The new health times

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A chaper of the new electronic teen made magazine!!!! (eating responsibly)

Transcript of The new health times

The New Health Times Eating Responsibly


Happy Stomach

Special: Obesity & Kids

Tips, Definitions, Pictures and Much More!

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly 3


Nutrition And Eating Responsibly.

What’s a diet?

Delicious Nutrients.

Vitamins & Minerals.

Obesity & kids.

Comparisons of countries.


Our media and publicity.

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly 3

Eating Responsibly

In Every life choices you need to

have responsibility. Of course

nutrition is really important.

Nutrition, nourishment, or aliment,

is the supply of materials - food

required by organisms and cells to

stay alive. There Are many things

than can help you eat in a

responsible way, but the most

important “tool” is you. The other

tools to make your stomach

happy (and your life) is the eat

well plate or, the food pyramid, a

specialized diet or going with a


Fig1.0 Keep Reading it’s time to

make your stomach happy!

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly 3

In nutrition, diet is the sum of food

consumed by a person or other

organism. Dietary habits are the

habitual decisions an individual or

culture makes when choosing

what foods to eat. The word diet

often implies the use of specific

intake of nutrition for health or

weight-management reasons

(with the two often being related).

Although humans are omnivores,

each culture and each person

holds some food preferences or

some food taboos. This may be

due to personal tastes or ethical

reasons. Individual dietary choices

may be more or less healthy.

Proper nutrition requires ingestion

and absorption of vitamins,

minerals, and food energy in the

form of carbohydrates, proteins,

and fats.

Your body uses some nutrients for

energy. The energy is used for your

body’s growth, maintenance, and

repair. Your body can make its

own nutrients, but most of them

come from the food you eat.

These nutrients are called

essentials nutrients. The six classes

of essential nutrients are

carbohydrates, fats, proteins,

vitamins, minerals and water. The

amount of energy your body gets

from the food is measured in units

called calories. The process of

converting the energy in food into

energy your body can use is

called metabolism.

But hey! try to mixed all of them

cause if you eat only a healthy

Food your body will not get the

enough nutrients.


Are your main’s source of energy,

are composed of one or more

simple sugars.


Many people may think fats are

bad for your body but actually

they travel or help storage very

important vitamins.


Are nutrients that build and repair

tissues and cells.

Delicious nutrients

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

Vitamins do not provide energy,

but they help keep your body

healthy. Are organic

compounds that can control

several body functions.

Minerals play very important

roles in keeping your body

healthy. Minerals are elements

that are essential for good

health. Be sure you take a small

amount of this both every day.

Name What it does for your body Where You Get it

Vitamin A Necessary for healthy hair

and skin.

Carrots, sweet potatoes,

and squash

Vitamin C Helps your body fight germs

that cause illness

Orange juice, broccoli, and


Vitamin B-12 Aids in concentration,

memory, and balance.

Fish, milk products, eggs,

meat, and poultry.

Calcium Necessary for healthy,

strong bones and teeth.

Milk, cheese, yogurt, and


Iron Necessary for healthy

blood; prevent tiredness

Tofu, spinach, blackeyed

peas, and red meat.

Check out the Vitamin- Mineral table

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

Obesity is a chronic inflammatory

disease that affects people of all

ages and is associated with

potentially fatal health problems

such as Type 2 diabetes and heart

disease. Obesity in children is an

Increasing problem in the United

States, but Mexico is also facing a

soaring childhood obesity rate. It

ranks second only to the United

States for highest rates in the

world, according to a 2010 article

in the Los Angeles Times.

In 2004, about 6 to 18 percent of

Mexican boys of various ages

were either overweight or obese

and about 6 to 22 percent of girls

of various ages were overweight

or obese, according to a study in

"Obesity Research." As of 2010,

about 25 percent of Mexican

school-aged children and more

than 33 percent of Mexican teens

are either overweight or obese,

according to the Los Angeles

Times. In Mexico City, about 40

percent of children are

overweight or obese.

Obesity & Kids


The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly


The increasing number of

overweight and obese Mexican

children is likely related to an

increase in urban living, an influx of

U.S.-style snacks and marketing

and a more sedentary lifestyle that

involves watching television and

playing video games. Purchases of

fresh fruits and vegetables have

dropped nearly 30 percent,

purchases of industrialized foods

increased about 6 percent and

purchases of sugary beverages

increased almost 40 percent in

Mexico over the span of 14 years,

according to a 2009 article in

Salud Pública de México.

