Unit 2, Module 5 The United Kingdom 闽侯二中 英语组 林荧. Warming up.

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Transcript of Unit 2, Module 5 The United Kingdom 闽侯二中 英语组 林荧. Warming up.

Unit 2 , Module 5The United Kingdom

Unit 2 , Module 5The United Kingdom

闽侯二中 英语组 林荧

Warming up

Do this quiz and find out how much you

know about UK?

1. How many countries does the UK consist

of ?

A. two B. three C. four

2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to

London Heathrow Airport?

A. about six hours B. about ten hours

C. about sixteen hours

√be made up of

direct flight

3. Who rules the country: the Prime Minister

or the queen?

A. The Queen B. The Prime


C. both

4. What are the provinces called in England?

A. countries B. departments C. states

5. Which is the longest river in England?

A. The River Avon B. The River Thames

C. The River Severn

1. Can you name the capital cities of the

countries of the UK? What do you

know about any other cities or towns in

the UK?




Para 1-2 How UK was formed?


How UK was formed?

2. In the 13th century AD , Wales was linked.

1. First there was England.


Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. ( Wales is considered to be part of England.)


3. Scotland

In 17th Century, England and Wales were joined to Scotland.

4. In the 20th century , the English

government tired to get Ireland connected.





Northern Ireland

5. Only Northern Ireland joined with England , Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom

Difficult Points

1. refer to 谈论,涉及,参考 ( Line5)2. find Wales included (Line5) find 的用法等同于 see + 宾语 + do / doing / done I found my wallet ____________ ( steal ). He found a man _______ (sit ) under the tree.3. get + 宾语 + to do / doing / done 使,让 Who can get Tom ________ (come) tonight ? I just can’t get my homework _____________ (finish) a

head of time.



to come


Para 3 the similarities and differences of the four parts

To their credit the four countries do wor

k together in some areas (eg, the currenc

y and international relations), but they st

ill have very different institutions.

值得赞扬的是 , 这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方面;但是有些制度仍然区别很大。

Para 4: England is divided into 3 zones.

The South of England

The middle zone ( the Midlands )

The North

Language Points

1. for convenience 出于方便 ( Line 17)

2. It is a pity that the industrial cities ( built in the nineteenth century ) do not attract visitors. 非谓语做 ____________ ?定语

Para 5-6 The cultural importance of London

the Romans---

the Anglo-Saxons--

the Vikings---

the Normans---

towns and roads

language and government

vocabulary and place-names

of the North

castles and words for food

There has been four sets of invaders of England. 四批入侵者

Language Points

1.To make your trip to the United Kingdo

m enjoyable and worthwhile. ( Line39


make + 宾语 + 形容词:使得…怎样 为祖国崛起而读书。 Let’s work hard to make our country stronger.

1. 复习语言点 2. 练习册 3. 非谓语
