Synaxis Paper (1)

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  • 7/27/2019 Synaxis Paper (1)




    We are living in a world of globalization where scientific and technological progress

    reached in its height. But the so called development did not improve the quality of life.

    Disintegration has become the order of the day in every walk of life. Even the family system is

    also under the pangs of disintegration. Man is thirsting for momentary happiness and worldly

    comforts. They are eagerly pursuing that end. But such efforts failed to give them a deep level

    of satisfaction. Even in the religious circle, the creeping of worldly tendencies has got much

    negative impact. It decreases the original greatness and glory of religious life itself. Now the

    general tendency is to devalue the human values especially the religious values. People who

    embraced the consecrated life due to selfish motives are also adding fuel to fire by their own

    negative witnesses. Media do not support the consecrated life rather they promote new trend

    of worldly values and ideas and which are detrimental to religious life. In this problematic age,

    the worth of consecrated life is questioned severely. What is the identity of religious life?

    Whether it needs a renewal of spirit? (V.C 104) (Jn 12:5) The question of Judas Iscariot is still

    repeated in various ways. But Jesus wishes to give answer to this question by the very life of

    each and every religious (V.C 104).

    A considerable religious are desperately searching and struggling for meaning in their

    life. This is a sheer fact. Their number is increasing. In this situation we need a deep down

    renewal, a going back to the original source. In this year of faith, our Pope, Francis challenges us

    lovingly to take a U turn in our very life. This is a call to all Christians especially pertaining to

    religious catholic life should be Gospel centered. Once again Church should start its journey

    from Christ and His Spirit. To be celibate means, as Benedict XVI says, share the love that we

    experienced from our Lord Jesus Christ who suffered, died and resurrected for us. The

    closeness with Jesus Christ will give all religious a new horizon of hope. Consecrated life is a

    response to Gods call that we hear in our inner self. It is a total surrender and submission

    before the infinity. A precious Gift. The foundation of master disciple relationship is faith. It is

    a grace given through Holy Spirit. Through faith man is growing in his divinity. Faith sanctifies

    man. So it is the ineffable gift of God.

    What does it mean by virtue? It is the tendency and disposition of human mind to desire

    good and doing it. But Christian virtue is different. It desires good according to Gods will and

    consists in doing the will of God. For that man has to have that desire and readiness to fulfill the

    will of God. Faith, hope and charity are the Christian virtues. If faith is absent, the other two will

    not be there. As St. Paul says P C No.5 states that consecrated life is the

    competition and full - fledged flowing of our baptismal consecration. Consecration demands

    deep faith, total dependency on God and self denial. In Scripture, Abraham, the father of

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    faith, Samuel who gave his life totally to God, Holy Mary by her total obedience remains as

    models of consecrated life and we are to follow their footprints.

    1. Different Levels of FaithThe first level of faith is knowledge. It is a worldly process. By learning Word of God and

    teaching of Church, step by step one is glowing in his life of faith. St. Augustine holds this view.

    Learning, reading, reflection all these will help a person to understand his faith deeply.

    Second level of faith is experience. One moves from the first level to second level through his

    own experience of faith. Here his knowledge not remains alone in the head but it goes deeper

    into his personality and guides all his actions. Here knowledge goes from intellect to heart. In

    this stage a believer realizes Gods presence and nearness in his very life situations. That again

    helps him to grow in faith. So we can frankly say experience of God is more powerfull tool in the

    growth of faith. We can never forget experience. It is a part and parcel of our life. So to a

    person, who realizes God through experience, cannot abandon God. It is almost impossible. Thethird level is a level of grace. It is the high realm. Here one acquires faith not from knowledge

    and experience but through God given grace. This grace is a freely gift. God raises a man to this

    level only when he sincerely desires deep union with God and pray for it.

    2. Models of Consecrated LifeSometime we may think Abrahams response to Gods call is illogical. To a reasoning

    mind and normal human thinking pattern, that action may be absurd. Abraham also found it

    difficult to grasp the promise of God, because his age was 75 ( Gen. 12:1-4). Basically Abrahams

    faith in God gave him courage to leave everything behind and move forward to the place whichGod showed.

