TTSH Mother's and Father's Day Health Screening Package

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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TTSH Mother's and Father's Day Health Screening Package

Transcript of TTSH Mother's and Father's Day Health Screening Package

6357 2233 / ENRICHMENT CENTRETan Tock Seng HospitalLevel 1, Main Ward Entrance

健康体检中心陈笃生医院一楼, 大厅


Parent Care HealtH SCreening PaCkage

*请注意以下附带条款:• 医生将根据您的全面体格检查、详细的健康史记录及生活习惯来推荐适合您的体检测试及提供医疗咨询。体检项目是严格根据临床诊断和按照新加坡医学学会的体检准则。• 本中心的体检项目不可交换、不允许退还,并没有赎回的现金价值。若您在所选择的体检配套中不应用某项测试,这项测试将被作废。• 健康体检须提前预约和禁食。• 以上所显示的价格不包括消费税。• 本中心有权在无需提前通知的情况下随时修改任何附带条款。

*Please note the following terms:• Medical advice and recommendations will be delivered based on case findings, clinical investigations, medical history and personal profile. This is in adherence with the health screening guidelines by the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Additional tests will be prescribed based on clinical judgement of our doctors upon screening. • All investigations included in our health screening packages are strictly non-exchangeable, non-refundable and have no redeemable cash value. The patient will forfeit any of the investigations should he/she choose not to use the service during the health screening. • Prior appointment and fasting are required. • Price listed is subject to prevailing GST. • The Health Enrichment Centre reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions without prior notice.


孝 心 配 套

Biometric Parameters

screening review

Medical Report

Post-examination Review by Doctor

Complete Medical History TakingComplete Physical ExaminationLifestyle CounsellingAuroscopyRectal Examination (Optional)Breast Examination (For Ladies)


医疗报告分析 (只提供英语报告)

全面的病史询问全面的身体检查生活方式辅导外耳检查直肠检查 (可选)乳房检查(女性)


全血细胞计数血糖指数检测血脂检测肾功能检测肝功能检测甲状腺检测B型肝炎检测性病检测心脏病风险检测• C-反应蛋白素尿液分析粪便潛血检查

LaBoratory investigations

radioLogy & other investigations

医生的检查doctor’s examination

胸部X光检查心电图眼科检查配套与眼科医生的详细报告• 视力敏锐度检查• 眼压测量• 视网膜摄像

Chest X-RayElectrocardiogramEye Screen• Visual Acuity• Intraocular Pressure Test• Retinal Photography

Body Impedance Analysis• Height and Weight• Body Mass Index (BMI)• Waist CircumferenceBlood Pressure Visual Acuity

人体阻抗分析• 身高体重• 身体质量指数• 腰围血压 视力

Full Blood CountDiabetic ScreenCholesterol ScreenKidney FunctionLiver FunctionThyroid ScreenHepatitis B ScreenVenereal DiseaseCardiac Risk Screen• C-Reactive ProteinUrine AnalysisStool Analysis