, resentment, hatred, malice, spiterandom: chance, haphazard, unordered, unbiasedransack: plunder, pillage, loot, pilfer, stealratify: confirm, affirm, endorse, approve, sanction

raze: demolish, destroy, wreck, level, flattenrecluse: hermit, lonerrecur: return, repeatreek: stinkrefrain: abstain, cease, desistregal: kingly, majesticreign: rule, prevailreimburse: repay, compensatereinforce: supportreminiscence: collection, recall, memory, nostalgiarenowned: famed, distinguished, notablerepartee: banterrepudiate: disown, reject, renouncerepugnant: distasteful, objectionable, offensiveresidue: remainder, remnant, leftoverreveal: unveil, discloserevel: celebrate, indulge, enjoyravenous: hungry, famished, voracious, starvedrout: overwhelm, overcome, subdue, scattersatellite: moonsaturate: soak, fill, drench, permeatesaucy: pert, lively, rude, insolentsavor: taste, relish, enjoy, appreciatescald: burn, scorch, boilscarce: sparse, infrequentscathing: searing, crushing, harmfulschism: disunity, break, division, conflict, clashscrupulous: moral, upstanding, virtuous, principled, ethical, careful, conscientious, thorough, diligentsecure: fasten, bind, clamp; fastened, fixed, bound, safe, stableseethe: boil, bubble, steam, foam, surge, heavesentry: watch, lookoutsequel: aftermath, outcome, continuation, consequenceshrewd: clever, keen, astute, cunning, wily, sharp, discerningsignificant: consequential, momentous,


weighty sinister: ominous, wicked


slack: lax, negligent, remiss, careless, inactive, slowsociable: gregarious, companionable, friendly, affable, amiablesolicit: request, seek, petition, begspecify: detail, identify, stipulate, itemize, define, statesplice: join, bind, connect, attach, link, unitespurn: refuse, snubsquander: waste, fritter away, consume, exhauststaunch: firm, sturdy, stable, solid, established, substantial, steadfaststealthy: sneaky, furtive, clandestinestress: highlightsuave: sooth, gracious, courtly, worldly, sophisticated, urbane, cosmopolitan, cultivated, culturedsubdue: control, vanquish, suppress, repress, master, overcome, tamesucceed: follow, replace; flourish, thrivesuccumb: yield, surrender, give in, submit, die, expiresuffice: satisfysummit: apex, peak, top, pinnaclesuperb: splendid, magnificent, grandsuppress: quell, containsurfeit: excess, glut, overabundancesurmise: guess, conjecture, speculate, hypothesize, infersurrogate: proxy, substitute, alternatesusceptible: vulnerable, open, exposedsuspense: apprehension, anxietysynopsis: summary, outlinetaciturn: quiet, shy, reserved, guardedtaint: poison, contaminate, infect, judicious, sensitive, consideratetamper: tinker, manipulatetangible: material, real, touchable, palpable, concrete, perceptibletaut: tight, stretched, tense, strained

temperate: self-denying, sensible, level-headed, rational, moderatetenacious: persistent, persevering, untiring, tirelesstepid: lukewarm, mild, temperateterminate: cease, finish, concludeterse: concise, succinct, compacttether: rope, chain; tie, fastentoken: symbol, expression, representationtorrid: hot, parched, sizzlingtrepidation: fright, anxiety, trembling, hesitationtrite: tired, banal, unoriginal, common, stale, stocktumult: racket, disordertyranny: oppression, repressionultimate: maximum, remotest, final, conclusive, elementalunanimous: unchallenged, uncontested, unopposedunkempt: sloppy, slovenly, ruffled, disheveled, messy, untidy, raggedusurp: seize, grab, steal, snatchvacate: depart, govacuous: shallow, vapidvague: nebulous, imprecisevehement: passionate, earnest, ferventvend: sell, peddle, merchandisevex: tease, irritate, provoke, torment, pester, harass, bother, annoyvitalize: animate, vivifyvivacious: animated, sprightly, spiritedwan: pale, ashen, bloodlesswantonly: randomly, indiscriminatelywrath: ire, fury, ragewretched: dejected, woebegone, forlornwrithe: squirm, twitch, twistzealous: fervent, fervid, intense, passionate

附录二:ISEE 填空题词频统计与题库填空题词频统计共 429个单词(题目来自于题库 184道填空


题)abacusabscondabstemiousabsurdadeptadhesionadmonishadventureaggressiveagilityalertaloofambivalentamiableanticipatedantidoteapatheticapeaquaticarchaicarduousargumentativeascertainassertiveassignedautobiographicalawkwardballadeerbanalbashfulbelligerentbeneficialbiased bitterblithebluntbogged downboisterouscaesurascanopycaptivatecarefreecarpentry

cashiercementchampionchastisecircuitous circumspect civilizedclashcollectedcommercializedcommitteecompassionateconcaveconceitedconcurconfidentialconfrontcongratulatecongregateconsensusconsequentconservativeconsolecontemporarycontentedcontentiousconvenientconvexconveyanceconvincingcorporealcourteouscovertcrediblecrudelycurtdebatabledecipherdefaceddeferentialdefinitivedejecteddemagogue


erosioneruditeethnicevaluateevidentexacerbateexhaustedexhilaratedexpediteexplicitlyexteriorexternalextinguishextrovertedfacilityfaithfulfanaticfatalisticfatiguedfatiguedfearfulfertilefictionalfingerprintfirebrand firsthandflamboyantflavorfulflightyflimsyfloridforbiddenformidableformulatefractiousfreneticfretfulfrugally fulfillingfuriousfuriousgallantgarrulous


generous genuinegeographerghastlygloomygrammaticalgruffhackneyedhalf-heartedhazardheinousherbalist hermithideous highbrowhobbyhomogeneoushostilehumiliatinghumilityhydrometerhyperhypotheticalillegibleill-mannerimpatientincompetentinconsequential incredibleindelicateindifferent industrialistinfamousinformalingeniousinjusticeinklinginnateinnovativeinquisitiveinsincereinsipidinteriorintimidate


monotonousmorbidmotivationalmultifacetedmundanenaïveneat neutralnocturnalnovicenumerousnutritiousobedientobfuscateobsequiousobstinateoff-puttingominousone-sidedopportunistorchestraordinance ostentatiousoutgoingoverbearingoverblownoverlookoverwhelmingpalatablepalepanoramicparallelpartialpassionatepediatricianpedometerpenalizeperilousperipateticperishpersuasivepetrifiedpettypicket

piousplacid plausiblepoisonous pragmaticprecautionprecociouspredictablepredilectionpremonitionpresumptuousprimitiveprivilegedprocrastinateproliferatepromotionprompt prosaicprosecutionpulsating punctualquarrelsomequizzesraccoonrambunctiousrealisticreasonablerebelliousreceptaclereefrefinedrejuvenatereliablerelievereligiousreluctantremorserenditionrepresentativerespectfulretractrevererevolutionaryrumor


sagesatietysaturatesavagescornfulselflessseparate sereneseverityshieldsimplisticsincerityskimsmothersociablesocialsocializationsolitarysomnolentsparsespillspiteful




三 同义题题库1. authenticity (A) genuine(B) valuable(C) ancient(D) damaged(E) historical2. grave(A) regrettable(B) unpleasant(C) serious(D) careful(E)lengthy3.reputeA. Renewal

B. RenownC. PriorityD. MutabilityE. Reaction4. favorA. awardB. recognizeC. respect D. improveE. prefer5. allegationA. evidenceB. accusationC. conservationD. foundationE. fabrication8. gnarledA. fruitfulB. deadC. twistedD. floweringE. drooping


9. laurelsA. vineB. honorC. lavenderD. cushionE. work10. dismalA. bleakB. crowdedC. comfortableD. temporaryE. typical11. humidA. dampB. windyC. hotD. stormyE. hazy12. deportA. punishB. banishC. censorD. jailE. praise13. peddleA. assembleB. stealC. editD. deliverE. sell14. terminateA. extendB. renewC. endD. sellE. finalize15. dearthA. explosionB. increaseC. shortageD. changeE. surplus16. obscureA. tragic

B. darkC. obligatoryD. ignoredE. legendary17. mournA. inaugurateB. celebrateC. greetD. opposeE. grieve18. recluseA. artistB. beggarC. lunaticD. scavengerE. hermit19.homageA. youthB. wreathC. respect D. affectionE. household20.herbivorousA. hugeB. warm-bloodedC. endangeredD. plant-eatingE. intelligent21. synopsisA. summaryB. satireC. paragraphD. updateE. rebuttal

22. wantonA. fantasticB. repeatedC. lustfulD. carefulE. needy

23. imperiousA. royalB. friendly


C. gustyD. arrogantE. insightful24. hallowA. revereB. digC. inhabitD. discoverE. release25. blissA. ecstasyB. escapeC. prayerD. terrorE. fun26. indecentA. centralizedB. immortalC. improperD. incessantE. recent27. tangibleA. unrelatedB. glibC. touchableD. tannedE. incapable28. ferocityA. hardnessB. humilityC. narrownessD. scarcityE. fierceness29. tenaciousA. tenderB. determinedC. temporaryD. talkativeE. discouraged30. pleadA. strikeB. cryC. teaseD. beg

E. try31. prowlA. growlF. sneakB. scrubC. leaveD. fight32. vesselA. bloodB. decorationC. carD. accountE. container33. approveA. withhold informationB. regard innocentlyC. watch attentivelyD. judge favorablyF. consider carefully34. seepA. oozeB. gurgleC. liquefyD. stickE. fall


35. vexA. scribbleB. locateC. screamD. playE. irritate36. dozeA. grazeB. sleepC. refreshD. boreE. ignore37. bountyA. outside borderB. new harvestC. woven basketD. upper limit


E. generous gift38. coarseA. siftedB. stickyC. unpopularD. difficultE. rough39. meekA. submissiveB. oldC. tinyD. worriedE. quick40. saturateA. angerB. measureC. soakD. boilE. pour41. genteelA. timidB. loudC. stupidD. harmlessE. refined42. winsomeA. athleticB. charmingC. criticalD. smallE. shy43. reproachA. retreatB. blameC. insistD. complainE. whine44. demonstrateA. objectB. showC. requireD. renewE. imply45. camouflage

A. jewelryB. outfitC. disguiseD. outlookE. helmet46. aghastA. shockedB. swollenC. irritatedD. nastyE. rude47. recollectA. inventB. removeC. discoverD. rejectE. remember48. initiateA. gatherB. tryC. startD. commandE. celebrate49. suffocateA. give instructionB. pull outC. make willingD. surround completelyE. deprive of air50. prevailA. triumphB. predictC. entrustD. coverE. enlighten51. pranceA. boastB. leadC. strutD. pryE. sing52. profoundA. stubbornB. unfounded


C. perplexingD. absurdE. deep53. limberA. suppleB. woodenC. skinnyD. soberE. sociable


54. terminateA. extendB. renewC. finalizeD. sellE. end55. contemplateA. ponderB. rejectC. founderD. dominateE. deserve56. capriceA. ideaB. mistakeC. whimD. decisionE. guess57. adageA. permissionB. disdainC. humorD. preventionE. proverb58. dinA. outlineB. clamorC. improvementD. demonstrateE. pressure59. expunge A. eraseB. handle

C. labelD. assaultE. keep60. harshA. coldB. angryC. poorD. uselessE. severe61. indicateA. meet withB. look atC. help withD. point outE. search for62. bleakA. unknownB. quietC. cheerlessD. tremblingE. timid63. secureA. unseenB. awareC. secretD. safeE. knotty64. alienA. strangeB. futileC. valuableD. brutalE. unclear65. chronicA. persistentB. difficultC. doubtfulD. legalE. elaborate66. quenchA. completeB. compareC. demeanD. satisfy


E. withdraw67. severeA. frozenB. extremeC. longD. limitedE. essential68. ransackA. search thoroughlyB. act quicklyC. cover completelyD. make secureE. denounce publicly69. summitA. plateauB. landscapeC. slopeD. islandE. peak70. tumultA. annoyanceB. commotionC. insignificanceD. disagreementE. blockage71. retardA. turn aroundB. push apartC. slow downD. change positionE. see through72. antidoteA. fantasyB. remedyC. substituteD. awardE. decoration73. solitaryA. mindfulB. carelessC. friendlyD. aloneE. troubled74. camouflage

