Some (any) = some new books, some pretty blue farsi 4 elementary to...

Post on 20-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Some (any) = some new books, some pretty blue farsi 4 elementary to...

( قيود زمان/اسامي زمان( (قيود مكان/اسامي مكان )+ (حالتقيد )+ + + اسم مفعول) (افعال اصلي) (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل)

وصفات فتنگر اساميمهم خاصيتكه بفرماييد به اين نكته بسيار مهم توجه فاعل قبل از توضيح اسم.حال يك به يك موارد باال را توضيح ميدهيم .صفات اسامي را تغيير ميدهند است

ها(هر اسمي: اسم فاعل .را انجام ميدهد فعلمعموال كه ...)واسم حيوانات، پرندگان، مكانها، اشياء، انسانها، ميوه

آنها-شما-ما-آن-)مذكر، مونث(او–تو-منI, you, he, she, it, we, you, they مخصوص فاعلي ضماير

ش(رشاسامي قابل شما و جمع)ق :مفرد

ش مفرد جمع شود ق ,oيكي از حروف لغت حرف آخراگر. وقتيكه شرايط ايجاب ميكند كه اسم y, x, z, s, sh, ch باشد براي جمع كردن esو گاهي تغيير ظاهري هم دارند . به آن اضافه شده

box boxes جعبه, bus buses اتوبوس, dish dishes ظرف , quiz quizzes آزمون , peach peaches هلو

از: قانون a يكي از حروف صدا دارو باشد لغت كه در آخرyياoحروف اگر قبل e i o uاز .به آن اضافه ميشودsفقط لغت آن كردن جمع براي باشدyياoقبل

boy boys راديوradio radios , پسر

a اگرولي e i o uاز و بعدiبهyدر اين مورد حرفو به آن اضافه شدهesبراي جمع كردن نباشدآنها قبل . به آن اضافه مي شودes تبديل شده

potato potatoes سيب زميني, city cities شهر , country countries كشور, party parties جشن, lady ladies خانم, ferry ferries گذرگاه

و بصورت عادي با اضافه كردن باال دارند از قانون) از ديگر زبانها به انگليسي داخل شده اند(كلماتي كه ريشه غير انگليسي:توجه . جمع بسته مي شوندsتبعيت نمي كنند

kilo kilos , kimono مانتو, photo عكس , piano , commando, solo تك خواني, Eskimo, logo logos واژه, concerto concertos زيكقطعه مو , soprano sopranos داي بلندص

:استثنا دارند از اسامي جمعشانبعضي: توجه

man men مرد, woman women زن, child children بچه , tooth teeth دندان, foot feet پا, goose geese ازغ , mouse mice موش, louse lice شپش, ox oxen گاونر,

و در داخل جمله جمع يا مفرد بودن آنها را ميتوان تشخيص داد اگر بهبعضي: توجه و فقط معني جمع دارند ا مد نظر آنهانواع اضافه شودesياs از اين اسامي طبق قوانين جمعبعضي از اسامي جمعشان با مفردشان فرق نمي كند

. است

Fish ماهي fish ماهيها fishes انواع ماهيها, sheep گوسفند, deer آهو , trout الآقزل , swine خوك نر , salmon زادآ ماهي , buffalo, Barracks براكت , crossroads چهارراه, headquarters فرمانده كل,

means هوسيل , series سري, species نوع, works كارخانه , bison گاوميش, offspring جنين, corps لشكر, oats جو, Aircraft هواپيما, spacecraftسفينه فضايي,

كه باشدfeياf از اسامي كه آخر آنهابعضي: توجه بايتغيبا مي افتدfeياfدر حالي . جمع بسته مي شوندvesر ظاهري

life lives ,زندگي knifeچاقو, self خود, wife همسر, wolf گرگ, shelf قفسه, elf جن وپري, thief دزد, leaf برگ درخت, calf گوساله, loaf لقمه, half نيمه, handkerchiefدستمال, kerchief دستمال

)سر( , sheaf دسته گندم يا گل , turf فضله ,

[ staff staffs or staves كارمندان , wharf اسكله , dwarf كوتوله , hoofثم , scarf ميتوانند بصورت عادي نيز جمع شوند روبرو كلمات روسري يا شال ]

roof roofs پشت بام, safe safes گاو صندوق, cliff cliffs همه كلمات اينطور نيستند: نكته صخره

ش مفرد در جمله باشد حتما بايد با يك مشخصه* ق a ماننديف يا حرف تعردقت كنيد اگر اسم an the my ... و دقت كنيد در مورد استفاده اُ( اگرصداي اول كلمه يكي از اصوات anوaبكار روند ، ، ِا آاَ ،، )او، اي

. اضافه ميشود anباشد به آن كلمه

an old monkeyميموني پير , an apple يك سيب , an honor man مردي شريف, a university ك دانشگاهي , a one-eyed man مردي يك چشم, a useful speech سخنراني مفيد

: طبق جدول زير)معموال اگر با حروف اضافه يا با صفات ملكي باشند(كه بدون حروف تعريف در جاهاي خاصي بكار ميروند) مخصوصا مفردها(اسامي قابل شمارشي*

We’ll go by train. He must be in school. toياgoاصطالحاتي كه با فعل be بكار روند

In spring, we like to clean the house. فصول سال

He's in church/college/jail/class/ prison/ school/ bed/ home/ sea/ court / hospital موسسات

Breakfast was delicious. He's preparing dinner by himself. غذاها

He's dying of pneumonia. Appendicitis nearly killed him. He has cancer بيماريها

We traveled mostly by night. We'll be there around midnight. زمانها در شبانه روز

ش(اسامي غير قابل شمارش ق :فردم)غ

moneyپول, riceبرنج, oilروغن, waterآب, bread نان, butter هكر , iceيخ, sugar شكر يا قند, coffeeقهوه, milkشير, meat گوشت, glass شيشه, gold طال, soapصابون, salt نمك, clothing

و rice rices. از آنها اضافه شود انواع را نشان ميدهدبعضيبهesياsو اگرجمع بسته نمي شونداين اسامي و ندا و طارم ... انواع برنج دم سياه

و دانشگاهي و فعاليتهاي تفريحي- عناصر- گازها- مايعات-معموال رشته هاي تخصصي ش محسوب ميشوند- رويدادهاي طبيعي- ورزشها ق غ . بيماريها جزء اسامي

از* ش ق غ و ظرفبراي جمع بستن اسامي شد آنها استفاده مي شوداسامي قالب ش ذكر ق : طبق قوانين جمع در

3 cups of coffee سه فنجان قهوه, some glasses of water تعدادي ليوان آب, a sack/bag of rice يك كيسه برنج, 2 blocks of iceدو قالب يخ, a pane of glass, a bar of soap/gold

و قالب جمعشان كلمه* ش ظرف ق غ :استpiece بعضي از اسامي

2 Pcs. of new information دو خبر جديد , several pieces of advice و نصيحتينچند , پند 5 pieces of good news پنج خبر خوب , poetry شعر, food غذا, evidence داليل , hair مو

furnitureمبلمان, stationaryلوازم التحرير, luggageاثاثيه, baggage اثاثيه, knowledge دانش, machinery ماشين االت

يشه بهمان شكل مي مانند كه هماسامي مفرد

the moonماه, the sky سمانآ , the earthزمين, the sunخورشيد, the northشمال, the southجنوب, the eastشرق, the westغرب, the Persian gulf خليج فارس

the environmentمحيط، اطراف, a come- down افت, the aisle راهرو, a stand stillبدون حركت, the epitomeخالصه, the vicinityمجاورت ، ,همسايگي

كه* جزء خود لغت استsو دارند ولي جمع نيستندsاسامي

physics فيزيك, billiards, draughts نوعي بازي, linguisticsزبانشناسي, measlesسرخچه, darts, news, athleticsورزش, mathematics, economics, civicsعلم مدني, mumps, herpes

.بكار ميروند) مارآ statistics سياست politicsگاهي نيز با فعل جمع مثل(با فعل مفردو

نامشخص مفرد اسامي

something, somewhere, someone, somebody ،يك چيزي، جايي، كسي nothing, nowhere, no one, no body ،هيچ چيزي، جايي، كسي

everything, everywhere, every one, every body ،همه چيز، جا، كسي anything, anywhere, any one, anybody هريا هيچ چيزي، جايي، كسي

يك شخص الغرsomebody thinيك چيز زيبا something beautiful:جلوي اين اسمي بكار مي روند صفات: توجه

:اسامي جمع

و تنها معني جمع مي دهند ندارندesياsاسامي كه جمع هستند ولي*

people مردم, police پليس, armyارتش, cattle گله, team تيم, crew=group خدمه= گروه , crowd جمعيت , the police are fighting with the thieves.

و* .نها با فعل مفرد بكار ميروندآاكثر اسامي كه هميشه جمع هستند

Condolencesتسليت, congratulations تبريك , clothesالبسه , customsگمرك , fundsسرمايه , goods كاال, contentsمحتويات, mannersرفتار , odds (chances)شانس, outskirts حومه,

premisesساختمان, remainsباقيمانده چيزي , savings ز پس اندا , a flight of stairs, stepsپلكان, surroundingsدوروبر ، , اطراف thanksتشكر , groceriesخواربار

با theبعضي از صفات با گرفتن و : بكار نميرودمالكيتs‘ به اسم جمع تبديل مي شوند

the young جوانان, the oldپيران, the rich ثروتمندان, the poor فقرا, the bad نبدكارا , the goodنيكان , the British انگليسيها, the blind , نابينايان the deafناشنوايان, the joblessبيكاران , the

deadمردگان, the mentally illبيماران ذهني, the unemployed يكاران , the handicappedمعلوالن, the injured صدمه ديدگان

جم* :ع اسامي دولنگه

Jeans, Pantsشلوار, trousers شلوار, glassesعينك, socksجوراب, brasكرست, glovesدستكش, shoes كفش, earringsگوشواره , scalesترازو, scissorsقيچي,boots چكمه, breeches مچبند

pliersانبردست , binoculars وربيند , shorts شورت, forceps پنس جراحي, tongsانبر, tweezers موچين, clippers ناخن گير, shears قيچي باغباني يا پشم زني

. آنها استفاده ميشود براي جمع بستن pair ofكلمهو با صفات ملكي بكار روند ميتوانند هم مي بينيد اين اسامي در زير همانطوركه

2 pairs of shorts شورت دو , a pair of my shoes كفشم جفت يك , all pairs of my trousers شلوارهايم همه

گلها باغ garden of flowersو باغ گلهاي garden flowersوگل باغ flower gardenكنند توصيفرا ديگر اسم ميتوانند اسامي*

شد دو لنگه جمعاگر اسامي* my جيب شلوارم يا my trouser pocket مانند جمع آنها مي افتدsبصورت صفت بكار روند كه قبال توضيح داده trouser pocketsجيبهاي شلوارم

با:اسامي مالكيت . مي شوند مخلوطنيزو مكاناسامي زمان شكل مي گيرند گاهي بااسامي ثابتبرايofو با)چه مرده چه زنده باشد(جانداران حركت دار برايs‘اين نوع اسامي

Ali’s bookكتاب علي, tiger’s babies هاي ببرطوله , tigers’ babiesطوله هاي ببرها, my old uncle’s house خانه قديمي عمويم

the tiger’s beautiful skinپوست زيباي ببر, the cat’s two back legs دو پاي عقب گربه

the door of the class در كالس = the class door the big legs of the new chairs ه اي بزرگ صندليهاي جديد پايه = the new chairs big legs

today’s newspaperروزنامه امروز, last night’s party جشن ديشب, today’s date تاريخ امروز, today’s afternoon بعد ازظهر امروز , Iran’s carpet فرش ايران

my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their + ش ق ش) جمع/مفرد/غ (ق فعل جمع/ مفرد + اسامي * اسم + صفات ملكي

صفآو فرق نيز باشنداسم فاعلضماير ملكي اين ضماير همانطوركه مي بينيد مي توانند* .ت ملكي در اين است كه با اسم بكار نميروندنها با

Mine my car stopped working ماشينم كار نميكند # Mine is working well ميكند كار خوبمن مال Yours these apples are yours توست مال سيبها اين

His the book is his اوست مال كتاب = This book is his book, this is his book Hers the dogs are hers = اوست براي سگها These are her dogs

Its Ours Theirs A dog of mine (one of my dogs) is ill يكي از سگهايم بيمار است, 3 cats of Ali’s (Ali’s 3 cats) were sick 3سگ علي بيمار هستند .

