Unit 3 Job Interview Period Ⅰ. 2 Teaching Procedures 1.Words Dictation of Unit 2 2.Warm-Up...

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Transcript of Unit 3 Job Interview Period Ⅰ. 2 Teaching Procedures 1.Words Dictation of Unit 2 2.Warm-Up...

Unit 3 Job InterviewUnit 3 Job Interview

Period Ⅰ


Teaching Procedures

1.Words Dictation of Unit 2

2.Warm-Up Activity for Unit 3

3.A Brief Review of Some familiar Words

4.Main Idea and Part Division of Text A

5.Language Points in Part 1 of Text A


1. manufacture (大量)制造 2. eliminate 消除,消灭 3. hazard 危险,危害 4. automobile 汽车 5. application 应用,运用 6. decrease 减少 7. approximate 近似的,大概的 8. satellite 卫星 9. frequency 频率,次数 10. convert (使)转变,(使)改变


11. start up 发动,启动;开始 12. in the air 空气中;在空中;悬而未决 13. turn … into a reality (使)成为现实 14. get stuck in 停留,被阻塞 15. take control of 控制

评分标准:词汇 3 分一个,词汇的中文 3 分一个;短语 4 分一个,短语的中文也是 4 分一个。


Listen to two dialogues about the interview carefully and write down the missing words.

Warm-up Activity


Dialogue 1Dialogue 1

A: Hi, Mary, _____________________?

B: Hello, Ted. I’ve been getting ready for _________.

Have you ever been to one?

A: No, _____. But my friend has.

B: Oh, really? What does he think is important?

A: Well, he said he thought he didn’t get the first job

because ___________________.

B: But surely ________ are more important than



A: He feels _____________ count a lot, you know.

B: Maybe he’s right. But I think I’m also going to

____________________, even if it’s on my ______.

What do you say?

A: Yes, I agree ---- well dressed, and ___________

cant’s go wrong. I whish you luck.

B: thank you. Now I don’t feel quite so _______!



Dialogue 2Dialogue 2 A: Good morning, Miss Wang. I’m Mr. Zhang. Please sit

down. B: Thank you. ____________________, Mr. Zhang. A: I have your _____ here. You are a university student? B: Yes, I’m a ____________. A: So you are interested in working for our company. B: Yes. I need a part time job, both for _____________. A: We’ll have an opening for an office clerk this summer.


B: That would be wonderful. A: Are you ______________? B: Yes. I can handle Windows, Power Point, and

Excel. Here’s my _______. A: Ah, that’s very good. you’ll need _________ in our

methods, though. Every office is difference, you know.

B: Thank you. That will be very helpful for my future. _________________________?

A: We’ll let you know as soon as possible. Goodbye. B: Goodbye.



Dialogue 1Dialogue 1

A: Hi, Mary, what have you been doing?

B: Hello, Ted. I’ve been getting ready for a job

interview. Have you ever been to one?

A: No, not yet. But my friend has.

B: Oh, really? What does he think is important?

A: Well, he said he thought he didn’t get the first job

because he dressed too casually.

B: But surely qualifications are more important than

what you wear!


A: He feels first impressions count a lot, you know.

B: Maybe he’s right. But I think I’m also going to point

out what I can do well, even if it’s on my resume.

What do you say?

A: Yes, I agree ---- well dressed, and well qualified

cant’s go wrong. I whish you luck.

B: thank you. Now I don’t feel quite so nervous!


Dialogue 2Dialogue 2 A: Good morning, Miss Wang. I’m Mr. Zhang. Please sit

down. B: Thank you. It’s nice to meeting you, Mr. Zhang. A: I have your application here. You are a university

student? B: Yes, I’m a business major. A: So you are interested in working for our company. B: Yes. I need a part time job, both for money and

experience. A: We’ll have an opening for an office clerk this summer.


B: That would be wonderful. A: Are you computer trained? B: Yes. I can handle Windows, Power Point, and

Excel. Here’s my certificate. A: Ah, that’s very good. you’ll need some training in

our methods, though. Every office is difference, you know.

B: Thank you. That will be very helpful for my future. When do I start exactly?

A: We’ll let you know as soon as possible. Goodbye. B: Goodbye.


Questions about an Interview 1. Have you ever been to a job interview? 2. Generally what kind of questions will an

interviewer ask during a job interview? 3. How would you try to impress your interviewer

during a job interview? 4. If you were an interviewer, what sort of job

applicants would you prefer? Why?


