Serene's D.T Book

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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About Tea!

Transcript of Serene's D.T Book

All about Tea

By: Serene Lin

Class: Y5C

Hi my name is

Tu Tu I am the

guide for this tea



(1. Plucking and weighing the tea leaves………….. 2.

(2. Drying the leaves………………………........... 3.

(3. Rolling the tea leaves and cutting..................... 4.

(4. Sorted in groups…………………………….… 5.

(5. We drink the yummy tea! ............................... 6.

(6. Game! ........................................................... 7.

(7. References…………………………………….. 8.

(8. Glossary……………………………………..… 9.

(9. About the Author………………………….… 10.


Plucking and


Plucking and weighing the tea leaves

The tea leaves have to be plucked because if you don’t pluck the tea leaves it will grow up to 20

meters high. Some tea leaves are plucked by hands but some are by machines. After they

are plucked they will be weighed. A handful size of the tea weighs around 6.5gm.


Drying the leaves

The tea leaves are dried in machines. It takes two hours to dry all the tea leaves.

Don’t you think it is a long time to dry the tea leaves? So tea is very hard to be made.

Those people who make tea, they are very patient and hard-working. In the olden

days, they laid out the tea on tables because they didn’t have machines. But there are some

countries still dry the tea leaves on the table today.



the leaves!

Rolling the tea leaves and Cutting

Tea-makers also use a kind of machine to roll the leaves. Because that is easier to roll the tea leaves.

They cut the dirty parts of the tea leaves but they leave the healthy parts of them. Cutting the leaves

takes a long time because they have to do that only by hands but not machines.


Rolling the tea

leaves and


Rolled tea leaves

Sorted in groups

Why do we sort the tea? Because there are so many types of tea like Oolong tea, Green tea, Mint

tea, Herb tea just for example. Don’t think there are just four kinds of tea. There are loads more. Tea

sometimes tastes sweet but sometimes bitter and also sometimes sour. After sorting they will package

the tea leaves.


Sorted in


We drink the yummy tea!

Then we buy it from the shop.First step we put the dried leaves into the pots and then we put hot

water inside and we will have to wait a few minutes. Second step we pour it in our cups. Sometimes

when you open the package you will see a bag, inside the bag their is dried leaves.We put it in the

hot water and then we wait for two or three minutes.Inside the tea there is a thing called caffiene.

Actully the tea can also be used as medicine.





These are all the websites and phots that I got from the the web.



Caffiene - A type of thing that is in many kinds of tea. It makes you fells wild awake. Usally if

children drink it.

Hard working - (Adjective) Very concentrated and very serious doing something.

Loads – (Noun) like loads of fun. Same meaning as lots.

Patient – (Adjective) very calm and silent.

Plucked (Verb) same meaning as picked. Pulling something feathers for example.


About the Author

Serene is the author of this book.

She really likes reading books.

Her favourite hobbies are swimming,

singing and swinging. She comes from

Taiwan. Now she likes the “Harry

Potter Series“. She also likes to work on

some projects on the computer.


This book is talking about tea.

It is talking about how tea is made.

This book has facts and has a game.

Tu Tu is really a cute bear in this book.
