Research paper from freshman english (1)

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Transcript of Research paper from freshman english (1)



NUMBER: 1210257




My name is Taha YILMAZ. I’m from Turkey. I was born in Kocaeli in 1993. My family

includes four people. I have one sister whose name is Zehra. My father’s name is Ali who is

forty years old. My mother’s name is Firdevs who is thirty nine years old. My father is from

Erzurum. My mother is from Sakarya. My mother’s family had immigrated from Sandzak to

Turkey approximately 80 years ago which means I’m half Bosnian. I would like to mention

about myself. My family has a big role to make me grown up. I’m a conservative, a sporty, an

idealist and a serious person. My mother started to teach me how to perform prayer when I

learned to read and write. She was teaching me surahs when I was seven years old. I was

trying to memorize surahs to perform prayer in that time. When I memorized one surah, my

mother had given me some presents in that time. I remember when I memorized Surat al-

Fatiha. I had read it in front of my parents after that my mother gave me one chocolate and

some money. In addition, my mother had directed me to play basketball when I was seven

years old. My mother and I were going to visit my elder parents. We were passing through

one sport center which is called PetkimSpor and she asked me if she makes me enrolled to

this sport center. My sport life had been started by this significant step. I have been playing

basketball since I was seven years old. I like playing sports. I like making bodybuilding and

running. I have got many medals from various competitions. If I’m long, powerful and

successful, it’s just because of my mother. I’m really thankful to her. What’s more, I will be

diplomat someday. I interested in politics. I’m trying to do my best to be diplomat. I follow

world’s agenda to get information about what happens among countries. If I’m interested in

politics, it’s because of my father. It was pleasure to go out with my father when I was child.

My father has many politician friends and he likes talking about politics. I remember one time

when my father and I went to one place to have a coffee. My father had invited one of his

friends there. He was politician. He was Member of Parliament. They were talking about

politics. While they were talking each other, they made me impressed. In that moment, I

decided to learn what politics is. I was asking for books regarding politics to my father. He

had directed me to be interested in politics. That’s why I’m student of International Relations.

As far as I’m concerned, my family has significant role and influences in my life. I would like

to mention about my education life.


Primary School Days

I was seven years old when I was enrolled to primary school which is called Mimar Sinan

İlköğretim Okulu. My parents had taken me to the school in the first day of my education life.

I was so excited. I was learning how to write and read there. All students were playing games

and learning how to write and read. It was so nice to be student at that time. I remember one

time when I had a nice day in the school, all students had one quiz regarding alphabet. I had

taken full points from that quiz. After the quiz, we were free to go home. I was waiting my

parents to come. Everybody’s parents had come to take their children home except my family.

I was afraid of going to home alone. I was crying. Finally, I had seen my father and I became

happy. All in all, I was having funny days. I was learning everything by having fun.

Secondary School Days

I was twelve years old when I was enrolled to secondary school which is

called Özel Körfezim İlköğretim Okulu. Those days, I had significant friends who were

going to be my blood brothers. One of those was Süleyman Emre KAYIHAN. Emre and I

have had friendship for eight years. Thanks to Allah, I was having great time with my

friends in the days of secondary school. Those days, I was a hardworking student. I had

problems with physics. All my grades were well except physics. It seemed like that

physics were hard to pass at that time. I wish I were good at physics but I was good at

playing sports instead of being good at physics. I had started to be more active of playing

sports. I had been playing kinds of sports such as basketball, football. I was happy, I was a

hardworking and I was a sporty person. I was having the time of my life.

High School Days

I was fifteen years old when I was enrolled to high school which is called Hacer

Demirören Çok Programlı Lisesi. I had decided to be politician or diplomat at that time. I

was keen on reading books based on politics. I had been student of the high school for

four years. During the high school time, I was a hardworking student. I was planning to

learn English but I didn’t know how to learn it. My goal was being diplomat or politician.

I was planning to do things regarding politics. I knew that I’m supposed to learn English

because I would like to study for International Relations. I was having nice days in the

school at that time. All the students and I have had nice friendships with teachers. We

were going out to have fun with teachers. What’s more, there has been an election for

basketball team of the high school. I was chosen as play maker. We have been succeeded

as basketball team. We had got many medals from various competitions.