    The call of Samuel also has the feature of lack of clarity. There are so many elements

    which may prevent Samuel to give a proper response and surrender to God. Firstly Samuel did

    not see God with his own eyes. Secondly he received Gods call while he was sleeping. But

    following the direction of Eli Samuel dedicated his life totally to God in faith (1 Sam 1:8)

    The perfect model of faith is Mother Mary. In litany, Church praises her as virgin most

    faithful. In Lk. 1:38 Elizabeth extols Mary. For Gods invitation Mary replied in this way Behold

    the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word. It is a leap into unknownfuture. From annunciation onwards she walks in the path of uncertainty. Through her response,

    she surrendered her mind, intellect and body to God. Her faith was being constantly tested by

    painful experiences. Gods Son born in manger she was asked to believe this child as Gods

    Son. Even at the last stage of Jesuss life he couldnt get Davids throne or any kingdom. He got

    suffering and cross. Instead of praises which are the due of a king, he got all types of

    tribulations and scoffing. According to our normal pattern, she has every right to think whether

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    the angel cheated her. She believed a God, Heavenly king who couldnt even save His own child

    from the hands of enemies! Angels message to flee to Egypt, the meeting of Jesus in the

    temple after losing him in the midst of the pilgrimage and his response to her grievous question

    and all these left her heavily burdened. For her the life of Jesus is like a fable. The divine

    mystery was concealed before her. She followed him through faith. At the last moment,everybody left Jesus even the so called friends. But she remained under his cross keeping her

    faith intact. So we can see in the surrender of Mary the complete expression of faith. It is really


    In order to follow Jesuss disciples left everything (Mk. 10:28). They believed the words

    of Jesus. They had the faith that kingdom of God is in Jesus and it is realizing in through Him.

    They believed His word totally. Jesus taught them and gave them formation. He gave them a

    new way of life. After the death of Jesus they were known as His followers because of that life

    giving law. (Jn.13:34-35)(Door of faith. 13:3)

    Because of faith man and women left everything and offered their life to Jesus. In

    Gospel humility and simplicity, they observed poverty, charity and obedience. All these are the

    clear signs for waiting the Lord who will come in glory.

    3. The Object of Vows and Objective of VowsThe object of vow is the dimension of renunciation that is explicitly inherent in the vows

    itself. For example, one person takes the vow of obedience. So he has to renounce his freewill

    and freedom. Renouncing ones own freedom is the main subject matter of the vow of

    obedience. For what purpose I denounce certain good in my life ? This is a pertinent question.The aim of the vow of obedience is to follow Jesus more perfectly. Jesus states that his primary

    purpose is to do the will of the father. For Jesus his mission was very much an issue of

    obedience. It must therefore be so for any religious. The ultimate goal of religious vows is to

    give witness to the primacy of Gods love. Through these vows one loves God more than

    everything else. Through Chastity one loves God more than any other persons, through Poverty

    more than other things, through Obedience more than ones own liking and interests. In short

    the main focus of a religious is to love God more deeply.

    4. Religious VowsIn the background of Christian religious life we can see vows are more than renouncing

    something for the sake of God but embracing a total union with God by dying to sin. To be set

    apart for God means to leave everything behind in order to be able to follow Christ. The

    practice of religious vow is founded on perfect knowledge and perfect will to follow the way of

    life. A man enters into direct relationship with God by taking their oath. Through the

    profession, he binds himself to the Lord in a special way. The value of vow is primarily rooted

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    on the reverence of God. Observance of vows is the expression of ones love and devotion to

    God. Vows are the best tool for the glorification of God and sanctification of man. In this the

    gifts one receives from God are offered back to God for his glory. The action of the professed

    one is more binding and fruitful than the non-professed people. It is true in the case of

    sinfulness too. The sin committed by a professed person is graver than the sins of others.

