Titluri Religioase

Post on 13-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Titluri Religioase

Titluri religioase

Ierarhie bisericeasca

Pe lng cele trei trepte de instituire divin de diacon, preot i episcop - n

decursul timpului, datorita nevoilor vieii bisericetii, autoritatea ecclesial a

instituit felurite trepte de slujitori bisericeti. Acestea se subordoneaz celor de

instituire divin i se mpart n doua grupe:

Trepte ale clerului inferior:

- subdiacon sau ipodiacon

- cite, lector sau anagnost

- exorcist sau harismatic

- acolut sau nsoitor

- ostiar sau uier

- catehet sau dascl harismatic

- diaconie sau asistente sociale

Trepte ale clerului superior:

a) derivate din treapta de diacon: - ierodiacon - protodiacon - arhidiacon

b) derivate din treapta de preot:

1 preot de mir: - preot capelan

- preot paroh

- preot ajuttor sau preotul II, III, ...

- protopop

- preot secretar

- preot referent

- preot inspector

- preot consilier

- preot vicar

Distinciile clerului de mir sunt: sachelar, iconom i iconom stravofor

2 preot monah: - ieromonah

- econom

- casier

- ecclesiarh

- arhondar

- chelar

- secretar

-stare, care mai poate fi: simplu clugr, episcop, arhiepiscop sau mitropolit

- exarhul mnstirilor

Distinciile clerului monahale sunt: frate, monah, ieromonah, singhel, protosinghel i arhimandrit.

3 derivate din treapta de arhiereu: - arhiereu vicar

- episcop vicar

- episcop

- arhiepiscop

- mitropolit, care mai poate avea rangul de primat sau exarh al plaiurilor

- patriarh

a) Episcopul -

b) Preotii - ( presbyteri) erau mai multi intr-o comunitate si formau sfatul episcopului (presbyterium). Ei slujeau fie impreuna cu el, fie separat, serviciile incredintate de el. Cand slujeau cu episcopul, preotii sedeau de-a dreapta si de-a stanga lui, avand loc pe scaune, pe cand diaconii stateau in picioare. Preotii puteau sa si predice si sa catehizeze.

c) Diaconii - ajutau pe episcopi la cult si in administrarea bunurilor comunitatii. Ei mentineau ordinea la cult, primeau ofrandele credinciosilor, citeau din Sfanta Scriptura la cult cand nu erau lectori, duceau sfanta cuminecatura celor absenti de la adunare (bolnavi, inchisi), anuntau adunarile viitoare.

d) Clerul inferior - Din clerul inferior faceau parte: ipodiaconii (subdiaconi), lectorii, psaltii, acolutii, exorcistii, usierii, la care s-au adaugat mai tarziu groparii. Aceste categorii de slujitori s-au ivit treptat si n-au fost toate de la inceput in clerul inferior. Unii clerici inferiori erau instituiti prin rugaciuni, altii doar prin binecuvintarea (hirotesie) episcopului.

Ipodiaconii savarseau unele din serviciile diaconilor, erau ajutatorii lor, de aceea sunt numiti uneori slujitori ai diaconilor. Uneori faceau serviciul de curieri ai episcopului.

Lectorii sau citetii (lectores) sunt primii clerici inferiori cunoscuti, dupa exorcisti, care in secolul I erau harismatici. Lectorii faceau citiri din Sfanta Scriptura la cult si aveau in grija pastrarea ei. Ei trebuiau sa cunoasca bine textul si scrierea, sa aiba indemanare la citire. Poate ca in unele locuri lectorii traduceau sau explicau textul citit.

Psaltii erau cantareti. Psaltii nu sunt socotiti de toti istoricii clerici inferiori.

Acolutii (acolyti) erau insotitori ai episcopilor. Ei ajutau la cult, purtand luminile la ceremoniile bisericesti. Ca si ipodiaconii, acolutii erau trimisi uneori de episcop sa duca scrisori ; numarul lor varia.

Exorcistii, numiti uneori si eporchisti au avut la inceput caracter harismatic. Slujba lor era vindecarea celor posedati de duhuri necurate (energumeni) sau a celor ce sufereau de boli sufletesti. Exorcistii ajutau si la botezul catehumenilor.Usierii (ostiarii) aveau in grija paza usilor si a portilor. Ei vegheau ca sa nu intre in biserica necrestini. In epoca persecutiilor, insarcinarea lor era necesara si importanta.

