Tekna Innovasjonsledelse 2013

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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In collaboration with Tekan (Norway), Engage // Innovate developed a customized innovation training program aimed at engineering companies. The two day program focused on: - understanding innovation - Mastering tools for innovation - Hands-on innovation facilitation - and a special focus on developing multiple business models for their various companies. http://www.tekna.no/portal/page/portal/kurs/vis_arrangement?p_kp_id=36885

Transcript of Tekna Innovasjonsledelse 2013

Innovasjonsledelse- Systematisk innovasjon på egen arbeidsplass






Hei, jeg heter…Min ‘’jobb rolle..’’

vårt behov rundt innovasjon…

Action research

2010 2011 2012 2013

2010 2011 2012 2013

Fantastisk læring og utviklingsprosess


Dette todagers kurset gir deg verktøy og trening i å jobbe innovativt på egen


Innovasjon har historisk vært FoUs ansvar. I dag er innovasjon en del av alle sin jobb. Vi lærer nå å bygge innovative organisasjoner hvor alle medarbeidere er innovatører. Kurset gir deg cases, gode rammeverk, konkrete eksempler og verktøy du tar med deg i din egen lederrolle.

Kurset har som formål å utvikle mer innovative ledere og medarbeidere.

Riktig ‘’Mind-set’’

Riktige verktØy

Felles språk

Hva er innovasjon?

Innovasjon vs. DriftStrategi

9 nivå


innovation. The ability to develop the next generation of technologies, business models, markets and solutions. The ability to take calculated risks in the face of uncertainty. The ideas that requires us to think well into the future.

operations. The need for increased efficiency in our core business. The need for faster, cheaper, better of the present. The ideas that require our attention here and now, today.

80 %

BCG Innovation Report, 2009

want more


But….getting innovation right requires new leadership skills.

- Dave Allan and Matt Kingdon, 2011



Anybody can be strategically

- David Kelley, IDEO

creative. You just have

to learn how.

Innovation Thinking


Pirate Thinking

Think Big

Dream Bigger

Just outside…

Ni nivå på innovasjon


Fra ‘’produkt’’ til …..

Mer krevende


Innovative organisasjoner

Kartlegg din bedrift på disse 2 + 18 punktene,Med en 1 -6 skala (6 er høyest)

Studie: Hva ‘’gjør’’ innovatører?

Ledere vs. Innovatører: hvordan er de ulike?

Dybdeintervjuet…3000 ledere…25 entreprenører…500 Gründere

Ledelse av innovasjon

‘’we need…new ideas,

new knowledge and brave people’’

- Leif Johan SevlandONS CEO, August 2012

“….We need more people

with the imagination to create the


- Professor Stéphane Garelli, IMD, talking at Pultpit // 2012 in Stavanger, september 2012

...people got to

try out new ideas...’’Ashley Heppenstall, CEO, Lundin talking about the work that led to the JOHAN SVERDRUP – field, ONS August 2012

The Innovative Team

1. Our team has leaders with a well-known track record for generating innovative ideas for new processes, teachings, services or other activities

2. Our team actively screens for creativity and innovation in the hiring process

3. Evaluating an employees’s creativity or innovation skills is an important part of the performance appraisal process within our team

4. Our team frequently engages in brainstorming to generate wild or very different ideas by drawing analogies from other products, companies, schools or services

5. Our team encourages members to ask questions that challenge the status quo or conventional ways of doing things

6. Our team cultivates new ideas by giving people frequent opportunities to observe the activities of users, competitors or partners

7. Our team has institued formal processes to network outside the organization to find new ideas for processes or products

8. Our team has adopted processes to allow for frequent experiments (or pilots) of new ideas in search of new innovations

9. Our team expects everyone to offer creative ideas for how the organization should change products, processes , teaching and so on

10. People on our team are not afraid to take risks and fail because top leadership supports and rewards risk taking

SumPlease use a 1-10 scale, 10 = Strongly yes. 1 = Strongly no

Dyer, Gregersen and Christensen, 2011, Innovators’ DNA

Strategic Innovation Canvas

Your time…. 100 %

80 % BCG Innovation Report, 2009

want more


We need to

open our eyes and dramatically

increase our

understanding and mastery of innovation.

We need new tools

and models.

The Innovation Pyramid

Your innovation challenge…..

Nine levels of Innovation

More demanding


1. Design & marketing

 € 4,4

 € 0,4



2. Products

13 types…

3. services

4. Markets, customers & Channels

5. technology

6. processes

7. management

8. Business model

9. industry

ofNine levels







Fast Track


Google Wallet














Dag II

Forretningsmodell på …

1…. Hvordan tjener vi penger (revenue mix)

Forretningsmodell på …

1…. Hvordan tjener vi penger (revenue mix)

2….. Hvordan strukturerer vi både inntekter og utgifter (revenue mix vs. cost structure)

Forretningsmodell på …

1…. Hvordan tjener vi penger (revenue mix)

2….. Hvordan strukturerer vi både inntekter og utgifter (revenue mix vs. cost structure)

3…. ‘’…How do we design mututally reinforcing business models where all (nine) building blocks make the whole greater than the sum of parts – and do it over and over and over again…’’

1984, the rediscovered business model from 1957

Action Roadmap

is designed….

to take you from this…

and this…

to this.



Fast Track

Social Strategy



Et utvalg bøker…

Christian RangenPartner

Christian@engage-innovate.com+47 92415949

Elisabeth ØvstebøManaging Partner

Elisabeth@engage-innovate.com+47 901 47 797


facebook.com/engageinnovateengageinnovate.wordpress.com instagram.com/engageinnovate