A. obstacleB. rangeC. emergencyD. disguiseE. amount75. expelA. finish offB. teachC. questionD. scoldE. cast out76. lungeA. pursueB. turnC. thrustD. restoreE. startle77. brevityA. ambitionB. consistencyC. conflictD. imaginationE. shortness78. marvelA. discardB. usurpC. confuseD. pointE. wonder79. candorA. majestyB. daringC. honestyD. perceptionE. fatigue80. conveneA. clarifyB. serveC. assembleD. electE. dignify81. catastropheA. illusionB. disaster


C. indicationD. warningE. estimate82. gregariousA. sloppyB. sociableC. happyD. intelligentE. talented83. dexterityA. secrecyB. equalityC. reserveD. nimblenessE. determination84. imminentA. intenseB. impressiveC. properD. observableE. forthcoming85. animosityA. doubtB. hatredC. sadnessD. illnessE. guilt86. amendA. createB. addressC. observeD. excludeE. improve87. despondentA. depressedB. unintendedC. artificialD. literaryE. unconcerned88. unflinchingA. uncommittedB. distinctC. uncompromisingD. transitory

E. invalidunflinching: a.不畏惧的uncompromising: a.不妥协的

89. repudiateA. renounceB. impedeC. provokeD. divertE. submit90. alias

A. formal relationshipB. assumed nameC. blatant falsehoodD. presumed locationE. deep emotion

91. phobia(错题)A. illuminationB. retractionC. anxietyD. heightE. dismissal

92. propelA. intendB. belieC. flyD. projectE. repel

93. headstrongA. foreign B. delicateC. stubbornD. uselessE. hysterical

94. coddleA. babyB. waddleC. carryD. riddleE. assume

95. keenA. sharpB. niceC. forgivingD. dense


E. rotund96. murky

A. religiousB. mustyC. sentimentalD. gloomyE. forgetful

97. tryingA. impossibleB. strenuousC. easyD. weatheredE. morose98. adhereA. connectB. alterC. stickD. listenE. complete99. enigmaticA. attractiveB. confusedC. happyD. mysteriousE. unfortunate100. pompousA. flatB. concernedC. arrangedD. colorfulE. pretentious101. fatalA. childishB. painfulC. accidentalD. socialE. lethal102. frequentA. generalB. frailC. locomotiveD. variousE. habitual103. ostentatious

A. prevalentB. confidentC. repetitiveD. flashyE. elongated

104. dearthA. mortalityB. fearC. lackD. consumptionE. approval105. buffetA. toss aboutB. serenade toC. place uponD. start overE. send back106. waiveA. fold overB. ride onC. climb underD. urge onE. give up107. industryA. elementB. accusationC. diligenceD. phobiaE. warehouse108. trepidationA. fearB. agricultureC. masterpieceD. scarcityE. acumen109. condoneA. respectB. approveC. giveD. stifleE. elevate110. harbingerA. messenger


B. entryC. dockD. lagoonE. consequence111.sentryA. watchB. beginningC. rowD. revolutionaryE. companion112. orbitA. programB. inertiaC. revolutionD. galaxyE. project

orbit,program程序113. paradoxA. submissionB. contradictionC. dislikeD. imperfectionE. curse114. buffoonA. gasB. medianC. sphereD. foolE. gift115. imminentA. impenetrableB. impossibleC. immatureD. implicatedE. impending116. tumultA. sustenanceB. disorderC. juveniliaD. dossierE. philosophy117. spurnA. unearthB. incinerate

C. twirlD. rejectE. clash118. plethoraA. compassionB. excessC. wasteD. forewarningE. myth119. disseminateA. discourageB. renovateC. broadcastD. clarifyE. subside120. desecrate

A. defendB. denyC. describeD. defile

121. laudA. touchB. praiseC. insultD. hear122. avertA. vindicateB. preventC. explainD. dislike123. pietyA. rarityB. smellC. faithD. meal124. amoralA. unethicalB. lovableC. transparentD. imaginary125. candorA. odorB. honestC. ability


D. wealth126. haughtinessA. heatB. heightC. rudenessD. arrogance127. verifyA. completeB. proveC. violateD. consume128. deceiveA. trickB. emptyC. dyeD. view129. fictionA. presumptionB. growthC. falsehoodD. wound130. hardyA. healthyB. mysteriousC. firmD. obese131. lyricalA. mythicalB. brightC. musicalD. wet132. metamorphosisA. changeB. complimentC. rejectionD. meeting133. lamentA. supportB. declineC. solidifyD. grieve134. aridA. lightB. clean

C. worriedD. dry135. perceptiveA. confusedB. roundC. observantD. imbued136. adamantA. thinB. enlargedC. admiringD. stubborn137. neutralA. inventiveB. foreignC. unbiasedD. detailed138. docileA. oldB. tameC. activeD. rare


139. bizarreA. lonelyB. unableC. oddD. foundE. able140. prefaceA. introduceB. stateC. proposeD. jumbleE. make able141. generousA. skimpyB. faultyC. ampleD. unusualE. cold142. moralA. imitationB. fullC. genuineD. uprightE. sure143. alterA. sewB. make upC. reactD. totalE. change144. revolveA. push againstB. go forwardC. leave behindD. turn aroundE. move past145. hopefulA. discouragingB. promisingC. fulfillingD. deceivingE. frustrating146. lingerA. hurry

B. abateC. dawdleD. attemptE. enter147. assistA. workB. discourageC. appealD. hinderE. help148. constructA. buildB. typeC. live inD. engageE. enable149. stoopA. raiseB. elevateC. condescendD. realizeE. imagine150. candidA. pictureB. honestC. preparedD. unfocusedE. rehearsed151. tauntA. delayB. standC. showD. horrifyE. tease152. coarseA. smoothB. crudeC. politeD. furiousE. emotional153. vainA. conceitedB. beautifulC. talented


D. unattractiveE. helpless154. sereneA. helpfulB. normalC. calmD. disastrousE. floating155. utilizeA. pass onB. break downC. resort toD. rely onE. make use of 156. vigorousA. slothfulB. aimlessC. energeticD. gloriousE. victorious157. prolongA. delayB. lengthenC. exceedD. assertE. resolve158. benefitA. cooperateB. struggleC. assistD. denyE. appeal158. commonA. beautifulB. novelC. typicalD. constantE. similar160. competentA. angryB. peacefulC. well-writtenD. capableE. possible

161. abridgeA. completeB. spanC. reachD. shortenE. retain162. untimelyA. lateB. punctualC. dependentD. inappropriateE. continuous163. homogenizeA. make the sameB. send awayC. isolateD. enfoldE. purify quickly164. delinquentA. underageB. negligentC. superiorD. advancedE. independent165. inalienableA. misplacedB. universalC. assuredD. democraticE. changeable166. paltryA. meagerB. coloredC. thickD. abundantE. indistinguishable167. auspiciousA. suppleB. minorC. doubtfulD. favorableE. ominous168. prodigalA. wasteful


B. amusingC. disadvantagedD. lazyE. virtuous169. pacifistA. innocent personB. person opposed to warC. warmongerD. wanderer of landsE. journeyman170. credibleA. obsoleteB. believableC. fabulousD. mundaneE. superficial171. monotonousA. livelyB. educationalC. nutritiousD. repetitiousE. helpful172. belligerentA. friskyB. messyC. friendlyD. antagonisticE. persuasive173. zenithA. distanceB. failureC. high pointD. complaintE. proximity174. principleA. leaderB. standardC. theoryD. gameE. chief175. captureA. secureB. loseC. steal

D. haltE. release176. befriendA. sever tiesB. close downC. approachD. enjoyE. ignore177. automaticA. involuntaryB. enjoyableC. forcefulD. haplessE. independent178. aptitudeA. difficultyB. reasonC. mistakeD. abilityE. demeanor179. capitalA. primaryB. regressiveC. capableD. falseE. building180. repressA. defyB. faithfulC. rulingD. outsideE. prevent181. endureA. take inB. stick withC. add toD. run fromE. push out182. transmitA. eliminateB. watchC. sendD. symbolE. retrieve


183. dialogueA. speechB. conversationC. monologueD. sermonE. reading184. eulogyA. attackB. tributeC. complementD. criticismE. encouragement185. banA. removeB. imposingC. forbidD. specifyE. resign186. apathyA. involvementB. compassionC. contemptD. indifferenceE. honesty187. omniscientA. agileB. logicalC. knowledgeableD. capableE. invulnerable188. transgressA. offendB. eradicateC. includeD. attendE. violate189. vivaciousA. nimbleB. livelyC. easily amusedD. directE. constantly aware190. hyperboleA. isolation

B. identificationC. exaggerationD. sharp curveE. qualification191. congenitalA. innocentB. inbornC. gracefulD. credibleE. acquired192. succinctA. subterraneanB. confusingC. blatantD. directE. common193. craftyA. aptB. slyC. agileD. wickedE. wayward194. fluentA. spokenB. quietC. flowingD. illnessE. real195. identicalA. brokenB. duplicateC. foolishD. relatedE. major196. popularA. rudeB. acceptedC. understoodD. ultimateE. respected197. wharfA. beachB. raftC. flat ship


D. carrierE. dock198. faithfulA. hopefulB. unrealisticC. truthfulD. pleasantE. devoted199. obstacleA. pathB. great distanceC. ditchD. impedimentE. ravine200. convolutedA. interestingB. expensiveC. twistedD. forgedE. cheap201. alignA. repairB. commandC. straightenD. replaceE. intervene202. vetoA. shortenB. discussC. defineD. rejectE. submit203. mangleA. shineB. wearC. tortureD. disarmE. mutilate204. feebleA. fairB. ineffectiveC. toughD. hardenedE. sickness

205. sluggishA. aggressiveB. slowC. inconsiderateD. wickedE. needy206. redundantA. poorB. superfluousC. abundantD. fancyE. austere207. lampoonA. articleB. biographyC. journeyD. satireE. presentation208. trepidationA. boldnessB. ironyC. rashnessD. comfortE. fear209. assessA. denyB. acceptC. size upD. dismissE. portray210. ghastlyA. responsibleB. erroneousC. horribleD. favorableE. plausible211. censureA. editB. understandingC. approvalD. disapprovalE. hate-mongering212. dismantleA. discourse with


B. break downC. yield toD. drive awayE. strip from213. cacophonyA. melodyB. harmonyC. musicalD. rhythmE. dissonance214. contortA. bendB. deformC. colorD. amuseE. occupy215. grimA. cleanB. relaxingC. frownD. harshE. irresponsible216. inauspiciousA. colorlessB. prudentC. misplacedD. ominousE. raising intelligent questions217. vacantA. starkB. variedC. drearyD. rentedE. huge218. austereA. plentifulB. ornateC. miserlyD. severeE. empty219. quellA. stifleB. dissembleC. articulate

D. rock gentlyE. praise highly220. fortifyA. emphasizeB. strengthenC. revereD. diffuseE. surround221. proclivityA. efficiencyB. tendC. authenticityD. propensityE. proprietary222. formidableA. malleableB. powerfulC. talentedD. fearE. trainable223. stymieA. constructB. swindleC. depressD. frustrateE. reason224. erraticA. constantB. amiableC. innateD. inconsistentE. caustic225. conciliateA. pacifyB. replaceC. informD. exposeE. surpass226. refractoryA. stubbornB. excessiveC. ironicD. inhumaneE. improper


227. truncateA. packedB. shortenC. growD. remindE. reproach228. meagerA. gullibleB. novelC. sparseD. vulnerableE. providential229. credibleA. obsoleteB. plausibleC. fabulousD. mundaneE. superficial230. culpableA. elusiveB. unheraldedC. esotericD. worthy of blameE. sanctioned231. deploreA. rejoiceB. mitigateC. lamentD. implyE. prevent232. acclaimA. complimentB. feastC. assertD. blameE. compose233. guileA. vengeanceB. fearC. trustD. loathingE. cunning234. fallowA. prompt

B. unusedC. deepD. secondaryE. recessive235. championA. deterB. forceC. fightD. side withE. change236. imbueA. renewB. suffuseC. dawdleD. competeE. impress237. posthumousA. in the futureB. post warC. after deathD. during the age ofE. promptly238. prohibitA. attemptB. recountC. diminishD. conserveE. forbid239. renaissanceA. carnivalB. fortuneC. burialD. revivalE. earlier time240. decompositionA. combustionB. infiltrationC. perturbationD. equalizationE. disintegration241. aggrandizementA. assessmentB. leniencyC. restitution


