Verb to_..

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Verb to_..


การพูดและเขียนประโยคโดยเลือกใช Present simple ในสวนของ Verb to

be ( is am are ) เปนการเรียนรูการสรางประโยคพืน้ฐาน นอกจากผูเรียนไดเรียนรู

คําศัพท และโครงสรางของประโยคแลวแลว ยังไดฝก ทักษะการพดู อาน เขียน และ

สามารถนําความรูไปใช ศึกษาตอ ในระดับชัน้ท่ีสูงข้ึน และมีเจตคติท่ีดีตอการเรียน






1. นักเรียนบอกความหมายและหนาท่ีของ Verb to be

ในโครงสรางของ Present simple ไดถูกตอง

2. ระบุการเลอืกใช is / am / are (Verb to be) กับ ประธานไดถกูตอง

3. นักเรียนสามารถใช Verb to be กับ

- ประโยคบอกเลา

- ประโยคปฏเิสธ

- ประโยคคําถาม

4. นกัเรียนเห็นความสําคัญในการเรียนภาษาองักฤษ และรวมกิจกรรม



แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ช้ันประถมศึกษาปที ่ 5

เร่ือง verb to be ( is am are )คําชี้แจงในการทําแบบทดสอบ

๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีท้ังหมด 10 ขอ

๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเคร่ืองหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ท่ีเห็นวา ถูกตองท่ีสุดเพียง


1. Jack ........... a student.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. were

2.Sopha and I..................friends.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. was behind the chair?

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are

d. Were

4...........I a farmer?

a. Is

b. Isn’tc. Are

d. Am

5.The the town Hall.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. was

6.A dog the cage.

a. are

b. am

c. were

d. is

7.................. Rich and Gun singers?

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are

d. Was

8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy.

a. is

b. isn't

c. are

d. aren't

9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher.

a. isn't

b. aren't

c. are

d. is

10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't


a. is

b. isn't

c. are

d. aren't


1. a

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. c

เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ

Verb to be

is , am, are มีความหมายวา เปน, อยู, คือ


คํานามเอกพจน (มีหนึ่งเสมอ) ใชกริยา is

คํานามพหูพจน (มีมากกวาหนึ่ง) ใชกริยา are


ประธาน เอกพจน พหูพจน

บุรุษท่ี 1

บุรุษท่ี 2

บุรุษท่ี 3

I ใชกริยา am

You ใชกริยา are

He ใชกริยา is

She ใชกริยา is

It ใชกริยา is

We ใชกริยา are

You ใชกริยา are

They ใชกริยา are

เชน A fish is orange.

The cats are fat.

Min and Tom are tall.

You are a student.

He is a teacher.

เม่ือตองการทําเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ ใหเตมิ

“not” แปลวา “ไม” หลังคํากริยา is, am, are

เม่ือตองการทําเปนประโยคคําถาม ใหใช Is,

Am, Are วางไวหนาประโยค แลวเตมิเครือ่งหมาย ? ไว


ประโยคบอกเลา ประโยคปฏเิสธ ประโยคคําถาม

A fish is orange.

The cats are fat.

Min and Tom are tall.

You are a student.

He is a teacher.

A fish is not orange.

The cats are not fat.

Min and Tom are not tall.

You are not a student.

He is not a teacher.

Is a fish orange ?

Are the cats fat ?

Are Min and Tom tall ?

Are you a student ?

Is he a teacher ?

การตอบประโยคคําถามท่ีข้ึนตนดวย Is, Am, Are มี 2 วิธี คือ

1.ตอบรบั ใช Yes

2.ตอบปฏิเสธ ใช No

ขอควรจํา ถาถาม You ตองตอบ I

ถาม I ตองตอบ You

ประโยคคําถาม การตอบรับ การตอบปฏิเสธ

Is a fish orange ? •Yes, it is.

oYes. It is orange.

• No, it is not.

o No. It is not orange.

Are the cats fat ? •Yes, they are.

oYes. They are fat.

• No, they are not.

o No.They are not orange.

Are Min and Tom tall ? •Yes, They are.

oYes. They are tall.

