Tips for a good night’s for a good...

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MARCH 2013

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Tips for agood night’s





2 MARCH 2013

Tips for getting a good night’s

Establish a regular bedtime – go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning, even on weekends

Do something that relaxes you and takes your mind of any worries before going to bed – watch TV, read a book or simply picture yourself in your favourite, peaceful place

Use lighter bed coverings and turn off central heating – becoming overheated can disturb sleep

Don’t have a heavy meal just before bedtime. If you tend to wake up with ‘night hunger’ eat a light protein snack before bed

Don’t drink alcohol in the evening. This will help you go to sleep initially, but creates disturbed sleep and overheating during the night

Don’t do strenuous exercise before sleeping

Stop drinking coffee and tea, or restrict it to morning only Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and conducive to sleeping –

move the TV out Never go to sleep in front of the TV. If you feel yourself

nodding off while watching it, turn it off and go to bed If you’re worried about something, write the problem down on

a piece of paper, together with solutions, before going to bed If you feel you need a little extra help then recent research

has found Panax notoginseng and Zizyphus jujuba, two anti-anxiety herbs can help induce sleep naturally without causing the ‘morning-after drowsiness’ effects that some over-the-counter insomnia medications can cause. The clinically proven Panax notoginseng (Panatonin™) was reported to be effective in 89 per cent of users, helping calm the mind, reducing the time taken to fall asleep and improving sleep quality and sleeping time. Zizyphus jujuba improves sleep quality, reduces irritability and restlessness. Try a combination of these herbs half an hour before bed.

Naturopath Anastasia Zafi ropoulos recommends that if mornings are hectic for you, make your smoothie the night before and just refrigerate it, then re-whizz it in the morning. Too easy! Below are Anastasia’s basic protein smoothie recipe and her list of healthy additions.

Protein is the starting material because it provides the building blocks needed by your cells for growth and repair. It helps stabilise blood sugar levels, keeping you feeling fuller for longer, and among other things helps improve immunity particularly after illness and helps you recover after exercise.A staggering one third of all Australian adults have

trouble sleeping. If this includes you, then check out Go Vita’s top tips for a good night’s sleep:

World’s best kept beauty secret!

during the nightDon’t do strenuous exercise before sleeping


As a natural constituent of human cartilage, glucosamine is specifically recommended for osteoarthritis, which is initially associated with damage to the cartilage that normally cushions the joints.

Glucosamine can help your painful joints

Numerous studies indicate that glucosamine (and the related compound chondroitin) help to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, and might also help to slow the progression of the disease. A 2007 Chinese study showed glucosamine effectively relieved symptoms of joint pain and stiffness in more than 75 per cent of patients who took it. It’s been estimated that 26 per cent of Australian women and 21 per cent of men with osteoarthritis take glucosamine and/or chondroitin – so clearly many sufferers feel that they get benefi ts from these supplements! Because it’s working at a structural level, it takes time for the results of glucosamine to be noticed. We recommend taking 1500mg of glucosamine per day for at least 12 weeks before

assessing whether this supplementis effective for you.

Tablets vs powdersMost joint health products will have the same kinds of ingredients - glucosamine, chondroitin or MSM – the difference is usually the quantity of each per dose. While tablets and capsules may be more convenient, manufacturers can only fi t so much into a tablet or capsule, so generally you’ll actually get less active ingredient as compared to a powder. So if it is strength and effi cacy you are after, then go for a powder - just mix with water or juice, or sprinkle on your cereal! If you prefer convenience, try a tablet or capsule.


Basic protein smoothie with 12 healthy twists

• 1 scoop whey protein powder


• 1 cup low fat milk/almond/rice/

coconut or oat milk (or even juice)

• 1 tablespoon unsweetened

natural plain yoghurt

• 1 handful mixed berries eg.

strawberries, raspberries and/or


• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder

Blend together and then if you’re

feeling adventurous add a couple

of the ingredients below:

• 1 handful of organic goji berries

- packed with vitamins and


• ½ a teaspoon organic coconut

sugar – a low-GI, rich-source

of potassium, magnesium, zinc

and iron - a great replacement for

brown sugar

• 1 tablespoon acai powder – a

nutrient, omega and antioxidant

rich superfood

• 1 tablespoon lecithin granules –

to aid digestion and help emulsify

fats in the digestive system

• 1 tablespoon wheat germ

powder – a gluten-free, natural

source of vitamin E and essential

fatty acids - useful for healthy

digestion, skin and heart

• 1 teaspoon slippery elm powder

– to soothe digestive tract

infl ammation and settle an acidic

or irritated stomach

• 1 teaspoon of organic maca powder –

rich in amino acids, essential fatty acids,

vitamins and minerals, it’s important

for supporting the endocrine system

responsible for hormonal regulation

• 1 teaspoon of NutriVital Organic

Greens Plus – for a rich source

of alkalising super greens, antioxidants,

liver protecting herbs, prebiotics and

amino acids – ideal if you are a fussy

eater or not consuming enough fruit

and vegetables daily

• 1 teaspoon chia seeds – protein rich

superfood containing antioxidants,

amino acids, magnesium, calcium

and fi bre – great for your bowels!

