V Seminario de preparación de propuestas a los Programas ... · V Seminario de preparación de...

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Transcript of V Seminario de preparación de propuestas a los Programas ... · V Seminario de preparación de...

Manuel Jiménez Díaz FAICO Centro de Innovación y Tecnología


Antequera 05.06.12

V Seminario de preparación de propuestas a los Programas Marco de la UE



B1. Calidad Científica 3 / 5

B2. Implementación 3 / 5

B3. Impacto 3 / 5 Total 10/15

Fase 1

B1. Calidad Científica 4 / 5

B2. Implementación -

B3. Impacto 3 / 5 Total 8/10

Fase 2:

1. Calidad Científica 4 / 5

2. Implementación 3 / 5

3. Impacto 3 - (4 para Large)/5Total 12/15

en vez de 10/15



B1. Calidad Científica 3 / 5

B2. Implementación 3 / 5

B3. Impacto 4 / 5 Total 11/15







3. Impact. The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results.

3.1 Contribution, at the European and/or internationallevel, to the expected impacts listed in the workprogramme under the relevant activity

3.2 Appropriateness of measures envisaged for: 3.2.1 Project results and management of intellectual property3.2.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results





Términos clave

• S e g ú n e l w o r k p r o g r a m m e• A n i v e l e u r o pe o• F a c t o r es e x t e r n o s




Gestión del conocimiento IPR

……. aspectos ÉTICOS, de SEGURIDAD, de GÉNERO

• S e g ú n e l w o r k p r o g r a m m e• A n i v e l e u r o pe o• F a c t o r es e x t e r n o s




G e s t ió n d e l c o n o c im i en t o I P R


Pero… hay que justificarlo

KBBE.2012.1.3-04: Optimised terrestrial farm animal reproduction systems and/or


Call: FP7-KBBE-2012-6 – single stage Achieving good reproductive performance is an essential component of any efficient system of farm animal breeding. Decreased fertility and longevity is an increasing problem in certain systems of terrestrial animal production. Fertility is the principal factor determining lifetime productive efficiency and survival of individuals, and also the health and welfare status of farm animals. Good fertility and optimal reproductive performance are key elements in improving resource efficiency and reducing overall environmental impacts. This multidisciplinary topic focuses on developing systems, processes and/or technologies to improve reproductive efficiency in terrestrial farm animals in a balanced and sustainable manner. The approach may target production systems ranging from intensive to extensive, including organic farming. Domains for investigation could include genetics, physiological or management aspects of reproduction, including novel trait measurements and trait ontology, as well as advanced techniques.

Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs).

Additional eligibility criteria: − The requested European Union contribution shall not exceed EUR 3 000 000 per proposal. − SME-targeted Collaborative Projects will only be selected for funding on the condition that the estimated EU contribution going to SME(s) is 15 % or more of the total estimated EU contribution for the project as a whole.

Additional information: Up to two projects may be funded.

Expected impact: Better understanding of the mechanisms in the animal that

influence reproduction characteristics. Use of reproductive strategies for the sake of

efficient, well balanced and sustainable livestock production. Innovative systems and

technologies. Sustainable and efficient production and management of biological



KBBE-2008-1-2-08: Novel approaches for reducing nitrogen lossesCall: FP7-KBBE-2008-2BTo facilitate the implementation of policies for the protection of water from nitrates leaching from agriculture, the project will identify innovative and cost-effective technologies addressing: a) the efficiency of measures and farming practices to reduce nitrogen losses to water, such as use of inhibitors, catch crops, etc; b) the nutrient transport processes in soil, different pathways of nutrient losses in the environmental media (water and air) and interactions of measures to reduce such losses. There is a need to enhance the applicability of existing and newly developed technologies by assessment, verification and testing in order to improve the performance of such technologies at farm level.Funding scheme: Coordination and support action aiming at supporting the KBBE.

Expected impact: Improve and facilitate the implementation of water protection policy at farm level across the EU, with particular focus on the Nitrates Directive. The availability of innovative and cost-effective technologies and farming practices for dealing with excess nitrogen management will allow the farmers to reach the objectives of Community legislation at lower costs.

