Svenska ståndpunkter WRC-19 - PTS

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2019-05-31 1(139)


Post- och telestyrelsen

Postadress: Besöksadress: Telefon: 08-678 55 00

Box 5398 Valhallavägen 117A Telefax: 08-678 55 05

102 49 Stockholm

Svenska ståndpunkter WRC-19

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Post- och telestyrelsen 2


Denna PM sammanfattar de svenska ståndpunkterna för ITU:s världsradiokonferens 2019 (WRC-19).

Förslag på svenska ståndpunkter för huvuddelen av agendapunkterna har tagits fram i enlighet med processen för framtagning av ståndpunkter för WRC (se bilaga 1).

Detta arbete kommer att fortgå under tiden fram till konferensen. Den av PTS 2014 antagna strategin för spektrumområdet är en viktig komponent i detta arbete. En annan viktig komponent är återkoppling från intressenterna.

Dokumentet kommer att uppdateras fram till konferensen.



Post- och telestyrelsen 3


Tid och plats

World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) kommer att äga rum 28 oktober – 22 november 2019 i Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypten. Beslutet togs av ITU Council i maj 2017 och inkluderades i Resolution 1380. Beslutet har skickats till medlemsstaterna för formellt godkännande och har därefter godkänts av medlemsländerna. CPM-2 har hållits i Genève under perioden 18-28 februari 2019.


Agendan för WRC-19 är i enlighet med det av WRC-15 framtagna förslaget till agenda i Resolution 809 (WRC-15).



Post- och telestyrelsen 4



Radioreglementet (RR) bör endast innehålla allokering av frekvenser för radiotjänster och inte identifiering av frekvenser för specifika tillämpningar och system. Det kan i vissa fall vara berättigat med avsteg från denna princip och att identifiera frekvenser för tillämpningar eller system i RR.

Det är också viktigt att notera att det är allokering av frekvenser för radiotjänster som regleras i RR och beslutas av WRC och inte användningen av dessa allokeringar. Varje land (antingen enskilt eller tillsammans med andra länder) kan bestämma när och hur de olika allokeringarna ska användas inom landet.

En allokering innebär inte att tillstånd för radiosändarna kommer att medges.



Post- och telestyrelsen 5

AI 1

1 on the basis of proposals from administrations, taking account of the results of WRC-15 and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the frequency bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action in respect of the following items:



Post- och telestyrelsen 6

AI 1.1

1.1 to consider an allocation of the frequency band 50-54 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1, in accordance with Resolution 658 [COM6/6] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för en allokering (på primär eller sekundär basis) till amatörradio i frekvensbandet 50-52 MHz. I det fall alternativa ECP:er föreslås ger Sverige stöd för allokering på sekundär basis.

Ej stöd för en allokering till amatörradio i frekvensbandet 52-54 MHz.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.1


CEPT supports an allocation of 2 MHz in the frequency range 50-52 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1 on a secondary basis. CEPT is still discussing the future regulatory status of the amateur service in part of the band 50-52 MHz

CEPT is of the view that the amateur service shall not cause harmful interference to, nor claim protection from harmful interference caused by the incumbent services.



Post- och telestyrelsen 7

Svenska intressenter

SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium, SSC, FMV, Försvarsmakten

Svenska kommentarer


”Accepterar en allokering för amatörradio under förutsättning att befintliga radartjänster/vertikal vindprofilerare skyddas.”

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

The band 50-54 MHz is used by several radio telescopes around the world. In region 1, major facilities such as LOFAR ( make use of the band. Onsala Space Observatory is part of the LOFAR network. Onsala Space Observatory requests great care in allocating bands to active services, which may block the further development of also for space weather research because the broadband activities in 50-54 MHz will be detrimental to the LOFAR operations. Onsala Space Observatory is involved in LOFAR for Space Weather (LOFAR4SW).


”Esrange Space Center agerar koordinator för användandet av frekvenserna 50-54 MHz i Sverige enligt förslag:

AI 1.1: to consider an allocation of the frequency band 50-54 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1, in accordance with Resolution 658 (WRC-15).

Tillsammans med Institutionen för Rymdfysik i Kiruna har Esrange en MST-radar, Mesosfär Stratosfär Troposfär, som använder information runt 52 MHz. Instrumentet används för att mäta atmosfärens beskaffenhet. De atmosfärsmodeller som finns idag är baserade på och verifierade mot data från bland annat detta instrument. Samma data används även för att verifiera meteorologiska satelliters mätningar. Frekvensbandet har varit avsatt som sekundärt bruk för vindmätning efter WRC-97, resolution 217, i Europa. Detta efter förslag från World Meteorological Organization i 1987, med önskemål om att sammanställa och förbättra vindmodellerna för Europa. Det har nu föregått sammanhängande mätningar sedan 1996, som ger en lång och bra data serie.



Post- och telestyrelsen 8

Vid öppning för amatörradio i samma band ser vi en stor risk för störningar. Därmed kommer också risken för att förlora en lång mätserie för analys av atmosfären. Potentiella störningar i dessa band innebär att man inte längre kommer att kunna göra historiska studier av förändringar i atmosfären. Detta är viktigt för framtida klimat och meteorologi forskning. Instrumentet används även i samband med raket- och ballongkampanjer på Esrange.



Post- och telestyrelsen 9

Viktigt för klimat Bandet är du avsatt med sekundär användning för vindmätning, efter WRC-97 resolution 217. Detta efter förfrågan från World Meteorological Organization. Valet av frekvensen 52 MHz är i samråd med Resolution 217 från WRC-97, som lyder ” 46-68 MHz in accordance with No. S5.162A __ No. S5.162A : Additional allocation: in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Vatican, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, the band 46 - 68 MHz is also allocated to the radiolocation service on a secondary basis. The use is limited to the operation of wind profiler radars in accordance with Resolution [COM5-5] (WRC-97).”



Post- och telestyrelsen 10

AI 1.2

1.2 to consider in-band power limits for earth stations operating in the mobile-satellite service, meteorological-satellite service and Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403 MHz and 399.9-400.05 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 765 [COM6/7] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Förutsatt att behov för space operation service (SOS) identifierade under agendapunkt 1.7 kan tillgodoses, kan obligatoriska effektbegräsningar för mobile-satellite service (MSS) i bandet 399,9-400,05 MHz, samt för meteorological-satellite service (MetSat) och earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) i bandet 401-403 MHz accepteras.

Sverige kan acceptera att frekvensområdet 400,02-400,05 MHz undantas från effektbegränsningar, under förutsättning att det inte innebär några negativa konsekvenser för andra tjänster (t.ex. i angränsande band)

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.2 Earth Stations 400 MHz Add 2 Yes


In order to ensure long term continuity for the operation of satellite data collection systems, CEPT supports the establishment of in-band power/eirp limits, as appropriate, for earth stations in the EESS and MetSat in the frequency band 401-403 MHz (for GSO and non-GSO) and in the MSS in the frequency band 399.9-400.05 MHz, specified per emission within reference bandwidth (4 kHz) as well as within whole allocated band, to avoid possible



Post- och telestyrelsen 11

power aggregation of closely spaced narrowband carriers, notified for earth stations, taking into account the result of studies.

In addition, CEPT proposes specific provisions for both frequency bands 399.9-400.05 MHz until 22 November 2024 and for frequency band 401-403 MHz until 22 November 2027 for existing and planned satellite systems exceeding these e.i.r.p. limits, for which complete notification information has been received by the Radiocommunication Bureau, and that have been brought into use before 22 November 2019.

The CEPT position is based on the following Methods from the considering Method B of the draft CPM Rreport: Method C for the on 399.9-400.05 MHz band, Method E for the 401-403 MHz bandas a possible compromise solution to reach a reach a single method at CPM19-2.

Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer


“Stöder effektbegränsningar i sådan omfattning att MetSat, EESS inte påverkas negativt.”

AI 1.3

1.3 to consider possible upgrading of the secondary allocation to the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) to primary status and a possible primary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 460-470 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 766 [COM6/8] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

En primär allokering till meteorological-satellite service (MetSat) (s->E) och earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) (s->E) kan accepteras om det inte påverkar möjligheten att använda bandet eller angränsande band för befintliga primära tjänster utan nya begränsningar.



Post- och telestyrelsen 12

Jordstationer i MetSat-tjänsten ska inte erhålla skydd från befintliga primära tjänster.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.3 Upgrade of EESS and MetSat 460 MHz Add 3 Yes


CEPT supports that the MetSat (space-to-Earth) allocation should be upgraded from secondary to primary status and a primary EESS (space-to-Earth) allocation should be added in the frequency band 460-470 MHz provided that

• the protection of primary services in the frequency band and in adjacent frequency bands is ensured by the introduction of relevant pfd masks for GSO and non-GSO satellites

• “MetSat and EESS earth stations shall not claim protection from stations in the fixed and mobile services”, as stated in recognizing f) of Resolution 766.

• priority of MetSat over EESS as currently expressed in the RR is retained.;

CEPT position is based on Method C of the CPM Report

CEPT recognises the need for a harmonized spectrum partitioning (GSO vs. non-GSO DCS) of the global operating environment to allow full development of DCS.

Svenska intressenter



Post- och telestyrelsen 13

Ericsson, Teracom, SMHI, Onsala, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer


“1.3 Stöder en uppgradering av MetSat till primär tjänst i 460-470MHz. Stöder en primär allokering för EESS i 460-470MHz förutsatt att skyddet för MetSat prioriteras.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 14

AI 1.4

1.4 to consider the results of studies in accordance with Resolution 557 [COM6/9] (WRC-15), and review, and revise if necessary, the limitations mentioned in Annex 7 to Appendix 30 (Rev.WRC-12), while ensuring the protection of, and without imposing additional constraints on, assignments in the Plan and the List and the future development of the broadcasting-satellite service within the Plan, and existing and planned fixed-satellite service networks;



Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige stödjer minskning av begränsningarna, i den mån det kan ske utan oönskade konsekvenser. Av Sverige notifierade system och plantilldelningar ska kunna användas under en övergångsperiod med den QoS som medgetts i o m en stabil reglering i RR sen WRC-2000

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.4 Review Annex 7 of Appendix 30 Add 4 Yes


CEPT does not supports method BA (No Change) of the draft CPM text.

CEPT still continues discussing methods B and C that only differ on the limitations A1a and A2a. The preliminary CEPT position, limitation by limitation is:

The preliminary CEPT position, limitation by limitation is:



Post- och telestyrelsen 15

CEPT supports the deletions of the limitations:

Limitation A1a (No assignments in the Region 1 List further west than 37.2°W)

Limitation A2a (No modification in the Region 2 Plan further east than 54°W)

With respect to these 2 limitations and the methodology to be used to identify if BSS assignments in the new available orbital positions are affected by new FSS, CEPT supports: For orbital separations less than 4.2º, to apply the Annex 4 coordination threshold PFD mask considering BSS test points. For orbital separations of 4.2º or greater, CEPT supports to apply the Annex 4 coordination threshold PFD mask considering the BSS service area. This will be implemented through a new Resolution.

CEPT is still considering whether these limitations can be suppressed without any additional regulatory measure (method B of draft CPMtext) or if new additional measures, including a new resolution to not limit future deployment of Region 1 and Region 2 FSS with respect to new BSS assignments, are necessary. CEPT also supports the deletions of the limitations:

Limitation A2b (No modification in the Region 2 Plan further east than 44°W)

Limitation A3b (Maximum e.i.r.p. of 56 dBW for assignments in the Regions 1 & 3 List at specific allowable portions of the orbital arc between 37.2°W and 10°E specified in Table 1 of Annex 7 to Appendix 30)

Limitation A3c (Maximum power flux density of -138 dB(W/(m2·27 MHz)) at any point in Region 2 by assignments in the Regions 1 & 3 List located at 4°W and 9°E)

Limitation A3a (No assignments in the Regions 1 & 3 List outside specific allowable portions of the orbital arc between 37.2°W and 10°E specified in Table 1 of Annex 7 to Appendix 30)

Regarding the A3a limitation, CEPT considers that the protection of the BSS satellite networks implemented in accordance with the current provisions of Annex 7 to Appendix 30 (which includes antennas smaller than 60 cm in the allowable portions of the orbital arc), must be guaranteed. To achieve it, CEPT supports the solution which proposes that in the examination to determine if these implemented satellite networks will be affected by new Region 1 and 3 BSS satellite networks from some specific orbital locations, only the EPM



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criteria will be applied and Annex 1 coordination threshold and the PFD mask criteria will not be considered. This solution implies the deletion of this limitation and the incorporation of a new Rresolution.

CEPT supports the retentions of limitations:

Limitation A2c (No modification in the Region 2 Plan further west than 175.2°W)

Limitation A1b (part b) (No assignments in the Region 1 List further east than 146°E)

CEPT is of the view that Limitation B deals with the grouping concept of space stations in the Region 2 Plan and therefore decisions over this limitation are out of the scope of CEPT.

In addition, after the removal of the relevant limitations described above, CEPT supports the application of a new Resolution that would give priority, during a period of time, 90 days priority to submit new satellite networks in the new available orbital positions to those Administrations with national assignments in the Regions 1 and 3 Plan with equivalent downlink protection margin values equal or below -10 dB. This period of time is from 23rd March 2020 to 21st May 2020.

CEPT supports to apply as of 23 November 2019 the modifications to Annex 7 of Appendix 30, to this effect, a revision of Article 59 and a draft new Resolution are proposed.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”Vi ser vinster med det effektiviserade spektrumnyttjande som lättnader i Annex 7 innebär så vi stödjer att ta bort begränsningar som inte längre behövs. Samtidigt stödjer vi den svenska ståndpunkten och vi önskar poängtera vikten av att kunna använda våra etablerade frekvenstilldelningar med bibehållen QoS.



Post- och telestyrelsen 17

Detta speglas i den enda Metoden i CPM Report, varför vi önskar att Sverige aktivt stödjer denna och opponerar Metod A som innebär No Change.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 18

AI 1.5

1.5 to consider the use of the frequency bands 17.7-19.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations in motion communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service and take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 158 [COM6/17] (WRC-15);


Medel vad avser sakfrågan, men hög vad avser en eventuell användning av bandet 27,5-29,5 GHz för IMT.

Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige kan acceptera regulatoriska åtgärder som möjliggör en flexibel användning av jordstationer i rörelse, under förutsättning att frekvensbanden även fortsättningsvis ska kunna användas för mobil radio, fast radio och fixed-satellite service (FSS) (både existerande och framtida) utan ytterligare begränsningar.

Eventuellt kan en bandsegmentering mellan terrestra tjänster och satellittjänster studeras.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.5


CEPT supports a regulatory framework for the operation of earth stations in motion (ESIM) in the bands 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz, while ensuring protection of, and not imposing undue constraints on, services allocated in those frequency bands.



Post- och telestyrelsen 19

Due to the foreseen growing demand for ESIM and because ESIM terminals are ‘in motion’ and world-wide use, the regulatory framework for these terminals needs to be as simple and practicable as possible.

Regarding the compatibility with terrestrial services in the 27.5-29.5 GHz bands, CEPT supports the following the following conditions are considered as a way forward:

Maritime ESIM – together with other technical conditions, such as appropriate e.i.r.p limits as specified in Decision ECC/DEC/(13)01, minimum distance of 70 km from the low water mark officially recognized by coastal states and a maximum e.i.r.p. of 24.44 dBW/14 MHz towards the territory of any coastal state similar to the method adopted in Resolution 902 (WRC-03). ESIM should comply with these minimum distances unless prior agreement of the concerned administrations has been given.

Aeronautical ESIM – together with other technical conditions, the pfd limits on the earth’s surface as specified in ECC/DEC(13)01, should should be used to ensure protection of MS and FS. form a basis for considerations within the relevant ITU-R Working Parties. This together with other considerations would ensure protection of terrestrial systems. ESIM should comply with these pfd limits unless prior agreement of the concerned administrations has been given.

Land ESIM – operating within national boundaries no specific regulatory action or amendments to the Radio Regulations at WRC-19 are needed.

Regarding of compatibility with the terrestrial services in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band, the CEPT is of the view that ESIM shall not claim protection from the fixed and mobile services in the band.

CEPT is of the view that the pfd for Aeronautical ESIM and minimum distance for maritime ESIM from the low water mark officially recognized by coastal states mentioned above are sufficient for the protection of terrestrial services. Therefore, prior to authorising aeronautical and maritime ESIM, an administration is not required to perform coordination with regards to terrestrial service stations of other administrations provided that the above-mentioned pfd and the minimum distance are met.



Post- och telestyrelsen 20

CEPT is of the view that the pfd mask for Aeronautical ESIM and minimum distance for maritime ESIM defined above are deemed to provide protection for the terrestrial services in order to provide regulatory certainty for both the terrestrial services and for the operation of ESIM. CEPT is not favourable to regulatory provisions that could allow protection requirements other than pfd mask based on the need to protect future development of terrestrial services. Moreover, CEPT is of the view that the proposed pfd mask shall be defined based on parameters of terrestrial systems which are consistent with the technical characteristics provided by responsible Working Parties at ITU-R and should not address the protection of applications which do not conform with these characteristics.

Regarding of compatibility with satellite networks the ESIM characteristics shall remain within the envelope of the satellite network with which these ESIM communicate and the satellite network, when using ESIM, shall not cause more interference and shall not claim more protection than was coordinated when using typical earth stations in this satellite network.

Regarding the 27.5-29.5 GHz band, the CEPT supportsappropriate sharing techniques, including pfd mask for aeronautical ESIM, and minimum distance of 70 km from the low-water mark and maximum eirp of 24.44 dBW/14 MHz towards the territory of any coastal State for the maritime ESIM in order to protect the fixed and mobile services allocated in the bands.

CEPT is of the view that, in line with the principles already expressed in ITU Resolution 156 (WRC-15), the notifying administration of the GSO FSS satellite network with which ESIM communicate shall be responsible for ensuring that the ESIM network operator shall have has the capability to limit operations of ESIMsuch earth stations to the territory or territories of administrations where they arehaving authorized thouse ESIM and to comply with Article 18 and shall provide a point of contact for the purpose of tracing any suspected cases of interference from earth stations in motion.

In case of interference from L-ESIM, the administration of the territory on which the L-ESIM operates is responsible for authorising the operation of L-ESIM on its territory and for acting. In case of interference from maritime or aeronautical ESIM, the administration of the country in which the ship or aircraft is registered and the administration responsible for the satellite network should have joined responsibility to act to remove interference.



Post- och telestyrelsen 21

CEPT has developed a Roadmap on 5G ( In this respect it is noted that “Europe has harmonised the 27.5-29.5 GHz band for broadband satellite and is supportive of the worldwide use of this band for ESIM. This band is therefore not available for 5G”. It should also be noted that, in Europe, according to Decision ECC/DEC/(05)01, portions of the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz, are designated and can be used for the fixed service.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, SAS, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

"Vi stödjer regulatoriska klargöranden som främjar en flexibel användning för de redan existerande ESIM-tjänsterna, i enlighet med den preliminära CEPT-ståndpunkten. Vi skulle gärna se att Sverige följer CEPTs linje samt att den svenska ståndpunkten inleds med: ”Sverige stödjer regulatoriska klargöranden som möjliggör en flexibel användning av jordstationer i rörelse” då vi anser att ”Sverige kan acceptera regulatoriska klargöranden” är en för vag skrivning.”

