Unit Thirteen

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Unit Thirteen. Ancient Sites of Three Kingdom. Ancient Sites of Three Kingdoms. Xiaoting---Ancient Battlefield. Guan Ling. Awe-inspiring Spirit in Changban. The Key to Unit Thirteen. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit Thirteen

Ancient Sites of Three Kingdoms

Xiaoting---Ancient Battlefield

Guan Ling

Awe-inspiring Spirit in Changban

The Key to Unit Thirteen

Yichang, the land where the ancient Three Kingdoms were located, was a hot military ( 军事的 ) place in every past dynasty. About 36 stories of the Three Kingdoms took place here. Your trip into Yichang is your trip into the historical drama ( 戏剧 )of the battlefield. It was here that General Zhao Zilong rescued ( 营救 ) his master alone.

It was here that General Zhang Fei bellowed(大声吼叫) with rage to break the bridge and made the water flow backward. It was here that General Guan Yu lost the city after the heavy defeat ( 失败 ) and ran to Mai Town .It was here that seven hundred miles of the barracks (兵营) were burned in the Yiling Battle.……Long history gives Yichang rich tour resources.

Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield in Yichang

countryside is located in the mountains and

cliffs ( 悬崖 ) on both banks of the river. It was

contended ( 争夺 ) by armies in the past

dynasties. More than 10 battles broke out

there .The most famous battle was Yiling

Battle between Wu and Shu in the Three

Kingdoms Period.

Changban Po Ancient Battlefield situated in the downtown area of Dangyang was the place where General Zhao Zilong fought against the enemy in the Three Kingdoms Period. It was here that General Zhao Zilong dashed into the enemy alone, and after the hard fight against the enemy, he finally rescued Mrs Gan and her son Liu Chan. From then on, the battlefield got famous together with the brave hero.

The General Guan’s Cemetery, the Yuquan Temple in Danyang and Huima Po in Yuan’an are the places about General Guan Yu. The Three Kingdoms Book said: Guan Yu lost the city of Jinzhou for his recklessness ( 大意 ) and went to Mai Town in the year of 24 of Jian’an. King Sun Quan of Wu caught and killed him at Huima Po of Yuan’an, and then King Sun Quan sent his head to King Caocao and buried his body in Dangyang.

Long history and rich culture make Yichang, the land where the ancient Three Kingdoms were located, more beautiful and more mysterious.


玉泉寺铁塔 back


今 日 猇 亭


三国故地宜昌 , 乃历代兵家必争之地 , 三国故事36 回在这里演义。走进宜昌,就走进了金戈铁马的历史话剧,在这里赵子龙单骑救主,张飞喝断桥梁水倒流,在这里关羽失城后败走麦城,夷陵之战火烧连营七百里……悠悠历史留给宜昌丰富的旅游资源。 宜昌城郊的猇亭古战场雄踞峡口,南北两岸悬崖峭壁,是历代兵家必争之地,曾在此发生过十多次战争,最为著名的是三国时期吴蜀之间的夷陵之战。

三 国 胜 地

位于当阳市中心市区的长坂坡古遗址,乃三国时赵子龙与敌人作战之地,赵子龙在此冲进敌军单骑救出甘夫人及幼主刘禅 , 从此该地与这位勇敢的英雄名扬天下。

当阳关陵庙、玉泉寺以及远安回马坡,则是与关羽有关之地。《三国志》载:建安二十四年,关羽大意失荆州,败走麦城。孙权于远安县回马坡擒关羽,斩关羽 ,“ 权送羽首于曹公”,“葬其尸骸”于当阳。





关 陵




Xiaoting--Ancient BattlefieldPassage 1

The historical famous scenic spot, as well as the important ruin of the Three Kingdoms Period, located in the southeast of Yichang, Hubei Province and the north bank of the Yangtze River, is the first pass and the east gate of the Three Gorges. From the city of Yichang, about 15 kilometers to the east along the Yangtze River is the Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms Period.

