Silver bend diem 3

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Silver bend diem 3

Week 3Diem

Welcome back to Silver Bend for week three! It’s the Diem’s first up. Pony and Ambi are getting more settled in. Little Delilah was born and another baby on the way.

This week the goal is to make a few family friends. Pony’s pretty much kept to herself so far, but that needs to


“Good boy Bane.” Ambi said patting the dog on the head. The big dog learned

another trick. They were slowly making progress. Ambi and Pony couldn’t take

jobs yet, but if they got the dogs trained they could.

“Okay now Roll Over!” Ambi encouraged. Bane just wagged his tail. Ambi sighed, putting his hands over his head. He’d

never fulfil his lifetime want at this rate.

I was also up early. Toddler demands started early and my Delilah was no

different. Nothing like a smelly diaper and a cuddle to get the morning going.

Ambi was head over heels with our baby girl too. I watched them fondly. It was still hard to believe I was starting a family with

him again.

Delilah always made a beeline for little Courage when you set her on the floor. Courage would come find her too. They make a great pair. She’s definitely a dog

person like her momma.

Ambi did most of the work in the garden. I think he liked being out there as much as I

did. But being pregnant again kept me exhausted.

He went to Ambian Sounds during the day too. Diem Digs would have to wait a little

bit until the baby was born.

Ambi managed well enough on his own. Pony would of made things easier, but he

managed. It was nice to get to talk to guys for a few hours.

Ivy Cooper gave Ambian Sounds rank 1. Ambi puffed with pride. His business was gaining some notice in Silver Bend at last.

He purchased a second jukebox for his inventory with the reward for rank 1.

Ambian Sounds ended up in the red at the end of the day, but gaining rank 1 was

worth it.

Ambi returned midafternoon. Delilah and I joined him in the garden. The expanded rows needed planting and I was feeling better after a nap. Delilah played in the grass watching us work. The afternoon sunshine warm on the


Darkness fell and it was time for Delilah’s birthday. Our little girl growing up fast. We splurged for a birthday cake, I can’t

resist spoiling kids.

In a burst of sparkles Delilah popped into childhood. Now we can put her to work in the garden…. Teach her about nature and

growing things.

Of course have fun with her too.“Higher Daddy!”“As you wish!”

Ambi tucked Delilah into bed after awhile. And sat down with Bane again.

“Bane shake!”Bane smiled and wagged his tail.

“Ambi!” I called, woken up in the night by labor pains. “It’s time!”

Little Heather was born first. She looked a lot like Delilah with her father’s red hair

and dark blue eyes.

No sooner than I had Heather settled in the crib when Jonah was born. He also

had red and deep blue eyes.

Ambi scooped up Heather as I fed Jonah a bottle.

My noise woke up Delilah. I joined her building a sandcastle on the beach. Before

sending her back to bed.

I could tell her new siblings were on her mind when she headed off to school. Her first day, I hoped she would love being a

big sister.

I left shortly after the school bus. It started to rain, a heavy spring rain.

Puddles forming on the grass. Hopefully it wouldn’t last long.

The rain stopped once I got to work at Diem Digs. It was a beautiful day. A reporter came in a pretty pink

dress.“Congratulations Pony, I’m giving Diem Digs the best

of the best award!”“Really, I don’t even have four walls up yet.”

“Doesn’t affect your great customer service.”

To make things even better Amin Sims gave me Rank 4. I decide to go for a whole

sale discount to help restocking the permanent stock items.

I closed up a left as soon as darkness fell. I hung out my Best of the Best award with

pride. Who needs walls anyways?

I arrived home at the same time as Delilah.“Mom will you help me with my

homework?”“Sure thing.”

After slogging through common core math with Delilah, I escaped to the garden. My cucumbers had been harvested and it was

time to replace them.

The twins managed to soil their diapers and need bottles at the same time. Twins, gotta love ‘em. I took care of Jonah while

Ambi tended Heather.

Ambi and I fell into a exhausted sleep shortly after midnight.

All to begin again in a few hours.

Delilah loved the small pond. She spent every moment before school fishing in the


Courage grew up promptly at ten. He takes a lot after Bane. But look at his little

white tail tip.

After hearing about runaway dogs in BACCs I slapped a collar on Courage. I

didn’t want to lose Delilah’s best friend.

It was Ambi’s turn to work again. He was really getting the hang of things.

Katy Mcgraw gave Ambian Sounds a rather sly rank 2.

The garden was thriving. Both tomatoes and strawberries ripened to bear

mouthwatering fruit.

Infancy flies by so quickly. We got cakes for the twins and sung happy birthday


Heather grew up to be just like her big sister, down to a single nice point. The first born effect. I had never

thought my own children would be victim to the condition.

Jonah was uniquely himself. Very active and playful, with three nice points. I did like the new year’s baby look he

had going on.

I gave them both a little make over. Jonah got Heather’s green suit. I dressed

Heather up in a cute little dress, perfect for summer.

Like clockwork the big garden needed constant work. Baby plants with twin

toddlers and managing both businesses kept Ambi and I on our toes. I hadn’t had

time to work on my weekly goal at all.

The twins kept up their synchronized schedule of diapers changes and feedings.

Ambi and I weren’t in a good enough mood to make smart milk. So potty

training was slow going.

Summer threw us a little surprise rain on my way to work.

Diem Digs was making a little bit of money and the few digs I had time for provided some extra stock. I added an extra shelf

for the long term stock items. Though my vase strangely disappeared.