English Language School Days

I was nineteen years old when I was enrolled to English Language School. I was in Bosnia

and Herzegovina. Firstly, I had one placement exam. According the points that I got from

the placement exam, I could start from level two. I had started from level two and I

finished the level with seventy eight points. After that I passed to level tree. I completed

level tree with 80 points which means I could have a proficiency exam. I had the

proficiency exam and I got sixty six points from the exam so my English education was

finished in ELS. I was having nice days there. The education was so qualified. I was

thinking of being free in faculty at that time. When I passed faculty, I realized that ELS

was easier than faculty. I miss my times in ELS right now. We didn’t use to have many

obligations in ELS at that time. In faculty, I’m bored of having many obligations such as

presentations, research papers and exams.


The person I admire is Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU. He is foreign minister of Turkey. He is one

of the great politicians in Turkey. As I have just mentioned in the part of introduction, I

would like to be diplomat. That’s why I’m interested in politics. I follow his diplomatic

successes. I read his books. Nowadays, I read one of his books which is called Strategic

Depth. The book is based on world politics and position of Turkey among its neighbors.

He is an experienced person. I want to take advantage of his experiences. I would like to

mention about his life and experiences.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu

Professor Ahmet Davutoglu was born on February 26th, 1959 in Konya.

He completed his secondary education at the Istanbul High School.

In 1983 he graduated from the Bosphorus University with a double major in Political

Science and Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

He completed his MA in the Department of Public Administration and received his

PhD from the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Bosporus


In 1990 he became an Assistant Professor at the International Islamic University of

Malaysia where he established and chaired the Political Science Department until


In 1993, he became an Associate Professor.

Between 1995 and 1999 he has worked at Marmara University, teaching at the

Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, the Institute for Insurance and Banking, at the

Doctoral Program on Local Administrations and Political Science Department.

Between 1998 and 2002 he was a visiting lecturer at the Military Academy and the

War Academy.

Following the November 2002 elections he was appointed as Chief Adviser to the

Prime Minister and Ambassador at large by the 58th Government of the Republic of

Turkey. He continued to serve in the 59th and 60th Governments.

He worked at Beykent University in Istanbul as a professor from 1995 to 2004,

serving as Head of the Department of International Relations, Member of University

Senate and Member of Board of Management while teaching as a visiting scholar at

the MarmaraUniversity.

Professor Davutoglu published several books and articles on foreign policy in Turkish

and English. His books and articles have also been translated into several languages

including Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Persian and Albanian.

On May 1, 2009 he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 60th

Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Professor Davutoglu is married with four children and speaks English, German and


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu

What are the similarities and differences between Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and


In Today’s world, there are many pacemaker people. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU

is one of those people. He is a well-educated person. He is an experienced person. His

major is International Relations. He has been followed by those who are interested in

politics. He has a significant role in current issues in world politics. Especially,

Muslim countries support his views. Unfortunately, Muslim countries have important

problems with their governments, lately. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU aims at

providing solutions for those who have problems with their governments. He has

achieved his goals so he caught the vast majority of Muslim people’s attention.He

became a person who has been followed by millions of people all around the world.

I’m one of those people. While I was checking his experiences, I found myself so

close to him. While I was reading his books and getting information about his life, I

realized that there are many similarities between Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and

me. However, no one can claim that everybody is the same.There are always some

differences among human beings. I would like to mention about similarities and

differences between Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and me.

To being with, there are many similarities between Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU

and me. The first similarity is field of education. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU is a

well-educated person. As I have just mentioned at the beginning of body part, he

completed his education on International Relations. I’m also passionate about study of

International Relations. We both have same field of education. The second similarity

is field of interest. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU is interested in politics. When I

was in Turkey, he had given one speech related to world politics in Istanbul

University. During his speech, “I have been reading books related to politics since I

was in high school.” He said. I realized that he is interested in politics just like me. I

have also been reading books related to politics since I was in high school. We both

have the same field of interest. The third similarity is idealist attitude. Prof. Dr. Ahmet

DAVUTOGLU had some goals. He did his best and completed his education to

achieve the goals. He had studied for his future. I have some goals as well. I desire my

dreams come true. I do my best to achieve my goals. When I was in high school, I

wanted to study for International Relations. Thanks to Allah, I study for International

Relations now. It shows that I’m on the way to achieve my goals.I’m planning to

complete my education on International Relation and work for it like Prof. Dr. Ahmet

DAVUTOGLU. We both have idealist spirit.

