Rezumat Dr_ Colceriu

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Rezumat Dr_ Colceriu

Transcript of Rezumat Dr_ Colceriu








    Doctorand, Conductor tiinific, Loredana Colceriu-Burtea Prof. Dr. Angela Pop


  • Cuvinte cheie : neodentinogenez, inoculare, vase de neoformaie,

    polimorfonucleare, infiltrat inflamator, coafaj direct, monocite, fagocitare, Mineral

    Trioxid Agreggate

    Orientarea actual a terapiei conservative se ndreapt spre concepia biologic de

    pstrare a vitalitii pulpei dentare o perioad ct mai mare de timp, fiind bine cunoscut

    faptul c pulpa indemn este capabil s iniieze mecanisme de aprare mpotriva invaziei

    bacteriene, obiectiv care se poate obine n cazul unei deschideri accidentale de camer

    pulpar prin coafaj direct. Pentru reuita unui coafaj direct trebuie s inem seama de 2

    categorii de factori: generali si locali. ntre factorii generali amintim: vrsta pacientului,

    starea sa de sntate i condiiile sociale. Factorii locali se refer la condiiile de lucru,

    starea pulpei dentare, caracterul leziunii traumatice.

    Dintre materialele cu ajutorul crora se realizeaz coafajul direct cele mai

    frecvent utilizate sunt cele pe baz de hidroxid de calciu. Principalul argument care

    susine aplicarea hidroxidului de calciu n coafajul direct este legat de proprietile sale:

    antimicrobiene, antiinflamatorii, hemostatice i tisulare. Pornind de la proprietile

    neodentinogenetice ale materialelor pe baz de hidroxid de calciu, n aceast cercetare am

    testat un produs romnesc, Calcidenta elaborat n cadrul Institutului de Chimie Raluca

    Ripan, ceea ce dovedete c i n ara noastr continu preocuparea pentru introducerea

    materialelor dentare care prin calitile prezentate i preul de cost sczut sunt

    avantajoase. Scopul experimentului realizat a fost de a aprecia gradul de

    biocompatibilitate al materialului stomatologic Calcidenta la contactul prelungit al

    acestuia cu esutul conjunctiv i esutul muscular. Reaciile locale dup implantarea

    materialului privind evaluarea preclinic, s-au realizat n cadrul Laboratorului Biobazei

    UMF (Dr. Septimiu Toader).

  • Material i metod de lucru

    Compoziia materialului selecionat n vederea testrilor biologice este: Ca (OH)2

    42%, ZnO 25,8%, CMC 3,2%, Glicerina 29%. Produsul este prezentat n sistem

    monopast i este autopolimerizabil. S-au utilizat ca biotest dou specii de animale de

    experien, obolani i cobai, cu dou ci de administrare, calea subcutanat i


    Rezultate i discuii

    La toate loturile, indiferent de specie i de calea de inoculare, reacia local a fost

    favorabil, implantul fiind acceptat de esut, perceput fiind la palpare sub forma unui mic

    nodul subcutanat sau intermuscular, nedureros i semimobil(figura 1).

    Figura 1. Implantul fixat i ncapsulat intermuscular la cobai, zona coapsei, la 21 de zile postoperator

    Introducerea fragmentelor de material la nivelul celor dou zone anatomice

    menionate (subcutanat i muscular) la cele dou specii de animale a evideniat din

    punct de vedere histopatologic urmtoarele: zona subcutanat: n jurul corpului

    implantului se formeaz o structur capsular constituit din esut conjunctiv de

    neoformaie ce acoper implantul pe toate feele; zona muscular: se constituie aceeai

    structur capsular, o reacie limfo-histiocitar i rare polimorfonucleare. (figura 2).

    Figura 2. Perete capsular constituit din esut conjunctiv de neoformaie, dezvoltat din interstiiul

    muscular, cobai la 21 de zile postimplantare. Coloraie H.E. x 200

  • Concluzii

    Nu s-a nregistrat la nici un caz pentru nici una din cile de administrare fenomene

    de respingere prin formare de abcese, fistule sau constituire de sechestre. Reacia fa de

    produs a fost strict local constnd n formarea unui granulom de corp strin inert n care

    afluxul de monocite, macrofage demonstreaz o aciune de fagocitare treptat a

    materialului cu inactivarea n timp.

    Un alt material aprut recent i utilizat cu succes n coafajul direct este Mineral

    Trioxid Agreggate, care a fost descoperit in 1996. ntre proprietile fizico-chimice ale

    materialului amintim: pHul foarte ridicat (12,5) i etaneitatea sa superioar, iar dintre

    proprietile biologice se remarc biocompatibilitatea fa de pulpa dentar.

    n ultimii ani odat cu dezvoltarea impetuoas a tehnicilor adezive au aprut

    studii1,2,3,4,5,6) care au artat c se poate obine o vindecare tisular pulpar atunci cnd s-a

    folosit terapia cu rini adezive. Aceste studii susin ipoteza c pulpa se poate reface

    chiar dup aplicarea sistemelor adezive n cavitile profunde sau chiar pe deschiderea

    camerei pulpare att timp ct se realizeaz o hemostaz corect naintea aplicrii rinii7),

    asigurndu-se o nchidere etan mpotriva infiltratului bacterian8). Acest concept devine

    tot mai popular n ciuda faptului c numeroase cercetri n vitro9) i n vivo10) au artat

    citotoxicitatea rinilor compozite aplicate pe medii de cultur sau n contact direct cu

    esutul subcutanat la animale. Scopul acestei cercetri experimentale a fost de a

    caracteriza i compara rspunsul pulpar n urma realizrii coafajului direct cu rini

    adezive, Mineral Trioxid Aggregate i materialul Calcidenta.

