SECTOR BIOTECNOLOGÍA - Ministerio de Ciencia, … · Inteligencia Competitiva Team-Report-FLAG...

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BIO AGRICULTURA:Cultivos Transgénicos, MarcadoresMoleculares y Nuevas Técnicas demejoramiento - Julio - Agosto 2016

Inteligencia Competitiva



Presidente de la NaciónIng. Mauricio Macri

Ministro de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación ProductivaDr. Lino Barañao

Secretaria de Planeamiento y Políticas en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación ProductivaDr. Miguel Ángel Bielsa

Subsecretario de Estudios y ProspectivaLic. Jorge Robbio

Director Nacional de EstudiosDr. Ing. Martín Villanueva


Esp. Lic. Nancy V. PEREZEsp. Lic. Miguel GUAGLIANOEsp. Adm. Adriana SANCHEZ RICOIng. Diego LISCENIng. Lidia SERATTIIng. Alejandro LUGONES

Inteligencia Competitiva


La gráfica de tendencias presenta lac a n t i d a d d e n o v e d a d e srecolectadas en cada proceso demoni toreo de la P la ta forma-Biotecnología, diferenciada porcategoría/tipo de información, en unaño. En este sentido, la gráficasiguiente muestra que entre marzoy octubre de 2016, las categoríasmás act iva en e l Sector BioAgricultura corresponde a Noticias yPa ten tes , con más de 200novedades mensua les .

El análisis de grupos temáticos (Clúster) permiten determinar elénfasis o las relaciones internas que no son obvias, así desde loscontenidos textuales es posible trabajar con un vocabulario quevisualice las de mayor frecuencia. En este ámbito, el presenteboletín hace referencia a las temáticas Mejoramiento molecular,Cultivos transgénicos y Nuevas técnicas de mejoramiento vegetal(NBTs), observando así una interesante vinculación de lasnovedades con los términos plantas y genética, donde resaltanresultados destinados a hacer las plantas más resistentes a losefectos del cambio climático y de alguna manera reducir susefectos más extremos, como podría llegar a ser la escases dealimentos. Esto último tiene respaldo en uno de los estudios másrecientes de la FAO

(Ref: IALE Tecnología SpA)

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1. Investigación sobre las consecuencias metabólicas de la impregnación de hojas de espi... 2

