Revista El Caballo Español 2009, n.194 (ENGLISH)

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Revista El Caballo Español 2009, n.194 (ENGLISH)


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SICAB is one of the

most important and

international fairs

held at FIBES. For

the city of Sevilla,

it is a world-class

showcase, as

visitors from all over

the world come to

enjoy the event

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SICAB has positive repercussions for a number

of important economic sectors such as the hotel and restaurant industry,

commerce, public transport, etc. It is undoubtedly an incentive for the city, and that is always desirable,

even more in this day and age. Improving access to the Convention Center will also have positive affects for both

the participants and those who are visiting SICAB

All of the techniques used in basic training are respectable, but they must be based on love

and respect for the horse.” participantes y en el público

que acude a SICAB

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When bringing up colts and fillies, after careful follow-up, the breeder and caretakers have observed

the physical development of each and every foal, while at the same time, have discovered the details of

their individual personality. However, to really know their true aptitudes for work, colts and fillies must

follow a much stricter disciplinary plan than what they are used to up until now. For this reason, it is

necessary to have greater control and more direct contact with them. “Basic training” provides us with

an excellent means to evaluate and have an in depth understanding of the personality and qualities of

the horses, with which the breeder can better evaluate each horse, thus being able to have a real idea of

the possibilities that each colt and filly have for the future. This article seeks to give a few brief notes—

without getting deeply into the various techniques that are used—to better understand and correctly

plan this task, so as to obtain satisfactory results while at the same time care for the safety of the colts

and fillies, as well as those handling them.

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“All of the techniques used in basic training are respectable,

but they must be based

on love and respect for the horse.”


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The main aims of European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) are to promote, by means of active co-operation between its members and other relevant international and national organisations,

the advancement of scientific research, sustainable development and systems of production; experimentation, application and extension; to improve the technical and economic conditions of the

livestock sector; to promote the welfare of farm animals and the conservation of the rural environment; to control and optimise the use of natural resources in general and animal genetic resources in


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SICAB (Salón Internacional del Caballo), the International Equestrian Trade Fair will be

held between the 24th and 29th of November at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos

(Convention Center) in Sevilla.

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On the 2nd of October, the Cabinet (of Spain) approved a Royal Decree that established the system to

identify and register equids, regarding the latest measures applicable to the Commission Regulations,

which have been incorporated into the laws of Spain


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Following the summer holiday break, ANCCE will continue the informative tour it has been carrying out throughout Spain, to hold meetings with breeders and learn about the real feelings

of the sector.

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A few years ago I published two books; one of them was related to the creation of the PRE Horse while the other discussed the origins of the Carthusian horses. Both publications caused expectation and a number of controversies that pulled me into the center of those discussions, although I was not the bases of the controversy, but rather, the results of my research. I was even blacklisted by some as only being interested in money, who stated that I was only looking for profits from the sales of my books. Perhaps it was due to a lack of argument to contest what I exposed in the books (as if the information had been obtained was embarrassing or illicit). After some time, “things returned to normal” and now nobody argues the facts stated in those books: that the PRE Horse is not fruit of a natural evolution, but rather a project carried out by men at the Royal Stables in Cordoba, and that Carthusian Horses do not exist.

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The statement that the Purebred Spanish Horses and the Purebred Lusitano Horses have the same blood, because they belong

to the same “geographical

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and racial cast of the PRE” is also erroneous. The P.R.E. was born in Cordoba in the second half of the 16th century, and the Purebred Lusitano after the French invasion at the start of the 19th century


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It all began back in 1748 when King John V of Portugal (1689-1750), being

faced with the low quality of the Portuguese equine livestock, which failed to meet with the stateliness and greatness of the Portuguese

court, ordered the creation of a stud farm to produce the best horses in

the kingdom to be able to select the best sire stallions for the benefit of the Portuguese equine production

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At the first Courts held in Tomar (1581), Philip II of Spain made his intention clear

to martially weaken Portugal by adding the Portuguese navy to the Spanish. He also demonstrated his intentions when he did

not accept the petition from the Portuguese commissaries to prohibit the riding of mules and asses in Portugal. With that refusal, he achieved two objectives: the first, and most important, reduce equine breeding so that

