Temat projektu.

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Temat projektu.

8/3/2019 Temat projektu.

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Invitation for students of the International 5th Semester to takepart in an architectural competition for the Refurbishment of

Østerled 4 – 5, Horsens.

Horsens Municipality, Horsens Social Housing, and VIA University College herebyinvite students from the International 5th Semester of the Constructing ArchitectEducation at Horsens to participate in an exciting internal-college architecturalcompetition.

The competition is part of the 5th Semester assignment and will be included in theassessment at the end of the semester.

The main idea of this architectural competition is to show how building designerscan integrate sustainable initiatives with interesting architectural and energy opti-mization features in an existing housing development.

Sustainability must be understood in a broader context than just environmental.Social and economic sustainability will also be factors of importance in the as-sessment of the proposals.

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 Together with its surroundings, Østerled 4 - 5 represents a fine example of a resi-dential development of its period.

The development was planned and executed in 1956 by architect J. Broch Chris-

tensen in collaboration with the engineering firm Oluf Jørgensen.At its completion, it was a fine example of contemporary housing that offered op-portunities for a good life for various population groups of all ages.

Today, the complex and its surroundings are outdated, monotonous and rundown.

Architectural quality The competition´s main theme concerns the renewal and refurbishment of the ar-chitectural qualities of the existing building, focusing on:

• the interaction between the building and its surroundings

• the establishment of a common house, with suggestions as to its function,location and design.

• modern apartment layouts in existing residential blocks.

• energy optimization and sustainable solutions.

• reorganization and beautification of the development's common outsideareas.

Evaluation criteria 

Entries will be judged on their architectural, conceptual and technical solutions.

It is also strongly emphasized that the proposals be achieved within a realistic eco-nomic frame.

In addition, proposals will be evaluated on:

• their ability to create coherence between buildings, common areas andother environments - and to have the buildings appear as a coherent unit.

• the proposal´s ability to increase resident diversity.

• the proposal´s ability to demonstrate innovation/rethinking in the use of thistype of housing.

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Materials to be handed in for evaluation and assessment:

1. Master plan, in scale 1:1000, with suggestions for the overall structure ofthe area.

2. Plans in scale 1:100 with suggestions for the actual placement or func-tions on which there is a focus - with clear markings showing the ele-ments that are fixed, and the ones that are mobile.

3. Diagrams and additional plans and sections in a suitable scale describ-ing particular properties of the transformed project.

4. Main drawings of the building in scale 1:200: plans, sections and eleva-tions must, in a simple way, account for the building´s architectural trans-formation, functions and connection with its surroundings

5. Total area overview, showing net areas for the different rooms, and thetotal net and gross areas of the total building mass.

6. Perspectives and other special illustrations that illustrate characteristicsof the project

7. Digital illustrations

8. A brief description that complements the drawings with information onthe architectural and functional main idea and disposition, structural prin-ciples, materials and other relevant information in relation to the competi-tion task.

9. An economic frame must be established and accounted for with respectto the proposed project

10. Overall schedule for the remaining design phases and construction pro- ject.

11. Proposal delivery: the proposal must be submitted on posters, whichmust be handed in on two boards. Posters in size A1 (841 x 594 mm),clearly indicating the group number and names of group members.

A physical model can also be submitted with the boards (not obligatory).


Proposals must be submitted by Tuesday, 6 March at 10.00 o´clock.

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Presentation of proposals for the jury will be held on Tuesday afternoon from 12.45to 16.00.

An award ceremony will be held on Friday, 9 March. (more information later)

We look forward to seeing your proposals, and expect to be surprised and over-whelmed by them, and we also hope that some of these proposals will make a dif-ference for future housing and the citizens in the area.

Best regards

Horsens Municipality

Horsens Social HousingVIA University College, International Team 5