Vietnam 2.50:Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Y khoa đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (3)

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Vietnam 2.50:Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Y khoa đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (3)

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tpch quc t (3)a!iot"chnolog#

    $ha Thi %c%i hc Y &'(c T) *+ ,h -inh .i/ c trung t0/ vit bo khoa hc b1ng ting


    3it Ting 2nh *c Thu4t
  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    Ti5u 67 c nh0n

    $ha Thi %c 8T"! $no#9 : !# vit ting 2nh k;thu4t trong cc tr'i ?oan h@n hai/'@i n/A Bng l> tc giC cDa /' chu#n nghiFpA Bng :th>nh l4p /Gt trung t0/ vit ting 2nh ti tr'

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    A. Nn tng (Background)Q Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u (etting o research proposal)R -S tC

    /Gt u h'ng ph binK pht tri5n hoUc hiFn t'(ng trong lVnh vWc cDa bn5 ng'

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    B. Th;c hic ti&u nghi&n c'u (+esearch o,?ective) R -S tC /[c tiu cDa nghin

    cu E ut cDa bn v> bao g+/ cc Uc i5/ chnh ring biFt cDanghin cu 5 t '(c /[c tiu nghin cu K iEu /> : khSng '(cthWc hiFn trong nghin cu tr'c 0# 8 /Gt c0u 9

    Q @hng ph"p #0 #t #4c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u (=ethodologC toachieve research o,?ective) R -S tC ba hoUc bn b'c chnh 5 t

    '(c /[c tiu nghin cu cDa bn AQ Dt 8u d; kin ( Anticipated results) R -S tC cc kt quC Znh l'(ng

    /> bn h# vng 6^ t '(c trong nghin cu cDa bnA

    Q Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn (Theoretical andpractical contri,ution to ield) R -S tC cch thc ph'@ng php hoUc

    kt quC nghin cu E ut cDa bn 6^ Xng gXp vE /Ut l] thu#t tronglVnh vWc nghin cuK qu# lu4t v> cHng Xng gXp thit thWc trong 6CnutK ng>nh cSng nghiFp !Zch v[A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> K: +adiotechnologC

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u a!iation "po6ur" incr"a6"6 th"ri6k o_ canc"r a/ong th" g"n"ral populationK a6 "vi!"nc"! b# /"!icalra!iation or ra!iation`conta/inat"! "nviron/"nt6 6uch a6 L,oconta/inat"! buil!ing6K nucl"ar po"r plant6K pro_"66ional u6" o_ra!iation an! ra!ioactiv" 6ub6tanc"6A .iv"n th" co/pl"it# o_ ra!iation"po6ur" in TaianK /or" thoroughl# un!"r6tan!ing irra!iation 6a_"t#`r"lat"! i66u"6 i6 o_ priorit# conc"rnA

    *%n # nghi&n c'u &"6pit" th" u6" o_ ra!iation !o6i/"t"r# _or acut"high !o6" "po6ur" a6 an "__"ctiv" /"an6 o_ "6ti/ating th" "po6ur"

    _or in!ivi!ual6 chronicall# "po6"! to ioniing ra!iation ov"r aprotract"! p"rio!K !o6" r"con6truction _or in!ivi!ual6 ith pr"viou6 long`t"r/ an! lo !o6"`rat" ra!iation "po6ur" ha6 6"l!o/ b""n "a/in"!K"6p"ciall# h"n att"/pting to a66"66 ioniation ra!iation in or!"r to!"_in" lo !o6" rat" "po6ur"6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> K (cont.)

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l4ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u dpo6ur" tohigh !o6ag"6 o_ ioniing ra!iation /a# incr"a6" th" inci!"nt rat" o_variou6 canc"r6A eor in6tanc"K /or" than fLL buil!ing6 con6truct"! inTaian 6inc" NOPf "r" _oun! to contain cobalt`L conta/inat"! 6t""lATh" rat" at hich in!ivi!ual6 r"c"iv" long`t"r/ an! lo !o6"`rat"ra!iation "po6ur" rang"6 _ro/ LAJL to JLLALL uvhourK hil" th"backgroun! !o6" rat"6 in /o6t buil!ing6 in Taian rang" _ro/ aroun!LALP to LANLuvA dpo6ur" to a lo !o6" o_ ioniing ra!iation ov"r an"t"n!"! p"rio! o_ ti/" l"a!6 to chronic illn"66"6A

