technoir Hongkong

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of technoir Hongkong

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Te Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ransmission is intended or use

with the core rules ound in echnoir , a high-tech hard-boiled roleplaying game by

Jeremy Keller.


Visit or more inormation and downloads.

CREDITSWriting, Design

Mark DiPasquale


Anders Smith

Layout, Art

Jeremy Keller


Colleen Riley 

CONTENTSExposition .................................................. 3Connections ............................................... 4Events ......................................................... 8Factions ...................................................... 8Locations .................................................... 9Objects ....................................................... 9Treats ..................................................... 10

Master Table

1 2 3

1 Connections Woo Fat Bluetooth Koi ang Lam

2 Events Exposure Four Knives HK Grand Prix

3 Factions 28K Bank o China Te Clean

4 Locations Big Buddha Bottoms Up Consulate Row  

5 Objects Airmask Baba Yaba Locker Key  

6 Treats Auspicious rio Brava18 Int. Solutions

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TECHNOLOGYPast investments allow SAR citizens ree access to unparallelled Interace bandwidth,

at least when the power’s on: live Immatrix broadcasts are the latest luxury, allowing

the audience to eel actors’ every sensation in real time. 24/7 celebrity gossip eeds,bootlegs o L.A.’s latest, manhua webcomics, and mahjong gambling “schools” are

welcome distractions rom the squalor o lie underground. O necessity, the region

is a hotbed o innovation or wearable air filtration gear.

ENVIRONMENTHong Kong’s “ragrant harbor” is a etid mess; seasonal typhoons and pollution rom

mainland actories use into month-long acidic downpours, orcing the masses into

warrens extending hundreds o meters into the bedrock. Only Te Clean can afford

the augmentations that keep unfiltered time outdoors non-lethal; everyone else

makes do with coated raingear and filter-masks. When the Air Pollution Index dips

low enough, the streets erupt in impromptu estival; there hasn’t been a sae day in



On the surace, the city is thriving. But triad and corporate corruption o gov-ernment officials has enmeshed the city in debt, and lef it unable to maintain its

inrastructure, negotiate with the mainland, enorce the law, or compete as a port.

Periodic power outages turn the slums into a claustrophobic hell or hours at a time,

with air filtration and temperature control limping along via jury-rigged batteries.

[1D6 by 1D6]

4 5 6

Derya Liddy Billie Ng C.N. ai

One Fine Day KO Wanchai Massacre

Security Bureau Washingtons Zeds

Oxyvita Te Peak Redstar ea House

Octocard Pak Laio’s Specs Suzuki J-500

Ku sang Club Outstanding Five Skyblue Syndicate

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Woo Fat’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 Billie Ng (connection) Bluetooth Koi (connection)

2 KO (event) Wanchai Massacre (event)

3 Bank o China (action) 28K (action)

4 Big Buddha (location) Bottoms Up (location)

5 Pak Laio’s Specs (object) Locker Key (object)

6 Skyblue Syndicate (threat) Te Outstanding Five (threat)

Bluetooth Koi’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 C.N. ai (connection) Billie Ng (connection)

2 Wanchai Massacre (event) One Fine Day (event)

3 28K (action) Washingtons (action)

4 Consulate Row (location) Redstar ea House (location)

5 Octocard (object) Pak Laio’s Specs (object)

6 Ku sang Motorcycle Club (threat) Brava18 (threat)

Tang Lam’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 Derya Liddy (connection) C.N. ai (connection)

2 One Fine Day (event) Hong Kong Grand Prix (event)

3 Te Clean (action) Security Bureau (action)

4 Oxyvita (location) Big Buddha (location)

5 Airmask (object) Baba Yaba (object)

6 Te Auspicious rio (threat) Skyblue Syndicate (threat)

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Billie Ng’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 Woo Fat (connection) Derya Liddy (connection)

