Viernes Mn Joan Manue…  · Web view ·...

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Transcript of Viernes Mn Joan Manue…  · Web view ·...




Holy Mary, Mother of God: Jesus is true God and true man Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

And World Peace Day

(The Christmas Truce, during World War I. Most impressive.)


中國朋友,你能幫我更正中文嗎?(Chinese friend, ¿can you please help me correct

the Chinese text?)Father Joan Manuel Serra i Oller ( ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Domingo IV de Adviento - A


San Juan Bautista, el más grande nacido de mujer. Pero el más pequeño del Reino de los Cielos es más grande que él / Sant Joan Baptista, el més gran nascut de dona, però el més petit del Regne del Cel és més gran que ell


Domingo III, de Adviento – Ciclo A

Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María / Solemnitat de la Immaculada Concepció de la Mare de Déu

8 de diciembre de 2016

"Y el ángel se retiró..."Un pensamiento de Albert Einstein y otro de Chesterton.


El Paraíso reencontrado, no el Paraíso perdido/ El Paradís retrobat, no el paradís perdut

2 Domingo de Adviento – CicloA


Eres dueño del momento, pero no del tiempo. El Dueño del Tiempo es

Jesucristo / Ets amo del moment, però no del temps. L’Amo del temps és

Jesucrist1 Domingo de Adviento–CicloA



EL COR TÉ UNES RAONS QUE LA RAÓ NO ENTÉNSolemnidad de Jesucristo Rey del Universo

20 de noviembre de 2016





6 de noviembre: Memoria de más de 1.500 mártires del siglo XX, en España




1 de noviembre: Todos los Santos y una Santa que no es una santa.


30 de octubre: Lazos de Amor y de Amistad.

DOMUND 2016. SAL DE TU TIERRA. DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES.Sor “Tripi” un torbellino de Dios en las cárceles de España.

16 de octubre: San Manuel González García, el apóstol de los Sagrarios abandonados. Canonizado hoy, en Roma, por el Papa Francisco.

12 de octubre: La Virgen del Pilar, patrona de la Hispanidad.Crónica, de un sacerdote Mariano, de la Solemnidad de la Virgen del Pilar:

9 de octubre (segundo domingo de octubre): Virgen de los Remedios. En los orígenes de los Trinitarios. Gloria a ti, Trinidad, y a los cautivos libertad.

7 de octubre: Virgen del Santo Rosario. La Virgen de la Victoria de Lepanto.

24 de septiembre: Virgen de la Merced: Mi Vida por tu libertad


Santa Teresa de Calcuta: Una Santa en la oscuridad. Canonizada el 4 de septiembre de 2016,en Roma, por el Papa Francisco.


Reading 1Nm 6:22-27The LORD said to Moses: "Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites.Say to them:The LORD bless you and keep you!The LORD let his face shine uponyou, and be gracious to you!The LORD look upon you kindly andgive you peace!So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them."

Responsorial Psalm Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8.R. (2a) May God bless us in his mercy.May God have pity on us and bless us;may he let his face shine upon us.So may your way be known upon earth;among all nations, your salvation.R. May God bless us in his mercy.May the nations be glad and exultbecause you rule the peoples in equity;the nations on the earth you guide.R. May God bless us in his mercy.May the peoples praise you, O God;may all the peoples praise you!May God bless us,and may all the ends of the earth fear him!R. May God bless us in his mercy.

Reading 2Gal 4:4-7Brothers and sisters:When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son,born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.As proof that you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!"So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then also an heir, through God.

Gospel Lk 2:16-21The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph,and the infant lying in the manger.


When they saw this,they made known the message that had been told them about this child.All who heard it were amazedby what had been told them by the shepherds.And Mary kept all these things,reflecting on them in her heart.Then the shepherds returned,glorifying and praising Godfor all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.

When eight days were completed for his circumcision,he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angelbefore he was conceived in the womb.

(Gospel for the Second Sunday After Christmas)A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint John (1,1-18):

In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word was God.He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him,and without him nothing came to be.What came to be through him was life,and this life was the light of the human race;the light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it.A man named John was sent from God.He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.He was not the light,but came to testify to the light.The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.He was in the world,and the world came to be through him,but the world did not know him.He came to what was his own,but his own people did not accept him.