ون مي گيرشكل به فعل ingاين اسامي از اضافه كردن:اسامي مصدري .همراه مي شوند) قيد زمان– قيد مكان– قيد–اسم مفعول(و گاهي اين اسامي با ديگر اعضاي جمله نيزندمفردد

swimming carelessly in the wavy river is killing everyone after they jump in. ازهمه را رامآ با بيدقتي شنا كردن در رودخانه نا .د ميكشدنن بپرآينكه به داخلابعد

Running slowly along a crowded road can put you in danger اَآ ندازدهسته دويدن در امتداد جاده شلوغ ميتواند شما را بخطر

و جمع دارند مواظب باشيد كه كلمه مركب را جمع تلقي نكنيد:اسامي مركب زن mother-in-law, پاركينگcar park, استخر swimming-pool. مفرد مادر شوهر،مادر

. را داردانكه جمع آنها خاص خودشاسامي يوناني

cactus ( cacti)كاكتوس, nucleus (nuclei) هسته, fungus (fungi) گياه قارچي, crisis ( crises) ,بحران analysis (analyses) اناليز, thesis – theses پايان نامه,

phenomenon (phenomena) ,پديده Criterion (criteriaجمع) ,معيار appendix (appendices) ,ضمايم medium (media) ,رسانه ها

analysis/analyses, basis/bases * datum/data, curriculum/curricula * criterion/criteria, phenomenon/phenomena * formula/formulae, antenna/antennae appendix/appendices, index/indices * focus/foci, stimulus/stimuli * corpus/corpora, genus/genera * bureau/bureaux, beau/beaux

عليفا اسم گروه

اسم مصدري با متعلقاتشياوموصوالتياحروف اضافهبا كمك البته اسامي فاعلي ميتوانند بصورت بهم چسبيده بيايند

Mr. Hozan’s pretty young girl’s garden is very expensive. زيباي اقاي حوزانو باغ دختر جوان

the garden in the country has got many various flowers.باغ ييالقي تعداد زيادي گلهاي متنوع دارد

The man who you saw yesterday was a thief. ديدي دزد بود مردي كه ديروز. What you have eaten will affect your feet .ميگذارد اثر پاهايتيرواي خوردهنچهآ sitting by the

river will soothe him .ميكند رامشآ نشتن رودخانه كنار two weeks today/two weeks ago today was my birthday. بود تولدم روزي چنين پيش هفته دو

the same day two years ago was my first bankruptcy.دو سال پيش همين روز اولين برشكستگيم بود

that you are so lazy will cause you lots of trouble.اينكه شما تنبل هستيد برايتان مشكالت عديده بوجود مي آورد

بابعضي از اسامي زمان ميتوانند فاعل باشند ولي بتنهايي كاربرد مفعولي ندارند: نكته . today’s news بكار روند ميتوانند مفعول باشند مانندs‘و اگر

Todayامروز, yesterday ديروز, tomorrow فردا, tonight امشب, last night ديشب today is hot امروز گرم است tonight is long امشب شب بلندي است

و بالعكس ؟ چه موقعي بايد جمع باشند رو؟اسامي چطور در جمله شكل مي گيرند . كنيد پس به بحث صفات توجه؟...؟بر فعل آنها تاثيردن چه مفرد وچه جمع آنها چطور بكار مي


.به صفات شكل ميگيرند حال با در نظر گرفتن اين نكته به مطالب زير نهايت توجه را بفرماييدlyهمانطور كه ميدانيد قيود در انگليسي اكثرا با اضافه كردن

. بلكه صفتندقيد نيستند ولي دارندly از كلماتبعضي

brotherly برادرانه, sisterly خواهرانه, fatherly پدرانه, friendly دوستانه, motherly مادرانه, deadly كشنده , homely , ساده sillyاحمق, ugly زشت, kingly شاهانه, costly گران, holyمقدس,

lonelyتنها, lively زندهسر , lovely دوست داشتني, womanly زنانه , manly مردانه, worldly جهاني, likely احتمالي

ازيلبراي تبد inآنها به قيد درفرمول بعضي a sisterly /an ugly manner/way/ fashion بعضي از صفات مانند. قرار مي گيرند silly costly holy ...ضافه كردناباlyبه قيد تبديل ميشوند

She behaves In a more sisterly/ most sisterly way. و عالي و عالي .He laughs in an uglier/ugliest way قيد تفضيلي قيد تفضيلي

.بلكه قيدندصفت نيستند ولي ندارندly از كلماتبعضي

a lot زياد , aloudبلند , abed در بستر, apart جدا ،مجزا, aplenty زياد, around و درحوالي (be taken) aback (by) شكه شدن, aboard, about تقريبا, abreast, abroad, afar,

و هم هم صفت ولي دارندly از كلماتبعضي .قيدندند

yearly ساالنه, monthlyماهانه, weekly هفتگي, hourlyساعتي, daily روزانه, early زود، سريع, nightly شبانه , bimonthlyدوماه يكبار , onlyفقط, cowardly ترسو, leisurely فارغ

و هم قيدند ولي ارند ندly از كلماتبعضي .هم صفتند

Fast تند, hard سخت, little كوتاه, muchزياد, low , ارتفاع كم highبلند، مرتفع, soon زود, late دير, long , النيطومدت short كوتاه بمدت , far دور, near نزديك, enough كافي, loud بلند,,

wideعريض،پهن, downward بطرف پايين, abroadخارجي, fairمنصفانه, fine خوب, freeازاد, just فقط, prettyزيبا, quickسريع, real واقعي, wrong غلط, still آرام, right درست , sharp وقتسر تيز، ,

slowاهسته, sound كامل , straightمستقيم،, tight تنگ, alone , تنها

..… the first, the second, the third, forth, fifth, sixth اول اولين، دوم دومين، سوم سومينصفات ترتيبي

و عالي و برترين( صفات تفضيلي )برتر

براي دو چيز يا دو شخص يا دو گروه است تفضيلي

}+ er + than صفات تك يا دو سيالبي{}+ than و كل اسامي چند سيالبي } + more صفات

You are better than me هستيمناز بهتر شما She is taller than his brother است برادرشاز بلندترقد او = between his brother & her, she is the taller

My cat is more interesting than your dog توستسگاز جذابترمن گربه I have more money than you دارم پولتواز بيشترمن

** The تفضيلي +..... the تفضيلي….. the more money you have the more comfortably you will live هر چه بيشتر پول داشته باشي راحتر زندگي خواهي كرد .

و شخص يا دو گروهچيز يا دو براي بيشتر از دو عالي است of/in حروف اضافه آن است

}(of/in ) est صفات تك يا دو سيالبيthe { }(of/in) و كل اسامي چند سيالبي } + the most صفات

They are the best of web استوب سايت ترينبه انها سايت Ali is the tallest boy in my class. بلندقدترين علي

She is the most beautiful او زيباترين است I have the most cats in Tehran .من بيشترين گربه را درتهران دارم

My youngest son پسرم وانترينج The boldest of animals is lion. است شير حيوانات شجاعترين

.دارند نيز استثنا صفات اين

old elderبين اعضاي خانواده /older eldest بين اعضاي خانواده/oldest * far farther/further=more farthest/furthest * late later / latter دومي latestجديدترين/ lastآخرين

good/well better best * bad / ill worse worst * little less least * much/ many more most * fore former first . داشته باشد ترتيبي نيز بر آن صفات حاكم است به جدول زير دقت كنيداز آنجاييكه اسم ميتواند چندين صفت: صفات ترتيبكاملترين

اسم اصلي اسم جنس مذهب مليت رنگ قدمت يا سن شكل اندازه كيفيت يا ايده مشخص كننده ها

The first two Delicate Long cylindrical New Black Iranian Islamic cotton biking Jeans

An expensive antique silver Mirror

Those worn Square wooden hat Boxes

Several amazing enormous young American basketball Players

از-1جايگاه صفات 3,ه برنامه زند live program: اسم قرار مي گيرند بعضي صفات قبل bad boys بد سه پسر

شناور/خواب/ترسيده/ور شعله/شبيه/زنده/تنها/بيدار float asleep afraid alight alike alive alone awake:صفات بعد از بعضي از افعال قرار مي گيرند مانندبعضي از صفات-2

To be (am, is, are, was, were, have/has/had been, can/could …. be) grow old/tired/ill/rich/ red (gradual) شدن قرمز/ ثروتمند/ بيمار/ خسته/ پير

go mad/crazy/deaf/blind/grey/bald. كچل شدن/پير/كور/كر/خل/ديوانه

Horses go lame اسبها شل شدند Machines go wrong ماشينها بد كار مكنند Cheese goes moldy. شدپنير فاسد Meat, fish & vegetables go bad. سبزيجات خراب شدند/ ماهي/ گوشت

Beer, lemonade, musical instruments and car tires go flat. شد/ موناديل/بجوآ و الستيكهاي ماشين خراب وسايل موسيقي Milk goes sour. شير ترش شد

get cold/ready/lost/broken/dressed/married متاهل شدن/ اراسته/ شكسته/گم/ حاضر/ سرد become sad/a pilot (n) خلبان شدن/ ناراحت

turn bright/ red قرمز شدن/ روشن turn (something)(in)to a prince تبديل كردن چيزي به ملكه fall ill/asleep/in love شدن عاشق/ بيمار act actual واقعي عمل كن stay young /

calm. ماندن جوان keep calm. خونسرد بنظر رسيدن appear/ seem to be calm ساكت بمان Remain silent باش خونسرد

dreams come true. خوابها بواقعيت پيوست Things…come right in the end. درسآ ت مي شودخر همه چيز money comes easy پول راحت در مي آيد

make it big كن بزرگش leave me alone بگذار تنهايم paint it yellow بزن زرد رنگ lie calm sit right stand still run smooth prove natural

look seem sound taste feel smell + (like +اسم) (صفت) يا

از-3 :اسم قرار مي گيرند كه خيلي معدود هستند مانند بعضي صفات بعد

ambassador-designate سفير برگزيده , a class apart كالس جدا, He had troubles aplenty مشكالت زيادي داشت, the governor-elect فرماندار برگزيده ,

a queen regnant , فرما حكم ملكه any person whatever شخصي هر , Secretary General كل دبير , God Almighty , بزرگ خداي court martial نظامي دادگاه ,

Attorney General كل وكيل , tickets available دسترسدر بليطهاي , solution possible احتماليحل راه

2 meters high ارتفاع متر دو , 2 miles long , طويل مايل دو 10 years old , سالهده 6 feet deep عمقپاشش

.اسم نيز تغيير كند به صورت صفت بكار رودو گاهي اوقات صفات مي توانند تغيير مكان دهند كه بصورت اسم بكار رفته شوند البته با تغيير شكل

matter of importance = مهم موضوع An important matter, an able man = توانا مرد a man of ability, the boy is 15 years old = he is a 15-year old boy

و صفات مشتقات فعلي كه تشخيص اين صفات با كلمه مفهوم است پس مشتق very excitingمفهوم است پس مجازيبي very designed ميباشد veryصفات مجازي فعلي

a پنجره شكسته) فعلقسمت سوم(صفات مفعولي broken window توسط صفت اثر ميپذيردصفت گفته شد بكار روند فاعل2بعد از افعال مخصوص كه در جايگاه اگر.