A brief review of some familiar words manufacture v. 制造,以机器大量生产; manufacturer 制造商 potential adj. 潜在的 ; n. 潜能,能力 potential power 潜力;

potential danger; 可能发生的危险 corporation n. 公司 mock adj. v. n. 模拟的;嘲笑,嘲弄,模仿 beforehand adv. 预先的,老早的


indicate v. 指示,指出 indication 指示,暗示 critic n. 批评家 basketball court 球场, court 法院,法庭,球场 folk n. adj. 1. 人们 2. 民间的 barely adv. 几乎没有 , 勉强 , 强调一点不多 , 勉强够 , hardly,

scarcely prospect 前景


odds n. 机会,胜算;不平等,差异 E.g. The odds are against us.   我们成功的机会很小。    It makes no odds. 没有关系,没有差别    The odds are five to one on that horse.  那匹马的赔率是五比一。 考纲词组: be at odds with sb. on./over sth 争吵 odds and ends 零星杂务,零碎杂务


hammer n. v. 锤子;锤击,锤打 switch n. v. 开关,电闸;转换 switch on/ off 接通 , 关断 fantastic  adj. 奇异的,怪诞的,奇妙的 e.g. fantastic dream 奇怪的

梦 rank n. v. 分等级,排列。 E.g. rank among 属…之列 inadequate adj. 不适当的,不充分的 miracle n. 奇迹


Vietnam veteran 参加过越战的老兵 accomplish v. 完成 tough adj. 强健的,吃苦耐劳的 e.g. tough peasants ;坚韧的,

老的(难吃,难切的食物) e.g. tough meat ;棘手的,困难的 e.g. tough task ;粗暴的,凶恶的 e.g. tough criminal 凶犯

attainable adj. 可达到,可实现 attain v. 获得,达到。 attain one’s goal 达到目的


mission n. 使命,任务 pound n. v. 连续猛击,猛烈敲打 n. 英镑 runway n. 飞机跑道 craft n. aircraft, spacecraft 飞机,飞船


Main Idea of Text A

In this passage, Harvey Mackay, a manager of

a manufacturing company, gives four

suggestions from his own experience of

interview and provides some examples of other

persons . These suggestions are…These

examples are…


suggestions Prepare to win Never stop learning Believe in yourself, even when no one else does Find a way to make a difference

examples Michael Jordan A 90-year-old tennis player The four-minute mile, the New York marathon and the

Vietnam veteran New York cabdrivers


Part Division of Text A

Parts Paras Main Ideas

I 1-6A recent college graduate failed to answer the questions at an interview because of lack of preparation.

II 7-27Four pieces of advice on being a successful interview.

III 28-31Everyone should make his or her own tracks in whatever he or she does.



interview (line 2) question to decide if sb. is right for a job 面试 , 采访 inter (inside) + view (look) → interview interview       preview       review ↓    ↓      ↓ 面试(相见)  预习 ( 先看 )   复习 ( 再看 ) give/grant an interview to sb. 会见 job interview 面试Related vocabulary : interviewee 面试者 interviewer 被采访者,被访问者


supplier (line 8) n. 供应商 , 供应者 Supply v. supply sb. with sth. supply sth to sb supply sth for sb 用双宾的词: offer / give / grant / accord sb sth. 不用双宾的词: present sb. with sth. Supply n. a supply of 某物的供应 supply and demand 供求关系 military supplies 军需用品 ; household supplies 家庭用品 ; medical supplies 医药用品 in short supply 供应不足


follow up (line 15) take additional steps to further (a previous action)

继续下去 , 采取进一步行动 E.g. 我想继续研究这个问题 . I want to follow up this subject. phrases:

follow one’s advice 接受某人建议 follow through 完成 ( 某事 ), 坚持到底 the results were as follows 结果如下


in sb's hands (line 16) = in the hands of sb 在某人手中 E.g. 这件事不归我管了 . This affair is no longer in my hands. Put the matter in the hands of solicitor. 把这件事交给律师去办 . Expressions with “ hand”: give sb. a hand 帮助某人 (at) first hand 直接的; 亲自的 second hand 间接的; 二手的 hand in hand 手牵手 by hand 用手的 , 靠人工的 at hand 在手边;即将到来的 on the one hand… on the other hand… 一方面…另一方面…


that left me with only… (line 18-20)

--leave sb with sth 留给某人…--how 引导的虚拟语气--prospective 预期的 , 未来的Translation:

这样我就只剩下一个问题要问了 : 如果这个人代表公司去见可能会成为我们客户的人 , 他的准备工作做的怎么样 ?


prospective (line 20) likely to become or be 可能成为的;预期的,未来的

e.g. Page 85. 8 prospective teacher 可能成为教师的人 prospective achievements 预期中的成就 sb’s prospective neighbor 某人未来的邻居 prospect n. 1希望,期望,盼望的事物,指望 2 (常用复数 ) 前景,前程,前途 E.g. young people with brilliant prospects 前程无量的青年


Comprehension question 1. what is the writer according to what he

says at the beginning of the text? He runs a manufacturing company with about

350 employees. 2. what kind of answers did he get from the

college graduate who wanted a job? The answer he got was “no”.