Groparii (fossores) sunt cunoscuti dintr-un document din timpul persecutiilor lui Diocletian (303), dar trebuie sa fi fost mai vechi, mai ales la Roma si acolo unde se mai sapau catacombe.

Unii istorici innumara intre clericii inferiori pe cateheti. Acestia erau insa clerici sau chiar laici insarcinati cu pregatirea catehumenilor.

e) Horepiscopii (chorepiscopi) erau slujitori speciali pentru comunitatile departate de orase. Ei erau inferiori episcopilor din orase si au ajuns in dependenta de ei, ca un fel de vicari. Horepiscopii puteau savirsi cultul si face misiune, dar nu hirotoneau. Unele sinoade au restrins drepturile lor in favoarea episcopilor. Cu timpul, horepiscopii au fost inlocuiti de periodevti preoti vizitatori, sau de preoti de tara.

Diaconesele (ministrae) indeplineau servicii auxiliare, mai ales pe cele pentru care erau mai potrivite decat diaconii barbati; asistau la botezul femeilor, la impartirea ajutoarelor pentru femei, la vizitarea bolnavilor, la agape.JudaismJewish honorifics and titles


RabbiLiterally means great one. The word Rabbi is derived from the Hebrew root word , rav, which in biblical Hebrew means great or distinguished (in knowledge).

Av Beit Din

Chief Rabbi


Fellow Student




Hakham Bashi


Kohen Gadol




Mashgiach ruchani







Rishon LeZion

Rosh yeshiva



Talmid Chacham




CantorThis title has a different meaning in Reform Judaism.




Mashgiach ruchani




The Mitzvah of sanctifying the Kohen


CantorateThis position had a different meaning to the Reform Jewish in the 19th Century.

Rosh yeshiva






The status quo Kohen

Tzadikim Nistarim


Admo"r"Admor" is an acronym for "Adonainu, Morainu, VeRabbeinu," a phrase meaning "Our Master, Our Teacher, and Our Rebbe." This is an honorific title given to scholarly leaders of a Jewish community. In writing, this title is placed before the name, as in "Admor of Pinsk" or R' (stands for Rabbi, Rav,or Reb) Ploni Almoni, Admor of Redomsk."

Shlit"a'Shlit"a' is an acronym for "Sheyikhye Lirot Yamim Tovim Arukim/Amen," May he live a good long life or May he live a good life, Amen, given to a revered rabbi or to someone's child's Rebbe (teacher). This title is usually placed before the name.

K'vod K'dushat"K'vod K'dushat," meaning The honor of [his] holiness. This title is usually placed before the name. It is found as early as in the 1531 edition of The Aruk.[1]

Shy'"Shy'" is an acronym for "Sheyikhye," meaning May he live. This title is usually placed after the name.

Protestant ChristianityRoleDescription

PreacherSome churches in the United States




BishopSee also Bishop (Catholic Church)


Resident BishopThis title is exclusive to the United Methodist Church.

Latter Day SaintsRoleDescription

Apostle"Elder [surname]"

President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (or Acting President)"President [surname]"

Bishop"Bishop [surname]" (the title is often retained as a courtesy after the individual is released from the calling)

Counselors in a Bishopric"Brother [surname]"

Presiding Bishop and counselors in the Presiding Bishopric"Bishop [surname]" (the title is often retained as a courtesy after the individual is released from the calling)

Branch president"President [surname]"

Counselors in a branch presidency"Brother [surname]"

Deacon"Brother [surname]"

District President and counselors in a district presidency"President [surname]"

Elder"Brother [surname]" (except for full-time missionaries, in which case it is "Elder [surname]")

High priest"Brother [surname]" (except for full-time missionaries, in which case it is "Elder [surname]")

Full-time missionaries (female)"Sister [surname]"

Full-time missionaries (male)"Elder [surname]"

Mission president"President [surname]"

Counselors in a mission presidency"President [surname]"

Patriarch"Brother [surname]" or "Patriarch [surname]"

Priest"Brother [surname]"

President of the Church and counselors in the First Presidency"President [surname]"

Seventy"Elder [surname]"

Local and general Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary presidents and their counselors"Sister [surname]"

Local and general Sunday School presidents and counselors in Sunday School presidencies"Brother [surname]"

Stake President and counselors in a stake presidency"President [surname]"

Teacher"Brother [surname]"

Temple president"President [surname]"

Counselors in a temple presidency"Brother [surname]"

Local and general Young Men presidents and counselors in Young Men presidencies"Brother [surname]"


Dalai Lama

Gaden Tripa

Panchen Lama



Dorje Lopn

Gyalwang Drukpa



Je Khenpo




Panchen Lama



Third Bardor Tulku Rinpoche



Tai Situpa



Agga Maha Pandita














Maha Kapphina

Mae ji
















Temple boy






Upsaka and Upsik















Jagad guru











Rishi Muni












Alayhi 'l-salat wa'l-SalamMeans "Upon him prayer and peace"; used for all earlier Prophets and Angels.