(drink immediately as otherwise chia

will become gelatinous)

• 1 tablespoon LSA (linseed/sunfl ower

seeds/almonds) – an excellent

source of fatty acids, protein, B

vitamins and selenium and fi bre to

keep your bowels regular

• 1 teaspoon organic cacao

powder – containing

phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals

and omega 3 fatty acids and

a rich source of super relaxing


• ½ cup rolled oats - rich in

vitamins B, D and E, it acts as

a restorative nerve tonic, and

helps keep you feeling fuller for


Anastasia Zafi ropoulos is a naturopath

working at Go Vita Sans Souci.

Applied daily, rosehip oil could well be one of the world’s best kept beauty secrets!It acts as an effective moisturiser for both face and body, directing moisture to dry areas of skin and preventing over-saturating in normal areas. The fi ne oil is readily absorbed, and replaces the natural oils in ageing skin, encouraging a youthful and vibrant appearance. While for younger, oilier complexions, it can help rebalance and restore a vibrant, healthy glow.Rosehip oil applied topically can: Moisturise, soften and smooth skin Reduce fi ne lines and wrinkles Improve skin elasticity Nourish damaged and dry-skin conditions Balance skin tone Reduce scars, including acne scars Soothe sunburn, eczema and dry scalps Strengthen fi ngernails when applied

direct to nails.

smoothiesA great way to start the day is with a healthy smoothie!

Tips for making healthy

Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the Publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any published errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefrom. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment or product in editorial or advertising does not imply that the Publisher advocates or rejects its use. Information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from qualifi ed healthcare professionals.

© 2013 Go Vita. Published by Healthworks Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 13075151629, on behalf of Go Vita. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process in any language without the written consent of the Publisher. A healthy earth means a healthier you. We use recycled and recyclable material wherever practical without compromising the quality or effectiveness of our products or service. The pulp for this publication is sourced from certifi ed well managed, environmentally sustainable plantation forests and the Paper Mill has ISO 14001 accreditation.


Hair growth at last

YOUR story

My 10 year old daughter Willow was completely bald with absolutely no body hair. She was initially diagnosed with alopecia totalis [complete hair loss from the scalp] and subsequently alopecia universalis [rapid loss of all body hair including eyebrows and eyelashes]. We were told by specialists that her chance of recovery was nil.

Over 3 years, we sought help for her from both conventional and natural healthcare practitioners. Willow tried many different treatments and hair regrowth products without any obvious benefi t.

In February 2010, we were advised by a naturopath to give her a combination of Chinese herbs [for alopecia areata] and within two weeks her eyebrow hair started to grow back. This was quickly followed by a patch of regrowth at the front of her head, then the appearance of small white hairs all over her head. By March 2010, her hair had grown to a length of 4cm and was starting to develop colour.

At time of writing this testimonial (December 2010) Willow’s hair is a good length and normal in appearance.

MC, Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast QLD.

Write and tell us your story

Australia’s largest vitamin D study to date, conducted on24,000 Australians over two years has found a staggering

58 per cent of Australians defi cient in vitamin D. This is much higher than previously thought

JULY 2012

The Aussie paradox

58% ofAussies

defi cient in

Researchers think that the results could well be explained by the fact that nowadays we all seem to be protecting ourselves from the sun more and also we now work longer hours and spend more time indoors. Whatever the reason, it appears many Australians are missing out on vitamin D, which is not

good because here’s what this sunshine vitamin can do for you:

Bone health: vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and therefore for healthy bones and teeth.

Healthy blood glucose levels: Adjunct Professor at the University of California Dr Cedric Garland, believes, if the worldwide

vitamin D defi ciency was corrected,

“The fi rst thing we’d see would be a reduction in the incidence of type-2 diabetes by 80 per cent.”

Blood pressure control: blood pressure improves when patients are exposed to UVB rays, since vitamin D relaxes the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

Back pain relief: Dr Soram Khalsa, author of The Vitamin D Revolution, recommends that any patient who experiences unexplained muscle, joint or bone pain should be checked for vitamin D defi ciency. A 2003 study found that 83 per cent of patients with lower back pain of unknown cause had abnormally low levels of vitamin D. After supplementation 95 per cent reported improvement in their pain.

Brain health: low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk for anxiety and one doctor, John Cannell, has been developing a theory that links vitamin D defi ciency to the rising incidence of developmental disorders in children. Your doctor can check your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test.

Did you know that the state of your hair refl ects the state of your internal

health? Lustrous locks are associated with vibrant

health; while dull, thinning hair may indicate poor health

generally. Naturopath Paul Keogh explains how Chinese herbs can help support your

inner health and promote revitalised hair growth.