•No, they are not.

o No.They are not tall.

Are you a student ? •Yes, I am.

oYes. I am a student.

•No, I am not.

o No. I am not a student.

Is he a teacher ? •Yes, he is.

oYes. He is a teacher.

• No, he is not.

o No. He is not a teacher.


• การตอบแบบส้ัน

o การตอบเตม็ประโยค

Exercise 1


1. They are _________ 6. I am not __________

2. I am _________ 7. She is not ___________

3. He is not _________ 8. Mary is ___________

4. It is _________ 9. We are __________

5. We are not _________ 10. They are not ________


3. This a telephone.

4. These trees.

5. It a butterfly.

6. She a nurse.

7. I a man.

8. A bird flying.

9. An ant slow.

10. You and I friends.

Exercise 2

ใหเตมิ is, am หรอื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I Sombat.

2. She Nuan.


Exercise 3

ใหเตมิ is , am หรอื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I a boy.

2. He a boy.

3. She a girl.

4. They boys.

5. We girls.

6. You a girl.

7. He tall.

8. She short.

9. They tall.

10. We short.

Exercise 4


1.That is a book.


2.This is a pencil.


3.Those are boys.


4.These are girls.


5.You are a doctor.


6.I am a student.


7.He is a teacher.


8.She is a nurse.


9.We are in school.


10. They are tigers.



1.I ( is, am, are ) in school.

2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus.

3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm.

4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf.

5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters.

6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas.

7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle.

8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big.

9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy.

10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.

Exercise 5Exercise 5


1.She is a teacher.


2.They are students.


3.You are a student.


4.These are cats.


5.Those are dogs.


6.This is an apple.


7.That is a pineapple.


8.He is a fireman.


9.She is a good girl.


10. He is a bus driver.


Exercise 6Exercise 6


1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.)


2.Are you at the door? (No.)


3.Are they dogs? (No.)


4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.)


5.Am I a student? (Yes.)


6.Are you a postman? (No.)


7. Are they students? (yes.)


8. Is he in the bus? (No.)


Exercise 7Exercise 7

ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

Exercise 8

Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria.

I (2) ___________5 years old.

It (3)_________ my birthday today.

I (4) ____________ very happy.

All my friends (5) __________ here today.

This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother.

Jack (7)__________ 14 years old.

His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar.

My brother has brown hair and black eyes.

He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.

Read the letter and then answer the questions.

Dear, students

My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta.

Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada.

My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my

class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are

hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music.

If you want to write to my class, go to In your e-

mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to


I hope to read your e-mail soon!


1.What’s the writer’s name?


2.Where is she from?


3.What is her nationality?


4. How old are the students in her class?


5.What sports do they like?


Exercise 9


1. What’s your name?


2. How old are you?


3. Where are you from?


4. What’s your nationality?

= _______________________________________________________________

5. What’s your address?


6. What’s your telephone number?

= ________________________________________________________________

7. What is your favorite fruit?


8. How tall are you?


9. What is your pet?


10. When is you birthday ?


Answer these questions



1. They are _________ 6. I am not __________

2. I am _________ 7. She is not ___________

3. He is not _________ 8. Mary is ___________

4. It is _________ 9. We are __________

5. We are not _________ 10. They are not ________




He’s not / He isn’t


We’re not / We aren’t

I’m not

She’s not / She isn’t



They’re not / They aren’t

Answer Exercise 1

3. This a telephone.

4. These trees.

5. It a butterfly.

6. She a nurse.

7. I a man.

8. A bird flying.

9. An ant slow.

10. You and I friends.

ใหเตมิ is, am หรอื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I Sombat.

2. She Nuan.











Answer Exercise 2


ใหเตมิ is , am หรอื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I a boy.

2. He a boy.

3. She a girl.

4. They boys.

5. We girls.

6. You a girl.

7. He tall.

8. She short.

9. They tall.

10. We short.











Answer Exercise 3


1. That is a book.


2. This is a pencil.


3. Those are boys.


4. These are girls.


5. You are a doctor.


6. I am a student.


7. He is a teacher.


8. She is a nurse.


9. We are in school.


10. They are tigers.


That is not a book.