The origin of the name of the place -Xiaoting, is related to a story of the Three Kingdoms Period. In 208 AD, General Zhang Fei was sent here to be the governor of Yidu County. One day, when he visited the Huya Shoal here, he saw the torrential current, the cliffs and bluffs, and the submerged reefs make here a perfect place for strategic place. Then, he ordered the craftsmen to build a pavilion here.

Before the completion of the construction, he came here again for inspection. When he saw some figures of strange animals which looked like both of the tigers and dogs were engraved on the principal railings, he was very angry and asked the craftsmen what they were. The craftsmen were terribly frightened. They showed resourcefulness in an emergency and answered it was “Xiao”, the tiger posing like being hunting for food.

The figure was engraved for showing General’s invincible might. Satisfied with the answer, Zhang Fei laughed and ordered the people to engrave two characters of “Xiao Ting” on the pavilion. From then on, here was named “Xiao Ting” and it became famous. Located in a very important location, it was a place where the military must fight for, as well as the place where tens of battles took place.

The most famous battles which took place here included Xiaoting Battle that dominated the fate of Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Period, Jiangguan Battle of the Sui Dynasty and Suoqiao Battle of West-Jin Period. The battlefield is located in the back of mountain and faces the Yangtze River, and the terrain is very perilous. There are hundreds of landscapes which are the mimicked ancient battles of the ancient time.

The Huya Shoal along the Yangtze River is the first shoal to enter the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, where shoals and rapids are dangerous and high .There is a 1500 meters long ancient path on the cliff near the Huya Shoal. It looks like a great dragon lying on the cliff and forms the most unique scenery .Walking on this ancient path and looking into the distance of the south of the Yangtze River, some famous scenery including the Fairy Bridge and the General’s Cap will come clearly into view..

Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield is the starting point of Three Gorges and also the famous history relic.


Xiaoting---Ancient Battlefield


ruin n. 遗址torrential a 急流的 , 湍流的cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁bluff n. 悬崖,陡岸submerge v. 浸没,淹没reef n. 礁strategic a 战略性的 , 战略上的pavilion n. 凉亭,亭子engrave v. 雕刻resourcefulness n. 足智多谋

invincible a 不可战胜的might n. 力量 , 权势dominate v. 支配 , 统治 , 控制terrain n. 地形,地貌perilous a 危险的 , 危急的mimick v. 模仿,修复rapids n. (河的)急流unique a 独特的,独一无二的relic n. 遗迹

New Words

I. Answer the questions:

1. Where is the Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield?

2. What was the name “Xiaoting” from?

3. What did “Xiao” look like ?

4. Which were the most famous battles there?

5. Which is the most unique scenery of the

Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield? Can you describe

it in oral?




II. Decide the statements True or false:1. The Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield is located in the southeast of Yichang and the south bank of the Yangtze River. ( )2. General Zhang Fei liked the strange animal “Xiao” because it looked very beautiful. ( )3. Xiaoting Battle dominated the fate of Shu Kingdom. ( )4. There are hundreds of real landscapes of the ancient time. ( ) 5. The Huya Shoal where shoals and rapids are dangerous is the first shoal to enter the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. ( )


III. Multiple choices: 1. Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield is______A. located on the north bank of the Yangtze RiverB. in the centre of Yichang City.C. on a mountain D. in the Three Gorges2. Which of the following is not true?A. The craftsmen named the strange animal XiaoB. Xiao looked like both of the tigers and dogsC. Zhang Fei named the strange animal XiaoD. Zhang Fei ordered the people to engrave two characters of “Xiao Ting” on the pavilion key

3. Which battle didn’t take place at Xiaoting?A. Xiaoting BattleB. Chibi BattleC. Jiangguan Battle of the Sui DynastyD. Suoqiao Battle of West-Jin4. There are many scenic spots in Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield except_____A. the Fairy Bridge B. the General’s CapC. the Huya Shoal D. Hundreds Birds Garden5. Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield is famous because_______A. it is a perfect place for strategic place.B. many important battles took place there.C. there are hundreds of landscapes there.D. All of the above