    Material i metod de lucru

    Am luat n studiu un numr de 60 de dini mprii n trei loturi. Dinii examinai au

    fost premolari integri, care urmau a fi extrai n scop ortodontic de la pacieni cu vrste

    cuprinse ntre 10-18 ani. Efectivul experimental pentru fiecare material folosit a fost de

    cte 20 caviti realizate pe 20 dini pentru Calcidenta, respectiv MTA i de 20 caviti

    realizate pe 20 dini pentru sistemele adezive Optibond SoloPlus (KERR). n anestezie

    local, pe fiecare dinte am preparat cte o cavitate de clasa a-V-a, repartizat pe faa

    vestibular. Dup deschiderea camerei pulpare s-a realizat hemostaza i s-a aplicat

    materialul de coafaj, MTA sau Calcidenta, restul cavitii fiind obturat cu IRM.

  • Utilizarea sistemului adeziv Optibond SoloPlus s-a efectuat dup demineralizarea cu

    acid fosforic 35% pentru 15 secunde, splarea cu ap distilat i uscarea uoar cu bulete

    de vat steril. Polimerizarea stratului de adeziv a fost de 20 secunde, ulterior cavitatea

    fiind obturat cu material compozit Herculite (KERR).Dinii au fost mprii n 2 grupe,

    fiind extrai la intervale variate de timp: scurte (9-12 zile ) i mai lungi (60-90 zile).Dup

    fixarea, demineralizarea, secionarea i colorarea preparatelor histologice s-a caracterizat

    rspunsul pulpar prin: apariia inflamaiei, existena dentinei de reacie, prezena punilor

    dentinare cu caracteristicile acestora.


    n ceea ce privete rspunsul inflamator n cazul lotului urmrit pe un interval

    cuprins ntre 60- 90 zile analiza statistic nu a relevat nici o diferen semnificativ

    statistic ntre cele 3 tipuri de materiale (p >0,05) (tabelul I, figura 3). Totui procentual

    analiznd doar 60% dintre dinii tratai cu sisteme adezive nu au nregistrat rspuns

    inflamator sau inflamaia observat a fost minim.

    Tabelul I: Rspunsul inflamator nregistrat n funcie de tipul materialului studiat la interval de timp lung

    Material Inflamaie prezent Inflamaie absent

    Ca (OH)2 1 9

    MTA 1 9

    Sistem adeziv 6 9

    Figura 3 : Rezultatele analizei comparative a rspunsului inflamator ntre loturilor studiate, n funcie de tipul de material utlizat, la interval de timp lung.










    Ca(OH)2 MTA Sistem adeziv

    Inflamaie prezent Inflamaie absent


  • Inducerea dentinei de reparaie pentru lotul de dini urmrii pe intervalul de

    timp scurt arat o diferen semnificativ statistic ntre dinii tratai cu MTA i

    Calcidenta, comparativ cu cei tratai cu sisteme adezive.(tabelul II, figura 4)

    Tabelul II: Repartiia dentinei de reacie pe numr de dini n funcie de materialul examinat, la interval scurt.

    Material Dentina absent Dentina prezent

    Ca (OH)2 2 8

    MTA 3 7

    Sistem adeziv 5 0

    Figura 4 : Analiza comparativ ntre repartiia dentinei de reacie n funcie de tipul de material utilizat, la dinii luai n studiu, la interval scurt.


    1. Mecanismul de aciune antibactericid al hidroxidului de calciu prin pH-ul su

    puternic alcalin, i stimularea procesului de neodentinogenez rmn principalele

    argumente n favoarea aplicrii acestui material n terapia cariei profunde.

    2. Datorit etaneitii superioare materialelor clasice, i alcalinitii, MTA-ul a permis refacerea esutului pulpar afectat n cazul deschiderii accidentale a camerei pulpare cu

    formarea n timp a unor puni de predentin continue i de grosime mare.



    Ca(OH)2 MTA Sistem adeziv

    Absent Prezent


  • 3. Punile dentinare formate in cazul sistemelor adezive nregistrau multiple defecte tunelare ceea ce ar favoriza ptrunderea microinfiltratului bacterian n camera pulpar

    i compromiterea vitalitii pulpei prin apariia fenomenelor inflamatorii.

    Studiile clinice din literatur efectuate pe dini cu coafaj direct au urmrit evoluia

    acestui tratament pe intervale scurte de timp, iar rezultatele au fost controversate. Pornind

    de la datele din literatur scopul acestui studiu clinic a fost de a evalua rata reuitei

    coafajului direct n cazul deschiderii accidentale a camerei pulpare realizat cu dou

    materiale diferite : Calcidenta, material pe baz de hidroxid de calciu produs la ICCRR

    din Cluj-Napoca i MTA, subliniind care dintre factorii clinici influeneaz reuita


    Material i metod de lucru

    n studiul de fa s-au tratat un numr de 150 dini de la 120 de pacieni. Vrsta

    pacienilor a fost cuprins ntre 10 i 40 ani. La ntregul lot luat n studiu n cazul

    prezenei leziunilor dentare diagnosticate drept carie profund cnd pe parcursul exerezei

    dentinei alterate s-a produs deschiderea accidental a camerei pulpare am efectuat

    tratamentul prin coafaj direct. S-a trecut la evaluarea diametrului orificiului de deschidere

    i a gradului de sngerare, factori care pot influena reuita unui coafaj direct. Astfel

    mrimea diametrului orificiului de comunicare cu pulpa (), a permis divizarea

    dinilor n 4 grupe :

  • Rezultate

    Relaia existent ntre vrsta pacienilor i rata de succes a coafajului direct realizat cu

    ambele materiale este prezentat n tabelul III. Tabelul III: Rata de succes a coafajului direct repartizat pe grupe de vrst n lotul de pacieni


    Vrsta Nr cazuri succes Nr cazuri eec Rata succesului (%)

    10-20 ani 30 0 100

    20-30 ani 30 3 90,90

    30-40 ani 48 9 84,21

    S-a observat n prezentul studiu influena vrstei asupra ratei de succes a tratamentului,

    cel mai mare procent nregistrndu-se la pacienii sub 20 ani, fapt subliniat i de unii

    autori n cercetrile lor11,12,13).

    n ceea ce privete procentul reuitei tratamentului n funcie de materialul

    utilizat, ambele materiale au nregistrat rezultate similare (tabelul IV). Tabelul IV: Repartiia procentual a succesului n funcie de materialul utilizat.

