Scheppend statistics

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Scheppend statistics

StatisticsScheppend Group


Group Member

• Timothy Elia Tallulembang

• Firdaus S.Y

• Syafrie M

• Panji Pranata

Statistics DefinitonStatistics is a study or scientific method of

collecting, organizing, processing, presenting, and analyzing data and drawing a conclusion according to the result of the data analysis

Statistika adalah ilmu atau suatu metode ilmiah tentang cara-cara mengumpulkan, menyusun, mengolah, menyajikan, menganalis-is data serta menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penganalisian data tersebut.

Statistics is divided into 2, population and sample.Statistika dibagi menjadi 2, populasi dan sampel

Population is set of all object that become target of observationPopulation adalah himpunan semua objek yang menjadi sasaran pengamatan

Sample is subset of population that was taken to be object observation.

Sampel adalah himpunan bagian dari populasi yang diambil untuk dijadikan objek pengamatan.

Statistics is closely related to data Statistika berkaitan dengan data

Data is the plural form, Datum is the singular form.Data adalah bentuk jamak, Datum adalah bentuk tunggal

Collection Of DataCollection of data is the beginning stage in the

statistical activityPengumpulan data adalah bagian permulaan dalam

kegiatan statistika.

Collecting data can be performed by : Interview / Questionnaire (Wawancara) Counting (Mencacah) Measuring (Mengukur) Recording by tallies (Mencatat data dengan


Collection Of DataData can be divided into:

- Quantitative data, data in former of number - Qualitative data, data in former of non number

Data dapat dibagi menjadi: - Data kuantitatif, data dalam bentuk bilangan/angka - Data kualitatif, data bukan dalam bentuk angka/bilangan

Measures Of Central TendencyThe measures of central tedency consist of mean, mode,

medianUkuran pemusatan data terdiri dati mean, modus, median

Mean (arithmetic mean)Mean (rata-rata hitung)

Mode (the value that occurs most often)Modus (nilai yang paling banyak muncul)

Median (the middle value)Median (nilai tengah)

Mean (∑) is the average value of a group of data that is formulated by:

• Or

To find modus, just look for the value which appear most often.Untuk mencari modus, carilah nilai yan paling banyak muncul.

Ex (contoh) : 6,6,5,2,1 modusnya adalah 6

Median is in the middle of values that has been orderedMedian berada di tengah nilai-nilai yang talah di urutkan

Mean = sum of all values (jumlah seluruh nilai) Number of data (banyak data)

Mean = Each Value . Each Frequency Total Of Frequency

Data can be present by:Data dapat disajikan dengan:

- Table - Diagram : - Pictogram - Bar Chart - Line Graph - Pie Chart


We had done some experiment


Let’s Check It Out !!! ^^

First Data

The first data is about favorite lesson of the students of IX-C (Bar Chart)

Math Physic Biology Chemistry Religion Economy PLH TIK0








Second Data

The second data is about the Math’s Score in IX-B (Table)

Score (x) Tally Frequency X.F

40 I 1 40

50 II 2 100

60 III 3 180

70 III 3 210

80 IIII IIII 10 800

90 IIII 5 450

100 IIII I 6 600

• Mean = 100 + 40 + 180 + 210 + 800 + 450 + 600 30 = 79.333333……• Median = 80• Modus = 80

Wise Word

Nothing is impossible, i f we want to try something good

Scheppend Group