T HE F RENCH R EVOLUTION. S EPTEMBER 20 10.2.4 - Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution...

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Transcript of T HE F RENCH R EVOLUTION. S EPTEMBER 20 10.2.4 - Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution...



10.2.4 - Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire.

I will be able to timeline the French Revolution from the reign of King Louis XVI to the Reign of Terror

Standard Objective

Warm Up: Name all the different estates during King Louis XVI’s reign and who made up each group


In the following notes, please be sure to take notes on the dates and what event took place on that date.

You will be using those dates in your twitter page.


King Louis XVI comes into power Became King of

France in June 11, 1775

Married to Marie Antoinette May 16, 1770 when

King Louis XVI was 15.

The Old Order In the 1770’s, it was

the division of three Estates

DAWN OF THE REVOLUTION Second Estate called the Estates-General to meet for the first

time in 175 years May 5, 1789 in Versailles

Third Estate established the National Assembly to end monarchy and begin representative government June 17, 1789 beginning of the French Revolution

Tennis Court Oath June 20, 1789 – Third Estate locked out, broke into the Tennis Court

and drew up a constitution Storming the Bastille

July 1, 1789 – People began to revolt against the King by taking over the Bastille Prison

The Great Fear July 19th – Aug 3rd 1789 Looting of nobles houses

October 5, 1789 – Parisian women marched on Versailles to have King Louis return to Paris.





Q: Who called the Estates-General meeting for the first time in 175 years?A: The Second Estate on May 5, 1789.

Q: What was the Tennis Court Oath?A: Third Estate was locked out of the Estates-General meeting, broke into the tennis court next door, would not leave till they created a new constitution.

Q: What started the Great Fear?A: The rumor of the nobles burning down peasants houses and their crops. This lead to the looting of noble’s houses and the burning of debt papers.


10.2.4 - Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire.

I will be able to chronologically order the events of the French Revolution and summarize each event through a twitter activity.

Standard Objective

Warm Up: What are the three main events which lead up to the start of the French Revolution. Be sure to explain each event.

When finished, fill out the first page of the notes worksheet.


Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Included ideas from the Declaration of Independence “liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression” Guaranteed freedom of speech, justice, and freedom of religion

State Controlled Church Assembly takes the Church’s land Church officials to be elected (paid as state officials) No longer could own land and political independence This turned the people against the assembly

Believed the Pope should rule over the Church not the State

June 20, 1791 King Louis XVI tries to escape to Austria (where Marie

Antoinette is from) Paris guards catch them and return him to the city


September 30, 1791 National Assembly finishes the new constitution

Includes a limited constitutional monarchy Stripped the king of most of his power Creates the Legislative Assembly

Émigrés (conservatives) Nobles who fled France Wanted to undo the revolution and restore the

Old Regime (also known as the Old Order) Sans-culottes (liberals)

“those without knee breeches” (wore regular trousers)

Wanted the revolution to bring more change


WAR AND EXECUTION April 20, 1792

Other European countries were afraid of revolution wanted to stop ideas from spreading

France declares war on Austria and Prussia for wanting to restore King Louis XVI to the throne

July 25, 1792 Austrians march to Paris Threatened to destroy the French if they had any members of the royal family

August 10, 1792 20,000 revolutionaries invade where the royal family was staying Killed the royal guards and imprisoned King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and their

children. Rumors spread that supporters of the King were going to break him out of prison

Led to raids and murders throughout Paris Nobles, priests and royalists were the target of the September Massacres

September 21st

National Convention takes over for the National Assembly Abolishes monarchy, makes France a republic

JACOBINS TAKE CONTROL Most influential French

Revolution political club. Jean-Paul Marat

Edited a newspaper called “L’ami du Peuple” (Friend of the People)

Wanted those who supported the king to die

Georges Danton The groups most

talented speaker Devoted to the rights

of the poor in Paris

January 21st 1793 King Louis is sent to the

guillotine to be beheaded

This marks the beginning of the Reign of Terror!

Jacobins are the reason!



10.2.4 - Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire.

I will be able to chronologically order the events of the French Revolution and summarize each event through a twitter activity.


Warm Up: Take out your note worksheet about the French Revolution. Highlight your notes section all the dates and the event on that date. There should be 18 dates! Start with the King coming into power, ending with the End of the Reign of Terror. Be sure to draw an arrow to the event.


1. Louis XVI becomes King of France in June 11, 1775

2. King Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette on May 16, 1770

3. Estates General Called on May 5, 1789 in Versailles

4. Third Estate creates the National Assembly on June 17, 1789 (begins the French Revolution)

5. June 20, 1789 – Tennis Court Oath

6. July 1, 1789 – Storming the Bastille

7. July 19th – Aug 3rd 1789 – The Great Fear

8. October 5, 1789 – Parisian women marched on Versailles

9. August 25, 1789 – Declaration of the Rights of Man signed


10. June 20, 1791 – King Louis XVI tries to escape

11. September 30, 1791 – National Assembly finishes new constitution

12. April 20, 1792 – France Declares war on Austria and Prussia

13. July 1792 – Austrians march on Paris

14. August 10, 1792 – King Louis imprisoned by 20,000 revolutionaries

15. September 21, 1792 – France gets rid of monarchy, declares itself a republic

16. January 21st 1793 – King Louis XVI + family beheaded

17. July 27, 1793 – Robespierre becomes leader of Committee of Public Safety

18. September 5, 1793 – Reign of Terror officially begins.

19. July 28, 1794 – Robespierre is guillotined.