So You’ve Been Caught Speeding

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of So You’ve Been Caught Speeding

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A guide to dealing with speeding tickets in your exotic car.

So You’ve Been Caught Speeding…

Starr Auto Rentals

Does Fighting a Ticket Make Sense?

Exotic car rentals are a lot of fun at high speeds, but there’s a time and place for that.

Should you fight the ticket? Some would have you believe that

fighting a ticket is easy. There are no guarantees. Many factors influence how easy the

ticket will be to deal with.

The reality of it is this: there will likely be consequences like… Points on your DMV report Higher insurance rates

What Should your First Step Be?

Don’t Make Things Worse

There are a few different ways to approach things if you get pulled over, and how fast you were going will drastically change the situation.

ALWAYS be courteous and kind to the officer that pulled you over. Police officers who are in a good mood or who like you may let you off with a warning.

If you were only going a few miles per hour over the speed limit… Be apologetic Do not admit guilt, “I didn’t realize I was speeding, officer.” You might get off with a slap on the wrist if you’re lucky!

If you were going 30 mph or more over the speed limit… You might be cuffed and taken into custody A citation will be issued It’s going to cost you

How Much Could it Cost You?

The fees associated with a speeding ticket vary from state to state. Even if your speeding ticket wasn’t too

serious, your fees may vary.

Paying might not be your only option. If you were barely over the limit, you

may be able to attend Traffic School If you were way over the limit, you may

be excluded from Traffic School

If you were speeding by a massive margin, it may be time to let the law run its course…

Don’t Let Yourself Learn the Hard Way.

Myths and Misinformation

There are plenty of people out there who would take advantage of your situation.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Here are some common myths you may have heard… “If the officer made mistakes on your ticket, you’ll walk!” “If you question the accuracy of the officer’s radar gun/LIDAR, you win!” “If you ask for numerous delays, the officer eventually won’t show up!”

These are all just that – myths. Unless your officer made a massive mistake like getting the locations, date, and type of vehicle you drive wrong, you’ll likely have to face the music one way or another.


Be polite to the officer.

Attend your court date.

Plead your case.

Request Traffic School

Don’t admit guilt.

Don’t request unneeded delays.

Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of.

Don’t falsely refute a radar gun’s reading It’s time consuming and probably won’t help.

Deal With the Ticket and Get Back on the Road!

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