This is not a pencil.

Those are not boys.

These are not girls.

You are not a doctor.

I am not a student.

He is not a teacher.

She is not a nurse.

We are in school.

They are not tigers.

Answer Exercise 4


1.I ( is, am, are ) in school.

2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus.

3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm.

4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf.

5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters.

6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas.

7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle.

8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big.

9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy.

10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.

Answer Exercise 5


1.She is a teacher.


2.They are students.


3.You are a student.


4.These are cats.


5.Those are dogs.


6.This is an apple.


7.That is a pineapple.


8.He is a fireman.


9.She is a good girl.


10. He is a bus driver.


Is she a teacher ?

Are they students ?

Are you a student ?

Are these cats ?

Are those dogs ?

Is this an apple ?

Is that a pineapple ?

Is he a fireman ?

Is she a good girl ?

Is he a bus driver ?

Answer Exercise 6


1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.)


2.Are you at the door? (No.)


3.Are they dogs? (No.)


4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.)


5.Am I a student? (Yes.)


6.Are you a postman? (No.)


7. Are they students? (yes.)


8. Is he in the bus? (No.)


Yes, she is.

No, I’m not.

No, They aren’t.

No, he isn’t.

Yes, you are.

No, I’m not.

No, he isn’t.

Yes, they are.

Answer Exercise 7

ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria.

I (2) ___________5 years old.

It (3)_________ my birthday today.

I (4) ____________ very happy.

All my friends (5) __________ here today.

This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother.

Jack (7)__________ 14 years old.

His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar.

My brother has brown hair and black eyes.

He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.






is is




Answer Exercise 8

Read the letter and then answer the questions.

Dear, students

My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta.

Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada.

My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my

class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are

hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music.

If you want to write to my class, go to In your e-

mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to


I hope to read your e-mail soon!


1.What’s the writer’s name?


2.Where is she from?


3.What is her nationality?


4. How old are the students in her class?


5.What sports do they like?





12 Or 13

hockey, skiing, and snowboarding

Answer Exercise 9

1. What’s your name?


2. How old are you?


3. Where are you from?


4. What’s your nationality?

= _______________________________________________________________

5. What’s your address?


6. What’s your telephone number?

= ________________________________________________________________

7. What is your favorite fruit?


8. How tall are you?


9. What is your pet?


10. When is you birthday ?


Answer these questions


Answer Exercise 2


แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ช้ันประถมศึกษาปที ่ 5

เร่ือง verb to be ( is am are )คําชี้แจงในการทําแบบทดสอบ

๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีท้ังหมด 10 ขอ

๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเคร่ืองหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ท่ีเห็นวา ถูกตองท่ีสุดเพียง


1. Jack ........... a student.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. were

2.Sopha and I..................friends.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. was behind the chair?

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are

d. Were

4...........I a farmer?

a. Is

b. Isn’tc. Are

d. Am

5.The the town Hall.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. was

6.A dog the cage.

a. are

b. am

c. were

d. is

7.................. Rich and Gun singers?

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are

d. Was

8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy.

a. is

b. isn't

c. are

d. aren't

9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher.

a. isn't

b. aren't

c. are

d. is

10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't


a. is

b. isn't

c. are

d. aren't


1. a

2. c

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. c

เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ

กระดาษคําตอบ คะแนนที่



ขอ ก ข ค ง












สมเดช สแีลง และคณะ. แนวทางการจัดทําผลงานทางวิชาการและตัวอยางผลงานวิชาการ

(2550).นครสวรรค : หจก.ริมปงการพิมพ.

เสาวภา อุทุม. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เร่ือง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงท่ีมา :

/bookr2/saowapa/t05.html [5 ธันวาคม 2550].

อรพินท จวงพันธ. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เร่ือง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงท่ีมา : http://www. /bookr2/aurapin/t01.html [10 ธันวาคม 2550].

Raymond Murphy (1997). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.

Victoria-Ladybug. (2008). [online]. Available :

[2008, March 9].