Torah Bible Study Club 妥拉五經

Post on 06-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Torah Bible Study Club 妥拉五經

What is the difference between Torah and Tanach? The word Bible (from the Greek, Biblia) means The Book (or books!). Actually, as we

Tanach is actually an acronym, (like SCUBA, who knows what SCUBA stands for? or RADAR), that stands for Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings). After the Torah reading, a small portion from 'Nevi'im' is read, called the Haftarah. Unlike the Torah portions that are read sequentially, the Haftarah is a passage chosen by the Rabbis (of the Talmud) that in some way relates to the Torah reading.There is a word, Mikra, (from Reading) that would be like the English word: Scripture (from Writing), that has the sense of 'Holy Writ.'So, to summarize: All of the Torah is in the Tanach (or Bible) but not all of the Tanach is in the Torah. To give some examples: The books of Isaiah, Psalms or Esther are in the Bible, but not in the Torah!

will see in topic D, the Bible is actually a library of books. Surprisingly, there is no word for 'Bible' as such in Hebrew!