But to those who did accept himhe gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.And the Word became fleshand made his dwelling among us,and we saw his glory,the glory as of the Father’s only Son,full of grace and truth.


John testified to him and cried out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘The one who is coming after me ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.’”From his fullness we have all received,grace in place of grace,because while the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.No one has ever seen God.The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side, has revealed him.

Thoughts for the homily:The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, at the heart of the Christmas Festivities, is a solemn declaration of the Mystery we celebrate, as we are led by the hand of Mary: God has become man, and true man.

And because the one who is born of Mary is God made man, Mary is properly the Mother of God.

This was declared by the Church at the Council of Ephesus (AD 431).

Before that, there had been the Council of Nicaea, and then there would be another very important Council: that of Chalcedon.

The history of Christology, in the first centuries of the Christian era, is fascinating. And you have to see it as a whole, to understand what is really at stake.

The following reflection is from the great American biblical theologian Raymond Brown. I am one of his Catalan translators.

The first great challenge to the Christian faith was raised by a confused priest named Arius. He argued that Jesus was not God, but was a created being. The most exalted of created beings, but a created being, after all. The "Arians" of today are the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their serious error is, thus, a very old one.




It could not be, said Arius, that God would have been born in a cave, that he would have been placed in a humble manger, the place where the food of the animals is placed. It could not be that God would have had to flee from a corrupt king, and would have been an illegal immigrant in Egypt.

It could not be that God had been the son of the carpenter of an insignificant village, Nazareth. It could not be that God had walked the dusty roads of this world, and that he had become tired to the point of exhaustion.

It could not be that God, the owner of everything, had not had a place to lay his head, during the three years of itinerant public life.

And above all, it could not be that God had hung on a Cross, naked, horribly wounded all over, and crowned with thorns. And that he would have died in this most horrible way, and would have been buried.

Against Arius, the Church, with the support of the Constantine Emperor, convoked the Council of Nicaea, in 325. Today we celebrate the memory of Pope St. Sylvester I. The first Pope of the Church who was not a martyr, since he was Pope after the Constantine Peace. The Council of Nicaea is the most important thing that happened during his papacy.

In that council was formulated the creed of the Church, which we recite every Sunday:

...I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.

它不可能是上帝會已經從一個微不足道的村莊,拿撒勒木匠的兒子。它不可能是神走了這個世界的塵土飛揚的道路,而且已經厭倦筋疲力盡。他不是神,一切的主人,沒有一個地方的三年期間巡迴公共生活打下我的頭。最重要的是,它不可能是上帝已經掛在樹上,赤身裸體,他做了一個生活痛,荊棘加冕。因此,他已死亡,被埋葬。阿里烏對教會的支持君士坦丁皇帝召集理事會尼西亞在今年 325今天,我們慶祝教皇西爾維斯特一的記憶教會的第一任教皇是不是烈士,因為它是羅馬教皇之後康斯坦丁和平。尼西亞理事會是他在位期間發生的最重要的。在本會教會的信條,我們背誦每個星期天被制定。



God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made (as Arius says), consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvationhe came down from heaven,and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,he suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the third dayin accordance with the Scriptures.He ascended into heavenand is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in gloryto judge the living and the deadand his kingdom will have no end....

The divinity of Christ was clear.

With the Council of Ephesus, declaring Mary, Mother of God, the faith defined in Nicaea was confirmed.

But then others came to disturb the peace of the believers. They were the Docetists, from the Greek "docete", which means "appearance".

If Jesus Christ was really God, then he would have been man only in appearance. If the Gospel tells us that he sat exhausted, and asked the Samaritan woman for water, it must have been in appearance, for God cannot be weary.

And if the Gospel tells us that before the dreadful passion he felt fear and in his soul he was consumed with sorrow to the point of death, it must have been in appearance ("docete", in Greek).