I was amazed at all the circus animals / she is amused by the clowns / students are annoyed by the elephants / Ali is bored by the ringmaster / teachers were confused by the noise / He has been disappointed by the motorcycle daredevils / she had been disappointed in their performance / you will be embarrassed by my brother / I am exhausted from all the excitement / mother is going to be excited by the lion-tamer / you can be irritated by the heat ** heard to be invited to the party, he wore his expensive suit so as to be eye-catching. ** Having been arrested, he was hung into the crocodile pond/ he shot himself in the mouth.

.توسط صفت اثر گذار ميشودگفته شد بكار روند فاعل2اگر بعد از افعال مخصوص كه در جايگاه living animals زنده حيوانات)استمراري فعلشكل(صفات فاعلي

The film was amazing / their job is amusing / the cats’ mew is annoying / Ali’s play is boring / the teacher’s teaching was confusing ** listening to the news, he ate his breakfast. ** having arrested the thief, the police made him exhale in the bag to test whether or not he is drunk.

نكات اضافي در مورد صفات

As/ how/ so/ too/ this/ that +صفت+ a/an+ noun [S] so good a writer خوب نويسنده

[ صفت + [ing فعل It was very depressing watching the news on television tonight. He finds it extremely difficult being a single parent.

[ صفت [ كلمات پرسشي+ I'm not certain how much it will cost. It's unclear what actually happened that night.

[ صفت + that ] I wasn't even aware that he was ill. He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.

** It is urgent that he (not) solve this problem . It is recommended that she (not) have a dictionary.

It is important that they be in time for the exams. It is crucial that she do her duty. [ صفت + to مصدر با ] He was ashamed to admit to his mistake.

ش مفرد بودن اسم دارد)*( عالمت ستاره. وب ميشوندو چون پشت اسم قرار ميگيرند به نوعي جزء صفات محسندهها كه اسم را تغيير ميدهند يعني جمع يا مفرد ميكنندشمار ق .اشاره به

Some (+) = any (-, ? و سوالي (جمالت منفي some new books, some pretty blue flowers جمع فعل { جمعشق اسامي }

,some stale bread مقدارييا تعدادي some butter, some money مفرد فعل { شقغ اسامي }

some of our bad boys, some of our money مفرد/ فعل جمع { ش جمع ق ش/ اسامي ق غ }

any of the students / money

a lot of (+, -) = lots of (+, -) a lot of new books, lots of tall beautiful plants, plenty of cats ش جمع}فعل جمع ق {اسامي

plenty of (+, -) a lot of stale bread, lots of butter, lots of oil, plenty of meat ش} فعل مفرد ق غ {اسامي

تعداد يا مقدار زيادي

no (+) )مفهوم جمله منفي ) = any (-, ?) no new books, no tall beautiful plants ش جمع}فعل جمع ق {اسامي

,no stale bread هيچ no butter, no money, no success ش} فعل مفرد ق غ {اسامي

* no bus, no cake ش مفرد} فعل مفرد ق { اسم

a few (+) در جمالت مثبت a few new books, a few beautiful plants

few (+)(but not enough) few new books, few beautiful plants ش جمع } فعل جمع ق {اسامي

a تعداد كمي few of my books

many (+, -) تعداد زيادي many new books, many beautiful plants ش جمع } فعل جمع ق {اسامي

*many a/an ش مفرد ق ,many a cat فعل مفرد+اسم many an apple, many a bad man

a little (+) مقدار كمي a little stale bread, a little butter, a little rice

little (+)(but not enough) little stale bread, little butter, little rice ش } فعل مفرد ق غ {اسامي

a little of the meat much (+, -) مقدار زيادي much stale bread, much butter, much rice ش } فعل مفرد ق غ {اسامي

*that نآ that book, that black cat that money, that butter فعل مفرد { ش مفرداس ق ش/ امي ق غ }

*this اين this book, this red flower this money, this water

those نهاآ those books, those black cats ش جمع } فعل جمع ق {اسامي

these اينها these good wives, these 5 black children

*any/every (in general) every book, any car )هر( ش مفرد} فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

every one of us/you/them/ ش جمع صفت ق + اسم = every one of clever students

nearly, almost, practically every friend = every friend without exception *each (in general but one by one of them) each book, each car, each hand, ear, eye ش مفرد} فعل مفرد هر ق {اسامي

each of the trees ش جمع} فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

*other (the) other cats, other work, the other man ديگر { شقغو جمع/دمفرشق اسامي }

*another another fat cat another few cats مفرد فعل { مفردشق اسامي }

*both both cars, both girls & boys, both the girl & the boy دو هر } فعل جمع شقغو جمع/مفردشق اسامي }

both (of) the black cats, , both of them…, both the bread & butter more بيشتر more money, more women, more flowers كمتر less less money, less women, less flowers

most بيشترين most money, most women, most flowers كمترين least least money, least women, least flowers

most of the cats most of the oil مفرد/ فعل جمع { ش جمع ق ش/ اسامي ق غ }

several several books, several pairs of glasses ش جمع } فعل جمع چندين ق {اسامي

*either either boy فعل مفرد هركدام{ ش مفرد ق {اسامي

either of the men is , either of the old cats is ش جمع } فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

*neither neither boy فعل مفرد هيچكدام{ ش مفرد ق {اسامي

neither of the men has his position, neither of the 2 old cats eats its meat ش جمع} فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

none (+) none of the dogs/money/us/them/it… و جمع هيچكدام } فعل مفرد ش جمع ق ش/ اسامي ق غ }

numbers 2 3… 5 white cats, 2 girls, 4 men, 7 pieces of advice, 6 of the ripe apples فعل جمع { ش جمع ق {اسامي

*all (of) my computers, (of) the cats, (of) the rice is , (of) the forks, (of) the money, try all day/week to contact somebody و جمع } فعل همه مفرد ش مفرد ق ش/اسامي ق غ و جمع }

*{kind, sort, type, make, brand} 2 kinds of oil are , a kind of water is , 5 kinds of dogs are , an old kind of book is و جمع نوع } فعل مفرد ش مفرد ق ش/ اسامي ق غ و جمع }

*our own money, bad books, new book و جمع } فعل مفرد ق ش/ش مفرد اسامي ق غ و جمع }

*{which, whose, what} book books oil Which of the cats is mine? و جمع } فعل مفرد ش مفرد ق ش/ اسامي ق غ و جمع }

Among books, the rice, dogs & cats, the wreckage و جمع دربين سه ... يا چند چيزمفرد ش} فعل ق غ و ش جمع ق { اسامي

* between the boys, the two trees, the dogs & a cat, trees & plants, rice & soup, a dog & a cat, the cat & the dog } فعل ... دربين دو چيز جمع ش مف ق ش/رد اسامي ق غ و جمع }

one of Mr. Amini’s students + ش جمع } فعل مفرد يكي از فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

The number of books is فعل مفرد { ش ق جاسامي } A (large) number of ش جمع } فعل جمع ق {اسامي

A (good) great amount / deal of money ش } فعل مفرد ق غ {اسامي A couple of my friends ش جمع } فعل جمع ق {اسامي

A dozen of eggs ش جمع} فعل جمع ق {اسامي A majority of فعل جمع{ ش جمع ق {اسامي

*(A) half (of) her income { ش جمع ق ش/ مفرد/اسامي ق غ } *More than one ش مفرد} فعل مفرد ق {اسامي

a third of his book is a third of his books are a large percentage of students is foreign 10 percent of my book is done 10 percent of my books are done A heap of, a bit of such (a/an)(صفت ) ش مفرد ق ش/اسامي ق غ و }جمع } such old books, such old men such bad oil, such bad money such a good horse, such an old man

(فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + such (a/an) (صفت) ت جمال that اسم (can/ could )

(فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + so قيد/ صفت that جمله ( can/ could )

so many ش جمع ق (اسم )صفت+ that جمله …….. so much ش ق غ (اسم )صفت+ that جمله

(فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + too قيد+صفت + (for +اسم مفعول)+........

too many ( ش جم ق (ع اسم صفت+ .......... too much ش ق غ (اسم )صفت+ ..........

(فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + *enough ش ق غ و ش جمع ق + اسم (for +اسم مفعول)+........

(فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) + فاعلاسم) قيد/صفت enough+ (for +اسم مفعول)+..........

enough of those remarks * I feel healthy enough to run up the hill * It is usually bad enough for my sister to breathe this polluted air.

,a بعد از حرف تعريف-4از حروف اضافهو قبل بعد-3 بعد از فعل مفعول بعنوان-2 قبل از فعل بعنوان فاعل-1: جايگاه اسامي an, the 5-از و قبل مالكيتs بعد

)افعال كمكي(

و سوالي منفي كردن استفاده مي شود و منفي .فعل كمكي براي سوالي

المث تغيير به فعل گذشته آينده/ حال مثال تغيير به فعل گذشته آينده/ حال

(be) am, is, are

was, were

ing + فعل


Ali is smashing Ali is ridden

will will be will be will have will have been will have been

Would Would be Would be Would have Would have been Would have been

فعل ساده

ing + فعل

P.P P.P. ing + فعل


I will travel I will be studying I will be heard I will have hit I will have been studying I will have been hit

do (not), does( not) did (not) فعل ساده He does not work shall

Should بايد ought to

Should be Should be Should have Should have been

فعل ساده

ing + فعل


I should go I should be resting now I should be informed I should have called I should have been called

have, has have / has been have/ has been

had had been had been

P.P. ing + فعل


He has done I have been driving It has been driven

can توانستن

can be can be can’t have ------------

Could Could be Could be Could have Could have been

فعل ساده

ing + فعل


I can go He could be waiting I can be informed I can have called I could have been killed

must بايد

must be must be must have must have been

فعل ساده

ing + فعلP.P P.P P.P

He must go. He must be staying He must be ridden He must have slept I must have been hit

may ممكن بودن

may be may be may have ----------

Might Might be Might be Might have Might have been

فعل ساده

ing + فعلP.P P.P P.P

I may go He may be waiting I may be informed I may have called I might have been hit

had better (not) بهتر بودن* ought (not) to=should(not) بايد* might (not) (just) as well بهتر بودن

would rather (not) ترجيح دادن = prefer I would rather stay than leave. I prefer staying to leaving. I prefer to stay rather than (to) leave. I would rather have stayed than left. I preferred staying to leaving. I preferred to stay rather than (to) leave. I would rather he played near me = I prefer him to play near me I would rather he had played near me = I preferred him to play near me used to (didn’t use to) سابقا I used to / would eat spicy food بطور متوالي(سابقا غذاي تند ميخوردم( I used to have a BMW . She used to be a teacher

I get used to (eating) spicy food به غذاي تند عادت ميكنم I am used to (eating) spicy food و2در( به غذاي تند عادت دارم ) جود ندارد جمله روبرو فعل كمكي به معني سابقا

A modem is used to connect computers to phones = it is used for connecting computers to phones )و استفاده كردن معني دارد2در ) جمله روبرو فعل كمكي سابقا وجود ندارد

و كمكي خانواده to beنكته مهم در مورد كاربرد فعل اصلي

She is the cleverest صفتin the class. They were clever trainees اسم. Students are studying فعل استمراريhard these days.

