Vietnam 2.34:Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học thương mại đăng trên tạp chí quốc...

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Vietnam 2.34:Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học thương mại đăng trên tạp chí quốc...

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ngtrn tp ch q!c t (4)"#$althcar$ %anag$m$nt& 'inanc$(

    )ha Thi *c*i hc + ,-c T. #/ 0h %inh 1im !c trng t2m vit bo khoa hc b3ngting 4nh

    5it Ting 4nh #c Th6t
  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    Ti7 89 c nh2n

    )ha Thi *c "T$: )no;( < :; vit ting 4nh k=th6t trong cc tr>ng i hc ? *@i Aoan hn haimi nmB Cng l@ tc giD cEa m>i b!n c!n 8chvF vit ting 4nh k= th6t v@ ch;n nghiGpB Cng ng ihc + +np$i /ng th>i cIng l@ giDng vin to@n th>igian ti tr>ngB Cng < chJnh 89a trn KK&LLL b@ivit cho viGc ng bo nghin c khoa hc tM nmNOPOB Cng l@ cIng nh@ bin t6p ting anh cho mHt 8!tp ch vF khoa hc& k= th6t v@ ; hc cEa *@i AoanB

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    A. Nn tng (Background)Q Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u (etting o research proposal)R %S tD

    mHt hng ph bin& pht tri7n hoUc hiGn t-ng trong lVnh vWc cEa bn7 ng>i c cX th7 hi7 -c b!i cDnh m@ bn F Yt nghin c ang-c thWc hiGn B

    Q *%n # nghi&n c'u (+esearch pro,le-) R %S tD cc hn ch chnh hoUcthYt bi cEa cc nghin c trc 2; hoUc cc phng php < nghin

    c khi giDi q;t cc hng& pht tri7n hoUc hiGn t-ng < n BQ c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l3ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u (6uantitative

    speciication o research pro,le-)R *Znh l-ng hoUc a ra mHt v :[ vFvYn F nghin c -c trch :\n trong t@i liG tham khDo trc XB

    Q T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u (-portance o research

    pro,le-) R %S tD cc h6 qD vF mUt l] th;t v@ thWc t n khSng giDiq;t vYn F nghin cB

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    B. Th;c hic ti&u nghi&n c'u (+esearch o,?ective) R %S tD m[c ti cEa nghin

    c F Yt cEa bn v@ bao g/m cc Uc i7m chnh ring biGt cEanghin c 7 t -c m[c ti nghin c & iF m@ < khSng -cthWc hiGn trong nghin c trc 2; " mHt c2 (

    Q @h3ng ph"p #0 #t #3c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u (=ethodologC toachieve research o,?ective) R %S tD ba hoUc b!n bc chnh 7 t

    -c m[c ti nghin c cEa bn BQ Dt 8u d; kin ( Anticipated results) R %S tD cc kt qD Znh l-ng

    m@ bn h; vng 8^ t -c trong nghin c cEa bnB

    Q Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn (Theoretical andpractical contri,ution to ield) R %S tD cch thc phng php hoUc

    kt qD nghin c F Yt cEa bn 8^ Xng gXp vF mUt l] th;t tronglVnh vWc nghin c& q; l6t v@ cIng Xng gXp thit thWc trong 8DnYt& ng@nh cSng nghiGp :Zch v[B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> K: Lealthcare =anage-ent

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u 4ccor:ing to th$ _orl: #$alth `rganiation& Taian b$cam$an a:vanc$: aging 8oci$t; a8 o th$ $n: o NOOd& ith ov$r ef o it8 poplation K ;$ar8 or ol:$rB4ccor:ing to $8timat$8 rom th$ 0oncil or conomic .lanning an: ,$v$lopm$nt& th$ i8lan:8$l:$rl; poplation ill accont or NjBjf an: LBLjf o th$ poplation b; NN an: NdN&r$8p$ctiv$l;B $8tat$:& on$ ot o $v$r; iv$ in:ivi:al8 ill b$ cla88ii$: a8 b$longing to th$a:vanc$: ag$ $l:$rl; poplationB Tra:itional 8oci$tal val$8 in hich th$ $l:$rl; par$nt8 liv$ ithth$ir 8on an: :aght$rinla hav$ :imini8h$:& cr$ating a groing pblic aar$n$88 that th$$l:$rl; m8t mak$ pr$paration8 in a:vanc$ or th$ir long t$rm car$B Th$ aging tr$n: in Taian

