Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes. Teaching Plan Warming up Global Reading Global Reading New Words New...

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Transcript of Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes. Teaching Plan Warming up Global Reading Global Reading New Words New...

Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes

Teaching Plan Warming up Global Reading New Words Text Analysis Exercise &Assignment Proverbs & Sayings


迪Helen Keller


1.Do you know any disabled persons who are very

successful? Please look at the pictures and

introduce them.

2.What’s your feeling when you see the Forest

Gump ?

3.What do you know about cerebral palsy?

Cerebral Palsy

It is a disability caused by brain damage before or during birth or in the first few years after birth, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscular control and coordination. The severity of the affliction is dependent on the extent of the brain damage. Those with mild cases may have only a few affected muscles, while severe cases can result in total loss of coordination or paralysis.

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Global Reading

Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice

Group Discussion

Questions and Answers

1. In what ways was Sarah’s e-mail different from other letters the author had received?

2. In what way was Sarah’s e-mail similar to other letters the author had received?

It contained more details than the usual “You’re an idiot.”, and it was


It also criticized the author’s comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Multiple Choice 1. What was Sarah’s dream? A) To be a baseball player. B) To be a baseball editorialist. C) To get a job. D) To be a writer. 2. What in Sarah’s second e-mail caught the author’s

attention? A) In the email Sarah asked the author for a job. B) The author learned Sarah was running a website

about Dodgers. C) There was a mistake in Sarah’s spelling. D) The question Sarah asked.

3. What did the author think of Sarah’s website? A) Informed but not fancy. B) Very popular. C) Too serious. D) Professional.

4. The author decided to drive a long way to visit Sarah because he

was curious about ____. A) how did Sarah use a head pointer to type B) whether Sarah was really suffering from physical

handicap and speech disability C) how did Sarah become a Dodgers fan D) how did a person with cerebral palsy live

Group Discussion

Work with your partner to discuss “How did Sarah Morris change the author and what can you learn from the story of Sarah Morris?”

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New words and expressions

New Wordsnasty- unkind, unpleasant

My brother has got a nasty temper. The weather turned nasty towards the evening. When you feel you have been cheated, it always leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

in some respects 在某些方面

in one respect / in many respects

in respect of sth. 关于某方面

在很多方面,新的 QQ 软件没有老的好。In many respects the new software is not as

good as the old one.


take sb. to task 严厉批评某人

翻译 : She took the government to task over its economic record.

take sb. to task for sth. 因某事而批评

I was taken to task for arriving late.

sb. is taken to task for sth. 某人因某事被批评

handicap Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a

severe degree of handicap. The charity is handicapped by lack of funds.

disabled, handicapped & deformity

disabled 指的是欠缺某种肢体能力。 handicapped 指的是经由先天、意外或疾病而导致的一种心


deformity 含有畸形的意思,不但意思上不能表达残疾的完整意义 , 而且充满了不尊重乃至侮辱,因此绝对不能用来指“残疾人”。

1. He was born with a slight ( ) of the foot which made him limp.

2. “I have a terrible responsibility now. I’m representing the ( ) . That feeling fills me with pride.”

3. A special school for mentally ( ) children.

associate 合伙人,同事 associate degree 大专文凭, ( 美 ) 肄业证书 完成大专学历花了他三年的时间。It took him three years to complete his associate degree.

They are business associates.

我总是把女巫和扫把联系在一起。I always associate witch with


click--- press a button on a computer mouse/ make a short hard sound

As the door clicked shut behind her, she realized she had forgotten her key.

Jerry clicked his fingers to attract the waiter’s attention.

f you want to open a file, click twice on the icon for it.

You’ll know your seat belt is fastened properly when you hear a click.

Soldiers click their heels when they stand to attention.

1.Attention !立正!

2.At ease 稍息

3.Quick step 齐步走

4.Halt 立定

5.Turn around 向后转

6.Fall in 集合

7.Count off 报数

8.Eyes right (left) 向右 ( 左 ) 看齐

Fancy- v.& n. 想象 adj. 别致的

I have a fancy for some wine whith my dinner.

我不能想象他做出这样的事来。 i can't fancy his doing such a thing. 哈利在我们周年的时候带我去了一个别致的餐

厅。 Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for ou

r anniversary.