I am scared قسمت سوم فعلto death. The best thing about having sisters is جمله (that) you are not lonely. she is in/at work/ home/ school/ on time/ here/

Your serious problem is to miss فعل بعدي را مصدري ميكند, بعنوان فعل your wife while you are on vacation every day.

و در معنا بسيار مهم هست .ندطريقه استفاده از تركيب افعال كمكي كه شكل ثابت دارند

Should / shouldn’t have + PP = You should have studied for your test (but you didn’t) ولي اين كار را نكردي(بايد براي امتحانت درس ميخواندي (

Could / couldn’t have + PP = we couldn’t have given the money to you (but we did) ولي داديم(هيم ميتوانستيم به شما پول ند(

Must have + PP= احتمال بسيار زياد they must have repaired their car because they went to a trip in their car. بايد ماشينشان را تعميير كرده باشند چون با ان يك سفر رفتند.

She must not / couldn’t have forgotten the party Ali might / could have worked hard. He doesn’t look fresh كم علي بايد بسختي كار كرده باشد بنظر سرحال نميرسد = Might / may have +PP احتمال

س و گذشته ؟ براي جواب اين سوال به زمانهاي حال ساده و زير ببينيدحال اگر فعلهاي كمكي باال در جمله نباشند فعل اصلي چه تغييري ميكند و تغييرات را در مثالهاي اين زمانها . اده رجوع كنيد

She goes to school (can) = She can go to school He went to school yesterday (should) = He should go to school yesterday

am حالو گذشته كمكي بعضي از افعال كردن اضافه صورت در is are was were, has had, does did به شودمي تبديلbe, have, do I am a good boy = I must be a good boy she had a cake = she might have a cake she did a trick on her dad=she could do a trick

و هم ميتو .انند فعل اصلي باشندكاربرد افعالي كه هم مي توانند فعل كمكي بوده

am افعال اصلي هستند كه افعال have/has/had & do/does/did & am/is/are/was/were بدليل وجود نداشتن هيچ فعل ديگري در جمالت زير is are was were و هم فعل اصلي در اين ميان هم فعل هستند

و منفي كنيم يعني ما مي توانيم با خود اين افعال جمله راكمكي . سوالي

**I have / had some books I don’t have any books. Do I have any books?

I didn’t have any books. Did I have any books? **I am / was a good studentI am not a good student. Am I a good student? I wasn’t a good student. Was I a good student? **I do / did my homework I don’t do my homework. Do I do my homework? I didn’t do my homework. Did I do my homework? ** You are / were a good girl ** You have / had lots of good books ** You always do/ did his duty a lot. ** It is / was a bad day ** It has / had no water ** It does/did a trick (The cat, a big cat, an old cat, the big door, a good mosque) **She is / was an old woman **She often has / had a little oil **She always does / did her brother’s homework alone. **She can do / could do her duty. (My mother, their sister, his sister, the girl, Mary, my daughter) **He is / was a very bad teacher

He has / had small hands. He shall have / should have small hands. He does / did his big duty fast in the office. (My brother, their father, his son, the boy, Ali, John) **We are / were good friends. We may be / might be good friends We never have / had much money. We do/did our easy homework at school every day/yesterday You and I,

**They are/ were boys here, they are students, They have / had everything In their kitchen They do / did many things every day/ last night (The cats, lots of big cats, his cats, the big doors of the garden, their good dogs) (Our mothers, their good fathers, his kind sisters, the girls) **There is / was some money / water in the swimming- pool There are / were some books / bags in the library There is / was / has been / can be a big bag in here There are / were good books in my bag There is / was / has been no money There are / were / have been no books This book is/was my book, this is/was an apple, this is a good book, this book is new, this is money, this money is old money, it is a book, it is a bag, my book is a new book These books are/ were holy books, those were my books, these are books, Those are red, these cats are black, they are red cats, my books are clean.

)تكرار قيود(

.قرار ميگيرند اصلي فعلاز قبل

Always هميشه [on every occasion] , nearly/almost always, usually معموال , normally, generally, regularly [on most occasions]

Often اغلب, frequently [on many occasions], sometimesگهگاهي, occasionally اوقات بعضي [on some/a few occasions],

Seldomبندرت , rarelyبندرت [on few occasions], hardly (ever) بندرت,, scarcely (ever) [ almost never], barelyبندرت

ever (-, ?)/ never (+)هرگز [on no occasion(s)] graduallyبتدريج, also, both, just, only, still قيود با معني منفي مفهوم جمله را منفي كرده نه خود جمله

اصلي افعال

see me, call the children, repair my shoes, steal my money, hold his bag, touch my hair, take a photograph)متعدي(دارند الزم مفعول كهافعالي

go) الزم(د كه مفعول الزم ندارن افعالي fast, run quickly, shout aloud, jump downward, move clockwise, fall, glow, cry, jerk, take place

Buy me a doll, buy a doll for me, give him no money, give no money to him, bring myself a cake (from to for)) متعدي(بگيرند مفعولدوتوانندمي كهافعالي

( دهند مي ingخود در يك جمله بعد از به فعل كهافعالي ,) الزم يا متعدي. smell

I enjoy walking on the beach at sunset * I don’t mind listening to people’s problems at all * forgive me calling you so soon on the weekend * I find living in the city quite stressful. Keep talking on the phone * don't you just adore lying in a hot bath? * I avoid showing others what I am feeling * I smell something burning on the stove * I won't tolerate lying * She was photographed leaving the building *

)متعدييا الزم(. دهندمي Toبا مصدر به فعل بعد از خود در يك جمله كهافعالي

She hopes them to pass their tests * they have tried to get good marks * we are planning to make a lot of money * I wanted them to go outside * Ali’d like her to take care of herself * we decided to move to London * the man living next door told the boys who made lots of noise to keep silent.

I منفي كردن جمله اي كه اين افعال را دارند به دو صورت است با كمي تغيير در معني don’t want you to go نمي خواهم بروي I want you not to go مي خواهم نروي

(Toمصدر بدون(است ساده كه فعل بعد ازآنهاافعالي )الزم يا متعدي)

Let’s go to the beach. He made each of the girls who worked in his factory write a love letter for his boy. Let the man do his job. I help mom wash her. ( دهندtoمصدر بدون ميتوانندهمو ingبه فعل بعد از خود در يك جمله هم ميتوانند كهفعاليا ها) الزم يا متعدي. watch, notice, feel, observe, listen, see, hearحسي

I was watching him rob the car. از ابتداي كار تا انتهاي ان She heard the girl shout at / shouting at the boy

I was watching him robbing the car.از اواسط كار يعني وقتي كه قفل فرمان را شكست

like, begin, allow, permit, hate, write, start, continue, bother, admit, advise, regret, propose. دهندمي به فعل بعد از خود در يك جملهtoبا مصدر فعل وهم دار ingفعلهم كهافعالي

She permitted him keeping / to keep working. I. بكار ميروند كه از همه لحاظ با هم مطابقت دارندorيا andكه باافعالي sat on the table and ate my cake

و جدا شدني( كه دو قسمتي هستندافعالي keep on, give back, find out, stay with, take place, put aside, take apart, pick up, depend on) الزم يا متعديير جدا شدنيغمتعدي

( كه سه قسمتي هستندافعالي run out of get out of put up with keep up with catch up with end up with end up to) الزم يا متعدي.

keep on working مي گيرند ingافعالي كه بعد از حروف اضافه مي آيند Call Ali loudly = call him loudlyافعال امري

have & get با افعال افعال سببي

I have my brother wash my car, She will have a dentist pull out her teeth زمانهاي معلوم

I have my car washed, she will have her teeth pulled out زمانهاي مجهول سببي

I get my brother to wash my car, She has gotten a dentist to pull out her teeth زمانهاي معلوم

I get my car washed, she has gotten her teeth pulled out زمانهاي مجهول سببي

) گفتن( say & tellفرق بين

I tell you = I say to you كاربرد با مفعول شخص

I say this word, he says hello, they say good morning كاربرد با مفعول غير شخص

I tell the truth/ lies/ the fact/ the time/ the news/ the price/ the difference/ your name/ your fortune/ his secret/ a story/ a joke / your beads. tell اصطالحات مخصوص با فعل

Today’s papers say Bush is going to order the soldiers to attack Iraq. The sign says to keep driving right. We‘d like to say (that) the lecturer is just wasting anybody’s time and money.

و مهمي نيز وجود دارند كه در زير كاربرد خاص انها را بصورت فرمولي بيان ميكنيم .و ممكن است بعد از انها فعل نباشد افعال مختلف

[ [قسمت سوم فعل+فعل do you want it sent first class? She needs her hair washed. She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.

[ + فعل that] I can't accept that there's nothing we can do. It amazes me that she's got the energy for all those parties.

** I command that he advance to enemy’s front. They insist that I be in time for the meeting. She advises that Ali get hidden. [ [كلمات پرسشي+فعل Let me describe how it happened. It was difficult to estimate how many trees had been destroyed.

[صفت+ فعل] All the crew is missing, believed dead. He's dyed his hair black. Could you hold the door open?

[اسم+ فعل] I'm not calling you a liar

[اسم يا صفت + فعل] The area has now been deemed safe. The jury pronounced him guilty.

)مي آيند)نا الزم(و بعد از افعال متعدي كسي يا چيزي كه فعل بر روي ان توسط فاعل انجام ميشود:اسم مفعول(

ضماير مخصوص مفعولي

me, you, him, her, it, us, you , them myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

ي كه آنها با today’s film. به اسمي بچسبندs‘تمامي موارد ذكر شده در اسم فاعل بجز اسم زمان مگر در موارد

از* دبعضي و غير شخص(و مفعول بگيرند افعال اصلي ممكن است ) شخص

the little boyto a white catDany gave a white catthe little boyDany gave حنيز ديده ميشوند حتي بعد از فعل الزمو مي ايند اي كه با فعل اصلي ارتباطي ندارند مي كه بعد از حروف اضافهااس* اروف اضافه هستنداسم مفعول .م مكان هستندس كه عمدتا

the monster’s black houseI go to the park in Dany gave the little boy a white cat )نحوه انجام فعل را توصيف ميكند: قيود(

قيود نحوه انجام فعل را نشان مي دهند. در مورد قيود به مبحث صفت نيز توجه كنيد

.قيود گاهي اوقات قيود ديگريا صفات يا افعال را توصيف مي كنند يعني قبل از آنها مي آيند. به صفات تشكيل مي شوندlyاضافه كردن اكثرا با

و عالي قيود تفضيلي

باlyبه روش باال تمام قيودي كه و با more …… than مي گيرند he عالي شده …… the most تفضيلي شده speaks more clearly than me

fast faster fastest, early earlier earliest mayor gets up and leaves for work earliest in town داشت نظردر بايدكه دارند نيز استثنا قيود مورد اين در

.دارند نيز قيود استثنا اين

* far farther/further=more farthest/furthest * well better best * badly worse worst * little less least * much more most جايگاه قيد

و فاعلي از صفات مفعولي قبل-4 قبل از قسمت سوم فعل مخصوصا در جمالت مجهول-3 قبل از صفت جهت تشديد صفت-2 قبل از قيد ديگر-1

1- she drives terribly fast. 2- she is awfully sick 3- the street has been brightly lit 4- she is utterly abashed , the film was fully exciting.