中国历史名胜,同时也是三国时期的重要遗迹——猇亭古战场,位于湖北省宜昌市东南,长江北岸,为“三峡”东大门,入峡第一关。从宜昌市区出发,沿江东行约 15 公里,便到了三国猇亭古战场。 “ 猇亭”这一地名的由来于一个三国故事。公元208 年, 三国蜀将张飞任宜都郡太守。有一天他来到虎牙滩下,看见这里江水湍急 , 悬崖峭壁,暗礁丛生,便令工匠在此修一座亭子。



在亭即将竣工之前,张飞前来视察,只见亭的栏杆上刻有动物的图案,形似虎类犬,张飞看后,勃然大怒,责问工匠此为何物,工匠吓得浑身发抖,忽然急中生智答道:此乃虎猎食时的姿态,名为猇,是显示将军的神威。张飞随即转怒为笑,命人在亭中刻上“猇亭”二字。猇亭因此而得名,流传至今。 猇亭古战场位置重要,乃历代兵家必争之地,曾在此地发生的战事有几十次之多。最为著名的如三国时期决定蜀国命运的猇亭之战,隋朝的江关之战,西晋的索桥之战等等。

猇亭古战场依山临江,地势险峻。现修复古战场昔日雄姿的景观有百余处。 沿江的虎牙滩,是进入长江三峡的第一滩,滩险浪高。在虎牙滩江边的绝壁上,有一条长达1500 多米的古栈道,它象一条巨龙横卧在悬崖峭壁之间,形成了古战场最富有特色的景观,漫步古栈道,遥望江南,仙人桥,将军帽等景观历历在目。 猇亭古战场是长江三峡之旅的起点,也是著名的历史遗址。


Passage 2Guan Ling

From the city of Dangyang, 2 kilometers drive west along the Hedang Road you will come to Guan Ling. Guan Ling in Dangyang where the body of General Guan Yu was buried is one of the three biggest Guan Yu’s Temples in China. It has been there for more than 1700 years. Guan Yu, also named Guan Yunchang, was born in Jiezhou, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. He was the best of the five brave generals of the Shu Kingdom. In his whole life, he was intrepid and loyal to his king .

In the thousands years from his death till now, his loyalty is respected by all the Chinese in the world. From the Song Dynasty, he was piously worshiped by the Confucianism, the Buddhism, the kings in the past dynasties, and even the common people. In the Buddhism, Guan Yu was conferred the Jialan Saint. In the Song Dynasty, he was entitled the King of Martial Art and Safety. In the Ming Dynasty, he was granted the title of the Martial Saint.

In the Qing Dynasty, he was greatly adored by the people as Saint King Guan Yu integrating the loyalty, braveness, martial art, mercy, and the dignity. Obviously, as the Martial Saint, in the world of Chinese, he was as well-known as the Literal Saint, the Confucius. And, as a King entitled by the people, he was as important as the other kings in the past dynasties. All these nowadays could be well found out in the Guan Ling.

Guan Ling, covering about 5 hectares land, was built symmetrically along a middle line according to the king’s cemetery standard. His tomb was a round earth mound about 7 meters high, and 70 meters in perimeter. The sacrifice pavilion in front of the tomb mound was built in Nan Song Dynasty. The gate and the road were built in the Yuan Dynasty. And all the other constructions in the cemetery were built in the Ming Dynasty.

In recent years, the cemetery has been expanded and reconstructed for several times to take on a whole new look. From the front to the rear parts along the middle line, the cemetery consists of the following constructions including Saint Road Pavilion, the Stone Torii, the Sanyuan Gate, the Horse Hall, the Pilgrimage Hall, the Main Hall, the Bedding Hall, and the Mausoleum.