SAS: “We understand that PTS is considering the Swedish position on a number of regulatory issues to be considered by the International Telecommunication Union’s World Radiocommunication Conference to be held in 2019. Among those issues is the regulatory framework for Earth Stations in Motion operating in the 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz bands (WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.5). As you may know, SAS recently announced that it will be implementing Infight Wifi using Ka-band High Throughput Satellites operating in the 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz bands. SAS has an interest in the future growth and expansion of this service, including development of regulatory rules that could allow Inflight connectivity in the 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz bands. For this reason, we hope that PTS can support development of such rules in the relevant international forums, to include our comments and list SAS as stakeholder in the Swedish WRC-19 Brief under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.5.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 22

AI 1.6

1.6 to consider the development of a regulatory framework for non-GSO FSS satellite systems that may operate in the frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 39.5-42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space), in accordance with Resolution 159 [COM6/18] (WRC-15);


Låg avseende sakfrågan och kopplingen till AI 1.14 men hög avseende kopplingen till AI 1.13.

Svenska ståndpunkter

Frekvensbanden ska även fortsättningsvis kunna användas för mobil radio, fast radio och fixed-satellite service (FSS) (både existerande och framtida) utan ytterligare begränsningar.

Eventuellt kan en bandsegmentering studeras.

Även band ej primärt allokerade till mobil radio men som omfattas av agendapunkt 1.13 ska kunna användas för mobil radio.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.6


CEPT supports the development of regulatory provisions, technical and operational conditions that would enable spectrally efficient operation of non-GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 37.5-42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space) while ensuring protection for GSO satellite networks and stations of other existing services including passive services in the adjacent frequency bands.



Post- och telestyrelsen 23

CEPT considers that the limits currently in Resolution 750 (Rev. WRC-15) are not sufficient for the protection of EESS (passive) in the adjacent frequency band 50.2-50.4 GHz from operation of [both GSO and] non-GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands under consideration in accordance with Resolution 159 (WRC-15). Appropriate unwanted emission limits for the protection of EESS (passive) are [-61.951.3] dBW/200 MHz for non-GSO user terminals and [-63] -48.7 dBW/200 MHz for non-GSO gateways, [-58.1 dBW/200 MHz for GSO user terminals and -44.1 dBW/200 MHz for GSO gateways]. CEPT is of the view that the effects of aggregate FSS interference from GSO satellite networks and non-GSO systems operating in the relevant bands should be taken into account to ensure the protection of the EESS (passive). CEPT considers that the unwanted emission limits for GSO FSS are not sufficient for the protection of EESS (passive) and should also be revised under WRC-19 AI 1.6. An appropriate unwanted emission limit os [-65.9] dBW/200 MHz for GSO.

CEPT supports the development of the new Recommendation ITU-R S. [50/40 GHz Sharing Methodology] which describes in particular the methodology to calculate the maximum permissible level of interference from non-GSO satellite systems specified as single entry and aggregate limits for: a) increase in unavailability time allowance for degradation of GSO networks short term performance objectives b) a maximum reduction of the average throughput or spectral efficiency for GSO networks using Adaptive Coding Modulation. CEPT supports that this methodology takes into account the correlation between a fading event attenuating both the wanted signal and interfering signals in the frequency bands 40/50 GHz. In addition, CEPT supports that the conformity with these single-entry limits be evaluated using the calculation procedures in the new Recommendation ITU-R S.[50/40 GHz Sharing Methodology] and using the statistics of degradations due to the non-GSO system interference and fading issued from the latest versions of Recommendations ITU-R S.1503 and P.618, respectively

CEPT also supports the development of the new Recommendation incorporated by reference ITU-R S. [50/40 GHz Reference links] which contains characteristics of representative FSS GSO reference links.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:



Post- och telestyrelsen 24

”Vi stödjer regulatoriska klargöranden avseende icke-geostationär användning och ser liksom CEPT inte hur denna agendapunkt har tydlig koppling till AI 1.13 då detta är inte är en agendapunkt för någon ny allokering utan rör klargöranden inom redan existerande allokering, vilket Sverige i vanlig ordning bör stödja. Agendapunkterna 1.6 och 1.13 överlappar enbart varandra i termer av frekvensband, men ingen konflikt eller prioriteringsbehov mellan agendapunkterna råder enligt CEPT samt ordförandena för ITU-R’s aktiva grupper för WP 4A och TG5/1. Vi ifrågasätter därför skrivningen att frågan har hög prioritet avseende kopplingen till AI 1.13 och bedömer därmed tyvärr den svenska ståndpunkten som irrelevant och undrar var Sverige egentligen står i sakfrågan? Vi föreslår att den svenska ståndpunkten kompletteras med en skrivning i stil med: ”Sverige stödjer regulatoriska klargöranden som möjliggör en säker och effektiv användning av icke geostationära FSS-anmälningar i de relevanta banden.”. Dessutom bör hänsyn givetvis i vanlig ordning tas till befintliga tjänster i banden. Vi önskar även betona vikten av att debatten håller sig inom agendapunktens givna ramar och inte utvidgas orimligt såhär i studieperiodens slutskede, vilket vi egentligen redan indirekt läser in i den svenska ståndpunkten, men det behöver tydligen understrykas explicit.”


”Accepterar en allokering under förutsättning att EESS och markbaserade mätsystem (radiometers) skyddas”. 36 – 37 GHz används för observationer av ”Rain rate, snow, ocean ice, clouds”. 50,2 – 50,4 GHZ används för ”reference window for atmospheric temperature profiling (surface temperature). 52,6 – 59,3 GHz används för “ Atmospheric temperature profiling (O2 observation lines)

Vid allokering av FSS i och i närliggande band, enligt ovan, är det viktigt att existerande och framtida tjänster skyddas.

ESA/EUMETSAT har i dokument PTB(18)014 och PTB(18)015 lämnat uppdaterat resultat från studier samt lämnat förslag till revision av CEPT breif. SMHI anser att Sverige ska lämna support till dessa dokument. I övrigt bör Sverige ge support till andra dokument som skyddar frekvensområdena enligt ovan om verkar för att ge adekvat skydd för de passiva observationssystemen.

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:



Post- och telestyrelsen 25

CRAF supports the protection of existing RAS and EESS (passive) allocations in the 42.5 - 43.5 GHz, 48.94 - 49.04 GHz, and 50.2 - 50.4 GHz. CRAF is particularly concerned about the interference caused by unwanted satellite emissions into the 42.5 - 43.5 GHz RAS band. No changes should be made to the RR unless acceptable sharing and compatibility criteria are developed with

the RAS and EESS (passive).


Förutom vikten av fortsatt skydd för befintliga tjänster i banden är det viktigt att kopplingen till Agenda punkt 1.13 noteras. Frekvensbandet 40.5-42.5 GHz är av stort intresse för framtida användning av IMT-2020/5G men har ännu ingen primär mobilallokering. En potentiell mobil användning av bandet bör därför prioriteras.


“Ericsson anser att klargörandet av relationen till AI 1.13 är av stor vikt, eftersom frekvensbandet 40.5 – 42.5 GHz för närvarande ej har en primär mobilallokering i någon av Regionerna, men har hög prioritet i diskussioner kring 5G för såväl Europa som globalt. Se vidare Ericssons kommentar till agendapunkt 1.13.”


“Huawei anser att klargörandet av relationen till AI 1.13 är av stor vikt, eftersom frekvensbandet 40.5 – 42.5 GHz för närvarande ej har en primär mobilallokering i någon av Regionerna, men har hög prioritet i diskussioner kring 5G för såväl Europa som globalt. Se vidare Huaweis kommentar till agendapunkt 1.13.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 26

AI 1.7

1.7 to study the spectrum needs for telemetry, tracking and command in the space operation service for non-GSO satellites with short duration missions, to assess the suitability of existing allocations to the space operation service and, if necessary, to consider new allocations, in accordance with Resolution 659 [COM6/19] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för nya allokeringar om det finns behov som inte kan tillgodoses inom befintliga allokeringar (observera eventuella nya begränsningar under agendapunkt 1.2).

Nya allokeringar till space operation service (SOS) ska inte begränsa möjligheten att använda redan allokerade tjänster i dessa frekvensband. Skyddet av aeronautical service i 148-149,9 MHz ska beaktas.

Eventuella nya allokeringar bör inte ske i bandet 410-420 MHz.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

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AI 1.7


CEPT supports additional allocations or upgrades of existing allocations to the space operation service for short duration mission satellites provided that studies show compatibility with existiong services:

Studies of spectrum requirements are based on satellite missions planned and constellation development.



Post- och telestyrelsen 27

Studies of spectrum requirements show the need for additional allocations or upgrades of existing allocations.

Studies show compatibility with existing services.

CEPT supports the use of the current primary allocation to the space operation service in the space-to-Earth direction in the band 137-138 MHz, associated with relevant technical conditions (e.g. pfd limits).

CEPT supports studies for possible modifications to the current regulatory situation including the removal of No 9.21 in the existing allocation to the space operation service in the Earth-to-space direction in the band 148-149.9 MHz.

As an alternative to the band 148-149.9 MHz, CEPT is still investigating a possible 1 MHz allocation to the space-operation service in the Earth-to-space direction limited to non-GSO satellites with short duration missions within the band 403-405 MHz.

For the following bands, considered under this agenda Agenda item, CEPT supports a “No Change”:

150.05-174 MHz;

400.15-420403 MHz;

405-420 MHz.

CEPT is of the view that the band 272-273 MHz does not provide a solution to satisfy Agenda Item item 1.7 and hence supports a “No Change” for this band.

CEPT recognises that studies under this agenda Agenda item will have to take into account the considerations under Agenda item 1.2.

Svenska intressenter

SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium FMV, Försvarsmakten

Svenska kommentarer


”Accepterar en allokering under förutsättning att befintliga och framtida EESS; ISS och markbaserade radiometers garanteras en långsiktig fortsatt användning utan påverkan från non-GSO satelliter”.



Post- och telestyrelsen 28

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

Onsala Space Observatory supports the protection of existing RAS allocations in the 150.05-153.0 MHz. In region 1, major facilities such as LOFAR ( make use of the band. Onsala Space Observatory is part of the LOFAR network. Studies have shown in-band sharing with RAS is not possible. Regarding the impact of out-of-band emissions, a guard-band of at least 1.5 MHz to the RAS allocations is required. No changes should be made to the RR unless acceptable sharing and compatibility criteria are developed with the RAS.



Post- och telestyrelsen 29

AI 1.8

1.8 to consider possible regulatory actions to support Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS) modernization and to support the introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS, in accordance with Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC-15);


Låg avseende den första delen (GMDSS) och medel avseende den andra delen.

Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för en eventuell modernisering av GMDSS inom ramen för existerande frekvensband använda för GMDSS. Ej stöd för inkludering av NAVDAT i Appendix 15.

Stöd för införande av ytterligare frekvenser i Appendix 15 tabell 15-2 för satellittjänster i GMDSS, , under förutsättning att detta kan ske utan att det medför begränsningar för annan allokerad användning i samma eller angränsande band.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

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AI 1.8 GMDSS Issue A: ModernisationFirst part Add 1 to Add 8 Yes

Second part


Issue A: Modernisation of GMDSS

CEPT supports the introduction of the MF frequencies for international NAVDAT, defined in the Recommendation ITU-R M.2010-0, in RR Article 5.



Post- och telestyrelsen 30

CEPT opposes the introduction of the MF frequencies for international NAVDAT, defined in the Recommendation ITU-R M.2010-0, in RR Appendix 15 for this WRC.

CEPT supports the introduction of the HF NAVDAT frequencies, defined in the Recommendation ITU-R M.2058-0, in RR Appendix 17.

CEPT opposes the introduction of the HF NAVDAT frequencies, defined in the Recommendation ITU-R M.2058-0, in RR Appendix 15 for this WRC.

Issue B: Regulatory action due to the introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS by IMO

CEPT supports regulatory actions to introduce an additional satellite system into the GMDSS as follows:

the frequency band 1621.35-1626.5 MHz used for GMDSS is allocated

to the maritime mobile satellite service (for both space-to-Earth and

Earth-to-space) on a primary basis

Regulatory provisions are amended as necessary in order to ensure the

protection of services operating in the frequency bands concerned and in

adjacent frequency bands is maintained.

Svenska intressenter

Sjöfartsverket, Onsala Rymdobservatorium

Svenska kommentarer


”Frekvenser bör tas med i GMDSS-tabellen, då nya satellitsystem (det som nu diskuteras är Iridium) godkänns fullt ut av IMO, i enlighet med A1001(25) resolutionen”

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

Onsala Space Observatory supports the protection of the existing primary RAS allocation in the 1610.6 - 1613.8 MHz band. Major facilities such as EVN ( make use of the band. Onsala Space Observatory is part of the EVN. As stated in Res. 359, the new GMDSS provider must provide protection of incumbent services in accordance with the Radio Regulations, including those in adjacent frequency bands, from harmful interference. No



Post- och telestyrelsen 31

MSS system should be introduced into GMDSS unless the RAS band is free from harmful interference from the MSS downlink operations in the adjacent band and acceptable sharing and compatibility criteria are developed with the RAS.



Post- och telestyrelsen 32

AI 1.9

1.9 to consider, based on the results of ITU-R studies:



Post- och telestyrelsen 33

AI 1.9.1

1.9.1 regulatory actions within the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz for autonomous maritime radio devices to protect the GMDSS and automatic identifications system (AIS), in accordance with Resolution 362 [COM6/10] (WRC-15);


Låg Svenska ståndpunkter

Acceptans för regulatoriska åtgärder i berört frekvensband för att skydda GMDSS och AIS.

Eventuella regulatoriska åtgärder ska vara sådana som kan följas upp och innebära ett faktiskt skydd av GMDSS och AIS. Andra åtgärder bör inte föras in i radioreglementet (RR) utan hanteras i ITU-R rekommendationer utan referens i RR.

Sverige stödjer att frekvenser i Appendix 18 pekas ut.

Frågans prioritering avspeglar förutsättningarna att nå en lösning inom ramen för WRC. Frågan bedöms dock som relevant och viktig vad gäller arbetet inom ITU:s studiegrupper.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

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AI 1.9.1


CEPT is of the view that the operation of autonomous maritime radio devices needs to be harmonized and regulated.



Post- och telestyrelsen 34

CEPT is of the view that the operation of autonomous maritime radio devices shall not reduce the integrity of AIS and of GMDSS.

CEPT is of the view that the AMRD of Group B shall operate in the bands of RR Appendix 18. In connection with this, CEPT does not support Method B3 to satisfy Agenda item 1.9.1 of WRC-19.

CEPT ios also of the view that the power of the AMRD transmitters of Group B shall be limited to a value that ensures their compatibility with radio systems operating in accordance with the existing frequency allocation.

CEPT supports the identification of spectrum for autonomous maritime radio devices within the frequency band 156-162.05 MHz.

Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer


Sjöfartsverket önskar högre prioritet på denna punkt

”Bra att detta bevakas.

Sjöfartsverket önskar höja till prioritering till ”medel”, för att AIS som övervakningssystem för sjötrafiken blir viktigare och viktigare, samtidigt som hotet från oreglerad konkurrerande utrustningar växer. Det sätts mer och mer utrustningar på marknaden som är CE-märkta av tillverkarna, men som inte beaktar AIS-VDL och dess förallokering av tidsluckor för sändning (läs, saknar mottagare). Dessa utrustningar om de växer till i antal, samtidigt som antalet AIS-transpondrar ökar, medför att AIS riskerar att få kapacitetsproblem, och/eller att s.k. ”garbling” slår ut meddelanden.

En stor mängd ”odefinerade” AIS-mål medför också att fartygens kartdisplayer blir svårlästa, vilket kan inverka negativt på Sjösäkerheten.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 35

AI 1.9.2

1.9.2 modifications of the Radio Regulations, including new spectrum allocations to the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth), preferably within the frequency bands 156.0125-157.4375 MHz and 160.6125-162.0375 MHz of Appendix 18, to enable a new VHF data exchange system (VDES) satellite component, while ensuring that this component will not degrade the current terrestrial VDES components, applications specific messages (ASM) and AIS operations and not impose any additional constraints on existing services in these and adjacent frequency bands as stated in recognizing d) and e) of Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd till förändringar i enlighet med resolutionen, under förutsättning att dessa förändringar sker i banden 156,0125-157,4375 MHz och 160,6125-162,0375 MHz (Appendix 18), samt att det inte orsakar begränsningar på befintliga tjänster i frekvensbanden eller i angränsande band.

Sverige stödjer att frekvenser i Appendix 18 pekas ut. Sverige kan även acceptera att andra frekvenser i bandet 156-162,05 (t.ex. 160.9625-161.4875 MHz) pekas ut, under förutsättning att befintlig användning (i Sverige) inte påverkas. Sverige stödjer inte att frekvenser i bandet 162-172 MHz pekas ut.

Frågan antas kunna hanteras genom att fokusera på arbetet inom CPG och CPG-PTC.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.9.2 VDES satellite Add 2 to Add 9 Yes



Post- och telestyrelsen 36


CEPT is of the view that studies, which are supported by measurements, contained in Report ITU-R M.2435-0 show compatibility between VDE-SAT and terrestrial services allocated in the same and adjacent frequency bands without imposing any limitations on those services.

CEPT supports sharing and compatibility studies between the proposed VDES satellite component (VDE-SAT) and the systems in the radiocommunication services allocated in the same and in adjacent frequency bands.

CEPT is of the view that implementability of VDE-SAT and feasibility of its sharing and compatibility with the systems in the radiocommunication services allocated in the same and adjacent frequency bands without imposing any limitations on those services shall be confirmed by appropriate study results.

CEPT supports the introduction of a new secondary primary maritime mobile-satellite (space-to-Earth) service MMSS (space-to-Earth) allocation within the frequency bands 160.9625-161.4875 MHz which is not channelized in RR Appendix 18 and the introduction of a new secondary primary MMSS maritime mobile-satellite (Earth-to-space) service allocation for the channels 24, 84, 25, 85, 26 and 86 of RR Appendix 18. Coordination of space stations with assignments to the MMSS (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 160.9625-161.4875 MHz with respect to terrestrial services is captured under RR No 9.14 which is introduced by a new footnote in the RR, taking into account the pfd-mask contained in Recommendation ITU-R M.2092.

This position corresponds to Method B with option 1 in the CPM Report (Document WRC19/3).

The coordination mechanism under No 9.14 is introduced through a new footnote in the RR, taking into account the pfd-mask contained in Recommendation ITU-R M.2092. This is in line with Method B of the draft CPM Report (Document CPM19-2/1).

Svenska intressenter

Sjöfartsverket, Onsala Rymdobservatorium/



Post- och telestyrelsen 37

Svenska kommentarer


Sjöfartsverket önskar högre prioritet på denna punkt, för att satellitnedlänken är det som kan göra VDES till ett system med global användning, och som därmed banar väg för VDES som ett standard system för sjöfarten.

”Bra att Sverige är positiva till förändring (tilldelning av satellitkomponent för VDES Space -> Earth), men beakta kommentaren nedan gällande störningsproblematiken.

Sjöfartsverket kommer troligen tillsammans med industrin inför WRC 19 att genomföra teoretiska, och i den mån möjligt praktiska studier på hur VDES inkl. satellitkomponent Space ->Earth påverkar andra frekvenser. WRC bör göras uppmärksamma att det är en svårighet att testa störningseffekter praktiskt om frekvenstilldelning för Space -> Earth inte erhålls.”