:حروف اضافه

aboard We spent two months aboard ship (on the ship). about (CONNECTED WITH) a film about a civil war above (HIGHER POSITION) a mirror above the washbasin. above (MORE) She values her job above her family. above (RANK) Sally's a grade above me. above (TOO IMPORTANT) No one is above suspicion in this matter. according to (AS STATED BY) According to our records you owe us $130. across The library is just across the road. after Some people believe in life after death. against (IN OPPOSITION) She spoke against the decision to close the college. against (TOUCHING) Why don't we put the bed against the wall? against (PROTECTION) The police have to arm themselves against attack. against (BACKGROUND) Paintings look best against a simple white wall. along (DIRECTION) a romantic walk along the beach along (NEXT TO) Cars were parked all along the road. along (PARTICULAR PLACE) Somewhere along this road there's a garage. among I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd. around (IN THIS DIRECTION) I put my arm around her. as (FOR THIS PURPOSE) It could be used as evidence against him. at (PLACE) my number at work/home/the office. at (TIME) There's a meeting at 2.30 this afternoon. at (DIRECTION) She smiled at me. at (CAUSE) We were surprised at the news. at (CONDITION) a country at war at (JUDGMENT) I was never very good at sports. at (AMOUNT) I'm not going to buy the shoes at $150! because of trains were delayed because of bad weather. before (EARLIER) wash your hands before meals.

before (IN FRONT) We have the whole weekend before us - what shall we do? before (IN FRONT) The bus stop is before the school. behind (BACK) I hung my coat behind the door. behind (CAUSE OF) He wondered what was behind his neighbor's sudden friendliness. below Do you wear skirts above or below the knee? beneath (BELOW) We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets. beneath (NOT GOOD ENOUGH) Office work of any description he felt was beneath him. beside Our school was built right beside a river. between (SPACE) The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence. between (TIME) don’t drink water between meals. beyond (FURTHER AWAY) In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town. beyond (OUTSIDE A LIMIT) Few people live beyond the age of a hundred. but (EXCEPT) He's anything but violent by (CAUSE) The motor was driven by a tiny man. by (METHOD) They travel across Europe by train/car.

by (NOT LATER THAN) be back by five o'clock. by (DURING) We traveled by night and rested by day. by (NEAR) A child stood sullenly by her side. concerning: I've had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments. considering the weather, we got here quite quickly. despite I still enjoyed the week despite the weather. down (LOWER POSITION) I slid down the hill. down (ALONG) drive down the highway as far as Bristol. during (THROUGH) work during the night and sleep by day. during (AT SOME TIME IN) I woke up several times

during the night.

except The museum is open daily except Monday(s). excluding The aircraft carries 461 people excluding the crew and cabin staff. following the dinner, there will be a dance. for (INTENDED FOR) a phone message for you. for (PURPOSE) This pool is for the use of hotel residents only. for (BECAUSE OF) I feel all the better for my holiday. for (TIME/DISTANCE) going to bed for an hour or so. for (OCCASION) What did you buy him for Christmas? for (COMPARING) She's very mature for her age. for (SUPPORT) Who's for (Who wants to play) tennis? for (IN RELATION TO) Her feelings for him had changed. for (PAYMENT) How much did you pay for these? for (REPRESENTING) She works for a charity. for (TOWARDS) Just follow signs for the town centre. for (MEANING) What does the 'M.J.' stand for? for (TO GET) I hate waiting for public transport. for (DUTY) As to whether you should marry him- that's for you to decide. for (IN TROUBLE) I'll be for it when she finds out! from (PLACE) What time does the flight from Amsterdam arrive? from (TIME) Drinks will be served from 7 o'clock. from (DISTANCE) We're about a mile from home. from (ORIGIN) I'm from Italy. from (MATERIAL) The desk is made from pine. from (LEVEL) Prices start from £2.99. from (CHANGE) Things went from bad to worse. from (CAUSE) He was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries. from (CONSIDERING) Just from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain. from (REMOVE) They were exiled from their homes during the war.

from (DIFFERENCE) His opinion could hardly be more different from mine. from (POSITION) From the restaurant there is a beautiful view of Siena. from (PROTECTION) They found shelter from the storm under a large oak tree. from (PREVENTING) the truth was kept from me. in (INSIDE) Is he still in bed? What's that in his hand? in (PART) too many spelling mistakes in this essay. in (INVOLVED) a degree in philosophy in (WEARING) Pat can't resist men in uniform. in (EXPRESSED) Checks should be written in ink. in (DURING) We're going to Italy in April. in (NO MORE THAN) finish the job in two weeks. in (BEFORE THE END) Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. in (EXPERIENCING) He's living in luxury. in (RESULT) The changes are in response to demand from our customers. in (ARRANGEMENT) We sat down in a circle. in (COMPARING AMOUNTS) Apparently one in ten people/one person in ten has problems with reading. in (CHARACTERISTIC) Are the two bags equal in weight? in (CAUSE) [+ ing form of verb] In refusing to work abroad, she missed an excellent job opportunity. in (AGE/TEMPERATURE) Temperatures will be in the mid-twenties (about 25 degrees). inside What's inside the box? into (INSIDE) Shall we go into the garden? into (CHANGE) Peel the cucumber and chop it into small cubes. into (ABOUT) an inquiry into the cause of the accident into (TOWARDS) look straight into his eyes. into (TOUCHING FORCEFULLY) He's always walking into things when he hasn't got his glasses on. into (DIVISION) What's 5 into 125? into (INTERESTED) Jackie's into classical music. like (SIMILAR TO) He looks like his brother. like (TYPICAL OF) That's just like him to turn up half an hour late to her own party! like (SUCH AS) She looks best in bright, vibrant colors, like red and pink. like (AS IF) It looks like rain (I think it’s ganna rain). near Is there a train station near here? near The runners looked near exhaustion. of (POSSESSION) a friend of mine. of (AMOUNT) a kilo of apples of (CONTAINING) a bag of sweets of (POSITION) the top of his head of (TYPICAL) She has the face of an angel. of (DAYS) the eleventh of March of (TIME) US It's ten of five (ten minutes before five). of (USED AFTER ADJECTIVES) fond of swimming of (JUDGMENT) unkind of you to say her weight. of (RELATING TO) Speaking of Eliz, here she is. of (MADE OF) dresses of lace and silk of (SEPARATE FROM) We live within a mile of the city centre. of (LOSS) They were robbed of all their savings. of (THAT IS/ARE) the problem of homelessness of (COMPARING) Best of all I liked the green one. of (DONE TO) massacre of dozens of innocent people of (FELT BY) the suffering of millions of (THROUGH) He died of cancer. off (NOT LIKING) He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset. off (AWAY FROM) He drove off at the most incredible speed. off (REMOVED) I can't get the lid off this jar. off (NEAR TO) He lives just off the main road. off (DISTANT) The exams are so far off that I'm not even thinking about them yet. off (LESS MONEY) You can get some money off if you pay cash. on (ABOVE) Oh, you're standing on my foot! on (CONNECTED) You've got blood on your shirt. on (WRITING) Which page is that curry recipe on? on (RECORDING/PERFORMANCE) How much data can you store on a floppy disk? on (PAIN) I hit my head on the shelf as I was standing up. on (TO) Our house is the first on the left after the post office. on (RELATING) a book on pregnancy on (MONEY) He spent eighty pounds on a hat. on (NECESSARY) His latest movie is based on a fairy story. on (NEXT TO) Cambridge is on the River Cam. on (TIME) Many shops don't open on Sundays. on (AFTER) Acting on information given to them anonymously, the police arrested him.

on (TRAVEL) I love traveling on trains. on (FOOD/FUEL/DRUG) Does this radio run on batteries? Is he on drugs? on (FINANCIAL SUPPORT) He retired on a generous pension from the company. on (PROCESS) He accidentally set his bed on fire. on (INVOLVEMENT) I'm working on a new book. on (MEMBER) Have you ever served on a jury? on (AGAIN) The government suffered defeat on defeat in the local elections. on (COMPARISON) £950 is my final offer, and I can't improve on it. on (POSSESSION) [before pronoun] Have you got a spare cigarette on you? on (PAYMENT) This meal is on me. on (FAULTY) The phone suddenly went dead on me. on (TOOL) I do all my household accounts on computer. I'm on the phone. onto, I slipped as I stepped onto the platform. onto, How did we get onto this subject? onto, I must get onto the plumber about the shower. onto, So how did you get onto this deal? onto, He knows we're onto him. opposite We're in the building opposite the government offices. opposite Heburn played opposite Henry in many films. out (MOVE OUTSIDE) She opened the window and stuck her head out. out of (NO LONGER IN) A fig rolled out of the bag. out of (MADE FROM) (of) it was made out of velvet. out of dress like a character out of a 21st century novel. out of (BECAUSE OF) I took the job out of necessity because we had no money left. out of (FROM AMONG) Nine out of ten people said they liked the product. out of (NOT INVOLVED) [after verb] I'm out of the habit of cycling to work. outside It was a lovely day outside. outside The company has called in outside experts. outside The outside limit/figure would be £350. outside sit for 2 hours on the floor outside his room. outside Nobody outside this room must ever know it. outside I'm afraid that would be outside my job description. over (HIGHER POSITION) The sign over the door said "Exit". over (HIGHER POSITION) 40 over 7 is roughly 6. over (ACROSS) She jumped over the gate. over (ACROSS) The story continues over the page. over (MORE THAN) Most carpets are over £100. over (MORE THAN) They are $2000000 over budget. over (DOWN) She tripped over the rug. over jump out of the car before it goes over the cliff. over (USING) They spoke over the phone. over (OTHER SIDE) a pub over the road I could go to. over (DURING) I was in Seattle over the summer. over (CONTROL) teachers’ authority over a class. over (CONNECTED WITH) There's no point in arguing over something so unimportant. over (FEELING BETTER) It takes you a while to get over an illness like that. owing to, because of: The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of support. past (BEYOND) I live on Sta Rd., past the post office. past (BEYOND) It's 10/a quarter/20/half past 3. past She's past the age where she needs a babysitter. per The meal will cost $20 per person. plus (ADDITION) What is six plus four? plus There will be two adults traveling, plus 3 children. pro Are you pro or anti the new bill? qua FORMAL Qua musician, he lacks skill, but his playing is lively and enthusiastic. re FORMAL Re your communication of February regarding FORMAL The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy. around (AROUND) The Moon goes around the Earth. around (IN ALL PARTS) The landlord showed me around (the house). around (SURROUNDING) We sat around the fire. around (DIRECTION)The garden is around the back (of the house). save (EXCEPT) They found the lost documents save 1. since England haven’t won in soccer since 1966. than My son is a lot taller than my daughter. than I spent more than I intended to. through (PLACE) They walked through the woods. through (TIME) It rained all/right through June and into the first half of July. through (RESULT) The company lost the order through production delays. through (USING) I got my car through my brother who works in a garage.

