TOEIC SPEAKING SCORES...TOEIC SPEAKING Question 1: Read a text aloud Attention, Hamilton furniture...

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Transcript of TOEIC SPEAKING SCORES...TOEIC SPEAKING Question 1: Read a text aloud Attention, Hamilton furniture...

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Level Conversion Question 11/10 Question 7-9/4-6 Question 1-3

8 190-200 5 점/5 점 모두 혹은 거의 3 점 모두 혹은 거의 모두

3 점

7 160-180 4 점/5 점

절반 이상이 3 점 모두 혹은 거의 모두

3 점 4 점/4 점

6 130-150 3 점/4 점

모두 2 점 혹은 그 이상 대부분 3 점 3 점/3 점

5 110-120 3 점/3 점 대부분 2 점/일부 1 점

대부분 2 점 3 점/2 점 대부분 2 점/일부 3 점

4 80-100 2 점/2 점

대부분 1 점 일부 2 점/일부 1 점 2 점/1 점

3 60-70 1 점/1 점

대부분 1 점이거나 무응답 대부분 1 점 2 점/1 점

2 40-50 1 점/1 점

대부분 1 점이거나 무응답 대부분 1 점 2 점/1 점

1 0-30 무응답이거나

주제에서 벗어남

무응답이거나 주제에서


무응답이거나 주제에서


Pronunciation Levels:

Low (0-1.5) 문장을 큰소리로 읽을 때, 대체로 알아듣기 힘들다.

Mid (1.6-2.5) 문장을 큰 소리로 읽을 때, 다소 실수가 있으나 대체로 알아듣기 가능함.

High (3) 문장을 큰 소리로 읽을 때 알아듣기 매우 쉽다.

억양 및 강세 레벨.

Low (0-1.5) 문장을 큰 소리로 읽을 때, 억양과 강세가 거의 좋지 못함.

Mid (1.6-2.5) 문장을 큰 소리로 읽을 때, 억양과 강세가 대체로 좋음.

High (3) 문장을 큰 소리로 읽을때, 억양과 강세가 매우 좋음.

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점수 설명

Level 8: 환산 점수 190, 200

- 통상적인 회사 업무에 관련된 회화를 일관성있고 지속적 있게 대화 가능 함.

- 의견을 표현하거나 복잡한 요구사항에 대해 응답할 때 알아듣기 쉬움. 단순&복잡한 문장을 모두 자유롭게

구사하며 어휘 사용도 정확함.

- 구어체 영어 사용을 통한 질문 답변과 기본적인 정보 제공.

- 발음, 억양, 강세, 등 항상 알아듣기 쉬움.

Level 7: 환산 점수 160, 170, 180

- 통상적인 회사 업무에 관련된 회화를 일관성있고 지속적 있게 대화 가능 함. 길게 응답 할 시, 발음/억양에 약간

어려움이 있거나 주저 하는 기색이 보인다.

- 복잡한 문장구조에 조금 씩 틀린점이 있다. 부정확한 어휘사용도 있다.

- 구어체 영어 사용을 통한 질문 답변과 기본적인 정보 제공.

- 발음, 억양, 강세, 등이 대부분 알아듣기 쉬움

Level 6: 환산 점수 130, 140, 150

- 일반적으로 의견을 표현하고 요구사항에 관련적이 대답을 할 수 있으나 발음, 억양, 강세 등이 불명확할 때가


- 문법적 실수 발생.

- 어휘 사용범위가 제한적.

- 때로 응답을 알아듣기 어렵다.

Level 5: 환산 점수 110, 120

- 일반적인 의견을 표현하거나 요구사항에 응답할 때 대안이 제한적이다.

- 말이 부정확, 혹은 반복적이다.

- 듣는 사람을 고려하지 않은 답변들.

- 말할 때 자주 주저하며 말을 안하는 시간이 길다.

Level 4: 환산점수 80, 90, 100

- 일반적으로 의견을 표현하거나 요구사항에 응답을 하지 못함.

- 언어사용에 제한이 있으며 발음, 억양, 강세에 지속적인 오류있음.

- 오랫동안 말을 안함.

Level 3: 환산 점수 60, 70

- 의견을 어렵게 제시하며 제한적인 응답.

- 질문에 답은 하나 기본적인 정보 제공 없음.

- 억양,강세,발음,문법에 큰 오류.