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

Onsala Space Observatory support Method C2 and C1 of the CPM15-2 report as long as an attenuation of 85 dB and the pfd mask described in section 3/1.16/4.3 of the report as proposed by the MMSS are implemented for the nearby radio astronomy band. Under such conditions compatibility between MMSS in the band 161.7875-161.9375 MHz and the RAS in the band 150.05-153 MHz will be feasible.

AI 1.10

1.10 to consider spectrum needs and regulatory provisions for the introduction and use of the Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS), in accordance with Resolution 426 [COM6/11] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för utvecklingen av GADSS i enlighet med resolutionen, under förutsättning att ytterligare spektrum inte allokeras för luftfarten.

Stöd för No change i Artikel 5. Sverige kan acceptera begränsade skrivningar i Artikel 34 som refererar till Convention on International Civil Aviation.



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Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

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AI 1.10 GADSS Add 10 Yes


CEPT is of the view that

systems contributing to the GADSS operate in accordance with ICAO requirements or recommendations contained Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPs), manuals or guidance material;

any changes to the Radio Regulations should be determined on the basis of the GADSS concept developed by ICAO;

systems identified to contribute to the GADSS do not require any change to Aricle 5 of the Radio Regulations:

[the list of the frequency bands and systems used by GADSS and also their technical and operational characteristics and operational parameters should be included in the corresponding ITU-R Recommendations;]

additional regulatory actions for the introduction and use of GADSS should not place any additional constraints on the existing and planned systems. CEPT is still considering two options, both options proposing to suppress Resolution 426 (WRC-15): - option A proposing to mention the GADSS in Article 30 of Chapter VII in the


- option B no further change to the RR

Svenska intressenter

Onsala Rymdobservatorium



Post- och telestyrelsen 39

Svenska kommentarer

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

So far, no particular frequency bands have been proposed for GADSS operations, therefore no position can be taken at this point.



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AI 1.11

1.11 to take necessary actions, as appropriate, to facilitate global or regional harmonized frequency bands to support railway radiocommunication systems between train and trackside within existing mobile service allocations, in accordance with Resolution 236 [COM6/12] (WRC-15);


Låg i sakfrågan men medel vad gäller genomförande

Svenska ståndpunkter

Ej stöd för identifiering av frekvenser för railway radiocommunication systems i radioreglementet (RR).

Spektrum för järnvägssystem i frekvensband där (liknande system inom andra transportområden förekommer eller planeras) bör redovisas i en ITU-R rekommendation utan referens i RR.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.11 Yes


CEPT is of the view that the harmonized use of frequencies for RSTT within existing mobile service allocations serves current and future demands of railway organisations on all operational levels.

CEPT is of the view that no changes to the RR are needed in response to WRC-19 Agenda item 1.11, except suppression of Resolution 236 (WRC-15).



Post- och telestyrelsen 41

CEPT is of the view that harmonisation of frequencies for RSTT can be achieved through the course of ITU-R study group work by an applicable ITU-R Recommendation and/or Reports (e.g. non-mandatory Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSTT_FRQ_HARMONISATION] containing regional harmonisation measures). In this regard, CEPT highlights its existing framework for RSTT train radio on the basis of GSM-R, which serves interoperable cross-border railway operations. CEPT recognizes that there are other standards/technologies and frequency bands providing for RSTT. In addition, CEPT is of the view that Agenda item 1.11 does not cover the provision of public communication services for passengers

Svenska intressenter

Telia, Ericsson, Teracom, Huawei, MSB

Svenska kommentarer

Telia Company:

Ingen specifik identifiering av nya frekvensband för ”Railway Communications systems”, eller annan förändring, bör göras i RR. En eventuell harmonisering av befintliga band bör redovisas i en ITU-R rekommendation utan referens i RR.


Identifiering av frekvensband bör stödjas för att säkerställa verksamhetskritisk kommunikation utifrån nationella behov, krav och inriktande regeringsbeslut. Beslut avseende kommunikation för nationell säkerhet är nationell kompetens.



Post- och telestyrelsen 42

AI 1.12

1.12 to consider possible global or regional harmonized frequency bands, to the maximum extent possible, for the implementation of evolving Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) under existing mobile-service allocations, in accordance with Resolution 237 [COM6/13] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Ej stöd för identifiering för ITS i radioreglementet (RR).

ITU-R bör studera frekvensband allokerade för mobila tjänster bör studeras, för att avgöra vilka som lämpar sig som bärare av ITS.

Resultatet bör redovisas i en ITU-R rekommendation utan referens i RR.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

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AI 1.12 Yes


CEPT is of the view that its existing regional harmonisation measures for ITS in the bands 5 855-5 925 MHz are sufficient and no changes to the RR are required in response to WRC-19 Agenda item 1.12 except the suppression of Resolution 237 (WRC-15). CEPT is developing a revision of its existing harmonisation framework for ITS around 63-64 GHz.

CEPT is of the view that harmonisation measures for ITS at ITU-R level can be achieved through the course of ITU-R study group work by applicable ITU-R Recommendations (e.g. Recommendation ITU-R M.2121[ITS_FRQ]).



Post- och telestyrelsen 43

CEPT is also of the view that harmonisation of ITS under AI 1.12 is limited to the exchange of information to improve traffic management and to assist driving safety.

In addition, CEPT is of the view that Road tolling (also known as. Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)) in 5 795-5 815 MHz is not part of Agenda Item 1.12.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, Kapsch Traffic Com AB, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer


”Ericsson stödjer Sveriges åsikt att denna agendapunkt bör ges hög prioritet, samt att den kan hanteras utan förändringar i radioreglementet. Vi ser ett behov av att inom ITU-R studera frekvensband som redan är allokerade för mobila tjänster för att avgöra vilka som lämpar sig som bärare av ITS, och vill vidare trycka på behovet av att teknikneutralitet tillämpas i studier och slutsatser för att säkerställa att den teknikutveckling som pågår, exempelvis inom 5G, kommer ITS-system till godo. Vad gäller delning med andra system anser Ericsson att man bör säkerställa skydd av ”safety ITS” genom exklusiv användning.”


Ingen specifik identifiering av nya frekvensband för ITS, eller annan förändring, bör göras i RR. En eventuell harmonisering av befintliga band bör redovisas i en ITU-R rekommendation utan referens i RR.

SES Astra AB:

”Hänsyn bör givetvis i vanlig ordning tas till befintliga tjänster i banden, i detta fall värnar vi särskilt 5875-5925 MHz. Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten.



Post- och telestyrelsen 44

AI 1.13

1.13 to consider identification of frequency bands for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 238 [COM6/20] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

I de fall det är berättigat med avsteg från vår generella princip om identifieringar(*) och om behov föreligger ge stöd för identifiering till IMT, under AI 1.13, i de frekvensband som redan är allokerade till mobil radio primärt och där IMT ”ryms” inom nuvarande regelverk i t.ex. Artikel 21. Mobil radio får idag förekomma i banden, med begränsningar enligt Artikel 21. Det kan inte uteslutas att studierna visar på behov av ytterligare villkor för att säkerställa kompatibilitet mellan IMT och befintliga tjänster.

Stöd för allokering till mobil radio primärt, under AI 1.13, där en sådan allokering inte redan finns. I de fall det är berättigat med avsteg från vår generella princip om identifieringar(*) och om behov föreligger ge stöd för identifiering till IMT i dessa band. Användningen av dessa frekvensband i Sverige blir föremål för ett nationellt beslut.

Sverige stödjer en identifiering till IMT i frekvensbandet 24,25-27,5 GHz

Sverige stödjer inte en allokering för MS och en identifiering till IMT i bandet 31,8-33,4 GHz dvs, Sverige föreslår ”No change” för detta band

Sverige motsätter sig inte en identifiering till IMT i bandet 37-40,5 GHz.

Sverige stödjer en identifiering till IMT i frekvensbandet 40,5-43,5 GHz

Sverige stödjer en identifiering till IMT på lika villkor med MGWS/WAS i frekvensbandet 66-71 GHz

Sverige stödjer inte en identifiering till IMT i banden 71-76 GHz och 81-86 GHz dvs, Sverige föreslår ”No change” för dessa band. Sverige stödjer en identifiering till IMT på global basis i bandet 45,5-47 GHz.

Existerande allokeringar ska inte tas bort från Artikel 5 i radioreglementet (RR) under denna agendapunkt.



Post- och telestyrelsen 45

I detta sammanhang är det viktigt att notera att det som regleras i RR är allokeringen - inte användningen. Användningen av dessa frekvensband i Sverige blir föremål för ett nationellt beslut.

(*) Se vidare inledande avsnitt - sid 4 ”Generellt”

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AI 1.13 A: 24.25-27.5 GHz

B: 31.8-33.4 GHz

C: 37-40.5 GHz

D: 40.5-42.5 GHz

E: 42.5-43.5 GHz

F: 45.5-47 GHz

G: 47-47.2 GHz

H: 47.2-50.2 GHz

I: 50.4-52.6 GHz

J: 66-71 GHz

E: IMT-2020: Band 71-76 GHzK: 71-76 GHz Add 5 to Add 13 Yes

LF: 81-86 GHz IMT-2020: Band 81-86 GHz Add 6 to Add 13 Yes


CEPT supports the results of the ITU-R studies3 on IMT spectrum needs in the range 24.25-86 GHz. CEPT supports sharing and compatibility studies for



Post- och telestyrelsen 46

the bands listed in Resolves 2 of Resolution 238 (24.25-27.5 GHz, 31.8-33.4 GHz, 37-43.5 GHz, 45.5-50.2 GHz, 50.4-52.6 GHz, 66-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz), with the focus on the frequency bands 24.25-27.5 GHz, 40.5-43.5 GHz and 66-71 GHz.

CEPT supports the identification of global bands for IMT among the bands listed in resolves to invite ITU-R 2 of Resolution 238, taking into account the results of sharing and compatibility studies with existing services. Bands outside those listed in resolves to invite ITU-R 2 of Resolution 238 are not supported for consideration under this Agenda item. The following bands are supported for IMT identification and where appropriate, allocation to the Mobile Service on a primary basis:

24.25-27.5 GHz

CEPT has confirmed the clear priority for this band through the adoption of a harmonisation decision (ECC Decision (18)06) including relevant conditions for the protection of other services in the band and adjacent bands. The Decision was developed based on studies that assumed an individual authorisation regime.

CEPT supports the unwanted emission limits of −42 dBW/200 MHz

Total Radiated Power (TRP) for base stations and −38 dBW/200 MHz TRP for mobile terminals, into the 23.6-24 GHz band, to be included as mandatory limits in Resolution 750.

CEPT is considering RR N° 5.536A, 5.536B and 5.536C in relation with coexistence with EESS and SRS earth stations

40.5 – 43.5 GHz

CEPT proposes an IMT identification for 40.5-43.5 GHz. This is a priority band for CEPT and already identified for future harmonisation in Europe. CEPT considers that the bands 40.5-43.5 GHz has good potential for future harmonisation in Europe. The process for developing harmonisation decisions for additional bands (other than 26 GHz) may be launched immediately after WRC-19, under the assumption of an individual authorisation regime.

66 – 71 GHz



Post- och telestyrelsen 47

CEPT supports that IMT and MGWS/WAS should have equal access to the frequency band 66-71 GHz. An identification should not confer any priority to IMT and this should be emphasized in the footnote identifying the band and associated WRC Resolution. CEPT supports modifying No. 5.553 to remove the frequency band 66-71 GHz from this footnote.

Other candidate bands considered:

37-40.5 GHz

CEPT supports the identification of the band 40.5-43.5 GHz for IMT. Whilst CEPT will not propose identification and has no intention of using 37-40.5 GHz for IMT, CEPT will not oppose proposals from other Regions for an IMT identification within this band provided that the relevant conditions to ensure protection of incumbent services in the 37-40.5 GHz band and EESS (passive) in the 36-37 GHz band are properly addressed in the Radio Regulations.

a global IMT identification for the full 37-43.5 GHz range.

The following bands are not supported for the IMT identification and CEPT is proposing NOC:

31.8-33.4 GHz

50.4-52.6 GHz

71-76 GHz

81-86 GHz

Note: CEPT has developed a roadmap on 5G ( In this respect it is noted that “Europe has harmonised the 27.5-29.5 GHz band for broadband satellite and is supportive of the worldwide use of this band for ESIM. This band is therefore not available for 5G”.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra, Telia, Ericsson, Teracom, SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:



Post- och telestyrelsen 48

”Vi anser att resultaten av delningsstudierna bör vara avgörande enligt gängse WRC studieprocess där hänsyn tas till befintliga tjänster i banden, snarare än ställningstaganden på mer politisk nivå där studieresultaten nästintill ignoreras. Vi söker också fortsatta klargöranden angående EU-kommissionens roll vid WRC-19 inom denna och andra agendapunkter.”


“Accepterar en allokering under förutsättning att befintliga och framtida EESS; ISS och markbaserade radiometers garanteras en långsiktig fortsatt användning utan påverkan från IMT 5G. Skyddet för 25,5 – 27 GHz och andra passiva tjänster skall särskilt beaktas.” Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

The RAS bands that will potentially be affected are: 23.6-24.0 GHz, 31.3-31.5 GHz, 42.5-43.5 GHz, 48.54-49.04 GHz, 76.0-77.0 GHz and 81.0-86.0 GHz. CRAF has provided compatibility studies for 5G and all potentially affected RAS bands to the CEPT and ITU responsible groups.

The protection of RAS from IMT 5G should be addressed in appropriate Recommendations or Resolution associated with the new allocations for 5G.


“Ericsson stödjer Sveriges speciella prioritet av frekvensområdet 24.25 – 27.5 GHz som ett initialt 5G-band (”pionjärband”) för Europa. Vi vill samtidigt trycka på behovet av ytterligare frekvensband för 5G ur ett något längre tidsperspektiv, och att samtliga frekvensband i agendapunkt 1.13 ska studeras. Speciellt ser vi att frekvensområdet 40.5 – 43.5 är av stort intresse, inte minst för Europa, och bör prioriteras i jämförelse med 31.8 – 33.4 GHz baserat på tillgänglig bandbredd och granntjänsternas skyddsbehov.”


“Huawei supports the 24.25-27.5 GHz European pioneer band to be identified for IMT by WRC-19, based on the results of studies. In addition to the 24.25-27.5 GHz band Huawei is of the view that the 40.5-43.5 GHz and 66-71 GHz bands are also very important bands for 5G in



Post- och telestyrelsen 49

Europe and should be identified for IMT by WRC-19, based on the results of studies. Huawei supports the position of RSPG (which is relevant for the CEPT members who are also EU Member States) that ”shift of use from other bands to this 40.5-43.5GHz band should be avoided as far as possible in order to keep the option open to make it available for 5G in the future”. Huawei is of the view that the 37-43.5 GHz band has a high potential for global harmonisation and that the 37-43.5 GHz tuning range would allow Europe to benefit from the early equipment eco-system being developed for the 37-40 GHz band in the USA.”

Additionally, Huawei supports the identification of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands for IMT by WRC-19, based on the results of studies. Huawei further notes that these bands are very important for high capacity fixed links which can contribute to satisfying 5G requirements for backhauling. The usage of these bands for integrated access and backhaul for 5G is a promising future scenario which is currently being studied in 3GPP.”


TeliaCompany stödjer en identfiering av IMT i berörda band och en primär allokering för MS i band som saknar en sådan primär allokering.

Prioritet för IMT identifiering och allokering till MS bör särskilt ges i nedanstående band

1) 24.25-27.5 GHz (identification for IMT) 2) 40.5-43.5 GHz (primary allocation to MS and identification for IMT) 3) 66-76 GHz (identification of IMT)



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AI 1.14

1.14 to consider, on the basis of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 160 [COM6/21] (WRC-15), appropriate regulatory actions for high-altitude platform stations (HAPS), within existing fixed-service allocations;


Låg avseende sakfrågan och kopplingen till AI 1.6 men hög avseende kopplingen till AI 1.13

Svenska ståndpunkter

Ändring av reglerna för frekvensband redan identifierade för HAPS ska endast accepteras om det inte begränsar existerande användning av frekvensbanden.

Nya identifieringar till HAPS kan accepteras förutsatt att studier visar på spektrumbehov utöver de redan existerande identifieringarna.

Nya identifieringar till HAPS i bandet 38-39,5 GHz ska inte begränsa möjligheten att använda och utveckla allokerade tjänster (förutom tillämpningen HAPS inom fast radio).

Identifiering av frekvensband till HAPS ska inte begränsa möjligheten att identifiera sådana band för IMT-användning, i enlighet med AI 1.13.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.14


CEPT supports, while ensuring protection of existing services and their future development including other applications of the fixed service (in accordance with Resolution 160 (WRC-15)) and subject to the conclusions



Post- och telestyrelsen 51

of the ongoing sharing and co-existence studies for the bands mentioned below and, as appropriate, in the adjacent bands:

Worldwide identifications for transmissions from high altitude platform stations (in the downlink direction) in the bands 6 440- 6 520 MHz (Method 1B1 option 1 of the CPM-Report), 27.9-28.2 GHz.

Worldwide identifications for transmissions to and from high altitude platform stations (in the uplink and downlink directions) in the bands 31-31.3 GHz (Method 7B1 options 1A+1B of the CPM-Report) and 38-39.5 GHz (Method 8B2 options 1A+1B of the CPM-Report)

For the bands 6 440-6 520 MHz, 27.9-28.2 GHz, 31-31.3 GHz, 38-39.5 GHz, 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz (Method 9B1 example 2 of the CPM-Report), CEPT is supporting new footnotes and associated resolutions and/or appropriate modifications to the existing footnotes and associated resolutions.

For the 27.9 – 28.2 GHz band, CEPT is currently considering further different options including those given in the CPM text under this agenda item.

CEPT is of the view that any consideration of the frequency bands 21.4-22 GHz and 24.25-27.5 GHz in Region 2 under this Agenda item shall by accompanied by appropriate protection of: ISS in the band 24.45-24.75 GHz, ISS in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz, EESS (passive) in the bands 21.2-21.4 GHz, 22.21-22.5 GHz and 23.6-24 GHz, EESS and SRS (space-to-Earth) in the band 25.5-27 GHz and FSS in the bands 24.75-25.25 GHz and 27-27.5 GHz. This includes the appropriate protection of the mobile service in the band 24.25-27.50 GHz as results of consideration under WRC-19 agenda item 1.13.

CEPT is of the view that any consideration of the frequency band 24.25-27.5 GHz in Region 2 under this Agenda item should not limit the possibility to identify the band for IMT on a global level under Agenda item 1.13.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium, Huawei

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”Vi är ytterst tveksamma till att skapa ytterligare förutsättningar för HAPS när de redan tillgängliga möjligheterna inte används alls och begränsad tekniskt



Post- och telestyrelsen 52

tillämpbar karakteristik för delningsstudier presenteras av proponenterna så vi uppskattar Resolutionens tydliga skrivningar i samtliga fyra resolves inklusive krav på behovsbeskrivning. Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten inklusive dess senaste revidering, men skulle gärna se ett tillägg innebärande att HAPS inte orimligt bör tillåtas begränsa FSS i 28 GHz-bandet.


”Accepterar en allokering under förutsättning att befintliga och framtida EESS; ISS och markbaserade radiometers garanteras en långsiktig fortsatt användning utan påverkan från HAPS. Skyddet för 25,5 – 27GHz och andra passiva tjänster skall särskilt beaktas.”

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

The RAS bands in Europe that will be potentially affected are the 6650.0 - 6675.2 MHz, 31.3-31.8 GHz, and 48.94 - 49.04 GHz. These bands are used by Onsala Space Observatory. Studies are developing slowly due to long delay from the proponents in providing study parameters. CRAF/Onsala opposes any new identification to HAPS in the frequencies above until the compatibility studies are finalised.