    $plain8 th$ groing conc$rn ov$r th$ mark$t :$man: or long t$rm car$ r$8i:$ntial commniti$8&in hich mi::l$ to 8$nior ag$: in:ivi:al8 liv$ in:$p$n:$ntl; in ho8$8 or apartm$nt nit8:$8ign$: or th$ir 8p$cial n$$:8 pon r$tir$m$ntB %an; in:8tri$8 hav$ alr$a:; h$avil; inv$8t$: inthi8 $m$rging groth 8$ctorB 1iv$n ph;8ical an: m$ntal h$alth actor8& 8$nior citi$n8 m8t a:8ta8 tra:itional 8oci$tal val$8 chang$B To acilitat$ a mor$ i:$al living $nvironm$nt or th$ $l:$rl;&gov$rnm$ntal organiation8 an: th$ privat$ 8$ctor m8t coor:inat$ $ort8 to cr$at$ an $nvironm$ntin hich 8$nior citi$n8 living in:$p$n:$ntl; i8 th$ norm in8t$a: o th$ $c$ptionB n :oing 8o&nm$ro8 comm$rcial opportniti$8 ill ari8$B 'or in8tanc$& T 0on8trction 0ompan; incollaboration ith i$n ' $li$ 0ompan; ha8 $8tabli8h$: a 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commnit;

    in Tan8hi b; :raing rom th$ sapan$8$ long t$rm car$ mo:$l to provi:$ r$8i:$nt8 ith a hot$l8t;l$ manag$m$nt approachB Th$ aciliti$8 provi:$ highqalit; comort ith a dLL r$8i:$ntial nitcapacit;& all o hich hav$ alr$a:; b$$n l$a8$: otB 1iv$n poplation tr$n:8 an: $nhanc$: living8tan:ar:8& th$ climat$ or groth opportniti$8 in th$ long t$rm car$ 8$ctor in Taian ar$ avorabl$B:$nti;ing actor8 or 8cc$88l op$ration o 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8 ar$ th8$88$ntial or b8in$88$8 to gain a comp$titiv$ $:g$& $plaining h; gov$rnm$ntal athoriti$8 an:in:8trial plann$r8 ar$ anio8 to $valat$ th$ mo8t appropriat$ manag$m$nt 8trat$gi$8 or rth$r:$v$lopm$ntB

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> K (cont.)

    *%n # nghi&n c'u #o$v$r& hil$ $valating th$ 8cc$88 o c$rtainmanag$m$nt practic$8 in 8ati8;ing con8m$r :$man: in thi8 groing mark$t8$ctor& long t$rm car$ 8t:i$8 hav$ 8$l:om att$mpt$: to i:$nti; 8cc$88 actor8in managing 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8B $l$vant con8i:$ration8 inth$ manag$m$nt o a 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commnit; incl:$ $nvironm$ntanal;8i8 o th$ location& anal;8i8 o r$l$vant manag$m$nt 8trat$gi$8& & pricingan: promotional 8trat$gi$8 an: 8trat$gic allianc$8B 0orr$8pon:ingl;& all 8cc$88actor8 8hol: b$ prioriti$: ba8$: on th$ir importanc$

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l3ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u 'or in8tanc$& th$ lacko an ob$ctiv$ a88$88m$nt m$tho: mak$8 it impo88ibl$ or a:mini8trator8 o8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8 to :$t$rmin$ hich manag$m$ntapproach$8 ill b$ 8cc$88l or notB

    T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u Th$ lack o an $$ctiv$ mo:$l toi:$nti; 8cc$88 actor8 in managing 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8mak$8 it impo88ibl$ to :$t$rmin$ tangibl$ an: intangibl$ b$n$it8 in long t$rmcar$ r$8$archB %or$ov$r& 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8 o var;ing 8cal$8i$8 ill hav$ :iiclt; in a:opting $$ctiv$ manag$m$nt 8trat$gi$8 to r$maincomp$titiv$B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> K (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a8$: on th$ abov$& $ 8hol: :$v$lopan 4#.ba8$: m$tho: that $nabl$8 a:mini8trator8 o 8$niorciti$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8 to i:$nti; critical actor8 or8cc$88l op$ration8B