D. annulmentE. glorification242. gullibleA. strandedB. easily deceivedC. distantD. assailableE. scheduled243. refutationA. attractionB. disproofC. legal activityD. denyE. enthusiastic response244. obedientA. amenableB. excessiveC. ironicD. inhumaneE. improper245. contaminateA. deodorizeB. decongestC. deterD. taintE. defoliate246. woefulA. wretchedB. bloatedC. dimD. animatedE. reasonable247. practicalA. difficult to learnB. inferior in qualityC. providing great supportD. having great usefulnessE. feeling great regret248. scrutinizeA. examine carefullyB. announce publiclyC. infer correctlyD. decide promptlyE. warn swiftly

249. confideA. judgeB. entrustC. secretD. professE. confuse250. initiateA. bring to an endB. signC. commenceD. hinderE. guide251. fortunateA. luckyB. wealthyC. intelligentD. poorE. downtrodden252. corroborationA. attractionB. confirmationC. legal activityD. unfulfilled expectationE. enthusiastic response253.desperateA. attractionB. confirmationC. legal activityD. unfulfilled expectationE. enthusiastic response254. fretA. listenB. provideC. worryD. requireE. stash255. versatileA. peacefulB. disruptiveC. adaptableD. truthfulE. charming256. assistA. support


B. bringC. distrustD. yearnE. destroy257. reprimandA. praiseB. insureC. liberateD. chideE. forgive258. evadeA. take fromB. blindC. helpD. sidestepE. successful259. fatigueA. grow wearyB. become fluidC. increase in heightD. recede from viewE. improve260. antidoteA. foundationB. vacationC. poisonD. learning experience E. antitoxin261. proposeA. speak upB. marriageC. fall awayD. suggestE. lease262. incredibleA. mundaneB. uncivilizedC. sophisticatedD. believableE. extraordinary263. vigilantA. observantB. sleepyC. overly anxious

D. brutalE. moving264. tatteredA. unkemptB. neatC. exuberantD. unrulyE. pressed265. precedeA. stand alongsideB. move towardC. come beforeD. hurlE. beg266. lamentA. relishB. drenchC. moanD. inventE. incline267. engageA. dateB. employC. trainD. dismissE. fear268. competentA. disastrousB. fastC. cautiousD. ableE. inanimate269. sincereA. newB. passionateC. expensiveD. genuineE. untold270. ricketyA. strongB. woodenC. antiqueD. beautifulE. feeble


271. conspicuousA. plain as dayB. identityC. camouflagedD. shinyE. cramped272. disguiseA. mysteryB. convictC. presentD. false frontE. pressure273. crumbleA. eatB. stumbleC. dry outD. smallE. deteriorate274. bizarreA. lonelyB. unableC. oddD. found275. prefaceA. introduceB. stateC. proposeD. jumble276. generousA. skimpyB. faultyC. ampleD. unusual277. moralA. imitationB. fullC. genuineD. upright278. alterA. sewB. make upC. reactD. change279. revolve

A. push againstB. go forwardC. leave behindD. turn around280. hopefulA. discouragingB. promisingC. fulfillingD. deceiving281. lingerA. hurryB. abateC. dawdleD. attempt282. assistA. workB. discourageC. hinderD. help283. constructA. buildB. typeC. live inD. engage284. stoopA. raiseB. elevateC. condescendD. realize285. candidA. PictureB. HonestC. PreparedD. Unfocused286. tauntA. delayB. standC. showD. tease287. coarseA. smoothB. crudeC. politeD. furious


288. vainA. conceitedB. beautifulC. talentedD. helpless289. sereneA. helpfulB. normalC. calmD. disastrous290. utilizeA. pass onB. resort toC. rely onD. make use of291. vigorousA. slothfulB. aimlessC. energeticD. glorious292. prolongA. delayB. lengthenC. exceedD. assert293. benefitA. cooperateB. struggleC. assistD. appeal294. abominableA. enormousB. terribleC. rudeD. talkative295. surrogateA. requestedB. paranoidC. numerousD. substitute296. endangerA. recueB. frightenC. confuse

D. threaten297. commonA. beautifulB. novelC. typicalD. constant298. competentA. angryB. peacefulC. well-writtenD. capable299. abridgeA. completeB. spanC. reachD. shorten300. untimelyA. lateB. punctualC. inappropriateD. continuous301. homogenizeA. make the sameB. send awayC. isolateD. enfold302. delinquentA. underageB. negligentC. superiorD. advanced303. inalienableA. misplacedB. universalC. assuredD. democratic304. paltryA. meagerB. coloredC. thickD. abundant305. auspiciousA. suppleB. minor


C. favorableD. ominous306. prodigalA. wastefulB. amusingC. disadvantagedD. lazy307. pacifistA. innocent personB. person opposed to warC. warmongerD. wanderer of lands308. credibleA. obsoleteB. believableC. fabulousD. mundane309. monotonousA. livelyB. educationalC. nutritiousD. repetitious310. belligerentA. friskyB. friendlyC. antagonisticD. persuasive311. zenithA. distanceB. failureC. high pointD. complaint312. graveA. deadlyB. openC. solemnD. final313. fomentA. instigateB. dissembleC. articulateD. praise314. inarticulateA. tongue-tied

B. creativeC. overly sensitiveD. friendly315. jargonA. fast speakingB. odorC. definitionD. terminology316. thesisA. paperB. reportC. beliefD. study317. debunkA. buildB. justifyC. discreditD. impress318. disdainA. hopeB. contemptC. findD. annoy319. reticentA. anxiousB. awareC. informedD. reserved320. prevalentA. old-fashionedB. minorityC. predominantD. fascinating321. satiateA. fillB. starveC. serveD. deny322. candidA. defiantB. stingyC. frankD. dejected323. emulate


A. brush offB. imitateC. perplexD. permit324. taintA. masterB. infectC. annoyD. handle325. conformA. perpetuateB. jarC. harmonizeD. contract326. detrimentalA. desolateB. injuriousC. emphaticD. considerate327. meticulousA. finickyB. maddeningC. favorableD. gigantic328. juxtaposeA. place side by sideB. put behindC. keep awayD. question329. heterogeneousA. similarB. generousC. unusualD. mixed330. mitigateA. hardenB. bendC. untangleD. ease331. elusiveA. unhappyB. realC. treacherousD. slippery

332. imprudentA. possessiveB. deadlyC. remoteD. unwise333. gallantA. awkwardB. clumsyC. graciousD. equine334. queryA. askB. excavateC. alignD. meander335. impulsiveA. suddenB. incrementalC. premeditatedD. natural336. acridA. savoryB. bitterC. falseD. luscious337. maladyA. songB. fussC. sicknessD. bastionE. prayer338. barterA. argueB. strikeC. flowD. tradeE. fight339. avariceA. greedB. keennessC. detourD. eulogyE. domicile340. haughty


A. arrogantB. attractiveC. congestedD. suspiciousE. frivolous341. noisomeA. loudB. victoriousC. unrestrainedD. awkwardE. malodorous342. maliceA. cunningB. forethoughtC. spiteD. benevolenceE. premeditation343. wanA. singleB. lonelyC. sanguineD. paleE. individual344. blatant

A. obviousB. fragrantC. odiousD. airyE. subtle

345. deterA. alternateB. begetC. curveD. discourageE. encourage

346. concurA. agreeB. referC. breedD. raceE. study

347. oathA. vowB. fool

C. grainD. vesselE. disagreement

348. contemporaryA. tardyB. rapidC. lengthyD. angryE. modern

349. credulousA. gullibleB. nervousC. skittishD. outragedE. impossible

350. ardorA. passionB. disinterestC. closetD. difficultyE. list

351. apparatusA. magicB. alertC. awakeD. deviceE. mistake

352. hoaxA. conflagrationB. falsificationC. imaginationD. peregrinationE. elation

353. ostracizeA. blendB. foldC. exhaustD. enlargeE. exclude

354. peruseA. driveB. utilizeC. knowD. read


E. understand355. elucidate

A. confuseB. speakC. escapeD. make clearE. take care

356. mendicantA. pharmacistB. beggarC. epoxyD. bandageE. soporific

357. haughtyA. arrogantB. uninterestedC. humbleD. attractiveE. bored

358. smiteA. strikeB. defendC. burnD. sneerE. grin

359. dormantA. inactiveB. exuberantC. collegialD. cleanE. friendly

360. inciteA. rouseB. cutC. biteD. burnE. illustrate

361. zenithA. applianceB. constellationC. negativeD. summitE. nadir

362. jovial

A. happyB. plumpC. lugubriousD. slowE. large

363. lexiconA. routeB. waterwayC. riverD. dictionaryE. enclosure

364. chaffA. beverageB. companionC. irritationD. wasteE. annoyance

365. razeA. fortifyB. buildC. elevateD. shaveE. tear down

366. perniciousA. intelligentB. harmlessC. falseD. harmfulE. entertaining

367. minutiaeA. triviaB. speedC. notesD. weaponryE. ammunition

368. prehensileA. understandingB. graspingC. primitiveD. antediluvianE. condescending

369. repugnantA. offensiveB. small


C. hardyD. copiedE. compact

370. taciturnA. alienB. ubiquitousC. avianD. melodiousE. silent

371. abjureA. announceB. ruleC. judgeD. renounceE. balance

372 .foeA. authorB. warriorC. poetD. spyE. enemy373. fractionA. pieceB. breakC. breachD. disagreementE. opposing side374. discardA. rejectB. acquireC. offendD. playE. amass375. employA. deceiveB. useC. trickD. payE. fall376. contortA. twistB. accompanyC. legislateD. dine

E. diet377. exaltA. elevateB. breatheC. insultD. denigrateE. fatigue378. somnolentA. liquidB. flexibleC. SpartanD. FluidE. Sleepy379. terrainA. landB. C. justiceD. stormE. atmosphere380. meddlesomeA. nosyB. noisomeC. confusingD. addledE. unbalanced381. boonA. interruptionB. explosionC. giftD. deviationE. fool382. sternA. stemB. sterileC. stoutD. strictE. stressed

383. dubiousA. welcomeB. slowC. randomD. doubtfulE. hearty384. fallacy


A. plungeB. creditC. fancyD. styleE. error385. abodeA. homeB. auguryC. containerD. designE. prediction386. indefatigableA. unknownB. friendlessC. inflatedD. undefinableE. tireless387. toxicA. voidB. freeC. poisonousD. concealingE. hidden388. maliciousA. odorousB. spitefulC. inedibleD. atypicalE. hungry389. contourA. expeditionB. incarcerationC. textureD. dutyE. outline390. heraldA. announcerB. paperC. tributeD. monarchE. jester391. avariceA. snowB. beauty

C. envyD. serenityE. greed392. colossalA. misplacedB. sloppyC. grievingD. giganticE. clumsy393. affableA. friendlyB. fieryC. unintelligentD. casualE. truculent394. ambulatoryA. injuredB. walkingC. conservativeD. scientificE. medical395. antithesisA. controlB. formulaC. statementD. similarityE. opposite396. crudeA. physicalB. refinedC. crassD. mentalE. weak397. chideA. scoldB. wagerC. nickD. chipE. bet398. foibleA. boneB. feelingC. beingD. sport


E. weakness399. aloofA. reservedB. intelligentC. diligentD. doggedE. alien400. innocuousA. repugnantB. immuneC. medicalD. harmlessE. sharp401. veraciousA. lawfulB. legalC. trueD. matureE. angry402. malignantA. possessiveB. deadlyC. positiveD. parallel403. liberateA. weighB. thinkC. listenD. free404. severA. tormentB. divideC. repairD. agree405. stationaryA. unmovingB. writingC. guardingD. driving406. uniformityA. samenessB. stubbornnessC. diversityD. wardrobe

407. obscureA. vagueB. transparentC. clearD. perfect408. prejudiceA. legalityB. biasC. opinionD. decision409. congenialA. suitableB. intelligentC. magicalD. supernatural410. resilientA. flexibleB. rigidC. unmovingD. serene411. lethargyA. inactivityB. speedC. efficiencyD. poison412. donorA. hermitB. doctorC. contributorD. misanthrope413. shrillA. piercingB. melodiousC. lowD. rumbling414. punctualA. promptB. lateC. rudeD. careless415. deviseA. startleB. bluffC. create