Trasladar REPETIDAMENTE términos clave del ‘expected impact’ a la propuesta.

3. ¿Por qué existe el apartado IMPACTO?






‘The next Framework Programme must be

firmly based on the twin pillars of scientific

excellence and economic and social relevance.’

1997 – Assessment

‘The focus should be strengthening the quality, relevance and impact of

the future Framework Programmes.’

Five year Assessment

Report (2004)

1. Describir el ‘impacto científico-técnico’2. Explicar cómo éste producirá ‘impacto político’

Escribir el apartado impacto consiste en…

Para escribir sobre ‘impacto político’ hay que conocer y usar (CITAR) documentos legislativos

-Green papers (documentos presentados para debate público)

- White papers (documentos políticos presentados para discusión y decisión política)

- Directivas- Comunicaciones de la Comisión


Algunas ideas para redacción

Qué ocurriría si no se desarrolla esa propuesta

If no serious research is developed in this field, European

industry/health system/population….faces the risk of ….

Qué se ha hecho hasta ahoraAt present time,

NO /only partial /incomplete/notfocused in this point

developments have been performed…

Ámbitos afectados A complete range of areas of Europeanindustry/population/stakeholders

will be affected by the results of thisproject. Not only……….. but…….




G e s t ió n d e l c o n o c im i en t o I P R


Investigación Básica

Investigación Aplicada

PrototipoProducto o


Actividades de difusión externa:

-Publicaciones (manuales, revistas, folletos)-Eventos públicos (conferencias, talleres, jornadas).-Webs.






Otros productosServicios

Modelos de negocioInformación pública



A cada resultado sucesivo del proyecto puede asignarse:

Descripción del resultado

‘Lead users’

Ruta de explotación

Posibilidades de Financiación

Investigación Básica

Investigación Aplicada

PrototipoPrototipo comercial

Producto o servicio



Programa Marco


Fase pre-competitiva

Fase competitiva

EUREKA, Fondos estructurales

Cap. Riesgo, inversores

Hay que aportar información sobre el plan de explotación: cómo financiaremos cada fase

Programas nacionales

Un posible índice para el impactoB.3 Impact

B.3.1 Strategic impact according to workprogramme.

B.3.1.1 Contribution towards the expected impacts

B.3.1.2 Important steps needed to bring about these

B.3.1.3 Why this contribution requires a European dimension

B.3.1.4 Accounts of other national and international activities

B.3.1.5 Assumptions and external factors that may determine

whether the impact will be achieved.

B.3.2 Plan for the use and dissemination of foreground

B.3.2.1 Dissemination of the project to specific stakeholders

B.3.2.2 Dissemination of the project results

B.3.3 Exploitation of the project results . Financing plan.

B.3.4 Management of intellectual property

Incluir encabezados en negrita indicando cada tema comentado

Diagrama de impacto


La información y el conocimiento que se pone en juego se divide en dos tipos: background y foreground.

Background: the project-related information and IP rights beneficiaries hold before entering the project. Usually, each beneficiary is expected to contribute key background information to the project.

Foreground: the information and IP rights that beneficiaries generate within the project, the results of the project.


En fase de propuesta debemos definir cómo prevemos que se acceda al BACKGROUND y cómo va a protegerse y repartirse el FOREGROUND, respetando las reglas FP7.


CONSULTAR: ‘How IP rules work in FP7’ en

•Expected outcomes of the project beyond the state of the art. Participants should carry out searches in patent documents and scientific literature to ensure that they are not going to duplicate research efforts .

•Confidentiality. Any confidentiality agreements signed during negotiations, any confidentiality clauses in the consortium agreement and any other measures taken to protect confidential information can be mentioned.

•Joint ownership.

•Protection of the results. Participants may show that they are aware of the adequate IP rights to serve the protection and exploitation of the expected results, and, in addition, that they would consider the application of the most adequate policy, making use of internal or external resources.