Telia Company

Befintlig användning i berörda frekvensband bör skyddas. Befintligt utnyttjande av redan för HAPS tilldelade band bör studeras innan nya band övervägs. En eventuell harmonisering av 24.25-27.5 GHz på global basis för IMT i enlighet med agendapunkt 1.13 bör beaktas och prioriteras med hänseende till HAPS.



Post- och telestyrelsen 53

AI 1.15

1.15 to consider identification of frequency bands for use by administrations for the land-mobile and fixed services applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 767 [COM6/14] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för identifiering för applikationer inom landmobila och fasta tjänster i syfte att möjliggöra standardisering och samexistens.

Identifieringen ska inte begränsa användningen av frekvenser inom 275-450 GHz för FS och MS om denna kan ske utan att det orsakar störningar på de passiva tjänsterna.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 1.15 Services above 275 GHz Add 15 No


CEPT supports the inclusion of a new footnote to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations identifying the following frequency bands for fixed and mobile service applications in the range 275-450 GHz while maintaining the protection of the passive services identified in No. 5.565:

275-296 GHz

306-313 GHz



Post- och telestyrelsen 54

318-333 GHz

356-450 GHz With a total bandwidth of 137 GHz, CEPT stresses that this is exceeding the assessed spectrum requirements of the land mobile and fixed services. In addition to the 23 GHz already allocated to land mobile and fixed services in the lower adjacent band 252-275 GHz, this is hence providing a contiguous band of 44 GHz.

On the basis of the results of compatibility studies with EESS (passive)However, CEPT does not support land mobile and fixed services identification in the EESS (passive) bands 296-306 GHz, 313-318 GHz and 333-356 GHz (as identified in No. 5.565) due to their incompatibility with EESS (passive) in these parts of the spectrumsince study results show that they are not compatible.

Active services other than land mobile and fixed services are not subject to WRC-19 agenda item 1.15. Consequently, CEPT is of the view that the corresponding regulatory provisions to other active services have to remain unchanged.

The CEPT position is hence consistent with Method E of the CPM Report which provides a clear guidance to administrations in which bands land mobile and fixed services applications should operate.

Svenska intressenter

Telia, SMHI, Onsala Rymdobservatorium

Svenska kommentarer


”Accepterar en allokering i 275 – 450GHz under förutsättning av passiva EESS tjänster skyddas”.

Onsala Rymdobservatorium:

Compatibility studies have shown that with appropriate separation distances and avoidance of direct pointing to a telescope compatibility between RAS and the proposed applications can be achieved. Onsala Space Observatory (and Swedish astronomers) has a very strong interest in ALMA



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( and APEX ( in Chile. In Europe, Swedish astronomers uses the IRAM 30 m telescope in Spain and the Northern Extended Millimeter Array in France, both instruments are operated by IRAM,



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AI 1.16

1.16 to consider issues related to wireless access systems, including radio local area networks (WAS/RLAN), in the frequency bands between 5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz, and take the appropriate regulatory actions, including additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service, in accordance with Resolution 239 [COM6/22] (WRC-15);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för utomhusanvändning i frekvensbandet 5150-5250 MHz under förutsättning att kompatibilitet/delning med befintliga tjänster är möjlig. Acceptans för ”No change” i frekvensbandet 5250-5350 MHz.

Acceptans för ”No change” i bandet 5350-5470 MHz.

Stöd för allokering till mobil radio i banden 5725-5850 MHz under förutsättning att kompatibilitet/delning med befintliga tjänster är möjlig.

Acceptans för för ”no change” (NOC) i frekvensområdet 5850-5925 MHz.

PTS spektrumstrategi uppmuntrar till ökad delning av frekvensutrymme mellan tjänster. Eventuella begränsningar till följd av sådan delning får accepteras i den mån de kan anses som rimliga och kan motiveras utifrån ett samhällsnyttoperspektiv.

Studierna ska redovisa förutsättningarna för delning utan att ta ställning till om begränsningar på befintliga tjänster är acceptabla eller ej. Baserat på studieresultatet kommer slutlig svensk ståndpunkt att fastställas.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)





Post- och telestyrelsen 57

AI 1.16 5150-5250 MHz

5250-5350 MHz Yes

5350-5470 MHz Yes

5725-5850 MHz

5850-5925 MHz Yes


In the 5 150-5 250 MHz band, CEPT notes that an outdoor relaxation to WAS/RLAN would affect the operation of the MSS feeder links, aeronautical radionavigation and aeronautical telemetry (see No. 5.446C). However, CEPT already allows the use of WAS/RLAN systems inside vehicles (aircraft, trains and automobiles) in ECC Decision (04) 08 and supplementary explanatory document published on the ECC website (see Moreover, CEPT supports in-car usage up to 40 mW with appropriate penetration losses. CEPT is still discussing limited outdoor relaxation (up to maximum 200 mW e.i.r.p) under the condition that administrations take appropriate measures that will ensure protection of the incumbent still studying usage restrictions (e.g. in vehicle use) combined with appropriate mitigation techniques to achieve co-existence with incumbent services to enable outdoor WAS/RLAN use in this band.

In the 5 250-5 350 MHz band, CEPT notes that the current studies have shown difficulties in achieving co-existence with incumbent services and therefore supports no change to the RR in this band.

In the 5 350-5 470 MHz band, CEPT supports no change to the RR in this band.

In the 5 725-5 850 MHz band, CEPT would support a new mobile allocation to accommodate WAS/RLANs use if sharing and compatibility studies can demonstrate the effectiveness of any new proposed interference mitigation techniques to ensure the protection of radars, fixed service (see No. 5.455) and FSS space station receivers. It is to be noted that CEPT will take into account compatibility studies between RLAN and specific applications within CEPT (e.g. road tolling systems). At this time, no effective mitigation techniques has



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been proposed to enable co-existence with certain modes of frequency hopping radars operated in this band in some CEPT countries.

In the 5 850-5 925 MHz band, CEPT notes that the current studies have shown difficulties in achieving co-existence with other incumbent services without imposing any additional constraints on existing services such as FSS (space station receivers) and existing applications under the mobile service such as ITS (including urban rail). Therefore, CEPT supports no change to the RR in this band.

Svenska intressenter

Försvarsmakten, FMV, SMHI, SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, Kapsch Traffic Com AB, Teracom, Huawei, Saab Surveillance

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”Hänsyn bör givetvis i vanlig ordning tas till befintliga tjänster i banden, i detta fall värnar vi särskilt 5775-5925. Vi stöder därmed den preliminära slutsatsen inom CEPT som lutar åt No Change.” SMHI: ”En allokering av nya RLAN tjänster är inte acceptabel i 5GHz. Existerande och framtida tjänster för radiolokalisering (radar) måste skyddas.” Ericsson: ”Ericsson ger liksom Sverige denna agendapunkt hög prioritet, och vill även påpeka vikten av att teknikneutralitet tillämpas konsekvent i ITU-R:s arbete. Hänsyn ska tas till karaktäristik för olika WAS/RLAN-teknologier i de studier som genomförs.” FMV: ”Frågan om kompatibilitet mellan WLAN/WAS i banden 5350-5470 MHz och 5725-5850 har studerats utförligt under ett antal år i såväl ITU som CEPT. Ingen av dessa studier har kunnat påvisa kompatibilitet mellan WAS/WLAN och befintliga tjänster i aktuella frekvensband. FMV föreslår därför att PTS stödjer NOC (No Change) i banden 5350-5470 och 5725-5850 MHz under WRC19 agendapunkt 1.16.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 59

Saab Surveillance:

Avancerade radarsystem utvecklade för såväl nationella som internationella försvarsmakter har spelat en avgörande roll i ett antal internationella fredsbevarande uppdrag. Flera människoliv har sparats på grund av radarsystemens förmåga att upptäcka och larma för olika sofistikerade typer av fara. Specifikt är denna förmåga kopplad till frekvensbandet 5250-5850 MHz vars våglängdsegenskaper äger delar av de egenskaper som återfinns i såväl lägre som högre liggande frekvensband.

Under WRC-03 beslutades att den Mobila Radiotjänsten fick allokera delbanden 5250-5350 MHz och 5470-5725 MHz på Primär basis under förutsättning att systemen är utrustade med DFS enligt ITU-R M.1652-1, se ITU-R Resolution 229 (REV. WRC-12).

Dock har det vid prov visat sig att denna DFS-funktion i många fall inte klarar att detektera och undvika radarsystem som använder sig av sofistikerad modulationsteknik. Det som sker är att radarsystemens mottagare mättas och sätts ur spel beroende på att de mobila radiosystemen inte upphör att sända mot radarsystemet. Situationen förvärras också av att det finns nationer som väljer att inte implementera Resolution 229.

Under WRC-15 fastställdes i fotnoterna 5.447F och 5.450A (ITU-R:s Radioreglemente) att DFS enbart skall kunna hantera de radarsystem vars karakteristik beskrivs i ITU-R rekommendation M.1638-0. Detta innebär att man inte kan ställa högre krav på den DFS-funktion som tillämpas inom Resolution 229.

Inför WRC-19 pågår arbete med att utöka möjligheten för Mobil Radio att få tillgång till de kvarvarande delbanden 5350-5470 MHz och 5725-5850 MHz, se ITU-R Resolution 239, agendapunkt 1.16 (WRC-15). Idag har vi möjlighet att använda dessa delband och en förändring av detta skulle göra det svårare för våra befintliga produkter att bibehålla sin nuvarande operativa förmåga fullt ut.

Även om man lyckas att definiera en mer avancerad DFS-funktion kommer dess förmåga troligtvis att låsas till ITU-R rekommendation M.1638-1. Då begränsas möjligheterna helt för de mer avancerade radarsystemen i hela frekvensbandet 5250-5850 MHz att utvecklas mot att upptäcka nya avancerade hot (t.ex. quadrocoptrar eller nya typer av UAV) eftersom dessa i dagsläget inte finns listade i M.1638-1.



Post- och telestyrelsen 60

Med ovan angivna bakgrund föreslår därmed Saab Surveillance att PTS stödjer NOC (No Change) i frekvensbanden 5350-5470 MHz och 5725-5850 MHz under WRC-19 agendapunkt AI 1.16.



Post- och telestyrelsen 61

AI 2

2 to examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC-15), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with the principles contained in Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-12);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för uppdatering av referenser i RR till ITU-R rekommendationer under förutsättning av att det inte påverkar nuvarande eller planerad användning negativt.

Ansvariga grupper





– CEPT supports the revision of ITU-R Recommendations ITU-R P.525-2, P.526-13 and RS.1260-2incorporated by reference based on outcomes of work of the relevant ITU-R Study Groups.

– CEPT resumes examining the compliance with the principles of Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev-WRC-12) of the references to ITU-R Recommendations in the Radio Regulations.

– CEPT supports update of the RR Volume 4 cross references list.

Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 62

AI 3

3 to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the conference;



Svenska ståndpunkter

TBD - beslut under WRC baserat på andra konferensbeslut.

Ansvariga grupper

CPM 19-2





Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 63

AI 4

4 in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC-07), to review the resolutions and recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation;



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för strykning av ”överspelade” resolutioner och rekommendationer samt uppdatering av dessa om förändringar beslutas av konferensen som har betydelse för innehållet.

Stöd för uppdatering av referenser i resolutionerna och rekommendationerna till ITU-R rekommendationer under förutsättning av att det inte påverkar nuvarande eller planerad användning negativt.

Ansvariga grupper




CEPT encourages the constant review of Resolutions and Recommendations from previous conferences and will follow activities, in particular of ITU, associated with this effort.

CEPT proposes to suppress Resolution RES 99 (WRC-15), RES 809 (WRC-15) and RES 810 (WRC-15), RES 422 (WRC-12), RES 556 (WRC-15)

CEPT proposes to modify Resolution RES 517 (REV.WRC-15), RES 543 (WRC-03), RES 641 (REV.HFBC-87), RES 647 (REV.WRC-15) and RES 731 (REV.WRC-12), RES 143 (REV.WRC-07), RES 140 (REV.WRC-15), RES 76 (REV.WRC-15), RES 72 (REV.WRC-07)

CEPT proposes to suppress Recommendation TBD

CEPT proposes to modify Recommendation TBD



Post- och telestyrelsen 64

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

Svenska kommentarer


AI 5

5 to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos. 135 and 136 of the Convention;



Svenska ståndpunkter

TBD – Beslut tas under WRC när resultatet av RA är klart.

Ansvariga grupper

CPM 19-2





Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 65

AI 6

6 to identify those items requiring urgent action by the radiocommunication study groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference;



Svenska ståndpunkter

TBD – Beslut tas under WRC baserat på andra konferensbeslut.

Ansvariga grupper






Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 66

AI 7

7 to consider possible changes, and other options, in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, an advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC-07), in order to facilitate rational, efficient and economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit;



Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige stöder att frågor tas upp under Res 86 (Rev. WRC-07) under förutsättning att de kan förväntas leda till signifikanta förbättringar, förenklingar eller tydliggörande i RR

Sverige stöder inte generella ändringar av RR (inom agendapunkt 7). Varje förslag om ändring kommer att utvärderas och analyseras med avseende på konsekvenserna.

Frågor som diskuteras i förberedelsearbetet inom CEPT och ITU:

Issue A - Bringing into use of frequency assignments to all non-GSO satellite systems, and consideration of a milestone-based deployment approach for non-GSO satellite systems in specific bands and services. Antagna nya RoP är ett steg i rätt riktning för att hantera system som skickas in innan eventuella beslut av WRC-19 träder i kraft. WRC-19 kan baserat på förslag från medlemmarna och studierna inom WP 4A ta beslut om regler i RR (som då inte nödvändigtvis måste vara i linje med existerande RoP). Sverige kan stödja en lösning baserad på en ”milestone-approach” baserad på faktiska leverabler.

Issue B - Application of coordination arc in the Ka band, to determine coordination arc requirements between FSS and other satellite services Sverige stödjer en effektiv hantering genom att undvika onödig koordinering, t.ex. genom införande av en koordineringsark för FSS-MSS och MSS-MSS, om detta går att genomföra utan oönskade



Post- och telestyrelsen 67


Issue C - Issues for which consensus was achieved in ITU-R Sverige kan stöda ensningar/förbättringar av skrivningar i olika delar av RR så länge det inte har oönskade konsekvenser. För närvarande diskuteras följande frågor:

Issue C1: AR11 and AP30/30A/30B discrepancies

Issue C2: Frequency bands submitted under AP30B Article 6

Issue C3: AP30B MOD to Article 6 No. 6.10

Issue C4: AP30/30A single AP4 notice for List and Notification

Issue C5: MOD to No. 11.46 and six month resubmission

Issue C6: AP30B single AP4 notice for List and Notification

Issue C7: Obtaining agreement from affected administrations for a specified period of time

Issue D) Identification of those specific satellite networks and systems with which coordination needs to be effected under RR Nos. 9.11A, 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13 Sverige stödjer förändringar som underlättar för administrationerna att identifiera berörda system eller operatörer i vissa koordineringsformer. Sverige accepterar att No 9.21 exkluderas från frågan.

Issue E) Measures to facilitate new administrations entering into the RR Appendix 30B List Sverige kan acceptera införande av pfd-mekanism (likt den enligt WRC-12 AI 1.13,) för examinering av inkommande nätverk. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Issue F) Measures to facilitate entering new assignments into the RR Appendix 30B List Sverige kan stödja effektivisering av procedurerna, så som reducering av koordineringsarken samt införande av pfd-masker baserat på dT/T, om ändringar inte resulterar i utan oönskade konsekvenser.



Post- och telestyrelsen 68

Issue G) Updating the reference situation for networks under Appendices 30 and 30A when provisionally recorded assignments are converted into definitive recorded assignments Sverige stödjer adekvata ändringar i RR . Sverige stödjer att uppdatering av referenssituationen sker på basis av satellitnätverk med vilka koordinering är slutförd.

Issue H) Modifications to RR Appendix 4 data elements to be provided for non-geostationary satellite systems Sverige stödjer effektivare hantering genom att inskickad AP4-data är ändamålsenlig och entydig. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser. Sverige stödjer uppdatering av App4-formulärdata (vilket är föranlett av revideringen av Rec ITU-R S.1503). Issue I) Modified regulatory regime for non-GSO satellites with short duration missions Sverige kan ev acceptera upprättande av enklare/snabbare procedurer för system som inte är föremål för koordinering samt har en kort livslängd. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Issue J) Modification of Section 1, Annex 1 of RR AP30, pfd limit Sverige kan ev stödja underbyggt överskridande av pfd över den nationella servicearean. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Issue K) Difficulties for Part B examinations under § 4.1.12 or 4.2.16 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A and § 6.21 c) of RR Appendix 30B Sverige stödjer adressering av inkonsistens i koordineringsordningen mellan äldre och nyare nätverk i listorna. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Ansvariga grupper




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Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 7 Issue A

Satellite procedures: Issue BIssue B Add 2 to Add 19 Yes

Issue C

Satellite procedures: Issue DIssue D Add 4 to Add 19 Yes

Issue E

Issue F

Satellite procedures: Issue GIssue G Add 7 to Add 19 Yes

Satellite procedures: Issue HIssue H Add 8 to Add 19 Yes

Issue I

Issue J

Satellite procedures: Issue KIssue K Add 11 to Add 19 Yes

Issue L

Issue M


CEPT is studying possible improvements of the coordination and notification procedures for space services. CEPT supports retaining the current process of continuing evolution at successive WRCs of the regime governing space services. CEPT intends to develop specific positions susceptible to bring improvement to the regulatory process.

CEPT favours the review of any RR provision which can bring accurate solutions to specific detected inconsistencies and develop new improved provisions with emphasis on solving the most urgent issues, i.e. well characterized issues whose improvement is urgent and impacting.



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CEPT also favours a stable and predictable regulatory framework for efficient and economical use of spectrum and orbit resources.

CEPT supports to include into consideration under WRC agenda item 7 only the issues considered by the relevant Working Parties prior to the second session of the CPM and included into the draft CPM Report, in order to give administrations and regional organizations sufficient time to draw up a position and develop regulatory texts.

Issue Title CEPT position Annex

A milestone-based approach for the deployment of non-GSO FSS satellite systems in specific bands and services

CEPT supports that a solution to address this issue should follow the eitht principles established by CPM19-2 meeting in February 2019 ITU-R WP 4A (Annex 30 of

4A/826, CPM-19-2/243-E, Section 3/7/1.3). CEPT supports that the definition of the BIU of frequency assignments to non-GSO systems in accordance with the current practice as contained in then RoP adopted by the 73rd meeting of the RRB to be left unchanged from the current practice. This means that CEPT supports considering that the frequency assignments to a non-GSO system be brought into use with the deployment of one of its satellites in one of the notified orbital planes with the operational capability of transmitting or receiving those frequency assignments. CEPT supports that a continuous 90-day period is required to confirm bringing into use.Further consideration needs to be given on the most appropriate length of the period during which such satellite needs to operate in one of the notified orbital planes of the non-GSO system.

At the same time, CEPT supports a milestone-based approach for the maintenance of the recording in the MIFR of assignments to non-GSO systems associated with a minimum number of satellites to be deployed over time. In assessing milestone timelines and objectives, CEPT will seek a balance between the need to prevent spectrum warehousing, the proper functioning of coordination mechanisms and the operational requirements related to the deployment of a non-GSO satellite system.