    @h3ng ph"p #0 #t #3c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To :o 8o& a

    q$8tionnair$ 8rv$; can b$ :$8ign$: to 8$l$ct th$ mo8tappropriat$ 8ampling m$tho:B 4 valation 8tan:ar: that r$l$ct8$nt$rpri8$ val$8 can th$n b$ :$riv$: ba8$: on int$rvi$8 ith$p$rt8 in th$ i$l:B $t& critical actor8 or 8cc$88lop$ration8 can b$ i:$ntii$: 8ing th$ 4#. m$tho:B

    Dt 8u d; kin48 anticipat$:& th$ propo8$: 4#.ba8$:m$tho: can $nabl$ $nt$rpri8$8 involv$: in th$ :$v$lopm$nt o8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntial commniti$8 to i:$nti; th$ $atr$8 oan: pr$r$qi8it$8 or 8cc$88l op$ration8B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> K (cont.)

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiInTh$ propo8$:m$tho: can $nabl$ a:mini8trator8 o 8$nior citi$n r$8i:$ntialcommniti$8 to 8$l$ct th$ mo8t $a8ibl$ option8 :ring :$ci8ion makingb; con8i:$ring inanc$ an: mark$t anal;8i8 ur$lat$: conc$rn8 in or:$rto $n8r$ 8cc$88 in :ail; op$ration8B n a::ition to $nhancing th$comp$t$nc; o a:mini8trator8 in making th$ir r$8i:$ntial commniti$8pro:ctiv$ in thi8 incr$a8ingl; comp$titiv$ 8$ctor& th$ propo8$: m$tho:

    can provi:$ a valabl$ r$$r$nc$ or $p$rt8& aca:$mic8 an: inv$8tor8 inth$ long t$rm 8$ctor att$mpt to :$vi8$ r$l$vant mark$ting 8trat$gi$8B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> M: Lealthcare =anage-ent

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u inc$ th$ ational #$alth n8ranc$8ch$m$ a8 $8tabli8h$: in NOOK& m$:ical $p$n:itr$8 hav$ b$$n r$cor:$:via $l$ctronic m$:ia a8 th$ Taian$8$ gov$rnm$nt promot$8 th$ 8$ o th$ational #$alth normation $tork "#(& $nabling m$:ical in8tittion8i8lan: i:$ to mak$ :ata acc$88ibl$ an: tran8par$nt in a :igital ormB4ccor:ing to th$ ational #$alth n8ranc$ r$a& prior to $8tabli8hm$nt o

    th$ ational #$alth n8ranc$ 8ch$m$& onl; Lf o all m$:ical in8tittion8ha: compt$ri$: th$ir op$ration8w h$r$a8 that igr$ $c$$:$: Lf b; th$$n: o NOOKB _h$r$a8 onl; KBef "j( an: KjBOf "KLO( o all m$:icalclinic8 in in:8triali$: contri$8 ha: compt$ri$: th$ir op$ration8 in NOOjan: NOO& r$8p$ctiv$l;& that igr$ mp$: to eBdf "Oee( in NOOeB

    *%n # nghi&n c'u4lthogh OBOf o all m$:ical clinic8 proc$88inormation into th$ #& PjBf o all clinical 8otar$ 8$: originat$8 romot8orc$: inormation t$chnolog; v$n:or8& making ot8orcing o m$:icalinormation n$$:8 a maor i88$ among ho8pital a:mini8trator8B 1iv$n th$r$c$nt i88anc$ o h$alth in8ranc$ 0 car:8 on lin$& clinical a:mini8trator8ar$ ac$: ith incr$a8ing m$:ical inormationr$lat$: co8t8 an: compl$it; ininormation int$grationB

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> M (cont.)