    T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u hil" po66ibl# !a/aging&j2 an! cr"ating "rror6 in &j2 tran6criptionK ioniing ra!iation /a#al6o !ir"ctl# in!uc" th" !"ath o_ c"ll6 or cau6" g"n" /utationK6ub6"qu"ntl# incr"a6ing th" inci!"nc" rat" o_ canc"rA Th" lack o_ an"__"ctiv" lo !o6" rat" a66"66/"nt 6trat"g# _or ra!iation`conta/inat"!buil!ing6K nucl"ar po"r plant6K pro_"66ional u6" o_ ra!iation an!ra!ioactiv" 6ub6tanc"69 po6"6 a /aor h"alth thr"at to th" g"n"ralpublicA

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> K (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a6"! on th" abov"K " 6houl! !"v"lop a lo l"v"l !o6" /o!"/"tho!K capabl" o_ accurat"l# pr"!icting th" ra!iation !o6ag" l"v"l6 in th" 6urroun!ing"nviron/"nt o_ a nucl"ar po"r plant that coul! pot"ntiall# har/ hu/an6A

    @hng ph"p #0 #t #4c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To !o 6oK ra!iation !o6ag"!i6tribution an! a!v"r6" h"alth i/pact on n"ighboring r"6i!"nt6 can b" "6ti/at"! u6ingth" ph#6ic6 !o6" /o!" /"tho! ith 6i/pli_i"! calculation6 o_ th" /"an an! 6tan!ar!!"viationA iological !o6" /o!"l6 can th"n b" u6"! to r"lat" th" location an! biological"__"ct6 to th" controll"! "po6ur" _actor l"v"l6A j"tK an opti/al co/bination o_ proc"66para/"t"r6 can b" obtain"! u6ing th" "6ti/at"! ri6k !o6ag" /"tho!A

    Dt 8u d; kin 26 anticipat"!K th" propo6"! lo l"v"l !o6" /o!" /"tho! can anal#"th" !o6ag" l"v"l6 o_ ra!iation a/ong n"ighboring r"6i!"nt6 o_ a n"arb# nucl"ar po"rplantA 2nal#6i6 r"6ult6 o_ !o6ag" l"v"l6 in_or/ r"6i!"nt6 o_ th" h"alth i/pact o_ lo l"v"lra!iationK hop"_ull# l"a!ing to a lo"r !o6" rat" an! occurr"nc" o_ canc"rA

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn m/portantl#K th" lo l"v"l !o6" /o!"/"tho! can "nabl" /"!ical p"r6onn"l to "6ti/at" th" ra!iation !o6ag" !i6tributiona/ong n"ighboring r"6i!"nt6 n"ar a nucl"ar po"r plantK provi!ing a valuabl" r"_"r"nc"_or gov"rn/"ntal authoriti"6 in "6tabli6hing l"gi6lation to prot"ct inhabitant6 _ro/ un6a_"ra!iation l"v"l6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> L: +adiotechnologC

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u 26 i6 "ll knonK 6ilv"r nanoparticl"6 hav"an a__init# ith a prot"in6 thiol an! a/ino groupA ur_ac" pla6/a r"6onanc"8)9K a bio6"n6orK can !"t"ct prot"in6 b"cau6" 6ilv"r nanoparticl"6 hav" acoating on )K n"c"66itating th" abilit# to u6" ) 6"n6itiv"l# an! accurat"l#to !"t"ct prot"in6A eor in6tanc"K a prot"in containing a/#loi! `!"riv"!!i__u6ibl" ligan!6 82&&?69 cau6"6 2lh"i/"r6 !i6"a6"A

    *%n # nghi&n c'u 2lthough local ) 8?)9 i6 /or" 6"n6itiv" an!accurat" than th" conv"ntionall# a!opt"! )K ?) ha6 /an#nano6tructur"6K "plaining h# 6"n6itivit# an! accurac# ar" o_ priorit# conc"rnA-or"ov"rK th" conv"ntionall# a!opt"! ) i6 /or" "p"n6iv" than ?)A

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l4ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u hil" th" 6"n6itivit#o_ ) i6 NLLp-K ?) /u6t hav" a high"r 6"n6itivit# an! accurac#K hop"_ull#b"lo Np-A