•Use of the results. Participants should refer to their plans for the use of the project results. They may indicatewhether they plan to use the results directly or license them to third parties, create and sellproducts and/or services, etc. They can also mention the sectors they consider relevant.

Algunos aspectos a mencionar en la propuesta


ETHICAL ISSUESAspectos éticos

ETHICAL ISSUEShttp://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ethics_en.html

OJO: No sólo en BÍO-SALUD.También en TICs e incluso en NANOTECNOLOGÍA

En cualquier caso, si no hay NINGÚN aspecto ético, incluir una breve explicación haciendo hincapié en ello. NO DEJAR EN BLANCO.

Afterconsidering in detail genderaspects in thisproposal, ….


Only in exceptional cases will additional information be sought for clarification, which means that any ethical review will be performed solely on the basis of the information available in the proposal.

Only in exceptional cases will additional information be sought for clarification, which means that any ethical review will be performed solely on the basis of the information available in the proposal.

Ethics review is automatic for proposals which include a research intervention on humans, and/or the use of human embryonic stem cells and/or use of non-human primates

Ethics review is automatic for proposals which include a research intervention on humans, and/or the use of human embryonic stem cells and/or use of non-human primates

Security issuesAspectos de seguridad

• Describe if your proposal is security sensitive or not.

• If it is security sensitive, describe why, which are the participants concerned by the sensitivity, what are the measures foreseen to cope with it and annex to your proposal a first version of the Security Aspects Letter (SAL) using the template provided here after.

• Describe also your experience in managing security sensitive projects if relevant.

General• The performance of the grant agreement will involve information classified "CL restricted", "CL confidential" or "CL secret" UE (see Annex 6).• A Facility Security Clearance is [or is not] required.• Persons who need to access EU classified information must have an EU personal security clearance and be briefed as to their responsibility for security40.• The concerned beneficiaries shall take all measures prescribed by the National Security Authority/Designated Security Authority (NSA/DSA) for safeguarding EUCI.• The concerned beneficiaries shall appoint a Facility Security Officer (FSO).• The concerned beneficiaries, through the FSO, shall maintain a continuing relationship with hisNSA/DSA.

Gender issuesAspectos de género

FOR women

BY women

ABOUT women

No evaluable, aunque se entra a discutir en fase de negociación.En cualquier caso, contribuya a conseguir propuestas REDONDAS.

Debemos distinguir si realizamos:

En cualquier caso, si no hay NINGÚN aspecto de género, incluir una breve explicación haciendo hincapié en ello. NO DEJAR EN BLANCO.

Afterconsidering in detail genderaspects in thisproposal, ….

CONCLUSIONES:-El impacto debe ser MUY GRANDE, pero hay que JUSTIFICARLO

-Es importante quehaya impacto industrial, aplicado -> jobs and growth

-Incluir cifras que cuantifiquen el impacto

-Citar documentos oficiales que apoyen lo que decimos.

-Plan de difusión.-Plan de explotación.


-Buscar ayuda y asesoramiento,

especialmente en este apartado.

• Machine vision applications: - Automation of industrial manufacture, processing and packaging. - Safety systems in industrial environments- Quality control/failure detection- Visual stock control and management systems - Control of vehicles and industrial robots- Inspection of surfaces

• 3D Design/Digitization/Prototyping3D Design/Digitization/Prototyping3D Design/Digitization/Prototyping3D Design/Digitization/Prototyping- Reverse engineering- Solid CAD models- Cultural Heritage preservation- Rapid Prototyping- Healthcare

• PrintingPrintingPrintingPrinting technologiestechnologiestechnologiestechnologies

R+D+i Activity

Management and Leisure Middleware for

Theme Parks and Zoo

Controlar los accesos a distintas zonas del parque.

• Control del aforo máximo

• Flujo de visitantes en determinadas áreas

Control de seguridad

• Identificación de objetos abandonados

• Velocidad de vehículos permitidos

• Identificación de comportamientos

Control de mantenimiento

• Estado de limpieza del parque

• Estado de la iluminación nocturna

• Estado de las señales indicadoras