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l3ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u %or$ov$r&ith th$ niq$ $nvironm$nt o Taian8 ational #$alth n8ranc$8ch$m$ an: tr$n: or ho8pital clinic8 to ot8orc$ th$ir m$:icalinormation n$$:8 to inormation t$chnolog; v$n:or8& apprai8ingpot$ntial v$n:or8 to ot8orc$ tho8$ n$$:8 i8 $tr$m$l; :iiclt&$8p$ciall; giv$n th$ crr$nt abilit; o m$:ical inormation 8;8t$m8op$rating n:$r th$ ational #$alth n8ranc$ 8ch$m$ to 8$l$ct th$mo8t r$liabl$ inormation t$chnolog; 8ppli$rB

    T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u Th$ inabilit; o ho8pital8 toa:opt an $plicit an: ob$ctiv$ 8tan:ar: to 8$l$ct inormationt$chnolog; 8ppli$r8 ma; l$a: to an inappropriat$ 8$l$ction&8b8$q$ntl; incr$a8ing :$v$lopm$nt an: maint$nanc$r$lat$: co8t8&a a8t$ in hman r$8orc$8 an: tim$& in$ici$nc; in th$ proc$88ing om$:ical $p$n:itr$8& a8 $ll a8 th$ inabilit; to promot$ th$ qalit; om$:ical tr$atm$ntB

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> M (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a8$: on th$ abov$& $ 8hol: :$v$lop an 4#.ba8$::$ci8ionmaking m$tho: or ho8pital clinic8 to a88$88 ob$ctiv$l; th$ qalit; o aninormation t$chnolog; 8ppli$r h$n ot8orcing th$ir m$:ical inormation n$$:8&a8 an alt$rnativ$ to pr$vio8 :$ci8ionmaking approach$8 ba8$: on 8b$ctiv$$valation8B

    @h3ng ph"p #0 #t #3c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To :o 8o& an apprai8al crit$rion

    or 8$l$cting an appropriat$ inormation t$chnolog; v$n:or can b$ ma:$ 8ing,$lphi t$chniq$ to gain mtal r$cognition among $p$rt8 in th$ i$l:B 0rit$ria orot8orcing v$n:or8 an: 8bcrit$ria o m$:ical inormation 8;8t$m or clinic8 canth$n b$ $valat$: 8ing th$ grop :$ci8ion proc$88 o th$ ,$lphi m$tho:B $t& aq$8tionnair$ can b$ :$8ign$: or con8trcting th$ :$ci8ion attribt$8 in or:$r to$valat$ % v$n:or8B 4::itionall;& 8ing th$ ,$lphi m$tho:& pr$$r$nc$8 o th$grop m$mb$r8 can b$ $licit$: an: a grop con8$n88 can b$ achi$v$:B %or$ov$r&r$8lt8 o int$rvi$8 ith $p$rt8 can b$ int$grat$: ith th$ 4#. m$tho: to

    $8tabli8h an ob$ctiv$ $valation crit$rion or % v$n:or8B 'rth$rmor$& an 4#.ba8$: 8rv$; can b$ :$8ign$: 8ing pairi8$ compari8on to r$8pon: to %ot8orcing :$man: 8cor$8 or $ach it$mB %or$ov$r& $ach crit$rion an: rank canpa88 a con8i8t$nc; t$8t or :$ci8ionmaking o th$ 4#. mo:$lB 'inall;& participationan: involv$m$nt o th$ grop $p$rt8 combin$: ith 4#. can b$ incorporat$: tocalclat$ th$ $ight8 an: optimm alt$rnativ$8B

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    *J d> M (cont.)

    Dt 8u d; kin48 anticipat$:& th$ 4#.ba8$: :$ci8ionmaking m$tho: can provi:$ ho8pital a:mini8trator8 ith a:$ci8ionmaking an: $valation crit$ria that activ$l;$ncorag$ th$ m$:ical 8$ctor ot8orc$ to inormationt$chnolog; contractor8B

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn na::ition to avoi:ing nn$c$88ar; ri8k8 an: r$:cingov$rh$a: co8t8& th$ propo8$: :$ci8ionmaking m$tho: canincorporat$ an 4#. $valation mo:$l an: 8$v$ral

    $valation crit$ria or larg$8cal$ ho8pital8 ot8orcing th$irt$chnological n$$:8B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> : Oinance