Level 2: 환산 점수 40, 50

- 요구사항에 응답하지 못하거나 응답이 전혀 연관성이 없음.

- 문장을 이해하기 어려움.

Level 1: 환산 점수 0, 10, 20, 30

- 대부분의 질문에 답을 하지 못함. 지시 내용 및 질문 내용을 이해하지 못함.

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UNIT 1 Questions 1&2

Read a text aloud

Preparation Time Response Time

45 45

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Sample Problems


Question 1: Read a text aloud

Thank you for attending today's city council assembly. First, I'll give you an update

on the city hall renovation project. Since the project started several weeks ago, a

great deal has been accomplished. The building crew painted the main room,

repainted the lobby, and began construction on the west wing edition. The work

should be completed in November.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45


Question 1: Read a text aloud

Welcome to this intermediate computer training video. By the time this session is

over, you will have the basic tools you need to begin surfing the internet. We will

cover information about search engines, web pages and many other important topics.

And in the next session, we will look more closely at email and social media.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45

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***Do not overlook s’s and ed’s!

Distinguish the I’s and i:’s


“These are not fit.”


“These are not feet.”


“How do you fill this cup?”


“How do you feel this cup?”


“Please be sitted.”

“Please sit down.”


“Please be seated.”

“Please seat down.”


“You have reached Victoria’s Cosmetics.”


“You have riched Victoria’s Cosmetics.”


“Please leave my ship alone.”


“Please leave my sheep alone.”

[무성음] + s = [s] [유성음] + s = [z] [s] [ks] [z] [tʃ] [dʒ] +s = [iz]

Books Dogs Prices

Comments Chairs Crutches

Caps Lanterns Passes

[무성음] + ed = [t] [유성음] + ed = [d] [t] [d]+ed = [id]

Passed Cried Divided

Switched Applied Departed

Progressed Called Stated

발음 클리닉 – 원어민처럼 말하기

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Stress Patterns


A good book The solid object

A dirty look A questionable remark

Deep thoughts The simple question

A gorgeous dress A soft pillow

A cute baby A fast horse

A dangerous place The timid boy

Adj+ CN

A clean bathroom A beautiful sunrise

A dirty bookcase A nice haircut

A small post office A thick textbook

A brave firefighter An interesting childhood

An exciting football A big airplane

A bright full moon A successful suntan

Stress anywhere & everywhere, except preposition, article, and conjunction

1. Our guest today is Miranda Kert, the Chief Architect at Plum Architecture.

2. Scientists in Bansville area have discovered a panda previously thought to be


3. The building was constructed with funding from businesses and city governments.

4. Your check-in process will take five to twenty minutes.


Bathroom Sunrise

Bookcase Haircut

Post office Textbook

Firefighter Childhood

Football Airplane

Full moon Suntan

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어미에 따른 강세 규칙 – 처음 보는 단어도 쉽게 읽을 수 있다.

~ate (-ated, -ator, -ating) ~tion

- Accommodate

- Demonstrate

- Communicate

- Decimate

- Operate

- Populate

- Segregate

- Chocolate

- Replicate

- Template

- Duplicate

- Candidate

- Applicant

- Corporate

- Climate

- Abruption

- Evolution

- Action

- Administration

- Customization

- Depressurization

- Disinfestations

- Relocation

~ious ~ity

- Cautious

- Mysterious

- Unconscious

- Laborious

- Obvious

- Prestigious

- Spacious

- Flexibility

- Originality

- Insecurity

- Activity

- Immortality

- Masculinity

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Linking Rules

1. Can I watch it?

2. Check it again!

3. I’m afraid that it may not happen.

4. Have a good day!

5. It’s been a while since we’ve met.

6. What are you doing?

7. What is this?

8. Some of it was gone.

Ending letter=beginning letter

1. It’s sunny today.

2. Don’t forget to bring my umbrella with you!

3. You must tell her the truth!

4. Do you want to go out with me?

5. Please speak Korean in this room.

6. Let’s see what we can do.

7. Don’t tell my mom, please.

8. I’m missing my wallet!

Ending letter = similar to the beginning letter

1. Have fun at the resort!

2. Give me the money right now!

3. I need to go home.

4. I’m glad to hear that.

5. He’s not used to being pushed around.

6. He talked to her about it.

7. You don’t have to go.

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Consonant + y

1. Have you done your homework?

2. Don’t you like it?

3. Help yourself, please.

4. Can I ask you something?

5. Thank you very much!

6. How’s your mother doing?

7. Bet you didn’t know that.

8. Would you be able to come to my party?

~ will

1. I’ll be right back.

2. He’ll come home later tonight.

3. You’ll be fine!

4. They’ll arrive in few minutes.

5. What’ll happen tonight?

6. We’ll go over there together.

7. It’ll bite you if you’re loud.

Consonants after “t & d”