On two sides, there are ornamental columns, the Bell Towers, the Drum Towers, the Stele Gallery, the Dining Hall, the Laizhi Room, the Saint Image Pavilion, Baizi Temple, the Qisheng Palace, the Buddhist Hall, and the Chunqiu Cabinet. Around the cemetery, the king cemetery style walls were built with red painting and yellow tile. There are totally 3 places of Guan Yu’s Cemetery in the nation now.

The first is called “Guan Miao” in Guan’s hometown, the Yiguan Zhong of Jiezhou, Shanxi Province. The second is called “Guan Lin” in Luoyang of Henan Province, which is also said it is the place where Guan’s head was buried. The third one is the Guan Ling in Dangyang, the only one built according to the strict standard of the Kings’ mausoleum. A stele written “Overawe Hua Xia” was bestowed by the King Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.

1. the Jialan Saint 伽蓝神 2. the King of Martial Art and Safety 武安王3. the Martial Saint武圣人4. the Literal Saint 文圣5. Confucius 孔子


New Words:

intrepid a. 勇敢的,无畏的piously ad. 虔诚地worship v. 崇拜,敬神Confucianism n. 儒家Buddhism n. 佛教confer v. 授予,赠给saint n. 圣人 ,道德崇高的人entitle v. 给(某人)权利(或资格)adore v. 崇拜; 爱慕,热爱integrate v. 使合并 , 使一体化mercy n. 仁慈

dignity n. 尊贵,高尚symmetrically ad.对称地 ,匀称地mound n. 土堆,石堆sacrifice n. 祭品,供品rear n. 后部,后面pilgrimage n. 朝圣,参拜圣地mausoleum n. 陵墓ornamental a 装饰的,美化的drum n. 鼓stele n. 古代的墓碑tile n. 瓦片,瓷砖bestow v. 把…赠予


I. Answer the questions:

1. What is Guan Ling? Where is it?

2. Who was Guan Yu ? How was his


3. How large is Guan Ling?

4. When were the main constructions built?

5. How many cemeteries of General Guan Yu

are there? Where are they?



II. Decide the statements true or false:1. Guan Ling is the cemetery where General Guan Yu’s head was buried. ( )2. Cao Cao killed Guan Yu. ( )3. Guan Yu was memorized because of his loyalty ( )4. The gate and the sacrifice pavilion were built in the Yuan Dynasty. ( ) 5. Guan Ling in Dangyang is the only one built according to the strict standard of the Kings’ mausoleum ( )


III. Multiple choices: 1. Guan Ling is______A. in Yuquan Temple.B. in the centre of Dangyang city.C. on a mountain D. 2 kilometers drive west from the city of Dangyang2. In the Ming Dynasty, he was granted the title of ______A. the Martial SaintB. the King of Martial Art and SafetyC. the Jialan Saint.D. Saint King


3. From the front to the back parts along the middle line, the cemetery consists of ______A. the Pilgrimage Hall, the Main Hall, the Stele GalleryB. the Saint Image Pavilion, Baizi Temple, the Qisheng PalaceC. the Stone Torii, the Sanyuan Gate, the Bedding HallD. the Horse Hall, the Bell Towers, the Drum Towers4. Which of the following is true? key

A. Guan Yu is respected by all the people in the world.B. Guan Yu was also named Guan YunchangC. The gate and the road were built in the Ming DynastyD. A stele written “Overawe Hua Xia” was bestowed to Guan Lin.5. Which of the following is not Guan Yu’s Cemetery?A. Guan Miao B. Din Ling C. Guan Lin D. Guan Ling