D. outwit416. notoriousA. infamousB. honorableC. hopefulD. fast417. jeopardyA. gameB. perilC. twiceD. knowledge418. scrutinyA. revisionB. ignoranceC. examinationD. liability419. biodegradeA. reminisceB. investigateC. divulgeD. decay420. voraciousA. hungryB. loudC. foolishD. vast421. reversalA. inversionB. agreementC. indecisionD. regret422. lucidA. confusingB. clearC. weakD. irrelevant423. sumptuousA. richB. paltryC. vegetarianD. hypothetical424. counterfeitA. imaginaryB. opposite

C. falseD. ambiguous425. inopportuneA. untimelyB. convenientC. quickD. inconclusive426. maladroitA. clumsyB. cruelC. adeptD. dexterous427. proclaimA. supportB. hearC. dismissD. declare428. equitableA. fairB. biasedC. financialD. worthy429. crucialA. necessaryB. extraC. optionalD. rare430. perpetuityA. eternityB. regularityC. purityD. vanity431. ireA. confusionB. angerC. exhaustionD. joy432. depleteA. proclaimB. finishC. concludeD. empty433. bellicoseA. warlike


B. happyC. overweightD. loud434. valorA. royaltyB. mythC. fameD. courage435. piedA. knottedB. bakedC. multicoloredD. keen436. obdurateA. unclearB. stubbornC. vagueD. rewarding437. whimsicalA. adaptableB. mechanicalC. playfulD. difficult438. travailA. laborB. travelC. expeditionD. pride439. blitheA. happyB. simpleC. slenderD. uncomplicated440. penultimateA. most difficultB. finalC. second to lastD. first441. utilityA. usefulnessB. electricityC. powerD. washer442. authentic

A. genuineB. valuableC. ancientD. damagedE. historical443. graveA. regrettableB. unpleasantC. seriousD. carefulE. lengthy444. reputeA. renewalB. renownC. priorityD. mutabilityE. reaction445. favorA. awardB. recognizeC. respectD. improveE. prefer446. gnarledA. fruitfulB. deadC. twistedD. floweringE. drooping447. allegationA. evidenceB. accusationC. conservationD. foundationE. fabrication448. laurelsA. vineB. honorC. lavenderD. cushionE. work449. dismalA. bleakB. crowded


C. comfortableD. temporaryE. typical450. humidA. dampB. windyC. hotD. stormyE. hazy451. deportA. punishB. banishC. censorD. jailE. praise452. peddleA. assembleB. stealC. editD. deliverE. sell453. terminateA. extendB. renewC. endD. sellE. finalize454. dearthA. explosionB. increaseC. shortageD. changeE. surplus455. obscureA. tragicB. darkC. obligatoryD. ignoredE. legendary456. mornA. inaugurateB. celebrateC. greetD. oppose

E. grieve457. homageA. youthB. wreathC. respectD. affectionE. household458. herbivorousA. hugeB. warm-bloodedC. endangeredD. plant-eatingE. intelligent459. synopsisA. summaryB. satireC. paragraphD. updateE. rebuttal460. wantonA. fantasticB. repeatedC. lustfulD. carefulE. needy461. imperiousA. royalB. friendlyC. gustyD. arrogantE. insightful462. hallowA. revereB. digC. inhabitD. discoverE. release463. blissA. ecstasyB. escapeC. prayerD. terrorE. fun464. indecent


A. centralizedB. immortalC. improperD. incessantE. recent465. tangibleA. unrelatedB. glibC. touchableD. tannedE. incapable466. ferocityA. hardnessB. humilityC. narrownessD. scarcityE. fierceness467. tenaciousA. tenderB. determinedC. temporaryD. talkativeE. discouraged468. pleadA. strikeB. cryC. teaseD. begE. try469. prowlA. growlB. sneakC. scrubD. leaveE. fight470. vesselA. bloodB. decorationC. carD. accountE. container471. approveA. withhold informationB. regard innocently

C. watch attentivelyD. judge favorablyE. consider carefully472. seepA. oozeB. gurgleC. liquefyD. stickE. fall473. vexA. scribbleB. locateC. screamD. playE. irritate474. dozeA. grazeB. sleepC. refreshD. boreE. ignore475. bountyA. outside borderB. new harvestC. woven basketD. upper limitE. generous gift476. coarseA. siftedB. stickyC. unpopularD. difficult E. rough477. meekF. submissiveA. oldB. tinyC. worriedD. quick478. saturateA. angerB. measureC. soakD. boil


E. pour479. genteelA. timid B. loudC. stupidD. harmlessE. refined480. winsomeA. athleticB. charmingC. criticalD. smallE. shy481. reproachA. retreatB. blameC. insistD. complainE. whine482. demonstrateA. objectB. showC. requireD. renewE. imply483. camouflageA. jewelryB. outfitC. disguiseD. outlookE. helmet484. aghastA. shockedB. swollenC. irritatedD. nastyE. rude485. recollectA. inventB. removeC. discoverD. rejectE. remember486. initiate

A. gatherB. tryC. startD. commandE. celebrate487. suffocateA. give instructionB. pull outC. make willingD. surround completelyE. deprive of air488. prevailA. triumphB. predictC. entrustD. coverE. enlighten489. pranceA. boastB. leadC. strutD. pryE. sing490. profoundA. stubbornB. unfoundedC. perplexingD. absurdE. deep491. limberA. suppleB. woodenC. skinnyD. soberE. sociable492. terminateA. extendB. renewC. finalizeD. sellE. end493. contemplateA. ponderB. reject


C. founderD. dominateE. deserve494. capriceA. ideaB. mistakeC. whimD. decisionE. guess495. adageA. permissionB. disdainC. humorD. preventionE. proverb496. dinA. outlineB. clamorC. improvementD. demonstrationE. pressure497. expungeA. eraseB. handleC. labelD. assaultE. keep498.harshA. coldB. angryC. poorD. uselessE. severe499. indicateA. meet withB. look atC. help withD. point outE. search for500. bleakA. unknownB. quietC. cheerlessD. trembling

E. timid501. secureA. unseenB. awareC. secretD. safeE. knotty502. alienA. strangeB. futileC. valuableD. brutalE. unclear503. chronicA. persistentB. difficultC. doubtfulD. legalE. elaborate504. quenchA. completeB. compareC. demeanD. satisfyE. withdraw505. severeA. frozenB. extremeC. longD. limitedE. essential506. ransackA. search thoroughlyB. act quicklyC. cover completelyD. make secureE. denounce publicly507. summitA. plateauB. landscapeC. slopeD. islandE. peak508. tumult


A. annoyanceB. commotionC. insignificanceD. disagreementE. blockage509. retardA. turn aroundB. push apartC. slow downD. change positionE. see through510. antidoteA. fantasyB. remedyC. substituteD. awardE. decoration511. solitaryA. mindfulB. carelessC. friendlyD. aloneE. troubled512. camouflageA. obstacleB. rangeC. emergencyD. disguiseE. amount513. expelA. finish offB. teachC. questionD. scoldE. cast out514. lungeA. pursueB. turnC. thrustD. restoreE. startle515. brevityA. ambitionB. consistency

C. conflictD. imaginationE. shortness516. marvelA. discardB. usurpC. confuseD. pointE. wonder517. candorA. majestyB. daringC. honestyD. perceptionE. fatigue518.conveneA. clarifyB. serveC. assembleD. electE. dignify519. catastropheA. illusionB. disasterC. indicationD. warningE. estimate520. gregariousA. sloppyB. sociableC. happyD. intelligentE. talented521. dexterityA. secrecyB. equalityC. reserveD. nimblenessE. determination522. imminentA. intenseB. impressiveC. properD. observable


E. forthcoming523. animosityA. doubtB. hatredC. sadnessD. illnessE. guilt524. amendA. createB. addressC. observeD. excludeE. improve525. despondentA. depressedB. unintendedC. artificialD. literaryE. unconcerned526. unflinchingA. uncommittedB. distinctC. uncompromisingD. transitoryE. invalid527. repudiateA. renounceB. impedeC. provokeD. divertE. submit528. aliasA. formal relationshipB. assumed nameC. blatant falsehoodD. presumed locationE. deep emotion529. phobiaA. illuminationB. retractionC. anxietyD. heightE. dismissal530. propel

A. intendB. belieC. flyD. projectE. repel531. headstrongA. foreignB. delicateC. stubbornD. uselessE. hysterical532. coddleA. babyB. waddleC. carryD. riddleE. assume533. keenA. sharpB. niceC. forgivenessD. denseE. rotund534. murkyA. religiousB. mustyC. sentimentalD. gloomyE. forgetful535. tryingA. impossibleB. strenuousC. easyD. weatheredE. morose536. adhereA. connectB. alterC. stickD. listenE. complete537. enigmaticA. attractiveB. confused


C. happyD. mysteriousE. unfortunate538. pompousA. flatB. concernedC. arrangedD. colorfulE. pretentious539. fatalA. childishB. painfulC. accidentalD. socialE. lethal540. frequentA. generalB. frailC. locomotiveD. variousE. habitual541. ostentatiousA. prevalentB. confidentC. repetitiveD. flashyE. elongated542. dearthA. mortalityB. fearC. lackD. consumptionE. approval543. buffetA. toss aboutB. serenade toC. place uponD. start overE. send back544. waiveA. fold overB. ride onC. climb underD. urge on

E. give up545. industryA. elementB. accusationC. diligenceD. phobiaE. warehouse546. trepidationA. fearB. agricultureC. masterpieceD. scarcityE. acumen547. condoneA. respectB. approveC. giveD. stifleE. elevate548. harbingerA. messengerB. entryC. dockD. lagoonE. consequence549. sentryA. watchB. beginningC. rowD. revolutionaryE. companion550. orbitA. programB. inertiaC. revolutionD. companion551. paradoxA. submissionB. contradictionC. dislikeD. imperfectionE. curse552. buffoonA. gas


B. medianC. sphereD. foolE. gift553. imminentA. impenetrableB. impossibleC. immatureD. implicatedE. impending554. tumultA. sustenanceB. disorderC. juveniliaD. dossierE. philosophy555. spurnA. unearthB. incinerateC. twirlD. rejectE. clash556. plethoraA. compassionB. excessC. wasteD. forewarningE. myth557. disseminateA. discourageB. renovateC. broadcastD. clarifyE. subside558. excessA. exitB. surplusC. disorderD. end559. reimburseA. punishB. divertC. compensateD. recollect

560. astoundA. stunB. laughC. suspendD. scold561. massiveA. highB. inferiorC. hugeD. ancient562. dinA. departureB. clamorC. codeD. supper563. scarceA. deliciousB. afraidC. thinD. rare564. deceitA. civilityB. trickeryC. rudenessD. despair565. hallowedA. carvedB. distinguishedC. emptyD. sacred566. apprehensionA. appreciationB. worryC. aggravationD. elevation567. bleakA. charmingB. warmC. drowsyD. dreary568. offendA. divulgeB. betrayC. soothe


D. insult569. vigorousA. robustB. hungryC. destructiveD. lovely570. despondentA. heightenedB. annoyedC. relaxedD. depressed571. satiateA. prolongB. elongateC. sealD. satisfy572. spontaneousA. impulsiveB. excitableC. ingeniousD. dazzling573. wanA. shortB. paleC. foreignD. insincere574. abhorA. despiseB. horrifyC. avoidD. deny575. apparitionA. clothingB. ghostC. guardD. wall576. benevolentA. disobedientB. charitableC. sensitiveD. widespread577. tolerantA. open-mindedB. friendly

C. graveD. ambitious578. desecrateA. defendB. denyC. describeD. defile579. laudA. touchB. praiseC. insultD. hear580. avertA. vindicateB. preventC. explainD. dislike581. pietyA. rarityB. preventC. explainD. dislike582. amoralA. unethicalB. lovableC. transparentD. imaginary583. candorA. odorB. honestyC. abilityD. wealth584. haughtinessA. heatB. heightC. rudenessD. arrogance585. verifyA. completeB. proveC. violateD. consume586. deceiveA. trick


