Unit1 Good friends By Zhang Min 此课件由 360 大课堂 收集整理!

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Transcript of Unit1 Good friends By Zhang Min 此课件由 360 大课堂 收集整理!

Unit1 Good friends

By Zhang Min

此课件由 360 大课堂 http://www.360dkt.cn 收集整理!


What do you think a friend should be like?

In my opinion, a friend should be honest ( never tell lies).

brave: can face difficulties and dangers with courage and confidence.

loyal: not goes against one’s friend.

wise:of much experience, can make right decisions and give suggestions.

Handsome: (esp. of man)good-looking

Smart: well dressed,fashionable, quick in thinking etc.

humorous generous honest brave

loyal wise handsome smart


I like/love/enjoy…

I’m fond of ……

My favourite hobbies are……

My interests are…

I’m into……


I don’t enjoy/like……

I think …… is terrible/boring

I hate……

I’m not into

Language points:

1. honest a. 反义


______ honest manan

2. loyal a. be loyal to sb./sth.

每个人都应忠诚于自己的国家。Everyone should be loyal to their countries.

3. reason for…… ……的原因The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.

他缺席的原因是因为他病了。The reason for his absence is that he is ill.

The reason why he is absent is that he is ill.




The meal didn’t cost much, nor was it very delicious.

I don’t want to go, nor will I.

I have no excuse for being late, nor does he.

5. rock music is Ok, and so is skiing.

在肯定句后,加另一分句,表示某人,某事与刚才提到的情况相同时,常用 so 引导该分句,且该分句用倒装语序。6. be into ……对…深感兴趣,对…着迷7. be fond of sth./v-ing …

喜欢(习惯性的爱好 ), 通常不用于否定句。我父亲很喜欢钓鱼。My father is very fond of fishing.

1).He is fond of going to the cinema this afternoon.

2).I’m not fond of ice-cream because it’s too sweet.

8.rock music

9.classical music


1. 警方没有发现失火的原因。

2. Steve 不喜欢滑雪,也不喜欢溜冰。

3. 很多学生迷恋周杰伦。

4. 中国的每个人都喜欢上网。

The police haven’t found out the reason for the fire.

Steven doesn’t like skiing, nor does he enjoy skating.

Many students are into Zhoujielun.

Everyone in China is fond of surfing the internet.

The reason why he died was lack of food.

The reason for his death was lack of food.

4. I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.

在否定句后,加另一分句,表示某人某事与刚才提到的情况相同时,常用neither / nor 引起该分句,且该句用倒装语序。( nor 更正式 )


1.Have you ever lived a life without friends at all?

2.Suppose you have to live in a small room alone for about 90 days , what will you take with you ?Why?


1. 你上课讲话的原因是什么?2.John 很喜欢帮助他人。3. 我对古典音乐没有太大的兴趣, Joe 也没什么兴趣。4. 尽管他不是很机敏,但他很忠于自己的国家。


1.A _______ is a tool that you use for hitting things.

2.Someone who is ______ is willing to do something dangerous.

3. A ______ is a piece of glass in which you can see yourself.

4.A man who is good-looking is _________.

5.Someone who is _____ about something is completely truthful about it and does not hide anything.





6.Someone who is _____ is true to their friends, or their country.

7.Someone who is _____ is able to use their experience and knowledge to make right decisions.



Chuck’s friendFirst reading:

1. Who’s Chuck’s friend? Why does Chuck treat it as his friend?

2. Underline the new words.

It’s a football called Wilson. Chuck develops a friendship with Wilson in order to survive.

Find the right explanation for the new words.

1.deserted ( )

2.hunt ( )

3.share ( )

4.sorrow ( )

5.crash ( )

a.to have or use with others.

b.to chase and kill animals or birds for food or sport.

c.to cause sth. to knock against another

d.empty of people

e.feeling of sadness






Second reading:


Chuck Noland, a successful businessman, lands on an island after a plane crash.


Chuck has to learn basic survival skills on the island. In order to cope with his loneliness, Chuck develops a friendship with a vollelyball.