    T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u &"v"loping a bio6"n6or ithout a?) oul! l"a! to a /or" "p"n6iv" !"t"ctorA -or"ov"rK th" inabilit# toincr"a6" th" 6"n6itivit# an! accurac# o_ a bio6"n6or /ak"6 it i/po66ibl" to!"t"ct th" bio/ol"cular 6tructur" in "arl# 6tag"6K 6ub6"qu"ntl# cr"ating gr"at"rprobl"/6 6uch a6 an incr"a6"! 6oci"tal bur!"n in caring _or 6uch pati"nt6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> L (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a6"! on th" abov"K " 6houl! !"6ign a 6"n6itiv" an!accurat" bio6"n6or that can i!"nti_# 6p"cial prot"in6 "__ici"ntl#K a6 "ll a6 !"t"ctc"rtain !i6"a6"6 in th"ir "arl# 6tag"6A eor in6tanc"K i!"nti_#ing th" prot"in 2&&?6"arl# can b" u6"! to !iagno6" 2lh"i/"r6 !i6"a6" in it6 "arl# 6tag"6 6o thatth"rap"utic tr"at/"nt can b" a!/ini6t"r"!A

    @hng ph"p #0 #t #4c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To !o 6oK nanoparticl"6 can

    b" !"v"lop"! in a gla66 cha/b"rK _ollo"! b# th" !"6ign o_ a ?) bio6"n6orATh" bio/ol"cular 6tructur" can th"n b" !"t"ct"! u6ing ?)K "nabling u6 toi!"nti_# th" !i6"a6"A

    Dt 8u d; kin 26 anticipat"!K th" propo6"! anal#tical /"tho! _or !"t"ctingbio /ol"cular 6tructur"6 can !"t"ct 6olution con6i6t"nc# b"lo Np- ith a high!"gr"" o_ accurac#A

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn -or"ov"rK th" propo6"!?) bio6"n6or can provi!" a highl# 6"n6itiv" an! accurat" /"an6 o_ !"t"ctingth" bio /ol"cular 6tructur"A Th" abilit# to i!"nti_# th" !i6"a6" in it6 "arl# 6tag"6can l"a! to "arli"r tr"at/"nt an! r"co"r#A eor in6tanc"K 2lh"i/"r6 !i6"a6" canb" !iagno6"! "arl# b"cau6" ?) can !"t"ct 2&&?6 ith a high !"gr"" o_6"n6itivit#K ulti/at"l# incr"a6ing th" 6urvival rat" o_ pati"nt6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> 3: +adiotechnologC

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u To !"t"r/in" th" ra!ioactivit#l"v"l6 in th" hu/an brainK uptak" ra!iophar/ac"utical6 can b" u6"! inbrain i/ag"r# to accurat"l# !iagno6" th" "arl# 6tag"6 o_ brain`r"lat"!!i6"a6"6A

    *%n # nghi&n c'u *o"v"rK accor!ing to clinical 6tu!i"6K th" a/ount

    an! conc"ntration o_ brain uptak" ra!iophar/ac"utical6 hav" a lo6tabilit#K /aking it i/po66ibl" to !iagno6" brain`r"lat"! !i6"a6"6accurat"l# an! "__ici"ntl#A

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l4ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u -or"6p"ci_icall#K th" ch"/ical 6tructur"6 o_ tra!itional ra!iophar/ac"utical68d,&9 hav" too /an# 6ul_ur ch"/ical co/pl""6K r"6ulting in

    ra!ioactivit# in th" liv"rAT7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'ui/ultan"ou6l#K th" uptak"o_ ra!iophar/ac"utical6 in brain ra!ioactivit# b"co/"6 incr"a6ingl#lo"rK ulti/at"l# /aking it incr"a6ingl# !i__icult to accurat"l# !iagno6"brain`r"lat"! !i6"a6"6 _or clinical purpo6"6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> 3 (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'ua6"! on th" abov"K " 6houl! !"v"lop a high lipophilicit#ra!iophar/ac"utical /"tho! that u6"6 to group6 o_ ra!ioch"/i6tr#K iA"Aa/in"!ithiolat" ligan! 8j9 an! /onothiolat" coligan! 89K to incr"a6" th"ra!iophar/ac"utical high lipophilicit# l"v"l in or!"r to /aintain ara!iophar/ac"utical 6tabilit# an! h#p"ractiviti"6A

    @hng ph"p #0 #t #4c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To !o 6oK a/in"!ithiolat" an!