2 Four Knives (event) KO (event)

3 Zeds (action) Bank o China (action)

4 Redstar ea House (location) Te Peak (location)

5 Locker Key (object) Suzuki J-500 exoskeleton (object)

6 Te Outstanding Five (threat) International Solutions (threat)

Derya Liddy’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 ang Lam (connection) Woo Fat (connection)

2 Exposure (event) Four Knives (event)

3 Washingtons (action) Te Clean (action)

4 Te Peak (location) Consulate Row (location)

5 Baba Yaba (object) Octocard (object)

6 International Solutions (threat) Ku sang Motorcycle Club (threat)

C.N. Tai’s Leads

1d6 Un-connected Connected

1 Bluetooth Koi (connection) ang Lam (connection)

2 Hong Kong Grand Prix (event) Exposure (event)

3 Security Bureau (action) Zeds (action)

4 Bottoms Up (location) Oxyvita (location)

5 Suzuki J-500 exoskeleton (object) Airmask (object)

6 Brava18 (threat) Te Auspicious rio (threat)

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Five Clean athletes die when a hacker disables their implants during a cricket match.

Four Knives

 A string o murders targeting journalists and bloggers sends the media into a renzy.

Hong Kong Grand Prix

 A motorcycle race draws riders and gamblers rom around the world.

One Fine Day 

Unusual weather clears the air or a day, and streets flood with celebrating citizens.


 A fighter’s heart attack during a live Immatrix-cast sends the audience into seizures.

Wanchai Massacre

 A triad shootout in a crowded underground bazaar leaves dozens dead or wounded.


28KTe largest triad in Hong Kong, dominant in opiate trafficking and drug dealing.

Bank of China

Tis bank’s “investments” are how the mainland influences SAR affairs.

The Clean

Te city elite: extensive augmentations make them invulnerable to pollution.

Security Bureau

Understaffed government agency or law enorcement and immigration affairs.


Te ormer Wo Shing o riad, merged with ongs in the US, Japan, and Europe.


Private security firms used to maintain order.

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Enormous bronze Buddha statue on Lantau Island, a popular tourist attraction.

Bottoms Up

Hip cantopop club in Kowloon, just across Victoria Harbor rom Hong Kong Island.

Consulate Row

Upscale diplomatic enclave on sing Yi Island, haven or oreign agents.


Ubiquitous and inexpensive chain o flavored oxygen bars, the city’s only legal high.

The Peak 

 A pristine arcology capping the island’s highest point, reserved or Te Clean.

Redstar Tea House

Underground cae popular with political dissidents, ino workers, and artists.


 Airmask Inexpensive pollution protection used by anyone without Clean augmentations.

 ace mask, toxin-filter

Baba Yaba

Russian meth-derived stimulant, a sensation heightener or Immatrix perormers.

 addictive, gelcap, illegal, psychostimulant

Locker Key 

Keyfile to a locker in Hong Kong International Airport, set to expire in 36 hours. data, key, temporary 


Smart card used or anonymous payment, with a small ortune pre-paid onto it.

 encrypted, ortune, linked, stolen

Pak Laio’s Specs

 Modded Alain Delon sunglasses, property o a murdered Green Dragon underboss.

 antique, cam, derma-linked, mic, stolen, uniqueSuzuki J-500 Exoskeleton

Strength augmenting orklif exoskeleton, used on the docks or decades.

 blunt, cargo, orklif, glitchy, harness, linked, loud, strong, tough, treads

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THREATSThe Auspicious Trio

riad contract killers or Clean customers with something to hide.


Russian neo-Nazi gang exiled rom Moscow; smugglers and human traffickers.

International Solutions

Cover office shared by oreign intelligence agents to cut down on expenses.

Ku Tsang Motorcycle Club

Recreational club or triad up-and-comers, common ground or negotiations.

The Outstanding Five

Pickpocketing street urchins led by a ruthless elderly crook.

Skyblue Syndicate

Upstart martial arts Immatrix studio, reliant on protection rackets or unding.

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