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CEPT supports that any milestone-based approach should be applicable to FSS/BSS/MSS and in at least to the frequency bands 10.7-13.25, 13.75-14.58, 15.43-15.63, 17.3-2120.2, 21.4-22, 24.65-25.25, 27-3130, 37.5-472,5, 47.2-50.2 and 50.4-51.4 GHz. CEPT also support further consideration of applying any milestone-based approach to the frequency bands 1.98-2.01, 2.17-2.20, 3.4-4.2, 5.091-5.150, 5.15-5.25, 5.725-5.85, 5.85-6.70, 6.70-6.725, 6.725-7.025, 7.025-7.075, 7.250-7.375, 7.900-8.025, 8.025-8.400, 20.2-21.2, 30-31, 42.5-43.5 and 43.5-47 GHz. For other bands, CEPT does not support applying any milestone-based approachand is considering its applicability to other primary satellite services in the same direction and same frequency bands.

CEPT believes that the milestone-based proposal gives regulatory certainty to networks and systems systemsadministrations and operators, and gives recognition that constellations of non-GSO satellites may generally take time to be fully deployed. CEPT supports the adoption of a unique method encompassing all types of constellations operating in the bands and services listed in the previous paragraph.

CEPT supports two or three milestones to be applied to networks systems recorded in the MIFR. Recognizing that some constellations may deploy some satellites but may fail to meet the milestones, a provision is proposed to reduce the maximum number of satellites recorded in the MIFR while preserving the rights for the already in-orbit satellites. The reduction of the characteristics of the constellation recorded in the MIFR should be based on the number of actual satellites launcheddeployed.

In the absence of a ITU-R recommendation dealing with calculation for interference as a result of modification, CEPT supports the operating in the bands and services listed in the previous paragraph non-application of No. 11,43B if modifications to notified orbital parameters, following milestone failure, are limited to the reduction of the number of orbital planes, reduction of the number of satellites per plane, modification of the right ascension of



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the ascending node of each plane and the modification of the initial phase angle of each satellite provided that notifying administration submit a commitment stating that the modified characteristics shall not cause more interference or require more protection than the initial notified characteristics.

CEPT supports that frequency assignments of those systems having reached the end of their regulatory period, brought into use and notified, but not fully deployed before the 1st January [2021/2023]a date to be set by the Conference, will have the same regulatory certainty as that available to frequency assignments of those systems which will reach the end of their regulatory periodbe brought into use and notified after this date.

CEPT supports a methodology that would ensure that at one point in time after WRC-19, the recorded frequency assignments and their associated characteristics must reflect the actual deployment of such systems. Appropriate transitional measures are needed in order to allow administrations having systems with frequency assignments reaching the end of their regulatory period,According to the milestones established, appropriate transitional measures should be considered in order to allow administrations having systems brought into use and notified before the 1st January [2021/2023]the end of WRC-19 to have sufficient time to adapt their current development and deployment schedules to meet milestones thatafter an appropriate date after WRC-19 is likely to define. CEPT supports the first option, established by CPM-2 meeting held in February 2019 (CPM19-2/243-E, Section 3/7/, to address the transitional measures and supports that the date of the commencement of the milestone process is 1st January [2021/2023].

CEPT also supports that option for the milestone-based approach, as described in the next table, is associated to the date of January 1st, [2021/2023] for the commencement of the milestone process in order to



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obtain the application of the first milestone on 1st January [2023/2025].

Table 1: CEPT method for milestone-based approach for non-GSO systems.

Milestones Milestone


Minimum required % of satellites deployed to meet the milestone

1st 2 years 10%

2nd 4 years 30%

3rd 7 years 90%

CEPT supports that the Radio Regulations should not be used to eliminate real non-GSO constellations and WRC-19 should not be used as a tool to reduce the number of competing non-GSO systems.

CEPT supports that the suspension of frequency assignments does not extend the milestone period nor reduce the requirements associated with any of the remaining milestones.

CEPT will study further whether provisions should be developed so as to avoid that the same space station may be used to gain undue advantage in the deployment of the constellation by bringing into use multiple filings.

CEPT supports the adoption of a new Resolution by WRC-19 based on the principles and methodology set out above to address thiss issue.

CEPT also recognizes the need to provide necessary visibility for the operators that have already started the



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deployment of their non-GSO system and emphasize that coordination activities should be conducted in good faith, based on operational parameters of the systems with the use of appropriate technical criteria and tools in order to depart from worst case analysis, and should be finalized in proper time so as to enable these constellations to come to fruition.

B Application of coordination arc in the Ka band, to determine coordination requirements between FSS and other satellite services

CEPT supports to apply the coordination arc to both MSS primary and secondary frequency assignments without modifying the current conditions related to the category of allocation applicable to assignments to be taken into account in coordination. Coordination arc criteria would substitute the ΔT/T>6% criteria that currently applies, improving and making more efficient the coordination procedures, while keeping the possibility for Administrations to request ΔT/T criteria under No 9.41. CEPT supports adequate modifications to Table 5-1 of RR Appendix 5 to implement this proposal, as outlined in the single Method B in the draft CPM text.


C Issues for which consensus was achieved in ITU-R and a single method has been identified

C1: AR11 and AP30/30A/30B discrepancies

C2: Frequency bands submitted under AP30B Article 6

C3: AP30B MOD to Article 6 No. 6.10

CEPT supports the consensus achieved at ITU-R level.




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C4: AP30/30A single AP4 notice for List and Notification

C5: MOD to No. 11.46 and six month resubmission

C6: AP30B single AP4 notice for List and Notification

C7: harmonization of AP30B with AP30 & 30A § 4.1.13 for R1 & 3 and § 4.2.17 for R2; re-introducing a regulatory option to capture obtaining agreements for a specific period

D Identification of those specific satellite networks and systems with which Coordination needs to be effected under RR Nos. 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13

СEPT proposes that the Bureau publish in the CR/D special section the “definitive lists” of those specific GSO networks or non-GSO systems, as appropriate, with which coordination under Nos. 9.12, 9.12A or 9.13 needs to be effected, similarly to what is currently done under the provisions of No. 9.36.2. CEPT supports adequate amendments to the Radio Regulations to implement the proposal above, as Method D12 in the draft CPM text.

CEPT understands that, once the relevant software currently used by the Bureau will be amended as needed, such an approach would not significantly increase the daily workload of the Bureau for producing such lists. In fact, the Bureau carries out a similar analysis to produce the list of Administrations currently published in the BR IFIC under the provisions of No. 9.36.1; the proposed changes would just modify the details published in the BR




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IFIC, together with simplifying the administrative burden currently born by many Administrations.

E Resolution related to RR Appendix 30B

CEPT supports to pursue a solution that directly addresses the concern for administrations having nothing in the RR Appendix 30B List, to allow these administrations to convert their national allotments into assignments with characteristics outside the envelope of the allotment or make a submission for a new network provided that the assignment are limited to national service and coverage area. CEPT therefore supports the WRC Resolution as contained in the draft CPM text following the philosophy of Resolution 553 (WRC-15) which addresses a similar issue for the 21.4-22 GHz BSS band for Regions 1 and 3, as outlined in the single method.



F Measures to facilitate entering new assignments into the RR Appendix 30B List

CEPT supports to revise and restructure the coordination triggers used in Appendix 30B to take into account technological advances and the development of the use of the geostationary orbit to facilitate access for newcomers by avoiding overprotection and unnecessary coordination requirements, as outlined in Method F1 in the draft CPM text. CEPT believes that this would help to alleviate the difficulties faced by administrations in attempting to enter assignments into the Appendix 30B List and to facilitate coordination of networks, at the same time appropriately protecting the Appendix 30B Plan and List.


G Updating the reference situation for Region 1 and 3 networks under Appendices 30 and 30A when provisionally recorded

CEPT supports that when a network enters the List under § 4.1.18 of Appendix 30 or 30A while there is still disagreement, the reference situation of the interfered-with network shall only be updated if and when the Bureau is informed by the affected administration to do




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assignments are converted into definitive recorded assignments

so. CEPT suggests to modify § 4.1.18bis to reflect this view as outlined in Method G1 in the draft CPM text.

H Modifications to RR Appendix 4 data elements to be provided for non-GSO satellite systems not subject to the procedures of Section II of RR Article 9

CEPT supports the single only method proposed for agenda item 7 Issue H


I Additional RR Appendix 4 data items to be provided for non-geostationary satellite systems with multiple orbital planes

CEPT supports method I2 in principle proposing a modified regulatory procedure for non-GSO-satellite netoworks and systems with short duration missions not subject to Section II of RR Article 9.changes in the CPM Report. CEPT supports the regulatory framework in the draft CPM text method where the short lifetimes of non-GSO space stations are taken into account. CEPT proposes to introduce this simplifiedmodified regulatory regimeprocedure for the advance publication, notification and recording procedures for non-GSO satellite systems with short duration missions not subject to Section II of RR Article 9 and in that respect supports the principles of the draft new WRC Resolution together with the associated regulatory regimeprocedure.

This alternative new regulatory regimeprocedure for non-GSO satellite systems with short duration missions not subject to Section II of RR Article 9 shall be based on the following principles:

The satellite operator shall stop the emission of the space station in case of harmful interference experienced by current assignments such in line with RR No. 22.1;

The API and the corresponding notification shall be accurate and complete regarding the orbital parameters and the number of carriers;




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The amount of time of 4 months for comments raised by administrations following a publication of an API shall not be changed;

The API associated to a limited number of small satellites (maximum of 10) shall be unique, shall not be duplicated or re-used; the maximum duration is 3 years, any extension is prohibited.

to further study the impact of this proposal in detail before taking any action.

J Modification of Section 1, Annex 1 of RR Appendix 30, pfd limit

CEPT supports to further study the impact of this proposal in detail before taking any action.


K Difficulties for Part B examinations under § 4.1.12 or 4.2.16 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A and 6.21 c) of RR Appendix 30B

CEPT supports that the examination under § 4.1.12 or 4.2.16 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A and § 6.21 c) of RR Appendix 30B is performed in two steps, if needed, to better reflect the actual situation and to enable newcomers to benefit from the reduction of satellite networks parameters and characteristics during the coordination process, and thus increase the efficiency of spectrum use, as Method A in the draft CPM text.

CEPT believes that this method avoids over protection of earlier networks based on part A characteristics which could be obsolete and no longer valid due to changes during the coordination and entering into the List. This method would hence enable spectrum efficiency by addressing potential difficulties encountered by notifying administrations in the Part B examination to enter into the List with favourable findings.

CEPT support the overall aim to facilitate entering new assignments into the RR Appendix 30B List and to facilitate coordination of networks for newcomers which the proposal in Issue K targets.


L Update to Appendix 4 data elements required

CEPT supports revision of RR Appendix 4 as a consequence to the Recommendation ITU-R S.1503-3




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Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten inklusive ansatsen att frågor bör initieras i god tid innan CPM och skulle gärna se att Sverige kan följa ITU-R tidsplan i meningen att hålla öppet för att kunna värdera även dessa förslag.

for RR Article 22 EPFD verification after revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1503

coming into force, as outlined in the single method in the draft CPM text.

M Simplified regulatory regime for non-GSO satellite systems with short duration missions

CEPT supports the regulatory framework in the draft CPM text method where the short lifetimes of non-GSO space stations are taken into account. CEPT proposes to introduce this simplified regulatory regime for the advance publication, notification and recording procedures for non-GSO satellite systems with short duration missions not subject to Section II of RR Article 9 and in that respect supports the principles of the draft new WRC Resolution together with the associated regulatory regime.

This regulatory regime for non-GSO satellite systems with short duration missions not subject to Section II of RR Article 9 shall be based on the following principles:

The satellite operator shall stop the emission of the space station in case of harmful interference experienced by current assignments such in line with RR No. 22.1;

The API and the corresponding notification shall be accurate and complete regarding the orbital parameters and the number of carriers;

The amount of time of 4 months for comments raised by administrations following a publication of an API shall not be changed;

The API associated to a limited number of small satellites (maximum of 10) shall be unique, shall not be duplicated or re-used; the maximum duration is 3 years, any extension is prohibited.





Post- och telestyrelsen 80

Avseende de inom ITU-R initierade Issues noterar vi att denna Breif behöver uppdateras då avseende strukturella förändringar samt lovvärda begränsningar skett, se nedan.

Issue A: Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten och att klargöra dagens vaga regulatoriska situation med erkännande av komplexiteten i frågan. Nödvändigt av BR att utfärda RoP parallellt med att AI 7 för ett klargörande av hanteringen fram till WRC-19 enbart. Vi stödjer konceptet med en deployment plan som inkluderar två fixa milestolpar i tiden efter 7 år med explicita konsekvenser avseende konstellationens etablering om de inte uppfylls. då en fortsatt etablering bör bekräftas inom inte alltför lång tid och en större andel av konstellationen (utan krav på precis hela) bör ha tagits i bruk inte alltför många efter ibruktagandet. Vi stödjer även möjligheten att applicera en sådan process från WRC-15 såsom dess Plenary minutes öppnar upp för.

Issue B: Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunktenoch förslaget att minska behovet av administrativ hantering genom att undvika onödig koordinering.

Issue C: Vi anser att Sverige bör monitorera och utvärdera alla frågor som lyfts inom Issue C nogsamt även innan WRC-19.

Issue D: Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten men även att RR-ändringar krävs och då gärna i enlighet med CEPT samt noterar att RR No 9.21 numera är exkluderad ur frågan så följande mening i positionen kan utgå: ”Sverige accepterar att No 9.21 exkluderas från frågan.

Issues E och F: ”Alignment and Enhancement of Appendix 30B” Vi instämmer i den övergripande svenska positionen i varsamhet mot generella ändringar av RR, men noterar att tidigare issues E eller har utgått och kan ersatts med nya Issues E (tidigare M) och F (tidigare N), vars svenska ståndpunkter vi stödjer. Vi ser även gärna att Sverige aktivt agerar i att stödja CEPT-initiativet i nya Issue F.

Issue G, H, I, J och K: Vi stödjer den svenska ståndpunkten.



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AI 8

8 to consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-07);



Svenska ståndpunkter

I princip ska endast strykningar av fotnoter eller namn i fotnoter accepteras under denna agendapunkt för att minska avvikelserna i tabellen för frekvensallokeringar (Artikel 5).

I vissa fall kan det dock accepteras att fotnoter utökas med ytterligare länder, detta gäller speciellt om detta ökar harmoniseringen i en region eller del av region.

Nuvarande praxis som den tillämpats vid WRC-15 bör behållas.

Ansvariga grupper





CEPT is of the view that there is no need to change the Resolution 26 (Rev. WRC-07).

Issue A – Deletion of country footnotes or country names from footnotes

CEPT supports Administrations taking the initiative to review their footnotes and to propose the deletion of their country names or the deletion of country footnotes, if no longer required.

Issue B – Addition of country names into footnotes or new country footnotes

CEPT is of the view that this agenda item is not intended for adding country names into existing footnotes and the addition of new country footnotes.

CEPT is of the view that Conferences may continue to deal with requests to add country names to existing footnotes on a case by case basis, subject to



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the principle that proposals for the addition of country names to existing footnotes can be considered but their acceptance is subject to the express condition that there are no objections from the affected countries.

Furthermore CEPT is of the view that proposals for the addition of new country footnotes which are not related to agenda items of this Conference should not be considered.

Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




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AI 9

9 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention:



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AI 9.1

9.1 on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-15;



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Issue 9.1.1: Resolution 212 (Rev.WRC 15) Implementation of International Mobile Telecommunications in the frequency bands 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz Prioritet

Medel Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för samexistens mellan den terrestra komponenten av IMT (MS) och satellitkomponenten av IMT (MSS) i 1980-2010 MHz & 2170-2200 MHz. Ej stöd för bandsegmentering för att möjliggöra samtidig användning av den terrestra komponenten av IMT (MS) och av satellitkomponenten av IMT (MSS) i det aktuella frekvensbandet. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.1


CEPT supports adequate measures to ensure the compatibility and co-existence of the satellite and terrestrial components of IMT, taking into account that the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz are prioritised for MSS (mobile satellite service) use in CEPT (see Decisions ECC/DEC/(06)09, ECC/DEC/(06)10, and European Commission Decision 2007/98/EC) while MSS and MS (mobile service) have co-primary status in the RR. There are four interference scenarios to be considered.

CEPT is of the view that protection of the MSS uplinks in CEPT countries (Interference scenario A1) is not ensured by the current Radio Regulations (RR). There is currently no provision in the RR that would prevent interference



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from IMT base stations to IMT space stations and there is no coordination process between the administration responsible for MS and the administration responsible for MSS and no process to identify the concerned administrations. Therefore potential revisions to the RR should be developed at least for Region 1 and 3 limiting the e.i.r.p. of IMT base stations in the uplink band (1980-2010 MHz).:

- to ensure that the band 1980-2010 MHz is not used for IMT base station transmitters or

- limiting the e.i.r.p. of IMT base stations in the uplink band (1980-2010 MHz)

CEPT is of the view that potential interference between thefrom terrestrial IMT base stations to MES (MSS earth stations)systems and MSS earth stations and vice versa (Interference scenarios A2 and B1) can be regulated managed by cross-border coordination by the current provisions on border coordination which are contained in the Article 9 and RR Appendix 7 of the Radio Regulations. and there is no requirement for additional regulatory measures.

CEPT is of the view that the potentialprotection interference in the frequency band 1980-2010 MHz from MES to IMT systems of the terrestrial component of IMT (Interference scenario B12) canould be addressedachieved by using the current sprovisions on border coordination which are contained in Article 9 of the Radio Regulations. Additions to Appendix 7 are proposed to include relevant parameters for digital modulation required for the determination of coordination distance for a transmitting earth station.

pace station pfd thresholds contained in Table 5-2 of Appendix 5 RR, and by removing Note 3 of this table CEPT is studying a revision of the threshold value, , in order to avoid the need of unnecessary coordination by MSS systems with respect to countries which operate terrestrial IMT systems.

CEPT is of the view that potential interference in the frequency band 2170-2200 MHz from MSS satellites to IMT terrestrial systems (Interference scenario B2) can be addressed by establishing a new coordination threshold pfd level in Table 5-2 of Appendix 5, for instance –108.8 dB(W/(m2/MHz) together with creating a new Note 11. Furthermore CEPT has the opinion that NOTE 3 to the existing power flux-density (pfd) coordination threshold values in Table 5-2 of Appendix 5 of the Radio Regulations for other terrestrial services contains some ambiguity regarding the protection of the terrestrial component of IMT. Therefore CEPT propose to modify Note 3.

In summary, CEPT supports View 1 in the CPM Report.



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Svenska intressenter

Telia, Ericsson

Svenska kommentarer

Telia Company:

Telia har föreslagit en hög prioritering på denna punkt

Samexistens mellan terrestra (MS) och satellit baserade (MSS) IMT komponenter bör möjliggöras i det berörda bandet.



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Issue 9.1.2: Resolution 761 COM4/7 (WRC 15) Compatibility of International Mobile Telecommunications and broadcasting-satellite service (sound) in the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 Prioritet

Hög Svenska ståndpunkter

Prioritet för IMT om samexistens (samma plats, samma frekvens och samma tid) inte är möjlig. Ej stöd för bandsegmentering för att möjliggöra samtidig användning av IMT och BSS (sound) i det aktuella frekvensbandet. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.2 - L-band BSS sound Add 2 to Add 21 Yes


CEPT has harmonised the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz for supplemental downlink under the mobile service. Therefore CEPT supports the protection of this application from BSS (sound). CEPT is of the view that the new harmonized solution in the addressed Regions is necessary to be developed.