B. emptyC. dyeD. view587. fictionA. presumptionB. growthC. falsehoodD. wound588. hardyA. healthyB. mysteriousC. firmD. obese589. lyricalA. mythicalB. brightC. musicalD. wet590. metamorphosisA. changeB. complimentC. rejectionD. meeting591. lamentA. supportB. declineC. solidifyD. grieve592. aridA. lightB. cleanC. worriedD. dry593. perceptiveA. confusedB. roundC. observantD. imbued594. adamantA. thinB. enlargedC. admiringD. stubborn595. neutral

A. inventiveB. foreignC. unbiasedD. detailed596. docileA. oldB. tameC. activeD. rare597. warinessA. extremityB. cautionC. superiorityD. mobility598. rationalA. logicalB. extraneousC. spareD. complete599. daringA. courageousB. riskyC. impracticalD. inevitable600. donateA. contributeB. controlC. teachD. conduct601. tranquilityA. fatigueB. calmC. warmthD. origin601. declineA. decreaseB. promoteC. deleteD. agree602. delicateA. strongB. fragileC. lowD. delicious


603. jubileeA. confidenceB. chaosC. designD. festival604. liberateA. releaseB. workC. chaseD. hope605. transformA. openB. submitC. changeD. keep606. collideA. forgetB. crashC. amplifyD. plan607. proclaimA. behaveB. precludeC. submitD. announce608. clamorA. ownB. shoutC. searchD. investigate609. sympathyA. understandingB. harmonyC. affectionD. responsibility610. inventionA. interpretationB. partyC. delegationD. creation611. authorityA. expertB. respectC. bravery

D. rivalry612. illustrateA. coverB. drawC. simulateD. waste613. commotionA. happinessB. trickC. uproarD. collaboration614. exhaustedA. clumsyB. tiredC. accountableD. excited615. treadA. scatterB. helpC. alarmD. walk616. dignityA. prideB. sorrowC. brillianceD. strength617. mentorA. symbolB. artistC. collectorD. counselor618. reactionA. selectionB. responseC. careD. achievement619. artificialA. uncommonB. similarC. fakeD. decorate620. dwindleA. ridiculeB. thwart


C. shrinkD. tarnish

四 类比题题库1. pilot is to airplane asA. team is to playersB. horse is to cartC. captain is to shipD. passenger is to trainE. army is to country2. Snake is to python as dog is toA. terrierB. canineC. petD. mammalE. quadruped3. Mayor is to city asA. governor is to stateB. member is to unionC. board is to districtD. secretary is to committeeE. citizen is to legislature4. paper is to novel asA. person is to pollB. paint is to brushC. canvas is to portraitD. back is to chairE. color is to palette5. refined is to vulgar asA. calm is to placidB. submissive is to recalcitrantC. happy is to ecstaticD. helpful is to victoriousE. tranquil is to forgivable6. whip is to lash asA. stick is to throwB. shoe to walkC. saddle is to sitD. food is to eatE. club is to beat1. migrate is to swallow asA. hibernate is to ground hog

B. pet is to dogC. reproduce is to fishD. sting is to beeE. pounce is to cat2. weather is to meteorologist as

vegetation is toA. driverB. artistC. oceanographerD. hunterE. botanist3. Track is to horse racing asA. circus is to elephantB. court is to tennisC. net is to basketballD. goal is to footballE. air is to bird4. director is to actor as coach is toA. executiveB. playerC. chorusD. airplaneE. officer5. dessert is to meal asA. finale is to performanceB. lunch is to breakfastC. fork is to spoonD. plate is to tableE. ocean is to river6. confirm is to deny asA. accept is to reject B. assert is to proclaimC. contend is to implyD. pull is to tugE. simplify is to organize7. tower is to airport as lighthouse is toA. museumB. jetC. parkD. farmE. shoreline8. Fidelity is to unfaithfulness asA. loyalty is to honorB. friendship is to gossip


C. honesty is to deceitD. laziness is to slothfulnessE. intelligence is to unconcern9. widespread is to limited asA. encompassed is to surroundedB. enlarged is to bigC. broad is to narrowD. unusual is to strangeE. provincial is to international10. saw is to carpenter as plow is toA. bankerB. surveyorC. farmerD. physicianE. steelworker11. sword is to fence as glove is toA. boxB. soccerC. hockeyD. baseballE. golf12. encourage is to demand asA. insinuate is to hintB. fire is to dismissC. suggest is to orderD. motivate is to undermineE. condemn is to reprimand13. grin is to delight asA. anxiety is to confusionB. frown is to dismayC. perspiration is to exhaustionD. laugh is to happinessE. resignation is to uncertainty14. mysterious is to understandable asA. unknown is to indefinableB. doubtful is to incredulousC. skillful is to swiftD. clouded is to warmE. obscure is to clear15. injury is to heal as malfunction is toA. repairB. bandageC. misinterpretD. throw

E. disassemble16. jog is to sprint as walk is toA. rambleB. gallopC. roamD. saunterE. soar17. bone is to body asA. floor is to houseB. motor is to boatC. drive is to carD. knob is to doorE. beam is to building18. amorphous is to shape as odorless is

toA. appearanceB. weightC. worthD. scentE. anger19. vain is to humble asA. anxious is to boisterousB. cantankerous is to thoughtlessC. judicious is to lenientD. authoritative is to discursiveE. extroverted is to shy20. test is to study asA. job is to applyB. train is to practiceC. play is to rehearseD. office is to employE. income is to work21. smile is to frown as cheer is toA. jeerB. winceC. laughD. extricateE. leap22. banana is to peel asA. egg is to crackB. carrot is to uprootC. apple is to coreD. bread is to sliceE. corn is to husk


23. touch is to tactile asA. sound is to noiseB. smell is to olfactoryC. mouth is to oralD. eye is to visualE. taste is to sense24. articulateness is to speech asA. etiquette is to societyB. music is to noteC. ballet is to formD. legibility is to handwritingE. painting is to palette25. sun is to solar asA. earth is to terrestrialB. pond is to marineC. ground is to subterraneanD. tower is to architecturalE. planet is to lunar26. botany is to plants as meteorology is

toA. weatherB. floraC. healthD. languageE. style27. hammer is to nail asA. axe is to woodB. lathe is to moldingC. chisel is to marbleD. nut is to boltE. screwdriver is to screw28. bone is to mammal as girder is toA. skyscraperB. steelC. rivetD. craneE. concrete29. human is to primate asA. kangaroo is to vegetarianB. snake is to reptileC. disease is to bacteriumD. bird is to amphibianE. dog is to pet30. tremor is to earthquake as

A. eye is to hurricaneB. desert is to sandstormC. faucet is to delugeD. wind is to tornadoE. flood is to river31. amusing is to uproarious as A. silly is to seriousB. dead is to immortalC. interesting is to mesmerizingD. humorous is to dullE. worthless is to valuable32. fickle is to steadfastness as

tempestuous is toA. worthlessnessB. opennessC. inspirationD. peacefulnessE. ire33. school is to fish asA. fin is to sharkB. library is to studentC. flock is to birdD. leg is to frogE. college is to mascot34. cartographer is to map as chef is toA. flowerB. silverwareC. tableD. mealE. ingredient35. throne is to monarch asA. miter is to popeB. bench is to judgeC. lobby is to doormanD. armchair is to generalE. ship is to captain36. canal is to river asA. boat is to driftwoodB. puddle is to lakeC. hammer is to malletD. mine is to cavernE. telephone is to computer

37. milk is to sour as bread is to


A. bentB. staleC. foldedD. bakedE. hot38. ore is to mine asA. apple is to peelB. water is to purifyC. batter is to stirD. grain is to plowE. oil is to drill39. weight is to scale asA. distance is to speedometerB. number is to slide ruleC. length is to thermometerD. reading is to gaugeE. altitude is to altimeter40. porcupine is to quill asA. bat is to wingB. horse is to tailC. skunk is to odorD. oyster is to pearlE. tiger is to stripe41. jar is to contain as pillar is toA. standB. ascendC. prepareD. supportE. swing42. irrigate is to dry asA. soften is to unevenB. smooth is to coarseC. purify is to distastefulD. depend is to supportiveE. ferment is to salty

43. electricity is to wire asA. sound is to radioB. water is to aqueductC. music is to instrumentD. light is to bulbE. river is to bank

44. contempt is to sneer asA. shame is to shrugB. anger is to laugh

C. enjoyment is to groanD. agreement is to grimaceE. displeasure is to frown45. nose is to olfactory as ear is toA. beautifulB. edibleC. auditoryD. raspyE. allergic46. irk is to soothing as support is toA. conciliatingB. elevatingC. underminingD. irritatingE. vilifying47. illegible is to read asA. invisible is to seeB. illegal is to actC. broken is to fixD. irreparable is to breakE. intense is to strain48. tact is to diplomat asA. parsimony is to philanthropistB. agility is to gymnastC. vulnerability is to victimD. training is to physicianE. bias is to judge

ravenous is to hunger asA. pliable is to obstinacyB. agitated is to placidityC. concerned is to apathyD. smart is to tenacityE. furious is to indignation50. amplify is to sound as bolster is toA. smellB. courageC. insomniaD. lightE. silence51. auditorium is to lecture asA. theater is to concertB. attic is to storageC. temple is to religionD. cafeteria is to food


E. target is to arrow52. philanthropic is to benevolence asA. smooth is to surfaceB. ostentatious is to reserveC. miserly is to stinginessD. devout is to maliceE. realistic is to plan53. spurious is to authenticity asA. lavish is to expenseB. abject is to subjectivityC. affluent is to characterD. laughable is to seriousnessE. totalitarian is to completeness54. scissors is to cut as pencil toA. snipB. writeC. razeD. turnE. read55. pasta is to sauce asA. noodle is to doughB. tomato is to vineC. napkin is to plateD. toast is to jamE. cheese is to milk56. bread is to crust as orange toA. butterB. puddingC. rindD. treeE. lemon57. team is to captain asA. sport is to playerB. paper is to reporterC. republic is to presidentD. game to opponentE. navy to ensign58. olfactory is to smell asA. sweet is to mouthB. allergic is to noseC. heavy is to strengthD. seasonal is to flowerE. tactile is to touch59. ruler is to measure as camera to

A. pianoB. lungC. soulD. limbE. photograph60. tiptoe is to walk asA. whisper is to speechB. dance is to rhythmC. tumble is to treeD. rasp is to throatE. press is to wrinkle61. kernel is to central as trivia is toA. controversialB. unimportantC. unleavenedD. harvestedE. productive62. fib is to liar asA. perform to crewB. convict to attorneyC. flatter to toadyD. campaign to politicianE. tally to banker63. nap is to sleep as snack toA. restB. mealC. biscuitD. partE. age64. fossil to petrified asA. solution to dissolvedB. wood to hardC. snowflake to wetD. fog to denseE. gully to craggy65. sphere to round asA. rectangle to shapeB. protractor to angleC. ball to rubberD. triangle to lineE. honeycomb to hexagonal66. careful to picky asA. tired to exhaustedB. alert to asleep


C. concerned to gratefulD. forgiving to peacefulE. fancy to short67. cave to rock as apse toA. cliffB. plateauC. patioD. churchE. stage68. wine to grape asA. juice to cherryB. berry to stainC. glass to ivoryD. paper to woodE. stone to mud69. frog to amphibian as bird toA. mammalB. toadC. beakD. branchE. feather70. dentist to drill asA. surgeon to scalpelB. doctor to stretcherC. farmer to grainD. manager to computerE. pilot to wing71. mosaic to tile asA. advertisement to magazineB. tapestry to threadC. billboard to chartD. sweater to woolE. poster to frame72. pebble to rock as drop toA. boulderB. fountainC. sandD. liquidE. grain73. levee to river asA. sail to boatB. bridge to truckC. train to trackD. path to forest

E. shoulder to road74. redundant to necessary asA. desirable to prettyB. original to neededC. plain to valuableD. vague to explicitE. fake to expensive75. coral to pink as aquamarine toA. deepB. rosyC. shadyD. blandE. blue76. fan to air as heart to

a) powerb) heatc) lungd) winde) blood

77. palette to colors asa) kaleidoscope to glassb) collage to imagesc) paint to canvasesd) brush to picturese) side to picture

78. salutation to letter asa) postscript to noteb) heading to stationaryc) introduction to bookd) postcard to picturee) handwriting to analysis

79. quill to porcupine asa) needle to threadb) wings to duckc) pouch to kangarood) tail to pige) scent to skunk

