RS3 - Ressources en LVE

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Transcript of RS3 - Ressources en LVE

© Tous droits réservés – ITOP 2012

27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Les Ressources en LVE

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis






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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia AntipolisTITRE RU


ERessources et Cadre Légal

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

L'Exploitation des Ressources


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Calibrage par niveau CECRL

C'est l'activité qui définit le niveau viséUtilisation des descripteurs du Cadre

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

L'Exploitation des Ressources

© Tous droits réservés – ITOP 2012

27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

A2/B1 B1/B2 B2 - B2/C1POII am going to participate in a speed meeting to know my English classmates better. I will focus on personality, relationship, wishes and regrets.POII am an inventor and I am going to take part in the “Best Invention of the Year” TV contest ! The best invention will be awarded a prize !POII am a reporter for MTV. I have to organize a programme in which singers or bands will introduce their music, beliefs and culture to the public.

 POI/PEI am going to participate in an opinion poll on education then I will write the rules of the ideal school and propose it to my e-pal.POI/PEI am a detective and I am going to try and solve different murder cases, with my partners.

 POC/PEWe are designers for an advertising agency. We have to launch an advertising campaign targeting teenagers on the dangers of addiction. The best ads and commercials will be posted on the school blog.

 POII am a news reporter for the ABC. I am going to interview a star who is famous for his/her personal commitment to the cause of Aborigines. The interview will be broadcast live !

 PEI am going to participate in a storytelling contest ! I will be the member of a writing team. The best stories will be published on the school website for everybody to read !PEI belong to an editorial team. We have decided to write an article for the World Day Against Child Labour. All the articles written in class will be edited on the school website in a special report section to celebrate that day.PEI am going to have an American e-pal for the year !I will write to him / her to introduce myself and ask him questions to find out about him / her.

POINext year, with my friends, we would like to go to Australia, not only to visit but also to volunteer. We want to help fight for the rights of indigenous people and act against injustice and racism. But first we have to convince our parents to let us go, and this won’t be easy !POIOur school has been offered sponsorship by private companies. They will provide for modern media equipment such as television sets, DVD players and computers. Everything will be given for free! But in return, they want us to advertise their brands and products on our school walls, school bags and sports clothes.We don’t all agree on the issue so we are going to have a debate to decide if we should agree or not.POIAs a member of a team, I am going to take part in a trial reproducing the Amistad case. Each member is going to prepare the trial with his/her own team, not knowing what the other teams are actually doing. After the trial we will watch Steven Spielberg’s film, Amistad, and compare to our class performance. *POII am a news reporter for the ABC. I am going to interview Cathy Freeman and two teenagers on how they view the lives of Aborigines now and in the past. The interview will be broadcast live !

 POC/PESome of our school friends are becoming addicted to video games and the Internet. We are getting worried for them. We want to help them quit the screen. So we have decided to launch an advertising campaign to make them aware of its dangers.

POIMy best friend wants to undergo plastic surgery in a clinic because she / he does not feel well. Together we are going to weigh the pros and cons of such an operation before she / he finally decides to go.POII belong to the AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) from a school have asked us to organize a contradictory debate on the pros and cons of AI in various fields such as :education, space travel, domotics, medicine and health, security at work, the arts…POISome time ago I joined “Second Life” for fun. But little by little I am getting hooked on the Game and can’t make the difference between my real ID and my virtual ID. I am having a conversation with my best friend who tries to warn me while I am trying to convince him/her to join.POII am a news reporter for the BBC. I have to interview a star and two teenagers on how they view the price of fame. The interview will be broadcast live !

 POC/PEI was told very strange story and I just can’t believe it!I am going to narrate the story in my own way and solve the mystery.

 PEI have been hiding a secret from someone but I just can’t bear that burden on my shoulders any longer. I need to write a letter to tell him / her the truth.

POII have witnessed strange phenomena and paranormal activity in my neighborhood. A news reporter from the BBC comes to my house. My interview will be broadcast on the radio.POII am going to participate in a TV show: Fonsorbes’s got talent ! My performance will be broadcast live on TV. The best contestant will have his/her performance posted on the school blog.POIMy parents and I never agree on anything : my friends , my clothes, the music I listen to or the films I watch… They even want to decide on my future job and life ! My future is for me to choose! I have to convince them I can find my own way.

Copyright Yannick Guillet

Exemples d'activités

Le choix des ressources est fonction des objectifs visés

© Tous droits réservés – ITOP 2012

27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Les Documents d'Accompagnement

Indissociables des ressources

Plus ou moins ciblés selon les besoins

Précisent les objectifs

Soutiennent et clarifient les activités

Ne doivent pas évaluer mais guider

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

•Les ressources nationales

•Les ressources académiques

•Les ressources personnelles

Les Types de Ressources


•Les ressources d'éditeurs

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Les Ressources Payantes


• Rapidité et simplicité• Légalité• Calibrage• Propositions d'exploitation• Scripts et documents d'accompagnement• Ressources connexes• Testées et approuvées (logo RIP)

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Les ressources Gratuites

NationalesSite SIENE qui va remplacer la clé (USB) pour démarrer

Les banques gratuites (wikicommons)

Les démos (Ivona tts)Académiques

Consultables sur les sites académiquesSouvent documentées avec des pistes d'exploitationTestées et validées

PersonnellesProblème d'archivageMoins mutualisable

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Quelles ressources utiliser et pourquoi?

Les critères de choixQualitéLongueurAccessibilitéCohérence avec les activités et les objectifsValeur culturelle

Exemples d'exploitationRepérageBrainstormingImmitation phonologiqueTransfert de situationCompréhension en plusieurs étapesAcquisition de champ lexicalPassage à l'expressionSupra segmental

Des utilisations variéesImage figée puis vidéoEn baladodiffusion avec ou sans ENTVidéo avec et sans audioTravail collaboratif

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Multiplier les approches

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27, 28 et 29 Mars 2012 - Sophia Antipolis

Les catégories de ressources

Iconographiques, Audio, Video, Textes et Multimedia

Peintures et photosŒuvres d'artPublicités et dépliantsAffiches Plans de villesAmbiances sonoresChansonsEmissions de radioInterviewsDiscours officielsBandes annoncesReportagesProgrammes TVFilms du domaine publicclips vidéosArticles et livresNoticesScripts de filmsPièces de théâtreSites internetPrésentations par ordinateurLogiciels et tutoriels