In order to facilitate the coexistence between IMT and BSS in the band 1 452-1 492 MHz, the current regulatory procedures governing the relation between BSS and terrestrial services need to be modified by inserting a pfd value of -113 dBW/m²/MHz in Article 21 with the view to provide a more stable (long-term stability) situation to IMT.



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RR Appendix 5 need to be modified so as to enable countries wishing to continue to apply coordination procedure under RR No. 9.11 to do so. Therefore a pfd limit will apply to BSS with respect to all terrestrial services except for countries wishing to continue to apply RR No. 9.11, because of more stringent protection requirement (e.g. in order to protect telemetry systems (ATS) ) in countries listed in RR NOS 5.342 with protection criteria according ITU-R M.2324).

Svenska intressenter

Telia, Ericsson

Svenska kommentarer

Telia Company:

Användning av IMT i bandet bör prioriteras i förhållande till BSS.



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Issue 9.1.3: Resolution 157 COM5/6 (WRC 15) Study of technical and operational issues and regulatory provisions for new non-geostationary-satellite orbit systems in the 3 700-4 200 MHz, 4 500-4 800 MHz, 5 925-6 425 MHz and 6 725-7 025 MHz frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service Prioritet

Hög Svenska ståndpunkter

Arbetet får inte resultera i regulativa eller faktiska begränsningar för möjligheten att använda IMT i bandet 3400-3800 MHz inom Europa. Det ska inte vara möjligt att argumentera för att detta band inte ska kunna tillåtas för IMT på grund av konflikter med NGSO-system. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.3 - Non-GSO FSS C-band Add 3 to Add 21 Yes


CEPT supports no changes to the provisions of RR Article 21 and Article 22 in the frequency bands 3 700 - 4 200 MHz, 4 500-4 800 MHz, 5 925-6 425 MHz and 6 725-7 025 MHz.

CEPT is considering the introduction of a coordination procedure under RR No. 9.12 in order to address coordination between non-GSO FSS systems in the frequency bands 3 700−4 200 MHz and 5 925−6 425 MHz.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Telia, Ericsson, FMV, Försvarsmakten



Post- och telestyrelsen 92

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”Hänsyn bör givetvis i vanlig ordning tas till befintliga tjänster i banden. samt att APG, ASMG, ATU, CEPT, CITEL tycks konkludera i No Change i brist på proponenter, studier och intresse överlag inom ITU-R.” TeliaCompany:

3400-3800 MHz kommer att vara ett av de mest betydelsefulla banden for införandet av IMT-2020/5G och bör inte begränsas av resultatet från detta arbete. Vidare bör även framtida möjligheter för IMT i bandet 3800-4200 MHz beaktas så att en harmonisering av bandet för IMT inte begränsas.



Post- och telestyrelsen 93

Issue 9.1.4: Resolution 763 COM5/7 (WRC 15) Stations on board sub-orbital vehicles Prioritet

Låg Svenska ståndpunkter

Eventuella tekniska och operationella åtgärder bör redovisas i en ITU-R Rekommendation och inte i RR. Vad gäller agendapunkt för WRC-23 kommer detta att avgöras tillsammans med en bedömning av andra förslag till agendapunkter. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.4


CEPT recognizes that:

the delimitation between atmosphere and outer space has not been legally defined at an international level by the competent organisations;

the definitions of status of the stations for suborbital flights for radiocommunication purpose by ITU-R do not prevent the competent international organisations (ICAO, UNOOSA) to potentially propose in the future, relevant definitions or other orientations concerning the kind of law (Air law, Space law, Sui generis) which could be applicable for the various types of suborbital systems concepts and projects.]

the current satellite/space launch systems including re-usable part are already operated under the Radio Regulation



Post- och telestyrelsen 94

CEPT is of the view that :

no change to the Radio Regulations is required for WRC-19.;

suborbital vehicles need to be differentiated from current satellite/space launch vehicles;

suborbital vehicles need to be split in two different categories: o first category with trajectory and/or speed allowing continuous

direct communication with ground during all the suborbital flight phase, then the stations fitted on board are considered as terrestrial stations or earth stations;

o second category with trajectory and/or speed implying a reentry in the atmosphere avoiding direct communication to the ground (communication black out), then stations fitted on board are considered as space stations during the suborbital flight phase;

Svenska intressenter


Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 95

Issue 9.1.5: Resolution 764 COM6/1 (WRC 15) Consideration of the technical and regulatory impacts of referencing Recommendations ITU R M.1638 1 and ITU R M.1849 1 in Nos. 5.447F and 5.450A of the Radio Regulations Prioritet

Hög Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige kan acceptera referens till Recommendation ITU R M.1849-1 i fotnot 5.450A. Sverige stödjer ej referens till ITU-R M.1849-1 i fotnot 5.447F. Sverige stödjer ej referens till ITU-R M.1638-1 i fotnoterna 5.447F och 5.450A. Sverige stödjer en lösning som innebär att frågan inte behöver hanteras på kommande WRC:s. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.5 - Non-GSO FSS C-band Add 5 to Add 21 Yes


CEPT is investigating the potential technical and regulatory impacts of a solution which would consist of deleting the references to Recommendations ITU-R M.1638 and M.1849 in the footnotes Nos 5.447F and 5.450A, and replacing these references with information related to the applicability of sharing conditions and mitigation measures given in Resolution 229 (Rev. WRC-12)..



Post- och telestyrelsen 96

Svenska intressenter

Ericsson, FMV, Försvarsmakten

Svenska kommentarer


"Stöd för referens till Recommendation ITU R M.1849-1 samt M.1638-1 i fotnoterna 5.447F and 5.450A även om det påverkar möjligheten att använda frekvensbanden för mobil radio (inkl. RLAN/WLAN). Skäl; Relevanta tekniska data bör användas vid utformning av regler för delning mellan radiotjänsterna.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 97

Issue 9.1.6: Issue 1) in the Annex to Resolution 958 COM6/15 (WRC 15) 1) Studies concerning Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) for

electric vehicles: Prioritet

Låg i sakfrågan men medel vad gäller genomförande Svenska ståndpunkter

Resultatet bör redovisas i en ITU-R Rekommendation och inte i RR. Ingen identifiering av frekvenser för WPT i RR. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.6 - Wireless power transmission

systems for electric vehicles

Add 6 to Add 21 Yes


CEPT is of the view that no regulatory action to the RR will be required in order to resolve AI 9.1, issue 9.1.6. ITU-R Report SM.[WPT-EV.IMPACT.SPEC.MNGM] and Recommendations ITU-R SM.2110 and ITU-R SM.[WPT-UNWANTED], as appropriate, are considered sufficient to specify suitable frequency bands and limits on unwanted emissions for WPT-EV, along with determination of the related centre frequencies.

CEPT has identified the following candidate bands as suitable for WPT-EV, which can minimise the impact of WPT-EV on radiocommunication services:

19-21 kHz for the highest power category (specific heavy-duty electric vehicles), and

79-90 kHz for the medium power category (all types of electric vehicles).



Post- och telestyrelsen 98

In addition CEPT is of the view that no bands above 90 kHz should be considered for use by WPT-EV.

CEPT is of the view that bands at 60 kHz and 77.5 kHz used by applications of the standard frequency and time signal service are not suitable for WPT-EV and require specific protection.

Svenska intressenter

Försvarsmakten, FMV

Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 99

Issue 9.1.7: Issue 2) in the Annex to Resolution 958 COM6/15 (WRC 15) 2) Studies to examine: a) whether there is a need for possible additional measures in order to limit uplink transmissions of terminals to those authorized terminals in accordance with No. 18.1; b) the possible methods that will assist administrations in managing the unauthorized operation of earth station terminals deployed within its territory, as a tool to guide their national spectrum management programme, in accordance with Resolution ITU R 64 (RA 15). Prioritet

Hög Svenska ståndpunkter

Detta är en nationell fråga – monitoring och kontroll – som inte ska hanteras i radioreglementet. Studierna i ITU-R kan resultera i rapporter om hur monitoring och kontroll arrangeras nationellt (beskrivning av vad som görs i olika länder) men inte rekommendationer av vad som bör göras. Ej stöd för att ställa krav på satellitoperatörerna i denna fråga. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.7 - Unauthorised terminals Add 7 to Add 21 Yes



Post- och telestyrelsen 100


CEPT notes that this Agenda Item addresses the issue of enforcement of unauthorized ubiquitous earth stations and not the issue of earth stations in motion (ESIM) which is covered by Agenda item 1.5.

CEPT is of the view that the issue referenced to in studies under 2a) is already addressed in Article 18. Thus CEPT does not see the need for any changes of the Radio Regulations as portrayed in Option 1 of the draft CPM text.

CEPT supports for the issue referred to in studies under 2b) possible ITU-R studies on best practices, related to national management of unauthorized operation of earth station terminals deployed within territory of concerned administration. Thus CEPT does not see the need for any changes of the Radio Regulations.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB

”Vi stödjer de svenska ståndpunkterna till fullo, liksom den preliminära CEPT-ståndpunkten inklusive att klargöra skillnaderna mellan 1.5 och 9.1.7. Vi vill dock flagga för att vi tyvärr ser svårigheter i att följa denna fråga inom ITU-R WP 1B för både SES Astra AB och PTS vilket är olyckligt när flertalet regioner aktivt driver en avvikande position, närmare bestämt RCC, ASMG och ATU. Vi söker även klargöranden kring hur denna fråga kommer att hanteras inom Radio Assembly relativt WRC eftersom den ännu har dubbla Resolutioner. Vi anser idealiskt att RA-Resolutionen bör utgå när frågan hanteras inom ramen för WRC men frågar hur Sverige ställer sig till och hanterar detta?



Post- och telestyrelsen 101

Issue 9.1.8: Issue 3) in the Annex to Resolution 958 COM6/15 (WRC 15) 3) Studies on the technical and operational aspects of radio networks and systems, as well as spectrum needed, including possible harmonized use of spectrum to support the implementation of narrowband and broadband machine-type communication infrastructures, in order to develop Recommendations, Reports and/or Handbooks, as appropriate, and to take appropriate actions within the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) scope of work. Prioritet

Medel Svenska ståndpunkter

Acceptans för rekommendationer, rapporter och handböcker inom ITU-R. Ej stöd för speciell identifiering i RR för ”narrowband and broadband machine-type communication”. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.8 - Machine-type communications Add 8 to Add 21 Yes


CEPT supports studies on the technical and operational aspects of radio networks and systems, as well as spectrum needed, including possible harmonized use of spectrum to support the implementation of narrowband and broadband machine-type communication infrastructures, in order to develop Recommendations, Reports and/or Handbooks, as appropriate. CEPT is of the



Post- och telestyrelsen 102

view that no modifications to the Radio Regulations are required in order to resolve Agenda item 9.1 issue 9.1.8.

CEPT supports the consideration of IMT technologies within Agenda Item 9.1 Issue 9.1.8 as well as the consideration of non-IMT technologies in the purview of WPs 1B and 5A related to machine-type communications.

Svenska intressenter

Telia, Ericsson, Försvarsmakten, FMV

Svenska kommentarer


Ingen specifik identifiering av “narrowband / broadband machine type communications” bör göras I RR. Eventuella resultat från arbetet kan presenteras i ITU-R rapporter, rekommendationer eller handböcker.



Post- och telestyrelsen 103

Issue 9.1.9: Resolution 162 COM6/24 (WRC 15) Studies relating to spectrum needs and possible allocation of the frequency band 51.4-52.4 GHz to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) Prioritet

Låg avseende sakfrågan men hög avseende kopplingen till AI 1.13 Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för en FSS-allokering under förutsättning att tillräckligt spektrum identifieras för IMT i övriga frekvensband diskuterade under agendapunkt 1.13. Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)



AI 9.1 Issue 9.1.9


Based on the results of studies on additional spectrum needs for development of the fixed-satellite service and on the sharing and compatibility studies conducted in accordance with Resolution 162 (WRC-15), CEPT supports the additional allocation of 1 GHz spectrum in 51.4 – 52.4 GHz band for the uplink GSO FSS (Earth-to-space) gateways.

To ensure the protection of the EESS (passive), operating in the band 52.6-54.25 GHz, CEPT proposing an unwanted emission limit of -37/39 dBW/100 MHz associated to a maximum elevation angle of 74°/78° for FSS Earth stations that would operate in the 51.4 - 52.4 GHz band. For elevation angles equal or higher than 74°/78° the proposed unwanted emission limit is -52 dBW/100 MHz. This assumes a 3 dB apportionment of the EESS (passive) protection criterion to take into account the aggregate interference from all the active services allocated in the 51.4-52.4 GHz band. Regarding the protection



Post- och telestyrelsen 104

of future GSO EESS (passive) sensors, CEPT supports additional unwanted emission limits depending on the orbital separation between GSO FSS and GSO EESS (passive) space stations, ranging from -84 dBW/100 MHz to -34.2 dBW/100 MHz.

CEPT supports studies regarding the impact on radio astronomy observations in the band 51.4-54.25 GHz.

FSS gateways Eearth stations shall operate with a minimum antenna diameter of [4.5] m.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB, Ericsson, SMHI

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

“Vi stödjer denna allokering då studierna tycks visa att det är möjligt och att ytterligare spektrumbehov finns.”


36 – 37GHz används för observationer av ”Rain rate, snow, ocean ice, clouds”. 50,2 – 50,4 GHZ används för ”reference window for atmospheric temperature profiling (surface temperature). 52,6 – 59,3 GHz används för “ Atmospheric temperature profiling (O2 observation lines)

Vid allokering av FSS i och i närliggande band, enligt ovan, är det viktigt att existerande och framtida tjänster skyddas.

ESA/EUMETSAT har i dokument PTB(18)014 och PTB(18)015 lämnat uppdaterat resultat från studier samt lämnat förslag till revision av CEPT breif. SMHI anser att Sverige ska lämna support till dessa dokument. I övrigt bör Sverige ge support till andra dokument som skyddar frekvensområdena enligt ovan om verkar för att ge adekvat skydd för de passiva observationssystemen.



Post- och telestyrelsen 105



Post- och telestyrelsen 106

AI 9.2

9.2 on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations1;



Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige stöder effektiv och ändamålsenlig reglering och procedurer. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Not: PTS avser utveckla svenska ståndpunkter avseende förslagen i BR:s rapport i samarbete med svenska intressenter.

Ansvariga grupper






Based on the preliminary draft report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau CEPT is gathering difficulties and inconsistencies in the application of the provisions of the Radio Regulations related to space procedures. CEPT is preparing its views on these issues as a part of European preparation for the WRC-19 and, if necessary, is preparing also an ECP on certain issues.

The current situation with some of issues covered in the above mentioned Report is indicated in Table 1Table 1.

Table 1: CEPT views with respect to issues identified under agenda item 9.2

1 This agenda item is strictly limited to the Report of the Director on any difficulties or inconsistencies

encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations and the comments from administrations.



Post- och telestyrelsen 107

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

Publication of API/C in BR IFIC (

Considering that the Bureau already publishes the complete information received under RR No. 9.30 at its website “as-received”, and also makes available a list of unique frequency bands for the notice, there may not be a necessity to have this extra publication of API/C special section. The Bureau proposes to incorporate the list of unique frequency bands and their corresponding regulatory date limits in the CR/C special section, and to remove the need to publish a separate API/C special section.

CEPT agrees with the Bureau to incorporate the list of unique frequency bands and their corresponding regulatory date limits in the CR/C special section, and to remove the need to publish a separate API/C special section. The fact that the Bureau publishes all necessary information “as received” at its website makes the publication of API/C special section unnecessary.


Requirement under RR No. 9.4 (

In accordance with RR No. 9.3 administrations concerned shall endeavour to cooperate to resolve difficulties in respect to the satellite network submitted under Section I of Article 9 of the RR. RR No. 9.4 states that, among other actions, reports on the progress made in resolving any difficulties shall be submitted to the Bureau. As the Bureau doesn’t require this information in the examination of the notification for recording, it is not necessary to provide this information except if the notifying administration wishes to keep the Bureau informed about the progress of its project. In practice, the Bureau receives extremely few reports under RR No. 9.4. The Bureau proposes to suppress this provision.

CEPT doesn’t agree with the Bureau to entirely suppress RR No. 9.4, but it proposes to modify it in order to make it more practical and not obligatory for the notifying administration to inform the Bureau of the progress made in resolving difficulties. However, the first part of RR No. 9.4 could be kept unchanged in order to allow administrations to try to resolve difficulties with their respective satellite networks.


Draft CR/D database made available in BR IFIC before publication of CR/D in accordance with RR No. 9.53A (

This draft CR/D procedure, which is not required in the Radio Regulations, has been introduced by the Bureau in order to provide an opportunity for the notifying administration to check comments from other administrations and add those comments not identified by the Bureau before an official publication in the CR/D special section. In the last two years, only 4 administrations provided draft CR/D information, by which no modification or addition to the draft CR/D was filed. Taking these facts into account, and considering the significant resources of the Bureau required for those tasks it is proposed to cease with such practice.

CEPT agrees with the Bureau that this procedure has no practical usefulness and at the same time it is using considerable resources of the Bureau. CEPT proposes to cease such practice. Each administration could react to official publications of CR/D special sections in order to request a modification or an addition to the published data. In such a case, a modification of the CR/D Special Section in question would be published.




Post- och telestyrelsen 108

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

Bringing back into use of a suspended assignment (

According to RR No. 11.47, there is a requirement for an administration to confirm the bringing into use within thirty days following the period provided under RR No. 11.44. However, under RR No. 11.49, the requirement for informing the Bureau concerning the bringing back into use after the suspension of a frequency assignment is to inform the Bureau “as soon as possible”. In order for the Bureau to be informed about the start of the 90-day period required under RR No. 11.49.1, it may be necessary to add a similar deadline for bringing back into use.

CEPT agrees with the Bureau’s view and proposes to modify the provision of RR No. 11.49 in order to align the regulatory procedures of bringing into use and bringing back into use of a frequency assignment.


Examination under RR No. 11.32 and 11.32A based on coordination agreement status at group level of RR Appendix 4 notice forms (

When notifying a satellite network, the coordination status with respect to affected administrations are communicated through the A5/A6 columns of the Notice Forms. The information in these specific columns is taken into consideration when carrying out examination of the satellite network under RR Nos. 11.32 and 11.32A. In order to have coordination status properly reflected in a publication, as well as facilitating the Bureau’s consistent and efficient approach in treating the information, the Bureau is developing a tool that would allow the notifying administration to define a coordination status with respect to an affected administration at group level of the notice form to either being completed, not completed or no longer required. The notifying administration, when using this tool, will be able to indicate the satellite networks for which they have completed or not completed coordination at group level. Also, all satellite network suppressions, removal because of obsolete etc. will be taken into account.

These indications will be converted to coordination status with respect to an affected administration at group levels based on frequency overlap between the notified satellite network and the affected satellite network of an administration.

CEPT supports the development of a software tool by the Bureau in order to help administrations, while notifying their networks, to define a coordination status with respect to an affected administration at group level by indicating the satellite networks for which they have completed or not completed coordination.