很明顯,基督的神性。隨著安理會的以弗所,宣告上帝的母親瑪麗在尼西亞信定義證實。但隨後他們來到別人打擾信徒的和平。 Docetists是,從希臘“docete”,這意味著“亮相”。如果耶穌真的是上帝,那麼人就只在外觀上。如果福音告訴我們,坐了下來精疲力盡的疲勞,並要求水撒瑪利亞婦人,應該是在外觀上,神不能累。如果福音告訴我們,之前的恐懼感到了恐懼的激情和靈魂“悲傷的死”,它應該是外觀(“docete”在希臘語中)。




Against this grave error, the Church convoked another great Council: the Council of Chalcedon (451), in which the double nature of Christ was defined: true God and true man!

¿Why is what we are saying, in relation to these great Councils of the Church, so important? asks Professor Raymond Brown.

¿Why is it so important whether Mary is, or not, Mother of God, as long as Jesus is our savior?

What is at stake, says very much to the point Raymond Brown, is the faith of the Church in the Love of God.

If Jesus is not God, says the great biblical scholar, our salvation has not cost God anything.

If, on the other hand, he is True God, from True God, then we know that God has loved us to the point of giving himself for us.

At the same time, if Jesus is not true man, at the same time as True God, then we can admire him but we cannot imitate him.

On the other hand, if he is a real man, we know that he has given his life with the same agony with which it is our duty to give our life. We know that he really got tired, to the point of exhaustion, walking through this world in the anguished search of the lost sheep. As it is our duty to tire ourselves to exhaustion, for this so lost world, but which God loves so much.

Mary is the Mother of God because he who is born of her is God made man, and made a real man, like us, except in sin.

So when He says to us, "Love one another as I have loved you," we



know that it is our turn to give our life with the same agony and suffering with which He really, and not in appearance, gave His life for every one of us.

Mary is the Mother of God and our Mother because Jesus gave her to us as a Mother from the Cross.

We are the beloved disciple, together with Mary, at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer.

Participating, with Mary, in an admirable way, in the Work of the Salvation of the world.


With our prayers and sacrifices offered with Love. As we like to remember so often.

In the words of Saint John Paul II, in the Eucharist we are about to celebrate, “we not only have the memorial of the greatest Love this world has ever known; we also have here the school of that Love.”

May the Most Blessed Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, help us to be, during this beginning year, excellent students in the school of the greatest Love. Thus helping bring peace to our troubled world, and thus reaching Heaven, after this arduous pilgrimage, but not alone, instead each one of us with a million friends.





中國朋友,你能幫我更正中文嗎?(Chinese friend, ¿can you please help me correct

the Chinese text?)


Father Joan Manuel Serra i Oller ( ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Parròquia de Sant Joan Baptista, de Sant Joan Despí.

Sala multiconfesional, Hospital Moisès Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona (Cataluña, España)

Parròquia de Sant Antoni de Pàdua. Comunitats del Camí Neocatecumenal. Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Prov. de Barcelona. Catalunya. España.

Església de Sant Joan, Sitges (Barcelona, España). / www.mossenjoan.com

Ver ésta y otras homilías mías en: / / /

Mis vídeos en (el youtube católico. NO estoy de acuerdo con los vídeos que en critican al Santo Padre Francisco):

Los Tweets de este cura twitero:

Los Dones del Espíritu Santo: Ilustrados en los ventanales de la Parroquia del Espíritu Santo de Barcelona: català:


The Faith of the Church in the One and Triune God (Father, Son

and Holy Spirit), and in the Double Nature of Christ (True

God and True Man), is beautifully represented in the

oriental icons. 

In the right hand, the three fingers together indicate the Trinitarian Mystery, and the

two separate fingers indicate the Double Nature of Christ.


La Tregua de Navidad(The Christmas Truce, during World War I:

Una cruz, dejada cerca de Ypres en Bélgica en 1999, para conmemorar el sitio de la tregua de Navidad de 1914. El texto

dice 1914

La tregua de Navidad de Khaki Chum


85 años

No olvidar.