    Religious consecration is rooted in baptismal consecration. These vows help person to

    bear much fruit that flows from baptismal grace. The observance of vows are the fruits of

    discovery of faith when one sees God as the perfection of wealth, freedom and he can easily

    abandon all things for possessing God. He realizes the truth that God is perfect Good and

    before Him everything is insignificant. That realization enables him to surrender everything

    before God. In the life of St. Paul, we can see this fact very clearly (Phil.3/4).

    5. The need for Prayer and Faith in Religious VowsAccording to any evaluation based on human standard the sacrifices demanded by the

    vows are meaningless and unreasonable. Because consecrated persons are renouncing the

    good things which are valid before the eyes of men. The justification for such acts we get only

    from faith. We have a hope that Gods reward will be far greater than the things we left for the

    sake of Him. Since God is perfect good, all the sacrifices made for him, is totally reasonable only

    to those who accept God and Jesus Christ and the promises made by Jesus can lead this way of

    life because the demands are too high consecrated person gets one surety surety of faith

    (Heb.11.1) hurdle consecrated persons has to overcome is this. Friendship with God is possible

    mostly on

    Prayer is an indispensable element in consecrated life. Through prayer consecrated

    persons remains in constant contact with God. Prayer is the expression of the intimate

    relationship with God. Prayer enables a consecrated person to be strengthened by Gods

    power. If a religious thinks that prayer is a duty for him, then prayer becomes an obligation or

    burden. Then slowly he may go astray from his call. In the place of God, many other things will

    find place in his heart. Then for him, consecrated life seems to be meaningless. The different

    obligations connected with this way of life seem to be boring. The nun who left the Order once

    commented that I had left religious life because I had not been sufficiently clamped to God

    through prayer. This may be true in the case of many-religious dropouts. Hence a regularprayer life is essential for persevering in our celibate commitment.

    As humans, when we make great sacrifices, a kind of emptiness may be formed in the

    mind. Only God can fill that emptiness personal. Achievements, friendship and community all

    these are not sufficient to fill the vacuum. Gods loveis must. Gods friendship is must. The the

    level of faith. Experientially Gods love is not always available or possible. That dimension

    posses a challenge.

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    6. Chastity exceptional gift of GraceSecond Vatican Council documents on the importance of chastity are very much

    emphasized. Jesus Christ gives many advices to his disciples. The purity and Holiness of Church

    consists in the practice of these great exhortation. Among them the greatest one is the

    observance of chastity. This is a special gift offered to some by heavenly father. Chastity must

    be esteemed an exceptional gift of grace chastity enables a person to offer himself totally to

    God with an undivided heart. He adopts this for the sake of kingdom of God. It uniquely frees

    the heart of man so that he becomes more fervent in love for God and for all men. Church

    always values consecrated chastity as the stimulus of true love and the source of spiritual

    advice. Churchs holiness is fostered in a special way by the celibacy. S this perfect continence

    for love of the kingdom of heaven has always been held in high esteem by the church.

    The call o celibate life must be considered as the precious gift and grace of God. It will

    be offered to a few. It frees the heart of man so that without any hindrance be can be a man ofGod and man for people (PC No. 12)

    7. Vow of chastity and renunciation of physical SexThe renunciation demands by the vow of chastity is the denial of genital sexuality and its

    pleasure. In a broader sense, it deprives the man of the right to get married and all the

    goodness attached to it.

    We are created to love. Every human being has an innate need to love another person

    to relate to another person and to feel. Intimacy with another person. So when this need is

    denied feeling of emptiness is the result. Only Gods love can change situation. But this

    experience is partial and gets through faith. If we want to face the day to day difficulties and

    temptations, we should have a conscious awareness about Gods on fathomable love towards

    us and have a strong faith that God will pour out this indescribable love into the earth and dies

    bears much fruit. In the same way a consecrated person dies for her selfish interests and

    totally committed his life for the service of God brethren be bears much fruit of goodness. In

    this way he finds self realization and abiding happiness. So for him the burden demands by the

    vow is not a significant matter at all. They also own the greatest reward promised by Jesus for

    those who deny themselves for the sake of kingdom of God (Mt: 1: 27-30).

