The Overweight - MED DIET - SLOW FOOD_pasta al forno

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The Overweight - MED DIET - SLOW FOOD_pasta al forno

Transcript of The Overweight - MED DIET - SLOW FOOD_pasta al forno

Corso di formazione blended “The taste of language”

16 Febbraio – 3 Aprile 2012

ITC “Pio la Torre” – IPSSAR “P.Piazza”

Gruppo di lavoroManager: Dott Rosario Leone

Coordinamento scientifico: Nina Raineri

Coordinamento tecnico: Massimo Valentino

Esperto Scienza dell’Alimentazione L2: Sara Baldassano

Esperto Inglese e.learning: Maria Calandra

Amministratori Forumlive: Paola Lerza e Ada Giammarinaro

Corso di formazione blended “The taste of language”

16 Febbraio – 3 Aprile 2012

ITC “Pio la Torre” – IPSSAR “P.Piazza”

I “sovrappeso”Giuseppina Calascione

Annalisa CannataGiuseppa Dragotta

Sabrina GulloAngelo IntorrePaolo Pedone


..followed by thepeople around the Mediterranean Sea inparticular, the inhabitants of Crete and

South Italy … a way of life!

Mediteranean diet…

Regular physical activityAfternoon nap

• Eat more fish, less meat

• Eat more vegetables

•Fewer dairy products

• Whole grains, no processed grains

• You must have fruit every day

• All butter and margarine to be replaced by olive oil.

Mediteranean diet means…

Fruits and Vegetables

Foods that contribute to your health


Nutrients that contribute to your health

Why eat in the Mediterraneanway?

Heart disease substantially reduced

Protection against cancer, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease

Slows the aging process

Promotes longevity

Slow Food is about…

o pleasure, taste knowledge choice

o the enjoyment of foodo knowing food originso supporting

biodiversityo uniting as a local food

community and economy

o people coming together on the farm, in the market, and at the table

Food is meant to be tasty, wholesome, capable of satisfying all 5 senses and

able to evoke a complex set of feelings, memories and identity

Good, clean & fair

The way it’s produced respects the environment,

animal welfare and our health

Those who produce it should receive fair payment for their


How to live the Slow Food way…

oLimiting pesticidesoPromoting sustainable agricultural practices (ethical treatment of animals, great taste, food miles, nutritional quality… )oTry shifting your focus so that the ingredient label is your first priority

in addition

oBuy locally produced foods as more as possibleoEat with the Seasons in MindoBuy Organic Foods when possibleoBuy local Meats (beef and lamb) and local poultry, eggs and pork that has been raised on real food themselves

“Think tradition – revive old family recipes and


And here we have….BAKED ANELLETTI

Some specialities..• Baked Anelletti is the most popular “baked pasta” in

Palermo and it is made with a very specific pasta shape called anelletti (little rings). In Sicily it is often sold in cafés as “timbaletti” which are single portions that are shaped like a frustrum of a cone. When eaten at home, however, it is often made like a single “pasta cake” to be portioned and shared by the whole family.

• People use to prepare it as a main course for a picnic, for the seaside or to the countryside.

• It is a traditional dish and it has become very popular even in the version of the “Il Gattopardo”, the novel of Tomasi di Lampedusa

Ingredients (I)• 500 gr. Pasta “anelletti”, • 300 gr. ground veal (or a mix

of minced veal and pork), • 3 cups tomato sauce,

1 medium onion, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 celery stalk,

• 50 gr. butter, 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive, seed oil, basil and bay leaves, • 200 gr – “Primo sale” cheese

cubed small

Ingredients (II)

25 gr – 1/2 cup “Parmigiano reggiano” cheese and/or “Caciocavallo” cheese finely grated

• 250 gr. shelled peas, • 2 spoons tomato

concentrate, • 1 large eggplant, • 1 small glass of dry Marsala

wine (or 1/2 glass of dry white wine),

• 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Brown the minced celery, carrot and 1/2 onion in a saucepan with 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 tablespoons of oil; add the minced meat and brown. Add some wine and the peas and simmer for a couple of minutes. Dissolve the tomato concentrate in a cup of warm water: add salt and pepper sprinkle and cook at low heat, for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.Wash the eggplant; cut off its steam, slice, put in a colander and sprinkle with coarse salt and let rest. After 1 hour rinse, dry and fry the eggplant in abundant seed oil; lay the slices on paper towels to drain excess fat.

Preparation (I)

Brown the remaining onion, in a casserole with oil; add the tomato paste, a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, a pinch of sugar and a handful of leaves of basil and bay.

Mix and cook at medium heat for about twenty minutes. In the meantime, cook the pasta in plenty of salty water; cook “al dente” and drain, season with the sauce and the grated parmesan ( leave 1 spoonful). Pour half of this mixture in a buttered baking-pan sprinkled with breadcrumbs; cover with the meat sauce. Arrange in layers the eggplants, the sliced eggs and the “primosale” cheese. Cover with the remaining pasta and sprinkle with the parmesan and a handful of breadcrumbs. Top with bits of butter and bake for about 1 hour.

Preparation (II)

In some areas of Sicily baked pasta is enriched with bits of salami or sausage, ham, meatballs with peas in meat sauce instead of minced meat, boiled eggs, etc..

Other versions