3. what conclusion did the writer draw from the young applicant’s answers? There are four keys to getting hired.



preview the next part of unit 3.

Unit 3 Job InterviewUnit 3 Job InterviewPeriod Ⅱ

Text A. Get the Job You Want


Teaching Procedures

1.Words Review of Part 1

2.General Idea and Part Division of Text A

3.Language Points of Part 2 in Text A



Words Review

potential applicant supplier prospective mock interview corporation hand-delivered follow up stand out from the crowd

潜力;潜在的 申请人 供应商 可能成为的,预期的 模拟面试 公司,法人 亲手送交 采取进一步行动 脱颖而出


Part Division of Text A


Parts Paras Main Ideas

I 1-6

II 7-27

III 28-31

A recent college graduate failed to answer the questions at an interview because of lack of preparation.

Four pieces of advice on being a successful interview.

Everyone should make his or her own tracks in whatever he or she does.


Language points in Part 2&3

1. main idea 2. words and phrases 3. difficult sentences 4. questions for comprehension


Main idea of Part 2

suggestions Prepare to win Never stop learning Believe in yourself, even when no one else does Find a way to make a difference

examples Michael Jordan A 90-year-old tennis player The four-minute mile, the New York marathon and the Vietnam

veteran New York cabdrivers


endeavor (line 30)

n. an effort or attempt to do sth.努力 ,尽力 v. try (to do sth.) 试图 ,努力 E.g. The government has endeavored to forbid the

employment of children under the age of 16. 政府尽力禁止雇佣 16岁以下儿童 . phrases:

do one’s endeavor 尽力,竭力 make every endeavor 尽一切力量 make one’s best endeavors 尽最大努力


employment (line 33)

an occupation, esp. regular paid work 1雇用 2职业,就业 Related vocabulary: employee受雇者 employer雇主 unemployment 失业 E.g. The automobile industry continues to be an

important source of employment in that country. 在那个国家汽车工业仍是就业的一项重要来源 . Phrases: out of employment 失业 employment rate 就业率


incidentally (line 49)

by the way 顺便提起的 , 附带地 Related vocabulary: accident意外的事 , accidentally 意外地 , incident ( 小 )事件 ,附带 incidentally顺便提起地 ,附带地

incidental伴随的 , 易发生的 E.g. Incidentally, if you want to see her again, let me

know. 顺便提一下 ,如果你想再见她的话 ,让我知道一下 .


chuckle (line 50) 咯咯地笑,吃吃地笑;轻声地笑,暗笑 E.g. The professor chuckled when we told her that we

were afraid of her. She sat reading the comic, chuckling to herself.

捧腹大笑 微笑 , 露齿而笑 冷笑,嘲笑,讥笑 咯咯的笑 , 傻笑

smile grin giggle sneer guffaw



bracket (line 52)

n. 1( 复数 )括号。 2托架 , 支架。 3(收入额 ,年龄等的 ) 等级,类,档次

e.g. the high income bracket  高额收入等级 This new car is out of my price bracket. Women outnumbered men three to two in the

over-65 age bracket.   Fix the beam with the brackets and screws. 用支架和螺丝把这个横梁固定起来。

( 65岁以上年龄档)


physical (line 59)

of or concerning the body; of or concerning the laws of nature 1身体上的 , 肉体的 (与精神相对 ) synonym: material ;2按自然法则的

related vocabulary: physics 物理 ; physique体格; physical 身体的 ;

physician内科医生 ; physiology 生理学 expressions:

体育锻炼 , 运动 physical exercise 思维训练 mental exercise

E.g. Page 84.2


take / have a crack (at) (line 65)

try to do (sth.)尝试 E.g. 在我年老时 , 我试图写一本小说 ,但是没有取得多

少成功 . In my senior year I took a crack at writing a

novel, but without much success.