Despite similarities, Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and I have some differences as

well. The first difference is experience. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU is an

experienced person but I’m not yet experienced. He is fifty three years old. I’m twenty

years old. I’m still getting experiences from life. I read books and follow the world

agenda. I actually do such things to be experienced. The second difference is

toknowing language. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU speaks Turkish, German,

Arabic and English but I can only speak Turkish and English. If you choose to study

for International Relations, you are supposed to know at least three languages. I know

that I’m supposed to know three languages but I couldn’t develop myself like Prof. Dr.

Ahmet DAVUTOGLU. Third difference is to being in different positions. Prof. Dr.

Ahmet DAVUTOGLU meets personages who are in significant position in their

countries. He achieved his goals, he had been experienced. That’s why he can meet

these people. However, I have never met anybody who is personage because I need to

improve myself to contact with the personages.

To sum up, there are not only similarities but also differences between Prof. Dr.

Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and me. As far as I’m concerned, He is a person who has

achieved his goals. He is an experienced person. His life, experiences, attitude made

me impressed. This is why I follow him. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU and I have

so many things common such as field of education, field of interest, etc. Despite this,

we both have some differences. It shows I’m not yet experienced, well- educated and

advanced. If you ask me, I should do my best to make up the shortage. If it’s necessary

to take a look at bright side, I have plans, dreams and wishes for my future. One of

them is study for International Relations. I study for International Relations now. This

department makes me more impressed day by day and it makes me happy because it

shows that I’m on my way to achieve my goals. In brief, I need time to achieve my

goals. I strongly believe that I’ll achieve my goals somehow by following Prof. Dr.



Where Do I See Myself in 10 Years From Now?

Firstly, I feel responsible to say that nobody is able to say that it’s possible to see

where you are in ten years from now. Only Allah is able to know what’s going to

happen in ten years from now but we must have dreams, wishes, etc. We are supposed

to study to make our dreams come true. If you study hard to see your dreams come

true, Allah will definitely help you.I’m twenty years old and ten years equal to half of

my life. When I look the past, I realize that 10 years are such a long time. In this

process, everything was amazing. I used to cry a lot. I used to have beautiful times.

I’m thinking of things that I had in my past and I’m asking questions about myself.

What was I expecting to get and what did I get? These questions make me thoughtful.

This process had passed somehow. I’m thankful to Allah for my past. I would like to

mention about the ten years.

I have many goalsand I do my best to achieve my goals. I study for International

Relations. I’m imagining that I completed my education and I work on my major in

ten years from now. I would marry my girlfriend. I see myself as I get married and

have children in ten years from now. I would have one female child and one male

child. I would get my own salary and build my house on my own in ten years from

now. I’m imagining that I’m so happy with my wife and we look after our children in

ten years from now. It’s nice to imagine that I’m in Bosnia, I’m in my home, I’m

helping my wife to cook for dinner. In ten years from now, I would buy my dream car

which is called Mercedes. I would go to Mecca with my wife to be Hadji. I would

build one huge house for my family. I would like to see my parents next to me. I’m

imagining that my wife, my children, my parents and I stay in the huge house in

Bosnia. I don’t want to miss my parents. That’s why I would like to stay with my

parents in the same house. I’m just expecting these ten years to give me happiness. I

would take my family to picnic and I would take them everywhere to make them

happy. All my efforts would make them happy.I would be happy when I see my

family is happy.

To sum up, it’s hard to be happy all the time. Life may provide us many problems.

The point is to fight with problems. We shouldn’t give up easily. We have significant

goals and we have to do our best to achieve the goals. May Allah grant us opportunity

to achieve the goals. If you study to make your dreams come true, you will see the

help of Allah soon. As far as I have just mentioned, I have many dreams, wishes and

goals. I just want to be happy and see my beloved ones happy in my life. May Allah

grant us opportunity to make our dreams come true.