    Materialul de coafaj Nr dini succes Nr dini eec Rata succesului (%)

    Ca (OH)2 54 15 78,26 MTA 66 15 81,48

    Influena diametrului orificiului de comunicare cu camera pulpar i a gradului de

    sngerare de la nivelul pulpei expuse asupra reuitei coafajului direct au fost analizate n

    continuare (tabelul V,VI).

    Tabelul V: Influena diametrului comunicrii cu camera pulpar asupra reuitei terapiei de conservare a vitalitii pulpare.

    Pentru a aprecia relaia dintre diametrul deschiderii camerei pulpare i rata reuitei

    tratamentului de conservare a pulpei vii dinii au fost mprii n 4 grupe funcie de

    mrimea orificiului de comunicare. Astfel la grupul unde diametrul de deschidere al

    camerei pulpare a fost mai mare de 1 mm dar mai mic de 2 mm rata de succes nregistrat

    Simptomatologie obiectiv Observaii Nr dini succes Nr dini eec Rata succesului (%)

    0,5 36 3 92,30

    0,5 < 1,0 54 6 90,00 1,0 < 2,0 30 6 83,33

    Diametrul orificiului de deschidere al camerei

    pulpare: (mm) > 2,0 0 15 0

  • este de 83,33% mai sczut dect a grupului unde diametrul deschiderii a fost mai mic de

    0,5 mm, 92,30% i dect a grupului la care deschiderea a fost cuprins ntre 0,5-1 mm,

    90%. Pentru grupul unde diametrul orificiului de comunicare a depit 2 mm, rata de

    succes este 0, coafajul direct fiind considerat un eec.

    n ceea ce privete gradul sngerrii de la nivelul deschiderii camerei pulpare succesul

    grupului unde sngerarea este absent (95,23%) sau redus sub 30 secunde (87,5%) este

    semnificativ mai crescut dect la grupul unde sngerarea este abundent i persistent

    (46,15%) (tabelul VI).

    Tabelul VI: Influena timpului de sngerare asupra reuitei meninerii vitalitii pulpare n coafajul direct.

    Gradul sngerrii Nr dini succes Nr dini eec Rata succesului (%)

    Sngerarea absent 60 3 95,23

    Sngerarea uoar 42 6 87,5

    Sngerarea persistent 18 21 46,15

    Testul de corelaie Pearson (figura 5) ntre gradul de sngerare i rata de succes arat o

    valoare a lui r=-0,95 ceea ce demonstreaz o relaie invers proporional ntre cele dou

    variabile, probabilitatea ca lipsa sngerrii s determine un succes este de 0,99 (R2=0,99).

    Figura 5: Relaia dintre gradul de sngerare pulpar i rata reuitei terapiei deschiderii accidentale a camerei pulpare prin coafaj direct.

    r=0.95R2 = 0.9932

    Sngerarea absent Sngerarea uoar Sngerarea persistent

    Nr dini succes Nr dini eec Linear (Nr dini succes)

  • Discuii

    Procentul reuitei acestei terapii depinde att de factori generali ct i de factori

    locali, terenul cel mai favorabil pentru reuita unui coafaj direct constituindu-l dinii

    permaneni tineri deoarece au o mare capacitate de reacie, cu multiple resurse de


    n ceea ce privete factorii locali rata de succes a acestei terapii depinde de diametrul

    orificiului de deschidere al camerei pulpare care nu trebuie s depeasc 2 mm i de

    posibilitatea de ndeprtare a dentinei alterate care ar trebui realizat n totalitate

    naintea nceperii coafajului direct. Statusul inflamator al organului pulpar se reflect

    prin nivelul indicelui de sngerare de la nivelul comunicrii cu pulpa. Astfel cu ct

    gradul sngerrii este mai mare se reduce ansa unui prognostic favorabil al



    1. Leziunile carioase profunde sunt afeciuni dentare frecvent ntlnite n practica

    stomatologic. Tratamentul acestor afeciuni ridic probleme multiple medicului

    stomatolog legate de stabilirea unui diagnostic corect i de realizarea unei protecii a

    pulpei dentare durabil n timp astfel nct s fie posibil refacerea integritii morfo-

    funcionale esutului lezat.

    2. ntr-o carie dentar naintea preparrii unei caviti este important s se neleag care

    sunt modificrile tisulare aprute la nivelul dentinei, determinate de evoluia leziunii

    carioase. Modificrile intratubulare i formarea dentinei teriare vor afecta rezultatul

    tratamentului. Acolo unde tubulii dentinari sunt deschii, permeabili tratamentul

    conservativ va necesita o atenie sporit comparativ cu cazurile la care dentina

    restant este impermeabil.

    3. n urma testrilor materialului pe baz de hidroxid de calciu (Calcidenta) realizat la

    Institutul de Cercetri n Chimie din Cluj-Napoca constnd n teste de evaluare

    biologic s-a evideniat c materialul nu este toxic, produsul fiind bine tolerat

    neavnd efecte nocive.

    4. Experiena clinic nu este la fel de ndelungat n cazul rinilor compozite utilizate

    ca materiale de coafaj, prognosticul fiind rezervat. Studiul meu experimental realizat

  • pe dini indemni a artat c dup aplicarea sistemelor adezive pe camera pulpar

    deschis reacia histopatologic a pulpei dentare la 9 dintre dinii studiai a semnalat

    prezena punilor dentinare cu multiple defecte tunelare favoriznd astfel ptrunderea

    microinfiltratului bacterian n camera pulpar.

    5. Mineral Trioxid Aggregate ntrunete calitile unui material de coafaj direct. Prin

    adaptarea marginal foarte bun i biocompatibilitatea sa acest material limiteaz

    inflamaia pulpar i permite obinerea unor puni dentinare de cea mai bun calitate.

