Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. The Third Period Section A Grammar Focus, 4a-4c,...

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Transcript of Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. The Third Period Section A Grammar Focus, 4a-4c,...

Unit 10

I’ve had this bike for three years.

The Third Period

Section A Grammar Focus,

4a-4c, Section B 1a-1d


Grammar Focus

1. 你拥有那边那辆自行车多久了?

2. 我拥有了它三年了。

3. 他的儿子拥有这套火车和铁轨套装玩具多久了?

How long have you had that bike over there?

How long has his son owned the train and railway set?

I’ve had it for three years.

Grammar Focus

4. 他自从他 4 岁生日的时候就拥有了。

5. 你曾经踢过足球么?

6. 是, 我很小的时候就踢过,但是我现在有一段时间没踢了。

He’s owned it since his fourth birthday.

Yes, I did when I was little, but I haven’t played for a while now.

Have you ever played football?

Rewrite the sentences using for or since.4a1. Jim is in Japan. He arrived there three days ago.


2. They are very hungry. Their last meal was ten hours ago. _______________________________________________

3. I have a camera. I bought it in 2009. ______________________________________________

4. I know Anna. I first met her three years ago. ______________________________________________

5. Linda is ill. She became ill on Monday. ________________________________________________

Jim has been in Japan for three days.

They have not eaten for ten hours.

I have had a camera since 2009.

I have known Anna for three years.

Linda has been ill since Monday.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


1. I ______________ (never be) to the water park before. I want to _____ (go) next month before the weather gets too cold.

2. They _________________ (never own) any pets, but they __________________ (always want) to have a dog.

3. We _____________ (have) a piano since last November. We __________ (buy) it from the Li family when they moved to the US last year.

have never been go

have never owned have always wanted

have had bought

4. Cathy and Amy ___________ (not be) back to their hometown for two years. They ______ (miss) their hometown a lot and hope to visit the place next year.

5. This museum __________ (be) here for over 20 years. It _____ one of the oldest buildings in this small town.

haven’t been miss

has been is

Section B

What do you think of your town/city?


Can you find a … in your town/city?

How long has it been there?

Check (√ ) the places or things you can find in your town or city.


__ a museum __ a primary school ___ a bridge ___ a zoo ___ a park ___ a hill ___ a library ___ a river

Listen and answer the questions.1b1.Does Martin like Jenny’s hometown?

2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown?

3. What is behind the science museum? What do people do there on weekends?

Yes, he does. He thinks it is really beautiful.

No, she doesn’t. She has been away for the past few years.

It is a big park. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids run around and climb the hills.

While listening

Listen again and fill in the chart.1c

Place New or old? How long has it been


town library

science museum

restaurant down the


oldfor hundreds of years.

new since last August.

old for as long as Jenny can remember.

Read the tapescript, and fill in the blanks.

Tapescripts: Section B 1b, 1c

Martin: Hey, Jenny, your hometown is really beautiful. Jenny: Yes, I’ve been away for the past few years, but I still love this town. Even though it’s old, it’s full of interesting places to see and things to do. Martin: Wow, look at that building! I’ve never seen anything like it!Jenny: Yes, that’s one of the oldest buildings in town. It’s been around for hundreds of years. It’s now the town library.

Martin: What about the building next to it?Jenny: Oh, that’s the new science museum. It’s only been here since last August. There is a really big park behind the museum. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids run around and climb the hills. Martin: Nice. Can we check it out?Jenny: Sure. But first, let’s have lunch at this restaurant down the street. It’s been around for as long as I can remember. It serves the best food in town.

Fill in the blanks.

Jenny’s hometown is _______________. Jenny _____________ for the past few years, but she still loves this town. Even though it’s old, it’s _________ interesting __________________________. The town library is one of the oldest buildings in this town. It has been around ______________________. The building next to the library is __________________. It’s only been here ________________. ________ the museum is a big park. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids ____________ and climb the hills. There is a restaurant ________ the street. It has been around for _____________ Jenny can remember. It ________ the best food in town.

really beautiful has been away

full of places to see and things to do

for hundreds of yearsthe science museum

since last August Behind

run around down

as long as serves


1d Talk about your town/city with a partner.

A: My city is lovely.

B: What are some of the special places there?

A: Well, there is a concert hall there. It’s been around for at least 20 years.



Work on 4c on page 76.

Fill in the questions and ask two students. Then complete the chart.


1. Do you have a(n) ______? How long have you had it?

2. Do you own a(n)______? How long have you owned it?

Things How long


favorite book for two years

basketball since he was 10 years old

Student 1

Student 2

1. I’ve been away for the past few years. 我离开了好几年了。终止性动词表示的动作极其短暂,不能持续,所以,在现在完成时中一般不能和以 since , for等引导的表示一段时间的状语连用。 leave 在这种情况下用 be away 代替。 e.g. 三年前他的妈妈离开了。His mother left three years ago. 他的妈妈离开三年了。His mother has been away for three years.

2. It’s full of interesting places to see and things to do. 这里有很多有趣的地方可看, 和很多有趣的事情可做。 be full of … 充满了……有时,也可用 be filled with … 来表达。e.g. 这个博物馆里有很多特别的图片可看。The museum is full of special pictures to see.

places to see, things to do 可看的地方,可做的事情( 动词不定式作后置定语。 )

3. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids run around and climb the hills. 很多家庭去周末去那里,让孩子们到处跑,还有爬山。

around: adv. 到处,四周,在附近 look around 环顾四周 walk around 到处走走

4. It’s been around for as long as I can remember.

它自从我记事起就在这附近了。 as long as : 和……一样长, 只要

e.g. 他在这个镇上住了长达 60 年之久。He has lived in this town for as long as 60 years.

只要你努力,你就能做好。You can make it as long as you work hard.

5. It serves the best food in town. 它提供镇上最好的食物。 serve: v. 服务, 供应,招待,上(菜,饮料)

e.g. 这个餐厅不提供啤酒。The restaurant doesn’t serve beer.

将这个火鸡和一些蔬菜一起上。Serve the turkey with some vegetables.