In addition to that, such coordination status would be reflected in a publication. No

Indication of status of coordination

Currently, administration level approach has been used in the examinations under RR No. 11.32, meaning that in order to complete the

CEPT supports the Bureau’s approach to perform future RR No. 11.32 examinations on




Post- och telestyrelsen 109

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

under RR No. 9.7 with respect to satellite networks at notice level for examination under RR No. 11.32A (

coordination process with a particular administration, the agreements of all affected satellite networks from this administration need to be obtained. In cases of administrations with numerous affected satellite networks, if there is still just one satellite network for which the agreement has not been obtained all satellite networks from this administration will be treated under RR No. 11.32A examination.

The Bureau is proposing to perform future RR No. 11.32 examinations on satellite network level, taking into account already obtained agreements concerning particular satellite networks. In such a case, the Bureau would develop a software module that would complement the notification submissions allowing notifying administrations to indicate, at notice level, the status of coordination under RR No. 9.7 with respect to each individual satellite network identified under RR No. 9.36.2 that will be considered later in the C/I examination accordingly. In addition to that, the list of satellite networks could be published at notice level, if required, with the indications of coordination completed, not completed, or no longer required with respect to satellite networks of an affected administration.

satellite network level or group level. That would make the regulatory procedures of Article 9 of the RR more accurate and efficient, especially for the administrations with multiple satellite operators and large number of submitted satellite networks. In addition to that, the examinations under RR No. 11.32A would be more faithful to the real situation with respect to satellite networks for which a coordination agreement has been already obtained.

As a consequence, certain modifications of RR Appendix 4 would be necessary.

Mandatory application of § 4.1.16 before requesting §§ 4.1.18 and 4.1.18bis of RR Appendices 30 and 30A (

With respect to Region 1 and 3 BSS Plan and List networks, § 4.1.18 and § 4.2.21A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A indicates that § 4.1.16 and § 4.2.20 of the same Appendices should first be duly applied by the notifying Administration before requesting the provisional entry into the List under § 4.1.18 and § 4.2.21A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A. However, the language used in § 4.1.16 and § 4.2.21A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A is “should” instead of “shall”, which implies a non-mandatory nature in the context of the Radio Regulations.

In this connection, in application of RR No. 11.41 of the Radio Regulations, which is similar to § 4.1.18 and § 4.2.21A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A, the notifying Administration “shall” indicate to the Bureau that efforts have been made to effect coordination with those

CEPT needs to consider further the view of the Bureau that the alignment of § 4.1.16 and § 4.2.21A of Appendices 30 and 30A of RR with the wording of RR No. 11.41 is necessary. CEPT administrations have experienced cases of application of § 4.1.18 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A by administrations that were not properly applying § 4.1.16 of the same Appendices. However, due to obligatory application of §4.1.18bis and §4.2.21B the case might not be the same as in application




Post- och telestyrelsen 110

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

administrations whose assignments were the basis of the unfavorable findings under RR No. 11.38 (see RR No. 11.41.2 of the Radio Regulations). It may be needed to revise the wording of § 4.1.16 and § 4.2.20 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A in order to make these provisions obligatory and to align them with the corresponding provisions of Article 11 of the Radio Regulations.

of RR No. 11.41.2 for unplanned bands.

Reminder in case of agreement between RR Appendices 30 or 30A networks for a specified period (

In accordance with §§ 4.1.13 and 4.2.17 of Article 4 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A, the agreement of the affected administration may be obtained in accordance with this Article for a specified period. When the specified period goes beyond the regulatory time-limit for bringing into use, the assignment in the List in case of Regions 1 and 3 or in the Plan in case of Region 2 shall lapse unless the agreement of the administration affected is renewed. The corresponding entry in the Master Register will also be removed.

In order to remind the notifying Administration of the consequence in case the agreement is not renewed or new permanent agreement is obtained, it is suggested to add a footnote in §§ 4.1.13 and 4.2.17 of Article 4 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A.

CEPT supports the view of the Bureau to incorporate into the RR Appendices 30 and 30A the obligation of the Bureau to send a reminder to administrations concerned with the temporary agreement soon to be expired.


Reminder before the expiry of the first 15 years of a RR Appendices 30 or 30A List assignment (

In accordance with § 4.1.24 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A, no assignment in the List shall have a period of operation exceeding 15 years, counted from the date of bringing into use, or 2 June 2000, whichever is later. Upon request by the responsible administration received by the Bureau at the latest 3 years before the expiry of this period, this period of operation may be extended by up to 15 years on condition that all the characteristics of the assignment remain unchanged. As some administrations are sending to the Bureau the request for extension later than 3 years before the expiry date, it is proposed to add a footnote in Article 4 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A specifying the obligation of the Bureau to send reminders at least 30 days before the expiry date of the particular request for extension.

CEPT supports the introduction of a footnote specifying that the Bureau shall send a reminder to the notifying administration whose satellite network in the RR Appendices 30 or 30A List is close to the limit date to request an extension for additional 15 years.




Post- och telestyrelsen 111

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

Multiple earth station per submission in RR Appendices 30 and 30A (

The current practice of the Bureau is that after verifying the technical characteristics of a submitted satellite network under RR Appendices 30 and 30A provisions, the Bureau is asking administrations to limit the number of the corresponding downlink and feeder-link earth stations preferably to a maximum of three. The reason for this request is to limit the number of entries in the Appendix 4 database only to the necessary ones. Following this practice, notifying Administrations may keep full flexibility for their coordination process while reducing the complexity of the submitted networks, as well as the size of the master databases and the GIBC/MSPACE output databases in subsequent Bureau‘s examinations.

Therefore, the Bureau is searching for the advice if such practice should continue or not.

CEPT has sympathy with the Bureau’s practice to limit the number of antennas to 3 for each RR Appendices 30 and 30A submission, however since there are administrations linking antenna characteristics to landing rights (they need an exact match), the number of antennas might need to be increased to maximum 5.


Rule of procedure on RR No. 5.510 (

Rule of Procedure on footnote RR No. 5.510 addresses the sharing between FSS feeder-link networks for the BSS in Region 2 and the Regions 1 and 3 BSS feeder-link Plan and List (outside Europe) in the 14.5-14.8 GHz. WRC-15, when discussing the new allocation to the fixed-satellite service in this frequency band under Agenda item 1.6, reconfirmed the use of the band 14.5-14.8 GHz for BSS feeder-links in the FSS (Earth to-space) in Region 2 is in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations. In view of the above and as this Rule is stable since its approval, it is thus suggested to reflect the sharing situation directly in the Radio Regulations and suppress this Rule of Procedure.

CEPT supports the view of the Bureau to reflect this sharing situation directly in the Radio Regulations and suppress this Rule of Procedure


Section 6 of Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30 (

Section 6 of Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30 contains criteria to determine if an FSS administration is considered as being affected under § 4.1.1 e) or § 4.2.3 e) of Article 4 of Appendix 30 by a new or modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List or a proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan. The current text of this section specifies that an FSS administration is considered as being affected if the power flux-density (pfd) values produced by an incoming BSS assignment are equal to or

CEPT supports the view of the Bureau to align the text of Section 6 of Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30 with the corresponding text in Section 4 of the same Appendix. This new situation would align this procedure with the current practice of the Bureau.




Post- och telestyrelsen 112

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

greater than the applicable pfd limits. Other Sections of Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30, notably Section 4 having the similar criteria, specify that an administration is considered as being affected if the applicable limits are exceed. The Bureau when applying the criteria in Section 6 of Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30 considers an administration is being affected if the pfd values produced by an incoming BSS assignment exceed the applicable pfd limits. Therefore, there is a need to align the conditions in Section 6 with other Sections in Annex 1 to RR Appendix 30.

Non-applicability of Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) for submissions under Article 2A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A (

Resolves 1 of Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) specifies which satellite network or satellite system of the fixed-satellite service, mobile-satellite service or broadcasting-satellite service is subject to the administrative due diligence procedure contained in Annex 1 to that Resolution. As far as satellite networks subject to RR Appendices 30 and 30A are concerned, paragraph 2 of Annex 1 indicates that only certain requests for modifications of the Region 2 Plan under the relevant provisions of Article 4 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A or any request for additional uses in Regions 1 and 3 under the relevant provisions of Article 4 of RR Appendices 30 and 30A shall be subject to the administrative due diligence procedure. Therefore, submissions under Article 2A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A are not subject to the administrative due diligence procedure. However, this fact is not clearly mentioned in Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15). In order to clarify the situation that Article 2A submissions concerning space operations functions are not subject to Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15), a footnote to Article 2A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A would be needed.

CEPT supports the view of the Bureau that a clarification is needed with respect to the obligation of submissions in accordance with Article 2A of RR Appendices 30 and 30A to apply the Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) or not. In this respect, a footnote is proposed to be added to both Appendices 30 and 30A of the Radio Regulations.


Removal of mandatory 2-year period before bringing into use from § 6.1 of Article 6

In accordance with § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B, when an administration intends to convert an allotment into an assignment or to introduce an additional system or modify the characteristics of assignments in the List that have been brought into use, it shall, not earlier than eight years and

CEPT supports the proposal of the Bureau to revise the paragraph § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B in order to suppress the mandatory 2-year period before bringing




Post- och telestyrelsen 113

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

of RR Appendix 30B (

not later than two years before the planned date of bringing the assignment into use, send to the Bureau the information specified in RR Appendix 4. However, the actual or foreseen date of bringing into use is not a mandatory information to be submitted under § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B. Consequently, it is not possible for the Bureau to examine the date of bringing into use when a submission is received under § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B. In order to solve this problem it is proposed that the indication of mandatory 2-year period before bringing into use be deleted from the text of § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B.

into use of the corresponding Appendix 30B assignment.

Relocation of downlink test points following the application of § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B (

Under § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B an administration may at any time inform the Bureau about its objection to being included in the service area of any assignment, even if this assignment has already entered in the List. The Bureau shall exclude the territory and remove the test points that are within the territory of the objecting administration from the service area. However, if all test points of an assignment are removed due to numerous requests under § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B the assignment has to be cancelled. Considering that downlink test points of an assignment are used for its protection and don’t have any impact on the evaluation of interference from the assignment to the other allotments and assignments, it is proposed to allow the notifying administration to relocate the downlink test points of an assignment when § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B is applied.

CEPT supports the proposal of the Bureau to allow the notifying administration to relocate its test points from the territory of the country applying § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B to other territories in the current service area. This procedure would be also fully in line with the similar procedure in case of the application of RR No. 23.13C in case of BSS assignments covered by the RR Appendix 30 procedures. In order to include the possibility of relocation of test points, a footnote is proposed to be added to § 6.16 of RR Appendix 30B.


Two-months deadline in § 8.5 of Article 8 of RR Appendix 30B (

§ 8.5 of Article 8 of RR Appendix 30B requires that following receipt of a complete notice under § 8.1 of that Appendix, the Bureau shall publish the content of the notice “within not more than two months”. This requirement is in line with the RR No. 11.28 of the Radio Regulations for the non-planned satellite services. However, in accordance with § 8.1 of RR Appendix 30B, a notification shall be submitted when the relevant procedure of Article 6 has been successfully applied. The Bureau understanding is that a

CEPT is of the view that the above mentioned 2 month period should stay, but with respect to the actual date of entry into the Appendix 30B List of the frequency assignment in question. Therefore, the proposed revision of the § 8.5 of RR Appendix 30B should take this view into account.




Post- och telestyrelsen 114

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

notification under Article 8 of RR Appendix 30B is not receivable if the corresponding assignments have not been entered in the List. The Bureau’s view is that if there is no time-limit for the publication of Article 6 submissions, it is not consistent to have a time-limit for publication of notification.

Use of earth station antenna radiation pattern specific to RR Appendices 30 and 30A for submissions under RR Appendix 30B (

In the Bureau’s Antenna Pattern Library, all the RR Appendix 30B reference earth station antenna patterns are expressed as a function of D/λ and the value of D/λ is derived using the submitted maximum antenna gain. However, the Bureau receives also certain submissions under Articles 6 and 8 of RR Appendix 30B in which antenna pattern of the associated receiving earth station is MODRES (APERR_007V01). This antenna pattern is used for Regions 1 and 3 BSS Plan and List. The D/λ is calculated using a fixed frequency of 12.1 GHz and antenna diameter is required as an input parameter. Therefore, the use of this antenna pattern for RR Appendix 30B submissions leads to inaccurate estimation of interference from other networks. The Bureau is searching an advice from the WRC-19 if the MODRES radiation pattern should continue to be accepted in new Appendix 30B submissions.

CEPT is of the view that the MODRES radiation pattern should continue to be accepted in new RR Appendix 30B submissions on provisional basis, until a modification of ITU-R Rec. BO.1213 is approved.

The MODRES radiation pattern is very spread, not only for RR Appendix 30 and 30A submissions, but in general. MODRES radiation pattern is the one preferred for the BSS reception and DTH reception in general.


Alignment of coverage and service area for submissions under RR Appendix 30B (

In the note to item B.3.b.1 of Annex 2 to RR Appendix 4, it is mentioned that administrations should, to the extent practicable, align the coverage of a steerable beam with its service area.

However the Bureau receives certain submissions with fixed beams where the coverage and the service area are not aligned. In these cases, the Bureau requests notifying Administrations to align the coverage area to the associated service area. Most of the administrations insist in keeping the submitted coverage area, indicating that the requirement in the note to item B.3.b.1 of Annex 2 to RR Appendix 4 does not apply for fixed beams.

CEPT doesn’t see the need to align the coverage and service area for submissions under RR Appendix 30B as CEPT prefers to keep the flexibility of definition of coverage areas of fixed beams in submissions to the BR. No



Post- och telestyrelsen 115

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

Therefore, Bureau suggests to remove the indication of “steerable” in RR Appendix 4, item B.3.b.1.

Service areas as contours for submissions under RR Appendix 30B (

Final service areas of RR Appendix 30B submissions often include few territories due to the requirement to obtain an explicit agreement under § 6.6 of RR Appendix 30B. Some administrations submit service area as a global or wide contour excluding from it territories of all administrations that did not give explicit agreement for inclusion. The service area is then mostly composed of sea. That creates an inconsistency between aggregate and uplink single entry protection (only on land parts of the service area) and the downlink single entry protection (on land and sea parts of the service area). Therefore, the Bureau suggests that the grid points should be generated only on land parts within the service area in question.

CEPT still needs to consider further the Bureau’s suggestion to create grid points only on land parts of a particular service area.

At the same time, CEPT is of the view that the flexibility to define the service area for RR Appendix 30B submissions in two ways, as a contour with a list of excluded countries or just a list of countries to be included in this service area, should be preserved.


Proposed modifications to § 6.19 of RR Appendix 30B (

In the examination under item a) of § 6.19 of RR Appendix 30B, the Bureau shall verify that the agreements of the administrations identified under § 6.6 of RR Appendix 30B have been obtained. However, the service area of the notice submitted under § 6.17 of RR Appendix 30B may include the territories that was not included in the corresponding notice submitted under § 6.1 of RR Appendix 30B and thus was not identified in examination under § 6.6 of RR Appendix 30B. The Bureau understands that the notifying administration has to obtain the agreements of all the administrations whose territories are already included in the intended service area of an assignment in order to include it in the List. Therefore, the Bureau proposes the modification of § 6.19 of RR Appendix 30B to clarify this particular issue.

CEPT supports the proposal of the Bureau to modify § 6.19 of RR Appendix 30B in order to include the obligation for notifying administration to obtain the agreements of all the administrations whose territories are included in the submitted service area(s).


Inclusion of the Rule of Procedure on Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) (

During its March 2018 meeting, the Radio Regulations Board “instructed the Bureau that the corresponding Rule of Procedure on Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) needs to be taken into account in the proposed revision of this document that would be submitted to WRC-19.”

CEPT supports the proposal from the Bureau that the revision to resolves 1 of the Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) should be made in order to add the reference to RR No. 9.1A.




Post- och telestyrelsen 116

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

In accordance with RR No. A.9.4 and § 1 to Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15), Resolution 49 shall continue to be applied with respect to those satellite networks and satellite systems that are subject to coordination under RR Nos. 9.7, 9.11, 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13. Therefore, the Board understood that resolves 1 of Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) is also applicable for a satellite network or satellite system of the fixed-satellite service, mobile-satellite service or broadcasting-satellite service for which the advance publication information was published under RR No. 9.1A.

Removal of outdated provisions from the Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) (

At the time of the initial adoption of Resolution 49 by WRC-97, a number of transitional measures were necessary to take into account cases of satellite networks already recorded in the MIFR or in the process of being recorded. These transitional measures have resulted in resolves 2 to 6 and are now fully implemented. Consequently they could now be suppressed.

CEPT supports the proposal from the Bureau to modify the resolves 1 and to suppress the resolves 2 to 6 of the Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) that are not necessary any more.


Submission of Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) information after the date of bringing into use (

An administration notifying a satellite network under RR Article 11, Article 5 of RR Appendices 30 and/or 30A or Article 8 of RR Appendix 30B, taking account of § 1, 2 or 3 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) and in accordance with § 12 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) “shall send to the Bureau, as early as possible before the date of bringing into use, the due diligence information relating to the identity of the satellite network and the launch services provider specified in Annex 2 to this Resolution”.

Consequently, the Bureau understands that the due diligence information specified in Annex 2 of Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) shall be received by the Bureau before the confirmed date of bringing into use. Otherwise it would not be in conformity with the provision of § 12 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15). However, in practice, the Bureau has experienced the situation when the due diligence information submission was received after the confirmed date of bringing into use.

CEPT agrees with the Bureau that the current text of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) is impractical and that it should be revised. Therefore, CEPT is considering an appropriate modification of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) which could solve the inconsistencies of the current text of the Resolution 49 (Rev. WRC-15) mentioned by the Bureau.




Post- och telestyrelsen 117

Issue Description CEPT view ECP

It should be noted that, under the current regulations, the deadlines where information concerning the bringing into use of a frequency assignment to a space station in the geostationary-satellite orbit should be submitted to the Bureau are spelt out in RR No. 11.44B and RR No. 11.44B.2. The Bureau may be informed about the bringing into use of an assignment after the event, therefore it may be impractical for the Bureau to strictly apply § 12 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15). This difficulty in application of § 12 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) could be addressed by amending § 12 of Annex 1 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15).

Streamlining the submission of due diligence information (

The Bureau proposes to streamline the submitted data under Resolution 49 by merging it with the submission of notification data. An immediate advantage of this would be the simplification of keeping updated the frequency assignments recorded in the MIFR with the corresponding due diligence information. This could be done by integrating data elements currently contained in Annex 2 to Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations, as shown in Annex 2 to this document.

CEPT needs to consider further the Bureau proposal concerning this issue.

In the case of incorporation of Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-15) data into the submission of notification data, appropriate modification of RR Appendix 4 would be necessary.


Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

”Vi noterar att ett utkast till Br-direktörens rapport till WRC-19 nu finns tillgänglig så att den svenska ståndpunkten därmed kan uppdateras.

Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 118

AI 9.3

9.3 on action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07);



Svenska ståndpunkter

Sverige stöder effektiv och ändamålsenlig reglering och procedurer. Ev förändringar ska ske utan oönskade konsekvenser.

Not: PTS avser utveckla den svenska positionen för denna fråga i samarbete med intressenter.

Ansvariga grupper





CEPT follows the ITU-R studies on this aspect.

Svenska intressenter

SES Astra AB

“Vi noterar att ett utkast till rapport från RRB cirkulerats för kommentarer från administrationer och ifrågasätter därmed den svenska ståndpunkten att inga åtgärder behövs innan granskning av denna.”

Svenska kommentarer




Post- och telestyrelsen 119

AI 10

10 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention,



Svenska ståndpunkter

Stöd för principerna för agendapunkter som finns i Resolution 804.