从当阳市出发,沿荷当公路西行 2 公里,便到了关陵。当阳的关陵是埋葬关羽身躯的地方 , 是中国三大关庙之一 ,距今已有 1700余年历史。 关羽,字云长,山西运城解州人;三国时蜀汉,“五虎将”之首。关羽一生忠义绝伦,勇猛无比。千百年来,关羽“忠义仁勇”的形象己成为海内外华人广泛崇拜的偶像,特别是宋代以来,关羽不仅为民间百姓广为敬奉,还为儒家、佛家、历代帝王所极力推崇。


关 陵

中国佛教早就把关羽封为“神”,曰“伽蓝神”。宋代,封关羽为“武安王”;明代,即封为“武圣人”还加封为“大帝”。到清代,关羽则是集“神”、“圣”、“帝”于一身,封曰“忠义神武仁勇灵佑威显关圣大帝”。显然,作为武圣,关羽己与文圣孔子齐名;而作为“大帝”,他也便与皇帝齐位了。如今,历史上的这些“关公热”的轨迹,在当阳关陵中均能找到。 关陵,占地 70余亩。中轴对称帝陵制。陵冢为一圆形封土堆,高 7米,围 70米。南宋时基前建一亭;元初修建墓门、墓道;墓地的其它结构部分则在明朝建成。

近年来,关陵庙曾多次维修扩建,今日关陵己焕然一新。陵区自前至后沿轴线依次为:神道碑亭、“汉室忠良”石牌坊、三元门、马殿、拜殿、正殿、寝殿、陵墓;两旁有华表、钟楼、鼓楼、碑廊、斋堂、来止轩、圣像亭、伯子祠、启圣宫、佛堂、春秋阁等。陵区四周,环以帝陵式红墙黄瓦宫墙。 全国现有三处关羽陵墓。一是关羽故里山西解州衣冠冢,称为关庙;二是河南洛阳厚葬关羽首级处,称为关林;三是当阳关陵,唯此处按皇帝陵寝定制,有清朝乾隆皇帝赐的《威震华夏》匾额。


Awe-inspiring Spirit in Changban

Passage 3

The Changban Po in the Three Kingdoms Period was the place that General Zhao Zilong rescued A Dou. It was also in the place that General Zhang Fei bellowed with rage to repel the army of Cao. According to the historical records, in 208 AD, General Cao Cao led his troops to Jinzhou in the south after his successful conquering the strong northern kingdoms.

At the moment, Liu Biao, who set up another regime by force of arms in Jinzhou, died suddenly, and his son, Liu Cong surrendered without fighting. Liu Bei, another King at Fan City led his troops and the people to evacuate to Jiangling, another important city of Jinzhou area. When Cao Cao heard the news, he was afraid that Liu Bei would get enough time to reorganize the troops and fight against him. He sent 5000 cavalries to cut the evacuation.

Two troops finally met in Changban Po in Dangyang. Liu Bei were defeated in panic, and fled without taking his wife and son. But General Zhao Zilong, the guardian of Liu Bei’s family dashed into the enemy seven times and finally rescued Mrs Gan and her son. In this battle another famous general was Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei was at the back of the battlefield only with twenty cavalries.

When the army of Cao chased Zhao Zilong on the Baling Bridge, Zhang Fei bellowed with the lance in the hand on the horse: “I’m Zhang Yide, who dare fight with me?” His sound which was like a big thunder was so high that General Xia Houjie, the general of Cao army, was frightened to fall to the ground and died. From then on, there was the story that General Zhao Fei bellowed with rage to break the bridge and made the water flow backward.

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to memorize Zhao Zilong and Zhang Fei’s glory in Changban Po battle, the local government set up a stele with engraved letter “Awe-inspiring spirit in Changban” in Dangyang. The Changban Po ancient battlefield is situated in the downtown area of Dangyang. In 1936, the Changban Po Garden was built there. Since the liberation in 1949, the Changban Po Garden has been reconstructed several times as a leisure place.

In 1979, the Changban Po Garden Administration was founded by the Dangyang government. Then it has been expanded and decorated constantly. In addition, in order to show Zhao Zilong’s awe-inspiring spirit, the statue of him has been set up in the garden. In 1980, as one of the provincial touring areas proved by the provincial government, it was opened to the public formally.