Se conoce como Tregua de Navidad a un breve alto el fuego no oficial que ocurrió entre las tropas del Imperio alemán y las tropas británicas estacionadas en el frente occidental de la Primera Guerra Mundial durante la Navidad de 1914. La tregua comenzó en la víspera de la Navidad, el 24 de diciembre de 1914 cuando las tropas alemanas comenzaron a decorar sus trincheras, luego continuaron con su celebración cantando villancicos, específicamente Stille Nacht (Noche de paz). Las tropas británicas en las trincheras al otro lado respondieron entonces con villancicos en inglés.

Ambos lados continuaron el intercambio gritando saludos de Navidad los unos a los otros. Pronto ya había llamadas a visitas en la tierra de nadie, donde pequeños regalos fueron intercambiados: whisky, cigarrillos, etc.

La artillería en esa región permaneció silenciosa esa noche. La tregua también permitió que los caídos recientes fueran recuperados desde detrás de las líneas y enterrados. Se condujeron ceremonias de entierro con soldados de ambos lados del conflicto llorando las pérdidas juntas y ofreciéndose su mutuo respeto.

En un entierro en la tierra de nadie, soldados británicos y alemanes se reunieron para leer un fragmento del Salmo 23:


El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta.

Sobre pastos verdes me hace reposar,

por aguas tranquilas me conduce.

El Señor me da nueva fuerza,

me consuela, me hace perseverar.

Me lleva por el buen camino,

por el amor de su nombre.

Aunque camine por un valle oscuro

no temeré mal alguno porque Él está conmigo.

La tregua se propagó hacia otras áreas, y hay muchas historias — algunas quizá apócrifas — de partidos de fútbol entre las fuerzas enemigas. Hay cartas que confirman que el resultado de uno de esos juegos fue 3 a 2 a favor de Alemania.

En muchos sectores la tregua solo duró esa noche, pero en algunas áreas duró hasta el año nuevo, e incluso hasta el mes de febrero.

La tregua ocurrió a pesar de la oposición de los niveles superiores de los ejércitos. Anteriormente un pedido hecho por el papa Benedicto XV de una tregua entre las partes en guerra había sido desoído.

Los comandantes británicos John French y Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien juraron que una tregua así nunca volvería a permitirse (sin embargo ambos habían dejado el mando antes de la Navidad de 1915). En los años subsiguientes se ordenaron bombardeos de artillería en la víspera de la festividad para asegurarse de que no hubiera más reblandecimientos en medio del combate. Asimismo las tropas eran rotadas por varios sectores del frente para evitar que se familiaricen demasiado con el enemigo. A pesar de esas medidas hubo encuentros amigables entre soldados, pero en una escala mucho menor que la de los encuentros del año anterior.

Durante la Pascua de 1916 ocurrió una tregua similar pero en el Frente Oriental.

Armisticio informalDurante los dos años siguientes a la estabilización de las líneas del Frente Occidental, se produjeron otras situaciones de armisticio informal (i.e. armisticio no impuesto por el Alto Mando), en ambos bandos. Según los testimonios, los comandantes británicos recién llegados al frente se asombraban al ver tanto a los británicos como los alemanes exponiéndose sobre la línea de trinchera, dentro del alcance de las armas enemigas.

Con frecuencia, la artillería se disparaba sobre sitios concretos, en momentos determinados, para evitar bajas enemigas, en ambos bandos. En alguna ocasión, se intercambiaron disparos después de que un mortero mal situado golpease a las líneas británicas, tras lo cual un soldado alemán pidió disculpas a los británicos, parándose así el intercambio de disparos entre ambas trincheras.

LegadoEn 1999, el grupo llamado Khaki Chums (oficialmente: The Association for Military Remembrance) visitó una región de Flandes y recreó la Tregua de Navidad. Vivían como habían vivido los soldados británicos de la I Guerra Mundial, sin comodidades modernas.

El 21 de noviembre de 2005, el último veterano de guerra aliado superviviente de la tregua, Alfred Anderson, murió en Newtyle, Escocia, a los 109 años.