Alayhi wa 'ala Alihi al-salat wa 'l-SalamMeans "Upon him and his family be prayer and peace"

Salawat Allahi 'alayhi wa AlihiMeans "The exaltations of God shall be upon him and his family"

Salawat Allah wa Salamuhu 'Alayhi wa AlihiMeans "The exaltations and peace of God be upon him and his family"

Salla 'llah 'Alayhi wa Alihi wa Sahbihi wa sallamMeans, "May God exalt and bring peace upon him, his family, and his companions"

Salla 'llah 'alayhi wa Alihi wa sallamMeans, "May God exalt and bring peace upon him and his progeny"

Radiya Allaho 'anhoMeans "May God be pleased with him"; Used for companions of prophet as well as scholars


AllamahA Sunni Islam term meaning the most respected of the Marjas; it is a Persian name for teacher that is also used by some to denote a teacher of extraordinary respect.

Amir al-Mu'minin

Ash Shakur

AyatollahIn Shi'a Islam, a high ranking title given to clerics.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques





ImamIn Shi'a Islam, the Imam is appointed by God, and Muhammed was informed that the number of Imams after him will be 12.

Karram-Allah-u Wajhahu


KhojaA Turkestani word

MahdiThe 12th Imam will come either as a first time appearance or as a reappearance after a long occultation. The Mahdi is the greatest teacher, the Messiah of the Islamic World, and the Maitreya of Buddhism.


MaraboutA spiritual teacher of Islam as it is taught in the West Africa and Maghreb, The word comes from the Berber concept of Saint. The "marabout" is known as "Sayyed" () to the Arabic speaking Maghribians.

MarjaIn Shi'a Islam, The name means source to follow.

MawlawiA Persian word for teacher meaning Master.




MuftiA guide on the Path to the Source of living Water (the divine sharia law) is called Mufti.

MuhaddithSomeone who has profound knowledge of the Haddith, and teaches by Narration, or storytelling.

MullahThe title of the teachers at the Madrasahs, Islamic schools. Mullah is a teacher in regard of being respected as a vicar and guardian of Qur'an and the Islamic traditions.

MujaddidSomeone sent by God to aid the Umma and revive Islam at the beginning of every century .



Peace be upon him




Radhiallahu 'anhu





SheikhAn Arabic honorific term that literally means Elder. It is a long historic debate in many cultures whether the elder in itself denotes the role and status of a teacher.

Sheikh ul-Islam

Subhanahu wa ta'ala




Ulema/UlamaThe title that indicates that the teacher has come to awareness of the consensus, the ijma, of the Umma. Umma is the universal community of all the children of God.

Roman CatholicismRoleDescription




Lord Chancellor

Prince bishop


Ecumenical Patriarch


CatholicoiThe heads of some of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Rite Catholic sui iuris churches (notably the Armenian); roughly similar to a Patriarch.

PrimateA primate is usually the bishop of the oldest church of a nation. Sometimes this carries jurisdiction over metropolitan bishops, but usually it is purely honorific. The primate of the Scottish Episcopal Church is chosen from among the diocesan bishops, and, while retaining diocesan responsibility, is called Primus.

Presiding Bishop or President BishopThese titles are often used for the head of a national Anglican church, but the title is not usually associated with a particular episcopal see like the title of a primate.

Major archbishopMajor archbishops are the heads of some of the Eastern Catholic Churches. Their authority within their sui juris church is equal to that of a patriarch, but they receive fewer ceremonial honors.

Metropolitan bishopA metropolitan bishop is an archbishop in charge of an ecclesiastical province, or group of dioceses, and in addition to having immediate jurisdiction over his own archdiocese, also exercises some oversight over the other dioceses within that province. Sometimes a metropolitan may also be the head of an autocephalous, sui iuris, or autonomous church when the number of adherents of that tradition are small. In the Latin Rite, metropolitans are always archbishops; in many Eastern churches, the title is "metropolitan," with some of these churches using "archbishop" as a separate office.

ArchbishopAn archbishop is the bishop of an archdiocese. This is usually a prestigious diocese with an important place in local church history. In the Roman Catholic Church, the title is purely honorific and carries no extra jurisdiction, though most archbishops are also metropolitan bishops, as above. In most provinces of the Anglican Communion, however, an archbishop has metropolitical and primatial power.