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u 0r$:it coop$rativ$8 hav$ pla;$: a pivotal rol$ inTaian8 $conomic :$v$lopm$nt a8 inancial in8tittion8B %ark$t lib$raliation polici$8 oth$ Taian$8$ gov$rnm$nt 8inc$ NOO hav$ l$: to th$ $m$rg$nc$ o 8$v$ral bank8& ithinancial organiation8 8pringing p qickl;& th8 int$n8i;ing mark$t comp$titionB api:groth o thi8 mark$t 8$ctor ha8 pro:c$: 8om$ a:v$r8$ impact8 8ch a8 bank8 lo$ringth$ir crit$ria or loan approval8 in or:$r to r$main comp$titiv$& 8b8$q$ntl; l$a:ing to anincr$a8ingl; high$r inci:$nc$ o :$alt$: loan8B Th$r$or$& an incr$a8ing nmb$r o

    inancial organiation8 hav$ rn into thi8 :il$mma& $8p$ciall; cr$:it coop$rativ$8B 1iv$ntrbl$nt political an: $conomic 8itation8 orl:i:$& inancial in8tittion8 in Taianm8t a:opt :ramatic r$orm m$a8r$8 to maintain th$ir comp$titiv$n$88B ,$8pit$gov$rnm$ntal initiativ$8 8ch a8 th$ nationi:$ 'inancial $orm .ro$ct& onl; bank8 notcr$:it coop$rativ$8 hav$ b$n$it$:& $plaining th$ lo comp$titiv$n$88 o th$ latt$r inTaian8 inancial mark$tB

    *%n # nghi&n c'u4lthogh att$mpting to r$orm th$ inancial mark$t& inancialr$lat$:r$8$arch :o$8 not :ir$ctl; oc8 on mark$t :$v$lopm$nt8B n practic$& hil$ inancial

    organiation8 a:opt th$ p$ri$nc$ l$ to pgra:$ th$ir comp$titiv$n$88& :oing 8o ot$nl$a:8 to th$ rong inv$8tm$nt8 an: 8b8$q$nt :$alt$: loan8B %or$ov$r& :$8pit$ th$abilit; o inv$8tm$nt ri8k mo:$l8 to i:$nti; pot$ntiall; :$alt$: loan8 b; :ir$ctl; oc8ingon mark$t :$v$lopm$nt8& pr$vio8 8t:i$8 hav$ not anal;$: th$ importanc$ an:charact$ri8tic8 o cr$:it coop$rativ$8 in thi8 ar$a& $plaining th$ in$$ctiv$n$88 ogov$rnm$ntal initiativ$8 8ch a8 th$ 'inancial $orm .ro$ct to r$viv$ th$ir pro:ctivit;B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> (cont.)

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l3ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u Thi8 8itationi8 $8p$ciall; pr$val$nt among cr$:it coop$rativ$8& $plaining th$irinabilit; to r$orm an: lo$r th$ rat$ o :$alt$: loan8B 0orporat$8rvival o cr$:it coop$rativ$8 a8 inancial in8tittion8 in Taian i8 at agr$at ri8k& n$c$88itating a rth$r n:$r8tan:ing o th$ir importanc$an: niq$ $atr$8B

    T7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u Th$ inabilit; o th$p$ri$nc$ l$ an: inancial r$8$arch to r$:c$ th$ ri8k o :$alt$:loan8 ill l$a: to rth$r corporat$ lo88 among Taian8 inancialorganiation8B n:$r thi8 circm8tanc$& Taian$8$ inancialorganiation8 ill b$com$ l$88 comp$titiv$& $plaining th$ir 8hrinkingnmb$r& iB$B& onl; thirt; cr$:it coop$rativ$8 crr$ntl; op$rating inTaian a8 oppo8$: to 8$v$nt; to pr$vio8l;B v$n olloing th$ir$limination& man; cr$:it coop$rativ$8 l$av$ 8$v$ral nr$8olv$:inancial probl$m8 b$hin:& 8b8$q$ntl; cr$ating a 8$rio8 inancialcri8i8 :om$8ticall;B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    *J d> (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a8$: on th$ abov$& $ 8hol::$v$lop an inv$8tm$nt ri8k mo:$l that anal;$8 th$ $atr$8o cr$:it coop$rativ$8 in TaianB

    @h3ng ph"p #0 #t #3c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To :o8o& a q$8tionnair$ can b$ :$8ign$: or loan oic$r8 in

    cr$:it coop$rativ$8 to accmlat$ r$l$vant loan inormationan: backgron: inormation o cr$:it coop$rativ$8B '$atr$8o cr$:it coop$rativ$8 can th$n b$ anal;$: 8ing actoranal;8i8B $t& actor8 inl$ncing h$th$r or not inancialoic$r8 approv$ loan8 can th$n b$ anal;$: 8ing .8tati8tical 8otar$B 4::itionall;& pot$ntial ar$a8 o :$alt$:loan8 can b$ i:$ntii$: 8ing %,B %or$ov$r& actor8 that:i8tingi8h cr$:it coop$rativ$8 rom bank8 can b$ anal;$:8ing cl8t$r anal;8i8B

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    *J d> (cont.)