Portugal could not have a cavalry that could be used to start a rebellion; and, the second, force them to depend upon Spanish equines

for agriculture and industry, which he achieved in only a few years

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According to the Portuguese historian Alexandre Herculano de Carvalho e Araujo (1810-1877), at the time of the rebellion: “The only troops that were available were eight hundred infantry men. There was not, in Portugal, a single cavalry soldier”

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We have seen Fuego with a wonderful attitude in the

arena, proving to be call and sure of himself, giving the impression of strength



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The gardens at Windsor Castle were chosen by the English to organize the best dressage championship

in history. The impeccable organization, at a privileged location, offered the perfect backdrop for this

discipline, which reached the highest level of quality ever dreamt of at a championship. Edward Gal,

achieving a score of 90,750% while riding Moorlands Totilas in the KUR Grand Prix, has lifted the

bar to an unachievable mark for the rest of mortals, humans and equine.


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Both Juan Manuel and I hope to exceed these recent results in f ut ure championships , such

as the Kent uck y World Cha mpionships and the L ondon Oly mpics .

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We bel ieve that we have a horse that w i l l do a lot more

and w ith opt imism and fa ith , the

object ive is the nex t Oly mpics in L ondon, we must

be there


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The sixth Young Horse Final Selection Test Circuit for Dressage was held from the 25th to 27th of September at Yeguada San José in the province of Toledo. At this final, 97% of the participating

horses were PREs.

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The CDI 3* Iberian Masters took place for the first time at the Real Club Pineda of Sevilla, on the 26th and 27th of September. Participating riders came from

Spain, Holland, Portugal, Germany, and France

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every day that I rode him—gave me

masterful lessons of kind delivery, of balanced equilibrium,

of immeasurable impulsion, of cadenced temperance, of

weightless suspension, of rhythm, of elasticity... he had it all. Up

to now I have not ridden another that equals him

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Over the approximately two years in which I have collaborated with this magazine, I have covered

the exercises that make up the best of Alta Escuela (Spanish High School), perhaps because these

are, presumably, the most demanded by readers who are passionate about the PRE Horse and keen

on Alta Escuela.

In this last article, I do not want to leave any feelings and thoughts behind which, despite the years that

have gone by—about twenty—are still fresh in my mind. These are an unequivocal sign that sparked

an “equestrian conscience” that I failed to have before, and that from then on, I sought to cultivate; I

hope they are of benefit to you.

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If my awareness

is formed from the purest and most orthodox

equitation, and I ride a good horse, I will be able to elevate my degree of sensitivity, and

the more elevation, the greater evolution, that is to say,

greater capacity “to see” (to discover) more evolved

(capable) horses



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The President of the Catalan Equestrian Federation, Emili Zegrí, presented the gold medal to Antonio Santiago during the 2009 Proclamation of Champions Ceremony

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Of the carriages guided or driven by a driver, you must distinguish between those that are closed, open

and that can be closed and open carriages. Let’s begin with closed carriages and more specifically

with a carriage that can be considered one of the great pairs’ carriages from which a multitude of

modern carriages—those of the 20th century—have derived. We are referring to the Berlin.

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This past 6th of September, the 33rd Carriage Driving

Exhibition was held in Ronda. The competition

is one of the most prestigious equestrian

events in Andalusia due to the excellent quality of the carriages and the

professional hands of the drivers.



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A creative profession



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“It is a vocation that cannot be

learned. You have to be born into

it to have the feelings; you must

feel it, states Nacho Martín.

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Nacho Martín: “I admire

animals greatly, especially horses and

bulls because “they are living

beings and I love nature.”

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José Antonio Sánchez Chivite: “What I want is to show the audience the beauty and nobility of these animals. The PRE is

really important to us; I especially like its personality, its elegant poise and the grace in its paces.”

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“I believe that, as always, sculptures are decorative objects, which due to the grace or mastery of their sculptor, win the heart of the beholder,” states Sánchez Chivite

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The fact that he makes the trophies that will be awarded

to the PRE champions of Spain makes him feel “very

proud, because with this I am rewarded for my good work and knowledge in this sense

“It gives me great satisfaction to do what I enjoy and to be able to bring to light

the gift that God gave me, to model and to paint. It is one of the most gratifying

professions, since you have the opportunity to create”

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Over the last 10 years, interest in the genetic

improvement of the PRE has been increasing

year after year amongst all those involved in

breeding and selection. As a consequence of

this growing interest, a specific regulatory

scheme for the PRE has arisen in which the

zoo-technical characteristic of the breed have

been established, the criteria for their as-

sessment and selection have been defined, in-

cluding the seminal characteristics that sire

stallions should have if they are to obtain the

category of Qualified Breeding Stock at the

Qualification Tribunals.