Suffragan bishopA suffragan bishop is a bishop subordinate to a Metropolitan. In the Roman Catholic Church this term is applied to all non-metropolitan bishops (that is, diocesan bishops of dioceses within a metropolitan's province, and auxiliary bishops). In the Anglican Communion, the term applies to a bishop who is a full-time assistant to a diocesan bishop: the Bishop of Warwick is suffragan to the Bishop of Coventry (the diocesan), though both live in Coventry. Some Anglican suffragans are given the responsibility for a geographical area within the diocese (for example, the Bishop of Stepney is an area bishop within the Diocese of London).

Titular bishopA titular bishop is a bishop without a diocese. Rather, the bishop is head of a titular see, which is usually an ancient city that used to have a bishop, but, for some reason or other, does not have one now. Titular bishops often serve as auxiliary bishops. In the Ecumenical Patriarchate, bishops of modern dioceses are often given a titular see alongside their modern one (for example, the Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain).

Auxiliary bishopAn auxiliary bishop is a full-time assistant to a diocesan bishop (the Orthodox and Catholic equivalent of an Anglican suffragan bishop). An auxiliary bishop is a titular bishop, and he is to be appointed as a vicar general or at least as an episcopal vicar of the diocese in which he serves.[4]

Coadjutor bishopA coadjutor bishop is an auxiliary bishop who is given almost equal authority in a diocese with the diocesan bishop, and the automatic right to succeed the incumbent diocesan bishop. The appointment of coadjutors is often seen as a means of providing for continuity of church leadership.

Honorary Assistant bishop, Assisting Bishop, or Bishop EmeritusThese titles are usually applied to retired bishops who are given a general licence to minister as episcopal pastors under a diocesan's oversight. The titles, in this meaning, are not used by the Roman Catholic Church.

ChorbishopA chorbishop is an official of a diocese in some Eastern Christian churches. Chorbishops are not generally ordained bishops they are not given the sacrament of Holy Orders in that degree but function as assistants to the diocesan bishop with certain honorary privileges.


Lord Bishop

Prince-BishopAlso called Prince of the Church

Roman Catholicism in the United StatesRoleDescription

CardinalReferred to as His Eminence; Your Eminence

Cardinal who is also an archbishopHis Eminence; Your Eminence

ArchbishopReferred to as The Most Reverend; His Excellency; Your Excellency.

BishopReferred to as The Most Reverend; His Excellency; Your Excellency.

AbbotReferred to as The Right Reverend; Father Abbot, others depending on personal and abbey custom.

Protonotary Apostolic, Honorary Prelate, Chaplain of His HolinessReferred to as The Reverend Monsignor. Postnominals are rarely used for Honorary Prelates or Chaplains of His Holiness.

Vicar GeneralReferred to as The Very Reverend or The Reverend.

Judicial Vicar, Ecclesiastical Judge, Episcopal Vicar, Vicar Forane, Dean, Provincial Superior, RectorReferred to as The Very Reverend or Father.

CanonReferred to as The Very Reverend Canon[5]

PriorReferred to as The Very Reverend or Father.

Pastor of a Catholic parish, Parochial Vicar, Chaplain, PriestReferred to as The Reverend or Father.

Transitional DeaconReferred to as Reverend Mister or Deacon.

Permanent DeaconReferred to as Mister or Deacon.

SeminarianReferred to as Mister.

Religious BrotherReferred to as Brother.

Abbess, Prioress, superior of a religious order of women or a provinceReferred to as Reverend Mother or Sister

Nun or Religious SisterReferred to as Sister.

Eastern OrthodoxRoleDescription

Ecumenical Patriarch of ConstantinopleEcumenical Patriarch [insert name], His All-Holiness, Your All-Holiness.

PatriarchPatriarch [insert name] of [place], Patriarch, His Beatitude, Your Beatitude.

Archbishop of an independent ChurchThe Most Reverend Archbishop [insert name] of [place], Archbishop John, His Beatitude, Your Beatitude.

Archbishop of a sub-national ChurchThe Most Reverend Archbishop [insert name] of [place], Archbishop John, His Eminence, Your Eminence.

MetropolitanThe Most Reverend Metropolitan [insert name] of [place], Metropolitan John, His Eminence, Your Eminence.