1. She has some profound feelings about the issue.

2. Recent breakup of the couple was very scandalous

3. I would like some soft drinks, please.

4. He is a world-famous soccer player.

5. Boston Art Museum has some of the most astonishing artworks in New England.

6. My grandmother and grandfather were on a trip to the Saint John Mountains.

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선택 의문문 Would you like some coke or water?

If, when 등의

부사절 문장 If I fall in love at a first sight, I would talk to that person.

And/or 을 사용한


The restaurant had delicious food, kind staff, and a cozy


Intonation Practice

• Are you sure about this?

• When you are done with your homework, you may go out.

• Do I have all the things we need? I have sodas, napkins, and cups.

• Where did you go last weekend?

• If you could hang up the phone, that would be great.

평서문 My favorite type of movie is romantic comedies.

감탄문 That jacket looks great on you!

명령문 Please call me back if you have any questions

의문사 (Wh~)로

시작하는 의문문 How many times do you go to get a medical checkup?

Wh- 로 시작

하는 의문문을

제외한 의문문

Do you have any questions?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Will you do me a favor?

Is she suitable for the job?

Can we go there to participate in the event?

Would you tell me what time I should be there?

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끊어 읽기 Practice

• Is it possible to hang out after work?

• Please, have a seat and enjoy the view.

• I could not believe that she would say such things.

• When you are listening to a presentation, there are many factors you should pay

attention to, such as the images, statistics, and sources.

• I’ve always wanted to go there, but I’ve never had a chance to push myself.

끊어 읽기

1. 문장 부호 뒤에 (, . ; : ? !)

We will start the tour, as soon as everyone arrives.

2. 접속사/전치사 앞 (and, or, but, which, that, since…)

She worked very hard to get recognized.

3. 구 (phrase), 절 (clauses), 문장들 (sentences)사이.

This month, a girl from South America, will be participating in the


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Question 1: Read a text aloud

Attention, Hamilton furniture store shoppers! For today only, all dining sets are half

off the regular price. Also, you can find a wide assortment of couches, desks and

lounge chairs at incredible prices. Remember, when you are looking for only the

best-quality furniture, we have what you need.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45


Question 1: Read a text aloud

Our next speaker is Richard Sullivan who will talk about the importance of

preparation when heading out and in to the wilderness. He is the owner of "Hike

Away" an outdoor gear supplier and has written three books on camping and hiking.

Also, Richard has written many articles about his travels to Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Please welcome Richard Sullivan.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45

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Question 1: Read a text aloud

Good evening and welcome to the first session of our interior design meeting. Today

we will talk about different lighting arrangements. First we will discuss the features of

ceiling, floor, and table lamps. Then, we’ll see how various lighting arrangements can

change the usefulness or mood of the room. By the time we’re finished, we will

know as much as any lighting professionals.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45


Question 1: Read a text aloud

Thank you for joining us for Rodney Harly News, the area’s best source for the news

and information. This summer the historic monument in Richmond Park will be

repaired, painted, and relocated to the western end of the park. Later in our

broadcast, we will talk to residents to get their reactions to this exciting news.


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Question 1: Read a text aloud

Attention Bradley Electronics Supply customers. The time is now 9:45 and we will be

closing our doors for the night approximately in fifteen minutes. Please begin

making your final selections and proceed to our checkout counters. Don’t forget to

check us out online at Bradley Electronics where you can find all our

great deals twenty-four hours a day. Thank you.


00 : 00 : 45 00 : 00 : 45


Question 1: Read a text aloud

Attention all passengers traveling on the seven-thirty a.m. train to New York City.

Please note that the departure time has been delayed until eight a.m. due to

unexpected maintenance work. Boarding is expected to begin at seven-forty a.m. In

the meantime, please wait in our lounge, cafe, or the seating area on platform

fifteen. Thank you.


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