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

Comparison of Countries


Is one of the most obese

countries all around the




It turns to be the

second cause of

dead in México.




problems, high blood


system problems.


We make an interview to a teen that is studying for being one day a

nutriologist , want to read it?

¿Cuáles son los principales factores de fracaso a la hora de perder peso

mediante una dieta?

Uno de los principales factores para fracasar en la pérdida de peso es la

falta de motivación durante el período que dura la dieta ya que las

personas quieren cambios rápidos y al darse cuenta que la pérdida de

peso es un proceso lento las personas se desmotivan. Otro factor de

fracaso es el querer bajar de peso pero sin lograr un cambio de estilo de

vida combinando una alimentación saludable y la realización de actividad

física en forma periódica.

¿Qué tipo de alimentos se deben eliminar de la dieta si quiero mantener o

bajar mi peso?

Idealmente evitar el consumo de grasas saturadas provenientes de

mantequilla, margarina, embutidos, frituras además de las bebidas colas y

el alcohol.

¿Cuáles son los principales mitos de las dietas para bajar de peso que la

gente considera verdaderos?

Un primer mito de las dietas para bajar de peso es el eliminar el consumo

de carbohidratos. Otro mito popular es que las legumbres engordan. Si las

legumbres se consumen dentro de las porciones recomendadas esto no

ocurrirá. Como tercer mito es la idea de que mientras menos veces se

come al día más rápido se baja de peso.

¿Qué es lo más importante a la hora de formular tu plan para bajar de


The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

El profesional idóneo para la elaboración de tu plan alimentario es la

nutricionista ya que está de acuerdo a tus parámetros antropométricos y

hábitos alimentarios obtenidos de la evaluación nutricional elaborará el

plan nutricional específico de acuerdo a tus necesidades y objetivos. Una

vez que comenzaste tu plan nutricional es importante controlar

periódicamente para conocer tus cambios antropométricos y alimentarios

y de acuerdo a esos cambios realizar las modificaciones a tu plan de


¿Qué riesgos tienen las “dietas rápidas” que bajas muchos kilos en pocos


Estas dietas al poseer una cantidad muy baja de calorías las hacen ser

desequilibradas y por ende ser deficientes en vitaminas y minerales los

cuales son esenciales para el funcionamiento del nuestro organismo. Al ser

dietas muy restrictivas el mayor peso que se pierde es por la pérdida de

agua y masa muscular y no de grasa la cual es la que se debería disminuir.

Otro de los riesgos de estas “dietas rápidas” es el efecto rebote que

provocan en el cuerpo lo que a la larga se traduce en recuperar el peso

perdido y la ganancia de kilos extras.

Recomiendas el uso de suplementos vitamínicos? ¿Es verdad que tomarlos

te puede hacer subir de peso?

En la medida que se lleve una alimentación saludable y balanceada no es

necesario el uso de estos suplementos. Los suplementos vitamínicos no

contienen calorías y por ende no nos hacen subir de peso.

¿Qué opinas sobre los quemadores de grasa y las pastillas para bajar de


Estos productos que se venden sin ninguna asesoría son productos que no

milagrosos por lo que estos productos funcionarán si se realiza ejercicio

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

físico en forma regular acompañado de un plan de alimentación

individual, personalizado y asesorado por una nutricionista.

¿Existen alimentos que te ayuden a perder peso?

No existe alimentos que por sí solo nos hagan perder peso es por ello que

una alimentación saludable que incluya verduras, frutas, pescados,

carbohidratos, legumbres, aceites saludables y un adecuado consumo de

agua asociado a realizar actividad física en forma regular nos ayudaran a

bajar de peso y a mantener este a lo largo del tiempo.

¿Qué le recomendarías a una persona que está por empezar un plan de

baja de peso?

La baja de peso y la mantención de este en el tiempo se logrará a través

de un cambio de hábito tanto nutricional como de actividad física. Tomar

conciencia sobre los beneficios de bajar de peso como son disminución de

la presión arterial, reducción de la glicemia y el colesterol en sangre por

nombrar algunos.

End of the interview.


Start with our poster, where the logo of “Happy Stomach, is you are what

you eat.

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly

The New Health Times

Chapter: Eating Responsibly