In Dangyang there is a street named Zilong Street, where Zhao Zilong fought against the enemy. There the Changban Po Battle Showroom is on schedule to show the world the history and the culture of the Changban Po Battle and the Three Kingdoms Period.

On the north bank of Ju River, which is about 5 kilometers from Changban Po, there is a small wood bridge more than 2 meters wide.

This is the Baling Bridge, where Zhang Fei displayed his awe-inspiring spirit. Zhang Fei’s image on the black horse was sculptured on the bridge. The Prince Bridge whose original name was Yuyang Bridge is on the south-west of Changban Po. According to the history that Zhao Zilong took A Dou who became the prince in 24 of Jian’an to Liu Bei here, so it was named the Prince Bridge.

The Liangliang Spring not far from here has been repaired again. All these places of the Changban Po ancient battlefield show the awe-inspiring spirit of Changban Po.ZhaoYun back

awe-inspiring a 令人敬畏的repel v. 击退,抵制conquer v. 克服,战胜regime n. 政体arm n. 武器surrender v. 投降evacuate v. 转移cavalry n. 骑兵

evacuation n. 转移flee v. 逃跑chase v. 追逐,追赶lance n. 长矛glory n. 光荣,光辉administration n. 管理部门statue n. 雕像,塑像sculpture v. 塑造,雕刻

New Words:


I. Answer the questions: 1. Why say “awe-inspiring spirit in Changban Po”?2. What happened in 208AD?3. Why did Cao Cao send cavalries to chase Liu Bei?4. Why was the stele with engraved letter “Awe-inspiring spirit in Changban” set up?5. How many sites of the Changban Po ancient battlefield are in Dangyang? What are they?



II. Decide the statements true or false:1. Changban Po becomes well-known because of Zhao Zilong. ( )2. Liu Biao and Liu Bei were both kings at Fan City. ( )3. With the help of Zhao Zilong, Liu Bei defeated Cao Cao. ( )4. With the help of Zhang Fei, Zhao Zilong finally rescued Mrs Gan and her son. ( ) 5. A stele with engraved letter “Awe-inspiring spirit in Changban” was set up in Dangyang in the Ming Dynasty. ( )


III. Multiple choices: 1. Who rescued Mrs Gan and her son? A. General Zhang Fei B. General Guan YuC. General Zhao Zilong D. General Xia Houjie2. Who surrendered without fighting in 208AD?A. Liu Biao B. Liu BeiC. Cao Cao D. Liu Cong3. When was the Changban Po Garden built?A. In 1936 B. In 1949C. In 1979 D. In 1980


4. Where did General Zhang Fei bellow with rage to repel the army of Cao?

A. Zilong Street B. The Baling BridgeC. The Changban Po Garden D. The Prince Bridge5. Which is the site of the Changban Po

battle?A. The Liangliang Spring. B. B. The Baling BridgeC. The Prince Bridge D. All of the above


Translation :

三国长坂坡,是赵子龙救阿斗的地方 , 也是张飞横矛怒目喝退曹兵的地方。 据史书记载,公元208年曹操在消灭北方群雄之后,挥师南下荆州。此时割据荆州的刘表病逝,其子刘琮不战而降,屯兵樊城的刘备带领他的军队和百姓向荆州重镇江陵转移,曹操闻讯,恐其会有足够的时间重组军队与他对抗,令精骑五千急追,两军在当阳长坂坡遭遇,刘备仓促应战,兵败,弃妻子仓皇出逃,而担任护卫刘备眷属的赵子龙在危难中七次奋不顾身地与曹兵大战,终于救出甘夫人及她的儿子刘禅。