En películas, canciones, videos y librosLa tregua se llevó a la pantalla en la película francesa de 2005 Joyeux Noël (Feliz Navidad). (La película fue nominada al Oscar en la categoría de Mejor Película en lengua extranjera en su 78ª edición.) sobre la historia del tenor alemán Walter Kirchhoff. La Tregua de Navidad fue también retratada en la película de Richard Attenborough Oh What a Lovely War.

Se han escrito libros sobre la Tregua de Navidad, incluyendo la obra de Stanley Weintraub Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce, en el que relata este suceso del que él mismo fue testigo.

La tregua fue también recordada en el vídeo de Paul McCartney, Pipes of Peace, de 1983.

En el episodio final de Blackadder Goes Forth, los protagonistas discuten sucesos del pasado que les llevaron a su situación actual, incluyendo la Tregua de Navidad. El Capitán Blackadder añadió cínicamente: "Ambos


bandos avanzaron más lejos una visita a la trinchera enemiga durante la tregua de Navidad de lo que lo hicieron en los dos años y medio de guerra siguientes".

En 1990, el grupo británico The Farm grabó una canción que habla de este suceso: All Together Now, la cual se ha convertido en un himno futbolístico.

En el libro La caída de los gigantes, de Ken Follett, publicado en 2010, se mencionan la Tregua de Navidad y las medidas tomadas por los oficiales para conseguir que sus soldados accedieran a volver a abrir fuego contra los del bando contrario.

En el fútbol

El pasado 17 de diciembre de 2014 en Ypres, Bélgica, la UEFA conmemoró el centenario de la tregua de Navidad de 1914 en las trincheras de Flandes, en el cual estaba previsto levantar un monumento en el mismo sitio en el que se disputó el improvisado duelo futbolístico.

Michel Platini, presidente de la UEFA, invitó a los jefes de estado y de gobierno de Bélgica, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Reino Unido e Irlanda argumentando que “La ceremonia de conmemoración debe rendir homenaje a los soldados que, hace un siglo, expresaron su humanidad en un partido de fútbol escribiendo un capítulo en la construcción de la unidad europea y que son un ejemplo a seguir por las jóvenes generaciones de hoy”.Legado 1

Fuentes y Referencias: 1. Radio Bío-Bío (8 de abril de 2014). «La UEFA conmemorará el duelo entre soldados que se jugó en tregua navide-

ña de la I Guerra Mundial». Consultado el 9 de abril de 2014. «La ceremonia de conmemoración debe rendir ho-menaje a los soldados que, hace un siglo, expresaron su humanidad en un partido de fútbol escribiendo un capítu-lo en la construcción de la unidad europea y que son un ejemplo a seguir por las jóvenes generaciones de hoy».

Enlaces externos

 Wikimedia Commons alberga contenido multimedia sobre Tregua de Navidad:



Carmelita descalza(1515-1582)

Retrato de S. Teresa de Jesús.Autor anónimo. S. XVI

NADA TE TURBE…Let nothing disturb

you…Del infierno acosado aunque se viere,

burlará sus furores quien a Dios tiene…

In English:

Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa, Dios no se muda;la paciencia todo lo alcanza; quien a Dios tiene nada le falta:Sólo Dios basta.

Eleva tu pensamiento, al cielo sube, por nada te acongojes,

nada te turbe.

A Jesucristo sigue con pecho grande, y, venga lo que venga,

nada te espante.

¿Ves la gloria del mundo? Es gloria vana; nada tiene de estable, todo se pasa.

Aspira a lo celeste,que siempre dura;fiel y rico en promesas, Dios no se muda.

Ámala cual merece bondad inmensa; pero no hay amor fino

sin la paciencia.

Confianza y fe viva mantenga el alma, que quien cree y espera todo lo alcanza.

Del infierno acosado aunque se viere, burlará sus furores quien a Dios tiene.

Vénganle desamparos, cruces, desgracias; siendo Dios su tesoro nada le falta.

Id, pues, bienes del mundo; id dichas vanas; aunque todo lo pierda, sólo Dios basta.