    6. Localizarea locului de comunicare cu camera pulpar pe suprafaa dintelui

    influeneaz reuita terapiei de conservare a vitalitii pulpare prin coafaj direct,

    procentul dinilor nregistrai cu succes fiind semnificativ mai mare n cazul

    deschiderilor accidentale ale camerei pulpare localizate la nivelul feei ocluzale.

    7. Studiul meu att cel experimental ct i cel clinic a demonstrat c progresele

    obinute, urmare a unor cercetri ndelungate n domeniul materialelor de conservare

    a vitalitii pulpare, s-au materializat prin obinerea unor produse care prezint

    caliti superioare acestea fcnd posibil obinerea unor reuite n cazul

    tratamentelor prin coafaj direct aplicate n cazul deschiderilor accidentale ale camerei


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    1. Date personale

    Nume, prenume: Colceriu-Burtea Adela Loredana

    Domiciliul: Cluj-Napoca, Aleea Azuga nr. 2, sc. II, ap. 25

    Data i locul naterii: 12. 05.1970, Tg-Jiu, jud.Gorj

    Funcie i loc de munc : asistent universitar la UMF"Iuliu Haieganu"

    Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Medicin Dentar, Catedra de Odontologie-


    2. Studii Gimnaziale : 1977-1985 coala general nr.3, Tg-Jiu

    Liceale :1985-1989 Liceul de matematic-fizic "T.Vladimirescu", Tg-Jiu,

    pe care l-am absolvit n iulie 1989 cu media general de bacalaureat 7,58.

    Universitare : 1990-1992, Facultatea de Medicin General, UMF "Iuliu

    Haieganu" Cluj-Napoca; 1992-1995, Facultatea de Stomatologie,

    UMF"Iuliu Haieganu" Cluj-Napoca. Media general de promovare anilor de

    studiu universitari a fost 9,04. n sesiunea din septembrie 1995 am susinut

    examenul de licen i lucrarea de diplom cu titlul "Tulburri de erupie ale

    incisivilor centrali superiori", coordonator prof. dr. Elvira Cocrl, obinnd

    media general de licen 9,47.

    3. Activitate profesional

    Dup absolvirea facultii am fost angajat prin concurs din ianuarie 1996

    timp de un an ca medic stagiar la Spitalul Judeean Tg-Jiu, Policlinica de

    Stomatologie nr.1.

  • n anul 1996 am participat la concursul de rezideniat unde am ocupat locul

    18 pe ar. Am ales specialitatea stomatologie general din februarie 1997

    devenind medic rezident n cadrul Facultii de Stomatologie din Cluj

    n sesiunea din martie 1997 am concurat pentru postul de preparator la

    catedra de Odontologie- Parodontologie, concurs pe care l-am promovat cu

    media 9,13.

    n octombrie 1998 am susinut examenul de specialitate, devenind medic


    n martie 1999 am ocupat prin concurs postul de asistent universitar la

    catedra de Odontologie-Parodontologie, Facultatea de Stomatologie cu

    media general 9,88.

    n iunie 2003 am susinut examenul de primariat n urma cruia am devenit

    medic primar.

    4. Activitate tiinific n noiembrie 2001 m-am nscris la doctorat la catedra de Odontologie-

    Parodontologie, sub ndrumarea prof. dr. Angela Pop avnd ca tem de

    cercetare conservarea vitalitii pulpare.

    n intervalul septembrie 2002- martie 2003 am fost plecat cu burs de studii

    la Facultatea de Odontologie din Marsilia, Frana

    - lucrri publicate: 2 lucrri publicate in extenso n reviste din ar

    -participri la congrese i alte manifestri tiinifice

    -cri: 1 carte publicat coautor

    5. Limbi strine: franceza bine scris, vorbit engleza bine scris, vorbit


    Lucrri publicate in extenso:

    1. "Studiul proprietilor fizico-chimice ale unui material nou indicat n

    coafajul direct"

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.1, 2005, 35-40

    2. "Studiul clinic privind influena factorilor ce afecteaz reuita conservrii

    vitalitii pulpare, n deschiderile accidentale ale camerei pulpare"

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.2, 2005, 27-34

    Participri la congrese i alte manifestri tiinifice:

    1. Tulburri de erupie ale incisivilor centrali superiori

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Elvira Cocrl; poster Zilele UMF, Cluj-

    Napoca, dec. 1997

    2. Materiale fotopolimerizabile-rolul agenilor de cuplare

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu; mas rotund Zilele UMF, Cluj-Napoca, dec.


    3. Posibiliti de reconstrucie corono-radicular

    Autori : Sanda Cmpean, Loredana Colceriu, Angela Pop; poster Zilele

    UMF dec. 1999

    4. Metode moderne de tratament conservativ n parodontita apical


    Autori : Loredana Colceriu, Dolores Bdulescu, Ada Delean, Angela Pop;

    poster Zilele UMF dec. 2001

  • 5. Modaliti de contenie n parodontopatiile marginale cronice

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu; mas rotund, Zilele UMF dec 2003

    6. Materiale noi folosite n terapia conservatoare a pulpei dentare

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Ada Delean, Dan Pop-Catedra de Odontologie-

    Parodontologie, UMFI.Haieganu i Moldovan Marioara-ICCRR, Cluj-

    Napoca, Zilele Stomatologiei Bnene, mai 2004

    7. Biocompatibility of a new calcium hydroxide lining cement used as a

    pulp capping material

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, AngelaPop-Department of Odontology and

    Periodontology, University of Dental MedecineI.Haieganu, M.Moldovan-

    ICCRR Cluj-Napoca, poster, Congresul Internaional de Materiale Dentare,

    Napoca Biodent 2005, Cluj-Napoca

    Lucrri publicate n rezumat:

    1. Using MTA and calcium hydroxide as a pulp capping materials

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop-Catedra de

    Odontologie-Parodontologie,UMFI.Haieganu i Moldovan Marioara-

    ICCRR, European Cells and Materials Vol 10.Suppl.1, 2005, page 20

    Lista crilor publicate:

    1. "ndreptar practic pentru asistente de profilaxie stomatologic"

    Autori: Angela Pop, Sanda Cmpean, Ada Delean, Loredana Colceriu-Burtea

    Dan Pop -, Ed.Medical Universitar "Iuliu Haieganu" Cluj-Napoca, 2002

  • Lista lucrrilor publicate din domeniul tezei de doctorat:

    Lucrri publicate in extenso:

    1. "Studiul proprietilor fizico-chimice ale unui material nou indicat n

    coafajul direct"

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.1, 2005, 35-40

    2. "Studiul clinic privind influena factorilor ce afecteaz reuita conservrii

    vitalitii pulpare, n deschiderile accidentale ale camerei pulpare"

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.2, 2005, 27-34

    Lucrri publicate n rezumat:

    1. Using MTA and calcium hydroxide as a pulp capping materials

    Autori: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop-Catedra

    de Odontologie-Parodontologie,UMFI.Haieganu i Moldovan

    Marioara-ICCRR, European Cells and Materials Vol 10.Suppl.1,

    2005, page 20







    Ph.D. Degree Candidate, Scientific coordinator, Loredana Colceriu-Burtea Prof. Dr. Angela Pop


  • CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1 ACTUAL STAGE OF KNOWLEDGE.....................................................................................3 Chapter I: The influence of dental cavity upon the pulp-dentine organ and methods of treatment for the profound cavity...............................................................................................3 1.1.Dentine and pulp modifications in the case of profound cavity...........................................3 1.1.1. Pulp modifications ...........................................................................................................5 1.2 Recent data regarding the methods of pulp conservation in the case of profound cavity....6 1.2.1 Natural capping .................................................................................................................7 1.2.2 Indirect capping.................................................................................................................7 1.2.3 Direct capping ...................................................................................................................9 Chapter II: Materials used for the conservation of pulp vitality ..............................................13 2.1 Calcium hydroxide.............................................................................................................13 2.2 Current conception regarding the conservative therapy of the dental pulp .......................17 2.2.1 Short history of the adhesion to the dentine....................................................................18 2.2.2 The formation mechanism of the hybrid layer................................................................19 2.2.3 The effect of the adhesives upon the dental pulp............................................................23 regarding the maintaining of the pulp integrity with the help of dentinal adhesives...................................................................................................................................23 2.3 Mineral Trioxid Aggregate ................................................................................................26 PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS............................................................................................31 Chapter III: The evaluation of the biocompatibility of a material based upon Calcium hydroxide (Calcidenta)towards animal tissue..........................................................................31 Introduction..............................................................................................................................31 Material and work method .......................................................................................................31 Results and discussions............................................................................................................33 Conclusions..............................................................................................................................46 Chapter IV: The pulp's response at the action of dentinal adhesives and of the classical materials used in the conservation of the vitality of the dental pulp........................................47 Material and work method: ......................................................................................................51 Results:.....................................................................................................................................56 Discussions: .............................................................................................................................65 Conclusions:.............................................................................................................................68 Case study: ...............................................................................................................................69 Chapter V: Clinical study regarding the influence of the factors which affect the succes of the conservation of the pulp's vitality in the case of the accidental opening of the pulp chamber, realized with two types of capping materials...........................................................................77 Material and work method: ......................................................................................................82 Results:.....................................................................................................................................88 Discussions ............................................................................................................................101 Conclusions............................................................................................................................104 Case study: .............................................................................................................................105 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................137 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................140 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................150 1. List of the figures from the thesis .....................................................................................150 2. List of the tables in the thesis.........153

  • Key words: neodentine-genesis, inoculation, inflammatory infiltrate, direct capping,

    monocites, fagocitation, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate

    The current orientation of conservative therapy is towards the biologic concept of

    keeping the vitality of the dental pulp for as much as possible. It is a well-known fact that

    the pulp is capable of initiating defense mechanisms against the bacterial invasion. This

    objective can be attained even in the case of accidental opening of the pulp chamber

    through direct capping. In order to succeed with a direct capping, we should take into

    account 2 categories of factors: general and local ones. Among the general factors we

    mention the age of the patient, his health condition and also social conditions. As local

    factors we might mention the work conditions, the state in which the pulp is in, the

    character of the traumatic lesion.

    Among the materials, which are being used for direct capping most frequently, are

    those based on calcium hydroxide. The main point that sustains applying calcium

    hydroxide in direct capping is related to its properties: anti-germs, anti-inflammatory,

    hemostatic. Starting from the neo-dental-genetic properties of the materials based on

    calcium hydroxide, in this research I have tested a Romanian product, Calcidenta,

    elaborated in the Chemical Research Institute Raluca Ripan. This proves that in our

    country continues the interest of introducing dental material which presents an advantage

    from the point of view of the quality but also has a low price.

    The purpose of the experiment has been that of appreciating the degree of

    biocompatibility of Calcidenta dental material in the situation of prolonged contact with

    the conjunctive and muscle tissue. Local reactions after the implantation of the material

    regarding preclinical evaluation have been carried out within the UMF Bio-Base

    Laboratory (Dr. Septimiu Toader).

  • Material and work-method

    The composition of the material selected for the biological testing is: Ca(OH)2

    42%, ZnO 25,8%, CMC 3,2%, Glycerine 29%. The product is presented as a

    monopaste and it is autopolymerizable. Two species of animals have been used in the

    biotest: rats and Guinea-pigs , with two ways of administration: subcutaneous and intra-


    Rezults and discussions

    In every lot, irrespective of the species and the method of innoculation, the local

    reaction has been favorable, the implant was accepted by the tissue and it was perceived

    upon palpation as a small subcutaneous or intra-muscular nodule, not painful and semi-


    Fig.1. The inter-muscular fixed and incapsulated implant at a Guinea-pig, 21 days after the operation

    The introduction of material fragments at the level of both anatomical zones

    mentioned (subcutaneous and muscular) in the case of both animal species has brought

    to light the following observations(from the histo-pathological point of view):

    subcutaneous area: around the body of the implant a capsular structure is formed, which

    is made of conjunctive tissue of neo-formation which covers the implant on all of its

    facets; muscular area: the same capsular structure is constitued , a defence reaction and

    rare poli-morpho-nuclear reactions.