在这场战争中,还有一位英雄,他就是张飞, 张飞率二十余骑断后,曹军追赶赵子龙于坝陵桥上,张飞横枪立马,历声大吼:“吾乃张翼德也,谁敢于我决一死战?”声若巨雷,吓得曹将夏侯杰魂飞魄散,坠马而亡 , 从此有了张飞吼断桥梁水倒流的故事。明代当地政府为了纪念赵子龙及张飞长坂坡大战中的功业,在此树立“长坂雄风”碑。

长坂坡古遗址位于当阳市中心, 1936 年在此兴建了长坂坡公园。解放后,长坂坡公园经过多次修建,已成为人们休憩浏览之处。 1979 年当阳县人民政府在此设立长坂坡公园管理处,随后不断兴建和扩建,并塑造赵子龙雕像,再现其当年雄风。

1980 年经湖北省人民政府批准为省级游览区之一,正式对外开放。在当阳市区内,有一小街,是赵云与敌兵进行巷战处,叫子龙街。为了向世人展示有关长坂坡之战的历史文化,此地正在筹建“长坂坡之战”陈列馆。

在长阪坡 5 公里处的沮河北岸,有座两米多宽的小木桥,此桥便是张飞显威的霸陵桥。桥上塑着骑黑马的张飞。太子桥位于坡西南。此桥原名玉阳桥,据说赵子龙在此将阿斗交还刘备。建安二十四年,刘禅被立为太子,此桥改名为太子桥。 离此不远的娘娘井也都被翻修一新 , 这些都是长坂坡古战场的胜迹,处处再现长坂雄风。


Passage 1I.1. From the city of Yichang, about 15 kilometers to the east along the Yangtze River is the Xiaoting Ancient Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms Period. It is the first pass and the east gate of the Three Gorges.2. It was from a story of the Three Kingdoms Period.3. It looked like both of the tigers and dogs

The Key to Unit Thirteen


4.Xiaoting Battle in the Three Kingdoms Period, Jiangguan Battle of the Sui Dynasty and Suoqiao Battle of West-Jin Period.5. The 1500- meter long ancient path. It looks like a great dragon lying on the cliff and forms the most unique scenery.II.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

III.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D





I.1. Guan Ling is the cemetery where the body of General Guan Yu was buried. From the city of Dangyang, 2 kilometers drive west along the Hedang Road it will be Guan Ling.2. Guan Yu, also named Guan Yunchang, was born in Giezhou, Yuncheng, Shanxi. He was the best of the five brave generals of the Shu Kingdom. In his whole life, he was intrepid and loyal to his king3. Guan Ling covered about 5 hectares land and General Guan’s tomb was a round earth mound about 7 meters high, and 70 meters in perimeter.


Passage 2

4. The sacrifice pavilion in front of the tomb mound was built in Song Dynasty. The gate and the road were built in the Yuan Dynasty. And all the other constructions in the cemetery were built in the Ming Dynasty.5. There are totally 3 places of Guan Yu’s Cemetery in the nation now. The first is called “Guan Miao” in Guan’ hometown, the Yiguan Zhong of Jiezhou .The second is called “Guan Lin” in Luoyang of Henan Province, which is also said that it is the place where Guan’s head was buried. The third one is the Guan Ling in DangyangII.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.TIII.1 .D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B




back back

I.1. Because the Changban Po in the Three Kingdoms Period was not only the place where the General Zhao Yun rescued A Doub but also the place where General Zhang Fei bellowed with rage to repel the army of Cao. 2. General Cao Cao led his troops to Jinzhou in the south after his successful conquering the northern kingdoms.3. Because he was afraid that Liu Bei would get enough time to reorganize the troops and fight against him. backback

Passage 3

4. In order to memorize Zhao Zilong and Zhang Fei’s glory in Changban Po battle, the local government set up a stele with engraved letter “Awe-inspiring spirit in Changban” in Dangyang.5. Five. They are the Changban Po Garden, Zilong Street, the Baling Bridge, the Prince Bridge and the Liangliang Spring.

II.1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

III.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D







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