Significance of mitosis nd meosis sss

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Significance of mitosis nd meosis sss




MITOSIS: is a part of the cell cycle in which chromosomes in a cell nucleus are separated into two identical sets of chromosomes, each in its own nucleus.

MEOSIS: a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.

Survival Mitosis is cell division.

This cell division can be for growth, maturity, or to repair/replace damaged cells.

Meiosis is basically required for reproduction to take place.

Meiosis produces gametes, which are required for sexual reproduction.

Mitosis is important for sexual reproduction indirectly.

It allows the sexually reproducing organism to grow and develop from a single cell into a sexually mature individual.

This allows organisms to continue to reproduce through the generations.

Repair of worn out parts (healing of wounds) takes place by mitosis.

Binary fission - single-celled organisms

(e.g. amoeba) reproduce simply by splitting into two new cells.

Budding –bud on parent organism

(e.g. yeast) develops into a new organism through repeated cell division


One of the benefits of sexual reproduction is the diversity it produces within a population. That

variety is a direct product of meiosis.

Every sex cell made from meiosis has a unique combination of chromosomes. This means that no two sperm or egg cells are genetically identical.

Every fertilization event produces new combinations of traits.

This is why siblings share DNA with parents and each other, but are not identical to one another.

Recombination at meiosis plays an important role in the repair of genetic defects.

The conventional view that it generates by recombination and sexual reproduction the genetic diversity on which natural selection can act.

It is essential, at least in animals, for the reprogramming of gametes which give rise to the fertilized eggs.

The major disadvantage is that all of the organisms in a population or all of the plants in an area will have the exact same DNA. If a new disease comes along every single organism or plant will be wiped out because if one organism or plant is unable to fight the disease that means none can fight the disease.

Mitosis also does not produce any variation. So, a plant that reproduces through mitosis won't have the chance to produce offspring that might be better than the parent.

An organism cannot reproduce all by itself, but must find another organism to reproduce.

This takes more time and energy than simply being able to created a clone through mitosis.