  • Fig. 2. Capsular wall constitued from conjunctive tissue of neo-formation, developed from the

    muscular interstitium, Guinea-pig, 21 days after the implantation. Coloration H.E. x 200


    There has not been at least one case of rejection phenomena through abcess

    formation, fistulae or seizing constitutions; for neither of the methods of administration.

    The reaction towards the product has been strictly local, consisting in the formation of an

    inactive granuloma of a foreign body in which the afflux of monocites prove a step by step

    fagocitation action of the material, once it inactivates in time.

    Another recently appeared material and successfully used in direct capping is

    Mineral Trioxid Agreggate, which ha been discovered in 1996. Among the physical and

    chemical properties of the material we mention: very high pH (12,5) and also its superior

    seal capacity. Among its biological properties the bio-compatibility with the dental pulp

    stands out.

    In the last few years, together with the impetuous development of adhesive

    techniques, there have emerged some studies1,2,3,4,5,6) which have shown that the healing

    of the pulp tissue can be attained when the adhesive resin therapy has been used. These

    studies sustain the hypothesis that pulp can be restructured even after applying adhesive

    systems in profound cavities or even on the opening of the pulp chamber as long as a

    correct hemostasis is being realized before the applying of the resin7), ensuring a tight

    closing against the bacterial infiltration8). This concept is becoming more and more

    popular in spite of the fact that numerous in vitro9) and in vivo10) researches have shown

    the cito-toxicity of composite resins applied on culture mediums or in direct contact with

    the subcutaneous tissue in animals. The purpose of this experimental research has

    been that of characterizing and comparing the pulp response after direct capping with

    adhesive resins, Mineral Trioxid Aggregate and Calcidenta material.

  • Material and work method

    I have taken under study a number of 60 teeth divided into three lots. The

    examined teeth have been whole pemolars, which were about to be extracted for

    orthodontic purposes from patients aged between 10 and 18. The experimental effective

    for every material used has been that of 20 cavities realized on 20 teeh for Calcidenta,

    MTA respectively and that of 20 cavities realized on 20 teeh for Optibond SoloPlus(Kerr)

    adhesive systems. Under local anesthetics , I have prepared a V class cavity on each

    tooth, with repartition on the vestibular face. After the opening of the vestibular chamber,

    hemostasis was realized, and the capping material was applied , MTA or Calcidenta, the

    rest of the cavity being obturated with IRM.

    The usage of the Optibond SoloPlus adhesive system was realized after the

    demineralization with Phosphoric acid 35% for 15 seconds, washing with distilled water

    and gentle drying with buds of sterile absorbent cotton. The polimerization of the

    adhesive layer has been done for 20 seconds, later the cavity being obturated with the

    Herculite compozite material (KERR). The teeth have been divided into 2 groups, being

    extracted at varied periods of time: shorter (9-12 days) and longer (60-90 days). After the

    fixation, demineralization, sectioning and colouring of the histological preparations, the

    pulps response has been characterized by: the appearance of inflamation, the existence

    of reaction dentine, the presence of dentine bridges with their characteristics.


    Regarding the inflamatory response in the case of the lot being under observation

    for a period of 60-90 days, statistics revealed no significant difference between the 3

    types of materials (p>0,05) (table I, figure 3). Still, from a percentual point of view, only

    60% of the teeth that have undergone treatment with adhesive systems have not presented

    an inflamatory response or the inflamation noticed was minimal.

    Table I: The inflamatory response registered regarding the type of material, observed after a longer period of time

    Material Inflamation being prezent Inflamation absent

    Ca (OH)2 1 9

    MTA 1 9

    Adhesive system 6 9

  • Figure 3 : The results of the comparative analysis of the inflamatory response between the lots under sudy, regarding the type of material used, for a long period of time

    The introduction of reparatory dentine for the lot of teeth under study for the

    short period of time reveals a statistically significant difference between the teeth treated

    with MTA and Calcidenta, as compared to those treated with adhesive systems. (table II,

    figure 4)

    Table II: The repartition of reaction dentine per number of teeth according to the examined material, for a short period of time

    Material Dentine absent Dentine present

    Ca (OH)2 2 8

    MTA 3 7

    Adhesive system 5 0

    Figure 4 : Comparative analysis between the reaction dentines repartition according to the type of material used, in the case of the teeth being under study, for a short period of time

    0 2 4 6 8

    10 12 14 16

    Ca(OH)2 MTA Adhesive system Inflamation present Inflamation absent


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


    Ca(OH)2 MTA Adhesive system Absent Present

    p=0.01 p=0.03

  • Conclusions

    6. The anti-bactericide action mechanism of Calcium hydroxide through its strongly

    alkaline pH and the stimulation of the neo-dentine-genesis process remain the main

    strong points in favour of applying this material in the therapy of profound cavities

    7. Due to the superior impermeability of the classical materials, and also to the alkalinity, MTA has allowed the regeneration of the affected pulp tissue in the case of

    accidental opening of the pulp chamber, with the formation in time- of bridges

    continuous predentine with large thickness.

    8. The dentine bridges formed in the case of adhesive systems registered multiple gaps, which would favour the insertion of bacterial micro-infiltrations into the pulp

    chamber and therefore compromising the vitality of the pulp through the appearance

    of inflamatory processes

    Clinical studies in the specialized literature conducted upon teeth with direct

    capping have followed the evolution of this treatment on short periods of time, and

    the results have been controversial. Starting from the scientifc literatures data, the

    purpose of this clinical study has been that of evaluating the success rate of direct

    capping in the case of accidental opening of the pulp chamber, realized with two

    different materials: Calcidenta, a material based on Calcium hydroxide produced at

    ICCRR Cluj-Napoca, and MTA; underlining which of the clinical factors influence

    the success of the treatment.