2. CsWRKY46, un factor de transcripción WRKY a partir del pepino, confiere resistencia a... 2

3. Análisis proteómico de la respuesta al estrés salino en plántulas de dos cultivares d... 3

4. Rol de la genética y genómica en la mitigación de estrés abiótico en el poroto de soy... 4

5. Uso del rapid visco analyser (RVA) en mejoramiento y selección de cereales 4

6. Interacciones rizobacterianas en plantas: Estrategias que aseguran el crecimiento baj... 5

7. SIGMO: Sistema de apoyo de decisiones para la identificación de alimentos genéticamen... 5

8. Mini códigos de barra de ADN como marcadores moleculares para la autenticación de aza... 6

9. Mejoramiento de frutas utilizando intragénesis y microARN artificial 6


10. Mejoramiento para reducir el nivel de arsénico en granos de arroz 7

11. Evaluación y monitoreo del impacto de plantas genéticamente modificadas sobre los agr... 7


12. Anticuerpos para un M-CSF 8

13. Plantas de arroz transgénico mejorado 8

14. Uso de fungicida en plantas transgénicas 9

15. Plantas con tolerancia y/o resistencia mejorada al estrés ambiental y producción mejo... 9

16. Plantas con tolerancia a herbicidas mejorada 10

17. Composiciones y métodos para mejorar la resistencia al estrés abiótico 10


18. Swiss Academies: No se requieren regulaciones estrictas para las NBTs 11

19. DuPont Pioneer establece avanzada plataforma de mejoramiento vegetal CRISPR-Cas 11


20. SMARTER. Mejoramiento de cereal utilizando ARN pequeño 11

21. Sociedad Internacional de Patología Vegetal apoya la seguridad y beneficios de los cu... 12

22. Instituto alemán hace uso de transgénicos para combatir insectos perjudiciales sin to... 12

23. Equipo australiano de investigadores descubre cómo las plantas sienten y responden a ... 13

24. Empresa estatal brasileña desarrolla lechuga transgénica resistente a fatal plaga 13

25. Investigadores identifican características que mejoran la resistencia a la sequía en ... 13

26. Científicos descubren que la hormona animal melatonina está involucrada en la resiste... 14


27. Mercado global de semillas genéticamente modificadas 2016 - 2020 15


28. GMO - 20 Años de comercialización 16

29. VIII Seminario Científico Internacional de Sanidad Vegetal 16

BIO Agricultura

Pág. 2


Investigación sobre las consecuencias metabólicas de laimpregnación de hojas de espinaca con trehalosa y laaplicación de campos eléctricos pulsadosPublicada el 30/08/2016

Publication date: December 2016 Source: Bioelectrochemistry, Volume112 Author(s): Katarzyna Dymek, Valentina Panarese, Els Herremans,Dennis Cantre, Rick Schoo, Javier Sastre Toraño, Henriette Schluepmann,Lars Wadso, Pieter Verboven, Bart M. Nicolai, Petr Dejmek, FedericoGómez Galindo The impregnation of leafy vegetables with cryoprotectantsusing a combination of vacuum impregnation (VI) and pulsed electric fields(PEF) has been proposed by our research group as a method of improvingtheir freezing tolerance and consequently their general quality afterthawing.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 3

CsWRKY46, un factor de transcripción WRKY a partir delpepino, confiere resistencia al frío en plantas transgénicasmediante la regulación de un conjunto de genes sensibles alfrío/estrésPublicada el 28/08/2016

Publication date: 27 August 2016. Source: Plant Physiology andBiochemistry Author(s): Ying Zhang, Hongjun Yu, Xueyong Yang, QiangLi, Jian Ling, Hong Wang, Xingfang Gu, Sanwen Huang, Weijie Jiang PlantWRKY transcription factors are trans-regulatory proteins that are involvedin plant immune responses, development and senescence; however, theirroles in abiotic stress are still not well understood, especially in thehorticultural crop cucumber. In this study, a novel cucumber WRKY gene,CsWRKY46 was cloned and identified, which was up-regulated inresponse to cold stress and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) treatment.CsWRKY46 is belonging to group of the WRKY family, CsWRKY46 wasfound exclusively in the nucleus, as indicated by a transient expressionassay. Yeast one-hybrid assay shown that CsWRKY46 interact with the W-box in the promoter of ABI5.

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Análisis proteómico de la respuesta al estrés salino en plántulasde dos cultivares de arroz en ÁfricaPublicada el 26/08/2016

Publication date: November 2016 Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta(BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, Volume 1864, Issue 11 Author(s):Rebecca Njeri Damaris, Ming Li, Yanli Liu, Xi Chen, Hunja Murage,Pingfang Yang Salt stress is one of the key abiotic stresses threateningfuture agricultural production and natural ecosystems. This studyinvestigates the salt stress response of two rice seedlings, which werescreened from 28 Kenya rice cultivars. A proteomic analysis was carriedout and Mapman bin codes employed in protein function categorization.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 4

Rol de la genética y genómica en la mitigación de estrésabiótico en el poroto de soyaPublicada el 13/07/2016

Publication date: 2016. Source: Environmental Stresses in Soybean Production Author(s): G. Raza, N. Ahmad,M. Hussain, Y. Zafar, M. Rahman The sustainable production of the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) is at stakedue to increased salinization, frequent drought periods, flooding, unusual fluctuations in temperature, andrainfall pattern and frequency. The negative consequences of the changing climate are further complicating thesituation. Conventionally, different traits such as root length, photosynthetic rate, seed size, etc. have beenused as selection criteria for selecting resilient genotypes.