    8. Objective of the vow of chastityAccording to Jesus the objective of chastity is meant for the sake of kingdom of heaven.

    It is for Jesus. It is for God. It is a special call which prompts ne to abandon oneself completely

    to God with an undivided heart and heart ready to reach each and every one. The religious is a

    person who burn with greater love for God and all mankind. So love is the essence of chastity

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    9. Teachings of Vatican second on vows of chastity1. Chastity is to be esteemed as an exceptional gift of grace.2. One adopts tis for the sake of Christ and his kingdom3. It helps a man to burns with love towards God and man.4. It is a gracious anticipation sign of the coming eschatological kingdom5. A celibate in a special way dedicate his life totally for the love of God and love human kind6. He gives witness to the marital bond between Christ and church7. It demands deep faith, total dependence on God8. Among three evangelical counsels this is the first one9. A celibate must be always careful to keep his body and mind healthy

    10.In order to pronounce the vow of chastity one should have proper mental, emotionalmaturity. Self-examination is a must from the part of candidates . In the same way

    authorities also should take sufficient care in promoting the candidates

    11. The Challenges Vow of ChastityThe vow of chastity faces many challenges from eternal as well as internal realm.

    Among them the most important one is the pleasure oriented view of life. Life is meant to enjoy

    pleasure as much as possible. This is materialism. This materialistic attitude promotes sexuality

    and its enjoyments. They are not giving any importance to moral values connected with human

    sexuality. Though religious renounce genital sex, they are complete human beings. Hence they

    have the same human and emotional needs as all other normal people. Vow of chastity never

    removes the sexual desire. Human nature is feeble and in it we are keeping the treasure of


    The misuse of T.V, computer, Mobile Phone, internet etc. poses great threat to chastity.

    The mental and emotional immaturity of religious persons is another problem. Whensuch men and women work together and enter into deep relationship there is greater

    possibility of altering spiritual relationship into Physical. As a result, their relationship may

    grow to such an extent that they cannot separate each other and consequently they leave the

    vowed life.

    Negligence of prayer over use of phone and other sources of communication etc.

    proved to be a serious is not focusing on this aspect, rather indulging in criticizing the

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    authorities and fellow men; all these will badly affect the commitment of celibacy. A healthy

    community life is a protection for celibate life. A shared life s not simply residence or presence

    in the lcal community. It must include transparence in our relationship with others. When the

    community life is not satisfactory, relationship is mere peripheral, then that may become

    another cause for the failure of vowed life.

    The basic challenges faced by vow of chastity are whether the person is growing in the

    relationship with God and others. This is the main question. The ultimate aim of celibacy is

    various with God and genuine relationship with union with God and genuine relationship with

    humanity which has no clawing of selfishness. The efforts to fulfill these ends make the vow of

    celibacy a success. It is a real mark of love.

    12.Gospel PovertySt.Theresa of Avila says God alone is sufficient for those who inherited Him. They

    need nothing more those who are consciously accepting poverty. For them it is a means

    to possess God. it is the result of God experience. Thirst for God and renunciation of

    worldly goods is going hand in hand. To follow Christ crucified in the Gospel vow of poverty

    is a way life. What is the meaning of poverty in religious poverty? Is it the same poverty in

    the life of common man? Because it is a curse and sin also. So it is not taken an a religious

    vow. World is trying to eradicate this poverty. Then what is the meaning of religious poverty.

    it means the Gospel poverty. Gospel poverty and worldly poverty is entirely different. Gospel

    poverty is the combination real poverty and spiritual poverty . What is the real meaning

    of poverty? Is it the same as the struggle of the poor people, or a life style of begging

    church is not demanding such a life. Society also not expecting such a way of life . Starting of

    the religious communities or when the religious people are very less, they followed the life

    of begging. But today s situation is different. If all the religious people go for begging what will

    be the condition? Then what will be the real meaning of poverty ? It means the simple life to

    satisfy with the minimum. This is the life style of Christ Gospel.

