Thoughts On Simplicity and Agile

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Thoughts On Simplicity and Agile

UPerform Your Agile and Project Performance Partner

Fragmented Words on Simplicity and Possibly Agile


Bill Li 李国彪Daniel Teng 滕振宇

@ Scrum Forum 2009, Hangzhou

UPerform Your Agile and Project Performance Partner

Simplicity: 毕加索画牛 Picasso在美术的范畴内,抽象可能是美的也可能是丑的。抽象的表现是最简单省力的,也是最复杂费力的。



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元青花2005 年 7 月 12 日,英国伦敦拍卖了一件“鬼谷下山”元青花大罐,当时的成交价折合人民币是 2.3 亿,以当天的国际牌价可以买两吨黄金。 以体积而论,这件元青花是全世界范围内最贵的瓷器;单件工艺品的最高价,也是这件元青花创造的。中国古代陶瓷艺术在世界上的地位非常高,全世界的人用金钱表示对我们文化的尊重。

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LOHAS 乐活现代人活得匆忙,便来不及思考。这种忙碌的复杂的生活究竟是不是我们想要的?换一种生活方式,是不是就会打乱一切秩序?这样的生活是否能够创造一个我们需要的明天?


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LOHAS 乐活这并不是一个刚刚兴起的运动,由于“乐活族”的生活方式既简单又时尚,已经迅速席卷全球。据统计,目前在美国每 4 人中就有一人是“乐活族”,欧洲约是三分之一。



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MUJI 无印良品

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MUJI 无印良品无印良品理念

“合理就便宜”——其产品追求自然的风格﹑简朴的设计并结合了生活的实用性。创业 25 年以来,“合理就便宜”这一理念已被证实符合时代发展,这种价廉物美﹑高品质﹑不化哨的产品及其倡导的生活方式受到消费者的广泛支持。







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MUJI 无印良品“无印良品出品的商品,在设计上是简单无华的,但我们不是一味地在奉行极简主义而已。因为无印良品这个品牌,就像是个空的容器一般,能够接受不同的观点,也能够无拘无束的发挥。我们追求「简约无华」的概念落实在很多事物上,像是在制程中节省能源、产品价格实在、设计造型简单、质地自然…等。无印良品希望在各方面都能做到「简约无华」,将价值的真实意义还原。”

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Google 谷歌


Search, Chrome, Earth, Maps, Mail, Calendar, Talk, Docs……My Goodness!

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Apple 苹果

Image from

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GE 通用电气 :Big & Simple

Interview with Jack Welch in 1989:

“Despite the complexity of GE’s global business, Welch insists that Simplicity is key to success: delayering, streamlining, and asking targeted questions.”

“Business isn’t complicated." he says. “The complications arise when people are cut off from information they need.”

Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch, by Noel Tichy and Ram Charan, Harvard Business Review, 1989

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GE: Business Characteristics• Lean—Reduce tasks and the people required to do them

• Agile—Create fast decision making in rapidly changing world through improved communication and increased individual response

• Creative—Increase customer satisfaction and operating margins through higher-value products and services

• Ownership—Self-confidence to trust others. Self-confidence to delegate to others the freedom to act.

• Reward—#1 business should provide #1 people with #1 opportunity

Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch, by Noel Tichy and Ram Charan, Harvard Business Review, 1989

UPerform Your Agile and Project Performance Partner

Welch’s 5 Keys

• Candor—Everybody should look for opportunities to make change rather than issue rosy forecasts and hope for the best.

• Simplicity—You’ve got to have it if you want your organization to be effective.

• Self-confidence— “Frightened, nervous managers use thick, convoluted planning books and busy slides.” Welch notes.

• Two-way communication• Evaluation and reward—We have to know if our peopl

e are open and self-confident, if they believe in honest communication and quick action.

Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch, by Noel Tichy and Ram Charan, Harvard Business Review, 1989

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XP—from Kent Beck

The 2nd XP value is simplicity:“What is the simplest thing that could possibly work?”

“XP is making a bet. It is betting that it is better to do a simple thing today and pay a little more tomorrow to change it if it needs it, than to do a more complicated thing today that may never be used anyway.”

UPerform Your Agile and Project Performance Partner

XP—from Kent Beck

Travel light---You can’t expect to carry a lot of baggage and move fast. The artifacts we maintain should be:

• Few

• Simple

• Valuable

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其他关于简单的名人名言• 聪明的“傻子”总愿意把事情搞大,弄复

杂。我们需要一种天分以及极大的勇气去把事情做简单。– 爱因斯坦

• 很容易就会有一个复杂的想法。但是有一个简单想法却十分困难。 - Carver Mead

• 完美,并不是不能再加,而是不能再减。• 把简单的事情做好就是不简单。 - 海尔张瑞敏

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“ 过”是一种浪费• 更多的投入• 更难理解• 更高的沟通成本• 更高的维护成本

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体现“简单”• 简单设计• 渐进式需求• 渐进式架构• 简单的沟通及管理工具• 轻量的过程• 简单的组织结构• ……

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简单设计• 你永远不会需要它, You Aren't Gonna Ne

ed It (YAGNI)• 不要重复自己, DRY (Don’t Repeat Yours

elf)• 清晰的代码 Self-Documenting Code

– 在写代码注释之前,问一下你的伙伴怎样能够把代码写的不言自明


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渐进式架构• 从最简单的设计开始• 随着软件需求的演进而演进• 重要的认识导致突破,从而导致设计的重

大修改• 在优秀的架构设计与商业价值之间平衡

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简单的工具• 白板、玻璃墙• 彩色白板笔• 报事贴(不同颜色与大小)• 彩色磁吸• 索引卡片( Index cards)• 数码相机• Excel• Wiki• Skype 、 Gtalk• ……

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• Scrum 的会议与工件

用减法的方法创建 Scrum框架能否再减?

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• PO + Cross-Functional Team + ScrumMaster



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Sense & Simplicity: 精于心,简于形---Philips