crack n.1裂缝,缝隙 2劈啪声,爆裂声 v. 破裂,劈啪地响

[ 比较 ]crack , split, burst, break


crack , break, split, burst

crack 指硬而脆的物体裂开缝, break 指破碎 ,split 常指服装,木材等顺纹路裂开 ,burst 指爆破,炸破

E.g. cracked glass, 有裂缝的杯子; broken glass破碎的杯子 , Crack the walnut(核桃 ) but don’t break the kernel

( 仁 ).


identify (line 75) 1认出,鉴别 ;  2认为同一,视为相等 E.g. I identified the jacket at once; it was my

brother's. identify oneself with sb /sth. 与…认同,与…接近 E.g. Do you identify beauty with wisdom? 你认为美貌与智慧能等同吗 ?   Related vocabulary:

identical identificationidentity  

adj. 同一的,同样的n. 鉴别n. 身份,同一性


make a difference (line 76) change the situation or outlook; have an effect 有影响,起着重要作用

E.g. She received an increase in pay and it has made a big difference in her attitude towards work.

她得到了加薪 , 这对她的工作态度有很大不同 . [ 考点 ] make no / little/ some difference



partition (line 78)

a thin wall or screen that divides a room or other indoor space n. 1 分隔物,隔离物 ; 2 分隔,划分

v. 分割,分隔,划分 E.g. A small bathroom has been partitioned off from

the original kitchen. 从原来的厨房隔出一间小浴室来。 [ 考点 ] partition off 把…隔开 partition into 把…分成


favor (line 95)

n. 偏爱,偏袒,好感  v. 帮助,支持 Useful expressions in one’s favor 对…有利  in favor of 赞成,有利于 win a person’s favor 获得某人的赞赏 be in favor with sb. 受到某人的宠爱  be out

of favor with sb.失宠 do sb. a favor帮助某人


generous (line 98)

giving or ready to give freely慷慨的 , 不吝啬的 Related vocabulary: generously adv. generosity n. Phrases:

it is generous of sb. to do sth 某人做…很大方 be generous to sb对某人慷慨 , 大方 be generous with sth. (money) 在…慷慨 , 大方

E.g. 你能和我分享你的食物 ,真是很慷慨 . It was generous of you to share your food with me.


Difficult sentences analysis

1. When I graduated from college, the odds were good that I could have the same job for the rest of my life. (line 31-32)

1) the odds were good that… 可能性很大 . E.g. The odds are in their favor.他们可能成功 . 2) that I could have the same job for the rest

of my life 做 odds 同位语 the odds are that 类似于 chances are that .

3)Translation: 大学毕业时 , 我极有可能终身只从事同一份职业 .


2. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospects for success will be many times better. (Line40-42)

1) 主干为 it takes no longer to … than to … 2) half-prepared 准备一半的,准备不充分的 3) many times better 是倍数的表达方式 E.g. 成功的可能性是去年的六倍. The prospects for success will be five times

greater than that in last year.  或 The prospects for success will be six times as

great as that in last year. 4)Translation: 但认真准备一次面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎准备五



3. We hammered our opponents (line 45) 1) 我们打败了对手 hammer v. 1锤打2使…在战争或比赛中惨败。 表示打败还可用 beat, defeat 2)opponent 对手,敌手,反对者 oppose vt. 反对 [ 比较 ]opponent , match, rival , counterpart

opponent (斗争,比赛的)敌手,对手,反对者 match ( 在力量技术方面与自己相等的 )对手,敌手, rival “竞争对手",指同自己争夺同一对象的竞争者 counterpart (游戏或戏剧中的 )对手; 搭档


4. He’s living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor. (line 94-95)

1) living proof 指生动的例证 E.g. She is the living image of her young mother. 她活像她母亲年青时的样子。 2) odds 指 chances for success 成败的可能性 3) in one’s favor 指对……有利 4) translation: 他就是一个生动的例证,证明你可以争取到成功的机



5. It happened to be a day Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in year. (line 99-100)  

1) It happened to be a day… “ 恰好,碰巧,偶然” E.g. do you happen to know his new telephone number? 你是碰巧知道他的电话号码的吗 ?

2) a day 后不加任何引导词 , 可以用 that, when 或 in which. 此用法限于表达日期的先行词 . 如 moment, minute, instant, week, month, year

E.g. I sent you the news the instant that I heard it. 我一听到这个消息便通知你了 . 3)translation: 碰巧那天明尼苏达州遭受了罕见的暴风雪袭击。


Comprehension questions

What changes have taken place with employees since the writer’s college days? Getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime

experience. Employment experts believe that today’s graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers.



1. Preview Part 3 of text A 2. Do the exercises in Language Focus

on page 84-92 3. Preview the writing strategy on page