    13.Object and Objective of vow of povertyIt is the renunciation of the right of collecting and using valuable things. The aim of

    religious poverty is to follow Christ in the Gospel more closely.

    14.Demands of the vow of poverty1. Over dependence on money2. Luxury.3. It is against financial self sufficiency. As sanyasi is expected to depend on the

    community for his needs

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    4. Renunciation of the right of handling worldly goods.5. Renunciation of the wealth and money acquired through different ways. (eg. salary,

    pension, honor am etc) The right of acquiring, possessing and alienating temporal

    properties. Religious poverty is not canceling the right of a person or a community. As a

    community they need money for their survival, they need money for the Apostolicactivities etc. But the way of handling of the money of temporal good by the individuals

    or superiors must prove the Gospel poverty to world. It must be strictly applicable for

    the members as well as the community. For that we can use following ways.

    1. To minimize the community and personal savings2. A life of hard work3. To keep up the simplicity in our personal things, travelling,4. Stand against the afforded consumerism5. One or other way support the society/contribute6. Satisfy with minimum7. Handle the common goods with care8. Satisfy with what we get from the community9. To live life of poverty in our life of spirit10.Detachment from the worldly goods11.Give importance to justice12.Support poor and marginalized

    15.Witness value of vow of poverty1. It witnesses Kingdom of God2. It give witness to the providence of God and increase the trust in God than the

    worldly goods

    3. By renouncing worldly security proclaim the supremacy of God the Father4. It gives a counter culture against the greedy and materialistic attitude of the world

    by living with minimum

    5. Gospel poverty is the expression of the hope of religious on God. It proves thenothingness of the trust in worldly goods and proclaims God as the supreme


    16.Sign against the vow of poverty1. Without due permission, keep the money and spend it for personal use2. During transfer time, taking more tings which are not allowed by the superiors3. Spend more money without superiors permission4. To destroy or not taking care of the common things.5. To keep money or things without permission of superiors in home or any other


    6. Even if the permission is there, using costly things unnecessary is breaking the vowof poverty.

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    17.Challenges facing the religious poverty1. VC. 89 points out that materialism is the main enemy of vow of poverty2. Counter witnessing life of the vowed persons are the most challenging threat of thereligious poverty.


    Among the superiors and members, those who lost the soul of spiritual poverty as wellas the real poverty in their life is another challenge

    4. Those who are supposed to be promoters of Gospel poverty, through their counter lifebecause a laughing stock for the world and reduces the glory of religious poverty

    5. Religious houses became the show cases of wealth rather than the show case ofsimplicity forgetting Christ in the Gospel

    6. Luxury, extravagance, easy life disfigure the face of religious life.7. They conform to the world by the attitude than Christ crucified.8. In food, dress, journey, living facilities we can see the pomp and greed of theconsecrated persons

    9. Insincerity in financial matters are increasing among religious. No proper accountabilityespecially it is true in the case of big institutions.

    10. By taking the vows of poverty one has to renounce the freedom of handling the moneyone need permission of the superiors in handling the money. All these things are conveniently

    forgotten by those who misuse money. They console themselves by calming that this type of

    freedom is needed for the smooth functioning of the system. In reality it is a faulty argument.

    What is the remedy of all these problem? Only one remedy, Go back to the original

    faithfulness. A change of attitude is necessary to imitate Christ more closely. Vow of poverty

    primarily means closeness with Jesus Christ in the Gospel. When this fellowship with Christ is

    neglected, then materialistic and worldly tendencies over power them. This turning from truth

    is the main challenge we have to conquer.