Ethan Barrett gave my business rank 5. I could add a few more wall section and have money left over for Reno day on


Then rain continued at home. Ambi and I tried to have a date when Delilah came

home from school.

We shooed all the kids out of the garage. I wanted to try for another baby. Silly

given the heavy demands on us already. But Ambi was a family sim too, he readily


Delilah entertained herself by making paper airplanes out of the newspaper.

The date rejuvenated Ambi and me. The twins could have smart milk at last.

Let Todder Training begin!!!

Courage took up the family habit of wave watching.

Ambi took his turn to work. I did my fair share in the garden. Things were a little easier with Heather and Jonah being a

little more independent.

Joe Graham gave Ambian Sound it’s third rank.

Ambi added two more inventory items with the money reward. Pony would

pleased, they had almost $20,000 for the renovation to the beach house. And a hefty contribution to the college fund.

Delilah had no toys of her own and paper airplanes were only so exciting. She sat down dubiously with

Jonah. She usually played with Heather. “Sissy!” Jonah squeaked happily.

Delilah smiled, it was hard not to with a sweet little brother.

I fell face first out the energizer. Something had gone probably wrong, I felt

completely drained. And starving. Not good for the growing baby inside me.

Delilah and Courage spent as much time together as possible. She was very patient

teaching him to shake. He was a quick learner.

My fourth child made itself known, waking me up from a much needed nap. I drank a simfast to take the edge off my hunger and

went back to sleep.

Saturday morning, another one my children woke me from much needed

sleep. Poor Heather had gotten quite dirty crawling around outside.

Sharing a room with the whole family had it’s down sides. Heather woke Delilah up

too. She made a beeline for the pond.

The hobby leaders made their first appearance. Delilah earned a membership

to Peerless Park.

As the sun rose, Ambi and I cleared out the kids and the dogs to make room for Reno Day. We had roughly $17,000 to

throw at the house after taxes.

I added a second story. My original floorplan idea wouldn’t work so I had to

modify it a bit. Eventually there be a third floor for more bedroom. But our funds ran dry. Right now the kids will have to

share the front room.

I planted an apple tree in the garden. Fruit trees at last.

“The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout…” I sang gently coaxing Heather to sing with me. Ambi was doing the same with Jonah, the last skill our two needed

before they’re birthday.

A Brittany Parker walked by, Delilah ran to greet her. It was the only other person she

had seen that was her age.

Ambi and I snuck another date. It was the best way to keep our moods up. In all the


“I love you Daddy.” Delilah said hugging Ambi tightly.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

I popped again coming out of the energizer. It was the twins’ birthday and I

hadn’t the energy to make it through it all.

Cakes and beds were purchases, all toddler blankets sold to make room. We

wouldn’t need the for a day or two anyway.

“Look at my hand.” They said in unison. Wiggling their fingers.

Finally they’re all bigger enough to work in the garden. A whole family affair.

I still hadn’t really made any progress on my goal of making friends this week. Both Ambi and Delilah made a friend, but I had been too tired. It was Sunday and I didn’t

have anything so I called up Thai and Amanda to invite them over.

Even had them bring Hans along to play with our dogs.

Ambi made us pop tarts, I wish had remembered to get a dining table during

Reno Day.

Thai and I caught up on everything. His business was during very well, better than

mine actually. Brat.

Amanda went home and Thai went to see what the kids were doing. Ambi and I

snuck to the garage and had some sips of elixir. I wanted to see my grandchildren at least born. Our lives were too short as it

was. Everyone is getting at least one bottle of elixir.

Thai ended up fishing with the twins.“Mom says you and her aren’t from here.” Jonah said.“We’re not.” Thai replied jiggling his line. “We’re from

far far away.”“Does that mean you’re aliens?” Heather wanted to


The kids were in bed, Thai still fishing, when I went into labor.

Julie and Rebecca were born with a bit of an audience. Both red heads with blue eyes. I was hoping at least one of them

would be blond.

Ambi and I got the girls settled in cribs. I went down to the beach wondering what to do next. This new year had

so much potential. I think I’ll hang in Silver Bend until Keika gets settled. Then who knows, the Pokémon family

is pretty close to an update.


.5 Founder point

.5 2nd GenMoney

No current pointsFamily Friends

1 (4 Family Friend .25 ea)

Impossible wantsNo current points

Platinum GravesNo current points

GhostsNo current points


No current points

Family Breed

.5 Pet created in CAS

.25 Mate created in CAS


No current points

Bon voyage

No current points

Free Time

No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


-3 Maxmotives

-1 Spouse made in CAS

Rotation: Week 3Households: 1 of 3Playable Sims: 10# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 10

Community Lots: 3Business Districts: 0Universities: 0Downtown: No

SM: 2

Population: 20

CAS Available: 0

University Funds: $8,326(+5,136)(10% taken of available funds taken dailies)# of Fires: 0# of Burglaries: 1 # of Electrocutions: 0# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 5Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 3Colouriffic – Thai Colours - 4Careers:Slacker: 0 of 1 (Thai Colours)

Well, this is the third update for my two a month goal. I thought about sitting on it

in case I fail later on. But I think I could go ahead and upload at least once a week if I have enough chapters finished. I plan to finish the Week 3 rotation in Silver Bend

then move on to Laguna Isle and finish up the NEW Pokemon Legacy chapter I have

partially finished. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get enough pictures for and Herbal

Medicine update too. Anyway, strong start for the new year. Happy New Year

everyone and Happy Simming!