80. caterpillar to butterfly asa) salmon to fishb) egg to dinosaurc) tadpole to frogd) nest to chicke) worm to bait

81. budget to cost as


a) blueprint to designb) ration to valuec) demonstration to argumentd) definition to vocabularye) foundation to concrete

82. juror to judge as soothsayer to a) predictb) softenc) reportd) punishe) deny

83. buffer to impact asa) median to laneb) boundary to designc) antiseptic to infectiond) bandage to heale) injury to faul

84. kitten is to cat asA. bull is to cowB. snake is to frogC. squirrel is to raccoonD. puppy is to dogE. spider is to fly85. motor is to car asA. knob is to doorB. shovel is to earthC. bulb is to lampD. sail is to shipE. pond is to ocean86. 3. chapter is to book as__4. scale is to weight as___5. striped is to lines as___6. anger is to lines as___7. anger is to rage as___8. rehearsal is to performance as__9. mechanic is to car as___10. traitor is to country as___11. aggravate is problem as___12. trout is to fish as___13. general is to army as___14. law is to crime as___15. buckle is to belt as___16. truculent is to fight as___

17. cure is to illness as___18. toxic is to poison as___19. mountain is to pinnacle as___20. perilous is to safety as___21. humanitarian is philanthropy as__22. notorious is to reputation as__23. miser is to generosity as___

87. chapter is to book asA. glass is to waterB. lamp is to lightC. scene is to playD. stew is to meatE. elevator is to building88. Refrigerator is to cool as furnace is to A. radiatorB. houseC. oilD. heatE. furniture89. Fish is to fin asA. fruit is to stemB. bird is to wingC. insect is to shellD. cod is to schoolE. dog is to tail90. Driver is to car asA. pilot is to airplaneB. police officer is to highwayC. secretary is to letterD. baker is to cakeE. carpenter is to house91. Clock is to time as thermometer is toA. airB. pressureC. windD. iceE. temperature92. Envelope is to letter asA. suitcase is to clothesB. pen is to paperC. box is to cardboardD. table is to woodE. frame is to picture


93. Librarian is to library as curator is toA. museumB. studioC. mallD. workshopE. garden94. Pen is to write asA. pencil is to pointB. actor is to performC. knife is to cutD. desk is to sitE. ink is to stain95. Hurricane is to breeze asA. storm is to tempestB. fire is to flameC. tidal wave is to rippleD. cloud is to sunlightE. temperature is to weather96. Circle is to ball asA. square is to cubeB. pyramid is to triangleC. point is to lineD. side is to rectangleE. hexagon is to polygon97. Egg is to shell as banana is toA. fruitB. treeC. bunchD. peelE. seed98. Cup is to quart asA. week is to timeB. minute is to hourC. liter is to metricD. coin is to dollarE. spoon is to measure99. Coach is to team asA. captain is to platoonB. singer is to chorusC. batter is to baseballD. teacher is to homeworkE. king is to queen100. Bat is to mammal as A. boar is to hog

B. porpoise is to sharkC. butterfly is to insectD. whale is to fishE. reptile is to lizard101. Famished is to hungry asA. clean is to dirtyB. destitute is to poorC. abandoned is to lonelyD. misdirected is to lostE. worried is to scared102. Sterilize is to germ asA. cut is to surgeonB. sneeze is to dustC. scour is to grimeD. inject is to virusE. rinse is to mouthscour 擦洗;grime 污垢103. Director is to actors as conductor is toA. writersB. dancersC. paintersD. musiciansE. playwrights104. Applicant is to hire asA. judge is to juryB. candidate is to electC. cashier is to workD. student is to studyE. writer is to research105. Stale is to bread asA. pungent is to cheeseB. rancid is to meatC. thick is to milkD. dry is to riceE. pulpy is to juice106. Prejudice is to unbiased as worry is toA. adamantB. activeC. blitheD. concernedE. occupied107. Racket is to bat asA. puck is to hockeyB. rifle is to duck


C. hammer is to nailD. goalie is to soccerE. tennis is to baseballracket(球拍)拍的是 tennis(网球)对应bat(球棒)挥的是 baseball(球棒)108. August is to November asA. February is to AprilB. March is to JuneC. July is to MayD. January is to DecemberE. September is to November109. Rough is to cough asA. chapped is to scoreB. flight is to frightC. sight is to fightD. seated is to satedE. lair is to liar110. Swift is to fast asA. slow is to stoppedB. beneficial is to detrimentalC. athletic is to litheD. bellicose is to warlikeE. grumpy is to frowning111.Sad is to interested asA. friendly is to ebullientB. pleased is to unhappyC. despair is to obsessionD. angry is to neutralE. talkative is to anxious112. Possible is to required as can is toA. mightB. shouldC. oughtD. mayE. must113. Grape is to tree asA. water is to pesticideB. wine is to paperC. fruit is to vegetableD. olive is to oilE. spruce is to pine114. Cygnet is to swan asA. chicken is to eggB. frog is to snake

C. turtle is to raccoonD. puppy is to dogE. spider is to fly115. Kinesiology is to motion asA. numerology is to progressB. navigation is to oceanC. astronomy is to weatherD. criminology is to perversionE. psychology is to mind116. Apiary is to bees asA. stable is to horsesB. jar is to honeyC. florist is to flowersD. dirt is to antsE. leash is to dog117. lurid is to horror asA. comical is to amusementB. illegal is to lawC. cowardly is to fearD. ghastly is to serenityE. humane is to treatment118. chocolate is to candy asA. fish is to mammalB. meat is to animalC. broccoli is to vegetableD. brick is to houseE. fire is to forest119. pound is to weight asA. decibel is to soundB. inch is to footC. quart is to literD. fathom is to heightE. length is to distance120. class is to student asA. cast is to actorB. teacher is to staffC. conductor is to bandD. director is to playE. musician is to band121. leak is to peak asA. tumble is to rumbleB. money is to runnyC. lark is to parkD. went is to sent


E. nimble is to knuckle122. composer is to symphony asA. mechanic is to autoB. major is to troopsC. architect is to buildingD. tycoon is to wealthE. writer is to paragraph123. link is to chain asA. obstacle is to courseB. group is to memberC. sidewalk is to pathD. mural is to museumE. word is to sentence124. tadpole is to frog as caterpillar is toA. wormB. cocoonC. crawlD. larvaeE. butterfly125. cuff is to wrist asA. string is to hoodB. buckle is to waistC. cap is to hatD. vest is to bodyE. collar is to neck手铐 ( cuff )束缚手腕( wrist ),皮带(buckle)束缚waist(腰部)126. congregation is to worshippers asA. galaxy is to starsB. party is to politicsC. mine is to gemsD. job is to employersE. pottery is to shards127. tactile is to touch asA. delectable is to drinkB. audible is to soundC. potable is to foodD. servile is to obeyE. nutritious is to meal128. conviction is to opinion asA. report is to storyB. reverence is to admirationC. debate is to argumentD. appeal is to affectation

E. ascend is to precipice129. caricature is to drawing asA. joke is to punch lineB. watercolor is to paintingC. hyperbole is to statementD. star is to featureE. dynamite is to blast130. clap is to stomp asA. snap is to shoutB. hand is to footC. map is to rampD. door is to wallE. finger is to chickenclap的是 hand,stomp的是 foot131. deceleration is to speed asA. adulation is to praiseB. descent is to altitudeC. tyranny is to leaderD. hydration is to waterE. fear is to hatred132. melon is to lemon asA. cantaloupe to fruitB. star to ratsC. trunk to torsoD. tames to matesE. tree to human133. dull to insipid as diverting toA. expectingB. feelingC. astoundingD. entertainingE. tantalizing134. voracious is to food asA. greedy is to moneyB. gluttonous is to obesityC. clarity is to waterD. generosity is to objectE. veracity is to truth135. Adroit is to motion asA. bridled is to emotionB. unfettered is to restraintC. superior is to skillD. ubiquitous is to presenceE. articulate is to speech


136. Anesthetic is to pain asA. lamp is to lightB. mnemonic is to memoryC. exercise is to dietD. understanding is to comprehensionE. muffler is to noise137. oven is to kiln as baker is toA. potterB. ceramicsC. breadD. minerE. shepherd138. impeccable is to adequate asA. impressionable to eagerB. inexhaustible to sufficientC. impossible to preparedD. intangible to popularE. impractical to sensible139. symmetrical is to amorphous asA. metric to moronicB. shapely to muscledC. balanced to unshapedD. flowing to linedE. external to internal140. composer is to score asA. conductor to orchestraB. operator to telephoneC. teacher to classroomD. attorney to trialE. author to book141. stoic is to emotion asA. serious to concernB. soothe to injuryC. amorphous to shapeD. choke to morselE. breathe to life142. sovereign is to monarchy as principal toA. schoolB. administratorsC. workersD. crewE. town143. cylinder is to can asA. circle to square

B. perimeter to areaC. cube to diceD. line to angleE. arc to sphere144. laughter is to joke asA. read to storyB. question to answerC. wince is to painD. talk is to conversationE. cramp is to swim145. massive is to size asA. archaic is to ageB. acute is to hearingC. tender is to feelingD. simple is to thoughtE. foolish is to idea146. pint is to quart asA. cup is to teaspoonB. mile is to roadC. measure is to recipeD. week is to yearE. temperature is to thermometer1pint=0.5quart147. scrawl is to writing asA. decipher is to codeB. babble is to speakingC. carve is to stoneD. tango is to dancingE. direct is to acting前者是后者的杂乱的表现方式148. stanza is to poem asA. sonnet is to playB. drama is to theaterC. paragraph is to essayD. teacher is to classE. preface is to book149. Frugal is to spending as unruly is toA. fractiousB. impossibleC. obedientD. warmthE. pride150. integrity is to honesty asA. comprehension is to instruction


B. fame is to happinessC. resolution is to determinationD. severity is to compassionE. quotation is to report151. lily is to flower as pine is toA. oakB. needleC. forestD. winterE. wood152. kitchen is to house asA. wheel is to carB. fireplace is to heatC. lobby is to apartmentD. galley is to shipE. exhibit is to museumgalley 船上的厨房153. blooming is to rose asA. withered is to vineB. prolific is to weedC. fertile is to fieldD. edible is to cornE. ripe is to tomato154. Mask is to face asA. coat is to fabricB. shoe is to footC. belt is to leatherD. hem is to skirtE. invitation is to party155. Agenda is to meeting asA. clipboard is to paperB. rule is to orderC. map is to carD. blueprint is to buildingE. gavel is to podium156. pathology is to disease as psychology is toA. mindB. scienceC. doctorD. anguishE. hospital157. Autobiography is to author asA. autograph is to signature

B. self-sufficiency is to provisionC. automation is to workerD. self-portrait is to artistE. autopsy is to doctor158. Bird is to migration asA. parrot is to imitationB. ranger is to conservationC. bear is to hibernationD. lawyer is to accusationE. traveler is to location159. Border is to country asA. perimeter is to objectB. land is to ownerC. road is to streetD. area is to volumeE. capital is to state160. patter is to rain asA. rainbow is to stormB. call is to telephoneC. clank is to chainD. volume is to radioE. eruption is to volcanopatter:雨滴落地的啪啪声clank:链子和地摩擦的咣当的声音161. brazen is to tact asA. lethargic is to energyB. agile is to strengthC. humongous is to sizeD. ancient is to timeE. fallen is to grace162. taciturn is to words asA. thrifty is to moneyB. petty is to concernC. silly is to extrasD. startled is to surpriseE. trusting is to care163. scalpel is to razor as surgeon is toA. barberB. gardenerC. chefD. patientE. engineer164. Storyteller is to listener asA. accompanist is to composer


B. critique is to commentatorC. banter is to humoristD. anthologist is to editorE. pantomime is to viewerpantomime:演哑剧banter:n打趣;humorist:幽默作家165. gully is to erosion asA. drought is to precipitationB. mine is to excavationC. clot is to dispersionD. forest is to cultivationE. water is to inundation166. drip is to deluge asA. shine is to polishB. warm is to heatC. yearn is to wishD. smolder is to blazeE. bend is to straight167. lax is to resolution asA. hapless is to circumstanceB. detrimental is to destructionC. deceitful is to sincerityD. vulnerable is to woundE. accessible is to rewarded168. hammer is to pound asA. vase is to flowersB. briefcase is to papersC. nail is to woodD. screwdriver is to toolE. jack is to raise169. lexicon is to words as anthology is toA. readingB. libraryC. booksD. worksE. illustrations170. fish is to water asA. bird is to eggB. roe is to pouchC. lion is to landD. flower is to pollenE. bee is to honey171. sick is to healthy as jailed is toA. convicted