Titular MetropolitanThe Most Reverend Metropolitan [insert name] of [place], His Excellency, Your Excellency. Some Metropolitans use the style "The Very Most Reverend", and a Metropolitan who is the head of an independent Church is addressed as "Beatitude" rather than "Excellency".

BishopThe Right Reverend Bishop [insert name] of [place], Bishop [insert name], His Grace, Your Grace.

Titular/Auxiliary BishopSame as for Bishops, above, and in other languages Sayedna (Arabic), Despota (Greek), Vladika (Russian).

Priest (Presbyter)The Reverend Father or Father.

ProtopriestThe Very Reverend Protopriest or Father.

ArchpriestThe Very Reverend Archpriest [insert name] or Father.

ArchimandriteThe Very Reverend Archimandrite [insert name], or The Right Reverend Archimandrite, or Father.

Hieromonk (Priest-monk)The Reverend Hieromonk or Father. In other languages Abouna (Arabic), Pappas (Greek), Batushka (Russian)

Priest's WifePresbytera Mary (Greek), Khouria Mary (Arabic), Matushka Mary (Russian), Papadiya Mary (Serbian), Panimatushka (Ukrainian)

DeaconThe Reverend Father [insert name], Deacon [insert name], Father [insert name], Deacon Father [insert name], Deacon [insert name]

ProtodeaconThe Reverend Protodeacon [insert name], Father [insert name], Deacon Father [insert name], Deacon [insert name]

ArchdeaconThe Reverend Archdeacon [insert name], Father [insert name], Deacon Father [insert name], Deacon [insert name].

Hierodeacon (Deacon-monk)The Reverend Hierodeacon [insert name], Father [insert name]

Deacon's WifeDiakonissa Mary (Greek), or the same titles as a priest's wife

AbbotThe Right Reverend Abbot [insert name], Abbot [insert name], Father [insert name]

AbbessThe Reverend Mother Superior [insert name], The Very Reverend Abbess [insert name], Reverend Mother [insert name], Mother [insert name]

MonkMonk [insert name], Father [insert name]

Rassophore MonkRassophore Monk [insert name], Father [insert name]

Stavrophore MonkStavrophore Monk [insert name], Father [insert name]

SchemamonkSchemamonk [insert name], Father [insert name]

NoviceNovice [insert name]; or Brother [insert name]. The title "Brother" is a result of Latin influence; the title is only given to some novices with a special blessing.

NunNun [insert name], Mother [insert name]

Rassophore NunRassophore Nun [insert name], Sister [insert name]

NoviceSister [insert name]

New ThoughtRoleDescription



Life coach

Healing practitioner

Religious Science Practitioner"A trained counselor who listens to concerns and offers loving prayers in accordance to the principles of Science of Mind. Practitioners honor each person from a holistic viewpoint and acknowledge their basic loving nature."[6]


VolkhvyHeathen priests among the pre-Christian Rus' people.


High Priest/High PriestessA Wiccan role.

Solitary practitioner


Lamane"Master of the land". Ancient lamanic class of the Serer people. Guardians of Serer religion, laws and ethics. Extinct (see States headed by ancient Serer Lamanes).

Saltigue"Ministers of the religious cult". The Serer priestly class.

TeachersIn Hinduism the spiritual teacher is known as a guru. Traditionally, a spiritual seeker would revere his or her guru highly, and demonstrate utmost submission and humility through menial service in order to prove worthy to be a recipient of the knowledge the guru has attained by initiation practices. There are many sayings on the teacher like "Guru devo bhava" (Guru is God), which reflects of the esteem associated with a guru's role.

In the Latter Day Saint movement the teacher is an office in the Aaronic priesthood, while in Tibetan Buddhism the teachers of Dharma in Tibet are most commonly called a Lama. A Lama who has through phowa and siddhi consciously determined to be reborn, often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a Tulku.

Clergy is the generic term for formal religious leadership within a given religion. A clergyman, churchman, or cleric is a member of the clergy. They may be called priest, preacher, pastor, minister, reverend, or father. In Christianity there is a wide range of formal and informal clergy positions, including deacons, priests, bishops, and ministers. In Shiaa Islam, religious leaders are usually known as imams or ayatollahs.

There are many concepts of teachers in Islam, ranging from mullahs (the teachers at madrassas) to ulemas.

MagiciansThere are many kinds of people who deal with magic. They include paranormal magicians, fantasy magicians, shamans, kalku, and the magi. In Shamanic magic, the Seid plays a role, as does the Warlock and Witch in Paganism. In history, magic in the Greco-Roman world was common. There are also the Onmyou Mystic and the Bomoh.