    Material and work method

    In the present study a number of 150 teeth from 120 patients have been treated.

    The age of the patients was between 10 and 40 years. For the whole group taken under

    study, in the case of the presence of dental lesions diagnosed as profound cavities when

    during the drilling of the altered dentine occurred the accidental opening of the pulp

    chamber- I have undertaken the treatment through direct capping. I have moved on to the

    evaluation of the diameter of the opening orifice and that of the degree of bleeding

    factors which can influence the success of a direct capping. So, the size of the diameter

  • of the orifice of communication with the pulp(), has allowed me to divide the teeth

    into 4 groups:

  • percentage of the succesful treatment according to the material being used, both

    materials have registered similar results (table IV).

    Table IV: The percentual distribution of success according to the material being used

    Capping material No. of successful teeth No. of failed teeth Success rate (%) Ca (OH)2 54 15 78,26

    MTA 66 15 81,48 The influence of the diameter of the communication orifice with the pulp chamber and

    the degree of bleeding at the level of the exposed pulp - over the success of the direct

    capping have been analized as follows (table V,VI).

    Table V: The influence of the diameter of communication with the pulp chamber over the success of the conservative therapy of the pulp vitality.

    In order to appreciate the relationship between the diameter of the opening of the pulp

    chamber and the success rate of the conservative treatment of the live pulp; the teeth

    have been divided into 4 groups, according to the size of the communication orifice. In

    the group where the diameter of the opening of the pulp chamber was bigger than 1mm,

    but smaller than 2 mm, the success rate is with 83,33% smaller than that of the group

    which had the opening between 0,5 1 mm, 90%. For the group where the diameter of

    the communication orifice is larger than 2 mm, the success rate is 0, the capping being

    considered a failure. Regarding the degree of bleeding at the level of the opening of the

    pulp chamber, the success of the group where the bleeding is absent (95,23%) or reduced

    under 30 seconds (87,5%) is significantly increased than in the group where the bleeding

    is abundent and persistant. (46,15%) (table VI).

    Tabelul VI : The influence of the time of bleeding over the success of maintaining the pulps vitality in direct capping

    Degree of bleeding No.of successful teeth No. of failed

    teeth Success rate (%)

    Objective symptomatology Observations No. of successful teeth No. of failed

    teeth Success rate (%)

    0,5 36 3 92,30

    0,5 < 1,0 54 6 90,00 1,0 < 2,0 30 6 83,33

    The diameter of the opening hole of the pulp chamber: (mm)

    > 2,0 0 15 0

  • Absent bleeding 60 3 95,23 Mild bleeding 42 6 87,5

    Persistent bleeding 18 21 46,15

    The Pearson correlation test (figure 5) between the degree of bleeding and the success

    rate shows a value of r=-0,95 , which proves a relationship of inverted proportionality

    between the two variables, the probability that the lack of bleeding determines a success

    is one of 0,99 (R2=0,99).

    Figure 5 : The relationship between the degree of pulp bleeding and the success rate in the therapy of the accidental opening of the pulp chamber through direct capping


    The successful percentage of this therapy depends both on general factors but also on

    local ones, the most favorable medium for the success of the direct capping

    consisting of permanent young teeth, because they have a big capacity of reaction,

    with multiple defence resources.

    Regarding the local factors, the success rate of this therapy depends on the diameter

    of the opening orifice of the pulp chamber, which should not exceed 2 mm and on the

    possibility of eliminating the altered dentine- which should be carried aut completely

    r=0.95R2 = 0.9932

    Absent bleeding Moderate bleeding Persistent bleeding

    No. of successfull teeth No of failed teeth Linear (No. of successfull teeth)

  • before the beginning of the direct capping. The inflamatory status of the pulp organ is

    reflected through the level of the bleeding factor at the level of communication with

    the pulp. So, the bigger the level of the bleeding is, the smaller is the chance of a

    favorable prognosis of the treatment.


    8. Profound cavity lesions represent dental afflictions frequently encountered in the

    dental practice. The treatment of these afflictions raises multiple problems to dental

    physician; problems related to establishing a correct diagnosis and realizing a time-

    durable protection for the dental pulp so that the reconstruction of the morpho-

    functional integrity of the injured tissue is possible.

    9. It is important in the case of a dental cavity before the preparation of a cavity to

    understand which are the tissue modifications that appeared at the dentine level,

    determined by the evolution of the cavity lesion. The intra-tubular modifications and

    the formation reaction dentine will affect the result of the treatment. In the cases in

    which the dentine tubes are opened and permeable; the conservative treatment will

    ask for increased attention as compared to the cases in which the remaining dentine is


    10. As a result of the testing of the material based on Calcium hydroxide (Calcidenta)

    realized at the Chemical Research Institute in Cluj-Napoca, consisting of biological

    evaluation tests , there has been revealed the fact that the material is not toxic, the

    product being well tolerated, without any harmful effects.

    11. The clinical experience is not as long in the case of compozite resins used as capping

    materials, the prognosis is therefore reserved. My experimental study realized on

    healthy teeth has shown that, after applying the adhesive systems on the opened pulp

    chamber, the histopathological reaction of the pulp at 9 of the teeth under study has

    signaled the presence of dentinal bridges with multiple tunnel flaws, favouring

    therefore the insertion of the bacterian micro-infiltrate into the pulp chamber.

    12. Mineral Trioxid Aggregate meets the qualities of a direct capping material. Through

    very good marginal adaptation and due to its biocompatibility , this material limits

    the pulp inflamation and allows the attaining of dentinal bridges of the outmost


  • 13. The localization of the spot of communication with the pulp chamber on the surface

    of the tooth influences the success of the conservative therapy for the pulps vitality

    through direct capping. The percentage of successful teeth is significantly bigger in

    the case of accidental openings of the pulp chamber situated at the level of the

    occlusive face.