Five years’ life on the island teaches Chuck the importance of having friends and being a good friend. Wilson may just be a volleyball, but their friendship is real and in some ways better than Chuck’s friendships in the past.


Key sentence:

The last sentence.

Intensive reading


1.What is Cast Away?

2.What is Chuck Noland?

3.Why did he have little time for friends?

4.Where did the story happen?

5.What did Chuck do in order to survive?

6.How long did he stay there?

7.What did Chuck learn by living there alone?

1. What is Cast away?

A movie

2.What is Chuck Noland?

A successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world.

3.Why did he have little time for friends?

Because he was always very busy.

4.Where did the story happen?

On a deserted island.

5.What did Chuck do in order to survive?

He had to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and made fire. He also made friends with a football.

6.How long did he stay there?

For five years.

7.What did Chuck learn by living there alone?

1)He learned that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have someone to care about.

2)He also learned that he should have cared more about his friends.

3)He understands that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as we take.

Language points:

1.In the movie Cast Away,

1) cast vt. throw sth. with force 扔 , 投 ,掷

扔石头2)cast sb. away (usu. passive) leave sb.

somewhere as a result of a shipwreck 某人因沉船而流落某处

我(因沉船)被撇在荒岛上。I was cast away on a deserted island.

cast a stone

3)castaway n. person who has been shipwrecked and left in an isolated place. 沉船遇难流落在与外界隔绝之地的人2. Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland.

Play:play the part/role of, act 扮演3.survive vt. Continue to live or exist in spite of being killed or destroyed by sth.

幸免于…… ; 经历… .., 之后继续存在大火之后,幸存的建筑物绝无仅有。Few buildings survived the fire.

地震后他幸免于难。He survived the earthquake.

The plants may not survive the frost.

Survive vi. Continue to live or exist 幸存,活下来飞机堕毁了,无人幸存。The plane crashed, and no one survived.

I can’t survive on 30 pounds a month.

我每周收入 30 英镑难以活命。

4.crash vt. vi. 猛撞,撞毁He was so drunk that he crashed his car into a wall.

A plane crashed near the South Pacific, killing all the people on board.

crash n.

A car crash an air crash/a plane crash

5. A deserted island

1)deserted adj. Be empty of people 无人的 ; be abandoned 被抛弃的,被遗弃的 无人的的街道

A deserted street

2)desert v. 遗弃 , 抛弃 ( 人 , 物 ); 离弃( 地方 )

He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him.

他抛妻弃子,出国去了。He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.

3)desert n. 沙漠,荒漠,荒原6.alone / lonely

alone adj. adv. 做表语 ( 独自,单独 )

lonely adj. 做定语 , 表语 ( 寂寞 , 人烟稀少 )

I’m alone but I’m not lonely.

Chuck Noland lived alone on the deserted island for five years.

We have no idea why he left his company, Tom alone knows the secret.

7.In order to survive, Chuck ……

in order to = so as to 以便,为了He left early in order to get to school on time.

He left early in order not to be late for school.

He left early so as to get to school on time.

He left early so as not to be late for school.

He left early so that he wouldn’t be late for school.

8.Even though Wilsom is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him.

even though 尽管Even though he is poor, she likes him = He is poor, yet she likes him.

Even if he is poor, she likes him.

=He may be poor, yet she likes him.

9. treat ……as/like

Though she is over 40, they treat her as a child.

10. Share

1)share (in) sth.

The friends share (in) your sorrows as well as (in) your joys.

I’ll share (in) the cost with you.

2) Share sth.(out) among/between sb. 分配, 均分At his death his money was shared out between his children.

把糖分给孩子们。Share the sweets among the children.

3)share sth.with sb. 与别人共有或合用Please share your newspaper with me.

I’d like to share my secret with you.

11.care about 关心,关切12. He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

A: The fish has gone bad.

B: You should have kept it in the fridge.

You shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night.

Should have done 对本该做而未做之事,表示遗憾,责难或后悔之意。