throughout People throughout the country are jobless. till (UNTIL) We waited till half past 6 for you. times (MULTIPLIED) Two times two equals four. to (SHOWING DIRECTION) I’ve gone to Prague. to (AGAINST) They were dancing cheek to cheek. to (RECEIVING) I lent my bike to my brother. to (RECEIVING) Give that gun to me. to (IN CONNECTION WITH) What was their response to your query? to (UNTIL) It's only two weeks to Christmas. to (UNTIL) It's twenty to six. to (UNTIL) Look at your shirt - it's torn to shreds! to (CAUSING) That's when I learned, to my horror, that she was coming here. to (CONSIDERED BY) I realize it may sound strange to you. to (SERVING) As a personal trainer to the rich and famous, he earns over a million dollars a year. to (MATCHING) He's given me the keys to his car to (MATCHING) She has a mean side to her. to (IN HONOUR OF) I proposed a toast to the bride and the groom. to (FOR EACH) How many francs are there to the pound? to (AT THE SAME TIME AS) I like exercising to music. to (BETWEEN)There must have been 30 to 35 people to (POSITIVE) Is the room to your liking, madam? towards (MOVEMENT) (US toward) She stood up and walked towards him. towards (RELATION) (US toward) They've always been very friendly towards me. towards (POSITION) (US toward) Our seats were towards the back of the theatre. towards (PURPOSE) (US toward) UK I'm saving up to buy a car, and Dad has given me some money towards it. under (LOWER POSITION) He hid under the bed. under (LOWER POSITION) The main fields are under wheat. under (LOWER POSITION) Trifle? That comes under Puddings and Desserts. under (LESS THAN) All items cost/are under a pound. under (EXPERIENCING) The work was completed under very difficult conditions. under (EXPERIENCING) The town is under fire from the air. under (EXPERIENCING) The patient is being kept under heavy sedation. under (EXPERIENCING) He was under the mistaken belief that I was in charge. under (CONTROL) I wonder what Britain was like under the Romans (during the time when the Romans controlled Britain). under (CONTROL) They're under strict orders not to discuss the situation. under (NAME) He writes under the name (of) John le. underneath The tunnel goes right underneath the city. unlike (DIFFERENT FROM) Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father. unlike (NOT TYPICAL) It's unlike you to be quiet - is something wrong? until (TIME) I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! until (DISTANCE) You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change. up We followed her up the stairs to a large meeting room. You'll find a dusty attic up these stairs. up (ALONG) The car shot off up the road at high speed. up (ORIGIN) Rowing up (the) river against the current was very hard work. upon her head she wore a black velvet hat. upon Another couple of weeks and the holidays will be upon us. up to (UNTIL) Up to yesterday, we had no idea where the child was. up to (RESPONSIBILITY) It's up to the manager to make the final decision. up to (DOING) She's up to no good (doing something bad or forbidden) - you can always tell because she stays in her room. upward(s) of: Upwards of fifty thousand people assembled in the main square. versus Tomorrow's game is Newcastle versus Arsenal. via The London-Addis flight goes via Rome. vis-a-vis I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday. with (COMPANY) I was with Sylvia at the time. with (METHOD) He was shot at close range with a pistol. with (DESCRIPTION) With love from Roberta.

with (DESCRIPTION) With your contribution, that makes a total of £45. with (RELATIONSHIP) How are things with you? with (CONTAINING/COVERING) She'd laid the table with the best china. with (CAUSE) He winced with pain. with (DIRECTION) The wind was with me on the home stretch and I ran well. with (TIME) This wine will improve with age.

with (OPPOSITION) I ended up having an argument with her. with (SUPPORT) If you want to go for a promotion, I'll be with you all the way. with (UNDERSTANDING) INFORMAL You look puzzled-are you with me? with (SEPARATION) I'd rather not part with my cash. with (DESPITE) With all her faults, she's still a really good friend.

with (AND) I'd like a steak and fries with chocolate mousse to follow. with (COMPARISON) I've got nothing in common with my brother. within, Two-thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast. without, I've come out without my umbrella.

:اصطالحات حروف اضافه اي

Ahead of / in case of / in care of / in charge of / in the course of / in favor of / in front of / in honor of / in place of / in search of / instead of / in spite of / in terms of / by means of / for fear of / for the sake of / make use of / on account of / with the exception of / what’s the use of / because of / for the purpose of / in addition to / in comparison to / in reference to / in regard to / in terms of / on the verge of / due to / in connection with / in agreement with / except for / take a chance on / feel like

In I was born in 1980. The project will be in May. She was born in Brazil. The ball is in the box. I have to go out in 10 minutes. Over The sun is over the planet.

On My English class is on Sunday. I was born on May 7, 1980. I live on Iaga Street. The book is on the table. Go on! At the top of Read at the top of the page.

At The meeting has finished at 10 o'clock. I live at 110 Iaga Street. At the bottom of There is a picture of a tree at the bottom of the page.

For I am visiting your country for a short time. Next to My house is next to the supermarket.

From She is coming from the school. Coffee from Japan. Close to My boyfriend is close to me now.

Far from There is a store far from my house. Inside There is a burglar inside my house.

Near There is a school near the station. After Tuesday is after Monday

Along There are many shops along the street. Before Tuesday is before Wednesday

With I help you with pleasure. Without Without money you can't buy anything.

Of This is a book of English. By I prefer to travel by plane. It was written by Shakespeare.

Off He fell off his bike Up She is going up the stars.

Through I am looking through the window. Ahead of The girls are playing of the house.

Into You are into my world. On the left On the left you can see a picture of a cowboy?

To I am going to school. On the right On the right we can see a thief among many people.

Out of I am taking some things out of this box. Above Read the questions above the text.

Across There is a bank across the avenue. Below Read the answers below the questions.

Beyond I am beyond of my imagination. Behind You are behind me.

Between I am between Carol and Alex. I come back between 9 and 10. In the corner I am waiting for you in the corner.

Among I can see two ducks among the hens. On the corner There are many sales people on the corner.

Under There is a basket under a table. Down Down the 15 avenue you will see the supermarket.

About We are talking about business. Outside Outside is raining.

Beside You are beside me In back of The boys are playing in back of the house.

)اسامي مكان(قيود مكان

تاكيد نيز ديده مي شوند كه نبايد آنها را با اسم فاعل اشتباه بعضي اوقات اين نوع قيود اول جمله براي. با حروف اضافه كه گاهگاهي نيز با اجزاي فعل ارتباط دارد مي آيند)نه هميشه(بيشتر بايد توجه داشت كه اين قيود يا اسامي

In.كرد the library, my father reads a book

:حروف اضافه مكانمثال كاربردي

at و شهركها at Ekbatan at Ghamsar دهكده هاat the university, at school, at the bus stop, at work across the street / the road / the river stay at home go / come /return /welcome home work at the shop sit at the table/ desk behind around the world sit by the fire in the street, in bed, in prison, in court, in hospital in your bag in a store / in a shop / in a restaurant / in a factory in و شهرهاي بزرگ شهرها كشور ها استانها قاره ها

in the suburb, in the desert, in the village put your books into your bag ( movement ) Inside your bag on Hafez street

on the first floor on the table on foot onto the bus ( movement ) off the main road take the picture off the wall off the horse off the bus step on horseback on page 54 on radio / television / telephone on the farm, on the railways, on the map on the coast, on the island, at seaside, at/on the beach along the road through the tunnel/ cave/ channel / the window go to the hotel / go to page 6 against the wall / the tree a picture against the wall a bicycle against the tree

)اسامي زمان( قيود زمان

دقت كنيد زمان نقش مهمي را در تعيين جمله سازي بازي ميكند زيرا. بعضي اوقات اين نوع قيود اول جمله براي تاكيد نيز ديده مي شوند كه نبايد آنها را با اسم فاعل اشتباه كرد

ب و تحوالت خاصي را كه .ه ان اشاره خواهد شد در جمله ايجاد ميكندزمان جمله را مشخص كرده

every day… every two hours each day … on Friday … today tonight in the afternoon… every other Tuesday… سه شنبه در ميان every now and then, every so often گهگاهي now at the moment right now at the present time at the time being yesterday last week … 2 years ago for 2 years tomorrow (night)….. next week…. Sooner or later soon since 1998 ….. for 2 years in 5 minutes for the last / the past 2 years since 2 years ago

In in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, in the daytime ماه فصل سال قرن

In زمان بيايد معني بعد از ميدهد اگر با in two hours = after two hours

For two days, for some time, for three months * During + اسم during the war, the race, the fight, storm * By April, 4 o’clock by day, by night = during the day, during night

Till = until = to * On روزها * Within 2 days, within a few hours * At اعياد, اعداد, ساعت at dusk, at dawn, at sunrise, at sunset, at midnight, at noon, at night, at Eve, at Christ, at Easter


The man who breaks the window is my uncle )فعل+ ...+)فعلwho اسم شخص

I like The man who(m) you saw on the bus )فاعل+فعل+ ...+)فعل who(m) شخص اسم

The tiger which eats the meat is very dangerous )فعل+ ...+)فعل which شييا حيوان اسم

I like The tiger which you saw in the zoo )فاعل+ فعل+ ...+)فعل which شييا حيوان اسم

The bird whose left wing is broken has flown away from the cage )اسم+ فعل+ ...+)فعل whose شييا حيوانيا شخص اسم

The man whose girl I married has flown away from the prison )اسم+ فاعل+ فعل+ ...+)فعل whose شييا حيوانيا شخص اسم

The bird left wing of which I broke has flown away from the cage )(فاعل+فعل+ ...+)فعل +of whichيشيا حيوانيا شخص اسم)اسم

The bird left wing of which is broken has flown away from the cage )(فعل+ ...+)فعل +of whichشييا حيوانيا شخص اسم)اسم

The city( in which) where you were born is big ........ فاعل where مكان اسم

when The day when the U.S attacked Iraq was not clear زمان اسم The day(on which) when the fire was happening wasn’t good

The reason why فاعل …. that …….. the reason why he killed himself is that he didn’t enter the university


*it is rainy it was cold it has been warm it had been hotter since last year What is the weather (it) like in Tehran? how was it last night? how has it been since about 2 hours ago? *it is 45 kilometers to Tehran how far is it (from Karaj) to Tehran? How many kilometers is it to Tehran? *it is 2 o’clock. What time is it? What is the time?=Have you got the time?= would you tell me the time? How long did it take to reach home yesterday? It took 2 hours (for me) to reach home yesterday. *It is time the child went to bed *It is kind of him to advise me on that. It was wrong of you to sell it. It has been cruel of her to hit the boy. It is foolish of them not to accept the offer. *it is a shame to pick the flowers. It is fun to meet funny people. It is a pleasure to meet you. It is a mistake to leave the door open. *It is worth trying having the new fruit. It is no good wearing your wedding ring. It is no use keeping talking with me.

Here & there. نها را بكار ميبريم در غير اينصورت فاعل با فعل جابجا ميشودآ جمله بسازيم صورت عادي ضماير مخصوص فاعلياگر با

Here it is*here they come * there you are * there she was Here is the cat* here come the boys * there are girls * there came the bus

Either …. Or .... Neither…… nor……. Not only….. but..… Both …… and….. Whether….. or …..

و( كه در هر دو قسمت اين كلمات كه با هم مي ايند بايد از يك نوع كلمه توجه كنيد ، فعل بودن ) از حيث اسم بودن و فعل جمله با دومين كلمهب.... .مشخص ميشود) از حيث مفرد يا جمع بودن( اشندEither the boys or the girl wants to go shopping in the tower.

I would like you to neither drink tea nor drink wine during your stay in America. She got not only angry but shocked when I pass her on the news. Both you and I are fooled by the girls in the park.Whether you come to the party or they show up in the committee never minds me.