    /onothiolat" can b" u6"! to on" part o_ co/bin"! OO/Tc6 N ligan! OO/Tc6 ligan!6A mn th" n" ra!iophar/ac"uticalK it6 ra!ioch"/ical charact"ri6tic6 canth"n b" anal#"! u6ing a high p"r_or/anc" liqui! chro/atographic 8*)?,9K ithit6 a/ount 6ub6"qu"ntl# anal#"! u6ing a thin la#"r chro/atograph# 8T?,9A j"tKth" charact"ri6tic6 o_ high lipophilicit# can b" anal#"! u6ing a )artition co"__ici"nt6ing thi6 ra!iophar/ac"utical 6a/pl"K it6 ra!ioactivit# can b" anal#"! a6 "llu6ing an auto/atic ga//a count"rA a!iation trac"r charact"ri6tic6 can b"anal#"! u6ing /ultipl"`chann"l pul6" av" "quip/"ntA 2!!itionall#K th" n"ra!iophar/ac"utical 6"ru/ can b" in"ct"! into laborator# /ic"K ith th"ra!iophar/ac"utical uptak" nu/b"r o_ "ach /ou6" organ anal#"! a6 "llAeolloing 6acri_ic" o_ tho6" /ic" ith 6igni_icant organ6 "tract"!Kth" organ6 canb" "igh"! an! th"ir ra!ioactivit# l"v"l6 !"t"r/in"! a6 "llA einall#K th"bio!i6tribution in laborator# /ic" can b" anal#"!A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> 3 (cont.)

    Dt 8u d; kin 26 anticipat"!K th" propo6"! high lipophilicit#ra!iophar/ac"utical /"tho! can "n6ur" 6tabilit# in a /ou6"6 brainith an uptak" nu/b"r "c""!ing NJ an! oth"r organ6 uptak"nu/b"r6 lo"r than LA j" ra!iophar/ac"utical6 can /aintain6tabilit# 6i hour6 a_t"r _abricationA loo! cl"aring ratio can th"n b"lo"r than tra!itional ra!iophar/ac"utical6 u6"! in brain i/ag"r#A

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn "6ult6 o_ thi6 6tu!#can contribut" to "__ort6 to incr"a6" th" clinical accurac# o_ !iagno6ingbrain !i6"a6"6 a6 "arl# a6 po66ibl" _or curativ" purpo6"6K thu6"nhancing a ph#6ician6 abilit# to achi"v" i!"al pati"nt /anag"/"ntKi/prov" a pati"nt6 qualit# o_ li_"K !"cr"a6" both th" /ortalit# rat"a66ociat"! ith brain`r"lat"! !i6"a6"6 an! th" r"lap6" rat" an!Kulti/at"l#K lo"r th" ra!iation !o6" o_ pati"nt6 ith brain`r"lat"!!i6"a6"6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> M: +adiotechnologC

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u ,o/put"r to/ograph# 8,T9 pla#6 a pro/in"nt rol" in!iagno6ing /"!ical ail/"nt6 oing to it6 abilit# to achi"v" pr"ci6" tr"at/"nt ithout unn"c"66aril#high ra!iation l"v"l6 that oul! har/ pati"nt6A "6tat"!K hil" "__"ctiv" in th"rap"utic tr"at/"ntK ,Tcan not b" u6"! !uring a routin" "a/inationA d__ort6 to int"grat" ,T into routin" "a/ination6 i6thu6 o_ priorit# conc"rnA

    *%n # nghi&n c'u 2lthough /"!ical i/ag"6 ar" nor/all# tak"n through conv"ntional `ra#proc"!ur"6K 6uch proc"!ur"6 ar" li/it"! in that hil" con_in"! to capturing thr""`!i/"n6ionalob"ct6K /an# organ6 ov"rlap "ach oth"rK /aking it i/po66ibl" to !i6tingui6h b"t""n th"/A,onv"r6"l#K ,T can not onl# !"t"ct !i6"a6"6 in th"ir "arl# 6tag"6K but al6o /or" "__"ctiv"l# tr"at!i6"a6"6A j"v"rth"l"66K ,T i6 not a!opt"! in routin" "a/ination6 oing to it6 high"r ra!iation !o6"than in nor/al "a/ination6A ,onv"ntional /"!ical i/ag"r# proc"!ur"6 "/it a lo ra!iation !o6"oing to th" li/it"! "po6ur" ti/"A

