Respiratory dzmnt

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Respiratory dzmnt

  1. 1. Disease Management in Respiratory Patient
  2. 2.
  3. 3. Chronic Diseases They are of long duration and generally slow progression. Cardiovascular disease (Coronary heart disease, Stroke) Cancer Chronic lung disease Diabetes Chronic neurologic disorders (Alzheimers, dementias) Arthritis/Musculoskeletal diseases Chronic mental illness Injuries, which have an acute onset, but may be followed by prolonged convalescence and impaired function (WHO, 2011)
  4. 4. Proportion of total Proportion by sex () 2009
  5. 5. ( ) 5
  6. 6. 6
  7. 7. Modifiable Risk Factor Chronic Diseases The WHO has prioritized the following four: 1. Physical inactivity 2. Tobacco use 3. Alcohol use 4. Unhealthy diets (WHO, 2011)
  8. 8. 2004 2009 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Alcohol consumption Tobacco smoking High blood pressure High BMI Not wearing helmet Unsafe sex High cholesterol Low intake of fruit and vegetable Physical inactivity Water, sanitation and hygiene Air pollution Illicit drugs use Not wearing seatbelt Malnutrition DALYs('000) 2009 2004 8
  9. 9. 0 100 200 300 400 500 Mental and behavioural disorders Diseases of the eye and adnexa Diseases of the genitourinary system Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissur Diseases of the digestive system Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissur Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Diseases of the circulatory system Diseases of the respiratory system Rate per 1,000 populations 10 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 Cerebrovascular diseases Injuries to the neck Ischaemic heart disease Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum Chronic lower respiratory diseases Influenza and pneumonia Intestinal infectious diseases Renal failure Diabetes mellitus Hypertensive diseases Rate per 100,000 populationsTotal Female 2012 10
  10. 10. Health insurance system research office, 2011 100,000
  11. 11. Designing and Developing Disease and Care Management
  12. 12. The goal of a disease management program for patients with COPD is to provide the highest level of home care to patients with this condition and to improve their quality of life
  13. 13. PROBLEMS IN HEALTHCARE Aging population Inability to sustain current method of providing healthcare to those in need Rising costs Decreasing numbers of healthcare providers Lack of preventive care Societal attitudes Hospital readmission rates
  15. 15. What is Disease Management ? DMAA Definition Multi-disciplinary, continuum-based approach to healthcare delivery that: 1. Supports the physician/patient relationship and plan of care 2. Emphasizes prevention of exacerbations and complications utilizing cost-effective, evidence-based practice guidelines, and patient empowerment strategies 3. Continuously evaluates clinical, humanistic, and economic outcomes with the goal of improving overall health
  16. 16. DISEASE MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS 1. Care management 2. Prevention 3. Treatment of acute and chronic conditions 4. Pharmacy management : Medication and devices use with education : Medication adherence counseling 5. Specialty referrals 6. Self-management Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 9, Iss. 1, pp 918, Mar 15, 2012 . Copyright 2012 by the American Thoracic Society DOI: 10.1513/pats.201201-014ST Internet address:
  17. 17. DISEASE MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS 7. Oxygen management 8. Pulmonary function testing 9. Tobacco Cessation 10.Transition to home planning Follow-up visit at home by Transition Coach Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 9, Iss. 1, pp 918, Mar 15, 2012 . Copyright 2012 by the American Thoracic Society DOI: 10.1513/pats.201201-014ST Internet address:
  18. 18. Shift focus from acute care to chronic care involving the community and health system including education and support Wagner EH. Chronic disease management: what will it take to improve care for chronic illness? Eff Clin Pract 1998;1(1):2-4.
  19. 19. Expanded Chronic Care Model COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Self Management Support Decision Support Delivery System Design Clinical Information Systems Informed Activated Patient Activated Community Prepared Proactive Practice Team Prepared Proactive Community Partners Productive Interactions & Relationships Improved Health and Functional Outcomes . . NETWORK Offer proven, effective programming Outreach to & engagement of high risk populations Provide gap-filling and linkage services Increase access to benefits and services Advocate for policies that improve health Victoria J. Barr, Sylvia Robinson, Brenda Marin-Link, Lisa Underhill, Anita Dotts, Darlene Ravensdale and Sandy Salivaras.
