TES Times...previous acclaimed program Rosetta Stone. It will show you four pictures and ask you to...

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Transcript of TES Times...previous acclaimed program Rosetta Stone. It will show you four pictures and ask you to...

Summer In The City

TES Times

蒸し暑い毎日が続きますね( ;∀;)みなさま体調はいかがでしょうか?!先日は二コラ先生の送別会に本当に多




サマースクールを初★開催します!またTES Office 公式LINEアカウントも立ち上げました。当校代表番号を


Europe has been going through a

heatwave recently, with the tem-

perature reaching 44 degrees in

France! Scotland has not escaped

the heatwave, but what

“heatwave” means is different for

us, as the following national news-

paper headline, from June 23rd,

shows: “Parts of Scotland could see

temperatures soar to 26 degrees

this week”! Yes, “soar to 26 de-

grees”! Wow! This will help you

understand why I don’t like sum-

mer here in Japan. It’s just too hot

and humid for me to feel comforta-

ble. I am much happier when it is

cool, when there is a bit of wind,

and sometimes even a little rain!

Our new teacher, Sarah, on the

other hand, is quite different. I

picked her up from Niigata Airport

when she arrived in the country,

and it was 30 degrees that day.

When I met her, I mentioned to her

that it was very hot, and she said

that in The Philippines it had been

between 35 and 40 degrees, so 30

wasn’t hot at all! I decided then

that I would probably never go to

The Philippines!

For many people here in Joetsu,

summer brings the problem of

what to do with kids who are on

school vacation. We hope that this

year we might be able to help with

that. We will be holding a “Kid’s

Summer School” for elementary

school students on 4 Friday morn-

ings during the school vacations.

We want to give your kids the

chance to have a more immersive

English experience, and show them

some games and activities that kids

all over the world do. There will be

lots of games, activities and making

things. The kids will spend all morn-

ing, until after lunch, at the school

talking and interacting with the

teachers in English. It should be a

lot of fun and a lot of learning for

the kids, and will hopefully give

parents a bit of a break too! More

details of the summer school can

be found on the next page of this


Finally this month, we had a fare-

well party for Nicola on June 30th,

and a lot of you came out to wish

her well. Almost 70 people in total

attended the event, and I know

that Nicola was really touched that

so many of you took the time to

attend. I think that everyone had a

good time, and I hope that, as well

as wishing Nicola well, you took the

time to get to know our new teach-

ers a little better. Sara, Danny and

Sarah are a great group of teachers

and we are all lucky to have them

here at TES, so while we are sad

that Nicola is going to her new ad-

venture, we have a very exciting

future ahead of us, and I hope that

you all enjoy it with us.

Hopefully it’ll be cooler though!

Inside this issue:

From Peter 1

From Yoko 1

Event Info 2

From Sarah 2

Holiday Schedule 2

Summer School 3

From Danny 3

From Sara 4

From Madoka 4

July 2019 Issue 43

News From Yoko Thank you for coming!





Next Holiday Schedule

2019/8/12 (Mon) ~8/18 (Sun)


2 TES Kids Family Beach Day!! TES恒例の夏の小学生向けキッズ&ファミリーイベントのご案内です。親子でできる英語のアクティ




日 時 7月21日(日)

10:30 現地集合 14:30現地解散予定

場 所 海の家 日本海

(上越市大字長浜 日本海ひすいライン沿い)

対 象 キッズクラスの生徒さんと保護者


参加費 大人2,500円 小学生1,700円 園児500円

※英語アクティビティ代、飲み物1人1本、海の家利用料(シャワー、トイレ、更衣室、駐車場代)保険料込み 持ち物 帽子、タオル、水着、着替え、日焼け止め 水筒(現地でも飲み物購入可)など。






Hello everyone! I am Sarah Ysabel Gonzalez, from Ma-

nila, Philippines. I have been working for 6 years in Ma-

nila as a kindergarten teacher and as a private teacher.

In my free time, I usually hang out with friends or travel

to places I have never been. I’ve been to Japan thrice be-

fore for holidays and it really captured my heart because

of its people, culture and food! That’s the time I decided

to look for an opportunity here. Finally, I am here in TES

after almost 5 months of working on my visa! The whole

process was so stressful, but I am finally at ease to be

working with all of you. This is my first time being away

from my family, so I am currently in the process of learning how to be independent – do-

ing the laundry, cooking, washing the dishes, buying groceries, going from one place to an-

other, and more! This experience helps me discover more about myself and explore the

greener pastures in life. I am looking forward in getting to know all of you more and share

my passion -- which is teaching. See you around!

Hi everyone! Hope you have all been well. I would like to talk

about some national holidays we have in Australia. Since coming

to Japan I’ve noticed that there are quite a few national holidays

in Japan such as Golden Week and Obon. In Australia we don’t

have many national holidays that are more than one day long.

The most common ones include Australia Day, Anzac Day, and

Labor Day. Australia Day is on the 26th of January and marks the arrival of the First Fleet to

Australia. Anzac day is celebrated on April 25th and is considered Australia’s most important

national holiday. It is the commemoration of Australian and New Zealand military forces par-

ticipating in the First World War. Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates the change from 10-

12 hour workdays to the now more common 8 hour workday in Australia. All of these nation-

al holidays in Australia go for only one day so I am excited for the upcoming holidays in Ja-







日程:7/26 8/2、9、23

時間: 9:15-12:45




By Danny Tran








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By Sara Bladestorm


Hi everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the nice weather we’ve been hav-

ing! It’s hard to believe this year is already halfway over.

I wanted to offer some advice about using your smartphones or tablets

when studying English. I have three apps I’d like to

share with you that could benefit your studying.

The first is called Duolingo. This fun and interactive app

has a nice platform for studying English similar to the

previous acclaimed program Rosetta Stone. It will

show you four pictures and ask you to identify a vocabulary word. It will

also give you the words of a sentence and you must put them in order.

Using this app for five minutes a day can improve your English. The sec-

ond app is one I use almost everyday. It’s the Google Translate app (you

can also access this at translate.google.com). The best feature about

this app is that it can take a picture of something and detect any English

writing. It can then translate particular areas or the entire image for

you. I use this for all the documents my daughters bring home from

school and also when writing in their Parent-Teacher

notebooks. Finally, the last app I want to recommend

to you is VoiceTra. This is great for traveling because

you can quickly speak into your phone’s microphone

while at the airport, in a taxi, or when sightseeing, and

it will quickly translate your questions, concerns, or statements. Try to

keep your speaking short and simple for best translations. I hope you

might find these recommendations helpful as you continue to study

English and/or travel abroad! As I’m studying Japanese, if you have any

app recommendations for me, please let me know! Thanks! :)

Hello, everyone! It’s Madoka!ついこの間新学期が始まったかと思ったらあっという間にもう夏休みにな

りますね!! 英語のレッスンにも慣れてきたかと思いますが、ここで再度宿題についてご案内いたしま

す。Level 1~Level 6のクラスは、よく宿題が出ます。お家でやってきてほしいページに提出日を書いて