    Dt 8u d; kin48 anticipat$:& th$ propo8$: inv$8tm$nt ri8k mo:$lcan $nabl$ loan oic$r8 in bank8 an: cr$:it coop$rativ$8 to i:$nti;pot$ntiall; :$alt$: loan8 b; :ir$ctl; oc8ing on mark$t :$v$lopm$nt8that pr$vio8 inancial r$8$arch n$gl$ct$:B 4::itionall;& hil$ pr$vio88t:i$8 :i: not a::r$88 th$ inancial probl$m8 o cr$:it coop$rativ$8& th$propo8$: mo:$l can mor$ thoroghl; n:$r8tan: th$ $atr$8 an: rol$o cr$:it coop$rativ$8 b; i:$nti;ing actor8 to $nhanc$ th$ir

    p$rormanc$BEng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn n a::ition tocomp$n8ating or limitation8 o pr$vio8 inancial r$8$arch an: th$p$ri$nc$ l$& th$ propo8$: mo:$l can provi:$ a valabl$ m$an8 on:$r8tan:ing crr$nt mark$t :$v$lopm$nt8 in inancial organiation8&a8 $ll a8 a88i8ting cr$:it coop$rativ$8 in making 8$cr$ loan :$ci8ion8

    to maintain it8 mark$t comp$titiv$n$88B %or$ov$r& th$ propo8$: m$tho:can provi:$ a valabl$ r$$r$nc$ or th$ Taian$8$ 1ov$rnm$nt toinitiat$ tim$l; inancial r$orm8 that ill $nhanc$ th$ rol$ o coop$rativ$8in th$ inancial mark$tB

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    *J d> 4: Lealthcare =anage-ent

    Thit l!p c"c # $u%t nghi&n c'u 1iv$n rapi: chang$8 in Taian8h$althcar$ $nvironm$nt& limit$: m$:ical r$8orc$8 mak$ $ici$nt:i8tribtion $88$ntial& hich i8 o priorit; conc$rn among h$althorganiation8B tat$ l$v$l a:mini8trator8 8hol: anal;$ th$pro:ctivit; o $ach ho8pital to :$t$rmin$ h$th$r r$8orc$8 ar$tili$: $$ctiv$l;B

    *%n # nghi&n c'u n man; contri$8& th$ pblic 8$ctor rath$r thannonproit organiation8 provi:$8 th$ maorit; o comm$rcial an: 8ocial8$rvic$8& making th$ir contribtion $tr$m$l; :iiclt to m$a8r$ int$rm8 o conv$ntional aggr$gativ$ p$rormanc$ in:icator8 8ch a8r$trn on inv$8tm$nt "`(& r$8i:al incom$ "( an: proitabilit;B 4llho8pital8 tili$ r$8orc$8 to provi:$ man; 8$rvic$8& iB$B& a m$a8r$ oth$ otpt or h$althcar$ organiation8B Th8& a88$88ing th$ $ici$nc;o ho $ll inpt i8 8$: to pro:c$ th$8$ 8$rvic$8 i8 an importantm$a8r$ o p$rormanc$B

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    *J d> 4 (cont.)

    c #i0- k1 thu!t #2nh l3ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u` th$ Nj&jej pblic an: privat$ m$:ical in8tittion8op$rating in Taian a8 o th$ $n: o NOO& pblic an:privat$ m$:ical car$ in8tittion8 compri8$: nin$t; 8$v$nho8pital8 a8 $ll a8 jeO clinic8 an: eP ho8pital8 a8 $ll a8Nd&NeL clinic8& r$8p$ctiv$l;BT7- 8uan tr9ng c5a v%n # nghi&n c'u 1iv$n th$8b8tantial amont o r$8orc$8 that gov$rnm$nt8 inv$8t inh$althcar$& $ici$nc; o pblic ho8pital8 i8 o priorit;

    conc$rnB Th$ inabilit; to :o 8o mak$8 it n$arl; impo88ibl$ toallocat$ m$:ical r$8orc$8 to ho8pital8 $$ctiv$l; rom agov$rnm$ntal l$v$lB

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    *J d> 4 (cont.)

