· Selepas tu kami pergi ke Perlis pada 21hb November 2013 untuk melawat kumpulan Advokasi Diri di...

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Melawat Kumpulan AD di Perlis

Kumpulan AD di Perlis mengadakan activiti belajar komputer

Melawat Kumpulan EQ1 di PDK Bedong

Melawat Kumpulan Cempaka di PDK Merbok

Bengkel Tindakan Susulan dengan kumpulan di Kedah

Di Bengkel Daya Sg. Petani, Kedah

Pada 18hb November 2013 United Voice dijemput ke Bengkel Daya Sg. Petani untuk berbincang tentang Job Coach (dengan staf) dan untuk menjalankan satu Beng-kel Advokasi Diri (AD) untuk pelatih-pelatih di sana.

Pada 19hb November 2013 United Voice menjalankan satu Bengkel Tindakan Susulan untuk kumpulan advokasi diri di Kedah. Sebanyak 17 kumpulan (42 pelatih PDK dan 53 penyokong) dari seluruh Kedah menghadiri bengkel ini. Di bengkel ini kami menerangkan tentang Advokasi Diri. Selepas itu semua peserta di bahagikan kepada kumpulan dan mengadakan perbincangan tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh kumpulan dan bagaimana boleh mengatasi masalah tersebut.

Bengkel di Kedah dan Melawat Kumpulan Advokasi Diri di Kedah & Perlis

Selepas bengkel selesai, 6 kumpulan AD baru telah ditubuh-kan. Sekarang terdapat 20 kumpulan AD di Kedah.

Kami juga melawat 2 kumpulan advokasi diri, Kumpalan EQ1 di PDK Bedong dan Kumpulan Cempaka di PDK Merbok.

Selepas tu kami pergi ke Perlis pada 21hb November 2013 untuk melawat kumpulan Advokasi Diri di PDK Felda Chup-ing. Ahli-ahli kumpulan ini terdiri daripada pelatih-pelatih daripada enam PDK di Perlis.

March 2013 (For Private Circulation only)


“Health for Life” Fitness & Fundraising EventOn 17 August 2013 United Voice organized a Health and Fitness fund-raising at 1-Utama. The purpose of the event was to promote healthy living especially for persons with learning disabilities. This event had 2 activities that ran concurrently on the same day. The whole event started from 10.00am to 6.00pm.

In the morning two sporting events featuring a long distance run on two treadmills and a long distance cycling ride on two stationary bicycles. For each event, two teams pitted against each other in a race to complete the pre-set targeted distances. Each of the four teams also had one member from United Voice who either ran or cycled the ‘First Mile’ and ‘Last Mile’ stages of the race. This activity was hosted at the Celebrity Fitness premise at 1-Utama.Participants warming up before the

sports competitions

Whilst the sporting events were going on, United Voice invited professionals to present talks centered on topics of healthy living for people with learning disabilities. Our speakers were Premal-atha Shanmugam who presented about “Rhythmic Movement”, Dato’ Dr Rajen. M who talked about “Dietary Need for Persons With Learning Disabilities”, Phoebe Long Mei Wah who did a session on “Brain Gym” and Mrs Lee Lan Mee who talked about Special Olympics.

We would like to thank all our sponsors who sponsored prizes for the competition and also for the lucky draw.

(L-R) UV members Azlan, Deerick, Seng Kit & David participating in the sports competition

Felicia presenting prizes to the winners & 1st runner ups

Celebrity Fitness also conducting a Sh’bam Special Class as one of the activitiesSpeakers, Dato Dr. Rajen & Mrs Lee

Phoebe doing an activity on “Brain Gym”

Prema introducing “Rhythmic Movement”

oleh Mohd. Shahell(Ahli Mutiara Voice Club, Penang)

Bengkel Fasilitator

Pada 5 - 7hb April 2014, saya dan seorang ahli Mutiara Voice Club iaitu Sariha telah dijemput oleh United Voice untuk menghadiri Bengkel Fasilitator. Tujuan bengkel ini diadakan ialah untuk menimba ilmu bagaimana untuk menjadi fasilitator yang baik dan juga apa yang dipelajari di dalam bengkel ini akan digunakan untuk Persidangan Advokasi Diri Kebangsaan ke-5 (5th NSAC).

Ini merupakan kali pertama kami menghadiri bengkel seperti ini. Bengkel ini ada tujuh peserta, 4 daripada United Voice, kami 2 dari MVC dan seorang daripada Friendship Club. Dalam bengkel ini, kami dapat belajar sesuatu yang berguna bukan sahaja digunakan seb-agai fasilitator di dalam persidangan tetapi juga digu-nakan dalam kehidupan seharian.

Di dalam bengkel ini, kami dapat belajar beberapa ciri-ciri penting yang perlu ada pada setiap fasilitator. Di antara ciri-ciri tersebut ialah belajar bersabar, belajar berfikir, belajar men-dengar, belajar memahami orang lain, tidak boleh putus asa, tidak boleh merendahkan orang lain, mementingkan masa dan menjaga tingkah laku.

Sebelum saya menamatkan laporan, saya men-gucapkan terima kasih kepada United Voice kerana memberi peluang kepada kami untuk menjadi fasilitator. Kami berharap UV dapat menjemput kami ke mana-mana persidangan yang lain selain daripada persidangan advokasi diri. Sekian terima kasih.

Aktiviti-Aktiviti - melukis, role play, perbincangan, gamesSesi maklumbalas & refleksi


Around June last year, I received a wedding invitation card from Roxanne Teoh Hooi Ting. The date of her marriage to Law Meng Hung was 15 June 2013.

I was invited to her reception buffet dinner at the SSTwo Mall in Pet-aling Jaya. I quickly called up my friends at United Voice to find out what they were buying for her as a present. I also asked my parents and they said it would be better to give her an angpow. She could buy whatever she needed for her new family.

That evening, there was a light drizzle. When I arrived at SSTwo Mall, there were many friends. They were all nicely dressed. Some people from Malaysian Care also came for the dinner. When I met Hooi Ting, I gave her the angpow and shook her hand and congratu-lated her. The food was delicious and I sat down with my friends to chit chat. I enjoyed the fellowship with my friends very much.

by Esther MooHooi Ting’s Wedding

Hooi Ting & Meng Hung

Group photo with UV staff, members & friendsTea Ceremony (Hooi Ting’s mom)


Disability Equality Training (DET)Last year and this year, United Voice has con-ducted more than 60 DET trainings for Air Asia staff.

At the DET trainings we talk about characteristics of persons with learning disabilities, how to sup-port them and how to interact with them.

We were also invited to give DET training to the private sector organised by PERKESO last year. Close to 60 participants came for the training.

We also worked together with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to produce a DET manual and also conducted 2 DET trainings for their staff.

Lit Whei conducting DET at Air Asia

Practical training for MOH staff at a Klinik Kesihatan

March 2013 (For Private Circulation only)


UV Outing at I-City

On 26th October 2013, United Voice had organized for us an annual trip to I-City. My mother already bought the tickets for us earlier. All of us arrived at I-City by bus at about 5pm. We wore thick jackets and gloves before entering an air-conditioned snow-walk hall. It was very cold inside. We went down a mini-slide. We took pictures of us with the snowman and other attractions.

After that we walked to the ‘Trick Art Museum’. The arts looked so real. When we came out, I saw an archery outlet, so I decided to have a game. We had dinner at KFC and walked to the funfair for some fun. Some of us went on the ‘Merry-go-round’ while others went on the ‘Big Swing’. The bus came back at about 9pm to send us back to UV.

by David Foo

Snow Walk

Trick Art Museum

Digital Lights