B. freeC. guiltyD. trappedE. hurt172. dancer is to feet asA. surgeon is to heartB. juggler is to handsC. drummer is to drumsD. conductor is to voiceE. musician is to eyesjuggler变魔术的人173. bystander is to event asA. juror is to verdictB. culprit is to crimeC. tourist is to journeyD. spectator is to gameE. model is to portrait174. baker is to bread asA. shop is to goodsB. butcher is to livestockC. politician is to votesD. sculptor is to statueE. family is to confidence175. igneous is to rock asA. stratum is to digB. fossil is to dinosaurC. computer is to technologyD. watercolor is to paintingE. calendar is to date176. delicious is to taste as melodious is toA. soundB. musicC. earsD. eyesE. sight177. Clog is to shoe asA. sneaker is to runB. lace is to tieC. beret is to hatD. shirt is to torsoE. sock is to footclog木屐;beret贝雷帽178. cube is to square asA. box is cardboard


B. circle is to streetC. cylinder is to streetD. line is to angleE. sphere is to circle179. jam is to fruit asA. bread is to toastB. butter is to milkC. crayon is to colorD. height is to stoneE. write is to pencil180. mile is to length asA. sky is to heightB. coffee is to drinkC. pot is to stewD. floor is to groundE. quart is to volume181. biologist is to scientist as surgeon is toA. doctorB. scarC. cutD. heartE. scalpel182. clay is to potter asA. sea is to captainB. magazine is to readerC. marble is to sculptorD. word is to teacherE. bubble is to childpotter陶工,陶艺家183. clip is to movie asA. buckle is to shoeB. excerpt is to novelC. jar is to liquidD. room is to houseE. filling is to pie184. ruthless is to mercy as naïve is toA. thoughtfulnessB. illnessC. worldlinessD. contemptE. purity185. glacier is to ice asA. rain is to snowB. bay is to ocean

C. cloud is to stormD. river is to waterE. pond is to fish186. glass is to window asA. wood is to buildingB. car is to motorC. job is to skillsD. fabric is to clothingE. loan is to interest187. buttress is to support as scissor is toA. pressB. storeC. createD. coolE. cut188. sneer is to disdain as cringe is toA. lonelinessB. braveryC. intelligenceD. distrustE. fear189. library is to book asA. bank is to moneyB. museum is to patronC. opera is to audienceD. restaurant is to waiterE. concert is to music190. famine is to food asA. drought is to waterB. paper is to printC. legend is to fantasyD. debate is to issueE. clause is to contract191. teacher is to student asA. coach is to playerB. assistant is to executiveC. nurse is to doctorD. patient is to dentistE. theory is to technician192. muffle is to noise asA. engine is to bicycleB. wind is to vaneC. dam is to floodD. aroma is to fetid


E. nibble is to eat193. rest is to exhaustion asA. pack is to vacationB. water is to thirstC. audit is to formsD. jury is to trialE. tide is to ocean194. playwright is to script asA. choreographer is to danceB. mathematician is to scienceC. philosopher is to insightD. enemy is to strategyE. athlete is to prowess195. gluttony is to food asA. sheer is to wallB. avarice is to moneyC. enterprise is to earningD. curiosity is to dangerE. mystery is to solution196. facile is to effort asA. deception is to trickB. helpful is to friendC. inconsiderate is to thoughtD. pious is to religionE. incompetent is to task197. single-handed is to assistance as anonymous is toA. praiseB. authorshipC. recognitionD. sincerityE. ideas198. stable is to horse as kennel is toA. farmB. storageC. dogD. groomerE. boarding199.coin is to mint asA. janitor is to schoolB. actor is to studioC. car is to showroomD. snake is to zooE. wine is to vineyard

janitor: 守卫,门警200. actor is to play asA. movie is to bookB. magazine is to programC. poem is to characterD. musician is to symphonyE. text is to memorization201. mars is to Venus asA. Monday is to augustB. The moon is to nightC. Winter is to coldD. Mercury is to temperatureE. January is to march202. Nickel is to quarter asA. dollar is to half-dollarB. shrub is to treeC. leaf is to greenD. change is to coinsE. whole is to fraction


203. rudder is to boat asA. engine to motorB. president to judiciaryC. rugby to basketballD. Nigeria to ArgentinaE. Sleeve to coat204. globe to sphere asA. triangle to pyramidB. block to cubeC. oval to eggD. earth to orbitE. circle to gyroscope205. rival to partner asA. opponent to competitorB. friend to foeC. enemy to contestantD. adversary to antagonistE. associate to cohort206. gem(宝石) to sapphire(蓝宝石) as

woodwind(木管乐器) toA. tuba(低音大喇叭)B. pianoC. clarinet(竖笛)


D. trumpet(喇叭)E. timpani(定音鼓)207. exercise to fatigue asA. effort to successB. eating to foodC. travel to RomeD. study to bookE. money to coins208. nose is to face as finger is to

A. footB. handC. earD. headE. ring

209. bark is to tree asA. grass to seedB. peel to bananaC. body to skinD. core to appleE. coat to pants

210. flag is to country asA. document to nationB. cloth to uniformC. comma to pauseD. state to unionE. president to coin

211. fork to eat asA. pencil to paperB. pen to writeC. ink to fillD. teacher to instructE. spoon to soup

212. epic to haiku asA. mural to paintingB. symphony to songC. sketch to still lifeD. novel to bookE. drop to pond

213. cap is to baseball as helmet toA. soccerB. tennisC. cyclingD. golfE. head

214. butterfly is to insect asA. grasshopper(蚱蜢) to cricket(蟋

蟀)B. cardinal(红衣主教鸟) is to bird C. ant is to sparrowD. worm is to robinE. bee is to hummingbird

215. idle is to employed asA. graceful to clumsyB. petite to smallC. elegant to formalD. engine to truckE. worker to job

216. noise is to irritate asA. music to calmB. cacophony to appeaseC. singing to singerD. speech to textE. sound to wave

217. picture to representation asA. goat to sheepB. mineral to waterC. painting to sculptureD. apple to orangeE. perfume to fragrance

218. surgery is to hospital asA. illness to infectionB. slippers to balletC. lessons to schoolD. dormitory is to studentsE. doctor is to office

219. bush is to shrub asA. car to automobileB. tree to flowerC. bud to vaseD. fruit to vegetableE. stalk to corn

bush灌木;shrub灌木220. greet is to salute as

A. hello to goodbyeB. army to navyC. wag to tailD. suit to tieE. dress to evening gown


221. escape is to confinement asA. pursue is to safetyB. sing to choirC. eat to buffetD. educate to schoolE. run to danger

222. perspiration to nervousness asA. heat to weatherB. stress to articulationC. caffeine to coffeeD. shivering to coldE. sweat to water

223. corporal is to sergeant as joey toA. goslingB. penguinC. JosephineD. EmuE. kangaroo

224. funny to hilarious asA. amusing to jokeB. safe to dangerousC. hot to swelteringD. helpful to courteousE. terrifying to scary

225. library to books asA. CD to cassettesB. Ice to freezerC. Computer to circuitsD. Can to cartonE. Tiger to forest

226. car is to key as television toA. outletB. soundC. remote controlD. cabinet E. sound

227. rain is to umbrella as draft is toA. windB. coldC. thirstD. doorE. military

228. impressive is to inspiring as derogatory is to

A. criticalB. praiseworthyC. positiveD. elevatingE. dismal

229. roof is to house as head is toA. thoughtB. bodyC. brainD. footE. attic

230. glorious to exalted asA. esteemed to seriousB. trivial to unimportantC. fatal to mortalD. insufferable to kindlyE. tired to vigilant

231. meager to abundant asA. slender to skinnyB. rare to mediumC. feeble to richD. decrepit to robustE. weak to slow

meager(缺乏的)对 abundant(富有的),decrepit(衰老的)对 robust(健壮的)232. period to exclamation point as

A. whale to fishB. turtle to tortoiseC. elephant to pachydermD. glance to stareE. comma to quotation marks

233. gem to stone asA. opal to jadeB. granite to shaleC. pearl to priceD. diamond to mineE. jewel to rock

234. destitute to money asA. change to coinsB. poor to housingC. confident to doubtD. nonplussed to extravaganceE. putrid to rot

235. sign to sing as


A. hand to heartB. song to mouthC. applause to shoutD. stop to potsE. rasp to raps

236. morose to cheerful asA. clean to hyperactiveB. happy to ecstaticC. hygienic to contaminatedD. mud to dirtE. subtle to torpid

237. clue to solution asA. period to sentenceB. question to resumeC. map to vacationD. signpost to destinationE. obesity to eating

238. dark is to light asA. big to heavyB. clean to dirtyC. bar to soapD. pure to immaculateE. simple to easy

239. negative to positive asA. valley to mountainB. dominant to overbearingC. height to weightD. neutral to flatE. ocean to sea240. pack to suitcase asA. jump to planeB. fuel to carC. read to magazineD. eat to restaurantE. buy to groceries241. bus to car as whale toA. fishB. planktonC. dolphinD. oceanE. ship 242. tile to mosaic asA. tire to carB. sand to box

C. musician to orchestraD. flower to plantE. colony to ant243. golf to course asA. hockey to netB. football to goalC. course to basketballD. baseball to diamondE. volleyball to spike244. coat to jacket as chair toA. stoolB. tableC. couchD. counterE. sofa245. modest is to vanity as innocent toA. happinessB. reasonC. fearD. guiltE. purity246. recluse is to publicity asA. pragmatist is to practicalityB. politician to votesC. anarchist to orderD. spider to webE. equivocator to hunger247. zoo is to animals asA. school to educationB. prison to policemenC. circus to tightropeD. letter to mailboxE. factory to workers248. blossom is to bloom asA. fruit to treeB. quiver to vibrateC. run to hideD. fast to slowE. wax to wane249. desert to arid asA. sand to beachB. saturated to desiccatedC. wet to dryD. continent to unexplored


E. rainforest to humid250. hero to villain as antagonist toA. characterB. protagonistC. mentorD. companionE. sidekick251. zebra(斑马) is to skunk(臭鼬鼠) asA. rhinoceros(犀牛) to hippopotamus(河马)B. horse to cowC. leopard(豹) to Dalmatian(达马西亚狗)D. mammoth(长毛象) to wool(猫)E. dinosaur(恐龙) to bird253. square to pentagon asA. triad to chordB. quartet to quintetC. circle to sphereD. multiply to divideE. cube to root255. walk is to stroll asA. run to raceB. sing to ornateC. converse to chatD. dance to twirlE. rattle to roll256. helter to skelter asA. wishy to washyB. in to outC. back to forthD. mish to mashE. harem to scarem257. odd is agenda asA. strange to tentB. plan to pointC. weird to wiredD. quirky to scheduleE. list to nomination258. drill is to hole as blender is toA. flourB. batterC. eggs

D. milkE. blades259. sanitary is to clean asA. empathy to etherealB. heinous to inaneC. elegy to copiousD. cogent to haphazardE. earnest to serious260. imagination is to thought asA. song is to birdB. music to soundC. art to paintingD. theatre to auditoriumE. engineering to train261. parade to march asA. circus to walkB. swim to meetC. meet to eatD. race to runE. sweat to sweet262. record to document asA. excel to feignB. excuse to pardonC. conceal to exemptD. inundate to wiltE. challenge to venture263. financial to money as psychological is toA. mind B. spiritC. bodyD. academicsE. psychiatric264. pencil is to lead asA. pen to paperB. tube to strawC. stem to pithD. graphite to mineralE. wood to millstem(树干),pith(树干的中心)265. Monday to Thursday asA. February to MayB. eight to sixC. March to MayD. 12:00 to 1:00