According to the Society for Theriogenolo-

gy—one of the world’s most important asso-

ciations of specialists in animal reproduc-

tion—horse breeders, whatever the breed,

their associations and regulatory organi-

zations, must have a series of tests desig-

ned “to prospectively evaluate the potential

fertility of a sire stallion, with relatively

limited investment in time and money.”

Most of these tests are centered on the

analysis of the quality of the semen and on

the testicular size. However, the response

usually given to these tests by most of those

involved in these matters is in tune with

the question “Can this stallion cover mares

and leave them pregnant?”

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Our prediction capacity for the fertility of a sire stallion

based on the analysis of sperm quality is currently

not at all exact

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Determining testicular size allows the estimation,

with a high degree of accuracy, of the “daily sperm production in a

sire” and his capacity to maintain that production constant during the next

six months

It would be interesting to meditate on

what values should be considered as excellent,

or above the average, to consider a PRE sire stallion as Qualified

Breeding stock

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It was then when the origin of our name, the PRE as we know it today, was in its genesis,

and if anyone spoke of selection based on worthiness, it is almost certain they

wore a uniform.

I cannot help from being moved when

in my incurable gleaning and

entanglement of old prints, something

leaps out before my eyes to clearly show

how a small faction of the cavalry visualized their project for the

Spanish Horse.

It is a legacy that overcame all types of obstacles to bequeath

us as members of “PRE Command”.

Seeking breed fidelity, achieving standardization in the herds, trying to establish the

optimum type of PRE, this was an

urgent and necessary task, but above all the work had to be carried out

and guided by the utilitarian spirit of

the Cavalry.

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Having reached this point, they joined forces and yearnings around the proposal, which was, on

the 22nd of March, 1920 from the mythical 14th “Alcantara” Regiment of Hunters in Melilla by

which Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Primo de Rivera presented the proposal before the Equine

Breeding Office Board. The hero of Annual, who died the following year, in action like his

contemporary, the brilliant captain Botín, petitioned in his written request, nothing less than the

immediate suppression of the Registration of Spanish Horses

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Destinado II was a

horse belonging to Hnos.

Domínguez in Jerez

By way of interest, when

the contemporary military

rejoneador,** legendary

Antonio Cañero, after

triumphing in the bull

ring with his Anglo-Arab,

Bordo, decided to carry out

a brief incursion into the

breeding of Spanish Horses,

he chooses Domínguez


Destinado II was born in

1931. The grey colt was

described as having a star

and white socks behind.

His sire, Americano, had

already been an important



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Fermoso (one of the most illustrious members of the PRE Command), concerning this improvement

in June of 1925, he offered a good idea of how the breed was then guided: “.. the important thing is

that the Spanish sire stallions chosen are not the short-backed type, with short and high paces, but with

extended paces, and the most typical of the breed, the better, especially in the gallop

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Others Destinados, owned by Domínguez, were to arrive, but also owned by Curro Chica, Osborne, such

as Destinado III (Sire of Juglar and used by Pallarés), Destinado IV (Used by Granda), Destinado V

(by Romero Benítez) and the bay Destinado VI owned by Roberto Osborne, (above all, sire of the great

Maltesa II whose dam, Despierta 1940, was one of the daughters that left Destinado II)


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Agente was the High Priest of

the PRE that represented the

triumph of the project.

It was the achievement

of a beautiful Spanish

Horse with competition

mechanics for a riding

horse. Agente brought

together, from his great-

grandsires the two genetic

currents of Hechicero and

of Destinado II, but also of

Bilbaino owned by Miura,

of Cantinera IV owned by

Baones, of Destinado VI

owned by Osborne, and of

more Guerrero and Miura


It was a horse whose

descendants, year after

year, discover new


Therefore, there is proof

that nothing was fruit of

chance. All breeders owe

eternal thanks to the PRE

Command of the Spanish


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