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l4ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u eor in6tanc"K a nor/al ch"6t `ra#"a/inationK a ra!iation !o6ag" o_ onl# LAJ/.# po6"6 a r"lativ"l# lo ri6k to th" hu/an bo!#A*o"v"rK a ,T "a/ination /a# contain t"n to t"nt# ti/"6 high"r !o6ag" l"v"l6 than aconv"ntional `ra# "a/ination oul! oing to th" long"r "po6ur" ti/"K po66ibl# cau6ing hu/an

    inur#AT7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u &"6pit" th" a!vantag"6 o_ ,T i/ag"6 ov"r tho6" o_conv"ntional `ra# i/ag"6K th" inabilit# to r"!uc" it6 ra!iation !o6" to a 6a_" l"v"l /ak"6 iti/po66ibl" to !"t"ct an! 6ub6"qu"ntl# tr"at canc"r in it6 "arl# 6tag"6A Th" _"a6ibilit# o_ acc"l"ratingth" 6canning ti/" !uring a ,T "a/ination /u6t b" "a/in"!K thu6 r"!ucing ra!iation !o6" l"v"l6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    *J d> M (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a6"! on th" abov"K " 6houl! "a/in" th" _"a6ibilit# o_acc"l"rating th" 6canning ti/" !uring a ,T "a/inationK thu6 r"!ucing ra!iation !o6"l"v"l6A h"r"a6 th" hu/an bo!# i6 not proportional ith r"6p"ct to thickn"66K th"ab6orb"! ra!iation !o6ag" i6 all th" 6a/"A

    @hng ph"p #0 #t #4c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To !o 6oK th" abilit# to "n6ur" that th"hu/an bo!# ab6orb6 a lo"r ra!iation !o6" ith r"6p"ct to thickn"66K ,T can b" v"ri_i"!a6 an "__"ctiv" ph#6ical "a/ination proc"!ur" _or pr"v"ntion purpo6"6 8jTdR 2!! f`

    /or" 6"nt"nc"6 to /or" !"6crib" th" /"tho!olog# /or" co/pl"t"l#9ADt 8u d; kin26 anticipat"!K anal#6i6 r"6ult6 can in!icat" that th" acc"l"rat"! ,T 6can6p""! can 6can _ront an! r"ar po6ition6 o_ th" bo!# at var#ing thickn"66"6 an! ra!iation!o6ag"6K 6ub6"qu"ntl# r"!ucing a 6ub6tantial a/ount o_ non"66"ntial !o6ag" an! /aking,T highl# pro/i6ing a6 a pr"v"ntiv" /"!icin" proc"!ur"A uch a proc"!ur" oul!6igni_icantl# contribut" to tr"at/"nt o_ lung canc"r pati"nt6 6inc" -m !o"6 not hav" a6pok" b"a/A .iv"n that th" lo"r nu/b"r o_ h#!rog"n ato/6 in th" lung6 !o"6 notprovi!" a!"quat" in_or/ation _or th" i/ag" 6ignal o_ -m *o"v"rK ,T can pro!uc" anaccurat" i/ag" o_ th" lung6K /aking it r"lativ"l# "a6# to !"t"ct lung canc"r in it6 "arl#6tag"6A

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn "6ult6 o_ thi6 6tu!# can !"/on6trat"th" abilit# o_ ,T to r"!uc" th" ra!iation !o6" l"v"lK /ak"6 it highl# pro/i6ing a6 apr"v"ntiv" /"a6ur" !uring ph#6ical "a/ination6 to !"t"ct lung canc"r in it6 "arl# 6tag"6A

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    T>i liFu tha/ khCo

    $no#K T 8fLLf9 Writing Effective WorkProposalsA Taip"iR Yang ,hih )ubli6hing

  • 7/26/2019 Vietnam 2.50:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc Y khoa ng trn tp ch quc t (3)


    eurth"r !"tail6 can b" _oun! at