و صفت ميتوانيم از پيشوندها نيز كمك بگيريم, براي تشخيص اسم فعل

بهتر است از طريق خانواده لغات صورت گيرد نحوه يادگيري لغات

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Remark

Invention, Inventiveness, Inventor

Invent [-s, -ed, -ing]

Inventive, Inventible


Newly invented Latest/ new; brilliant invention

Come up with/ design/ register invention

Usage, use, disuse, misuse, usefulness, user

Use, misuse, reuse

Reusable, used, disused, unused, useful, useless Usefully

يپسوند فعل مثال پسوندهاي اسم مثال پسوندهاي صفت مثال

n. & adj. + -acy (-cy) Infancy, Accuracy n. & v. + -age Courage v. + -al Refusal n. + -al (-ial / -ical) Social, emotional v. + -ance (-ence) Assistance, Dependence Adj. + -ance (-ence)? v. + -ant (-ent) Dependent v. + -ant (-ent) Apparent, excellent,

resistant -ate Magistrate -ate Isolate -ate Desolate -ation Exploration n. & adj. + -dom Kingdom n. & v. & adj + -ee Employee -eer Volunteer -en Maiden adj. & n. + -en Moisten n. + -en Woolen v. + -er (-or) Translator n. + -ese Chinese n. +-ese Japanese n. + -ess (-tress) Authoress n. + -ful Handful v. + -ful Useful -hood Childhood n. + -ian (-an) Republican n. + -ian Georgian -ia Phobia n. + -ic (-ics) Music n. + -ic Heroic, periodic -id Pyramid -ide Dioxide -in (-ine) Gelatin, Margarine -ing Roofing -ing Working -ing worrying v. + -ion Communication n. & v. + -ism Idealism v. + -ist Socialist -ite Socialite n. + -itis Adj. + -ity Purity, ability n. + -let (-lette) Booklet, Kitchenette -ling Fledgling n. + -ment Fragment Adj. + -ness Happiness -ocracy Democracy n. , v. & adj.+ -ry (-ary/-ery/-ar)?

Refinery, Military, Machinery, beggar

n. + -ry (-ary / -ery) Customary,monetary

-ship Friendship -ster Gangster -y (-ie) discovery, Auntie n. & v. +-y Bony -logy biology

-ed Walked -ed Wooded -er Wander -er grander n. & adj. + -ify Simplify n. & adj. +-ize Modernize

n. & v. + -able (-ible) Valuable, digestible, payable,

-ile Infantile n. + -ish n. +-ish Foolish v. + -ive (-ative / -itive) Captive v. + -ive (-ative / -itive) Sensitive

n. + -ular n. + -less Careless, useless n. + -like Childlike n. + -ly Friendly n. + -ous (-eous / -ious) Virtuous n. & adj. + -oid

v. + -ure

فرمولهاي مهم جمالت انگليسي

( قيود زمان/اسامي زمان( (قيود مكان/اسامي مكان )+ (قيود مختلف)+ + + اسم مفعول) (قيود تكرار(+افعال اصلي) + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل)

The sick man should always eat his simple food slowly in the big kitchen of the castle every day at 7:30 A.M ( قيود زمان/اسامي زمان ( (قيود)+ + + اسم مفعول) (افعال اصلي) (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) فا) ) قيود مكان/اسامي مكان+(علاسم

(قيود مكان/اسامي مكان( (قيود)+ + + اسم مفعول) (افعال اصلي) (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) ) قيود زمان/اسامي زمان(+اسم فاعل)

(قيود( + + اسم مفعول) (افعال اصلي) (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) ) قيود زمان/اسامي زمان+د مكان قيو/اسامي مكان +( اسم فاعل)

every day at 7:30 A.M in the big kitchen of the castle, the sick man should always eat his simple food slowly (عال اصلياف)+ اسم مفعول+(+.... (to)افعال اصلي (ing))+اسم مفعول)+(قيود)+( قيود مكان/اسامي مكان )+( قيود زمان/اسامي زمان( (قيود تكرار+ اسم فاعل+)افعال كمكي)+

The man must eat his food slowly in the kitchen at 7:30 to see his sheep. The man must always let his tea get cold to drink. The man may avoid her having a cold. (فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) سم فاعلا) + so قيد/ صفت that ت جمال (can/ could )

You speak so fast that students can’t understand a word of it. He got so old and thin that nobody could even touch him. (فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + such (a/an) (صفت) ت جمال that اسم (can/ could )

The boys have become such rude boys that they think they can even smoke before their teacher in the class at the university. (فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + too قيد/ صفت + (for + اسم مفعول) + to فعل ساده …

Don’t put everything in it, it can be too heavy for me to lift. (فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + قيد/ صفت enough + (for + اسم مفعول) + to فعل ساده …

The girl has become touchy enough to cry soon. (فعل اصلي (تكرارقيود+ + + افعال كمكي) اسم فاعل) + enough ش جمع ق ش/اسم ق غ + (for + اسم مفعول) + to فعل ساده …

She may always have enough pencils for her classmates to use during the test. That جمله + + فعل … that you are so lazy will cause you lots of trouble.

It is /was/has been/ + + صفت (for / to / of + ( مفعول + to ساده فعل + …+ مفعول it can be proud of you to enter the hall.

There is/was/are/were / has been / have been / had been + There is a party throwing in my aunt’s tonight .…+ (ing فعل)+ اسم

What + (a/an) + (صفت)+ (اسم)+ اسم (فعل)+ ! what a good boy Ali has become recently! جمله تعجبي

How + قيود/ جمله تعجبي!How well your sister drives her most broken car in the city! How ugly she has become since her nose operation ! فعل + اسم + صفت

n. + to فعل + (فعل اصلي (قيود تكرار+ + )افعال كمكي) …. The secret to success can always lie in your hands.

و منفي كردن تمامي جمالت در انگليسي از افعال كمكي استفاده مي كنيم چه ظاهر باشند چه پنهان !در ابتداي شروع زمانها بايد بگوييم براي سوالي

.هستند البته افعال كمكي حال ساز ديگري مي توانند در اين زمان بكار روندdoesو do افعال كمكي پنهان اين زمان:سادهزمان حال

My برادرم ميدود brother runs

Myبرادرانم ميدوند brothers run

Our brothers run برادرانمان ميدوند

Their sister runs خواهرشان ميدود

Their sisters run خواهرانشان ميدوند

Their sister always runs Their sister can always run Their sister can run My brother never runs does he ever run? My brother may run My brother may never run I often work hard in my factory every Monday. I always eat a good breakfast carefully in our garden every morning. I never like swimming in the pool every day. I can never swim in the pool every day. You go to school each day. You don’t go to school each day. He never works hard. Does he ever work hard? He can be here. Can he be here? He often buys me a lot of books cheaply in the market each night. He wants to write her a good letter soon in your car. She can usually teach English. She can’t usually teach English. She brings a pen for me right after my request.

She never teaches me. Does she ever teach me? She may never teach her how to help him cook. It usually gets cold on Fridays. It doesn’t usually get cold. We must often learn every thing fast in the school every day. We must learn English soon. Must we learn English soon? They often think a lot. They don’t often think a lot. They rarely speak Farsi at home every night.

His sister types 150 foreign letters carefully in her boss’s office from 8 A.M to 7 P.M three times in a week every month because she is a skillful typist and works fast. Who types 150 foreign letters carefully in her boss’s office? What does his sister type carefully in her boss’s office? What does his sister do carefully in her boss’s office? Where does sister type 150 foreign letters carefully? How does His sister type 150 foreign letters in her boss’s office? How many letters does His sister type 150 foreign letters carefully in her boss’s office? How often does His sister type 150 foreign letters carefully in her boss’s office from 8 A.M to 7 P.M? Which letters does she type carefully in her boss’s office? Whose office does she type carefully in? How long does she type carefully in her boss’s office? Why does she type 150 foreign letters carefully in her boss’s office from 8 A.M to 7 P.M three times in a week every month?

ing با فعل areوisوamافعال كمكي:زمان حال استمراري

I am working hard at the moment She is always talking This woman is keeping silent

Their brothers are keeping studying my French books I am always writing your compositions

Listen! He is singing.توجه بعد از افعال امر بايد از اين زمان در جلوي اين افعال استفاده شود

دالبته افعال كمكي گذشته ساز ديگري مي توانند در اين زمان بكار رون. است did فعل كمكي پنهان اين زمان:زمان گذشته ساده

I lost my bag at the university yesterday. افعال بي قاعده I didn’t lose my bag. Did you lose your bag?

They washed their dishes 2 hours ago. افعال با قاعده they didn’t wash their dishes. Didn’t they wash their dishes? We could often go to park last year. Could we often go to park last year? I was there. I should be there.

ing با فعل wereو wasافعال كمكي:زمان گذشته استمراري

I was working hard. Wasn’t I working hard? Was I working hard? I wasn’t working hard.

He was doing his homework. He wasn’t doing his homework. Was he doing his homework? They were growing plants in uncle’s garden . استفاده مي شود whenو whileدر اين حالت از كلمات : گذشته ساده با گذشته استمراريكاربرد تركيبي

I was studying English when you arrived. When They studied English, we were playing football.

I studied English while you were watching T.V. While They were studying English, we played football.

بكار مي رود willو shallهميشه با افعال كمكي:زمان آينده ساده

I will pay you your money sooner or later. I will go home tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening, night) I will be there in 5 minutes. I won’t be there in 5 minutes.

They will eat their dinner soon. They shall work harder next week. Shan’t they work harder next week?

جم whenو after & beforeاگر بعد از له اينده ساده بيايد جمله حال ساده باشد قبل از ان بايد

I‘ll call you after I arrive * after I come, you will start eating * I‘ll call you before I arrive * before I come, you will start eating. )بين زمان معين در آينده(:زمان آينده استمراري

Just think! Next week you'll be working like a slave in the office while I'll be lying on a sunny beach! While you're lying back watching television, I'll be slaving over my homework. This time next week I'll be sitting on a plane on my way to America.

پا(:زمان آينده كامل )يان مييابدتا زمان معين در اينده

I started reading this book yesterday. I will have finished it by next week / in 6 days The woman will prepare the meal by the time the man has come = The woman will have prepared the meal by the time/ before the man comes. If the stock market keeps rising, I'll have doubled my money by the end of the month. I hope I‘ll have seen more of the world = I would like to have seen more of the world I'll have completed the report by next Wednesday/in 4 working days/ on the 1st of July

) پايان مييابدتا زمان معين در اينده:(زمان آينده استمراري كامل

She will have been teaching English in this school for 10 years by next Wednesday/in 4 working days/ on the 1st of July

با بكار ميرود hasو haveهميشه با افعال كمكي:زمان ماضي نقلي soوjustو yet, still)-(و alreadyو beforeمعموال far(as yet) همچنينو بكار مي رودنيز since for, in (-)

I have gone there before. You have already seen my kind father The baby has not yet slept The dog hasn’t eaten its food ever since. They have just been in England. He hasn’t cried yet. He has cried a lot since yesterday she has bought a car lately / recently. He still hasn’t slept. I have eaten carrot soup for 6 months. She has done 4 magic tricks so far. He has still not slept. She has had a big house since 1989/ since then/ since last decade. We have done the work carefully since 2 weeks ago. I have waited here since you called haven’t you seen your children in 2 years / ages? I have studied English for the last/ the past 6 years **It is 2 years since I graduated / since I have graduated. ** Yesterday in town they all saw the ugliest baby they have ever seen in my life.