Oración de Consagración de la Familia a los

Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María

Santísimos corazones de Jesús y María, unidos en el amor perfecto, como nos miráis con misericordia y cariño, consagramos nuestros corazones, nuestras vidas, y nuestras familias a Vosotros. Conocemos que el ejemplo bello de Vuestro hogar en Nazaret fue un modelo para cada una de nuestras familias. Esperamos obtener, con Vuestra ayuda, la unión y el amor fuerte y perdurable que Os disteis. Que nuestro hogar sea lleno de gozo. Que el afecto sincero, la paciencia, la tolerancia, y el respeto mutuo sean dados libremente a todos. Que nuestras oraciones incluyan las necesidades de los otros, no

solamente las nuestras. Y que siempre estemos cerca de los sacramentos. Bendecid a todos los presentes y también a los ausentes, tanto los difuntos como los vivientes; que la paz esté con nosotros, y cuando seamos probados, conceded la resignación cristiana a la divina voluntad de Dios. Mantened nuestras familias cerca de Vuestros Corazones; que Vuestra protección especial esté siempre con nosotros. Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María, escuchad nuestra oración. Amén.







A beautiful story that reminds us of

what we celebrate at Christmas

Sunday Letter | Come and worship him



Left: The Adoration of the Shepherds. Sagrada Familia Church, Barcelona, Spain.

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, I would like to tell you a brief story. It goes like this. A rich man had a great passion for art. He had everything in his collection, from Picasso to Raphael. He often sat down to admire his works of art. One day, his son marched to war. He died in battle while rescuing another soldier.

His father suffered bitterly. Days later, on Christmas Eve, someone knocked on his door. It was a young man with a package who said: "Sir, you do not know me; I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many others. The day he died, he was leading me to safety when a bullet pierced his heart. He often told me about you and your love of painting. "

The young man handed him the package: "I know it's not worth much, I'm not a great artist, but your son would like it to be for you." The father opened the package. It was the portrait of his son. He looked at the picture with emotion and was amazed to see how the soldier had managed to capture the personality of his son in painting, especially in the expression of his eyes. His own eyes filled with tears. He thanked the young man for his offer and wanted to pay for the painting. "Oh no, sir, I could never pay for what your son did for me! It's a gift". The father hung the portrait on the mantelpiece.

When the man died, the auction of all the paintings he owned was announced. Many wealthy people came wishing to acquire some of the famous works of his collection. There was also the portrait of the son.

The auctioneer hit his mallet to start the auction. "We'll start with the portrait of the son. What is offered for this portrait? "There was a silence. A voice from the back of the room shouted, "Forget about him! We have not come for that! We want the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Let's go to the real offers! »

The auctioneer continued with the auction: "The son! The son! Who takes the son? "There was a trembling voice coming from the back of the room:" I give ten dollars for the painting! "It was the old gardener in the house. He was poor and could not offer more.

"We have ten dollars! Who gives more? "The crowd began to get angry. They did not want the picture of the son. The auctioneer finally struck the mallet: "Going once, going twice, sold for 10 dollars!" "Let's start with the collection!" One shouted. "Yes, bring the works of value!" Said another. The auctioneer released his mallet and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is over." But, what about the paintings?" Said those present. "I am sorry," he replied, "the testament contained a secret which I can only now reveal: only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought it would inherit all the possessions of the deceased, including his mansion and his famous gallery. Therefore he who wanted the son,gets everything.

A beautiful story that reminds us of what we celebrate at Christmas: the birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem. Yes, he has become one of us. Let's welcome him. Let us make room for him in our home, in our family, in the depths of our heart. The shepherds of Bethlehem, on the first Christmas, felt the call of God to worship him and they went hastily, and they found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. They offered him what they had and what they were, they offered themselves to him, and announced him to all who wanted to listen: "They made known what they were told about the child; And all who heard it were surprised at what the shepherds were saying to them"(Lc 2,17-18). But let's not forget: he only talks about Jesus convincingly who is capable of worshiping him.

Dear brothers, may the Emmanuel, the God-with-us, grant you his peace, his strength, his joy, his Spirit.

+ Juan José OmellaOmella / Archbishop of Barcelona

Original: Http://

Translator: Father Juan Manuel Serra //