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Uso del rapid visco analyser (RVA) en mejoramiento y selecciónde cerealesPublicada el 13/07/2016

Publication date: 11 July 2016. Source: Journal of Cereal ScienceAuthor(s): Cozzolino D Methods currently in use to determine thebiophysical properties of starch include instrumental techniques such asdifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the rapid visco analyser (RVA).The main application of RVA in the cereal industry has been for theanalysis of the effects of rain damage on grain quality (sprouting) at thedelivery point. In recent years, this method has been also extended toother fields such as simulate the commercial processing conditions in thebrewhouse, to evaluate the effects of pH and temperature on starchgelatinization and to detect major changes in viscosity related to proteolyticand saccharification activity.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 5

Interacciones rizobacterianas en plantas: Estrategias queaseguran el crecimiento bajo estrés de sequía y salinidadPublicada el 13/07/2016

Publication date: 1 September 2016 Source: Agriculture, Ecosystems& Environment, Volume 231 Author(s): Manoj Kaushal, Suhas P.Wani Drought and salinity are major environmental stresses resulting insecondary stresses such as osmotic and oxidative stress (common to bothstresses) as well as ionic stress (during salinity) causing alterations inphysiological, biochemical and molecular processes in plants resulting insubstantial loss to crop productivity. The major physiological parametersstudied in plants during stressed conditions are malondialdehyde (MDA)content and relative electrical conductivity in leaves, relative water content(RWC), stomatal conductance (gs), Chl content and Chl-fluorescence.

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SIGMO: Sistema de apoyo de decisiones para la identificaciónde alimentos genéticamente modificadosPublicada el 13/07/2016

Publication date: January 2017. Source: Food Control, Volume 71 Author(s): Marko Bohanec, Biljana MilevaBoshkoska, Theo W. Prins, Esther J. Kok Since their introduction in 1994, more and more genetically modified(GM) crops are grown worldwide and introduced in food or feed products. In the European Union (EU), theproduction, trade and marketing of GM products is strictly regulated, but the situation is becoming morecomplex due to the increasing number and complexity of GM crops, and asynchronic approval procedures withthe major GM crop producing countries.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 6

Mini códigos de barra de ADN como marcadores molecularespara la autenticación de azafránPublicada el 21/06/2016

Publication date: July 2016. Source: Food Control, Volume 65 Author(s):Caterina Villa, Joana Costa, Liliana Meira, M. Beatriz P.P. Oliveira, IsabelMafra Saffron (Crocus sativus) is the most expensive spice in the world. Asa consequence, saffron has frequently been associated with an unrivalleddegree of adulteration. The aim of this work was searching for DNA-barcode candidates as molecular markers to differentiate C. sativus fromallied species and assessing the authenticity of saffron. New primers werespecifically designed targeting three DNA barcode loci, namely ITS1, ITS2and matK. A real-time PCR assay combined with high resolution melting(HRM) analysis was carried out in order to discriminate different Crocusspp., being further confirmed by sequencing.

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Mejoramiento de frutas utilizando intragénesis y microARNartificialPublicada el 17/06/2016

Publication date: February 2012. Source: Trends in Biotechnology, Volume30, Issue 2 Author(s): Barbara Molesini, Youry Pii, Tiziana PandolfiniGenetic engineering methods based on the use of transgenes have beensuccessfully adopted to improve crops. A novel all-native DNA genetechnology consists of the creation of intragenic constructs by isolatinggenetic elements from a crop, rearranging them in vitro, and inserting themback into the plant. The ever-increasing genomic information and theelucidation of the molecular mechanisms that control fruit developmentcould be exploited to confer the desired fruit phenotypes usingendogenous DNA.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 7


Mejoramiento para reducir el nivel de arsénico en granos dearrozPublicada el 12/07/2016

High levels of arsenic in rice grains threaten the health of millions of people particularly in the Ganges delta ofIndia and Bangladesh where arsenic-contaminated irrigation water is used for rice cultivation.