    =>c ti&u nghi&n c'u a8$: on th$ abov$& $ 8hol: anal;$ not onl; th$ $ici$nc;o h$althcar$ 8$rvic$8 that pblic ho8pital8 o$r 8ing :ata $nv$lopm$nt anal;8i8",4(& bt al8o tho8$ actor8 to $nhanc$ th$ p$rormanc$ o ho8pital8 8o thata:mini8trator8 can r$vi8$ :ir$ction8 in manag$m$nt accor:ingl;B

    @h3ng ph"p #0 #t #3c ->c ti&u nghi&n c'u To :o 8o& th$ $ici$nc; o ac$ntral gov$rnm$nton$: ho8pital in Taian b$t$$n LL an: LLj can b$

    $valat$: 8ing :ata $nv$lopm$nt anal;8i8 ",4(B 48 pblic ho8pital8 in Taian ar$cat$gori$: a8 $ith$r c$ntral gov$rnm$nton$:& 8tat$on$: or cont;on$:& th$8ampl$ in thi8 8t:; can incl:$ c$ntral gov$rnm$nton$: ho8pital8 onl;B 4 mltipl$r$gr$88ion mo:$l can th$n b$ a:opt$: in hich th$ $ici$nc; 8cor$ obtain$: rom th$,4 comptation8 i8 8$: a8 th$ :$p$n:$nt variabl$w 8$v$ral op$ratingcharact$ri8tic8 o ho8pital8 can b$ cho8$n a8 th$ in:$p$n:$nt variabl$B n t$p N& th$inpt an: otpt actor that a88$88$8 th$ p$rormanc$ o a ho8pital can b$ :$in$:BTh$ otpt incl:$8 total nmb$r o inpati$nt :a;8 in a acilit;& total nmb$r o

    inpati$nt an: otpati$nt 8rg$ri$8& $m$rg$nc; room vi8it8 an: total nmb$r ootpati$nt vi8it8B Th$ inpt incl:$8 all acilit; $p$n8$8 min8 pa;roll an: totalho8pital b$: capacit;B Th$ ,4 $ici$nc; o th$ h$alth car$ in8tittion can b$i:$ntii$: 8ing th$ 00 approachB n t$p & i th$ 00 $ici$nc; val$ xN th$ ,%i8 in$ici$ntB 4t$r all $ntiti$8 ar$ $valat$: or t$chnical $ici$nc;& th$ otpt val$8 oth$ t$chnicall; in$ici$nt nit8 an: r$rn mo:$l can b$ incr$a8$: ntil th$; attain 00$ici$nc;B

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    *J d> 4 (cont.)

    Dt 8u d; kin48 anticipat$:& anal;8i8 r$8lt8 can in:icat$ that ,4con8trct8 or th$ n:$rl;ing pro:ction t$chnolog; o organiation8can b$ anal;$: rom ob8$rv$: otpt8 an: inpt8 8ing math$maticalprogramming m$tho:8BB 4::itionall;& $ici$nc; can b$ a88$88$:r$lativ$ to th$ compt$: pro:ction capacit;B $8lt8 o thi8 8t:; canprovi:$ a valabl$ r$$r$nc$ not onl; or ho8pital a:mini8trator8& btal8o polic; plann$r8B 488$88ing th$ p$rormanc$ o nonproitorganiation8 8hol: incl:$& in a::ition to $ici$nc;& th$ abilit; toi:$nti; an: $valat$ r$l$vant op$rating charact$ri8tic8 oing to th$irimportanc$ in organiational p$rormanc$B

    Eng gEp trong lFnh v;c lG thuCt vH th;c tiIn $8lt8 o thi8 8t:;can :$mon8trat$ that int$rt$mporal $ici$nc; gain8 can b$ attain$: inth$ h$althcar$ 8$ctor a8 ho8pital a:mini8trator8 an: polic; plann$r88triv$ to r$vi8$ manag$m$nt :ir$ction8 to incr$a8$ $ici$nc;B

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


    T@i liG tham khDo

    )no;& T "LL( Writing Effective WorkProposalsB Taip$iR +ang 0hih .bli8hing

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 2.34:T chc lp vit bo khoa hc thng mi ng trn tp ch quc t (4)


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