.you can’t go home before I‘ve signed the letters بدينگونه است beforeتركيب حال ساده با زمان ماضي نقلي بوسيله

بكار ميرود had هميشه با افعال كمكي):بعيد(زمان ماضي دور

I had broken the window they had had a beautiful cat We had gone to park for the last/past 5 years She had been to US for the previous week He had done his work We had been at school with each other 10 years before.

استفاده مي شود afterو becauseو whenو beforeدر اين حالت از كلمات:ه كاربرد تركيبي ماضي بعيد با گذشته ساد

when / before / by the time I went to park, they had gone to cinema they had gone to cinema when / before / by the time I went to park Because I had gone to cinema, I missed my plane I missed my plane Because I had gone to cinema After I had done my homework, we went to park we went to park After I had done my homework.

. دارند تشكيل مي شودمفعولاين حالت از زمانها با افعالي كه دقت كنيد فقط: زمانهاي مجهول

Let me buy you a toy: let a toy be bought for you= let you be bought a toy. * I made him sing a song : he was made to sing a song = a song was sung by him due to my force They think that he is dull: he is thought to dull = It is thought that he is dull * A rule has to be made to stop offences.

زمان مجهول زمان معلوم زمان مجهول زمان معلوم

She sees me My sisters hurt my feet

I am seen My feet are hurt by my sisters

I will pay you sooner or later I will cook The cake in 5 minuets.

You will be paid sooner or later The cake will be cooked in 5 minuets.

He is eating a cake now I am inviting my friends

The cake is being eaten now My friends are being invited

I have eaten carrot soup for 6 years You have seen our kind fathers

carrot soup has been eaten for 6 years our kind fathers have been seen

I lost my bag at the university I watched some films last night

My bag was lost at the university Some films were watched last night

I had broken the window He had done his work

the window had been broken his work had been done

:پرسشي كلمات

What can always break? در مورد فاعل مي پرسد ?+ what كمكي فعل+ قيد تكرار+اصلي فعل ...

Who must usually do the job? در مورد فاعل مي پرسد ?+ who كمكي فعل+ قيد تكرار+اصليعلف ...

Which is his?كمكي فعل+ قيد تكرار+ اصلي فعل+ ...?در مورد فاعل مي پرسد which

How can you sing? how dose the food taste? كمكي فعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? در موردقيدو صفت مي پرسد how

how قيد/ صفت+ ? كمكي فعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل+ ... How high can you jump? How good was my lecture? how soon do you want to become a teacher?

What did you buy?كمكيعلف+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? در مورد مفعول مي پرسد what

Who should we meet here?كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? در مورد مفعول مي پرسد who(m)

When may you pay me for it? كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+?در مورد زمان انجام كار ميپرسد when

Where should we meet one another? كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? در مورد مكان ميپرسد where

Which do you choose? كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+?ميپرسد چيزي در مورد which

Why are they waiting so much?كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ..+..? در مورد دليل انجام كار ميپرسد why

how come سوالي غير گذشته جمله ? ?how come you didn’t solve this problem بمعني چرا

How long can you stop breathing? كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? پرسدمي زمان طول مورددر how long

How far must he drive? كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+? پرسدمي مسافت مورددر how far

How often do you go shopping?كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ....+?در مورد مرتبه انجام كار مي پرسد how often

? how much rice did you cook? How much is it? +.... اسم+ كمكيفعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل how much

? how many times should I tell to gather your toys when you want to go to bed?+... اسم+ كمكي فعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل how many

which car would you like usually to drive?اسم+ كمكي فعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ...+? در مورد صفات ملكي مي پرسد which

whose car did you buy? Whose shirt will you borrow for me?اسم+ كمكي فعل+ فاعل+ قيدتكرار+ياصل فعل ...+?در مورد ضماير ملكي مي پرسد whose

را. كلمات پرسشي كه جمله را به حالت پرسش در مي آورند هميشه در اواسط جمالت ديگر كه قرار ميگيرند اين خاصيت يعني پرسشي بودن خود را از دست مي دهند: نكته در اين مورد لطفا با دقت كمي كه بخرج خواهيد داد آنها

و نقل قولها .اشتباه نگيريد با موصوالت

What did you see yesterday? Ali knows what you saw yesterday. Where does sally live? I know where sally lives.

whether & if ياآكه بمعني

Do you know me? I wonder if you know me (or not). Did she work hard? I don’t know whether (or not) she worked hard.

و مفهوم جمله!دم سوال و مثبت بودن جمله و فعل كمكي جمله را نيز با توجه به منفي و فاعل جمله ميتوانيم در اخر جمله سوالي همراه سازيم كه در ان فاعل جمله را بصورت ضمير فاعلي بكار بريم با توجه به فعل كمكي جمله

)به كلمات منفي گرا كه مفهوم جمله را منفي ميكنند در حالي كه جمله ظاهر مثبت دارد دقت كنيد(.ار ببريمبالعكس بك

My sister walks fast, doesn’t she? I am a student, aren’t I? I am not late, am I? His cat never walked, did it? Open the window; will you (can’t you)? Let’s run, shall we? There is a book here, isn’t there? Ali used to smoke, didn’t he? There is little water, is there? Nothing is good, is it? Somebody broke it, didn’t they? This book is cheap, isn’t it? Nobody phoned, did they? Everybody hardly listens, do they? There has been no party, has there? She has no money, does she? Someone has few books and little money, do they?

)به كلمات منفي گرا كه مفهوم جمله را منفي ميكنند در حالي كه جمله ظاهر مثبت دارد دقت كنيد(اعالم شرايط مشابه

I can work hard, I can, too. She works hard, so do I I do my homework, she does, too. She worked hard, so did I I hardly work hard, I don’t, either. She doesn’t work hard, neither do we I don’t do my homework, she doesn’t, either. She hasn’t worked hard, neither have I I never run, neither(nor) do they / they do, either.

:شرطي جمالت

If حال سادهزمان , / will shall فاعل can / may / must .... واقعي يندهآ

If I have enough time tomorrow, I‘ll go swimming Don’t make noise; if you make noise, the child may wake up They won’t make accept to come; if they come, we‘ll have a good time = They won’t make accept to come; should they come, we‘ll have a good time If گذشته ساده زمان , / would /could فاعل might /should ... و فرضي و آينده غير واقعي if I were حال

If I were at home now; I would help my wife = were I at home now; I would help my wife She doesn’t try hard; if she did so much, she would succeed = She doesn’t try hard; should she did so much, she would succeed If I won the first prize of the bank, I could live an excellent life till the end of my life-span. If ماضي بعيدزمان , و غير واقعي گذشته would/could/might/should have P.P فاعل غير ممگن

He was sick; if he hadn’t been so sick, we would have gone to church. = He was sick; hadn’t he been so sick, we would have gone to church. )شرطي(واال

... will /shall /can / may / must فاعل ,otherwise /or / or else ; جمله امري

... would /could /might/should فاعل ,otherwise /or / or else ; زمان حال ساده

would / could /might should have P.P فاعل ,otherwise /or / or else ; زمان گذشته ساده

Ifاي كاش only ( I wish)

We are going to go swimming. If only (I wish) it would be sunny tomorrow يندهآ

I can’t buy the bike. If only (I wish) I were rich now. حال

I didn’t buy the car. If only (I wish) I had borrowed some money from my uncle yesterday. گذشته

As if / as though / like (American)اينكه انگاري؛ گويي؛ مثل

He talks as if he would graduate tomorrow. گمان اينده He talks as if he knew all about my problem. گمان حال He talks as if he had been in Canada . گمان گذشته

You talk as if you saw the film. He ordered me like I were his servant. He talked as though he can’t do the job. she looks as if he is sick. In case مبادا =lest

He is running in case/ lest he misses the bus زمان حال in case زمانهاي حال

He was running in case / lest he missed the bus زمان گذشته in case زمانهاي گذشته

He took his umbrella in case/ lest it should rain. I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just in case. Bring a map in case you get lost. As بين دو چيز دو شخص يا دو گروه قيد/صفت as+ [ قيد/صفت ] as much يا many اسامي as as few / little اسامي as

as fast as possible, ASAP=as soon as possible, as beautiful as ever, as much as necessary, twice as old as me they are as good as you their machine is as fast as your machine (yours)(Ali’s) it gets as cold as winter the motor of your car runs as smoothly as mine they spoke English as correctly as you the deriver drives as fast as my father

I ate as much(bread) as I could it took 3 times as long as I expected she is almost/every bit as pretty as his sister having gone fishing, she caught as many as she expected. As cool as cucumber, as hard as nails, as black as night,

و تفاوت با كلمات مخصوص كاربرد تشابه

similar to, similar, like, alike, the same, the same ) اسامي( as, different from(than), different, differ from….. in that….. Ali’s cars are similar to mine / sally’s / my kind father’s. Ali’s cars and my father’s are similar.Ali’s cars are like mine / sally’s / my kind father’s. Ali’s cars and my father’s are alike / the same.He is the same height as me. He lives in the same house as Ali does Ali’s cars are the same (brands) as mine/my kind father’s. Ali’s cars are different from(than) mine / sally’s / my kind father’s. Ali’s cars and my father’s are different. Their cars differ from each other in that Ali has old ones but my father has new ones. the same age/ depth / weight / size / color / distance / speed / width / length as

one, ones, some, any, none, numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …) I have a book. Ali has an old one.She has some books. I have some. Ali has none. Mary doesn’t have any. Hassan had two. She also has 4 ones.All of my sisters’ classmates have black cats. My brothers’ friend has white ones.

TESTS ON INVERSION 1. No sooner had I reached home............................the telephone rang. a) than b) when c)----------- d) then e) immediately 2. ..................... that you were in hospital, I would certainly have visited you there. a) I had known b) Had I known c) If I knew d) Knowing e) should I know 3. ..................... left the building, when the bomb went off. a) Hardly have we b) Hardly we had c) Hardly had we d) If we e) we had no sooner 4. Under no circumstances ........................any compromises. a) there can be b) which they can c) like they are d) that there can be e) can there be 5. ..................... must there be any repetition of such tactics. a) sometimes b) not only c) very seldom d) once in a while e) until 6. ...................... else can there be a woman like this, so everybody admires her. a) Anywhere b) Somewhere c) Where d) Nowhere e) What 7. At no time ................................ the office without getting permission from my boss. a) I left b) did I leave c) I didn’t leave d) did they notice e) not only did they notice 8. Not until the thief left the house, ..........................him although they were at home. a) they noticed b) they didn’t notice c) didn’t they notice d) did they notice e) not only did they notice 9. ....................... lost in the market, the staff of the shop will help him. a) Were the boy to get b) The little boy gets c) Should the little boy get d) The little boy should get e) The little boy were to get 10. Never ............................. any doubt about the matter. a) has there been b) hasn’t there been c) there has been d) there hasn’t been e) there should be 11. ..................... greedy, I could have bought a lot of jewelry. a) If I had b) Had I been c) Should I be d) I had been e) I hadn’t been 12. Only from that student .....................the truth. a) could I understand b) I understand c) I understand that d) I could understand e) I could have understood 13. Even less ..........................of what the teacher is thinking. a) we know b) what we know c) that we d) do we know e) which we know 14. ........................... informed them of the mistake in time, your students would have never succeeded. a) Had you now b) You hadn’t c) You had d) Did you e) That you had 15. Not until I came into the class .......................... her illness. a) I had realized b) did I realize c) have I realized d) I realize e) I realized answer key: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. e 5. c 6.d 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. a 13. d 14. a 15. b