今晚 BBC 新闻报道了伊拉克战争。The BBC news tonight covered

the Iraq war.美洲狮能在很短的时间里跑很远。A puma can cover a lot of ground

very quickly.

extensive 广泛的,大量的,详细的 Scientists have conducted extensive

research into the causes of cancer. The accident caused extensive

damage to both cars. 他广泛的历史知识帮他赢得了 的大奖。 His extensive knowledge of history

helped him a great deal in getting the big prize of Quiz Show.

dedication The program has been a success, thanks to the dedication

of all the teachers. 我羡慕他对医药事业的奉献精神。 I admire her dedication to the medical profession. dedicate oneself to… 献身于… 王菲现身于儿童的慈善工作。 Fyre dedicates herself to children’s charity work. 翻译: The chairman says he will dedicate himself to prot

ecting the interests of the laboring people.

The rope broke under the strain.

  You will strain your eyes by

reading in such poor light.   I strain to hear what they are


wind v. 转动,蜿蜒,上发条

The nurse wound a bandage around his arm.

The stream wound its way through the village.

Don't forgent to wind up the clock tonight, or it will stop.

decay 尸体已经开始腐烂。 Body has already started to

decay. 糖侵蚀牙齿。 Sugar decays your teeth. 数以百计的历史建筑正在衰败。 Hundreds of historic buildings

are decaying.

curl up 蜷缩,卷曲

那个小孩蜷曲在沙发里看书。 The child curled up in a sofa to read.

她把头发烫成最时髦的卷。She curled up her hair in the latest fashio


blond curl





cut through 穿过,克服 我通常穿过停车场去上班。 I usually cut through the car

park to get to work.你需要一个人来帮助你解决所有烦人的法律术语。

You need someone to help you cut through all the irritating legal jargon.

call up 调用,使想起,征召,打电话 I called up the computer, but it didn’t

have the information I was looking for. Due to the war crisis, the state called

up reserve troops for active duty. “You are not alone” is a beautiful song

which can call up people’s memory to MJ.

He called me up to tell me about the result of the European Cup. (inf.)

bring back 使恢复到以前状态 Following Royal Madrid’s latest defeat, soccer

fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.

The trip brought back a lot of happy memories.

The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams.

Bringing back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.










令脖子酸痛的家庭作业 精心策划的骗局





It is difficult not to ( 被感动 ) by the tale of Sarah Morris. While her ( 身体状况,体质 ) made it difficult to ( 用语言表达 ), from her writing it would be impossible to spot that she ( 遭受严 重 的 残 疾 ). Writing slowly with the help of a pointer ( 绑到头上 ), her ( 最高写作速度 ) is no more than ( 每分钟八个字 ). Yet she still ( 设法 ) write extensively on the team she grew up following. ( 令脖子酸痛 ) in the gloom of her room, ( 被……围绕着 ) her computer and a TV set, she has managed to rise above her situation against all the odds.

1. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

A) in accordance with

B) in hopes of

C) in favor of

D) in honor of

2. The museums in the developing world often have fewer security measures and thus remain more _________ thefts.

A) weak to

B) flexible to

C) sensitive to

D) vulnerable to

3. The clerk held my passport four inches from his face and ________ to read it.

A) affected B) flipped C) strained D) giggled

4. In order to reach ________ physical fitness for the coming match, he cut out all social activities and concentrated on his training.

A) maximum B) temporary C) extensive D) detached

5. English _____ dramatic changes in sounds throughout the history of the English language.

A) underwent B) undertake C) understate D) undermine

6. There were some_____ flowers on the table. A) artificial B) unnatural C) false D) unreal

7. It seemed for a while that infants were ______ to Aids.

A) contribute B) attend C) attribute D) immune

8. The government has ______ defense spending. A) cut away B) cut across C) cut back on D) cut through

9. Prior _____ 1944, there was no atomic bomb.

A) at

B) to

C) in

D) before

10. When her mother came back, she _____ in the sofa watching TV.

A) curled up

B) called up

C) setting up

D) torn up

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◆ What type is the text? A narration B description C exposition D argumentation

Text Analysis

◆ What pattern is the text organized in? A problem-solution B cause-effect C general-specific D time / sequence