  20. 20. Delivery System Designed to Provide Planned Chronic Care : COPD 1. Team including a skilled health professional case manager 2. Continuous communication to effectively manage COPD in it trajectory 3. Properly trained professionals to support physicians and patients 4. Therapies supported by protocol (evidence-based practice guidelines)
  21. 21. Self-management skills and healthy behaviors
  22. 22. The Community Care Disease Management Build capacity for routine assessment Reduce unintended variation in care, and establish consistency of care Build capacity to educate patients, families Report outcomes and process measures to all
  23. 23. 1. Use of information systems to access key data on individuals and populations 2. Identifying patients with chronic disease 3. Stratifying patients by risk 4. Involving patients in their own care 5. Co-ordinating care (using case-managers) 6. Using multidisciplinary teams 7. Integrating specialist and generalist expertise 8. Integrating care across organizational boundaries 9. Aiming to minimize unnecessary visits and admissions 10. Providing care in the least intensive setting Good chronic disease management
  24. 24. Chronic Respiratory Diseases Management And Health System
  25. 25. Framework for Achieving Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Burden of Chronic Illness Chronic Diseases Morbidity Mortality Prevention Dividend 1. Risk Behavior Reduction 2. Social & Physical Environment Inequity Prevention Interventions (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) W.H.O. Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions, 2002
  26. 26. Health Service Delivery System Chronic Illness Conditions : Respiratory Diseases Activated / Informed patient and caregiver Prepared / Proactive care team Payer . / . / . Service Delivery Design Easy Special HC Provider Local Community Industries . Health IT System Social Network mobile devices Associations Population Health Mnt. Care mng. / wellness / dz. Mnt. Distribution Medicine Medical Devices : Diagnose, 1ry 2ry Prevention
  27. 27. Lifestyle interventions Low risk At risk Disease Management DiseaseSymptomsEarly Signs Preventive Services Case Management Screening Primary and Secondary Prevention Acute treatment Disease Management HEALTH IMPROVEMENT DISEASE MANAGEMENT HEALTH MANAGEMENT POPULATION-BASED CASE-BASED
  28. 28. Chronic Respiratory Conditions
  29. 29. HOME HEALTH CARE Fitting People to Health Care in Their Home Environments Caregivers: Family, Friends, Formal Caregivers Medical Devices and Equipment, Long-acting B2- agonists (LABA) inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) Information Communication Technology Perceptual, Cognitive, and Psychomotor Capabilities of Users
  30. 30. Spirometry: A Key to Early Detection of COPD Spirometry in primary care setting is crucial Simple, inexpensive, office-based Consider every smoker (past and present) Decline in lung function is often undetected Patients may be asymptomatic or may unconsciously modify activity to compensate Identification and aggressive intervention can improve prognosis
  31. 31. 6 (6 Building Blocks) -- / & : & Source: World Health Report 2007
  32. 32. . (1) 2015 2014 Improving quality of health care; primary health care services Referral systems Harmonization of health insurance schemes Emergency medical services Health promotion and disease prevention for elderly and palliative care Services for disables and underserved groups Herbal medicines Improving emergency medical services in response to traffic accidents during public holidays Improving quality of health care (reducing waiting time and waiting list) Improving the management and allocation of health personnel (human resources for health) Promoting and supporting care for different groups including children, women, elderly and underserved groups (project EWEC) Promoting and supporting sustainability of drugs, vaccines and medical devices Prevention and treatment for substance use disorders 34
  33. 33. . (2) 35 2015 2014 Developing and supporting global health Supporting family physician policy Management of communicable diseases and health threatening conditions Integrating health care systems for cancer patients Health promotion and disease prevention according to age groups Health promotion and disease prevention according to age group focusing on high burden diseases such as DM, hypertension Supporting research on health problems and health system Review and evaluate DPL project Promoting governance in health sectors
  34. 34. 2551 36
  35. 35. Service Delivery Reform Health System People Centered World Health Report 2008
  36. 36. New kinds of practitioners Family physicians Formal training (3 years) In-service training (3 years) 80 83 Family Practice Learning (1 year)
  37. 37. New kinds of practitioners 2553 -2556 44.38 63.64 70.04 75.64 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 2553 2554 2555 2556 PCU 1: 1,250 1 : 5,000 : Datacenter . 2553 -2555 , 2556 ..56
  38. 38. New kinds of practitioners : 2550-2552 , 2553-2555 / . 130 . - 96.34 - 2 55.79 : .. 57
  39. 39. PHC as Health Hub
  40. 40. The interdependence of the constituents of primary care showing the centrality of the patient-clinician relationship in the context of family and community and as furthered by teams and integrated delivery systems. 21 + +
  41. 41. E mail facebook : Morchuchai Line ID : chuchai55