Royal Botanic Gardens Sri Lanka 4

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! A tourist attraction for sure with a long and grandiose history of colonialism, a monument of Kandyan King Wickramabahu III in the 14th century is the horse shoe- shaped Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya situated on 147 acres, a significant national asset to Sri Lanka. A place not to be missed, the Royal Botanic Gardens has flourished since 1371 and stands today to tell its visitors and Botanists interesting facts about its age-old trees and plants a unique marvel of Lankan history unfolded within the precincts of its lustrous greenery. With over 1.4 million people visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens annually in addition to the 5 per cent school children, I am certain history enthusiasts around the world would love to see some of the memorial trees in the Gardens as well as some of the oldest and rarest trees one could find just one of a kind in Sri Lanka. Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya.

Transcript of Royal Botanic Gardens Sri Lanka 4

Grădina Botanică Regală înfiinţată în 1371 poate arăta vizitatorilor săi sau botaniştilor din lumea mare lucruri interesante despre arborii săi seculari şi plantele sale rare, o minune a istoriei ţării concentrată între zidurile sale de verdeaţă

A tourist attraction for sure with a long and grandiose history of colonialism, a monument of Kandyan King Wickramabahu III in the 14th century is the horse shoe- shaped Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya situated on 147 acres, a significant national asset to Sri Lanka. A place not to be missed, the Royal Botanic Gardens has flourished since 1371 and stands today to tell its visitors and Botanists interesting facts about its age-old trees and plants a unique marvel of Lankan history unfolded within the precincts of its lustrous greenery.

Peste 1.4 milioane vizitatori anualCopaci seculari sau foarte rari

Aproape 10.000 de plante

Arborele Ghiulea de tun (Couroupita guianensis), originar din America de sud, este un copac cu frunza veşnic verde de 30-35 metri înălţime

Couroupita guianensis, known by several common names, including cannonball tree, is a deciduous tree in the family Lecythidaceae, which also contains the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). It is native to the rainforests of Central and South America. It is cultivated in many other places.

Florile sale roşii, roz sau portocalii cresc pe trunchi, în ciorchine de până la 3 m

The flowers are borne in large bunches. Some trees flower profusely, until the entire trunk is buried in flowers. One tree can bear 1000 flowers per day. They are strongly scented, especially at night, and in the early morning

Fructele sferice pot avea până la 15-25 cm în diametru şi conţin numeroase seminţe.

The large fruit, which is woody and very spherical, measuring up to 25 centimeters wide, gives the species the common name "cannonball tree". A smaller fruit contains perhaps 65 seeds, while a large one can have 550.

Deşi fructele se maturizează greu (18 luni) deci le ia mult timp până cad din pom, este preferabil ca aceşti arbori să nu fie plantaţi pe marginea drumurilor

One tree can bear 150 fruits. The fruit takes up to a year to mature in most areas, sometimes as long as 18 months

Adesea plantat în templele hinduse, este supranumit copacul 'nagalingam' în tamilă. Este considerat sacru de hinduşi, floarea lui asemuindu-se cu un şarpe sacru naga pe lingamul lui Shiva.

Cannon ball flowers are considered of special significance in Buddhist culture in Sri Lanka. In Tamil Nadu, it is called Nagalingam flower. The sivalingam shape is visible at the center of the flower and snake shaped pollen is the specialty of this flower and it has very good fragrance. This rare flower can be used for Shiva Pooja.

Budiştii îl consideră de asemenea sfânt numindu-l Copacul lui Buddha de oarece pistilul care este considerat un lingam de către hinduşi este văzut de budişti ca reprezentarea unei stupe

In Sri Lanka, Thailand and other Buddhist countries the tree is often planted at Buddhist temples. It is here mistaken as the Sala tree, Shorea robusta, the tree under which the Buddha died and under which the previous Buddha Vessabhu attained enlightenment.

Bambus gigant


Insula a fost 60% junglă până la venirea englezilor. Acum a mai rămas 18% junglă. Absolut nici un fel de exploatare forestieră nu este permisă iar pentru orice transport de buşteni sau cherestea este nevoie de o autorizaţie. Ei ştiu că trebuie să planteze mai mulţi copaci decât au fost tăiaţi

Mesua fereea (copacul de fier), numit aşa datorită greutăţii şi rezistenţei lemnului său, este copacul naţional din Sri Lanka

This species is the national tree of Sri Lanka. Mesua ferrea is used in Indian cooking, as a medicine, for its fragrance and in the industry for its wood. Some people have noted the psychedelic effects of the fragrance of Nag Champa. The incense sticks made from the flowers of this plant are popular worldwide for their intense fragrance.

Sound: - Madhu Balakrishnan - Lingashtakam - Gayatri Mantra

Sri Lanka

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Lucia Buzdugan

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu

Internet image