    18.Obedience and complete commitment from the point of view of faithChrist came to the world in order to do the will of His father and he took on the form of a

    servant Jesus practiced obedience through suffering. Imitating Christ and led by the Holy spirit,

    religious obey the superiors who are the representatives of God

    19.Object and Objective of Vow of obedienceThe renunciation of freewill or ones own freedom is the concern of vow of obedience. It

    is the renunciation of self-determination. The vow of obedience involves the surrender of the

    mind and freedom to the decision of the superiors who are Gods representatives. A religious

    nun freely decides to surrender herself to the superiors and the rule. The objective of the vow

    of obedience is to imitate Jesus who was obedient unto death to the will of God. I do not act

    according to my will but according to your will.

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    Superiors are the means which God makes use of revealing his mind to the subjects. We must

    accept and obey superiors with faith.

    The vow of obedience is taken so that one may obey the decisions of the superiors which are

    according to the rule.

    20.Teaching of Vatican Second on Religious Obedience1. Obedience is a means to obey Jesus who was obedient2. Obedience is the complete surrender of ones mind to the will of God3. Obedience keeps one close to the salvific will of God4. The practice of obedience demands the spirit of faith and love5. Obedience does not reduce the dignity of man instead leads one to the freedom of the

    children of God

    6. In the spirit of faith we must see the superiors as the representatives of God21.The Witness value of vow of obedience

    1. Obedience is the sign of Gods kingdom in which human freedom becomes perfect.2. The life of obedience is the sign of the churches obedience to Christ3. The vow of obedience is a challenge to the word which misuses freedom4. The vow of obedience is a challenge to the world which misuses freedom

    22.Social aspect of ObedienceWe must understand that discerning the will of God is the duty to the whole community.

    Nobody in the community, not even the superiors can claim that the will of God is revealed

    through herself for the action of the divine spirit is found in all

    Too much attachment to ones own thoughts and ideas is to be avoided

    Gods will is to be sought without being influenced by worldly values

    Prayer and spirit of faith are necessary in order to discern the will of God

    Religious obedience keeps one close to the will of God. It is accepting the will of God freely,

    keeping apart ones own mind.

    23.Painful ObedienceAt least sometimes for some people there may be occasions when obedience may be

    painful and difficult. Obedience becomes painful when a religious finds that the decisions of the

    superiors are completely without reason and at times even foolish St. Benedict and St. Francis

    of Assisi have said that religious will have to face such occasions and also what to do in such

    situations St. Benedict demands a kind of obedience which is very burdensome or positively

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    impossible to perform. But he also requests that there should be free exchange of ideas

    between the religious and the superior the end of this conversation, the religious should obey

    for the love of God and depending on God. St. Francis says that it is better to sacrifice ones

    ideas for the sake of God and the people obeying the will of the superior rather than to follow

    ones own ideas which he feels to be better. He calls such an obedience loving obedience.

    24.Challenges to the vow of obedience1. Vita Consecrata points out that one of the challenges against the vow of obedience is

    that one uses his freedom without respecting the right of others and neglecting moral


    2. Challenges rising from within the religious is more serious and stronger than thosecoming from outside. Though we take vow of obedience with a strong decision to do the

    will of God still in practical life we give priority to our own likes and interests.

    3. Only through faith one can see the will of God in the decisions of the superiors and ofthe community. Often we are over whelmed by our own reasons and convictions.

    Second Vatican council teaches that we should obey the superiors as the

    representatives of God. For this the eyes of faith are required. Haughty and improper

    behavior shows lack of faith.


    Faith is a way of life; it animates and directs all aspects of life. Faith is also a defends

    against the attack of evil forces and unholy attractions. St. Paul warns us our battle is not

    against flesh and blood but against the rulers and authority of darkness. We are struggling

    against the spirits and super natural forces of evil. He urges us to equip ourselves well with

    truth, justice and faith for this battle. When we an alyze the challenges of religious life

    today we can see that it is due to our lack of trust and faith in the Lord, who has called us to

    his unending love. The human being needs a sacred space which assumes his existence, a

    sacred beneath his feet that is faith. We being the religious are more in need of this virtue

    because ours is a life founded on faith. Its a pilgrimage in faith. We have begun our

    journey with a deep faith of meeting our beloved and the hope of receiving the eternal

    crown of glory.