Detta innebär bl.a. att de studier som föreslås ska inte vara mer omfattande än vad som kan genomföras med oförändrade resurser inom medlemsstaterna och ITU.

Varje förslag till agendapunkt ska åtföljas av en analys av resursåtgången.

Studierna ska i normalfallet kunna slutföras under en studieperiod. I undantagsfall kan en agendapunkt studeras under två perioder. Preliminära agendapunkter inför WRC-23 bör särskilt beaktas.

Förslagen till agendapunkter bör tas fram tidigt i processen och kopplas till pågående arbete inför WRC-19. Detta för att undvika att beslut under WRC-19 förhindrar eller försvårar beslut vid nästa WRC.

Endast frågor som kräver en reglering i RR ska tas upp på agendan för kommande WRC.

Frågor av studiekaraktär eller rekommendationer ska hänvisas till det ordinarie arbetet inom ITU-R.

Ansvariga grupper





Issue / Part Document

(Add. = Addendum)





Post- och telestyrelsen 120

AI 10


CEPT supports the inclusion of the preliminary Agenda items 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5, as contained in Resolution 810 (WRC-15) and the corresponding Resolutions for the Agenda of WRC-23.

CEPT is further considering the preliminary Agenda item 2.4 as well as proposals for new Agenda items.

CEPT is of the view that agenda item 9.1, shall not include issues that are intended to be addressed through modifications to the Radio Regulations, including issues related to frequency allocation for radiocommunication services and/or changing the conditions of their use. In order to implement the above proposals, CEPT proposes to modify Resolution 804 (Rev. WRC-12).

Svenska intressenter

Ericsson, Teracom, SES Astra AB

Svenska kommentarer

SES Astra AB:

”SES Astra AB stödjer tre av de förslag som presenterades under CPG PTA:s sjätte möte till AI 10. Båda förslagen berör studier för icke-geostationära satelliter, där det ena förslaget är att studera möjligheten att revidera fotnot No. 5.522B i Radioreglementet för att möjliggöra operation av icke-geostationära satellitsystem planerade för lägre altituder än vad som stipuleras av 5.522B. Det andra förslaget berör studier för klargörande av regler för ESIM som kommunicerar, samt planeras kommunicera, med icke-geostationära satellitsystem i frekvensbanden 17.7-20.2 GHz, 27.5-30.0 GHz, 37.5-42.5 GHz, 47.2-50.2 GHz samt 50.4-51.4 GHz.” Dessutom stödjer vi förslaget av klargörande av intersatellitlänkar i konventionella FSS-band.”



Post- och telestyrelsen 121

CEPT-koordinatorer och S AI-ansvariga

WRC-19 Agenda Item CEPT Coordinator S AI-ansvarig

1.1 to consider an allocation of

the frequency band 50-54 MHz to the

amateur service in Region 1, in accordance

with Resolution 658 [COM6/6] (WRC-15);

Hans Blondeel

Timmerman (HOL)

Anders Palmberg

1.2 to consider in-band power limits for earth stations operating in the mobile-satellite service, meteorological-satellite service and Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403 MHz and 399.9-400.05 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 765 [COM6/7] (WRC-15);

Jean Pla (F) Anders Palmberg

1.3 to consider possible

upgrading of the secondary allocation to the

meteorological-satellite service (space-to-

Earth) to primary status and a possible

primary allocation to the Earth exploration

satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the

frequency band 460-470 MHz, in accordance

with Resolution 766 [COM6/8] (WRC-15); 1.4

to consider the results of

studies in accordance with Resolution 557

[COM6/9] (WRC-15), and review, and revise

if necessary, the limitations mentioned in

Annex 7 to Appendix 30 (Rev.WRC-12), while

ensuring the protection of, and without

imposing additional constraints on,

assignments in the Plan and the List and the

future development of the broadcasting-

satellite service within the Plan, and existing

and planned fixed-satellite service networks;

Ralf Ewald (D) Anders Palmberg

1.4 to consider the results of

studies in accordance with Resolution 557

Adrian Herbera (E) Kiamal Akperov



Post- och telestyrelsen 122

[COM6/9] (WRC-15), and review, and revise

if necessary, the limitations mentioned in

Annex 7 to Appendix 30 (Rev.WRC-12), while

ensuring the protection of, and without

imposing additional constraints on,

assignments in the Plan and the List and the

future development of the broadcasting-

satellite service within the Plan, and existing

and planned fixed-satellite service networks;

1.5 to consider the use of the

frequency bands 17.7-19.7 GHz (space-to-

Earth) and 27.5-29.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) by

earth stations in motion communicating with

geostationary space stations in the fixed-

satellite service and take appropriate action,

in accordance with Resolution 158

[COM6/17] (WRC-15);

Nandan Patel Kiamal Akperov

1.6 to consider the development

of a regulatory framework for non-GSO FSS

satellite systems that may operate in the

frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-

Earth), 39.5-42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-

50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz

(Earth-to-space), in accordance with

Resolution 159 [COM6/18] (WRC-15);

Maxim Strelets (RUS) Kiamal Akperov

1.7 to study the spectrum needs

for telemetry, tracking and command in the

space operation service for non-GSO

satellites with short duration missions, to

assess the suitability of existing allocations to

the space operation service and, if

necessary, to consider new allocations, in

accordance with Resolution 659 [COM6/19]


Wouter Jan Ubbels


Anders Palmberg

1.8 to consider possible

regulatory actions to support Global

Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS)

Christer Jonson



Post- och telestyrelsen 123

modernization and to support the

introduction of additional satellite systems

into the GMDSS, in accordance with

Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC-15);

Talayeh Hezareh

(D)Christian Rissone


1.9.1 regulatory actions within the

frequency band 156-162.05 MHz for

autonomous maritime radio devices to

protect the GMDSS and automatic

identifications system (AIS), in accordance

with Resolution 362 [COM6/10] (WRC-15);

Heinrich Peters (D) Christer Jonson

1.9.2 modifications of the Radio

Regulations, including new spectrum

allocations to the maritime mobile-satellite

service (Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth),

preferably within the frequency bands

156.0125-157.4375 MHz and 160.6125-

162.0375 MHz of Appendix 18, to enable a

new VHF data exchange system (VDES)

satellite component, while ensuring that this

component will not degrade the current

terrestrial VDES components, applications

specific messages (ASM) and AIS operations

and not impose any additional constraints on

existing services in these and adjacent

frequency bands as stated in recognizing d)

and e) of Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC-15);

Lars Løge (NOR) Christer Jonson

1.10 to consider spectrum needs

and regulatory provisions for the

introduction and use of the Global

Aeronautical Distress and Safety System

(GADSS), in accordance with Resolution 426

[COM6/11] (WRC-15);

Jerome André (F) Christer Jonson

1.11 to take necessary actions, as

appropriate, to facilitate global or regional

harmonized frequency bands to support

railway radiocommunication systems

between train and trackside within existing


Schattschneider (D)

Anders Palmberg



Post- och telestyrelsen 124

mobile service allocations, in accordance

with Resolution 236 [COM6/12] (WRC-15);

1.12 to consider possible global

or regional harmonized frequency bands, to

the maximum extent possible, for the

implementation of evolving Intelligent

Transport Systems (ITS) under existing

mobile-service allocations, in accordance

with Resolution 237 [COM6/13] (WRC-15);



Rakotondradalo (F),

Tobias Vieracker (D)

Anders Palmberg

1.13 to consider identification of

frequency bands for the future development

of International Mobile Telecommunications

(IMT), including possible additional

allocations to the mobile service on a

primary basis, in accordance with Resolution

238 [COM6/20] (WRC-15);

Robert Cooper (G),

coordination team

Vladislav Sorokin

(RUS), Sarunas

Oberauskas (LTU)

Amela Hatibovic Sehic

1.14 to consider, on the basis of

ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution

160 [COM6/21] (WRC-15), appropriate

regulatory actions for high-altitude platform

stations (HAPS), within existing fixed-service


Nasarat Ali (G) Mikael Stern

1.15 to consider identification of

frequency bands for use by administrations

for the land-mobile and fixed services

applications operating in the frequency

range 275-450 GHz, in accordance with

Resolution 767 [COM6/14] (WRC-15);

Sebastian Rey

(D)Markus Dries (D)

Anders Palmberg

1.16 to consider issues related to

wireless access systems, including radio local

area networks (WAS/RLAN), in the frequency

bands between 5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz,

and take the appropriate regulatory actions,

including additional spectrum allocations to

Andrew Gowans (G) Anders Palmberg



Post- och telestyrelsen 125

the mobile service, in accordance with

Resolution 239 [COM6/22] (WRC-15);

2 to examine the revised ITU-R

Recommendations incorporated by

reference in the Radio Regulations

communicated by the Radiocommunication

Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28

(Rev.WRC-15), and to decide whether or not

to update the corresponding references in

the Radio Regulations, in accordance with

the principles contained in Annex 1 to

Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-12);

Karel Antousek (CZE) Anders Palmberg

3 to consider such

consequential changes and amendments to

the Radio Regulations as may be

necessitated by the decisions of the



4 in accordance with

Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC-07), to review the

resolutions and recommendations of

previous conferences with a view to their

possible revision, replacement or


Karel Antousek (CZE) Anders Palmberg

5 to review, and take

appropriate action on, the Report from the

Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in

accordance with Nos. 135 and 136 of the

Convention;6 to identify those items

requiring urgent action by the

radiocommunication study groups in

preparation for the next world

radiocommunication conference;


7 to consider possible

changes, and other options, in response to

Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the

Plenipotentiary Conference, an advance

Anna Marklund (S)

Kiamal Akperov



Post- och telestyrelsen 126

publication, coordination, notification and

recording procedures for frequency

assignments pertaining to satellite networks,

in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC-

07), in order to facilitate rational, efficient

and economical use of radio frequencies and

any associated orbits, including the

geostationary-satellite orbit;

[TBD coordination

team]: Kjersti

Hamborgström (NOR),

Thomas Weber (D)

8 to consider and take

appropriate action on requests from

administrations to delete their country

footnotes or to have their country name

deleted from footnotes, if no longer

required, taking into account Resolution 26


Dmytro Protsenko


Anders Palmberg

9.1.1 Ms Denise Urbach

(D)/Mr Marco

Marcovina (F)


9.1.2 Ms Denise Urbach

(D)/Mr Marco

Marcovina (F)


9.1.3 Ethan Lavan (F) Kiamal Akperov

9.1.4 Martin Weber Christer Jonson

9.1.5 Andrew Gowans (G) Anders Palmberg

9.1.6 Fatih Yurdal (TUR) Jeanette Wännström

9.1.7 Guy Christiansen (D) Kiamal Akperov

9.1.8 Eugene Tonkikh (RUS) TBD

9.1.9 Soraya Contreras

(F)Miia Mustonen

Kiamal Akperov



Post- och telestyrelsen 127

9.2 Zeljko Mendas (F)

(satellite issues)

Kiamal Akperov

9.3 vacant Kiamal Akperov

10 Pasi Toivonen (FIN)

coordination team

Karsten Buckwitz (D),

Wesley Milton (G)

Anders Palmberg



Post- och telestyrelsen 128


Nedan redovisas föreslagen konferensstruktur med fördelning av agendapunkter per Committee och Working Group samt (kursivt) fördelningen av ansvar för olika agendapunkter.

Committee 4 – WRC-Agenda items: TBD

Chair: TBD

Vice-Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Ansvarig Ansvarig Ansvarig

agendapunkt agendapunkt agendapunkt

Committee 5 – WRC-Agenda items: TBD

Chair: TBD

Vice-Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Ansvarig Ansvarig Ansvarig

agendapunkt agendapunkt agendapunkt

Committee 6 – WRC-Agenda items: TBD

Chair: TBD

Vice-Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD

Working Group TBD

Chair: TBD



Post- och telestyrelsen 129

Ansvarig Ansvarig Ansvarig

agendapunkt agendapunkt agendapunkt



Post- och telestyrelsen 130

Agenda för WRC-19

Agenda for the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2015),


a) that, in accordance with No. 118 of the ITU Convention,

the general scope of the agenda for a world radiocommunication

conference should be established four to six years in advance and

that a final agenda shall be established by the ITU Council two

years before the conference;

b) Article 13 of the ITU Constitution relating to the

competence and scheduling of world radiocommunication

conferences and Article 7 of the Convention relating to their


c) the relevant resolutions and recommendations of previous

world administrative radio conferences (WARCs) and world

radiocommunication conferences (WRCs),


a) that this conference has identified a number of urgent

issues requiring further examination by WRC 19;



Post- och telestyrelsen 131

b) that, in preparing this agenda, some items proposed by

administrations could not be included and have had to be deferred

to future conference agendas,


to recommend to the Council that a world radiocommunication

conference be held in 2019 for a maximum period of four weeks,

with the following agenda:

1 on the basis of proposals from administrations, taking

account of the results of WRC 15 and the Report of the

Conference Preparatory Meeting, and with due regard to the

requirements of existing and future services in the frequency

bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action

in respect of the following items:

1.1 to consider an allocation of the frequency band 50-54

MHz to the amateur service in Region 1, in accordance with

Resolution 658 (WRC 15);

1.2 to consider in-band power limits for earth stations

operating in the mobile-satellite service, meteorological-satellite

service and Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency

bands 401-403 MHz and 399.9-400.05 MHz, in accordance with

Resolution 765 (WRC 15);



Post- och telestyrelsen 132

1.3 to consider possible upgrading of the secondary

allocation to the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth)

to primary status and a possible primary allocation to the Earth

exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the frequency

band 460-470 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 766 (WRC


1.4 to consider the results of studies in accordance with

Resolution 557 (WRC 15), and review, and revise if necessary,the

limitations mentioned in Annex 7 to Appendix 30 (Rev.WRC 15),

while ensuring the protection of, and without imposing additional

constraints on, assignments in the Plan and the List and the future

development of the broadcasting-satellite service within the Plan,

and existing and planned fixed-satellite service networks;

1.5 to consider the use of the frequency bands 17.7-19.7

GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5 29.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) by

earth stations in motion communicating with geostationary space

stations in the fixed-satellite service and take appropriate action,

in accordance with Resolution 158 (WRC 15);

1.6 to consider the development of a regulatory

framework for non-GSO FSS satellite systems that may operate

in the frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 39.5-42.5

GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-

51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space), in accordance with Resolution 159

(WRC 15);



Post- och telestyrelsen 133

1.7 to study the spectrum needs for telemetry, tracking

and command in the space operation service for non-GSO

satellites with short duration missions, to assess the suitability of

existing allocations to the space operation service and, if

necessary, to consider new allocations, in accordance with

Resolution 659 (WRC 15);

1.8 to consider possible regulatory actions to support

Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS)

modernization and to support the introduction of additional

satellite systems into the GMDSS, in accordance with Resolution

359 (Rev.WRC 15);

1.9 to consider, based on the results of ITU R studies:

1.9.1 regulatory actions within the frequency band 156-

162.05 MHz for autonomous maritime radio devices to protect

the GMDSS and automatic identifications system (AIS), in

accordance with Resolution 362 (WRC 15);

1.9.2 modifications of the Radio Regulations, including

new spectrum allocations to the maritime mobile-satellite service

(Earth to space and space-to-Earth), preferably within the

frequency bands 156.0125-157.4375 MHz and 160.6125-

162.0375 MHz of Appendix 18, to enable a new VHF data

exchange system (VDES) satellite component, while ensuring

that this component will not degrade the current terrestrial VDES

components, applications specific messages (ASM) and AIS

operations and not impose any additional constraints on existing

services in these and adjacent frequency bands as stated in

recognizing d) and e) of Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC 15);



Post- och telestyrelsen 134

1.10 to consider spectrum needs and regulatory provisions

for the introduction and use of the Global Aeronautical Distress

and Safety System (GADSS), in accordance with Resolution 426

(WRC 15);

1.11 to take necessary actions, as appropriate, to facilitate

global or regional harmonized frequency bands to support railway

radiocommunication systems between train and trackside within

existing mobile service allocations, in accordance with Resolution

236 (WRC 15);

1.12 to consider possible global or regional harmonized

frequency bands, to the maximum extent possible, for the

implementation of evolving Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

under existing mobile-service allocations, in accordance with

Resolution 237 (WRC 15);

1.13 to consider identification of frequency bands for the

future development of International Mobile Telecommunications

(IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile

service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 238

(WRC 15);

1.14 to consider, on the basis of ITU R studies in

accordance with Resolution 160 (WRC 15), appropriate

regulatory actions for high-altitude platform stations (HAPS),

within existing fixed-service allocations;

1.15 to consider identification of frequency bands for use

by administrations for the land-mobile and fixed services

applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz, in

accordance with Resolution 767 (WRC 15);



Post- och telestyrelsen 135

1.16 to consider issues related to wireless access systems,

including radio local area networks (WAS/RLAN), in the

frequency bands between 5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz, and take

the appropriate regulatory actions, including additional spectrum

allocations to the mobile service, in accordance with Resolution

239 (WRC 15);

2 to examine the revised ITU R Recommendations

incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations

communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in

accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC 15), and to decide

whether or not to update the corresponding references in the

Radio Regulations, in accordance with the principles contained in

Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC 12);

3 to consider such consequential changes and

amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by

the decisions of the conference;

4 in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC 07), to

review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous

conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or


5 to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report

from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance

with Nos. 135 and 136 of the Convention;

6 to identify those items requiring urgent action by the

radiocommunication study groups in preparation for the next

world radiocommunication conference;



Post- och telestyrelsen 136

7 to consider possible changes, and other options, in

response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the

Plenipotentiary Conference, an advance publication, coordination,

notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments

pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86

(Rev.WRC 07), in order to facilitate rational, efficient and

economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits,

including the geostationary satellite orbit;

8 to consider and take appropriate action on requests

from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have

their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required,

taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC 07);

9 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of

the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of

the Convention:

9.1 on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector

since WRC 15;

9.2 on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in

the application of the Radio Regulations*; and

9.3 on action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC


10 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in

the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the

preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible

agenda items for future conferences, in accordance with Article 7

of the Convention,



Post- och telestyrelsen 137

resolves further

to activate the Conference Preparatory Meeting,

invites the Council

to finalize the agenda and arrange for the convening of WRC 19,

and to initiate as soon as possible the necessary consultations with

Member States,

instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau

to make the necessary arrangements to convene meetings of the

Conference Preparatory Meeting and to prepare a report to WRC


instructs the Secretary-General to communicate this Resolution to international and regional organizations concerned.

Table of contents of the draft CPM Report to WRC-19

CHAPTER 1 Land mobile and fixed services

Agenda items: 1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15

Rapporteurs: TBD

CHAPTER 2 Broadband applications in the mobile service

Agenda items: 1.13, 1.16, 9.1 (issues 9.1.1, 9.1.5, 9.1.8)

Rapporteur: TBD

CHAPTER 3 Satellite services

Agenda items: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 7, 9.1 (issues 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.9)



Post- och telestyrelsen 138

Rapporteur: TBD

CHAPTER 4 Science services

Agenda items: 1.2, 1.3, 1.7

Rapporteur: TBD

CHAPTER 5 Maritime, aeronautical and amateur services

Agenda items: 1.1, 1.8, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.10, 9.1 (issue 9.1.4)

Rapporteur: TBD

CHAPTER 6 General issues

Agenda items: 2, 4, 9.1 (issues 9.1.6, 9.1.7), 10)

Rapporteur: TBD



Post- och telestyrelsen 139