    14. My studies both the experimental and the clinic one have proved that the progress

    attained as a result of long-term researches in the domain of conservative materials

    for the pulps vitality , have materialized by the realization of products which present

    superior qualities; these making possible great successes in the case of direct capping

    treatments, applied in the case of accidental openings of the pulp chamber.

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    4. Personal data

    Surname, name: Colceriu-Burtea Adela Loredana

    Home address: Cluj-Napoca, Aleea Azuga nr. 2, sc. II, ap. 25

    Date of birth: 12. 05.1970

    Position and work place : Assistant Professor la UMF"Iuliu Haieganu"

    Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Odontology-


    5. Studies Gymnasium : 1977-1985 General School no.3, Tg-Jiu

    High-school :1985-1989Mathematics-PhysicsHigh-School"T.Vladimirescu",


    University :1990-1992, Faculty of General Medicine, UMF"Iuliu Haieganu"

    Cluj-Napoca;1992-1995, Faculty of Dental Medicine, UMF Cluj-Napoca

    3. Professional activity

    - January 1996- Intern phisician at the District Hospital Tg-Jiu

    - February 1997- Resident phisician

    - March 1997- exam for the position of Junior Assistant at the Dental

    Medicine Faculty, department of Odontology- Parodontology

    - October 1998 I sustained the speciality exam, becoming a specialist


  • - March 1999 exam for the position of Assistant Professor at the Dental

    Medicine Faculty, department of Odontology- Parodontology Dental

    Medicine Faculty, department of Odontology- Parodontology

    9. Scientific activity - diploma project: "Tulburri de erupie ale incisivilor centrali superiori",

    coordinated by prof.dr.Elvira Cocrl

    - in November 2001 I have registered for the Ph.D. studies at the Dental

    Medicine Faculty, Dental Medicine Faculty, department of Odontology-

    Parodontology, under the coordination of prof.dr.Angela Pop, with a

    research theme regarding the conservation of the pulp vitality

    -September 2002- March 2003 scholarship at the faculty of Odontology in

    Marseille, France

    - published papers : 2 papers published in extenso in scientific journals in the

    country -participations at congresses and other scientific manifestations

    -books : 1 book published as a co-author

    10. Foreign languages: French (reading, writing, speaking advanced level) English (reading, writing, speaking advanced level)


    Papers published in extenso:

    1. "Studiul proprietilor fizico-chimice ale unui material nou indicat n

    coafajul direct"

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.1, 2005, 35-40

    2. "Studiul clinic privind influena factorilor ce afecteaz reuita conservrii

    vitalitii pulpare, n deschiderile accidentale ale camerei pulpare"

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.2, 2005, 27-34

    Participations at congresses and other scientific manifestations:

    1.Tulburri de erupie ale incisivilor centrali superiori

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Elvira Cocrl; poster Zilele UMF, Cluj-

    Napoca, dec. 1997

    2. Materiale fotopolimerizabile-rolul agenilor de cuplare

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu; mas rotund (debate) Zilele UMF, Cluj-

    Napoca, dec. 1998

    3. Posibiliti de reconstrucie corono-radicular

    Authors : Sanda Cmpean, Loredana Colceriu, Angela Pop ; poster Zilele

    UMF dec. 1999

  • 4. Metode moderne de tratament conservativ n parodontita apical


    Authors : Loredana Colceriu, Dolores Bdulescu, Ada Delean, Angela Pop ;

    poster Zilele UMF dec. 2001

    5. Modaliti de contenie n parodontopatiile marginale cronice

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu; mas rotund (debate), Zilele UMF dec 2003

    6. Materiale noi folosite n terapia conservatoare a pulpei dentare

    Authors:LoredanaColceriu,DeleanAda,PopDan,-department of Odontology-

    Parodontology,UMFI.Haieganu and Moldovan Marioara-ICCRR, Cluj-

    Napoca, Zilele Stomatologiei Bnene, mai 2004

    7. Biocompatibility of a new calcium hydroxide lining cement used as a

    pulp capping material

    Authors:Loredana Colceriu,Angela Pop-Department of Odontology and

    Periodontology,University of Dental MedicineI.Hatieganu, M.Moldovan -

    ICCRR Cluj-Napoca, poster, Congresul Internaional de Materiale Dentare,

    Napoca Biodent 2005, Cluj-Napoca

    Papers published as a summary:

    1. Using MTA and calcium hydroxide as a pulp capping materials

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop-Catedra de

    Odontologie-Parodontologie,UMFI.Haieganu and Moldovan Marioara-

    ICCRR, European Cells and Materials Vol 10.Suppl.1, 2005, page 20

    List of the published books:

    1. "ndreptar practic pentru asistente de profilaxie stomatologic"

  • Authors: Angela Pop, Sanda Cmpean, Ada Delean, Loredana Colceriu-

    Burtea Dan Pop -, Ed.Medical Universitar "Iuliu Haieganu" Cluj-Napoca,


    List of the published papers from the Ph.D. research thesis domain:

    Papers published in extenso:

    1. "Studiul proprietilor fizico-chimice ale unui material nou indicat n

    coafajul direct"

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.1, 2005, 35-40

    2. "Studiul clinic privind influena factorilor ce afecteaz reuita conservrii

    vitalitii pulpare, n deschiderile accidentale ale camerei pulpare"

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop -Transilvania

    Stomatologic, nr.2, 2005, 27-34

    Papers published as a summary:

    1.Using MTA and calcium hydroxide as a pulp capping materials

    Authors: Loredana Colceriu, Sanda Cmpean, Angela Pop-Catedra de

    Odontologie-Parodontologie,UMFI.Haieganu and Moldovan Marioara-

    ICCRR, European Cells and Materials Vol 10.Suppl.1, 2005, page 20