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Evaluación y monitoreo del impacto de plantas genéticamentemodificadas sobre los agro-ecosistemasPublicada el 11/07/2016

The project aims at 1 providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the EU, 2 translatingregional protection goals in measurable assessment endpoints, 3 defining lists of suitable bioindicators forvarious European regions, 4 improving knowledge on potential long term environmental effects of geneticallymodified plants (GMPs), 5 testing the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document (GD) for the EnvironmentalRisk Assessment (ERA) of GMPs, 6 exploring new strategies for post market monitoring, 7 estimating thecompatibility of GMPs with the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles implemented in the EU, 8providing a systematic analysis of economical aspects of GMPs cultivation in the EU, and 9 setting a trainingand communication plan addressing public concerns about GMPs.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 8


Anticuerpos para un M-CSFPublicada el 26/08/2016

The present invention relates to antibodies and antigen-binding portionsthereof that specifically bind to a M-CSF, preferably human M-CSF, andthat function to inhibit a M-CSF. The invention also relates to human anti-M-CSF antibodies and antigen-binding portions thereof. The invention alsorelates to antibodies that are chimeric, bispecific, derivatized, single chainantibodies or portions of fusion proteins.

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Plantas de arroz transgénico mejoradoPublicada el 19/08/2016

The present invention relates to rice-specific microRNA, miR820, geneeffective to control tillering and floral development through gene isolation,cloning and functional verification from the Indian Oryza species. Thisinvention relates to nucleotide sequence (containing the nucleotidefragment of miR820) is linked to an exogenous promoter, and wherein thepromoter is optionally a constitutive or inducible promoter, and introducedinto Indica rice cultivar.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 9

Uso de fungicida en plantas transgénicasPublicada el 11/08/2016

The present invention relates to a method for controlling fungal infectionand/or increasing plant health in cultivated plant in transgenic plantscomprising application of a fungicide to the transgenic plant, transgenicplant parts, transgenic plant cells transgenic plant propagation materials,and/or at their locus of growth and/or at the locus where they are to grow.

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Plantas con tolerancia y/o resistencia mejorada al estrésambiental y producción mejorada de biomasaPublicada el 15/07/2016

This invention relates generally to a plant cell with increased toleranceand/or resistance to environmental stress and increased biomassproduction as compared to a corresponding non-transformed wild typeplant cell by increasing or generating one or more activities of polypeptidesassociated with abiotic stress responses and abiotic stress tolerance inplants.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 10

Plantas con tolerancia a herbicidas mejoradaPublicada el 23/06/2016

Provided are plants comprising wild-type or mutated Alopecurus PPO enzymes, and methods of obtaining suchplants. Also provided is a method for controlling weeds at a plant cultivation site, the method comprising thesteps of providing, at said site, a plant that comprises at least one nucleic acid comprising a nucleotidesequence encoding a wild-type or a mutated Alopecurus PPO enzyme which is resistant or tolerant to a PPO-inhibiting herbicide by applying to said site an effective amount of said herbicide.

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Composiciones y métodos para mejorar la resistencia al estrésabióticoPublicada el 09/06/2016

The present invention relates to compositions and methods for improving the abiotic stress tolerance of plants.Plants and plant parts identified, selected and/or produced using compositions and methods of the presentinvention are also provided.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 11


Swiss Academies: No se requieren regulaciones estrictas paralas NBTsPublicada el 24/08/2016

The Swiss Academies of Sciences released a new fact sheet on New Breeding Technologies for SwissAgriculture - Significant Potential, Uncertain Future. According to the Swiss Academies, there is no reason for astrict regulation of plants bred through new plant breeding techniques.

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DuPont Pioneer establece avanzada plataforma demejoramiento vegetal CRISPR-CasPublicada el 17/08/2016

Researchers at DuPont Pioneer are reporting the results of scientificstudies demonstrating the potential of CRISPR-Cas as an advanced plantbreeding technology to increase the productivity and sustainability ofagricultural products. This week, Plant Biotechnology Journal features aPioneer manuscript describing the first application of CRISPR-Cas toimprove a corn plant’s own ability to withstand drought stress.