Natural hairloss solution

According to principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the growth and development of hair depends on proper functioning of the Kidney and Liver organ-meridian systems (these systems are important aspects in TCM as they distribute the vital energy throughout the body). Chinese herbs can help to restore healthy hair growth and condition. Blood tonic herbs nourish the blood and activate the circulation to reinvigorate the hair follicle. Also important are herbs that support the Kidney energy and replenish Jing to promote healthy hair growth. From a Western perspective, Blood tonic herbs usually also have immune regulating actions, which may be relevant in immunological conditions such as alopecia areata. Physiologically, the kidneys are an important organ for

detoxifi cation, which fi lter the blood and remove toxins (such as lead) that may otherwise accumulate in the hair and reduce its quality. Herbs that support the Kidney often also help to regulate hormonal imbalances that can lead to hair thinning, hair loss or premature greying. Good nutrition is also essential to support hair growth and development. A balanced diet along with a high-quality multi vitamin and mineral complex will help ensure that all the essential nutrients required for hair growth are available in adequate amounts. Besides your internal health, the condition of your hair can be affected by other factors such as over-styling, colouring, environmental toxins (eg. chlorine in swimming pools), and overexposure to the sun. Skin conditions such as dandruff, dermatitis, psoriasis and fungal infections can also damage hair follicles and adversely effect hair growth. In these cases, Chinese herbs can provide internal nourishment to restore the health of the skin, including the hair follicle. Considering the time, effort and money you dedicate to your hair, it makes sense to get to the root cause and support hair health from the inside out. Specifi c Chinese herbs can successfully restore the health of the scalp and healthy hair growth, improving texture, colour and volume; and are suitable for all hair types and colours in men, women and children.

Time for amemory upgrade?


Is your memory not as sharp as it used to be? Does your brain often feel scrambled? Go Vita suggests two herbs to help eliminate memory lapses and restore clarity of thought.

A traditional Indian herb that has been used widely for nearly 40,000 years, brahmi (Bacopa monieri) has profound effects on improving cognitive performance. The bacosides in brahmi improve memory by enhancing nerve–impulse transmission. They also help to alleviate the adverse effects of stress, reducing mental fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, headaches and irritability. Brahmi can be used by schoolchildren to improve learning capabilities and memory function.The mind-stimulating properties of brahmi have been observed in several studies. One study following healthy volunteers using brahmi over 12 weeks showed the herb signifi cantly improved the speed of visual-information processing, learning rate and memory consolidation, with maximal effects evident after 12 weeks. Importantly, a signifi cant reduction in anxiety was also observed. Another important cognitive herb is ginkgo biloba, which improves vascular activity and oxygenation to peripheral tissues. Two reviewsassessing the effects of ginkgo revealed improvements in poor cognition in 17 per cent ofthe elderly and up to 71per cent in younger patients.

Note that ginkgo should notbe used in combination withaspirin and warfarin therapy.

vitamin D




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Acai berries - antioxidant-loaded superfruit

reported to improve memory and clarity of


Deep-sea oily fi sh - rich in omega-3 fatty

acids, which reduce cell infl ammation that

triggers memory decline

Green tea - rich in antioxidants, inhibits the

activity of certain enzymes in the brain that

are associated with memory

Nuts - rich in vitamins B6 and E, folic acid

and omegas to boost brain power and

improve mood

Blueberries - containing anthocyanin,

a phytochemical

known to boost


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Too much fl ourideWhile adequate fl uoride during early childhood does reduce

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For relief of insomniaGood Health Fast Asleep™ contains the herbs Panax notoginseng and Ziziphus jujuba. This combination may help reduce sleeplessness and improve sleep quality and quantity. Panax notoginseng may help reduce the time taken to fall asleep and reduce the number of times youwake during the night. CHC42890-02/13

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Vitamin D3 1000IUThe ‘slip slop slap’ message is well known to many Australians, which encourages covering up and reduced sun exposure but this appears at odds with the vitamin D message and may put some Australians at risk of poor vitamin D status. Vitamin D3, the active form of vitamin D, is considered the most important dietary form and is identical to the form produced in the body from exposure to sunlight. Poorvitamin D status is independently associatedwith an increased risk of falling in the elderly. CHC42889-01/13

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Forgetting to rememberor fi nding it diffi cult tofocus or concentrate?Herbs of Gold Memory & Cognition Gold uses BacoMind®, an extract of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), which contains a unique combination of active constituents. Brahmi is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance cognitive function and memory. Ginkgo helps maintain blood fl ow to the brain, assisting in the maintenance of cognitive function, memory, focus and concentration. Memory & Cognition Gold helps maintain cognitive function, memory, focus and concentration.CHC42119-07/11

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Buff your skin back to glowing with the gentle exfoliating ME Body Scrub with its powerful combination of sea salt and organic raw sugar to polish and refi ne, and nourishing nut oils to re-hydrate your skin. Then nourish and condition your skin with the ME Body Lotion, you’ll love the sheer fl oral scent of Moroccan jasmine, Balinese frangipani and lavender oils which also have fabulous hydrating properties.

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This is a great health product for all the family to help support healthy digestive and immune health as well as to assist with optimal energy levels. It tastes great, and contains only natural citrus fl avours and stevia for sweetening. If you are vegan or vegetarian, or suffer a dairy intolerance then this product issuitable for you.

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Powerful Chineseherbs for hair lossFusion Health Hair Tonic contains Chinese herbs traditionally used to assist in the management of alopecia (hair loss) andto promote healthy hair growth,colour and condition.

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