记叙文 a movie描述文 a picture说明文 a lecture议论文 a debate

问题 -解决因果总 -分时间 / 顺序

Text Analysis

◆ About Bill & Sarah


A baseball editorialist, many fans, nasty mails, once cynical, now



A 30-year-old Dodger fan, Dodger Place

cerebral palsy, poor family, dedication to work

◆ Main idea

A most unusual relationship between Bill and Sarah


Part Paragraphs Main Ideas

1 1~ 4

2 5 ~ 45

3 46 ~ 47

The author was impressed by an e-mail from a Dodgers fan.

How did the relationship between the author and Sarah Morris start and go on?

Sarah Morris had a great influence on the author.

What can we learn from the story?

1. The e-mail was in some respects similar to others.

2. Little did I know that this would be the start of a most unusual relationship.

3. During the season I average 55 hours writing …

4. She covered the team with the seriousness …

5. Nobody ever signs my guestbook.

Sentence Analysis

6. An obscure website with an impossible address...

7. I have the dedication to my work.8. I have a speech disability making it

impossible …9. That proved it.10. Who, in her supposed condition,

could cover …

11. On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals …

12. On the desk was a computer. Next to it was a TV.

13. Sarah leaned over the computer.14. I had contacted Sarah looking for a

fight? 15. I had found that fight. (Note 9)16.Sarah had brought me back. (Note 10)

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1) few 2) A little

3) little 4) few 5) a few   little 6) a few   few 7) little 8) few

1) function 2) corresponded with each other

3) immune to4) at ease

5) displayed 6) approach

7) puzzle 8) a household word

9) capable of carrying out 10) so much so that

1) a series of 2) approaches 3) are pursuing 4) ambition 5) fame 6) come to terms with 7) work out 8) singled out 9) personality 10) taken apart 11) at ease 12) observe 13) modest 14) application 15) curiosity 16) solutions

1) He writes exclusively for the "Washington Post". 2) The friendship your people have for our people impressed

me deeply during my visit in your country./ I was deeply impressed during my visit in your country by the friendship your people have for our people.

3) It took Joe a long time to come to terms with the fact that he would no longer be able to go sailing again.

4) Jim's grandfather believes more in fresh air and exercise than in medicine.

5) Owing to his poor education he was frustrated in his attempt to find a good job.

6) Most American cities are relatively small in terms of population when compared to Chinese cities like Shanghai and Beijing.

1) emotional 2) angry 3) atomic 4) exclusive 5) famous 6) jealous 7) safe 8) simple 9) important 10) valuable 11) central 12) delightful/delighted 13) feasible 14) fortunate 15) personal 16) capable 17) sandy 18) original 19) curious 20) easy

1) typewriter 2) honeymoon 3) airport 4) schoolmaster 5) necklace 6) eyesight 7) loudspeaker 8) sunrise 9) heartbeat 10) blood-test 11) motorcycle 12) crossroad 13) spaceship 14) superpower 15) lifeboat 16) rainstorm

1) a drop of blood 2) a grain of wheat 3) a length of rope 4) a lump of sugar 5) a ball of string 6) a block of marble 7) a roll of toilet paper 8) a helping of pie 9) a blanket of heavy mist 10) a slice of beef


1)The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over / down.

2)I was impressed by his devotion to research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories.

3)Be sure not to say anything capable of being misunderstood. 4)I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not

know how to act/what to do. 5)At first this complicated problem frustrated them, but after

thinking it over carefully they finally worked out a solution. 6) The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when

a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers. 7) I really don't see why our English teacher should single out

our monitor for praise since we have all done quite well this term.

8)I believe in the theory that the higher animals developed from the lower ones.

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Proverbs and sayings 1. There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence.


2. Consider other men’s troubles. That will comfort yours.


3. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.— Helen Keller, American writer

虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。 —— 美国作家 海伦•凯勒

4. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. — John Kennedy, American president

6.It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees. —George Eliot

从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。 —— 美国总统 约翰•肯尼迪

天上永远不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。 —— • 乔治 艾略特 back to the content

5. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. — Napoleon, French emperor

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。 — 法国皇帝 拿破仑