E. first to third266. bath is to water asA. soap to tubB. tub to popcornC. popcorn to movieD. movie to pictureE. picture to frame267. fiend is to friend asA. enemy to foeB. hart to wartC. tuck to truckD. height to weightE. monster to critic268. circumference is to circle asA. diameter to sphereB. height to widthC. side to hexagonD. perimeter to square269. write to paper as paint to A. boardB. canvasC. brushD. paletteE. can270. collar is to shirt asA. toe is to shoeB. cuff to trousersC. waist to beltD. hat to headE. zipper to buttonwaist腰部;zipper拉链271. hysteria to control asA. joke to laughterB. feeling to emotionC. absurdity to senseD. calm to serenityE. passion to insanity272. square to cube asA. dot to pointB. angle to triangleC. rectangle to parallelogramD. hexagon to octagonE. circle to sphere273. shark to aquatic as

A. world to hungryB. camel to terrestrialC. bird to wingedD. bat to blindE. pig to hairless274. admonish to mild as castigate is toA. tepid B. sweetC. unbeatableD. uncertainE. harsh275. abrupt is to gradual asA. corrupt to virtuousB. stirring to suddenC. sneaky to criminalD. remarkable to alarmingE. conspicuous to extreme276. stanza to poem asA. rhythm to beatB. verse to wordC. movement to symphonyD. play to theaterE. column to journal277. violin to string asA. harp to angelicB. drum to stickC. score to musicD. oboe to reedE. bass to largeoboe (双簧管), reed (簧片); violin(小提琴),string(琴弦)278. canter is to horse asA. hop to rabbitB. halt to ponyC. hunt to lionD. beg to dogE. chew to cow279. baseball to game asA. hurricane to stormB. overcast to cloudC. stadium to sportD. wind to tornadoE. conflict to violence280. rigid is to bend as


A. tremulous to swayB. incomprehensive to thinkC. immortal to dieD. lazy to perspireE. stiff to divide281. canine to wolf as feline toA. pantherB. pigC. monkeyD. ratE. vulture282. rind to melon asA. skin to mammalB. armor to shieldC. shell to clawD. peel to coreE. pod to vine283. mile to length asA. acre to landB. inch to footC. kilometer to raceD. yard to fabricE. fathom to depth284. truthful to dishonest as arid is toA. sublimeB. aloofC. innocentD. moistE. clear285. tarnish is to silver asA. streak to glassB. dirt to carC. rust to ironD. dull to waxE. dust to wood286. delay to hasten asA. misunderstand to dislikeB. undermine to improveC. sink to descendD. remove to indictE. facilitate to impede287. think to daydream as walk toA. staggerB. crawl

C. meanderD. runE. prance288. pilot is to airplane asA. team to playersB. horse to cartC. captain to shipD. passenger to trainE. army to country289. snake to python as dog toA. terrierB. canineC. petD. mammalE. quadruped290. mayor to city asA. governor to stateB. member to unionC. board to districtD. secretary to committeeE. citizen to legislature291. paper to novel asA. person to pollB. pain to brushC. canvas to portraitD. back to chairE. color to palette292. refined to vulgar asA. calm to placidB. submissive to recalcitrantC. happy to ecstaticD. tranquil to forgivable293. whip to lash asA. stick to throwB. shoe to walkC. saddle to sitD. food to eatE. club to beat294. migrate to swallow asA. hibernate to ground hogB. pet to dogC. reproduce to fishD. sting to beeE. pounce to cat


295. weather to meteorologist as vegetation toA. driverB. artistC. oceanographerD. hunterE. botanist296. track to horse racing asA. circus to elephantB. court to tennisC. net to basketballD. goal to footballE. air to bird297. director to actor as coach toA. executiveB. playerC. chorusD. airplaneE. officer298. dessert to meal asA. finale to performanceB. lunch to breakfastC. fork to spoonD. plate to tableE. ocean to river299. confirm to deny asA. accept to rejectB. assert to proclaimC. contend to implyD. pull to tugE. simplify to organize300. tower to airport as lighthouse toA. museumB. jetC. parkD. farmE. shoreline301. fidelity to unfaithfulness asA. loyalty to honorB. friendship to gossipC. honesty to deceitD. laziness to slothfulnessE. intelligence to unconcern302. widespread is to limited asA. encompassed to surrounded

B. enlarged to bigC. broad to narrowD. unusual to strangeE. provincial to international303. saw to carpenter as plow toA. bankerB. surveyorC. farmerD. physicianE. steelworker304. sword to fence as glove toA. boxB. soccerC. hockeyD. baseballE. golf305. encourage to demand asA. insinuate to hintB. fire to dismissC. suggest to orderD. motivate to undermineE. condemn to reprimand306. grin to delight asA. anxiety to confusionB. frown to dismayC. perspiration to exhaustionD. laugh to happinessE. resignation to uncertainty307. mysterious to understand asA. unknown to indefinableB. doubtful to incredulousC. skillful to swiftD. clouded to warmE. obscure to clear308. injury to heal as malfunction to A. repairB. bandageC. misinterpretD. throwE. disassemble309. jog to sprint as trot toA. ramble B. gallopC. roam


D. saunterE. soar310. bone to body asA. floor to houseB. motor to boatC. driver to carD. knob to doorE. beam to building311. amorphous to shape as odorless toA. appearanceB. weightC. worthD. scentE. anger312. vain to humble asA. anxious to boisterousB. cantankerous to thoughtlessC. judicious to lenientD. authoritative to discursiveE. extroverted to shy313. test to study asA. job to applyB. train to practiceC. play to rehearseD. office to employE. income to work314. smile to frown as cheer toA. jeerB. winceC. laughD. extricateE. leap315. banana to peel asA. egg to crackB. carrot to uprootC. apple to coreD. bread to sliceE. corn to husk316. touch to tactile asA. sound to noiseB. smell to olfactoryC. mouth to oralD. eye to visualE. taste to sense

317. articulateness to speech asA. etiquette to societyB. music to noteC. ballet to formD. legibility to handwritingE. painting to palette318. sun to solar asA. earth to terrestrialB. pond to marineC. ground to subterraneanD. tower to architecturalE. planet to lunar319. botany to plants as meteorology toA. weatherB. floraC. healthD. languageE. style320. hammer to nail asA. axe to woodB. lathe to moldingC. chisel to marbleD. nut to boltE. screwdriver to screw321. bone to mammal as girder toA. skyscraperB. steelC. rivetD. craneE. concrete322. human to primate asA. kangaroo to vegetarianB. snake to reptileC. disease to bacteriumD. bird to amphibianE. dog to pet323. tremor to earthquake asA. eye to hurricaneB. desert to sandstormC. faucet to delugeD. wind to tornadoE. flood to river324. amusing to uproarious as A. silly to serious


B. dead to immortalC. interesting to mesmerizingD. humorous to dullE. worthless to valuable325. fickle to steadfastness as tempestuous toA. worthlessnessB. opennessC. inspirationD. peacefulnessE. ire326. school to fish asA. fin to sharkB. library to studentC. flock to birdD. leg to frogE. college to mascot327. cartographer to map as chef toA. flowerB. silverwareC. tableD. mealE. ingredient328. throne to monarch asA. miter to popeB. bench to judgeC. lobby to doormanD. armchair to generalE. ship to captain329. canal to river asA. boat to driftwoodB. puddle to lakeC. hammer to malletD. mine to cavernE. telephone to computer330.milk to sour as bread toA. bentB. staleC. foldedD. bakedE. hot331.ore to mine asA. apple to peelB. water to purifyC. batter to stir

D. grain to plowE. oil to drill332. weight to scale asA. distance to speedometerB. number to slide ruleC. length to thermometerD. reading to gaugeE. altitude to altimeter333. porcupine to quill asA. bat to wingB. horse to tailC. skunk to odorD. oyster to pearlE. tiger to stripe334. jar to contain as pillar toA. standB. ascendC. prepareD. supportE. swing335. irrigate to dry asA. soften to unevenB. smooth to coarseC. purify to distastefulD. depend to supportiveE. ferment to salty336. electricity to wire asA. sound to radioB. water to aqueductC. music to instrumentD. light to bulbE. river to bank337. contempt to sneer asA. shame to shrugB. anger to laughC. enjoyment to groanD. agreement to grimaceE. displeasure to frown338. building to foundation as plant toA. paneB. grottoC. primerD. floorE. root


339. nose to olfactory as ear toA. beautifulB. edibleC. auditoryD. raspyE. allergic340. irk is to soothing as support toA. conciliatingB. elevatingC. underminingD. irritatingE. vilifying341. illegible to read asA. invisible to seeB. illegal to actC. broken to fixD. irreparable to breakE. intense to strain342. tact to diplomat asA. parsimony to philanthropistB. agility to gymnastC. vulnerability to victimD. training to physicianE. bias to judge343. ravenous to hunger asA. pliable to obstinacyB. agitated to placidityC. concerned to apathyD. smart to tenacityE. furious to indignation344. amplify to sound as bolster toA. smellB. courageC. insomniaD. lightE. silence345. auditorium to lecture asA. theater to concertB. attic to storageC. temple to religionD. cafeteria to foodE. target to arrow346. philanthropic to benevolence asA. smooth to surface

B. ostentatious to reserveC. miserly to stinginessD. devout to maliceE. realistic to plan347. spurious to authenticity asA. lavish to expenseB. abject to subjectivityC. affluent to characterD. laughable to seriousnessE. totalitarian to completeness348. scissors to cut as pencil toA. snipB. writeC. razeD. turnE. read349. pasta to sauce asA. noodle to doughB. tomato to vineC. napkin to plateD. toast to jamE. cheese to milk350. bread to crust as orange toA. butterB. puddingC. rindD. treeE. lemon351. team to captain asA. sport to playerB. paper to reporterC. republic to presidentD. game to opponentE. navy to ensign352. olfactory to smell asA. sweet to mouthB. allergic to noseC. heavy to strengthD. seasonal to flowerE. tactile to touch353. ruler to measure as camera toA. pianoB. lungC. soul


D. limbE. photograph354. tiptoe to walk asA. whisper to speechB. dance to rhythmC. tumble to treeD. rasp to throatE. press to wrinkle355. kernel to central as trivia toA. controversialB. unimportantC. unleavenedD. harvestedE. productive356. fib to liar asA. perform to crewB. convict to attorneyC. flatter to toadyD. campaign to politicianE. tally to banker357. nap to sleep as snack to A. restB. mealC. biscuitD. partE. age358. fossil to petrified asA. solution to dissolvedB. wood to hardC. snowflake to wetD. fog to denseE. gully to craggy359.sphere to round asA. rectangle to shapeB. protractor to angleC. ball to rubberD. triangle to lineE. honeycomb to hexagonal360. careful to picky asA. tired to exhaustedB. alert to asleepC. concerned to gratefulD. forgiving to peacefulE. fancy to short

361. cave is to rock as apse toA. cliffB. plateauC. patioD. churchE. stage362. wine to grape asA. juice to cherryB. berry to stainC. glass to ivoryD. paper to woodE. stone to mud363. frog to amphibian as bird toA. mammalB. toadC. beakD. branchE. feather364. dentist to drill asA. surgeon to scalpelB. doctor to stretcherC. farmer to grainD. manager to computerE. pilot to wing365. mosaic to tile asA. advertisement to magazineB. tapestry to threadC. billboard to chartD. sweater to woolE. poster to frame366. pebble to rock as drop toA. boulderB. fountainC. sandD. liquidE. grain367. levee to river asA. sail to boatB. bridge to truckC. train to trackD. path to forestE. shoulder to road368. redundant to necessary asA. desirable to pretty


B. original to neededC. plain to valuableD. vague to explicitE. fake to expensive369. coral to pink as aquamarine toA. deepB. rosyC. shadyD. blandE. blue370. fan to air as heart toA. powerB. heatC. lungD. windE. blood371. palette to colors asA. kaleidoscope to glassB. collage to imagesC. paint to canvasesD. brush to pictureE. side to picture372. salutation to letter asA. postscript to noteB. heading to stationaryC. introduction to bookD. postcard to pictureE. handwriting to analysis373. quill to porcupine as

A. needle to threadB. wings to duckC. pouch to kangarooD. tail to pigE. scent to skunk374. caterpillar to butterfly asA. salmon to fishB. egg to dinosaurC. tadpole to frogD. nest to chickE. worm to bait375. budget to cost asA. blueprint to designB. ratio to valueC. demonstration to argumentD. definition to vocabularyE. foundation to concrete376. juror to judge as soothsayer toA. predictB. softenC. reportD. punishE. deny377. buffer to impact asA. median to laneB. boundary to designC. antiseptic to infectionD. bandage to healE. injury to faul