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SMARTER. Mejoramiento de cereal utilizando ARN pequeñoPublicada el 10/08/2016

Researchers are constantly tinkering with plant breeding strategies to further improve the development of newhigh-yielding, stress-tolerant cereal varieties.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 12

Sociedad Internacional de Patología Vegetal apoya la seguridady beneficios de los cultivos transgénicosPublicada el 04/08/2016

Recientemente el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Seguridad Alimentaria Globalde la Sociedad Internacional de Patología Vegetal publicó un documentode posición sobre los cultivos transgénicos en la revista Food Security.Se propone un enfoque objetivo para la evaluación del potencial de lamodificación genética (GM) para reducir el impacto de las enfermedadesen los cultivos.

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Instituto alemán hace uso de transgénicos para combatirinsectos perjudiciales sin toxinasPublicada el 03/08/2016

South America is fighting a battle against tiger mosquitoes that transmityellow fever, dengue fever and the Zika virus. In Central Europe, wine andfruit growers fear another year of massive crop failures due to a type ofvinegar fly known as the spotted-wing drosophila.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 13

Equipo australiano de investigadores descubre cómo lasplantas sienten y responden a la sequía extremaPublicada el 27/07/2016

Scientists led by The Australian National University (ANU) have discovered how plants, such as rice andwheat, sense and respond to stress brought by extreme drought. Lead researcher Dr. Kai Xun Chan said theteam discovered an enzyme that senses adverse drought and sunlight conditions, and how it works fromatomic to overall plant levels.

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Empresa estatal brasileña desarrolla lechuga transgénicaresistente a fatal plagaPublicada el 19/07/2016

La empresa estatal brasileña, Embrapa, presentó el pasado 7 de junio unasolicitud de patente para una nueva metodología de producción de plantasresistentes a insectos plaga mediante la tecnología de ARN deinterferencia.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 14

Investigadores identifican características que mejoran laresistencia a la sequía en frijolesPublicada el 13/07/2016

Researchers from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Spain and theInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia haveidentified drought-resistant genotypes and the morpho-physiologicalcharacteristics that make beans resistant to drought.

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Científicos descubren que la hormona animal melatonina estáinvolucrada en la resistencia al estrés de las plantasPublicada el 22/06/2016

Regulating melatonin production in plants via drought priming could be apromising approach to enhancing abiotic stress tolerance of crops in futureclimate scenarios. The findings have just been published by Journal ofPineal Research.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 15


Mercado global de semillas genéticamente modificadas 2016 -2020Publicada el 25/08/2016

Genetic Modification Genetic modification (GM), also called genetic engineering (GE), is a technology wherenew traits are introduced into an organism by directly manipulating its genetic makeup. For instance,Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), is introduced or manipulated through intervention at the molecular level usingbiotechnology. In the process of this technology, scientists manipulate the characteristics of plants and animalsby introducing DNA fragments, whole genes, or long stretches of DNA segments from different organisms.

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BIO Agricultura

Pág. 16


GMO - 20 Años de comercializaciónPublicada el 11/08/2016

10th November, 2016. Bern, Switzerland. The Swiss GMO-Free Alliancewelcomes you to an exclusive scientific symposium on the 10th ofNovember 2016 on the topic of genetic engineering and agriculture. Ourgoal is to initiate an in-depth discussion about the risks of geneticengineering and to disprove the notion that there is a scientific consensuson the harmlessness and usefulness of GMOs.

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VIII Seminario Científico Internacional de Sanidad VegetalPublicada el 11/08/2016

10 al 14 de Abril de 2017. La Habana, Cuba. Como en anteriores seminarios, este se considera un espacioespecializado y a la vez integrador, que permite la actualización en resultados científicos y experienciasinnovadoras sobre diferentes temáticas de la sanidad vegetal, las cuales hemos identificado como de mayorinterés actual para Cuba y otros países.

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Para más información:

Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva (VINTEC)Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva

Secretaria de Planeamiento y PolíticasMinisterio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación

Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · ArgentinaTel: (011) 4899-5300 int. 3004 · ·